React Native is a cross-platform SDK for mobile development. As such,
you’ll need to know how a project that the React Native CLI generates
looks like in terms of key files, folders and so on; but you’ll undoubtedly
also need to get to know the native sides specific to each platform; iOS and
Android, and you can be certain that each of these are completely different
in terms of build tooling, dependency management, resources management
and project conventions.
We’ll try to cover all of these here in a sufficient way that will carry you
through your future React Native projects. My advise to you, as a React
Native programmer is of acceptance. For example, if you are originally an
iOS developer, be tolerant towards the Android development environment,
tooling and project structure, and the other way around. It’s not easy,
because some things are built better than others and you might have grown
accustomed to using the better things your entire career