Countdown to Christmas

Kaitlyn Knopp
Contributing Writer
The Hallmark Channel’s Countdown to Christmas is coming in hot – perhaps too hot for some.
With the marathon starting on October 18, two weeks before Halloween, some wonder if the Christmas cheer is premature. Others disagree because, in 2024, there are less than four weeks between Christmas and Thanksgiving. So, some are storing the fall decorations early and are beginning to deck the halls.
This shorter time frame will give people lots to consider, whether they should decorate for Christmas early or stay with tradition and decorate after Thanksgiving.
This year is the 15th anniversary of the Hallmark Channel’s Countdown to Christmas. Hallmark’s Christmas movies start Friday, October 18, this year and goes until Saturday, December 18. Hallmark has new movies on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Kate Smith
Contributing Writer

Hallmark is bringing out all the Christmas cheer one could want or need this year. One fan favorite from last year, “Three Wise Men,” has a sequel this year, “Three Wiser Men and a Boy.” Lacey Chabert, a favorite actress of many, stars in “The Christmas Quest” this Christmas season on Sunday, December 1.
I am excited to watch all the new Hallmark movies this Christmas season. Hallmark brings back amazing actors each year, such as Lacey Chabert. She is a favorite actress of many. She has also been starring in Hallmark since 2010. Last year, I loved watching “Three
Wise Men” and excited to watch the sequel, “Three Wiser Men”, this year. It was filled with funny scenes and was a heartfelt reminder of Christmas.
Perhaps you are not a Christmas celebrant. Even though Hallmark is known mainly for their sappy Christmas movies, one of their new movies this year is “Hanukkah on the Rocks”. Hallmark also has a new movie, “Leah’s Perfect Gift,” about a Jewish woman who goes with her boyfriend to celebrate Christmas with his family.
Hallmark’s holiday fair is intended for the whole
family to watch together, but some people prefer a more traditional experience. Students around campus are looking forward to watching “The Polar Express,” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” and “Elf.”
Watch “Elf” or “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York” if traveling upstate for the holidays. “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” is a great movie that will cheer you up before spending time with family or kickstart your Christmas vacation with family and friends. If you’re “Home Alone” for the holidays, you can watch that franchise or swap to “The Grinch.”
Binging on Netflix? “The Christmas Chronicles” and “The Christmas Chronicles 2” are ready for you. “A Christmas Prince” has two other movies to binge after it. “The Princess Switch,” starring Vanessa Hudgens, is another movie trilogy that is a must-watch this December. You have many options to binge by yourself or watch together with family and friends this holiday season!
An Alvernian Thanksgiving
It’s that time of the year again when it starts to get colder outside and the leaves on trees begin to change. The autumn calls us to put down our work and spend time with family and friends.
For this issue, the Alvernian interviewed students and professors to share their plans for the upcoming Thanksgiving break, which this year is running from November 25 to November 30. The interviewees were Keira Conrad (Biology/Pre-Med major; class of 2027), Charlotte Baumgard (Literature major, Women’s Gender Studies minor, class of 2027), Communication and Digital Media Professor Kris Lowrey, and Accounting Professor Steven Love. When asked what plans people have for the upcoming break, there were a variety of responses and activities
planned, though a common response given by all the interviewees was how they’d be spending time with their family and friends:
CONRAD: “Going home to see my family, eat probably way too much food, and spend time with my cat Goose!”
BAUMGARD: “I’ll be spending a lot of time with my family, my friends, and my boyfriend. My favorite part of Thanksgiving Day is always the parade, so I will definitely be watching that. It’s also become a tradition for my friends and I to wake up early on black Friday and go shopping together! Other than that, I will definitely be taking a lot of time to relax and write and read!”
LOVE: “The simple answer is decorating for Christmas! It takes a lot of time to get everything ready. Plus, my daughter is home on break so we’ll hang out and most likely do things that will cost me a lot of money. It was easier
when I just had to buy Polly Pockets.”
LOWREY: “I have two small children (my son Ethan is 8 and my daughter Evelyn is 3), so although we’re not travelling, my family and I have some plans to make the holiday exciting for the kids. First, Ethan is involved with the Cub Scouts, and one of their main fundraisers for the year is making and selling wreaths, so we’ll be working with the other families in his den throughout the first part of the week to assemble and decorate those wreaths. We also typically have a “movie” night and watch “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” sometime during the week of Thanksgiving. After the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, which we usually spend with my extended family who all live in the Reading area, my husband and I usually try to put up our Christmas tree on either Black Friday or that weekend. The kids like to help but they
don’t have very long attention spans at that age, so it takes us a few days to complete. The week after Thanksgiving is also my daughter’s birthday, so we might have a small party for her that weekend as well.”
All-and-all, Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of the year that reminds us to be grateful for what we have, even though we may encounter moments that swerve us into thinking that life has nothing to give. Though Thanksgiving may only happen once every year, we should be thankful for what we have and who we have in our lives on a daily basis because without those things, we wouldn’t know how to play the game of life.

Enjoy a hot cup of cocoa while watching these movies! Picture from pix4free.
Movie Review
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The Alvernian is the official student newspaper of Alvernia University.
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Joker: Folie à Deux: Disappointingly Mediocre
Cole Windsor
Contributing Writer
Joker: Folie à Deux, directed by Todd Phillips and starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga was released on October 4 to very negative reviews. Fans entered the theater, confident that it would come close to its critically acclaimed predecessor. However, the odd mixture of courtroom drama, musical, and comicbook movies left a bad taste in the audience’s mouth
I went to watch the movie eleven days after it came out, and I expected one of two things. Either the addition of musical elements weirded out casual moviegoers (which made them dislike it when it was a worthy film), or the movie was truly horrible. However, a worse third option became clear to me as I watched the film: The movie was neither good nor terrible, just disappointing.
“I found parts of the film to be confusing and wasn’t exactly anticipating a musical,” Alvernia student Grace Wanner said.
Joker: Folie à Deux follows Arthur Fleck, who is also known as the Joker, as he is being kept in Arkham Asylum and is dealing with the court case following the events of

the original Joker movie. The only thing that redeemed Joker: Folie à Deux was the technical aspects. The cinematography and mise en scéne of the film were also phenomenal. How the colors were utilized to highlight specific elements and how they composed subjects within a shot made each shot
extremely visually appealing.

In this film, Joaquin Phoenix continued his portrayal of the Joker/Arthur Fleck, and it is masterful. He controls this back and forth between a soft reserved Arthur, and a rambunctious threatening Joker, to create an exciting and unpredictable viewing experience. Lady Gaga’s fantastic performance as Lee Quinzel made her feel understanding yet untrustworthy.
“The cinematography was incredibly well done, and the musical talent was obviously superb,” Grace Wanner said.
Lady Gaga’s musical performance was expectedly spectacular throughout the movie. However, her talents felt under-utilized.
“The movie did not need multiple solo Joaquin Phoenix songs, but could’ve used more Lady Gaga,” Eliza Windsor said.
The musical elements are meant to show the dream-like fantasy of the characters, which makes it less influential in film. The main issue with the musical elements is they seem poorly incorporated into the film. Rather than feeling like a musical, the song numbers seem to have been added onto a completely nonmusical film after the fact.
While the musical side of Joker: Folie à Deux felt gimmicky, the courtroom drama elements also didn’t feel fully fleshed out. This movie would have benefited
from utilizing the full elements of a musical or a courtroom drama. The combination made both feel incomplete.
While Lady Gaga is a fine actress, the character Lee Quinzel was not as compelling as I wished. Her manipulative relationship with Arthur was interesting, but I wished their relationship would’ve followed the source material a little more faithfully.
Harley Quinn was created in Batman the Animated Series, by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm. She begins as Harleen Quinzel, a psychologist at Arkham Asylum, who is manipulated into falling in love with the Joker. While everything about both Joker movies is original ideas and outside of traditional DC stories, I think this source material storyline for Harley and Joker’s relationship would’ve been very compelling in Todd Phillips’s version of Gotham City.
While Joker: Folie à Deux most definitely did not live up to the expectations created by the first film, the internet did exaggerate how bad it was. I was disappointed because I would have enjoyed watching a terrible movie, or an exceptional movie, but I found the mediocrity of Joker: Folie à Deux to make it bland. I rate this film 4/10.
A photo of the Joker: Folie a Deux poster outdies of the R/C Reading Movies 11 & IMAX on October 15, 2024. Photo by Cole Windsor.
A photo of Eliza Windsor, holding a free poster on October, 15, 2024 before watching Joker: Folie a Deux. Photo by Cole Windsor.
© 2024 The Alvernian
Student Life
November/December 2024
Ben Palita Contributing Writer
Starting this school year, Alvernia University changed over from using Blackboard as its learning management system (LMS) to Canvas. The transition from Blackboard to Canvas has been as smooth as it probably could have been.
“I was embracing the change,” Dr. Heather Keperling, Assistant Professor of Nursing, said. “We did a really good job making sure the faculty were informed ahead of time; we understood the product and knew there was a need to improve things.”
Of course, moving from a LMS that people at Alvernia have used for more than a decade, to a new one, comes with its fair share of bumps and hiccups.
“I think there were some functionality issues,” Dr. Keperling said. “There are test platform advantages (on
Canvas Tech Takeover
Canvas) that were not the same as on Blackboard.”
In today’s world where schooling is connected by a screen, even the most in-person activities, such as taking tests, can be done in the comfort of a dorm. Blackboard does not have the internal program like Canvas does, and the making of tests and quizzes is much harder to do than the previous program.
Professor Kris Lowrey, Assistant to Communications,
voiced her viewpoint on the switch as well. “I do approve of the switch... I think it is more user friendly overall, and there is more flexibility with it than we had with Blackboard.” Lowrey said.
By why was there a switch in LMS programs? After all, Blackboard and Canvas are the same things to a point. It can be argued that a switch, even for the better is not worth the time and investment.
“I’m not sure of all the
reasons,” Lowrey Said, “but I think it was related to that increase in user friendliness. Also, it seems to me that more of the students in my classes have previously used Canvas than Blackboard, so there should be less of a learning curve for many students...”
Although many do believe that a switch in LMS has worked out, there are still some things that Blackboard did better. “I liked the ability to set categories and weights in Blackboard, and I miss

Courtside Vs. Freshens

that with Canvas. The grade center was more robust with Blackboard,” Lowrey said.
“In Blackboard I set it up in a way that each week it said what we were doing, and in Canvas I feel like there are more clicks to get to where I need to go, even though I feel like I am still able to use it in the same way,” Keperling said. Change, no matter what it is, brings a learning curve into the equation. Although brand new, Canvas has been successful in what it has been brought in to do as an LMS. Time will either reinforce that statement or denounce it, but overall, this switch has been successful through the student’s and teacher’s eyes. It is a guarantee that Alvernia will continue to change and adapt to new technologies as they are developed, and this strategy heightens the ability for learning in today’s technological world.
Andrew Simmons Contributing Writer
While the main dining hall at the Hill campus has new options and food for those with allergies, every meal and each day, sometimes all you want is something reliable. The Courtside Café in the PEC and Freshens in the PLEX offer the same things every day. Does Alvernia have a favorite between them?
The Courtside Café, or “Courtside,” is located in the Physical Education Center. Courtside is right next to the basketball court, which is how it earned its name.
Courtside offers many convenience food options and has a great view of the basketball court! Choose from quesadillas, mozzarella sticks, slushies, and more! With Courtside closing at 11 p.m. on Monday through Thursday, 1 a.m. on Friday and Saturday, and midnight on Sunday, this is a great place to go when you miss the chance to eat in the dining hall. When asked about this, one student felt that Courtside is better due to it being “more convenient,” while another student claimed that Courtside has “more variety.” Freshens is a relative
newcomer to Alvernia’s student dining options. Located in the PLEX, this mix of Chipotle and Tropical Smoothie Cafe provides a unique set of options.
They have bowls, wraps, quesadillas, and smoothies. Along with other options, this is a great place to eat. Although they close at 7 p.m. on weekdays, 5 p.m. on Fridays, and are not open on the weekends, that doesn’t take away from the fact that this is a great place to eat.
I’ve had the chance to interview around thirteen students, and the results concluded that of the thirteen, nine favored
Courtside while the other four preferred Freshens. There didn’t seem to be any clear favorites, so what I decided to do was try the KC BBQ Bowl from Freshens and the Chicken Bacon Ranch Quesadilla from Courtside. I favored the quality of Freshens’ food, but the overall taste had to go to Courtside. In my opinion, I’d suggest going to Courtside. I only say this because unless you have classes in the PLEX, it’ll be inconvenient to take the shuttle down there for some Freshens. However, If they were next to each other, I’d most likely say Freshens. So when you get a chance,
try both, either one you won’t regret getting!
Order Online here!

View of Canvas calendar. Photo by Ben Palita.
Freshens offers healthy options such as fresh veggies, like the ones pictured above. Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash.
Staff HigHLigHt
November/December 2024
Ni de Aquí Ni de Allá: First-Gen Student Carving Her Path

Brittney Reyes-Avila
Contributing Writer
“Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?”
– Frida Kahlo
Being the first in any occupation has its high risk, con sus altas y bajas. A student here at Alvernia despite all the stones that rolled along her life has been able to succeed y ha podido ver que su trabajo a rendido frutos, and her name is Marisol Martinez-Alvarez.
“Being a first-generation Mexican American means being resilient. Being the first in anything is not an easy task; it is one of the hardest yet most rewarding experiences ever. From the constant battle of imposter syndrome to the beautiful feeling of breaking barriers for generations to come,” Martinez-Alvarez said.
Marisol was born and raised here in Reading, PA, with roots originating from the State of Michoacán, México, where her parents grew up. She is the oldest of her siblings, and she had to overcome adversity from a young age. Marisol was the first to speak English in her
household, largely thanks to her kindergarten teachers tutoring her.
Throughout her years in the Reading School District, she was an honors student who engaged in after-school programs and social services and had many dreams.
When in high school, her dreams started to become goals, to which she tried to strive for them to one day become reality. While tackling school, she had a part-time job but giving back to her community was what she enjoyed the most.
“Where I could put my time, was where I was at,” Martinez-Alvarez said.
Once she became a junior at Reading Senior High School, Marisol was given the opportunity to be part of College Nights. She enjoyed the atmosphere and took as much information and advice as possible.
“At the end, once senior year came, I was able to transition to college with 12 credits” Marisol said. Finally, in June 2020, she became the first in her household to graduate high school. As she reflected upon that moment,

two people were always present in her thoughts, sus papás,
“Everything that I am and hope to be is inspired by them. Todo lo hago en honor a ellos y su fortaleza de querer poder,” MartinezAlvarez said.
But how did her journey begin at Alvernia? Marisol picked Alvernia after a campus tour, and it simply clicked for her.
“I fell in love with the community, the beautiful campus, and the opportunities that Alvernia provided me with,” she said.
One of the most memorable moments for her was opening her acceptance email, “I logged into my admissions account and remember opening the letter and seeing confetti. Alvernia was the first school I applied to, so I remember it very vividly. It was a huge accomplishment for me.”
Therefore, in August 2020, Marisol began her next chapter as a first-generation Alvernia University student. She set out on a four-year track, majoring in business management and marketing.
Not only did Marisol make the dean’s list every semester, but she was able to learn, grow, make mistakes, and navigate the business world. Most importantly, Marisol learned how to balance social life and work.
Along with those skills, she was a recipient of the Reading Collegiate Scholars Program (RCSP), which granted her a full scholarship
to continue excelling in her undergraduate years. Throughout her time as part of the RCSP, she described them as family, who provided her with “an opportunity that allowed me to achieve my wildest dream”.
Although she wasn’t as involved at first with the campus, she did achieve two work-study positions, one with the Institutional Advancement Office and then with the O’Pake Institution as a marketing strategist. Here, she built a starting foundation in the work field, opening doors for her in the future.
Marisol had her share of struggles in Alvernia because of the social barriers from the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, her transition from high school to higher education was a culture shock. However, the one thing that challenged her was near the end of her undergraduate years.
Marisol had a classic “quarter-life crisis” about where to go after graduation. At that time, she had yet to decide whether to take the risk of doing a master’s program right after graduation, so she reached out to colleagues and professors.
“I knocked, and I asked, and they all answered my questions, my curious questions, and yearned that I did want to pursue a master’s degree in administration,” Marisol said.
Finally, on May 11, 2024, Marisol walked the stage on Commencement Day with not
only a list of accomplishments but pure happiness, many dreams, and aspirations,
“It was a very different experience,” Martinez-Alvarez said. “An experience that I would never take back. It’s absolutely part of my story, and it’s something I value very, very much.”
Post-graduation, Marisol was well on her way to earning her MBA.
After roughly six months since Commencement Day for the Class of 24, she is working as a grad assistant with the O’Pake Institute, overseeing the external portfolio and supervising undergrad students with majors in communications, digital/ marketing, marketing, or business management.
Along with taking the online portion of her education to earn her MBA, she teaches at her local church as a catechist to the younger population, preparing to receive the holy sacraments.
“I’m very, very grateful to be where I am. It has not been an easy journey. I’ve definitely grown since kindergarten, but it’s a journey that I am very again grateful for.” MartinezAlvarez said.
Note from the author: Thank you Marisol for letting me interview you and close this final issue with your story. Te quiero muchisimo, gracias por ser una amiga incondicional…
(Marisol photographed with her parents after receiving the Excelencia Hispana Student Award in 2023, Source: Marisol Martinez-Alvarez)
(Marisol Photographed by Family on Commencement Day, May 2024, Source: Marisol Martinez-Alvarez)
November/December 2024
Ben Houghton Contributing Editor
After a long and eventful offseason filled with the summer Olympics, blockbuster trades, and crazy free agency signings, the NBA season is right around the corner.
The 2023-2024 season faded away quickly within weeks of the end of the season. The stacked USA team was starting its practices, but the big story was the Boston Celtics winning their 18th championship ring. Who’s taking it all this year?
According to FanDuel, the Boston Celtics still do have the best odds to win the championship this season, followed by the Oklahoma City Thunder, New York Knicks, Philadelphia 76ers, Minnesota Timberwolves, and the Denver Nuggets.
Fans shouldn’t rule out the Philadelphia 76ers. While there have been recent playoff struggles and health concerns, this year may be
Hoops Horizon: Championship Dreams and Rising Stars
different. The window for Joel Embiid may be closing sooner than we think. However, with the continuous improvement of Tyreese Maxey, free agent signing Paul George, and the hope of him finally having a full healthy year, this could be the season for the Sixers.
Sixers super fan, Michael Smith, said this when asked about his hopes for the season.
“I truly think this could be the year for the squad,” Smith said. “They have always been one step away in Embiid’s career and have fallen short every time. If the main three stars can stay healthy and a few guys chip in off the bench, this team will be scary.”
Unfortunately, the Eastern conference isn’t going to be a breeze for them. The defending champions are looking for their third backto-back championship in team history. With a championship under their belt, the young Celtics core will be ready for anything thrown their way. If their star

Jayson Tatum can become more consistent and efficient this year, the league is going to have a huge issue under their belts.
Speaking of young cores, the Oklahoma City Thunder could be a clear favorite to win the Western Conference. The 2023-2024 Western conference one seed is looking for some revenge after their disappointing post season. Led by super star Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, this Thunder team will be
a problem this season. Last season, Gilgeous-Alexander finished 2nd in MVP voting putting up 30.2 points per game, 7.2 rebounds, 6.4 assists, and a 49.6% field goal percentage. The 2018 first round pick, looks to bring this young team its first ring since the 1979 season.
Who’s going to win this year’s Most Valuable Player award? The answer isn’t as simple as it used to be in years past. FanDuel has Luka Doncic as the best odds
The Road to Glory

to win the MVP award this season.
Who is a dark horse for this award, you may ask? Anthony Edwards from the Minnesota Timberwolves and Victor Wembanyama are in the running before the house lights even come on. These two young stars have shown glimpses of hall of fame play, and one of them could win their first ever MVP.
When asked about his opinion on the award, Michael Lombardo agreed with the Wembanyama pick, “Victor is going to win the MVP. He’s 7’6 and can dribble and shoot like a point guard. I think he’s going to follow up his impressive rookie year and shock the whole world.” Game one of the NBA season starts on Tuesday, October 22 and plays all the way until mid-April. With the season starting up, now is your time to support your teams, and players and sit back and enjoy the show.

Elliot Schmehl Contributing Writer
As the District 3 high school football playoffs approach, the intensity is building across the LancasterLebanon League. Teams from various sections are fighting for a spot in the postseason, each aiming to prove they belong among the district’s elite. With standout performances throughout the regular season, schools like Wilson, Manheim Township, Lampeter-Strasburg, and Exeter have emerged as top contenders.
Among the top locks for playoff spots are Manheim Township, Conestoga Valley, and Wilson, each having dominated their respective divisions throughout the season. Manheim Township’s
high-powered offense and solid defense have made them a standout, while Conestoga Valleys balanced attack and Wilson’s traditional powerhouse status keep them in the running. Other teams like Exeter Township and Twin Valley are also likely to secure spots, with consistent performances propelling them up the rankings. When asked about who their biggest challenge will be in their bracket, Wilson’s head coach, Doug Dahms gave high praise to the number one seeded, Manheim Township Blue Streaks saying, “They have a nice team. They’re good offensively, and defensively, and on special teams. Obviously the first thing we have to do is stop Clancy at running back. He’s the real deal. He’s physical,
he’s fast, and he’s tough to bring down.” Said coach Dahms.
As the regular season wraps up, these teams will be focusing on maintaining momentum, solidifying seeding, and preparing for what is expected to be a highly competitive playoff bracket. The bracket will feature some of the best talent in the district.
On the bubble, teams like Twin Valley (8-2), Wyomissing (8-1), and Schuylkill Valley (8-2) are fighting to secure their playoff spots, but their fate may come down to their final games and the performance of their competition. Wyomissing, known for its disciplined and powerful ground game, has dominated most of its opponents, showcasing a
strong defensive unit and a well-coordinated offense that wears down opposing teams. Their well-rounded roster and experienced coaching have kept them unbeaten for much of the season, putting them in an excellent position for a high playoff seed.
Meanwhile, Twin Valley has emerged as a formidable force, powered by a balanced attack and an athletic defense that has proven difficult for competitors to break through.
Twin Valley’s ability to adapt their strategy week-to-week has allowed them to secure several key victories, building momentum and positioning themselves for a playoff spot. Both teams are well-coached, disciplined, and motivated, making them serious contenders as they enter the district playoffs.
Schuylkill Valley boasts a dynamic, fast-paced offense that has kept opponents on their toes all season. This high-energy style of play allows them to create scoring opportunities quickly and capitalize on their speed and athleticism. As they head into the district playoffs, this aggressive offense could be their key advantage, putting pressure on opponents’ defenses from the outset and allowing Schuylkill Valley to control the tempo and dominate games.
Schuylkill Valley’s head coach, Bruce Harbach gives his thoughts on what it will take to win and have sole possession of a section title and what it will do to the program.
Pregame warmups before the Sixers preseason win against the Brooklyn Nets. Photo By: Ben Houghton
Captains from Exeter and South Western meet each other at midfield for the pre-game coin flip before their district matchup. Picture taken by Elliot Schmehl.
November/December 2024
The Road to Glory Continued
“We need to stay focused.” “We need to play hard, and I think we will, but the community has rallied around us. This is great. Our stands are packed. Everybody’s excited. Nothing like this has happened in the history of Schuylkill Valley football before.” Said coach Harbach.
Cocalico (7-3) are also clinging to the hope of sneaking into the bracket, needing a win combined with favorable results from others. Cedar Crest, at 7-3, is another team in a precarious spot, currently holding the final playoff position but needing to win and hope their competition falters. With two weeks left, the final rankings will determine whether these bubble teams can advance, making these final games crucial.
However, some schools are on the outside looking in. Teams like Ephrata and Lebanon have struggled with

inconsistent play, hampering their chances at postseason glory. Ephrata, despite a few bright moments, has had difficulty closing out games against stronger opponents, and Lebanon’s rebuilding phase seems to be continuing, leaving them vulnerable in key matchups.
With Ephrata, the season has seen a mix of competitive games and tough losses, with the team managing to stay in close contention in several matchups but often falling short in the final quarters. Lebanon, meanwhile, has
faced its own hurdles, battling injuries and inconsistencies on both offense and defense, which has affected their ability to close out games. Despite these struggles, both teams have a slight chance to make the District 3 playoffs if they can finish strong and other teams in their division falter.
Other teams, such as Garden Spot and Hamburg, have had flashes of potential but lack the depth to compete with the league’s top-tier programs. With only a few weeks left in the regular
season, these teams will need a strong finish and perhaps a bit of luck to sneak into the playoffs.
For Garden Spot, a challenging schedule and a series of close losses defined the season, with the team often struggling against stronger, wellrounded opponents.
Despite some flashes of potential, particularly on offense, inconsistency in both execution and defense prevented them from securing crucial wins. Hamburg faced a similar
The Birds Who Forgot How to Fly

Anthony Mongeluzi Contributing Writer
It would be an understatement to say it has been anything less than a roller coaster for the Eagles and their fans over the past 2 to 3 years.
The Eagles went from making the Super Bowl and starting the following season 10-1 to finishing the season 1-5 and getting blown out by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The Eagles are still deep in the desert this season, with, at the time of this being written, a rocky 3-2 start. Is there any hope?
Look back to the 2023 NFL season. With a 10-1
record and back-to-back wins against the Chiefs and Bills, the Eagles were poised to beat the 8-3 49ers.
The Niners were looking for revenge after getting embarrassed in the NFC Championship Game the previous year. The Niners drubbed the Eagles 42-19, which is widely considered when the team’s downfall began.
Both the Eagles’ highflying offense and dominant defense seemed to hit a wall in that game and in the games that followed.
Coaching was the first major challenge. After losing offensive coordinator Shane Steichen and defensive
coordinator Jonathan Gannon to the Colts and Cardinals, respectively, the Eagles had to fill two big voids. Steichen was replaced by Brian Johnson, and Gannon was replaced by Sean Desai and, eventually, Matt Patricia. Both of these coaching replacements were nothing short of a complete failure at the end of the day.
The Eagles, in general, were much better under Steichen and Gannon. Take Jalen Hurts as an example. Under Steichen in 2022, Hurts was 14-1 with an MVP-worthy year, putting up 3701 passing yards, 35 total touchdowns, and only six interceptions. He and

fate, battling against formidable rivals and enduring key injuries that hampered their momentum. Although both teams displayed moments of resilience and growth, the lack of depth and struggles on defense proved costly, leading to records that fell short of the playoff threshold. These seasons offered learning experiences, setting the stage for rebuilding, and refocusing for next year.
Teams have battled fiercely throughout the regular season, and soon only the strongest remain to compete for a chance at glory. With talented players, dynamic coaches, and passionate fan bases, the playoffs promise to deliver thrilling moments and intense matchups. Every game will be a test of grit and determination, as each team aims to extend their season and fight for a coveted district 3 title.
the offense clicked, posting the third most points scored in the league with 477, averaging 28.1 a game.
The defense and Gannon weren’t too far behind, having the eighth-best scoring defense, only allowing 20.1 points per game. The defensive line was suffocating, with four players in double-digits and 70 sacks overall. The defensive line was dominant because the Eagles had two extremely good corners and an overall secondary that took the ball away 17 times.
After Steichen and Gannon’s departure in 2023, the offense became stale and predictable. After the Bills game, the average was only 20.5 points per game compared to 28 points per game before the Bills game. Even with two superstar receivers in Devonta Smith and A.J. Brown, there seemed to be no dynamic play calls and too many comeback routes for fans’ liking. Hurts upped his touchdown total to 37 but could not stop giving the ball away as he threw 15 interceptions. The defense completely fell off a cliff as they dropped to thirtieth in points allowed, giving up
25.2 a game. That led to the next problem, which was personnel.
The Eagles lost star defensive tackle Javon Hargrave in free agency, who totaled 11 sacks the previous year. Speaking of double-digit sacks, the Eagles only had one guy touch that last year. Onehalf of the Eagles cornerback duo, James Bradberry, also looked like a shell of himself. This didn’t help considering the loss of C.J. GardnerJohnson, who tied for the league lead in interceptions the year prior with 6.
All that was topped off by the Eagles getting dominated from start to finish against the Buccaneers in the Wild Card Round of the playoffs. It was a hard pill for long-time fans to swallow.
In the aftermath of the disaster, the Eagles were thought to be considering firing head coach Nick Sirianni, who was now entirely on almost every fan’s bad side. It would turn out he would stay, but not without ongoing complaints from fans.
Exeter’s offense lines up against the South Western’s defense, at Exeter’s Don Thomas Stadum, for the opening of their district playoff game. Taken by Elliot Schmehl.
Eagles’ Mascoy celebrating with fans. Photo by Casey Murphy from Unplashed.
November/December 2024
The Birds Who Forgot How to Fly Continued

New coordinators Kelen Moore on the offensive side and Vic Fangio on the defensive side were brought in to bring better play calling to a team where it was much needed.
On the player side, the Eagles had key veterans and franchise greats Jason Kelce and Fletcher Cox retire. Both were cornerstones on the offensive and defensive side of the ball for the Eagles over the past decade. It’s a good thing the Eagles were ready and had Cam Jurgens ready to replace Kelce and Jalen Carter to replace Cox.
Hassan Reddick, the best pass rusher for the Eagles over the last two years, also walked and signed with the Jets as the Eagles didn’t want to pay him the money he wanted. Brought in to replace him was Bryce Huff.
Huff was coming off his best year in 2023 with the Jets, tallying his first doubledigit sack season with 10 sacks.
Seeing the issue in the secondary, C.J. Gardner Johnson returned to bring the edge back to a secondary that desperately needed it. Not only that, but the Eagles also drafted corners Quinyon Mitchell and Cooper DeJean to help ensure the cornerback position even more.
The most significant move by far was bringing in superstar running back Saquon Barkley to give Jalen Hurts another weapon to use at his disposal. All this talent added up, and it seemed like a year where things needed to turn around. If things didn’t, real questions would have to be brought up.
The Eagles would be going to a country where football was the most popular sport but not the one being played that day: Brazil. They were going against a team in the Green Bay Packers who also had big aspirations after having a great off-season.
The field conditions were not the best, leading to a messy game. It started early, too, with Hurts throwing an ill-advised interception into triple coverage on the Eagle’s first possession.
The defense would hold the Packers to a field goal, but on the next possession, the Eagles would fumble, leading to another field goal for the Packers. The offense would get their stuff together, and at halftime, the score was 19-17 in favor of the Packers.
It would be back and forth for the rest of the game, with both teams trading scores and interceptions as both Jalen Hurts and Jordan Love had sloppy days. Ultimately, the Eagles would pull it out in a 34-29 win. This was more of the same that Eagles fans didn’t like about last year. Even when winning, it wasn’t convincing, and kinks still needed to be worked out.
The following week, the Eagles hosted the Falcons in the Linc. The Falcons were coming off a bad first performance where newlyinked quarterback Kirk Cousins looked like a statue in his first game back from an Achilles tear. The Eagles wanted to take advantage of this, which they seemed to as in the fourth, they were up 21-15 with only a minute forty-nine left in the game.
Kirk Cousins led the Falcons on an unprecedented minute-long drive for a touchdown. They did this by taking advantage of the unforgivable shell coverage that all Eagles fans hate.
The Eagles could not climb out of this setback as Hurts would throw an interception to seal the game. Execution for this team needs to improve, and it won’t be easy against a dominant 2-0 New Orleans Saints team.
The Eagles, without their top receiver A.J. Brown due to a hamstring injury, would pull out a close win of 15-12. That was an excellent defensive performance, and Dallas Goedert singlehandedly won the game with a 61-yard gain off of a drag route. The win didn’t come without its negatives, as Hurts threw an interception, and Nick Sirianni had a very questionable 4th downgo-for-it call twice, which resulted in two turnovers on downs. Another very close win, but the defense showed some promise. Execution is still the big question, and once the Eagles get that down, it could be scary for the league.
With a now 2-1 start, the Eagles would travel east to Tampa Bay to take on the Buccaneers and try to get revenge for last year’s playoff humiliation.
Sadly for the Eagles, revenge would not be served. The score was 24-7 at halftime, and the offense without A.J. Brown and Devonta Smith looked completely lost. The Eagles

would go on to lose 33-16.
New receiver Jahan Dotson, who the Eagles traded for a second-round pick before the season, was thought to get a chance to show what he could do in this game with a depleted receiving core. He only caught two passes for 11 yards and was non-existent on the field—just another thing to add to the Eagles’ list of issues.
A bye week couldn’t have come at a better time. This bye week would be huge for the Eagles. They were a team in an identity crisis. The offense had their moments but couldn’t put it all together consistently. The defense had bright spots like Quinyon Mitchell. They also had many disappointments, like their pass rush. Bryce Huff, who was supposed to be the Hassan Reddick replacement, had 0 sacks so far on the season.
Knowing what they were capable of and seeing the production they put out didn’t sit right with them. This was a team just two years removed from a Super Bowl berth. One of the most talented rosters in the league knew there had to be a change, and change there was. This came through playing towards their strengths.
The first game after the bye week was the Browns. The first half was looking to have the Eagles up 13-3 with a made field goal, but the Browns were able to block the field goal, and ex-Eagle Rodney McLeod took it to the house for a 50-yard scoop and score. 10-10 at halftime.
In the second half, the Eagles stuck to their game even with adversity. After
both teams scored field goals, the score was 13-13. The run game was stuffed, but the Eagles kept running it, ensuring they kept the defense honest. This led to Devonta Smith catching a wide-open drag route and taking it to the endzone for a 45-yard touchdown. The Eagles would hold on and win 20-16.
This game wasn’t as convincing as you’d hope, but there were bright spots. The defense held its’ end of the bargain up, but Jalen Hurts also held his end as he had 0 turnovers this game. This could be a sign of things to come.
Next up was the Giants. The Giants didn’t come to play at all, as Saquon Barkley put his old team out of their misery. He ran rampant all over the Giant’s defense and would’ve had his career yards of 190, but he chose the team over himself and let other players get their chance.
Things like this show that this team is not just made up of individuals anymore. The division people thought there was last year has disappeared, and everyone is now playing for one another.
Jalen Hurts had a quiet day, but he did what he needed to and had another game with no turnovers. It is the Giants, though, so fans didn’t take too much from this. The Bengals next week were a real challenge, however.
The Bengals are also going through their own funk, but they still have a chance to turn it around. Their offense can put up numbers on their day, but their defense has some against the run and the pass. On the first
drive, the Bengals had a 17-play, 70-yard drive for a touchdown.
The Eagles would respond with a field goal in which the Bengals would trade one back. A Hurts tush push would tie it at 10-10, with the Eagles getting the ball at half. Right out of the break, a chunk play of 28 yards to Grant Calcaterra would lead to a Jalen Hurts rushing touchdown.
The Bengals would score a touchdown again right after, but that would be their last day. The Eagles’ next three possessions ended in a turnover on downs, an interception, and a fumble recovery. They completely shut the door on the Bengals’ offense.
The Eagles offense, however, wasn’t content. They would pile it on with two more field goals, another Hurts tush push, and an absolute dime of a pass to Devonta Smith for a 45-yard touchdown, one of Hurts’ best games in a while. And make that three straight games for him with no turnovers!
The first four and the last three games seem to be a tale of two seasons. It is still so early, and all this could change again, but these are encouraging signs for the rest of the season.
Pregame for a Kelly Green game at Lincoln Finacial Feild. Photo by Sandy Muldoon.
November/December 2024
Maximizing Your Degree: The Benefits of Taking Classes Through OCICU at Regis University

Naomi Skeete Contributing Editor
The flexibility to adjust and access a variety of course offerings is crucial for students looking to improve their educational experience in the fast-paced academic world of today.
Enrolling in online courses at Regis University through the Online Consortium of Independent Colleges and Universities (OCICU) offers Alvernia University students a chance to expand their horizons academically, as well as to take courses that may not be available at Alvernia during a given semester.
Students from member colleges, such as Alvernia University, can enroll in OCICU online courses. Among the leading universities in this consortium is Regis University, which provides a variety of online courses tailored to the demands of learners looking for variety and flexibility in their education.
The opportunity to enroll in specialized courses at Regis University that might not be available at Alvernia is one of the biggest benefits of OCICU. OCICU offers a multitude of opportunities to improve students’ academic experience, whether they want to learn more about a particular subject or expand their expertise in their major.
Starting at a new university for two classes this semester had me a bit nervous. Although, my professor April Samaras made my transition easy. Just like here at Alvernia, she always reminded us we can go to her for help if needed.
April Samaras, PhD Professor at Regis University shared with me, “I have

been a member of the Regis community for almost 14 years now. What I love about this community is that the students, faculty, staff and administration all share the common purpose of creating a better world. Here at Regis, we focus on the importance of critical thinking, achieving a global perspective and standing up for those who do not have a voice. We work to develop ourselves academically, emotionally and spiritually.”
Another significant advantage of online learning is its flexibility, which enables students to manage their academic obligations with extracurricular activities, jobs, and internships.
Students who might find it difficult to integrate traditional in-person classes into their hectic schedules would especially benefit from this flexibility.
I particularly enjoy taking online classes since it allows me to work more and
complete my degree at the same time. My availability at work has expanded since I went totally online, and I’ve been able to establish even better time management to balance job and education. Like all of Alvernia’s courses, OCICUs have improved my abilities and strengthened my work ethic, which is a necessary skill.
OCICU courses can speed up the completion of degree requirements for students hoping to graduate on time or even ahead of schedule. This is helpful for people who have had problems with Alvernia course availability or schedule conflicts.
Furthermore, a variety of instructional strategies and technological resources are frequently included in online courses, which help students improve their digital literacy and capacity for independent study. These skills will make students more competitive candidates after graduation as they become more and
more important in today’s employment market.
I took a class this semester through OCICU called the Skilled Learner. Now based off just those words, I am sure we’re all thinking different things. Although, this class taught me important skills like working in a group with those that have different learning styles, how we all can succeed at being better listeners, learners, and people in society!
Students have discovered that these classes offer a platform for skill development and personal improvement in addition to satisfying their academic goals.
Personally, with me graduating in Spring 2025, and the online communication program phasing out, OCICU gave me the opportunity to not get behind on my graduation.
I am currently enrolled in two courses through Regis University and have loved it

thus far.
A fellow classmate Esmeralda Saavedra said, “Regis University provides flexible options such as online classes, which helps me manage the demands of my job, family and personal life. Their support services also help me stay balanced while pursuing my degree.”
By actively interacting with the content and taking part in virtual conversations, students have acquired useful abilities that they can utilize in their future employment.
Starting an OCICU is a simple process but must be carefully planned. Students should consult their academic adviser before enrolling in any OCICU courses to make sure the credits will transfer back to Alvernia and fit into their degree plan.
To learn more about the classes provided by Regis University for the current semester, they can check out the OCICU website or the academic resources at Alvernia. After choosing a course they are interested in, students should adhere to the OCICU enrollment guidelines, making sure they fulfill any prerequisites.
OCICU stands out as a useful tool to improve the educational experience as more students think about extending their studies online. Opportunities offered by Regis University via OCICU can be quite important in determining the nature of a fruitful academic career.
Student doing online work. Photo from Unplash.
November/December 2024
Grace Wanner Managing Editor
The holidays are barreling around the corner, and so are finals, with students still reeling from Halloweekend. The last thing students want to have to worry about is making a dish to bring to a Friendsgiving or to a family member’s. Some students even stay on campus over Thanksgiving break and are tasked with finding a way to celebrate while being away from their families. Making an entire Thanksgiving meal in your dorm sounds like a hassle and a huge mess. But what if it was a miniature version? Consider this article your personal guide to making a dorm-sized Thanksgiving.
The Bird:
To start, you’ll need a bird. This recipe will be for chicken, but you can use any poultry you feel inclined to. The first step is to gather your ingredients. You’ll need:
1 raw whole chicken
Disposable roasting pan
1 container of chicken broth
1 stick of butter, softened
Half a lemon
Baby carrots
Fresh thyme
Baby celery
Salt and pepper
Step 1: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. If you don’t have an oven, use a rotisserie chicken, and skip to step 3
Step 2: Prep your chicken. If you have never dealt with raw chicken before, open the package in the sink because there is liquid inside. Pat chicken dry with paper towels and lay chicken in a roasting pan. Liberally apply the softened butter all over and underneath the chicken skin. To get butter under the skin, gently slide your fingers between the skin and the meat and use your fingers to slowly separate the two. This will help to give your chicken a golden-brown color. Once your bird is thoroughly covered in butter, generously add salt and pepper.
Step 3: Chop up your baby carrots and celery and slice your lemon. Fill the cavity with your vegetables, thyme, and 1-2 slices of lemons. Once your cavity is stuffed, add the chicken broth to the bottom of the roasting pan.
Tiny Turkey Time! HoLiday
Optional rotisserie chicken instructions: Pre-cook your vegetables before putting them in the cavity. Also, skip the chicken broth. Take the remaining lemon, squeeze it over the chicken, and serve.
Step 4: Put your chicken into the oven for 20-25 minutes per pound. So, if you have a chicken that weighs 2 ½ pounds, then 50-65 minutes should be good. Halfway through roasting, baste your chicken. If you don’t have a baster, you can use a large spoon.
Step 5: Your chicken is done roasting when the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees, and there is no pink. Take the pan out of the oven and squeeze the remainder of your lemon on
your bird. Plate and serve!
The Side Dishes:
Now that the main course is out of the way, the easy but equally important part comes: the sides. Of course, you can make whatever is traditional for your family, but here are a few simple mini classics.
Mini corn on the cob: Did you know that you can make corn on the cob perfectly in the microwave? Full-sized, unshucked ears of corn work well, but for the purpose of this article, we’ll be using mini corn cobs. You’ll need:
A pack of mini corn on the cob (not to be confused with mini corn).

Step 1: Wrap your corn on the cob in a dampened paper towel. Put your corn in the microwave for about 2-3 minutes depending on the size of the cob.
Step 2: Butter and serve!
Mini green bean casserole:
Okay, so the mini part of the casserole is the serving size, but the recipe is so easy and really good. Plus, is it Thanksgiving without the green bean casserole? You’ll need:
A can of green beans
Half a can of cream of mushroom soup
Fried onions ¼ of milk
Step 1: Preheat oven to 350 and mix green beans, soup, and milk in a bowl.
Step 2: Pour mixture into a small, greased casserole dish and bake for 10 minutes.
Step 3: Take the dish out of the oven, add as many fried onions on top as you’d like, and bake for an additional 5 minutes.
Step 4: Take out of the oven again and serve!
Mini “Mac” n’ Cheese: We all know the real reason people show up to Thanksgiving: Grandma’s mac n’ cheese. Don’t Genna Ostroff, a social work major at Alvernia University said “The mac’ n cheese is the whole reason I go home. It’s really the main event.” Don’t take it from us though, try this recipe! You’ll need:
Mini shells
Light cream
Shredded three cheese blend
Cream cheese
Fresh chives
Step 1: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and grease your baking pan.
Step 2: Pre-cook your pasta on the stove to an al dente texture.
Step 3: Strain your shells and while the noodles are still warm mix in butter and cream cheese until evenly coated. Then, add a layer of shredded cheese. Mix, add another layer of cheese, and repeat. When your dish is full, before adding a layer of cheese on top, pour ¼ cup of light cream evenly over your cheese and noodles. Once

heavy cream is poured, add a final layer of cheese and put it in the oven.
Step 4: Bake until golden brown on top. Remove it from the oven and add fresh chives.
Dr. Lange’s Pro Tip: “You should put breadcrumbs on top of the mac before you go into the bake phase,” Dr. Lange said. Adding breadcrumbs to the top of your mac will give your dish an extra crispy crust!
And finally, what better way to top off a miniThanksgiving meal than a personal pumpkin pie! You’ll need:
12 mini-grahm cracker pie crusts.
1 Can of Libby’s Easy Pumpkin Pie Mix 1/2 cup of evaporated milk 2 eggs
Step 1: Preheat your oven to 425 degrees.
Step 2: Place pie crusts on a baking tray.
Step 3: In a small bowl, beat together 2 eggs.
Step 4: Mix pumpkin pie mix, beaten eggs, and milk together in a large bowl.
Step 5: Pour mixture into pie crusts.
Step 6: Put the pies in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes.
Step 7: Let pies cool, decorate as desired, and serve!
If you’re stuck on campus over break and have some time on your hands, try out one of these recipes! If you make one, let us know, and we’ll feature you on our Instagram page!
For behind the scenes footage, visit out TikTok @ alvernian for a chaotic tiny turkey tutorial!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Friendsgiving chicken cooked in an Alvernia University dorm. Chicken cooked and picture taken by Grace Wanner.
Image from shutterstock