December 2016

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‫وكذلك جعلناكم �أمة و�سطا‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ 2016‬م‬ ‫‪ ¿‬‬

‫سقوط حلب‪..‬‬ ‫مناسبة لالستفادة‬

‫‪ 18‬ديسمبر‪..‬‬ ‫يوم عالمي للغة العربية‬



‫‪Photo: SKY NEWS‬‬

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‫الوسط االسترالي‬

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‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬

‫مظاهرات‬ ‫التضامن مع‬ ‫حلب في استراليا‬

‫�� � �ش� � �ه � ��دت ال� � �م � ��دن‬ ‫اال�سترالية مظاهرات‬ ‫ع��دة منددة بالمجازر‬ ‫التي ارتكبت وما تزال �ضد المدنيين‬ ‫ف���ي م��دي �ن��ة ح �ل��ب ‪ ،‬ح �ي��ث خ��رج‬ ‫االالف في كل من �سيدني وملبورن‬ ‫وادال� �ي ��د‪،‬ح� �ي ��ث رف� �ع ��وا � �ش �ع��ارات‬ ‫الت�ضامن مع حلب ونددوا بالمجازر‬ ‫التي ترتكبها رو�سيا واي ��ران‪ ،‬كما‬ ‫انتقدوا ال�صمت العربي والغربي ‪.‬‬ ‫�سيدني‬



‫وفد من ابناء الجالية يقوم بجولة‬ ‫على بعض السياسيين الذين وقفوا‬ ‫ضد تصريحات وزير الهجرة‬ ‫قام وفد من �أبناء الجالية الإ�سالمية بزيارة‬ ‫زعيم حزب الخ�ضر في ا�ستراليا ال�سيناتور‬ ‫ريت�شارد دي ناتالي في مكتبه في البرلمان‬ ‫الفيدرالي بالعا�صمة كانبرا وق��د �ضم ال��وف��د ك��ل من‬ ‫الحاج قي�صر طراد رئي�س اتحاد المجال�س اال�سالمية في‬ ‫ا�ستراليا والحاج جمال النعمان ع�ضو االتحاد والزميل‬ ‫ابراهيم الزعبي مدير البرامج في الإذاع ��ة ال�صوت‬ ‫الإ�سالمي والزميل ف��واز �شوك رئي�س تحرير �صحيفة‬ ‫الو�سط‪.‬‬ ‫جاءت الزيارة �ضمن جولة على بع�ض ال�سيا�سيين الذين‬ ‫وقفوا �ضد ت�صريحات وزي��ر الهجرة الأ�سترالي بيتر‬ ‫دات��ون والتي هاجم فيها الجالية اللبنانية واعتبر ان‬ ‫رئي�س ال��وزراء الأ�سبق‪ ،‬مالكوم فريزر قد �أخط�أ بجلب‬ ‫لبنانيين �إل��ى ا�ستراليا‪ .‬حيث نقل الوفد �شكر الجالية‬

‫اللبنانية واال�سالمية لزعيم حزب الخ�ضر على مواقفه‬ ‫المناه�ضة لوزير الهجرة‪ .‬وقد وعد ال�سناتور دي ناتالي‬ ‫بمتابعة المو�ضوع و�أبدى ا�ستعداده للم�ساهمة في كل ما‬ ‫تطلبه منه الجالية في ه��ذا المجال كما ج��دد انتقاده‬ ‫ال�شديد لموقف وزي��ر الهجرة كما انتقد �أي�ضا موقف‬ ‫رئي�س الحكومة اال�سترالية‪.‬‬ ‫كما ق��ام الوفد بزيارة وزي��ر التمويل في حكومة الظل‬ ‫الفيدرالية اال�سترالية جيم �شالمز في مكتبه في البرلمان‬ ‫الفيدرالي في كانبرا‪ ،‬حيث قدموا له ال�شكر على مواقفه‪،‬‬ ‫وطالبوه ب�ضرورة اال�ستمرار في ال�ضغط على كل من‬ ‫رئي�س الحكومة اال�سترالية ووزير الهجرة‪ ،‬كما نقلوا له‬ ‫موفق �أبناء الجالية الراف�ض والم�ستهجن لت�صريحات‬ ‫وزير الهجرة‪.‬‬

‫مع زعيم حزب الخ�ضر في ا�ستراليا ال�سيناتور ريت�شارد دي ناتالي‬

‫مع وزير التمويل في حكومة الظل الفيدرالية اال�سترالية جيم �شالمز‬

‫رئيس التحرير‪ :‬فواز شوك‬ ‫• سكرتير التحرير‪ :‬عبد المهيمن قمر الدين • مستشار التحرير‪ :‬قيصر طراد‬ ‫• سيدني‪ :‬منذر جبر‪ ،‬سعيد الطباع‪ ،‬فادي الحاج‪ ،‬عبد الجبار موالي • اداليد‪ :‬احمد زريقة‬ ‫• كانبرا‪ :‬طارق الشيخ • بريزبن‪ :‬جمال النعمان • صفحة القرن االفريقي‪ :‬ياسر محمود‬

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‫آراء وقضايا‬

‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬

‫يا حلب‪ :‬ال تحزني إن طلع النهار بال ضياء‬

‫فمن وسط الحزن المقدس تتولد شرارة اإلصرار على المقاومة‬ ‫بقلم د‪ .‬إبراهيم أبو محمد‬ ‫مفتي عام استراليا‬

‫• ومن داخل جحر ال�ضب الذي دخلته الأمة‬ ‫بقيادتها ب��د�أت االنك�سارات والهزائم والعار‬ ‫ح �ي��ث وث �ق��ت ف��ي ال�ح�ل�ي��ف ف �ك��ان��ت ال�خ�ي��ان��ة‪،‬‬ ‫و�أ�سلمها لعدو ال يعرف غير الإب ��ادة وت�سوية‬ ‫ال�م��دن والب�شر بالتراب والحديد والأ�سمنت‬ ‫الم�سلح‪ ،‬وفي همجية تخجل منها كل �شياطين‬ ‫الأر�ض‪.‬‬ ‫• �أ ّم� َل� ْ�ت حلب في �أمتها و�شعوبها فوجدتهم‬ ‫يغطون في ن��وم عميق‪ ،‬وبحثت وق��ت ال�ضرورة‬ ‫عن الوطن الكبير فوجدته ركاما يعلوه الخراب‬ ‫‪ ،‬وم��ا تبقى فيه م��ن م��دن وب�شر ك��ان م�شغوال‬ ‫ب�أ�سهم البور�صة التي تخفق لها قلوب الأثرياء‬ ‫�صعودا وهبوطا‪ ،‬وبالبترول و�أ�سعاره المتدنية‪،‬‬ ‫وبقيمة الذهب العربي الذي ي�أبي �إال �أن ي�سقط‬ ‫ا�ستثمارا وثمارا و�أنهارا في عوا�صم من �أهانوه‪،‬‬ ‫وال زالوا كذلك يفعلون‪.‬‬ ‫• من داخل مثل هذه الملهاة والم�أ�ساة عودتنا‬ ‫الأم��ة �أن تجدد نف�سها و�سط نيران االبتالءات‬ ‫وال�شدة لتزيح عن كاهلها كل عنا�صر التعطيل‬ ‫والتطبيل وهياج الحناجر في الأم��م المتحدة‬ ‫ومجل�س الأم ��ن ولتنفي خبثها ال ��ذي �أ��ص��اب‬ ‫مفا�صلها و�شل �أقدامها وانحرف عن الطريق‬ ‫بخطاها ‪.‬‬ ‫• نعم دخلت الأم��ة جحر ال�ضب وتخلت عن‬ ‫ال��وح��ي الحا�ضن لكل ع��زة ولكل �شرف ولكل‬ ‫حماية ولكل توحيد وت�أييد‪ ،‬فكان ال بد �أن تدفع‬ ‫ف��ات��ورة الح�ساب م��ن كرامتها م��رارة وعلقما‬ ‫وتربية وت�أديبا‪.‬‬ ‫• نعم نعترف ي��ا حلب �أن الأم��ة غابت عن‬ ‫وحي ربها فغابت عن وعيها ودوره��ا ور�سالتها‬ ‫وخلت ال�ساحة من عطائها المتدفق خيرا وبرا‬ ‫وم��رح�م��ة ‪،‬فا�ستطال عليها الأق���زام تقطيعا‬ ‫وت�شويها ‪ ،‬فهي تت�ألم حتي النخاع وت�صرخ حتي‬ ‫الأعماق‪ ،‬لكنه �ألم المخا�ض الذي ي�سبق الميالد‪.‬‬

‫• خ��دع��وه��ا وا��س�ت�ج��اب��وا ل�ه��واج����س ربيبتهم‬ ‫ف��أط��ال��وا زم��ن المظالم والمعاناة ‪ ،‬و�أغ��روه��ا‬ ‫بدخول المعركة بعد حديث ت�ستطيبه الآذان‬ ‫عن الديموقراطية وحقوق ال�شعوب في التحرر‬ ‫وال�ث��ورة علي كل طاغية وك��ل جبار عنيد ‪ ،‬ثم‬ ‫تركوها بغير غطاء جوي يقيها �شرور البراميل‬ ‫المتفجرة وغ��از ال�سارين وال�م��واد الكيماوية‬ ‫‪ ،‬وظ�ن��وا �أن الجو ق��د خ�لا لهم بخلو حلب من‬ ‫الرجولة ‪ ،‬ولم يدركوا �أن الرجولة في مجموع‬ ‫الأمة بناء داخلي مركوز مع الفطرة ‪ ،‬و�أن قبول‬ ‫الدنية عار يرف�ضه الم�سلم ‪ ،‬و�أن مرارة المحنة‬ ‫ال تزيد �أبناء الدين �إال ثباتا و�إيمانا وت�سليما ‪،‬‬ ‫و�أن الم�سلم وهو في �أتون المعركة يحتقر الباطل‬ ‫و�إن �ساد وغلب ‪ ،‬و�أن الأمة بمجموعها لن تموت‬ ‫ال�صغار كلما نبت و��ش��ب ‪،‬‬ ‫ول�ك��ن ي�م��وت فيها َ‬ ‫ويموت فيها الذل كلما ب�سقت �أغ�صانه على طمع‬ ‫في الحياة وبقاء مع ك�أ�س المذلة‪.‬‬ ‫• نعم نعترف ‪� ....‬أن الأمة دخلت حجر ال�ضب‬ ‫و م�شت خلف �أعدائها في �سراديبه المظلمة‬ ‫وال �ن �ت �ن��ة وك��ان��ت ت �ظ��ن �أن��ه��ا ع �ل��ي � �ش��ئ حتي‬ ‫�ضاعت منها الكرامة‪ ،‬وا�ستبيحت فيها الأر�ض‬ ‫وتق�سمت وت�شظت فيها الأوط� ��ان‪ ،‬ونعق فيها‬ ‫غ��راب الطائفية الممقوتة ليحي ث��ارات ماتت‬

‫وفات زمانها ‪ ،‬وي�ستغل غياب وعي �أبانئها فينف�س‬ ‫ح�شدا وحقدا يتوا�صل فيه الجهل والتع�صب ‪،‬‬ ‫ويمتزج فيه رماد الغل بجمر الكراهية فينفجر‬ ‫نارا حاقدة في وجوه �أبرياء من ن�ساء و�أطفال‬ ‫ال عالقة لهم ب�أطماع ق��ادة ماتت �ضمائرهم‬ ‫ف�أ�ضحوا على ا�ستعداد لحرق كل �شئ في الحياة‬ ‫ليبقوا في �أماكنهم‪.‬‬ ‫• ن�ساء �أبرياء و�أطفال ر�ضع ال يعرفون معنى‬ ‫خ��راب القلوب ال��ذي يملأ �صدور ال�ق��ادة ومن‬ ‫تبعهم من كل حزب فا�سد وميل�شيا م�ست�أجرة‬ ‫ك�أنها حمر م�ستفرة‪.‬‬ ‫• ي��وم �سقوط حلب يعني ي��وم �سقوط الأم��م‬ ‫ال �م �ت �ح��دة‪ ،‬ي ��وم ��س�ق��وط ح�ل��ب ه��و ي ��وم ال�ع��ار‬ ‫ال��ذى يجلل ه��ام��ات م��دن الح�ضارة وعوا�صم‬ ‫الديموقراطية‪.‬‬ ‫• هو ي��وم يزيح الميكيا�ش عن وج��ه الخداع‬ ‫ويزيل الأ�صباغ عن هامات بلغت في الخداع‬ ‫القاع وبلغت في ال�سقوط �آمادا و�أبعادا‪.‬‬ ‫• يوم �سقوط حلب هو يوم يعيد فيه التاريخ‬ ‫درو���س البو�سنة والهر�سك لأن الأم��ة �أ�صابها‬ ‫داء الزهايمر فن�سيت ال��در���س‪ ،‬ول��م ت�ستوعب‬ ‫العبر‪ ،‬ول��م ت��دون �أ�سباب الخيانة و�أ�ساليبها‪،‬‬ ‫ولم تح�ص دهاء ال�سا�سة وخداعهم وانقالبهم‬ ‫على كل وعد‪ ،‬وانفالتهم من كل ميثاق �شريف‪.‬‬ ‫• يوم �سقوط حلب �ستتذكره االجيال الجديدة‪،‬‬ ‫و�سيحفر في وجدانها ‪،‬و�سيدرك الأب �ن��اء من‬ ‫ال��ذي خانهم و�سلم �آب��اءه��م و�أمهاتهم ل�سكين‬ ‫الجزارفي المدينة‪ ،‬و�سي�أخذون بث�أرهم من كل‬ ‫من تواط�أ و�ساهم في �سفك دماء �آبائهم‪ ،‬وبذلك‬ ‫تكون مواقف الخزي والعار الذي مار�سته بع�ض‬ ‫الدول بالم�ساهمة مع الجزار في ذبح ال�ضحايا‪،‬‬ ‫�أو بالتواط�ؤ وال�سكوت على الجريمة �ستكون هذه‬ ‫المواقف المخزية هي من �ساعدت و�ساهمت‬ ‫في خلق �أ�سو�أ البيئات لح�ضانة الإرهاب الأ�سود‬ ‫وتفريخه وتهيئة م�ستنقعات الكراهية لتوالده‬ ‫ونموه وانت�شاره كما ينت�شر ميكروب الكوليرا في‬ ‫البيئات المهي�أة‪.‬‬

‫• ي��وم �سقوط حلب هو بداية لتاريخ ولي�س‬ ‫ن �ه��اي��ة‪ ،‬ه��و ب��داي��ة ل �ت��اري��خ ج��دي��د م��ن القلق‬ ‫وال���ص��راع��ات ال��دم��وي��ة ال�ت��ى ل��ن ي�ج��دى معها‬ ‫القمع وال الإغ��واء‪ ،‬لأنه بداية لتكوين جيل ر�آى‬ ‫دماء الأهل والآباء والأمهات والأخوة تجري في‬ ‫�شوارع حلب ولم تجد من يقدم لها و�سيلة الإغاثة‬ ‫والإن �ق��اذ‪� .‬إن��ه بداية لتكوين جيل يلعن النا�س‬ ‫والتاريخ والجغرافيا وال ي��رى في الآخ��ري��ن �إال‬ ‫�أنيابا ومخالب‪ ،‬و�سيطبق قاعدة(من لم ي�ست�أ�سد‬ ‫ت�أكله الذئاب وتنه�شه الكالب)‪ .‬وقد كان �أبا�ؤه‬ ‫م�سالمين فتركهم المجتمع ال��دول��ي لمحرقة‬ ‫الجزار ت�شوي جلودهم‪.‬‬ ‫• بهذه النف�سية �ستن�ش�أ �أجيال ال تعرف غير‬ ‫ال�غ��در والخيانة والعنف الممنهج والإره ��اب‬ ‫ال��دول��ي المجنون ال��ذي ح��رق بنيرانه �أج�ساد‬ ‫الأه ��ل والإخ���وة وال�ج�ي��ران‪ .‬ف�م��اذا �سيكون رد‬ ‫فعلهم ؟‬ ‫• ف��ي ي��وم �سقوط حلب ل��ن نخاطب القادة‬ ‫والزعماء فهم من دخلوا بنا و�أجبرونا �أن ندخل‬ ‫معهم جحر ال�ضب بظالمه و�سواده واعوجاجه‬ ‫ونتن رائحته‪.‬‬ ‫• لن نخاطب الزعماء والر�ؤ�ساء لأن بع�ضهم‬ ‫هم بع�ض همومنا وكل بالئنا‪ ،‬لكننا �سنخاطب‬ ‫ج�م��اه�ي��ر الأم � ��ة ال � ��ذىن غُ � ِّي �ب��وا ع��ن دينهم‬ ‫ومنهجهم ف �ك��ان ال �خ �م��ول وال�ك���س��ل وال�ج�ه��ل‬ ‫والتخلف وال�سقوط في �أ�سر الأيديولوجيات التى‬ ‫جلبت لنا الخراب والعار و�أفقرت الغني و�أماتت‬ ‫الفقراء‪.‬‬ ‫• نخاطب الجماهير ال�ت��ى ال زال ��ت فطرة‬ ‫الإيمان فيها حية ناب�ضة‪ ،‬تتحرك في االتجاه‬ ‫ال�صحيح عند المخاطر وترف�ض و�صاية تجار‬ ‫ال�شعارات وممتهنى الثقافة م��ن نخبة ال�شر‬ ‫وع�صابة بنى علمان وبلطجية بنى مارك�س‪.‬‬ ‫• في يوم �سقوط حلب ننا�شد �ضمير الب�سطاء‬ ‫الذين ي�شكلون ال�سواد الأعظم في العدد والعدة‬ ‫وفي العطاء والبذل من �أجل هذا الدين العظيم‬ ‫ننا�شد �ضمير ه�ؤالء ونحن على يقين �أنه ال يزال‬

‫على عهده والء ووفاء لربهم و�إن حاولت �شياطين‬ ‫الأيديولوجيات �أن تنحرف بفطنتهم وفطرتهم‬ ‫و�أن تغتال دينهم‪ ،‬ننا�شد ه��ؤالء �أن هبوا لأداء‬ ‫واج��ب الإيمان عليكم ف�سددوا وقاربوا و�سدوا‬ ‫الثغور كل في مكانه ومكانته‪ ،‬وليكن لربك من‬ ‫جهدك الن�صيب الأوف��ر خدمة لإخوانك و�أداء‬ ‫لأمانتك ورعاية لعهدك ووعدك‪ ،‬ولت�صب جهدك‬ ‫في الجمع ال التفريق وفي الوحدة ال التق�سيم ‪،‬‬ ‫وفي التفوق العلمي والأداء الح�ضاري المتميز‪،‬‬ ‫ولتخلع عنك ثوب الفو�ضى والالم�س�ؤلية لنتعاون‬ ‫معا حتى نخرج �أمتنا من حالة الوحل ال�سيا�سي‬ ‫والثقافي واالقت�صادي التى تخو�ض فيه‪ ،‬ولن�ضع‬ ‫�أقدامها على طريق الهداية كما كانت ف�سادت‬ ‫وقادت وانت�صرت ومنحت الدنيا �أغلى و�أعلى ما‬ ‫يمكن �أن تمتلكه الدنيا مما طعلت عليه �شم�س‬ ‫النهار‪.‬‬ ‫• نخاطب جماهير الأمة ونهيب بهم �أال يي�أ�سوا‬ ‫فهناك في الأف��ق المظلم يرى كل ذى ب�صيرة‬ ‫خلف ه��ذا الليل فجرا �صادقا ق��د ال ح زمانه‬ ‫وق��رب��ت ب�شائره‪ ،‬ولنعلم جميعا �أن ال�م��دن قد‬ ‫ت�سقط وال ت�سقط الإرادة‪ ،‬و�أن الجيو�ش قد‬ ‫تنهزم وال تنهزم ق��وة �أ��ص�ح��اب الحقيقة في‬ ‫االنت�صار لفكرتهم ب�شتى الأ�ساليب مادام اليقين‬ ‫بها حا�ضرا ولم يغب‪ ،‬و�أن �أ�ساليب الهمجية والال‬ ‫�أخ�لاق قد تمنح الدكتاتور ن�صرا م�ؤقتا غير‬ ‫�شريف‪ ،‬فيتهيه به فخرا كاذبا‪ ،‬لكنه ال يلبث �أن‬ ‫ي�صحو من �سكرته ليجد كل �شئ يقاومه بداية‬ ‫من الحجر وال�شجر وحتى رفات المقابر‪ .‬فال‬ ‫تي�أ�سوا �أيها ال�شرفاء ولنتذكر جميعا �أنه لن يغلب‬ ‫ع�سر ي�سرين‪ ،‬و�أن الم�صل ال��واق��ي يتولد من‬ ‫جرثومة المر�ض ذاته‪ ،‬و�إذا كان والبد فلنتعلم‬ ‫الدر�س من �أهل حلب �أن نعي�ش معت�صمين بحبل‬ ‫عقيدتنا‪ ،‬و�أن نموت مبت�سمين ليحيا ديننا‪..‬‬ ‫و�أمتنا‪ ...‬ولتحيا كرامتنا‪.‬‬

‫سقوط حلب‪ ..‬مناسبة لالستفادة‬ ‫أواب إبراهيم‬

‫لي�س م��ن المنطقي وال م��ن العقل التخفيف م��ن فداحة‬ ‫الخ�سارة التي ُمنيت بها ثورة ال�شعب ال�سوري بعد �سقوط مدينة حلب‬ ‫بيد النظام والملي�شيات المتحالفة معه‪ .‬ف�سيطرة المعار�ضة على الأحياء‬ ‫ال�شرقية من المدينة كان انت�صار ًا كبير ًا‪ ،‬وب�شرى تفاءل بها البع�ض‬ ‫النت�صار النظام‪ ،‬وقد كانت مركز ًا هام ًا ومنطلق ًا لتر�سيخ منطق قدرة‬ ‫المعار�ضة على فر�ض �سيطرتها على ثاني �أهم مدينة والقلب االقت�صادي‬ ‫والتجاري ل�سوريا‪ ،‬ونافذة المعار�ضة الم�شرعة نحو الخارج من خالل‬ ‫الحدود التركية‪ .‬فلطالما كانت المدينة هدف ًا ا�ستراتيجي ًا للنظام‬ ‫والميلي�شيات المتحالفة معه منذ بد�أ الدعم الرو�سي بعد رجحان كفّة‬ ‫المعار�ضة في الميدان‪ .‬فحلب كانت دائمة الح�ضور في جميع �إطالالت‬ ‫الرئي�س ال�سوري والأمين العام لحزب اهلل‪ ،‬و�شكلت بند ًا رئي�سي ًا على‬ ‫طاولة التفاو�ض بين وزيري خارجية رو�سيا والواليات المتحدة‪.‬‬ ‫في مقابل الت�سليم بفداحة الخ�سارة ب�سقوط حلب‪ ،‬ف�إنه يجب عدم الغرق‬ ‫بالدموع‪ ،‬والت�سليم ب�أن ما ح�صل هو نهاية ال�صراع‪ ،‬واالنخداع بالدعاية‬ ‫التي ي�س ّوقها النظام وحلفا�ؤه ب�أن �سقوط المدينة هو بداية نهاية الثورة‬ ‫في �سوريا‪ ،‬و�أن بقية المناطق التي ت�سيطر عليها المعار�ضة �ست�سقط‬ ‫ك�أحجار الدومينو‪ ،‬و�أن حلم ال�سوريين بالحرية والكرامة تح ّول �إلى‬ ‫كابو�س مزعج‪� .‬صحيح �أن ميزان القوى منذ التدخل الرو�سي وتراجع‬ ‫دعم المعار�ضة �أدى �إلى اختالل في قوة المتحاربين‪� ،‬صحيح كذلك �أن‬ ‫تقدم المعار�ضة الميداني توقف منذ فترة مقابل تقدم للنظام وحلفائه‪،‬‬ ‫لكن هذا ال يعني �أن الأم��ور و�صلت �إلى خواتيمها‪ ،‬و�أن الحرب و�ضعت‬ ‫�أوزارها‪ ،‬فالدعم الرو�سي لي�س بال�ضرورة �أن يتوا�صل‪ ،‬والدعم الخارجي‬ ‫للمعار�ضة قد يعاود زخمه من جديد‪ ،‬وقبل هذا وذاك ف�إن تقدير اهلل هو‬ ‫الفا�صل في الم�س�ألة‪ ،‬فلن ي�صيب �سوريا وال�سوريين �إال ما كتبه اهلل لهم‪..‬‬ ‫فلطالما كان هتاف ال�سوريين حين بد�أوا تحركهم في درعا «يا اهلل‪ ...‬ما‬

‫النا غيرك يا اهلل»‪ ،‬ولم يكن ُيت�ص ّور يومها �أن جذوة الثورة �ستنتقل �إلى‬ ‫مكان �آخر‪ ،‬لكن تقديرات الباري �شاءت �أن تمتد الثورة �إلى كل �أنحاء‬ ‫�سوريا‪ ،‬وح�صل ما كان يعتبره البع�ض م�ستحي ًال‪ ،‬ف�سيطرت المعار�ضة‬ ‫على مناطق وا�سعة‪ ،‬واقتربت من العا�صمة دم�شق‪ ،‬واندلعت مواجهات‬ ‫على بعد مئات الأمتار من ق�صر المهاجرين الرئا�سي‪ .‬والحرب �سجال‪،‬‬ ‫يوم لك ويوم عليك‪ .‬فمن �أراد العي�ش في �أج��واء الإحباط والي�أ�س فله‬ ‫ذلك‪ ،‬لكن عليه �أن يدرك �أن و�ضع المعار�ضة اليوم �أف�ضل بكثير من‬ ‫و�ضعها عقب انطالق الثورة‪.‬‬ ‫الت�سليم بق�ضاء اهلل ال ينفي �أهمية �أن تتعظ المعار�ضة مما ح�صل في‬ ‫حلب‪ ،‬وتتدارك الأ�سباب التي �ساهمت في �سقوطها ال�سريع‪ .‬قد ال يكون‬ ‫للمعار�ضة قدرة على مواجهة �آلة الدمار الرو�سية‪ ،‬وقد ال يعود الدعم‬ ‫الخارجي مرة �أخ��رى‪ ،‬لكن هذا ال ينفي �أن بين �أيدي الثوار نقاط قوة‬ ‫عليهم ا�ستغاللها والتم�سك بها‪ .‬فال يختلف اثنان على �أن ت�شرذم قوى‬ ‫المعار�ضة وتفرقهم كان عام ًال �أ�سا�سي ًا في التقدم الذي حققه ويحققه‬ ‫النظام وحلفا�ؤه‪ ،‬بل �إن النظام ق�صف في بع�ض الأحيان مناطق كانت‬ ‫ت�شهد مواجهات بين المعار�ضة نف�سها تتناف�س في ما بينها لل�سيطرة‬ ‫عليها‪.‬‬ ‫ال �أحد ينكر �أن �سقوط حلب �شكل �صفعة موجعة تلقتها الثورة ومعها جميع‬ ‫ال�سوريين ال�شرفاء‪ .‬و�إذا لم ت�ستفد الثورة من هذه ال�صفعة‪ ،‬ف�إن عليها‬ ‫اال�ستعداد لتلقّي �صفعات �أخرى قد تكون �أكثر �إيالم ًا‪ ،‬فالبكاء والنحيب‬ ‫والغ�ضب لن يقدم ولن ي�ؤخر‪.‬‬ ‫على قوى المعار�ضة �أن تطبق حديث الر�سول �صلى اهلل عليه و�سلم حين‬ ‫دعا ربه «اللهم هذا فعلي في ما �أملك فال تلمني في ما تملك وال �أملك»‪،‬‬ ‫فهي تملك حقها وتما�سكها وتكاتفها ووحدة كلمتها‪ ،‬ف�إذا ف ّرطت بهذا‬ ‫الأمر‪ ،‬فت�شرذمت وتفرقت واختلفت في ما بينها‪ ،‬حينها ال يكون اللوم‬ ‫�إال على نف�سها‪ ،‬وتكون المعار�ضة الم�س�ؤولة عن تحطيم �أحالم ال�سوريين‬ ‫و�آمالهم بنهاية عذاباتهم و�آالمهم‪.‬‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬

‫خطـِّط‬ ‫واستعد‪.‬‬ ‫األسباب واضحة‪.‬‬ ‫إنها مسؤوليتك أنّ تكون مستعداً لموسم الحرائق هذا الصيف‪ .‬احرص على تجهيز عقارك‪ ،‬وخطة للحرائق وأدوات الطوارئ اآلن‪.‬‬ ‫وفي حالة توقعات الطقس بأيام حارة وجافة وعاصفة‪ ،‬تحقق من تصنيفات خطر الحريق يوميا ً وراقب التحذيرات عبر االذاعة المحلية‬ ‫والموقع اإللكتروني والتطبيق الخاص بـ ‪ .VicEmergency‬المغادرة المبكرة‪ ،‬قبل بداية الحريق‪ ،‬هي دائما ً الخيار األكثر أماناً‪.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫قم بتنزيل تطبيق ‪VicEmergency‬‬

‫بتفويض من حكومة فكتوريا‪1 Treasury Place, Melbourne ،‬‬

‫وفاة الجئ سوداني تشعل غضبا‬ ‫بمركز احتجاز أسترالي‬ ‫سكاي نيوز عربية‬

‫سأستمتع برحلة‬ ‫خلوية مع أصدقاء‬ ‫من مختلف أرجاء‬ ‫العالم في يوم العيد‬ ‫الوطني ألستراليا‪.‬‬ ‫‪Alphonse Mulumba‬‬ ‫أسترالي حديث العهد‬

‫ت��وف��ي الج��ئ � �س��ودان��ي محتجز ف��ي مركز‬ ‫�أ��س�ت��رال��ي للمهاجرين ف��ي ج��زي��رة و��س��ط البحر‪ ،‬بعد‬ ‫�سقوطه وا�صابته بنوبة‪ ،‬ما �أث��ار احتجاجا في المركز‬ ‫المثير للجدل‪ ،‬بح�سب م�س�ؤولين‪.‬‬ ‫والالجئ الذي يقول نا�شطون �إن ا�سمه في�صل �أ�سحاق‬ ‫�أحمد (‪ 27‬عاما) توفي في م�ست�شفى في مدينة بريزبين‬ ‫�شرقي �أ�ستراليا بعد نقله جوا من جزيرة مانو�س في بابوا‬ ‫نيو غينيا‪ ،‬بح�سب ما �صرحت دائرة الهجرة‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت ال��دائ��رة في بيان �إن “الجئا �سودانيا عمره ‪27‬‬ ‫عاما توفي اليوم مت�أثرا بجروح �أ�صيب بها بعد �سقوطه‬ ‫و�إ�صابته بنوبة في مركز مانو�س لالجئين”‪.‬‬ ‫و�أ�ضاف البيان �أن “الجهاز لي�س على علم بمالب�سات‬ ‫مثيرة لل�شبهة تحيط بمقتله”‪.‬‬

‫و�صرحت متحدثة با�سم دائرة الهجرة‪ ،‬في بيان �أر�سلته‬ ‫�إلى وكالة فران�س بر�س الأحد‪� ،‬أن “�أعمال �شغب �شاركت‬ ‫فيها مجموعة من النزالء ن�شبت في منطقة الطعام” في‬ ‫مركز االحتجاز عقب وفاة �أحمد‪.‬‬ ‫وقالت �إن ذلك ا�سفر عن �ضرر مادي طفيف‪ ،‬ولكن دون‬ ‫�إ�صابات بين النزالء‪ ،‬م�ؤكدة انتهاء �أعمال ال�شغب‪.‬‬ ‫و�صرح المتحدث با�سم تحالف العمل من �أجل الالجئين‪،‬‬ ‫�إي��ان رينتول‪� ،‬أن �أح�م��د “يعاني م��ن ن��وب��ات ت ��ؤدي �إل��ى‬ ‫�سقوطه منذ �أ�سابيع دون �أن يتلقى عالجا”‪.‬‬ ‫و�أحمد هو ثالث �شخ�ص يلقى حتفه في مانو�س خالل �أربع‬ ‫�سنوات‪.‬‬ ‫وتر�سل �سلطات كانبيرا طالبي اللجوء الذين يحاولون‬ ‫الو�صول �إلى �أ�ستراليا بالقوارب �إلى مخيمات نائية في‬ ‫بابوا نيو غينيا وناورو‪ ،‬ويحظر عليهم الإقامة في �أ�ستراليا‬ ‫حتى لو ت�أكد �أنهم الجئون‪.‬‬

‫اعتقال “سفاح” ارتكب جرائمه قبل ‪ 20‬عاما‬ ‫سكاي نيوز عربية‬

‫احتفلوا‬ ‫‪#AUSTRALIADAY‬‬


‫راجعوا الموقع ‪‬‬ ‫لالطالع على الفعاليات في منطقتكم‬

‫وجهت ال�شرطة الأ�سترالية اتهامات لرجل‪،‬‬ ‫عمره ‪ 48‬عاما‪ ،‬بقتل امر�أتين قبل �أكثر من ‪ 20‬عاما في‬ ‫مدينة بيرث‪ ،‬في خطوة تنهي �أط��ول تحقيق في جرائم‬ ‫قتل بالبالد‪.‬‬ ‫وات �ه��م ب��رادل��ي �إدواردز‪ ،‬ال�ج�م�ع��ة‪ ،‬بقتل ج�ي��ن ريمر‬ ‫(‪ 23‬عاما) التي عثر على جثتها في �أغ�سط�س ‪1996‬‬ ‫والمحامية �سيارا جلينون (‪ 27‬عاما)‪ .‬واختفت االثنتان‬ ‫بفا�صل �ستة �أ�شهر من نف�س ال�ضاحية الراقية في بيرث‪،‬‬ ‫عا�صمة الوالية‪.‬‬

‫ولم توجه لإدواردز اتهامات فيما يتعلق باختفاء �شابة‬ ‫ثالثة هي�سارة �سبيرز (‪ 18‬عاما) ‪ ،‬التي اختفت �أي�ضا‬ ‫في �ضاحية كليرمونت في بيرث في يناير ‪ .1996‬وت�شتبه‬ ‫ال�شرطة في �أنها �ضحية لذات المجرم لكن لم يعثر على‬ ‫جثتها حتى الآن‪.‬‬ ‫وعلى الرغم من ت�شكيل قوة مهام مكلفة بالتحقيق في‬ ‫تلك الق�ضايا‪ ،‬لم تتمكن ال�شرطة من تحقيق انفراجة في‬ ‫الق�ضية لأكثر من عقدين‪.‬‬ ‫وعلى خالف الق�ضايا التي لم تح�سم‪ ،‬ظل التحقيق في‬ ‫“جرائم كليرمونت” م�ستمرا نظرا لالهتمام الجماهيري‬ ‫وال�سيا�سي الكبير بها‪.‬‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬

‫وقفة رمزية أمام برلمان والية فكتوريا‬

‫ض����د ال���ت���م���ی���ی���ز ال��ع��ن��ص��ري‬

‫‪ 7‬كانون األول‪/‬دیسمبر ‪2016‬‬ ‫مكتب وزير التعددية الثقافية‬

‫رحبت‬ ‪‭‬حكومة‬ ‪‭‬العما ‪‭‬ل‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫‬ف � �ي‬‪‭‬والي � � �ة‬‪‭‬ف �ك �ت��وري � ‪‭‬ا‬ ‫‬برئا�سة‬ ‪‭‬دانيال‬ ‪‭‬اندروز‪‭‬‬ ‫‬بالطلب‬ ‪‭‬الم�شترك‬ ‪‭‬من‬ ‪‭‬قبل‬ ‪�‭‬أكثر‬ ‪‭‬من‪‭‬‬ ‫‬ ‪‬60‭‬مجموعة‬ ‪‭‬مجتمعیة‬ ‪‭‬محلیة‬ ‪‭‬تدعو‪‭‬‬ ‫‬�إلى‬‪‭‬حمایة‬‪‭‬قوانین‬‪‭‬التمییز‬‪‭‬العن�صر ‪‭‬ي‬ ‫‬الفیدرالیة‬‪‭‬الحالیة‬‪‭.‬‬ ‫وق �د‬ ‪‭‬التقى‬ ‪‭‬وزی��ر‬ ‪�‭‬ش�ؤون‬ ‪‭‬التعددیة‪‭‬‬ ‫‬الثقافیة‪‭ ‬،‬روبن‬ ‪�‭‬سكوت‪‭ ‬،‬مع‬ ‪‭‬ممثلی ‪‭‬ن‬

‫‬عن‬ ‪‭‬عدد‬ ‪‭‬من‬ ‪‭‬المنظمات‬ ‪‭‬المتعدد ‪‭‬ة‬ ‫‬ال��ث��ق��اف��ات‬ ‪‭‬وال��دی��ن��ی��ة‬ ‪‭‬وال�سكان‬ ‫الأ�صليين‪‭ ‬،‬للتعبیر‬ ‪‭‬عن‬ ‪‭‬دعم‬ ‪‭‬حكومة‪‭‬‬ ‫‬ح���زب‬ ‪‭‬ال �ع �م��ال‬ ‪‭‬ل �ق��ان��ون‬ ‪‭‬التمیی ‪‭‬ز‬ ‫‬العن�صري‬‪‭.‬‬ ‫وق��د ع �ب��روا ع��ن وق��وف�ه��م ف��ي وج��ه‬ ‫التمييز العن�صري ‬ ‪‭‬من‬ ‪‭‬خالل‬ ‪‭‬بادرة‪‭‬‬ ‫‬رمزیة‬ ‪‭‬تمثلت‬ ‪‭‬بربط‬ ‪‭‬الأذرع‬ ‪‭‬على‪‭‬‬ ‫‬درج‬ ‪‭‬مبنى‬ ‪‭‬البرلمان‬ ‪‭‬بح�ضور‬ ‪‭‬رئي�س‪‭‬‬ ‫‬حكومة‬‪‭‬الوالية‬‪‭‬ووزير‬‪�‭‬ش�ؤون‬‪‭‬التعددي ‪‭‬ة‬ ‫‬الثقافية‬‪‭.‬‬ ‫ویجرى‬ ‪‭‬حالیا‬ ‪‭‬تًحقیق‬ ‪‭‬فدرالي‬ ‪‭‬حول‪‭‬‬

‫‬فعالیة‬ ‪‭‬القانون‬ ‪‭‬والق�سم ‪ C18‬الذي‪‭‬‬ ‫‬یرى‬ ‪�‭‬أنه‬ ‪‭‬من غیر‬ ‪‭‬القانوني‬ ‪«‭‬الإ�ساء ‪‭‬ة‬ ‫‬�أو‬ ‪‭‬الإهانة‬ ‪�‭‬أو‬ ‪‭‬الإذالل‪�‭ ‬،‬أو‬ ‪‭‬التخویف»‪‭‬‬ ‫‬على‬‪�‭‬أ�سا�س‬‪‭‬عرق‬‪‭‬ال�شخ�ص‬‪�‭‬أو‬‪‭‬خلفیته‬ ‫الأثنیة‬‪‭.‬‬ ‫حيث‬ ‪�‭‬ستقوم‬ ‪‭‬الحكومة‬ ‪‭‬العمالیة‪‭‬‬ ‫‬بتقدیم‬‪‭‬مداخلة‬‪‭‬ت�ؤكد‬‪‭‬فیها‬‪‭:‬‬ ‫•‬ ‪‭‬الم�ساهمة‬ ‪‭‬الم�ستمرة‬ ‪‭‬للمجتمعات‪‭‬‬ ‫‬متعددة‬ ‪‭‬الثقافات‬ ‪‭‬وال�شعوب‬ ‪‭‬الأ�صلیة‪‭‬‬ ‫‬لوالیة‬‪‭‬فیكتوریا‬ ‫•‬ ‪‭‬الحاجة‬ ‪�‭‬إل� �ى‬ ‪‭‬حمایة‬ ‪‭‬الأف� ��راد‪‭‬‬ ‫‬وال� �م� �ج� �ت� �م� �ع ��ات‬‪‭‬م � �ن‬‪‭‬ال��ت�����ش��وی��ه‪‭‬‬

‫‬العن�صري‬‪‭.‬‬ ‫واعتبر‬‪‭‬وزير‬‪�‭‬ش�ؤون‬‪‭‬التعددية‬‪‭‬في‬‪‭‬بيا ‪‭‬ن‬ ‫‬�صادر‬ ‪‭‬عنه‬ ‪‭‬ان‬ ‪«‭‬كل‬ ‪�‭‬سكان‬ ‪‭‬فیكتوریا‪‭‬‬ ‫‬ ‪-‬بغ�ض‬ ‪‭‬النظر‬ ‪‭‬عن‬ ‪‭‬المكان‬ ‪‭‬ال��ذي‪‭‬‬ ‫‬جاءوا‬ ‪‭‬منه‪‭ ‬،‬واللغة‬ ‪‭‬التي‬ ‪‭‬یتحدثونها‪‭‬‬ ‫‬�أو‬‪‭‬العقیدة‬‪‭‬التي‬‪‭‬یتبعونه ‬ا ‪‭-‬ی�ستحقون‪‭‬‬ ‫‬الحمایة‬‪‭‬الت�شریعیة‬‪‭‬القویة»‬‪‭.‬‬ ‫في‬‪�‭‬أیار‬‪‭/‬مایو‬‪‭‬2014‭‬،‭‬قال‬‪‭‬وزیر‬‪�‭‬ش�ؤون‪‭‬‬ ‫‬التعددی ‬ة‪‭‬الثقافیة‬‪�‭‬أنذاك‪‭‬،‬ماثیو‬‪‭‬غاي‪‭‬‬ ‫‬«یجب‬‪�‭‬أن‬‪‭‬ال‬‪‭‬تكون‬‪‭‬هناك‬‪�‭‬أیة‬‪‭‬تغییرات‪‭‬‬ ‫‬على‬ ‪‭‬ق��ان��ون‬ ‪‭‬التمییز‬ ‪‭‬العن�صري‪‭‬‬ ‫‬الفدرالي‬ ‪‭‬و�سنكون‬ ‪‭‬وا�ضحین‬ ‪‭‬جد ًا‪‭،‬‬

‫‬جدا‬‪ً ‭‬في‬‪‭‬قول‬‪‭‬ذلك‬‪‭‬في‬‪‭‬مداخلتنا‬‪»‭.‬‬ ‫«ومثل‬ ‪‭‬حكومة‬ ‪‭‬الوالیة‬ ‪‭‬الأح��راری � ‪‭‬ة‬ ‫‬ال�سابقة‪‭ ‬،‬فنحن‬ ‪‭‬ن�ؤید‬ ‪‭‬ت�أییدا‬ ‪ً ‭‬كامال‪‭‬‬ ‫‬ ًال �ق��ان��ون‬ ‪‭‬كما‬ ‪‭‬ه �و‬ ‪‭‬علیه‬ ‪‭ -‬و�سوف‪‭‬‬ ‫‬نوا�صل‬‪‭‬القیام‬‪‭‬بذلك»‬‪‭.‬‬ ‫واكد‬ ‪‭‬وزیر‬ ‪�‭‬ش�ؤون‬ ‪‭‬التعددیة‬ ‪‭‬الثقافیة‪‭‬‬ ‫‬روبن‬‪�‭‬سكوت ان «التمییز‬‪‭‬القائم‬‪‭‬على‪‭‬‬ ‫‬�أ�سا�س‬ ‪‭‬العرق‬ ‪�‭‬أو‬ ‪‭‬الجن�س‬ ‪�‭‬أو‬ ‪‭‬الدین‪‭‬‬ ‫‬غیر‬ ‪‭‬مقبول‬ ‪�‭‬أبد ًا‬‪‭ .‬لدى‬ ‪‭‬النا�س‬ ‪‭‬الح ‪‭‬ق‬ ‫‬في‬ ‪‭‬قبولهم‬ ‪‭‬على‬ ‪‭‬ما‬ ‪‭‬هم‬ ‪‭‬علیه‬ ‪‭ .‬»‭‬و«�إن‪‭‬‬ ‫‬�أیة‬ ‪‭‬محاولة‬ ‪‭‬لتخفیف‬ ‪‭‬قوانین‬ ‪‭‬خطاب‪‭‬‬ ‫‬الكراهیة‬ ‪‭‬في‬ ‪�‭‬أ�سترالیا‬ ‪‭‬وتقوی�ض‪‭‬‬

‫‬تاریخنا‬ ‪‭‬المتعدد‬ ‪‭‬الثقافات‬ ‪‭‬لن‬ ‪‭‬تكو ‪‭‬ن‬ ‫‬مقبولة‬ ‪‭‬م �ن‬ ‪‭‬قبل‬ ‪‭‬حكومة ان� ��درو ‪‭‬ز‬ ‫‬العمالیة‬‪‭.‬»‭‬‬ ‫وق ��ال ��ت ‬وزی�� ��رة‬ ‪� ��‭‬ش� ��ؤون‬ ‪‭‬ال�سكا ‪‭‬ن‬ ‫‬الأ�صلیین‬ ‪‭‬ناتالي‬ ‪‭‬هات�شینز‬ ‪�«‭‬إنه ‪‭‬ا‬ ‫‬حقیقة‬ ‪‭‬محزنة‬ ‪�‭‬أن‬ ‪‭‬التمییز‬ ‪‭‬هو‬ ‪‭‬جز ‪‭‬ء‬ ‫‬من‬‪‭‬الحیاة‬‪‭‬الیومیة‬‪‭‬لل�سكان‬‪‭‬الأ�صلیی ‪‭‬ن‬ ‫‬في‬‪‭‬فیكتوریا»‬‪‭.‬‬ ‫«ف� �ي‬ ‪‭‬ال��وق �ت‬ ‪‭‬ال ��ذي‬ ‪‭‬نعمل‬ ‪‭‬فیه‬ ‪‭‬م ‪‭‬ن‬ ‫‬�أجل‬ ‪‭‬تحقیق‬ ‪‭‬الم�صالحة‬ ‪‭‬مع‬ ‪�‭‬شعوبن ‪‭‬ا‬ ‫‬الأول� ��ى‪‭ ‬،‬یبدو‬ ‪�‭‬أن��ه‬ ‪‭‬مثیر‬ ‪‭‬لل�سخری ‪‭‬ة‬ ‫‬تقلی�ص‬‪‭‬الحمایة‬‪�‭‬ضد‬‪‭‬التمییز»‬‪‭.‬‬

‫الحكم بالسجن ‪ 5‬اعوام‬ ‫على الوزير السابق ايدي عبيد‬ ‫��ص��در حكم بال�سجن‬ ‫خ �م �� �س��ة اع� � ��وام ع�ل��ى‬ ‫الوزير العمالي ال�سابق‬ ‫في والية نيو �ساوث ويلز ايدي عبيد‬ ‫(‪ 73‬عام ًا) على � اّأل ي�سمح له بالتقدم‬ ‫الخالء ال�سبيل قبل مدة ثالثة �أعوام‪.‬‬ ‫وتمت ادان��ة عبيد بالف�ساد وب�سوء‬ ‫ا�ستخدام من�صبه عندما كان وزير ًا‬ ‫في حكومة الوالية‪ .‬وقد اكد القا�ضي‬ ‫عند نطقه بالحكم ان ت�صرفات‬ ‫عبيد اف�ق��دت الأ�ستراليين ثقتهم‬ ‫بالبرلمان وبالنظام الديمقراطي‬

‫في البالد‪.‬‬ ‫وق��د اعلن رئي�س حكومة والي��ة نيو‬ ‫�ساوث ويلز مايك بيرد �أ ّن��ه �سيعمل‬ ‫على تغيير القانون للت�أكد م��ن � ّأن‬ ‫الوزير ال�سابق ايدي عبيد �سيحرم‬ ‫من تقاعده كبرلماني �سابق التقاعد‬ ‫ال��ذي ت�صل قيمته �إل��ى ‪$120,000‬‬ ‫ف��ي ال �ع��ام ال��واح��د‪ .‬وق��ال ب�ي��رد �إن‬ ‫القوانين يجب �أن تغ ّير كي ال يحظى‬ ‫�أي ب��رل�م��ان��ي ي�ت��م ت�ج��ري�م��ه بفعل‬ ‫مخالف للقانون وب�سوء ا�ستخدام‬ ‫من�صبه ب���أي م �ي��زات برلمانية �أو‬

‫مادية‪.‬‬ ‫ك��ان ك��ل م��ن رئ�ي����س ح��زب العمال‬ ‫ال �ف �ي��درال��ي ب�ي��ل � �ش��ورت��ن‪ ،‬ورئي�سا‬ ‫حكومة نيو ��س��اوث ويلز ال�سابقان‬ ‫موري�س ليما وكري�ستينا كينالي قد‬ ‫وجهوا انتقادات قوية لإيدي عبيد‪.‬‬ ‫حيث و�صفه �شورتن ب�أنه «عار»‪ ،‬اما‬ ‫ليما فقال �إن عبيد �أ�ساء ا�ستغالل‬ ‫امتيازاته‪ ،‬فيما و�صفت كينالي حكم‬ ‫الإدان��ة ب�أنه نتيجة جيدة لوالية نيو‬ ‫�ساوث ويلز‪.‬‬ ‫ال�صورة‪Sky News :‬‬



‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬


‫قصر الحلو‬

‫أجود‬ ‫الحلويات‬ ‫اللبنانية‬ ‫خبرة طويلة‬ ‫وخدمة مميزة‬

‫ بقالوة مشكل ‪ -‬زنود الست ‪ -‬كنافة‬‫ بسبوسة تركية ‪ -‬معمول بقشطة‬‫ معمول األعياد بكافة النكهات‬‫ حالوة مشيسة شغل لبنان سادة‬‫وباملكسرات ‪ -‬قوالب كايك لكافة‬ ‫املناسبات‪ ..‬وغريها الكثري‬

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‫تقيم حفل تخرج للطالب‬ ‫في مدرسة كارولين سبرينغ‬

‫احمد يونس – ملبورن‬

‫اقامت مدر�سة اللغات في فكتوريا‬ ‫حفل تخرج لطالب ال�صف االول والثاني والثالث في‬ ‫مدر�سة كارولين �سبرينغ التي يتعلمون فيها اللغة العربية‪.‬‬ ‫ح�ضر الحفل عدد من الطالب واهاليهم‪.‬‬ ‫بداية رحبت المعلمة �شهناز بالح�ضور وخا�صة اهالي‬ ‫الطالب وحثتهم على متابعة وت�شجيع اوالدهم من اجل‬ ‫تعليم واتقان اللغة العربية كما قدمت ال�شكر لكل من‬ ‫�ساهم وي�ساهم في هذا البرنامج‪ .‬وتم عر�ض م�سرحية‬ ‫باللغة العربية عن القلم والممحاة وعن ا�صابع اليد وقد‬ ‫اح�سن الطالب في االداء والكلمات‪.‬‬ ‫وق��د اك��د مدير ‪�� VSL‬ص��ادق ك��اغ��دا���س الم�سو�ؤل عن‬ ‫ثالثة م��درا���س في المنطقة الغربية على اهمية اللغة‬ ‫وحث االهالي على ت�شجيع االهل لتعليم اوالده��م اللغة‬ ‫العربية‪،‬خا�صة ان الحكومة تغطي تكاليف هذا البرنامج‬ ‫في المدار�س الر�سمية‪.‬وا�شار الى ان برنامج تعليم اللغة‬ ‫‪VSL‬‬

‫لل�سنة الدرا�سية القادمة يبدا في ‪.2017-2-11‬‬ ‫يذكر ان مدر�سة اللغات في فكتوريا ‪ VSL‬هي م�ؤ�س�سة‬ ‫تعليمية تابعة للمدار�س الحكومية‪ ،‬تقدم برنامج اللغات‬ ‫للطالب من جميع الجاليات االثنية من ابتداء من ال�صف‬ ‫االول ولغاية المرحلة الثانوية ‪ VCE‬لدرا�سة اللغة التي‬ ‫يختارونها في ظل مجتمع متنوع في المدار�س الر�سمية‪.‬‬ ‫ت�أ�س�ست ‪� VSL‬سنة ‪ 1935‬وبد�أت بتقديم الدرو�س باللغة‬ ‫االيطالية واليابانية من كل نهار �سبت‪.‬وحاليا يتوفر تعليم‬ ‫اكثر من اربعين لغة في العديد من المدرا�س في والية‬ ‫فكتوريا لطالب ي�صل عددعم لحوالي ‪ 13000‬طالب‪.‬‬ ‫وبرنامج تعليم اللغة يقدم نهار ال�سبت لمدة ن�صف �ساعة‬ ‫للمرحلة االبتدائية واكثر من ث�لاث �ساعات للمرحلة‬ ‫الثانوية‪.‬‬ ‫وللمزيد من المعلومات عن مدر�سة اللغات في فكتوريا‬ ‫الرجاء االطالع على ‪‬‬

‫!‪Offer until the end of January 2017‬‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬

‫قطر تحيي يومها الوطني‬

‫بالتضامن مع حلب‬ ‫الجزيرة نت‬

‫احيت قطر يومها الوطني في الثامن ع�شر من دي�سمبر قانون‬ ‫اول ‪ ،٢٠١٦‬وقد قررت الحكومة القطرية تكري�س فعاليات اليوم الوطني للدولة‬ ‫لن�صرة و�إغاثة المدنيين في حلب الذين خ�ضعوا لح�صار مرير وق�صف عنيف‬ ‫قبل تهجيرهم من ديارهم‪.‬‬ ‫وقد �أطلقت خم�س م�ؤ�س�سات خيرية حملة وا�سعة لن�صرة �سوريا وو�ضعت مئة‬ ‫�صندوق لجمع التبرعات في الأ�سواق والمجمعات والأماكن العامة‪.‬‬ ‫كما �أعلنت م�ؤ�س�سات ثقافية وترفيهية و�سياحية وريا�ضية عن تنظيم �أن�شطة‬ ‫مختلفة �سيذهب ريعها ل�صالح �سكان مدينة حلب‪.‬‬ ‫وت�أتي هذه الخطوة بعد �أن �أ�صدر �أمير قطر ال�شيخ تميم بن حمد �آل ثاني قرارا‬ ‫ب�إلغاء كل مظاهر االحتفال في اليوم الوطني للدولة ت�ضامنا مع نكبة المدنيين‬ ‫في حلب ال�سورية‪.‬‬ ‫ونقلت و�سائل الإع�لام القطرية �أن��ه بتوجيهات من الأمير “ت�ستنفر كافة‬ ‫م�ؤ�س�سات ووزارات الدولة لدعم �أكبر حملة تبرعات لن�صرة ال�شعب ال�سوري‬ ‫تحت �شعار “حلب_لبيه” في منطقة درب ال�ساعي‪.‬‬ ‫ودعت اللجنة المنظمة لالحتفاالت �إلى التبرع م�ساند ًة للأ�شقاء في �سوريا‪،‬‬ ‫حيث توا�صلت الفعاليات دون توقف من الثامنة �صباحا حتى العا�شرة م�ساء‬ ‫لإتاحة الفر�صة لأكبر عدد من الجمهور للتبرع كل على قدر ا�ستطاعته‪.‬‬ ‫وقد بثت القنوات القطرية فعاليات الحملة ب�شكل مبا�شر في اليوم الوطني‪.‬‬ ‫وو�سط التعبئة الر�سمية وال�شعبية‪� ،‬شهدت منطقة درب ال�ساعي �إقباال كبيرا‬ ‫من المتبرعين‪ ,‬ولذلك �شكلت اللجنة فرق تنظيم منع ًا لالزدحام‪.‬‬ ‫وحددت اللجنة موقعا خا�صا ال�ستقبال التبرعات العينية من م�صوغات ذهبية‬ ‫ومجوهرات و�ساعات ثمينة وغيرها‪.‬‬ ‫وت�ضمنت فعاليات ن�صرة حلب فقرات متنوعة قدمها فنانون و�شعراء قطريون‪،‬‬

‫انتصر الموت في حلب‬ ‫فهمي هويدي‬

‫انت�صر الموت في حلب‪ .‬وه ّلل‬ ‫الذين �أغرقوا المدينة في الدم‪ ،‬وق�صفوها‬ ‫بوابل من البراميل المتفجرة وال�صواريخ‬ ‫ال �ف��راغ �ي��ة واالرت��ج��اج��ي��ة‪ ،‬ف�ي�م��ا �أط �ل �ق��وا‬ ‫المجنزرات وال�شبيحة لكي تجهز على بقايا‬ ‫الحياة فيها‪ .‬لي�س ذلك �أ�سو�أ ما في الأمر‪،‬‬ ‫لأننا جميع ًا وقفنا ذاهلين ومعقودي الأل�سنة‬ ‫في م�شهد عجز عربي �أع��اد �إل��ى الأذه��ان‬ ‫�صفحة الموت والخزي التي �شهدتها بغداد‬ ‫حين اجتاحها المغول في القرن الثالث ع�شر‬ ‫الميالدي‪ .‬وه��ي الواقعة التي و�صفها ابن‬ ‫الأثير �صاحب «الكامل في التاريخ» بالحادثة‬ ‫العظمى والم�صيبة الكبرى التي عقمت الأيام‬ ‫والليالي عن مثلها‪ ،‬حتى �أنه وهو ي�ستح�ضر‬ ‫ما جرى فيها من خراب ودمار ودماء قال‪:‬‬

‫«من الذي يهون عليه ذكر ذلك؟ فيا ليت �أمي‬ ‫مت قبل حدوثها وكنت‬ ‫لم تلدني‪ ،‬ويا ليتني ّ‬ ‫ن�سي ًا من�سي ًا»‪.‬‬ ‫الهول الذي ف�صل فيه الم�ؤرخون عن خراب‬ ‫بغداد لم يختلف كثير ًا عن م�ضمون التقرير‬ ‫ال��ذي �أ��ص��دره مكتب حقوق الإن�سان التابع‬ ‫للأمم المتحدة يوم ‪ ١٣‬كانون الأول الحالي‪،‬‬ ‫وذك��ر فيه م�شاهد الإب��ادة التي تعر�ض لها‬ ‫المدنيون في �شرق حلب على �أي��دي المغول‬ ‫الجدد‪ ،‬الذين اقتحموا البيوت وقتلوا من‬ ‫فيها والح �ق��وا ال �ف��اري��ن م��ن ال �م��وت‪ ،‬ول��م‬ ‫يرحموا فيهم �شيخ ًا وال �صبي ًا وال ام��ر�أة‪.‬‬ ‫حدث ذلك فيما دمرت الم�ست�شفيات و�أبيدت‬ ‫طواقمها كما خربت ال�م��دار���س والمرافق‬ ‫وال�م�لاج��ئ‪ ،‬ول��م ي�ت��رك ال�ط�ي��ران الرو�سي‬ ‫بناية �أو عمران ًا �إال ا�ستهدفه‪ .‬وفيما �سيطر‬ ‫الرو�س على الج ّو ف�إن الميلي�شيات العراقية‬

‫واللبنانية والأفغانية مع عنا�صر جي�ش الأ�سد‬ ‫و�شبيحته‪ ،‬ه�ؤالء جميع ًا تولوا مهمة الإجهاز‬ ‫على من نجا من الموت على الأر�ض‪.‬‬ ‫م��ا يبعث على ال �خ��زي والأ� �س��ى‪� ،‬أن��ه حين‬ ‫ك��ان �أه��ال��ي ح�ل��ب ي�ست�صرخون ال�ضمير‬ ‫العربي والإ��س�لام��ي وال��دول��ي ف ��إن الجميع‬ ‫�ص ّموا �آذانهم‪ ،‬و�شغلوا بالمحادثات و�إ�صدار‬ ‫البيانات وعقد ال�صفقات ال�سيا�سية‪ .‬حتى‬ ‫العالم العربي لم تخرج فيه مظاهرة تعبر‬ ‫ع��ن ا�ستنكار م��ا ي�ج��ري �أو الت�ضامن مع‬ ‫ال�شعب ال��ذي يتعر�ض ل�ل�إب��ادة‪ ،‬ف�ض ًال عن‬ ‫�أن الأنظمة العربية اختلفت مواقفها و�شغلت‬ ‫بم�شكالتها الداخلية‪ ،‬الأم��ر الذي �أخرجها‬ ‫من دائرة الت�أثير ف�ض ًال عن الفعل‪.‬‬ ‫ما ج��رى في حلب يمثل ج��زء ًا من الكارثة‬ ‫ال �ك �ب��رى ال �ت��ي ت�شهدها � �س��وري��ا م�ن��ذ نحو‬ ‫خم�س � �س �ن��وات‪ ،‬ح�ي��ن خ��رج��ت الجماهير‬

‫برج ال�شعلة القطري اكت�سى في اليوم الوطني باللون الأحمر ت�ضامنا مع‬ ‫حلب ال�سورية (الجزيرة)‬ ‫�إلى جانب خطب حثت الجمهور على البذل ن�صر ًة لل�سوريين‪.‬‬ ‫و�شارك �سوق واقف التراثي في الحملة “حيث بادر ‪ 89‬م�شروع ًا بتخ�صي�ص‬ ‫ريعها للحملة كل ح�سب مقدرته‪ .‬وذل��ك تحقيق ًا للم�س�ؤولية االجتماعية‬ ‫والإن�سانية”‪.‬‬

‫في تظاهرات �سلمية في درع��ا داعية �إلى‬ ‫�إ�صالح النظام‪ ،‬وحين جاء الرد من خالل‬ ‫القمع وال�شبيحة ف�إن الحالمين بالتغيير لم‬ ‫يجدوا مفر ًا من المطالبة ب�إ�سقاط النظام‪.‬‬ ‫وكانت ح�صيلة المواجهات التي تحولت �إلى‬ ‫�صراع م�سلح منذ ذلك الحين و�إلى الآن ما‬ ‫يلي‪ :‬قتل ما بين ‪� ٤٠٠‬أل��ف ون�صف مليون‬ ‫� �س��وري‪� ..‬إ�صابة ثمانية ماليين ب�إعاقات‬ ‫ج�سدية‪ ،‬وتدمير ثلث م��دار���س �سوريا وكل‬ ‫مدار�س �شرق حلب‪ ..‬نزوح ن�صف ال�شعب �إلى‬ ‫مناطق �أخرى داخل �سوريا وخارجها‪ ،،‬ثالثة‬ ‫ع�شر مليون �شخ�ص �أ�صبحوا بحاجة �إلى‬ ‫م�ساعدات بينهم خم�سة ماليين و‪� ٨٠٠‬ألف‬ ‫طفل‪ ..‬وجود �أكثر من مليون �شخ�ص تحت‬ ‫الح�صار و�سبعة ماليين و‪� ٩٠٠‬ألف �أ�صبحوا‬ ‫يعي�شون في مناطق يتعذر الو�صول �إليها‪..‬‬ ‫ثمانون بالمائة من ال�سوريين �أ�صبحوا تحت‬

‫حد الفقر‪.‬‬ ‫�إن �سقوط حلب بين �أي��دي المغول الجدد‬ ‫يمثل �ضربة موجعة حق ًا‪ ،‬لكنه ال ينهي القتال‬ ‫الدائر‪ ،‬الأمر الذي يعني �أنه �سوف يتوا�صل‬ ‫في مناطق �أخرى‪ .‬من ثم ف�إن الكارثة �ستظل‬ ‫م�ستمرة‪ ،‬لكن ما يده�شنا لي�س فقط ذلك‬ ‫ال�صمت المخيم على العالم العربي �إزاء‬ ‫ما يجري‪ ،‬و�إنما �أي�ض ًا �أن يو�صف الحا�صل‬ ‫في �سوريا ب�أنه حرب �ضد «الإره��اب»‪ ،‬وك�أن‬ ‫ممار�سات النظام ال�سوري بريئة منه‪� ،‬أو �أن‬ ‫يو�صف في بع�ض و�سائل الإع�ل�ام العربية‬ ‫ب�أنه تحرير‪ ،‬فيما يعلم القا�صي والداني �أنه‬ ‫تمهيد لب�سط النفوذ الرو�سي والإيراني الذي‬ ‫لواله ل�سقط نظام الأ�سد منذ �سنوات‪.‬‬



‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬

‫الزعيم‪ :‬إسماعيل األزهري‬ ‫كتب‪ :‬أحمد شريف‬

‫كثيرون ه��م ال��ذي��ن تدفعهم �أرح��ام‬ ‫الأم� �ه ��ات �إل ��ى ال �ع��ال��م ك��ل ي ��وم‪ ،‬وك �ث �ي��رون هم‬ ‫ال��ذي��ن تبتلع القبور �أج�سادهم ك��ل ي��وم‪ ،‬وبين‬ ‫ه��ؤالء و�أولئك قليلون‪ ،‬جدا هم الذين ي�سطرون‬ ‫�أ�سماءهم ب�أحرف من نور؛ لتبقى معالم ورموز‬ ‫تلتفت �إليها االجيال من بعدهم‪.‬‬ ‫ال�سودان ي�ضيء �شمعة ميالد �إ�ستقالله الـ‬ ‫‪ 60‬ف��ي الأول م��ن يناير ‪ ،2017‬وف��ي مثل‬ ‫ه��ذه المنا�سبة‪ ،‬يظل الزعيم �إ�سماعيل‬ ‫الأزهري‪� ،‬أول رئي�س وزراء لأول حكومة‬ ‫�سودانية‪ ،‬بكل �إباء و�شموخ‪.‬‬ ‫در�س �أحد �أج��داده بالأزهر ال�شريف‬ ‫بم�صر‪ ،‬فحمل ل�ق��ب (الأزه � ��ري)‪.‬‬ ‫ول ��د ال��زع �ي��م ع ��ام ‪� ،1900‬إل�ت�ح��ق‬ ‫بكلية غ ��ردون ال�ت��ذك��اري��ة – جامعة‬ ‫ال�خ��رط��وم حاليا – ع��ام ‪ 1917‬بق�سم‬ ‫المعلمين ‪ ،‬وتخرج فيها عام ‪ ، 1921‬ثم �أبتعث‬ ‫�إل��ى الجامعة الأمريكية ببيروت‪ ،‬وتخ�ص�ص في‬ ‫الريا�ضيات عام ‪� .1930‬إ�شتغل بال�سيا�سة في باكورة عمره‬ ‫‪ ،‬فبرزت �شخ�صيته ال�سيا�سية بكلية غ��ردون التذكارية‪،‬‬ ‫و�إن�ضمامه �إلى م�ؤتمر الخرجيين الذي ت�أ�س�س عام ‪1942‬‬ ‫كمفكر �سيا�سي لمقارعة الإ�ستعمار في �أبهى �صور المقارعة‬ ‫والممانعة‪.‬‬ ‫ول�م��ا ك��ان��ت تلك ال�ف�ت��رة ملتهبة بال�شعور ال��وط�ن��ي �ضد‬ ‫المطامع الإ�ستعمارية ممثلة في البريطانيين الذين ب�سطوا‬ ‫نفوذهم على �شمال وجنوب ال��وادي‪ ،‬فكان من الطبيعي‬ ‫�أن تكون الطليعة ال�سودانية الم�ستنيرة بقدر الم�س�ؤولية‬ ‫في مواجهة تلك الأهداف‪� ،‬سيما و�أنها قد ت�سلحت بالعلم‬ ‫والفكر‪ ،‬هذا على الرغم من وج��ود خالفات في طريقة‬ ‫الو�صول �إل��ى البرلمان الوطني الم�ستقل‪� ،‬إ َّال �أن الهدف‬ ‫في نهاية المطاف‪ ،‬تمحور في تحقيق تطلعات ال�شعب‬ ‫ال�سوداني في الحرية والإنعتاق من ربقة الإ�ستعمار‪ ،‬وهو ما‬ ‫يت�ضح في رمز مو�ضوعنا �إ�سماعيل الأزهري‪ ،‬الذي ينتمي‬ ‫�سيا�سيا �إلى الحزب الإتحادي الديمقراطي الذي كان يرى‬ ‫الإ�ستقالل عن طريق الإتحاد مع م�صر – الطرف الثاني‬

‫في فترة الحكم الثنائي لل�سودان‪، -‬‬ ‫�أمام حزب الأمة الذي رفع �شعار‬ ‫الإ�ستقالل المبا�شر‪.‬‬ ‫ال� ��زع � �ي� ��م �إ�� �س� �م ��اع� �ي ��ل‬ ‫الأزه� � � � � � � � � ��ري رغ � ��م‬ ‫�إنتمائه �سيا�سيا �إلى‬ ‫ل� �ح ��زب الإت � �ح� ��ادي‬ ‫ال��دي �م �ق��راط��ي‪� ،‬إال‬ ‫�أن� ��ه وت �ح��ت ت��أث�ي��ر‬ ‫ال �� �ش �ع��ور ال��وط �ن��ي‬ ‫المتنامي ب�ضرورة‬ ‫�إ�ستقالل ال�سودان‬ ‫دون مناق�شة الإتحاد‬ ‫مع م�صر‪ ،‬وبم�ساندة‬ ‫الحركة الإ�ستقاللية‪،‬‬ ‫تقدم الزعيم ب�إقتراح‬ ‫�إع�لان الإ�ستقالل من‬ ‫داخ ��ل ال �ب��رل �م��ان‪ .‬من‬ ‫هنا تقلد و�سام الزعامة‬ ‫عن جدارة ‪ .‬فقد مر بال�سودان‬ ‫ر�ؤ� �س��اء كثر ط��وال ال �ـ ‪60‬ع��ام��ا ‪،‬كما م��ر بطريق ال��وزارة‬ ‫�شخ�صيات ي�صعب ح�صرها‪ ،‬وعلماء ومفكرون كثر‪� ،‬إال �أنه‬ ‫ومنذ �أن ُعرف ال�سودان في الع�صر الحديث‪ ،‬ال يعرف �إال‬ ‫زعيما واحدا‪ ،‬لم يناف�سه �أحد‪،‬وال يزال يتربع على عر�ش‬ ‫الزعامة دونما منازعة من �أح��د‪ ،‬مهما �أوت��ي من دهاء‬ ‫ال�سيا�سة قديمها وجديدها‪.‬‬ ‫ال��ذي يطالع كتاب ( الطريق �إل��ى البرلمان ) للزعيم‬ ‫�إ�سماعيل الأزه��ري يفاج�أ ب�شخ�صية �سيا�سية نادرة‪ .‬فهو‬ ‫المعلم من الطراز الأول‪ ،‬كما �أنه ال�سيا�سي المحنك ‪ ،‬وهو‬ ‫المعلم من جيل العمالقة المربين‪ ،‬بالإ�ضافة �إل��ى كونه‬ ‫�شخ�صية تعتز بعروبتها وعقيدتها رغم زيارته المبكرة‬ ‫لبريطانيا قبل �أن يعرفها الكثيرون ممن ي�شتغلون بال�سيا�سة‬ ‫في وقتنا الحالي‪ ،‬فقد زارها برفقة جدة‪ ،‬ولم تبهره مدينة‬ ‫ال�ضباب بهم�سها وجنونها‪ ،‬فقد ظلت ر�ؤي�ت��ه للأ�شياء‬ ‫بال �ضبابية‪ .‬عندما ق��ررت بريطانيا ت�أ�سي�س “مجل�س‬ ‫�إ�ست�شاري”؛ لوقف تطلعات م�ؤتمر الخريجيين عام ‪1943‬‬ ‫‪،‬عندئذ كان �أول رئي�س لحزب �سيا�سي في ال�سودان (حزب‬

‫أشهى وأفخر الحلويات اللبنانية والشرقية‬

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‫‪Lebanese & Arabic sweets‬‬

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‫الإ�شقاء) الذي �أ�س�سه الوطني الج�سور (يحيى الف�ضل)‪،‬‬ ‫عار�ض الزعيم ت�أ�سي�س ذلك المجل�س تعبيرا عن وطنيته‪،‬‬ ‫كما عار�ض ورفاقه �أن تكون الجبهة الت�شريعية الطريق نحو‬ ‫الإ�ستقالل‪ .‬و�أخيرا فاج�أ الجميع ب�إعالن الإ�ستقالل من‬ ‫داخل البرلمان‪.‬‬ ‫وفي ربيع ال�سودان ال��ذي �أط��اح بحكومة الرئي�س الراحل‬ ‫(�إبراهيم عبود) في ثورة عرفت بـ ( ثورة �أكتوبر المجيدة‬ ‫)‪ ،‬ولم يم�ض وقت طويل حتى �أ�صبح ال�سودان �أمام فترة‬ ‫جديدة في ال�ـ ‪ 25‬من مايو ع��ام ‪ 1969‬في �إنقالب قاده‬ ‫الرئي�س الراحل (جعفر النميري)‪ .‬وفي مفارقة الأق��دار‬ ‫مع الزعماء الوطنيين المخل�صين‪ ،‬وجد الزعيم �إ�سماعيل‬ ‫الأزه ��ري نف�سه مقيدا في �سجن (ك��وب��ر) �أ�شهر �سجون‬ ‫الأنظمة في ال�سودان !!‪ .‬وكما كان دخوله ال�سجن فاجعة‬ ‫لكل الوطنيين المخل�صين‪ ،‬ف�إن �سيناريو الرحيل هو الآخر‬ ‫كان �أكبر م�أ�ساة ال�سودان في تاريخه المعا�صر‪.‬‬ ‫بعد �أن �أحاط الع�سكر المنزل بالمدرعات (حي �أم درمان)‬ ‫في الـ ‪ 19‬من �أغ�سط�س عام ‪ ،1969‬نُقل الزعيم �إلى �سجن‬ ‫كوبر ال�شهير‪ ، .‬وعندما توفي �شقيقه‪ ،‬لم ُي�سمح له بت�شييع‬ ‫الجثمان‪� ،‬إ َّال بعد �صدور قرار من وزير داخلية نظام مايو‪.‬‬ ‫وبعد العودة �إلى منزله؛ لتلقي واجب الغزاء‪� ،‬ساءت حالته‬ ‫ال�صحية من �ضيقٍ في التنف�س �إث��ر نوبة قلبية مفاجئة‪،‬‬ ‫حيث لم يتمكن ذووه من نقله �إلى الخارج لتلقي العالج‪،‬‬ ‫كما�صدرت الأوام��ر ب��أن ُيعامل معاملة عادية كغيره من‬ ‫المر�ضى‪ ،‬دون �إي �إعتبار ل��دوره وزعامته الوطنية‪ .‬وفي‬ ‫ف�صل م�أ�ساوي �أ�شبه بالتراجيديا‪� ،‬أ�سلم الزعيم روحه‬ ‫الطاهرة �إل��ى بارئها‪ ،‬بعد نفاذ �أنبوبة الأوك�سجين التي‬ ‫�أُح�ضرت �إل��ى الم�ست�شفى‪ .‬ال��رواي��ات تقول ب ��أن الأنبوبة‬ ‫�أُح���ض��رت ف��ارغ��ة !!!! وك��ان الفقد الجلل ف��ي ال �ـ ‪ 26‬من‬ ‫�أغ�سط�س ‪.1969‬الإع�ل�ام الر�سمي نعى الزعيم بـ (توفي‬ ‫�إ�سماعيل الأزهري المعلم ال�سابق )!!! وبعد �سنوات �أن�ش�أ‬ ‫الأهالي مدر�سة متو�سطة للبنات تحمل �إ�سمه‪.‬‬ ‫وفي بدايات العام ‪� 1990‬صدر قرار جمهوري بتكوين لجنة‬ ‫لت�أهيل مدر�سة الزعيم ا�سماعيل الأزه��ري المتو�سطة‪،‬‬ ‫وتم ترقيتها �إلى جامعة قومية تحمل ا�سم الزعيم(جامعة‬ ‫الزعيم �إ�سماعيل االزهري)‪.‬‬ ‫رحم اهلل الزعيم ورفاقه الميامين رحمة وا�سعة‪ ،‬وعا�ش‬ ‫ال�سودان حرا �أبيا‪ ،‬مرفوع الهامة و�ضاح المحيا‪.‬‬

‫ب������ي������ت‬ ‫ال����زك����اة‬ ‫اســتراليا‬ ‫اعالن للطالب والطالبات‬ ‫المتفوقين في الشهادة‬ ‫الثانوية العامة لعام‬


‫ب�سم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬ ‫قال اهلل تعال ‪:‬‬

‫} َي ْر َف ِع اهلل ا َّل ِذينَ �آ َمنُواْ ِمن ُك ْم َوا َّل ِذينَ �أُوتُواْ‬ ‫ا ْل ِع ْل َم َد َر َج ٍات{‪.‬‬

‫الإحتفال الكبير لبيت الزكاة الخيري لطالب وطالبات‬ ‫المتفوقين في ال�شهادة الثانوية العامة لعام ‪ .2016‬بيت الزكاة‬ ‫ُي َك ّرم المتفوقين في ال�شهادة الثانوية العامة (‪ )HSC‬للعام‬ ‫الع�شرين‪.‬‬ ‫بيت الزكاة‪� -‬أ�ستراليا‪ ،‬كعادته كل عام‪ ،‬حر�صاً منه على ت�شجيع‬ ‫ال�شباب وال�شابات على التفوّق في التح�صيل العلمي‪� ،‬سيكرم‬ ‫الطالب الم�سلمين الذين تفوقوا في امتحانات ال�شهادة‬ ‫الثانوية (‪ ،)HSC‬في والية ‪ ،NSW‬لهذا العام وذلك في‬ ‫احتفال �سيقام خ�صي�صاً لهذه المنا�سبة القيّمة‪.‬‬ ‫ف�إذا كنت طالباً (�شاباً �أو �شاب ًة) تقدّمت لإمتحانات ال�شهادة‬ ‫الثانوية هذا العام‪ ،2016 ،‬وحق ّقت ‪� 90%‬أو �أكثر في النتائج‬ ‫النهائية‪ ،‬نرجو الإت�صال في بيت الزكاة لت�سجيل �إ�سمك وذلك‬ ‫قبل يوم الجمعة ‪� 24‬شباط ‪.2017‬‬ ‫رقم هاتف بيت الزكاة‪:‬‬ ‫‪02 9758 5288‬‬ ‫رقم فاك�س بيت الزكاة‪:‬‬ ‫‪02 9758 5299‬‬ ‫�أو بوا�سطة البريد الألكتروني ‪info@baytalzakat. :‬‬ ‫‪‬‬ ‫�أو الح�ضور الى بيت الزكاة على العنوان التالي‪:‬‬ ‫‪,47A Wangee Road‬‬ ‫‪Lakemba NSW 2195‬‬


‫آراء وقضايا‬

‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬

‫مفتى استراليا يوجه رسالة للعالم بمناسبة األعياد‬ ‫• كل عام والفرحة �أكثر والحزن‬ ‫�أق� � ��ل‪ ،‬ك ��ل ع� ��ام وال� �ح ��ب �أك �ب��ر‬ ‫والكراهية �أقل‪ ،‬كل عام والت�سامح‬ ‫�أو�سع والتع�صب �أقل‪.‬‬ ‫• لو تخيلنا �أن الر�سل العظام مو�سى‪ ،‬الم�سيح‬ ‫عي�سى ب��ن م��ري��م وم�ح�م��د ر� �س��ول اهلل بعثوا‬ ‫م��ن ج��دي��د وال �ت �ق��وا ف��ي عا�صمة م��ن عوا�صم‬ ‫ح�ضارتنا فماذا �سيفعلون وم��ا ال��ذى �سيقوله‬ ‫�أحدهم للآخر؟ و�أي �ش�أن �سيبحثون ؟‬ ‫• م�ج��رد خ�ي��ال لنف�س متعبة �أع �ي��اه��ا فهم‬ ‫الب�شر ممن يدعون محبة الر�سولين العظيمين‬ ‫ويدعون اتباعهما‪.‬‬ ‫• مجرد خيال لطفل برئ �شردته الحروب قبل‬ ‫�أن يدرك معنى الأطماع ومعنى الخطايا ومعنى‬ ‫الوح�شية ومعنى الإرهاب الذى تديره جماعات‬ ‫وت�ستثمره وت�ستثمر فيه دول و�أنظمة تملأ الدنيا‬ ‫بحديث عن حقوق الإن�سان وت�صدع ر�ؤو�س الب�شر‬ ‫بكالم طويل عن الحرية والديموقراطية وحق‬ ‫ال�شعوب في التحرر‪.‬‬ ‫• مجرد خيال لطفل بريئ لم يعرف حتى الآن‬ ‫معنى الأمن في دنيا ومجتمع دولي �صنع للأمن‬ ‫مجل�سا و�صنع في مقابله �أكثر من ع�شرين طنا‬ ‫من المتفجرات لكل �إن�سان على الأر�ض‪.‬‬ ‫• مجرد خيال لطفل �أو طفلة بريئة كانت‬ ‫تخرب�ش بري�شتها على حائط غرفتها‪ ،‬وتر�سم‬ ‫على �صفحة دفترها م�ستقبال لها حين تكبر‬ ‫وتكون عرو�سا‪ ،‬ثم تكبر وتكون �أم��ا لطفل كما‬ ‫كانت �أمها ‪.‬‬ ‫• مجرد خيال لطفلة في عيد الميالد تنتظر‬ ‫�سانت كلوز ليمنحها هدية كل عام وي�ضع قبلة‬ ‫حب على وجنتيها‪.‬‬ ‫• مجرد خيال طاهر لم يتنج�س بحيل الكبار‬ ‫وخ��داع �ه��م‪ ،‬ول��م ي�ع��رف م��ن الدنيا غير وجه‬ ‫واح� ��د ه��و ال �� �ص��دق وال �� �ص��راح��ة وال��و� �ض��وح‪،‬‬ ‫ول��م تتلوث فطرته ب��ازدواج�ي��ة المعايير التي‬ ‫اخترعتها الإن�سانية في ع�صر ح�ضارة التزييف‬ ‫والتحريف واغت�صاب الحقوق التي تقول �شيئا‬ ‫وتق�صد نقي�ضه‪ ،‬وتتحدث ع��ن ال�سالم وهي‬ ‫تق�صد الحرب‪ ،‬وتزين مجال�سها بحديث المحبة‬ ‫وهي تن�شر الكراهية‪ ،‬وت�شيد بقيم الت�سامح وهي‬ ‫تق�سم النا�س بين �سادة وعبيد‪ ،‬و�أغنياء وفقراء‪،‬‬ ‫و�شمال وجنوب‪.‬‬ ‫• المجد هلل في الأعالي وعلى االر�ض ال�سالم‬ ‫وفي النا�س الم�سرة‪.‬‬ ‫• قالها الم�سيح من قبل وكررها و�أ�ضاف �إليها‬ ‫محمد �صلوات اهلل و�سالمه عليهما معا‬ ‫ل��ن ت��دخ�ل��وا ال�ج�ن��ة ح�ت��ى ت ��ؤم �ن��وا ول��ن ت��ؤم�ن��وا‬

‫حتي تحابوا‪� ،‬أال �أدلكم على �شيء �إذا فعلتموه‬ ‫تحاببتم‪� ،‬أف�شوا ال�سالم بينكم‪.‬‬ ‫• الحكمة دائما تحتاج �أذان��ا �صاغية‪ ،‬و�أبناء‬ ‫ح�ضارتنا في �آذان�ه��م وق��ر ال�سيطرة والتمدد‬ ‫وب�سط النفوذ والح�صول على البترول‪ .‬ولو كان‬ ‫الثمن �آالف ال�ضحايا‪.‬‬ ‫• في �آذانهم وقر الرغبة المجنونة في �صناعة‬ ‫�أدوات ال�م��وت والقتل والتدمير وغ��رور القوة‬ ‫وكبرياء التع�صب‪.‬‬ ‫• في �آذانهم �صوت الوح�ش حين ت�سيطر عليه‬ ‫غرائز اقتنا�ص الفري�سة‪،‬وال�شرب من دمائها‬ ‫ولو كانت م�سالمة وخلفها �أيتام‪.‬‬ ‫• المجد هلل في الأع��ال��ي ه��ذا حق ال ينازع‬ ‫عاقل فيه‪ ،‬غير �أن هناك من الب�شر المهازيل‬ ‫من يريد �أن ينازع اهلل في المجد‪ ،‬وم��ن يريد‬ ‫�أن ي�سلبه �سلطانه في الأر�ض وال�سموات‬ ‫• ه�ن��اك م��ن الب�شر م��ن عميت �أب�صارهم‬ ‫وت���ض�خ��م غ ��روره ��م وت��و� �س �ع��ت ب�ح�ج��م الأف ��ق‬ ‫�أطماعهم‪ ،‬فال ي�ؤمنون �إال بمنطق ال�ق��وة‪ ،‬وال‬ ‫يعترفون بقوة المنطق‪ .‬يفر�ضون على الآخرين‬ ‫بقوة ال�سالح �سيا�ستهم ور�أيهم ور�ؤيتهم‪.‬‬ ‫• المجد لك یا مظهر النور‪ ،‬المجد هلل في‬ ‫ال�ع�ل��ى‪ ،‬وع �ل��ى الأر�� ��ض ال �� �س�لام‪ ،‬وف��ي النا�س‬ ‫الم�سرة‬ ‫• يا مظهر النور عمت حياتنا ظلمات الخطايا‬ ‫بفعل ت�ج��ار ال �ح��روب و�سا�سة فا�شلون فقدوا‬ ‫�ضمائرهم ‪.‬‬ ‫• يا مظهر النور انطف�أ �سراج الدنيا بفعل جور‬ ‫الإن�سان وظلم الإن�سان للإن�سان ‪.‬‬ ‫• يا مظهر النور طال ظالم الليل وغاب الفجر‬ ‫وت�ساقطت على الب�شر �أل��وان الم�صائب ف�أدرك‬ ‫الفقراء والم�ساكين والذين �شردوا من ديارهم‪،‬‬ ‫وفقدوا �أبناءهم و�آباءهم‬ ‫• يا مظهر النور خيب مجل�س الأم��ن �أم��ال‬ ‫ال�ضعفاء ف��ي تحقيق الأم���ن‪ ،‬و�ضيعت الأم��م‬ ‫المتحدة حقوق ال�ضعفاء في العي�ش بكرامة‪.‬‬ ‫• المجد هلل في الأعالي‪ ،‬هذا حق‪ ،‬لكن في‬ ‫الأ�سفل من يقهر الإن�سانية ويذلها وي�ستبيح‬ ‫دم ��اءه ��ا وع �ل��ي الأر� � ��ض وم ��ن ي �� �س �ك��رون ب��دم‬ ‫الإن�سان وال يتطهرون‪.‬‬ ‫• �أي �ه��ا الم�سيح ال�ع�ظ�ي��م‪ ،‬وي ��أي �ه��ا ال��ر��س��ول‬ ‫الكريم محمد �أو�صيتمونا ومعكم كل الأنبياء‬ ‫ال �ع �ظ��ام �أن ي �ك��ون ع�ل��ى الأر�� ��ض � �س�لام وف��ي‬ ‫النا�س الم�سرة‪ ،‬ولكن الآن على الأر���ض �سيوف‬ ‫مجنونة‪ ،‬وقنابل فراغية وغازات �سامة و�أ�سلحة‬ ‫دمار �شامل تهدد الدنيا ٌب�إرهاب وح�شي تمار�سه‬ ‫جماعات وتنظيمات‪ ،‬وتمار�سه دول د�أب��ت على‬

‫د‪ .‬إبراهيم أبو محمد‬ ‫مفتي عام استراليا‬

‫ال�شرور والفتنة و�إ�شعال الحروب‪ ،‬تقتات على‬ ‫دم��اء الآخ��ري��ن فت�صنع الإره ��اب وت��دع��ي �أنها‬ ‫تحاربه‬ ‫• لي�س على الأر���ض �سالم‪ ،‬و�إن كنا نتمناه‬ ‫ونرجوه‪.‬‬ ‫• على الأر�ض حروب �أ�شعل فتيلها ج�شع الكبار‬ ‫�أ� �ص �ح��اب م�صانع ال���س�لاح ال��ذي��ن يتع�شقون‬ ‫الخراب ويتفننون في تكنولوجيا الموت‪ ،‬حتى‬ ‫�أكلوا خبز ال�صغار وجوعوهم‬ ‫• لي�س علي الأر�ض �سالم‪ ،‬ولكن على الأر�ض‬ ‫�إرهاب للجماعات و�إرهاب للدول‪ ،‬فانظر بعين‬ ‫ع��دال�ت��ك �إل��ى المعذبين ف��ي الأر� ��ض ي��ام��ن له‬ ‫المجد في ال�سموات‪.‬‬ ‫• المجد هلل في الأعالي وعلى الأر�ض ال�سالم‬ ‫وف��ي النا�س الم�سرة‪� ،‬أل �ف��اظ جميلة ي��ردده��ا‬ ‫وي �ت��رن��م ب�ه��ا ال �م��وم �ن��ون ف��ي ال �م �ع��اب��د‪ ،‬لكنها‬ ‫�أمنيات حطمتها دهاليز ال�سيا�سة وقتلها ج�شع‬ ‫الكبار وظلمهم‬ ‫• على الأر���ض ال�سالم وفي النا�س الم�سرة‪،‬‬ ‫�أمنيات للأبرياء والأطهار عجزت �أنظمة الب�شر‬ ‫ب�سوء �أخالقهم و�سواد قلوبهم و�سوء نواياهم‬ ‫ع��ن تحقيقها �أو حتي تحقيق بع�ضها‪ ،‬حتى‬ ‫�أ�ضحت الب�شرية اليوم على �شفا حفرة من نيران‬ ‫حرب عالمية ثالثة تغتال الحياة‬ ‫• على الأر���ض ال�سالم‪ ،‬في النا�س الم�سرة‪،‬‬ ‫ي��ا لها م��ن �أم�ن�ي��ات ت�ستطيبها �آذان الفقراء‬ ‫وال�ضعفاء وم��ن ��ش��ردوا م��ن دي��اره��م و�سالت‬ ‫على الأر���ض دماوهم وان�سابت دموع من تبقى‬ ‫منهم علي قيد الحياة وهو ي�صارع الموت في‬

‫البحر بحثا عن م ��أوى و�سط بقايا ح�ضارة لم‬ ‫ت�ستبق للإن�سانية �شيئا بعدما �سلبت منها كل‬ ‫�شيء بغير ذنب‪.‬‬ ‫• هل فعال في النا�س الم�سرة ؟ ومن هم النا�س‬ ‫ي��ا ت��رى ال��ذي��ن بقيت لهم الم�سرة بعدما عم‬ ‫الخوف والفزع والقلق‪ ،‬وطالت يد الإره��اب كل‬ ‫�شيء‪� ،‬إره��اب المنظمات والجماعات و�إره��اب‬ ‫الكبار �أي�ضا‪.‬‬ ‫• و�أي �أر�ض تلك التي تنعم بال�سالم كما نردد‬ ‫في ترانيم الميالد؟‬ ‫• يا نور النور ومر�سل النور مع كل الأنبياء‬ ‫بما فيهم الم�سيح ومحمد‪� ،‬أتباعهم في الدنيا‬ ‫قلبوا كل الموازين‪ ،‬وحطموا كل قيم العدالة‬ ‫وخ��رق��وا ك��ل ق��وان�ي��ن المحبة‪ ،‬ف���س��ادت بينهم‬ ‫الكراهية وانت�شر بينهم التع�صب وغابت قوانين‬ ‫الب�شر لتحل مكانها فو�ضى الغابات‪.‬‬ ‫• �أيها الر�سل المحبون للب�شر‪� ،‬أتباعكم �ضلوا‬ ‫الطريق وخانوا الأمانة ونق�ضوا كل عهود الخير‬ ‫و�سيطر عليهم ال�شيطان ف�أن�ساهم �سبل المحبة‪،‬‬ ‫وتذكروا فقط كيف يبدعون في القتل والترويع‬ ‫و�إ�شاعة الفزع والرعب حتى بين الطفولة البريئة‬ ‫فحطمت منها الأج�ساد و�سلبت منها البراءة‪،‬‬ ‫ودمرت ما تبقي لها من �أمل وحطمت ما تبقى‬ ‫لها من م�أوى و�شردتها في البرد القار�س وتحت‬ ‫الجليد‪.‬‬ ‫• معا يقف العظماء مو�سى والم�سيح ومحمد‪،‬‬ ‫يعانق كل منهم الآخ��ر‪ ،‬ويب�سط كل منهم يده‬ ‫وقلبه لل�شاردين من الأتباع معاتبين‪� ،‬أو�صينكم‬ ‫ب��ال�م�ح�ب��ة ف �ل �م��اذا ت�ت�ف�ن�ن��ون ف��ي ال �ك��راه �ي��ة‪،‬‬ ‫و�أو�صيناكم بالعدل والق�سطا�س الم�ستقيم‪،‬‬ ‫فلماذا تفر�ضون على الخلق المظالم؟ �أو�صيناكم‬ ‫بالم�ساواة بين النا�س‪ ،‬فلماذا يتع�صب بع�ضكم‬ ‫�ضد البع�ض؟‬ ‫• �ألم نقل لكم �إن على الأر�ض �سالما؟ فلماذا‬ ‫على الأر�ض ذئاب وحراب وعذاب؟‬ ‫• ف ��إذا ب�صوت من �أعماق البرية يقول‪ :‬يا‬ ‫�أيها الر�سل العظام �أتباعكم قد غيروا وبدلوا‬ ‫وان�ت���ش��ر فيهم ن �ف��اق اب ��ن ��س�ل��ول و�أت� �ب ��اع اب��ن‬ ‫العلقمي كما انت�شرت خيانات ال�سامري ويهوذا‬ ‫وكذب الفري�سين ونفاق القراء‪ ،‬وزاد ال�شر �شرا‬ ‫با�ستبداد الطغاة والدكتاتوريات والجبابرة‪.‬‬ ‫• وتركوا �أنياب �إبلي�س تغر�س �سهامها في لحوم‬ ‫اليتامي والأرامل‪.‬‬ ‫• وبينما ي�سود الآف ��اق بمظالم الب�شر �إذا‬ ‫بينبوع الأم��ل ينطلق من جديد مذكرا بتعاليم‬ ‫الر�سل الكرام مو�سى والم�سيح ومحمد ليفتح‬ ‫من جديد كل �أبواب الخير والمحبة وال�سالم‪،‬‬

‫وليعالج اعوجاج الب�شر ويحمل عنهم بالتوبة‬ ‫ثقل خطاياهم‪ ،‬ينطلق ينبوع الأمل مناديا �أتباع‬ ‫مو�سى والم�سيح و�أتباع محمد معا �أيها الأتباع‬ ‫المثقلون بالخطايا والآث��ام‪ ،‬هبوا قد الح فجر‬ ‫التوبة‪ ،‬ف�سارعوا واخرجوا من ظلمات �أنف�سكم‪،‬‬ ‫و�أهوائكم‪ ،‬وكفوا عن العبث بالنا�س‪.‬‬ ‫• عودوا �إلي ترانيم المحبة وتذكروا و�صايانا‬ ‫في الت�سامح والمحبة‬ ‫بع�ضا ل ّأن‬ ‫• �أ ُّي �ه��ا الأح � ّب��اء‪،‬‬ ‫فليحب بع�ضنا ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫حب مولود هلل وعارف‬ ‫م‬ ‫ل‬ ‫�‬ ‫ك‬ ‫المح ّبة من اهلل‪ ،‬و ُ ّ‬ ‫باهلل‪،‬‬ ‫يحب ال يعرف اهلل ل ّأن اهلل مح ّبة‪.‬‬ ‫• َمن ال ّ‬ ‫�إذا قال �أح � ٌد‪� :‬إ ّن��ي �أح� ّ�ب اهلل وهو يبغ�ض �أخاه‬ ‫يحب �أخاه وهو يراه‪،‬ال‬ ‫كان كاذبا‪ ،‬ل ّأن الذي ال ّ‬ ‫ي�ستطيع �أن ي �ح� ّ�ب اهلل وه��و ال يراه” هكذا‬ ‫جاءتكم و�صايا (‪1‬يوحنّا ‪ .)20-7/4‬في ر�سالته‬ ‫الأولى‪.‬‬ ‫• وبلغتكم نف�س الر�سالة بمعناها وم�ضمونها‬ ‫ح�ي��ن وج�ه�ه��ا َر� �ُ�س ��ولُ َهّ ِ‬ ‫الل م�ح�م��د ��ص�ل��ى اهلل‬ ‫عليه و�سلم لأتباعه‪ :‬حين قال “ َوا َل ِّذي َنف ِْ�سي‬ ‫ِب َي ِد ِه ال ت َْدخُ ُلوا ال َْج َّن َة َح َتّى ُت�ؤ ِْمنُوا‪َ ،‬وال ُت�ؤ ِْمنُوا‬ ‫َح َتّى ت َ​َحا ُّبوا‪� ،‬أَ َوال �أَ ُد ُّل ُك ْم َع َلى �شَ ْي ٍء ِ�إذَ ا َف َع ْل ُت ُمو ُه‬ ‫الم َب ْينَكم‪.‬‬ ‫ال�س َ‬ ‫ت َ​َحا َب ْبت ُْم؟ �أَفْ�شُ وا َّ‬ ‫• ه�ك��ذا بلغتكم الو�صايا والتعاليم فلماذا‬ ‫تتعثرون وت�سقطون؟‬ ‫• �أخرجوا من �أزماتكم واعلموا �أن اهلل زودنا‬ ‫بقوة العقل وهي �أقوي من قوة ال�سالح‪ ،‬و�أن قوة‬ ‫الأخ�لاق هي التي تحمي الح�ضارات وتنت�صر‬ ‫ف��ي ال�ن�ه��اي��ة ع�ل��ى م��وج��ات ال���ش��ر والتع�صب‬ ‫والكراهية‪ ،‬لأن قوة الأخالق هي الأقوى‪.‬‬ ‫• واعلموا �أيها الأتباع �أن مفتاح تغيير العقول‬ ‫والمجتمعات والنا�س‪� ،‬إنما تبد�أ بالمحبة‪ ،‬لأنها‬ ‫هي اق�صر الطرق ال�ستجابة الوجدان الإن�ساني‬ ‫وفتح العقول‪ ،‬و�أن خدمة الآخرين هي �أق�صر‬ ‫الطرق و�أ�سرعها لأ�سر قلوبهم ونيل محبتهم‪.‬‬ ‫• اخرجوا من ظلماتكم وال ت�سمحوا لأحد �أن‬ ‫ي�ستدرج عقولكم لالغتيال بعدما ا�ستدرجوها‬ ‫للتخدير والتغييب والح�سرة‪ .‬فكانت ك��وارث‬ ‫المظالم والجرائم والمعتقالت والحروب‪.‬‬ ‫• تذكروا دائما �أن مجد هلل في الأعالي ال يغفل‬ ‫عمل يفعل الظالمون وال ينام‪ ،‬وثقوا �أن الحق‬ ‫�سينت�صر‪ ،‬ويتحقق على الأر���ض ال�سالم وفي‬ ‫النا�س الم�سرة‪.‬‬ ‫• كل عام والفرحة �أكثر والحزن �أقل‪ ،‬كل عام‬ ‫والحب �أكبر والكراهية �أقل‪ ،‬كل عام والت�سامح‬ ‫�أو�سع والتع�صب �أقل‪ ،‬كل عام والجميع بخير ‪.‬‬

‫تأمالت على رصيف عام جديد!‬ ‫ُّ‬ ‫أحمد شريف‬ ‫(خبير إعالمي – شاعر)‬

‫في مثل هكذا قدوم‪ ،‬تطير بنا ع�صافير الأيام‬ ‫التي �أودعناها ذكرياتنا‪ ،‬نحو مراتع الطفولة‪،‬‬ ‫ودهاليز ال�صبا‪ ،‬و�أزقة عنفوان ال�شباب �سوقا‪.‬‬ ‫ا�شتعلت هناك! نقر�أ �صفحاتها على‬ ‫نت�أمل تفا�صيلها التي‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ج��دار العمر هنا‪ ،‬بع�ضها بحاجة �إل��ى قوامي�س الطفولة‪،‬‬ ‫عمدا مكرهين‪ ،‬مثل ما تجو�س �أعما َرنا‬ ‫و�أخ��رى نتخطاها ً‬ ‫أيام وال�سنون‪.‬‬ ‫ال ُ‬ ‫رياحها الهوج �سفين َة‬ ‫في لحظات الت�أمل‪ ،‬ن�شاهد وم�ض ًة تهز َ‬ ‫ت�ساقط منها �أفكا ٌر‪ ،‬كما تتا�سق �أوراق الخريف!!‬ ‫العمر هزا‪َّ ،‬‬ ‫ورغم هذا النزيف العمري‪ ،‬تجدنا دوما ن�شتري تهاني ال�ضياع‬ ‫والحيرة؛ بعبارات ال توحي في م�شهدها العميق‪� ،‬إلى ال�شعور‬ ‫الدفين لهذا ال�ضياع لماذا؟ لأننا ال نملك غير التباكي على‬ ‫طريقة الفرح؟ �أم لأن الفرد منا ال يجيد غير ممار�سة ال�شعور‬ ‫العك�سي‪ ،‬عندما �أت��ى �إل��ی الحياة باكيا من ه��ول االنتظار‬ ‫والخوف من القادم؟ فال منا�ص �إذً ا من هذا الخوف �أو ذاك!!!‬ ‫فالخو�ض مع الخائ�ضين في مهب العمر‪� ،‬شكل من �أ�شكال‬ ‫التنافر العمري في الحياة‪.‬‬ ‫في ت�أمالتنا علی ر�صيف العمر ال��ذي يولي علی ال�صعيد‬ ‫العام‪ ،‬ال نرى فيه غير ال ِع َوج في كل المنعطفات‪ ،‬خا�صة علی‬ ‫�صعيد العالم النازف الذي ق َِدمنا منه‪ ،‬هو دوما هكذا �سواء‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫وعمد خارجي ثانيا‪ .‬والكل يمار�س‬ ‫بفعلٍ داخلي �أوال‪ ،‬وقهرٍ‬

‫ُلعبة الحياة!!! وال�سفن العابرة للأعمار‪ ،‬تنه�ش في �أج�سادنا‬ ‫بال هوادة‪ ،‬ويحلو اللهو والعربدة العمرية بالأماني ال ِعذاب‪،‬‬ ‫أجرا�س الترا�شق ال�سيا�سي والديني‬ ‫والخطباء فينا يد ُقّون � َ‬ ‫�أحيانا بال هدف‪ ،‬فت�شرئب الأعناقُ نحو ٍ‬ ‫غد �أف�ضل‪ ،‬مع الأ�سف‬ ‫في الغالب بال ف�ضيلة‪ .‬الكل ي�أكل من ظله وعمره المت�ساقط‪،‬‬ ‫ولم يبق في نعله غير العظام‪ .‬وت�أتي �سفينة الترحال وال�سفر‬ ‫الطويل‪ ،‬والنا�س حيری و�ضحكی من هول القدوم‪ ،‬فيباركون‬ ‫بع�ضهم بع�ضا بهذا الرحيل! �إنها الحياة‪ .‬الكبار يظلون كبارا‬ ‫حتی قدوم ُر َّبان ُجدد!!‪ ،‬وال�صغار في العزائم �أي�ضا �سيظلون‬ ‫�صغارا‪ ،‬مادام َمن علی ظهرها ي�ضحك للظالم‪ ،‬عال ٌم يدعو‬ ‫�إلى الت�أمل؟؟؟‬

‫هم الكبار؟ العالم يلهو في‬ ‫لماذا يقتلنا الكبار؟ يا ترى َمن ُ‬ ‫معركة الم�صطلحات والمفاهيم‪ ،‬والم�صالح‪ ،‬الحقيقة المرة‬ ‫الوحيدة‪ ،‬كلنا يدفع الثمن بال ا�ستثناء‪ ،‬وفي زمن واحد مع‬ ‫قدوم �سفينة الترحال‪ .‬غير � َّأن الفواتي َر تختلف في �ألوانها‬ ‫و�أختامها وجهة �إ�صدارها!! يا لها من م�سرحية زمنية‪ ،‬ال نملك‬ ‫فيها غير ال َتّهاني والتبريكات ِ‬ ‫الح�سان!! ال علينا‪ .‬فالنهايات‬ ‫هي البداية‪ ،‬والبدايات ما عادت �شهادة‪ ،‬كلنا في ال َّرحلِ عادة‪،‬‬ ‫يا وفادة‪ .‬الإرادة‪ ،‬تتمنى �أن ال ت�صاد!!‪.‬‬ ‫لماذا الكل يحمل في ُجعبته قدرا من عناد‪ ،‬وبع�ضا من عزيمة؟‬ ‫نحلم ٍ‬ ‫عالم‪ ،‬الف�ضيل ُة فيه تباع وال تُ�شترى‪ ،‬وفي‬ ‫بغد �أجمل في ٍ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫لمزاد‬ ‫�سوق ال�سيا�سة والم�صالح والمطامع‪ ،‬الكل مطرو ٌح‬ ‫علني‪ ،‬علها تحقق ربحا في دنيا ال نعرفها‪ ،‬الكل فيها خا�سر‬ ‫وحا�سر‪ ،‬ما لم ي�ضع نهاي ًة لمطامعه وال َتّقاتل‪ .‬في جوف هذا‬ ‫فتئت تنزاح في �أزقة الم�سافات‬ ‫العام‪ ،‬ت�سا�ؤالت القاع التي ما ْ‬ ‫هنا وهناك‪ ،‬ثم ماذا بعد؟ هل الليل دوما ج�سرا للبكاء؟ �أم‬ ‫هناك �ألوانا من الف�سيف�ساء تدعونا؛ لنرى َ‬ ‫الليل بيا�ضا في‬ ‫�سواد؟ يا نديمي ال تقل لي عندما ي�أتي الم�ساء‪ ،‬نهرب �إلى‬ ‫ذواتنا‪ ،‬نقلب �أظفار العمر‪ ،‬ونتكئ على �شرا�شف الأيام‪ ،‬نت�سلق‬ ‫�أهدابها علها‪ ،‬تريحنا من وهج الغربة‪ ،‬وفحيح التنائي الذي‬ ‫�أ�صبح بديال عن تدانينا!! هناك حيث الأعمار‪ ،‬تجمعا من‬ ‫الأحباب والأهل والخالن! هذا ال غير‪ .‬هل كان وع ُينا هو الذي‬ ‫�سرقنا من �أنف�سنا �سرقا جميال‪ ،‬فرمانا �إلى جنة ح�سبناها‬ ‫فيئا ظليال؟ �أم �أنها الأق��دار؟ وال نملك �إ َّال �أن ن�سي َر خطاها‪،‬‬ ‫تبت عليه خط ًا م�شاها!!‬ ‫ومن ُك ْ‬

‫ماذا يعني �أن نقول‪“ :‬ال َ‬ ‫عليك �أيها النافر من دنيا الأماني‪،‬‬ ‫قم تفر�س في المدى‪ ،‬لم تجد غير تلك الآهةَ‪ ،‬تعلو ثم تدنو‪ ،‬ال‬ ‫ترى غير ال�سديم”؟ �إنها الحياة والأعمار فينا ال تو ِلّي‪� ،‬إ َّال عند‬ ‫�أقوا�س عذارى‪ ،‬تتلظى منها �أ�سفا ٌر‪ ،‬مثل �أقما ٍر حيارى‪ ،‬لتكون‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫�شرا�شيف العمر‪،‬‬ ‫أنت مخلوق يرى في‬ ‫�أنت �أو �أنا هنا بل هناك! � َ‬ ‫وردا ونوارا و�أ�شواكا! ال تقل �أيها ال�سابح قد فات القطار‪ .‬قم‬ ‫فن االنتظار‬ ‫ت�أمل‪ِ ،‬‬ ‫حزّم حقائ َبك‪ ،‬فر َّبان ال�سفينة‪ ،‬ال يجيدون َّ‬ ‫�إ َّال قليال‪.‬‬ ‫�شم�س ه��ذا ال�ع��ام‪ ،‬وت���س��ا�ؤالت النف�س وا�ستفهامات‬ ‫ت��وارت ُ‬ ‫الم�ستقبل‪ ،‬تحيط بالوطن الأول والثاني والثالث وربما الرابع‪.‬‬ ‫الغريب ال �إج��اب��ة وا�ضحة علی محيا ه��ذي الم�شارق وتلك‬ ‫المغارب! غير �أن الأخير َة ربما هي وحدها ت�ستطيع قراءة‬ ‫ال�سفينة‪� .‬أما‬ ‫ا�ستفهاماتنا‪ ،‬وتجل�س �شاخ�ص ًة في مقدمة َّ‬ ‫فت‪ ،‬ال جديد ال جديد في مدين ِتها‪ ،‬و�ستظل‬ ‫الثالثة اللواتي خُ ِّل ْ‬ ‫الت�سا�ؤالت في مكانها تراوح القدر!! واال�ستفهامات والتوقعات‬ ‫أنين الطلعة يج�سو علی كل المحيا‬ ‫تالحق ت�أمالت الب�شر‪ ،‬و� ُ‬ ‫وال�سهاد‪ .‬هل لل�صبح �أم ٌل من �إ�شراق؟ يغدو حالال لل�صغار‬ ‫وه ُم الذين في �أعين الكبار �صغار! �أهذه عدالة‬ ‫جا َد به الكبار؟ ُ‬ ‫ال�سفينة وال ُّربان؟ ولأننا ال نملك غير لغة الأماني والت�أمل‪،‬‬ ‫�أقول خائفا‪� ،‬آمل �أن تكون رحلة �سفينة هذا العام �أكثر هدوءا‪،‬‬ ‫و� َّ‬ ‫عام قادم ‪ ،‬فالنجرب هذا‬ ‫أقل �ضجيجا و�سهاد‪ .‬وح َتّی ِ‬ ‫�شم�س ٍ‬ ‫الت�أمل وال َتّدبر‪ ،‬وكل عام وانتم بخير‪!!!.‬‬

¿ ¿

‫إعالن‬ ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1438 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬74 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬



‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬


‫يقول ابن القيم رحمه اهلل‬

‫السنة شجرة‬ ‫والشهور فروعها‬ ‫واأليام أغصانها‬ ‫والساعات أوراقها‬ ‫واألنفاس ثمرها‬ ‫فمن كانت أنفاسه في طاعة فثمرة شجرته طيبة‬ ‫ومن كانت في معصية فثمرته حنظل‬ ‫وإنما يكون الحصاد يوم المعاد‬ ‫فعند الحصاد يتبين حلو الثمار من مرها‬ ‫نسأل اهلل سبحانه وتعالى‬ ‫أن يجعل السنة الجديدة‬ ‫شجرة مليئة بالثمار الطيبة‬ ‫وان تكون سنة خير على الجميع‬

‫‪We ask Allah to‬‬ ‫‪bring great good in‬‬ ‫‪this new year‬‬

‫‪Talal Elcheikh‬‬ ‫‪President of the‬‬ ‫‪United Muslim Council of NSW‬‬



‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬

‫العميد الركن ســعد‪‎‬اهلل الحمد يواصل‬ ‫جولته في استراليا وحفالت تكريم على شرفه‬

‫زيارة الى القائم باعمال ال�سفارة اللبنانية في العا�صمة كانبرا ال�سيد‬ ‫جي�سكار الخوري‬

‫ي��وا��ص��ل العميد ال��رك��ن �ســعد ‪‎‬اهلل‬ ‫الحمد م�ســاعد مديــر المخابرات‬ ‫‪‎‬فــي ال �ج �ي ����ش ال�ل�ب�ن�ـ�ـ��ان��ي زي��ارت��ه‬ ‫ال�سياحية الى ا�ستراليا بدعوة من َر ُجلي الأعمال‬ ‫محمد طبيعات و�شم�س ح�م��زه‪ ،‬وال�ت��ي ت�ضمنت‬ ‫زيارة واليات نيو �ساوت ويلز وكوينزالند وفكتوريا‬ ‫�إ�ضافة الى العا�صمة كانبرا‪ ،‬وقد و�صل العميد‬ ‫الركن الى ا�ستراليا في الع�شرين من كانون اول‬ ‫‪ ،٢٠١٦‬حيث التقى خ�لال زي��ارت��ه بالعديد من‬ ‫فعاليات الجالية اللبنانية والعربية في �سيدني‬ ‫ومع ن�شطاء ورو�ؤ�ساء جمعيات خيرية واجتماعية‬ ‫ورجال دين واعالميين ورجال اعمال �إ�ضافة الى‬ ‫زيارات عائلية وزيارة ال�سفارة اللبنانية في كانبرا‬ ‫والقن�صلية اللبنانية في �سيدني وزيارة البرلمان‬ ‫الأ�سترالي في العا�صمة كانبرا‪ ،‬وقد لبى العميد‬ ‫الركن �سعد اهلل الحمد الكثير من الدعوات من‬ ‫جمعيات ون�شطاء من ابناء الجالية‪ ،‬حيث �أقيمت‬ ‫له العديد من حفالت التكريم‪ ،‬وق��د رافقه في‬ ‫جولته ك��ل م��ن ال�سادة محمد طبيعات و�شم�س‬ ‫حمزه وعبد اهلل �إ�سماعيل‪.‬‬ ‫وق��د �شملت محطات العميد ال��رك��ن الكثير من‬ ‫الجوالت ال�سياحية على اهم المعالم في �سيدني‬ ‫والكولد غو�ست على ان ينهي جولته في ا�ستراليا‬ ‫بزيارة ملبورن‪.‬‬ ‫يذكر ان العميد الركن �سعد اهلل الحمد هو ابن‬ ‫منطقة وادي خالد – محافظة عكار اللبنانية‪.‬‬

‫زيارة الى قن�صل لبنان العام في �سيدني‬ ‫المحامي جورج بيطار غانم‬

‫مع الحاج قي�صر طراد رئي�س افيك‬

‫حفل تكريمي في منزل الدكتور جمال ريفي‬

‫داخل م�سجد علي بن ابي طالب في الكمبا‬

‫في منزل الدكتور ريفي حيث ح�ضر حفل التكريم بع�ض قيادات ال�شرطة من بينهم قائد منطقة‬ ‫من اليمين‪ :‬رجل االعمال عبد اهلل ا�سماعيل‪ ،‬رجل كامب�سي مايكل ماكلين ونائب مفو�ض ال�شرطة بيتر دين وال�شرطي داني ميقاتي‪ ،‬كما ح�ضره اي�ضا‬ ‫االعمال �شم�س حمزة في منزل الدكتور ريفي‬ ‫الرقيب اول عالء الحاج‬

‫مع الحاج محمد برجاوي نائب رئي�س افيك‬

‫مع رجال االعمال ع�صام جباره و احمد طه الذين ا�صطحبوا العميد برحلة �سياحية في �سماء �سيدني برفقة رجال االعمال محمد طبيعات و�شم�س حمزة‬

‫زيارة الى الرائد المتقاعد ريمي وهبه‬

‫امام م�سجد علي بن ابي طالب في الكمبا مع مدير عام الجمعية اال�سالمية اللبنانية الحاج‬ ‫خالد علم الدين ورجل االعمال �شم�س حمزة وامام الم�سجد ال�شيخ يحيى ال�صافي‬

‫زيارة الى اذاعة ال�صوت اال�سالمي‬

‫ال�سيد احمد عبا�س وال�سيد زياد �ضاهر يكرمون العميد الركن ويلب�سونه العباءة العربية‬

‫مع الزميل فادي الحاج‬

‫ابناء ع�شيرة ال عمرو ال�سيد محمود الكرمة و�شقيقه عالء يكرمون العميد الركن‬ ‫ويلب�سونه العباءة العربية كتقليد ا�صيل تعارفت عليه الع�شائر العربية‬


‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬

‫رئي�س مجل�س م�سلمي نيو �ساوث ويلز الحاج طالل ال�شيخ وم�ؤ�س�سة ال ال�شيخ العالمية يكرمون العميد ركن الحمد بح�ضور مفتي عام ا�ستراليا‬ ‫وعدد كبير من فعاليات الجالية‬

‫اثناء حفل تكريمي اقامته جمعية �أبناء ال�ضنيه الخيريه‬

‫اثناء حفل تكريمي اقامته جمعية ابناء المنية الخيرية‬

‫رحلة �سياحية في مدينة غولد كو�ست‬

‫زيارة المطران انطوان �شربل طربيه راعي ابر�شية الموارنة في ا�ستراليا‪.‬‬

‫اثناء حفل تكريمي اقامته من�سقية تيار الم�ستقبل في �سيدني‬

‫امام م�سجد ال�سالم في والية كونزالند مع الحاج جمال النعمان من جمعية لوغن اال�سالمية‬

‫مع االب لوي�س الفرخ راعي �أبر�شية مار �شربل‬

‫اثناء حفل تكريم اقامه الحاج جمال النعمان في مركز جمعية لوغن اال�سالمية بح�ضور عدد من قيادات ال�شرطة ونواب واع�ضاء مجال�س بلدية‬

‫اثناء حفل تكريمي اقامته عائلة ال حمزة‬


‫في مركز جمعية لوغن اال�سالمية مع عدد من قيادات ال�شرطة في والية كوينزالند‬

‫المجل�س اللبناني اال�سترالي يكرم العميد الركن الحمد‬

‫مع رجل االعمال �سليم مهاجر‬

‫�صاحب م�ؤ�س�سة عكار للحالل يكرم العميد الركن الحمد‬

‫زيارة الى مكتب هيئة االعمال الخيرية في �سيدني‬


‫الوسط االسترالي‬

‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬

‫جمعية حلبا الخيرية تقيم حفل‬ ‫بمناسبة افتتاح مركزها الجديد‬

‫السفارة اللبنانية في استراليا أحيت ذكرى االستقالل‬ ‫�أق ��ام القائم ب��أع�م��ال �سفارة لبنان ف��ي كانبرا‬ ‫جي�سكار ال�خ��وري حفل ا�ستقبال لمنا�سبة عيد‬ ‫اال�ستقالل في قاعة “�ألبرت هول” بالعا�صمة‬ ‫كانبرا ح�ضره �أبناء الجالية اللبنانية وممثلون عن �شخ�صيات‬ ‫ر�سمية �أ�سترالية و�أع�ضاء ال�سلك الدبلوما�سي ومرجعيات دينية‬ ‫ورجال �أعمال و�شخ�صيات �إعالمية و�أكاديمية‪.‬‬

‫حفل استقبال في‬ ‫قنصلية لبنان في‬ ‫ملبورن بذكرى‬ ‫االستقالل‬ ‫�أقام القن�صل اللبناني في فيكتوريا غ�سان‬ ‫الخطيب حفل ا�ستقبال بمنا�سبة ذك��رى‬ ‫ا��س�ت�ق�لال ل �ب �ن��ان‪� � ،‬ش��ارك ف�ي��ه ح�شد من‬ ‫فاعليات واب �ن��اء الجالية اللبنانية وممثال الحكومة‬

‫والمعار�ضة في والية فكتوريا وعدد من الوزراء والنواب‬ ‫وال��م��دراء العامين وال�م���س��و�ؤل�ي��ن الر�سميين ورج��ال‬ ‫الدين ور�ؤ�ساء الم�ؤ�س�سات الثقافية والأح��زاب اللبنانية‬ ‫والجمعيات الخيرية واالجتماعية والريا�ضية‪.‬‬

‫سفارة دولة االمارات في استراليا تحتفل باليوم الوطني ‪45‬‬

‫احمد يونس ‪ -‬ملبورن‬

‫اقامت جمعية حلبا الخيرية حفل افتتاح‬ ‫لمركزها الجديد في منطقة( كمبرفيلد)‪ ،‬ح�ضر الحفل‬ ‫رئي�س الجمعية الحاج خ�ضر عيا�ش واع�ضاء الجمعية‬ ‫وعدد كبير من �أبناء بلدة حلبا‪� .‬إ�ضافة الى رو�ؤ�ساء عدد‬ ‫من الجمعيات الخيرية واالجتماعية و�شخ�صيات دينية‬ ‫ورجال االعمال وفعاليات اقت�صادية وثقافية واعالميين‬ ‫وح�شد كبير �أبناء الجالية اللبنانية‪.‬‬

‫بد�أ الحفل بكلمة ترحيبة من امين �سر الجمعية الحاج‬ ‫محمد اليو�سف‪ ،‬ثم جاءت كلمة رئي�س الجمعية الحاج‬ ‫خ�ضر عيا�ش حيث تحدث عن تاريخ تا�سي�س الجمعية‬ ‫وعن االعمال واالنجازات التي قامت بها الجمعية �إ�ضافة‬ ‫الى االفكار والم�شاريع الم�ستقبلية‪ .‬وقد تحدث عدد من‬ ‫ال�ضيوف الم�شايخ بالمنا�سبة‪.‬‬ ‫وق��د تميز الحفل ب ��أج��واء عائلية‪� ،‬إ��ض��اف��ة ال��ى العاب‬ ‫الأطفال‪ ،‬وقد تخلل الحفل‪ ،‬كوكتيل على �شرف ال�ضيوف‪.‬‬

‫‪All items are available in Sydney and Melbourne‬‬

‫�أقام �سفير دولة الإمارات في كانبرا الدكتور عبيد الحيري �سالم الكتبي حفل ا�ستقبال بمركز المعار�ض‬ ‫القومي الأ�سترالي بمنا�سبة الذكرى الخام�سة والأربعين لت�أ�سي�س الدولة‪ ،‬بح�ضور عدد من الم�س�ؤولين‬ ‫المدنيين والع�سكريين و�أع�ضاء ال�سلك الدبلوما�سي العربي والأجنبي‪.‬‬



¿ ¿

¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1438 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬74 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬

‫كل عام وانتم بخير‬

• Fruit &Vegies • Halal Butcher • Poultry • Dates • Groceries

Happy New Year

‫• خضار وفواكه‬ ‫طازجة‬ ‫• لحم حالل‬ ‫• البان واجبان‬ ‫• زيوت ومكسرات‬ ‫• معلبات‬


‫الوسط الثقافي‬

‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬

‫مدرسة عواتي تقيم حفلها السنوي لتكريم الطلبة‬

‫االمين عبد اهلل‬

‫نظمت مدر�سة ع��وات��ي ي��وم ال�سبت‬ ‫الموافق ‪ 2016/ 11 / 12‬حفلها ال�سنوي حيث تم‬ ‫تكريم جميع الطلبة الذين ت�سنى لهم الدخول في‬ ‫الجامعات‪ ،‬والذين تخرجوا منها‪ ،‬و الذين قدموا‬ ‫فيها الدرا�سات العليا‪ ،‬وقد ح�ضر الحفل لفيف‬ ‫من ال�سادة الح�ضور من الطلبة و�أولياء امورهم‪،‬‬ ‫كما ح�ضره دان��ي بير�سون ممثال لوزير التعليم‬ ‫في والية فكتوريا وقرينته نيكول مار�شال ع�ضوة‬ ‫المجل�س البلدي ِل ُموني فالي �ستي‪.‬‬ ‫ُا�ستهل الحفل ب��آي��ات من الذكر الحكيم تالها‬ ‫الأبناء عمار يا�سر بالعربية وترجم معانيها �أكرم‬ ‫ح��اج ال��ى االن�ج�ل�ي��زي��ة‪ .‬ث��م ج��اءت كلمة االمين‬ ‫ع�ب��داهلل حيث رح��ب بالح�ضور وق��دم نبذة عن‬ ‫المدر�سة ودوره��ا في المجتمع كما قام بتعريف‬ ‫ال�شهيد القائد البطل حامد ادري�س عواتي مفجر‬ ‫الثورة االرترية الذي �سميت المدر�سة با�سمه‪ .‬ثم‬ ‫تاله كلمة كرار �أبو الفتح المدر�س في المدر�سة‬ ‫ال��ذي ت�ن��اول ال��دور ال��ذي تقوم ب��ه المدر�سة في‬ ‫تنوير الن�شئ وتكريمها ال�سنوي للطلبة ولكل من‬ ‫قام بدور مميز من اجل خدمة المجتمع‪ ،‬وبعده‬

‫اتيحت الكلمة للنائب البرلماني ال�سيد دان��ي‬ ‫بير�سون ممث ًال لوزيرالتعليم في والي��ة فيكتوريا‬ ‫الذي ا�شاد بالدور الذي تقوم به المدر�سة وتمنى‬ ‫لها كل التقدم واالزدهار‪ .‬ثم جاءت كلمة الأ�ستاذ‬ ‫خالد �سعيد المر�شد والموجه التعليمي لالنتقال‬ ‫للحياة الدرا�سية الجامعية في جامعة الت��روب‬ ‫بملبورن‪ ،‬الذي قدم توجيهاته وار�شاداته للطلبة‪.‬‬ ‫بعد ذل��ك ب��د�أت فقرة توزيع �شهادات التكريم‬ ‫للمحتفى بهم وقد تقدم كل من االمين عبد اهلل‬ ‫وال�سيد دان��ي لت�سليم االخ��وة واالخ��وات ا�صحاب‬ ‫ال�شهادات‪ ،‬للطلبة والطالبات الذين نجحوا وتم‬ ‫قبولهم في الجامعات والذين تم تخرجهم منها‬ ‫ومن قدموا الدرا�سات العليا‪ ،‬ولم ينح�صر ذلك‬ ‫على ه���ؤالء فقط ب��ل تعداهم ال��ى ك��ل ف��رد قدم‬ ‫عمال مميزا يكون م��ردوده للمجتمع ب�شكل عام‪،‬‬ ‫كما �شمل التكريم الريا�ضيين والن�شطاء ال�صغار‬ ‫لت�شجيعهم على العمل التطوعي و�شاركت ال�سيدة‬ ‫نيكول مار�شال في تقديم ال�شهادات له�ؤالء‪.‬‬ ‫وق��د اق��ام��ت المدر�سة ور��ش��ة عمل للطلبة قام‬ ‫باال�شراف عليها اال�ستاذ خالد �سعيد وذلك �ضمن‬ ‫فعاليات المدر�سة وام�ت��دت من ال�ساعة الثالثة‬ ‫الى ال�ساعة الخام�سة م�ساء قدمت له�ؤالء الطلبة‬

‫�شهادات تكريم‪ .‬وفي الختام تقدم االخ االمين‬ ‫بال�شكر والعرفان للح�ضور وتمنى لهم كل التقدم‬ ‫واالزدهار في حياتهم‪.‬‬ ‫ف��از بجائزة عواتي ه��ذا العام ك� ً�ل من الدكتورة‬ ‫زينب احمد‪ ،‬الدكتورة �صفاء ح�سب والدكتورة‬ ‫عال �إدري�س‪ .‬وكانت جائزة عواتي لخدمة الجالية‬ ‫االرترية من ن�صيب االخ يا�سر محمود‪ .‬وقد ح�صل‬ ‫الإبن يا�سر علي بخيت على جائزة عواتي للتفوق‬ ‫في لعبة التن�س‪ .‬واللذين ح�صلو على ال�شهادات‬ ‫التقديرية محمد يا�سين بكالريوي�س علم اجتماع‪،‬‬ ‫واك �م��ال ��ش�ه��ادات ال�ث��ان��وي��ة ودخ ��ول الجامعات‬ ‫اال�سترالية كل من نوريدى محمد جمع �أري‪ ,‬مازن‬ ‫هداد‪ ،‬نجاة مو�سى‪ ،‬عبداهلل حامد‪ ،‬ح�سن مندر‪،‬‬ ‫يا�سرعلي بخيت‪ ،‬االمين عثمان‪ ،‬محمد �سعيد‬ ‫وايمن ا�سماعيل‪ .‬اما الذين ح�صلو على �شهادات‬ ‫تقديرية لخدمة المجتمع �شمل كلٍ من عبداهلل‬ ‫محمود‪ ،‬رقية ب�شير‪ ،‬خيرية عبداهلل‪ ،‬محمد علي‬ ‫حامد ‪� ،‬سامي �سيد احمد‪ ،‬ومنير كرار‪ ،‬كما ح�صل‬ ‫�سامي نور �شهادة تقديرية في لعبة كورة القدم‬ ‫وك��ان ن�صيب الن�شطاء ال�صغار لكل من �شيراز‬ ‫محمد وهبة �شانينو‪.‬‬

‫نوافذ‬ ‫ابواب‬ ‫مرايا‬

‫‪ 18‬ديسمبر‪..‬‬

‫يوم عالمي للغة العربية‬ ‫الجزيرة نت‬

‫ي� ��وم ح ��ددت ��ه منظمة‬ ‫الأم� ��م ال�م�ت�ح��دة للتربية وال�ع�ل��وم‬ ‫وال�ث�ق��اف��ة (ال�ي��ون���س�ك��و) لالحتفاء‬ ‫باللغة العربية على غرار ٍ‬ ‫لغات �أخرى‬ ‫�س َّمت لها المنظمة �أياما لالحتفاء‬ ‫بها‪ ،‬منها الإنجليزية والفرن�سية‬ ‫والإ�سبانية وال�صينية والرو�سية‪،‬‬ ‫ويدخل االحتفاء بها �ضمن �أن�شطة‬ ‫وجهود المنظمة الرامية �إلى �صون‬ ‫التراث الثقافي العالمي غير المادي‬ ‫وت �ق��دي��ر ال �ع��رب �ي��ة ك� � ��أداة للتعبير‬ ‫الثقافي في تنوعه‪.‬‬ ‫البداية‬ ‫بد�أ تخليد اليوم العالمي للغة العربية‬ ‫ع��ام ‪ ،2012‬و ُي��واف��ق ‪ 18‬دي�سمبر‪/‬‬ ‫كانون الأول من كل �سنة‪ ،‬وهو نف�س‬ ‫التاريخ الذي اعتمدت فيه الجمعية‬ ‫العامة للأمم المتحدة اللغة العربية‬ ‫�ساد�س لغة ر�سمية لها قبل ذلك‬ ‫بنحو �أربعة عقود‪� ،‬أي عام ‪.1973‬‬ ‫وف� ��ي ع� ��ام ‪ 2013‬ق� ��ررت ال�ه�ي�ئ��ة‬ ‫اال�ست�شارية للخطة الدولية لتنمية‬ ‫الثقافة العربية (�أراب �ي��ا) التابعة‬ ‫لليون�سكو جعل اليوم العالمي للغة‬ ‫العربية ن�شاطها المركزي ال�سنوي‪.‬‬ ‫الأهداف‬ ‫يرمي اليوم العالمي للغة العربية �إلى‬ ‫�إب��راز الإ�سهام المعرفي والفكري‬ ‫والعلمي لهذه اللغة و�أع�لام�ه��ا في‬ ‫مختلف مناحي المعرفة الب�شرية‬

‫عبر ال�ت��اري��خ‪ ،‬فالح�ضارة العربية‬ ‫الإ�سالمية لها �إ�سهامات م�شهودة‬ ‫في مختلف مناحي العلوم والمعرفة‬ ‫والآداب والفنون‪ ،‬ويعود �إليها الف�ضل‬ ‫الأك �ب��ر ف��ي النه�ضة الأوروب��ي��ة ثم‬ ‫الثورة ال�صناعية التي ك َّر�ست قيادة‬ ‫ال�غ��رب للعالم منذ �أواخ ��ر القرون‬ ‫الو�سطى‪.‬‬ ‫وي�سعى اليوم العالمي للغة العربية‬ ‫كذلك �إلى الت�أكيد على مركزية هذه‬ ‫اللغة‪ ،‬التي تُعد م��ن �أو��س��ع اللغات‬ ‫ال�سامية انت�شارا‪ ،‬فعدد المتحدثين‬ ‫بها يتجاوز ‪ 420‬مليون ن�سمة في‬ ‫البالد العربية‪ ،‬وف�ضال عن ذلك ف� َّإن‬ ‫معرفة ‪-‬ولو محدودة‪ -‬بها �ضرورية‬ ‫لأك �ث��ر م��ن مليار م�سلم ك��ي ُي� ��ؤدوا‬ ‫�صلواتهم‪ ،‬كما �أنها اللغة المعتمدة‬ ‫ل��دى ع��دد من الكنائ�س الم�سيحية‬ ‫في الم�شرق‪ ،‬وكتب بها جزء مهم من‬ ‫التراث الثقافي والديني اليهودي‪.‬‬ ‫ال�سياق التاريخي‬ ‫بد�أ اهتمام اليون�سكو باللغة العربية‬ ‫ب��اك��را‪ ،‬فقد ق��رر ال�م��ؤت�م��ر الثالث‬ ‫للمنظمة‪ ،‬المنعقد في بيروت عام‬ ‫‪ ،1948‬اعتماد العربية لغة ثالثة‪،‬‬ ‫�إل��ى جانب الإنجليزية والفرن�سية‪،‬‬ ‫لأ�شغال هيئات المنظمة ف��ي حال‬ ‫انعقادها ف��ي بلد ناطق بالعربية‪،‬‬ ‫كما ا�ستح�سن الم�ؤتمر �إدراج العربية‬ ‫�ضمن ال�ل�غ��ات ال�ت��ي ُت�ت��رج��م �إليها‬ ‫محا�ضر االج�ت�م��اع��ات وال��دوري��ات‬ ‫ووثائق العمل‪.‬‬

‫وف��ي ع��ام ‪ ،1960‬اع �ت��رف م�ؤتمر‬ ‫المنظمة ب��أه�م�ي��ة ال�ل�غ��ة العربية‬ ‫وب �ق��درت �ه��ا ع �ل��ى ج �ع��ل م�ن���ش��ورات‬ ‫المنظمة �أكثر ت�أثيرا وجلبا لالهتمام‬ ‫في البلدان الناطقة بالعربية �إذا‬ ‫تمت ترجمتها �إلى هذه اللغة‪ .‬وهكذا‬ ‫تقررت ترجمة �أهم وثائق ومنا�شير‬ ‫المنظمة �إلى اللغة العربية‪ ،‬بيد � َّأن‬ ‫ع��ام ‪� 1966‬شهد تحوال مهما تمثل‬ ‫ف��ي اع�ت�م��اد ال�ل�غ��ة ال�ع��رب�ي��ة �ضمن‬ ‫اللغات الر�سمية للجل�سات مع ترجمة‬ ‫�آنية منها و�إليها في الم�ؤتمر العام‬ ‫للمنظمة‪ ،‬وب�ع��د ذل��ك بعامين تم‬ ‫اعتماد اللغة العربية لغة عمل في‬ ‫المنظمة بف�ضلِ ٍ‬ ‫جهد جهيد بذله‬ ‫ال�م��دي��ر ال �ع��ام حينها الفيل�سوف‬ ‫الفرن�سي رينيه ماه‪.‬‬ ‫وم �ه��دت ه��ذه ال�خ�ط��وة ال�ستخدام‬ ‫اللغة العربية ب�شكلٍ تدريجي في عمل‬ ‫المنظمة بدءا بترجمة وثائق العمل‬ ‫والمحا�ضر ونحوها‪.‬‬ ‫و�أثمرت تلك الجهود و�ضع برنامج‬ ‫لتو�سيع ا�ستخدام اللغة العربية مع‬ ‫اعتبار المنظمة اللغة العربية ‪-‬على‬ ‫غ��رار اللغات الر�سمية لها‪ -‬و�سيلة‬ ‫للتعبير ع��ن ال �ح �� �ض��ارة وال�ث�ق��اف��ة‬ ‫الب�شرية وحفظهما‪.‬‬ ‫و�س ُيتوج م�سار ازدهار اللغة العربية‬ ‫في اليوني�سكو باعتمادها لغة ر�سمية‬ ‫في عام ‪ 1974‬بف�ضل جهود حثيثة‬ ‫بذلتها حكومات الجزائر وال�سعودية‬ ‫وم�صر وال �ع��راق وال�ك��وي��ت ولبنان‬ ‫وتون�س وال�ي�م��ن‪ ،‬مكنت م��ن �إدراج‬

‫تر�سيم ال�ل�غ��ة ال�ع��رب�ي��ة ف��ي ج��دول‬ ‫�أع �م��ال ال�م��ؤت�م��ر ال �ع��ام للمنظمة‪،‬‬ ‫لكن هذا الجهد العربي لم يكن له‬ ‫�أن يكلل بالنجاح لوال الدعم ال�سخي‬ ‫الذي قدمه المدير العام ال�سنغالي‬ ‫�أمادو مختار مبو‪.‬‬

‫خبرة التوابل الذهبية‬ ‫‪ 99‬نواعا من البهارات واألعشاب متوفرة في‬ ‫معظم المحالت التجارية‪...‬‬ ‫‪9/15 Nathan Drive Campbellfiled Vic 3061‬‬

‫أنت‬ ‫تكفلهم‬ ‫ونحن نرعاهم‬ ‫يعترب م�سروع كفالة الأيتام من امل�سروعات الأ�سا�سية‬ ‫التى تقوم هيئة الأعمال اخلريية برعايتها من خالل‬ ‫توفري الرعاية ال�ساملة لقرابة ‪ 65‬األف يتيم موزعني‬ ‫على ‪ 15‬دولة‪ ,‬حيث تقدم لهم الهيئة العون املالى‬ ‫وامل�ساعدة التعليمية والعناية ال�سحية‪ .‬ليزال هناك‬ ‫الكثري من الأيتام فى انتظار مد يد العون وامل�ساعدة‪.‬‬ ‫�خى �لكرمي �أختى �لكرمية �سارعو� �إلى كفالة يتيم‬ ‫مل�سح دمعته و�لتخفيف من م�سابه‪.‬‬

‫هيئة األعامل الخريية ‪ ...‬معكم عىل طريق الخري‬

‫‪1300 760 155‬‬



‫لقاء الوسط‬

‫‪¿‬‬ ‫‪¿‬‬

‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬

‫الكاتب السوداني الدكتور عادل القصاص في حوار مع الوسط‪:‬‬ ‫* جميع األنظمة السياسية‪ ،‬الشمالية المركزية‪ ،‬التي تعاقبت على السلطة‬ ‫ساهمت في التدهور المضطرد للواقع العام‪.‬‬ ‫موحدين في أيما وقت إ َّلا نظري ًا‪.‬‬ ‫* شمال وجنوب السودان لم يكونا َّ‬ ‫* السودان دولة َق َبلية وليس قومية‪.‬‬

‫ال�سودان القطر الوطن الكبير‪ ،‬متعدد الثقافات والإثنيات‪ ،‬يدخل عتبة ا�ستقالله ال�ستين‪،‬‬ ‫كيف يبدو الم�شهد العام؟ طرحنا �أ�سئلة على الكاتب الدكتور‪ /‬عادل الق�صا�ص ‪ -‬وفقا لم�ساحة‬ ‫الن�شر المتاحة ‪ -‬فكان هذا الح�صاد‪.‬‬ ‫حوار‪ :‬أحمد شريف‬

‫يحتفل ال�سودان‪ ،‬بالذكرى الـ ‪ 60‬ال�ستقالله‪،‬‬ ‫�أي����ن ي��ق��ف م���ن ���ش��ع��ار «اال���س��ت��ق�لال ن��ه��اي��ة ت���اري���خ‪ ،‬وب��داي��ة‬ ‫م�ستقبل»؟‬ ‫ت��وخِّ �ي� ًا ل�ل��د َّق��ة‪ ،‬واع�ت�م��اد ًا على النتائج المو�ضوعية لحالة‬ ‫ال�سودان – �أن �أقترح تعديل هذا ال�شعار �إلى‪“ :‬اال�ستقالل‪:‬‬ ‫تف�ض َلت بها‬ ‫نهاية مرحلة وبداية مرحلة”‪ .‬فال�صيغة التي َّ‬ ‫قد تت�ض َّمن وقوع ُن ُم َّو �أو تط ُّور ا�ضطلعت وت�ضطلع به “الدولة‬ ‫الم�ست ِقلَّة” (ال�سودان في هذه الحالة) لتتب َّين �آثاره الإيجابية‬ ‫على المجمتع؛ وهو ما �أرى �أنه لم يحدث‪ .‬بل �أزعم �أن الذي‬ ‫حدث – على �أكثر من �صعيد – هو العك�س‪ .‬ف�إذا كان المعنى‬ ‫�أو المحتوى النموذجي لمفهوم اال�ستقالل‪ ،‬بمعنى ا�ستقالل‬ ‫االرادة ال�سيا�سية واالقت�صادية والثقافية ل�صالح البناء‬ ‫واالنماء المحليين‪ ،‬لم يتحقق على �أي م�ستوى‪ .‬وحتى م�ستوى‬ ‫تغيير ال�سلطة‪� ،‬أي انتقالها من حكم الم�ستعمر المبا�شر‬ ‫�إل��ى حكم ال�ق�ي��ادات ال�سيا�سية المحلية‪ ،‬ل��م يتم � اَّإل على‬ ‫�شكلي؛ حيث �إن من خَ َل َف اال�ستعمار‪ ،‬من القيادات‬ ‫ً‬ ‫م�ستوى ٍّ‬ ‫“اال�ستقاللية”‪ ،‬ال�شمالية المركزية‪ ،‬لم يكونوا �سوى وكالئه‬ ‫المحليين‪ .‬فالمعروف – على نحو عام في الكثير من حاالت‬ ‫الم�ستعمرات “ال�سابقة” لال�ستعمار الغربي‪ ،‬بما في ذلك‬ ‫حالة ال�سودان – �أن االدارة اال�ستعمارية قد �أع� َّدت فئة من‬ ‫القيادات المحلية لت�ستلم ال�سلطة بعد خروجها‪ .‬ولنا في‬ ‫التقرير الذي �أع َّدته واعتمدته الإدارة اال�ستعمارية البريطانية‬ ‫في ال�سودان–عقب �إ�سقاط الدولة المهدية – �أحد ال�شواهد‬ ‫المب ِّكرة على �إح��دى اال�ستراتيجيات–بعيدة المدى–التي‬ ‫ابتكرتها تلك الإدارة للمحافظة على م�صالحها في ال�سودان‬ ‫� ْإن هي �أُ ُ�ضط َّرت يوم ًا للتخ ِّلي عن حكمه(وهي التي كانت‬ ‫وقتها في عنفوان جبروتها وبداية مرحلة توطيد �سيطرتها في‬ ‫ال�سودان؛ �أي �أن ن�شوة انت�صارها على المهدية لم ُتن ِْ�سها �أن‬ ‫تتح�سب للم�ستقبل)‪.‬‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫يتوجب على‬ ‫في ذلك التقرير وردت تو�صية يقول معناها �إنه َّ‬ ‫مفجر‬ ‫االدارة البريطانية في ال�سودان �أن “تعتني” ب�أبناء ِّ‬ ‫الثورة المهدية وال ُمر�سي الأول لدعائم دولتها‪ ،‬الإمام محمد‬ ‫�أحمد المهدي‪ ،‬عبر ع َّدة و�سائل من بينها تمكينهم من خلق‬ ‫الثروة وم�ساعدتهم على تنميتها واال�ستغراق في الرفاه الناتج‬ ‫عنها لكي ُين�سيهم ذلك التبنِّي العملي للتعاليم الرادكالية‬ ‫للأب الروحي للثورة والدولة‪ ،‬المهدي‪ .‬طبع ًا الحق ًا �أُ�ضيفَت‬ ‫الإ�ستراتيجية الثقافية التي تتم َّثل – من بين ما تتم َّثل – في‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫المنَح التعليمية والتدريب الثقافي والتقني الذي �سيعزِّ ز من‬ ‫النفوذ الطبقي لتلك الفئة‪ .‬وقد نجحت هذه اال�ستراتيجيات–‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫الم�ستعمر‪� .‬أ َّما الأنظمة‬ ‫وغيرها–�أ َّيما نجاح‪ ،‬ربما فاق ت�ص ُّور‬ ‫ال�سيا�سية ال�سودانية‪ ،‬ال�شمالية المركزية – مدنية كانت �أم‬ ‫ع�سكرية – التى توالت على ال�سلطة‪ ،‬ف�إن تبع َّيتها للغرب –‬ ‫من بريطانيا �إلى الواليات المتحدة الأميركية – لهي �أكثر من‬ ‫ملمو�سة‪ .‬من العوامل التي فاقمت �سخط ال�شارع ال�سوداني‬ ‫على نظام الفريق �إبراهيم ع ُّبود (‪ )1964 –1958‬و�ساهمت‪،‬‬ ‫بالتالي‪ ،‬في �إ�شعال ثورة �أكتوبر ‪ 1964‬التي �أطاحت به كانت‬ ‫تتم َّثل في قبول ذلك النظام للمعونة الأميركية‪ .‬نف�س التبعية‬ ‫�ضاعفت غ�ضب ال�شارع ال�سوداني على نظام الم�شير جعفر‬ ‫نميري (‪� )1985 – 1969‬إذ كانت من الأ�سباب الفاعلة في‬ ‫الثورة عليه‪ ،‬و�إ�سقاطه عبر انتفا�ضة مار�س‪�-‬أبريل ‪.1985‬‬ ‫�أم��ا النظام الع�سكري ال��راه��ن‪ ،‬فهو – و�إن ك��ان ال يحظى‬ ‫بالدعم العلني لقوى اال�ستعمار الجديد – � اَّإل �أنه مرغوب من‬ ‫ِق َبلها – لقابليته و�أمنياته �أن يغدو تابع ًا(بو�ضوح) �أكثر من‬ ‫الأنظمة المدنية‪ ،‬وذلك بعد �أن تخلَّى عن �أوهامه الآيديولوجية‬ ‫و�شططه ال�سيا�سي‪ .‬و�سبب تف�ضيل قوى اال�ستعمار الجديد‬ ‫للتعامل مع حلفاء ع�سكريين على الحلفاء المدنيين (ال�س َّيما‬ ‫في ال�سودان) يكمن في �أن الأنظمة المدنية‪-‬الديموقراطية –‬ ‫رغم والء قياداتها التقليدية له – ت�سمح بالم�ساءلة ال�سيا�سية‬ ‫العامة؛ وبالتالي فهي ت�سمح بتجيي�ش الر�أي العام – ال �س َّيما‬ ‫من ِق َبل الأقل َّيات المعارِ�ضة‪ ،‬خ�صو�ص ًا قوى الي�سار – �ضد‬ ‫م�س بال�سيادة الوطنية‪� .‬أما قيادات‬ ‫ما يبدو – مث ًال – �أنه ٌّ‬

‫الأنظمة الع�سكرية فلي�س هناك من ي�ساءلها(غير ر�ؤ�سائها‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫الجدد طبع ًا)‪.‬‬ ‫الم�ستعمرين ُ‬ ‫على �أنه من الثابت �أن جميع الأنظمة ال�سيا�سية‪ ،‬ال�شمالية‬ ‫المركزية‪ ،‬التي تعاقبت على ال�سلطة في ال�سودان – بعد‬ ‫الخروج المبا�شر للم�ستعمر – �ساهمت في التدهور الم�ضطرد‬ ‫للواقع العام فيه‪ .‬حتى البنيات االقت�صادية – التي �أن�ش�أها‬ ‫الم�ستعمر لأج��ل م�صلحته ه��و ب��الأ��س��ا���س – لي�س ل��م يتم‬ ‫تطوريها فح�سب‪ ،‬بل لم تتم المحافظة عليها كما هي‪ .‬خُ ذْ‬ ‫– مث ًال فح�سب – م�شروع الجزيرة‪ ،‬هذا الذي جعل ال�سودان‬ ‫م�صدر على االطالق)‬ ‫أهم‬ ‫أهم‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫م�صدري(�إن لم يكن � َّ‬ ‫�أحد � َّ‬ ‫للقطن طويل التيلة في العالم‪ ،‬وقل �أين هو الآن؟ خُ ذْ – مث ًال‬ ‫فح�سب – م�شاريع ت�صدير ال�صمغ العربي‪ ،‬ال�سم�سم‪ ،‬الفول‬ ‫ال�سوداني‪ ،‬الما�شية وقل لي �أين هي الآن؟ خُ ذْ – مث ًال فح�سب‬ ‫– �شبكة الموا�صالت العامة متم ِّثلة في خطوط ال�سكة حديد‬ ‫وخطوط الترام‪ ،‬وقل لي �أين هي الآن؟ �أما �إذا نظرت �إلى واقع‬ ‫الخدمات ال�صحية‪ ،‬التعليمية‪ ،‬االجتماعية والثقافية – على‬ ‫فحدث وال ح َرج كما نقول‪� .‬إن جميع هذه البنيات‬ ‫نحو عام – ِّ‬ ‫– وغيرها طبع ًا – لم تنهار الآن‪� ،‬أي في عهد هذا الحكم‪،‬‬ ‫و�إن�م��ا ظلَّلت تت�آكل خ�لال حكم جميع الأنظمة ال�سودانية‪،‬‬ ‫ال�شمالية المركزية(و�إن كان مع َّدل التدهور في عهد النظام‬ ‫الراهن �أ�سرع بكثير من عهود الأنظمة ال�سابقة)‪.‬‬ ‫فهل – بعد هذا – يمكن القول �إن خروج الم�ستعمر كان ايذان ًا‬ ‫ببداية م�ستقبل لل�سودان؟ نظري ًا‪ ،‬كان هذا ما يجب �أن يكون‪.‬‬ ‫عملي ًا‪ ،‬ما حدث هو �أن “اال�ستقالل” كان بداية عهود من قمع‬ ‫داخلي‪ ،‬و�أنماط متباينة من التدهور‪.‬‬ ‫لأكثر من ن�صف قرن‪ ،‬يتقلب ال�سودان بين ثنائية متالزمة‪،‬‬ ‫ث���ورة �شعبية تق�ضي ع��ل��ى ح��ك��م ع�����س��ك��ري‪ ،‬يعقبه ان��ق�لاب‬ ‫ع�سكري ُّ‬ ‫ينق�ض على حكم ديمقراطي‪ ،‬بر�أيك ما �أ�سباب هذه‬ ‫الالزمة الثنائية في ال�سودان الحديث؟‬ ‫ال�سبب يكمن – ب��ر�أي��ي – ف��ي ه�شا�شة البنية ال�سيا�سية‬ ‫ال�سودانية على نحو عام‪ .‬فال�سلطات‪ ،‬ال�شمالية المركزية‪،‬‬ ‫التي �أعقبت ال�خ��روج المبا�شر للم�ستعمر لم تقم بت�شييد‬ ‫بنية �سيا�سية را�سخة‪ .‬وال�سبب يعود �إلى �إفتقار قيادات هذه‬ ‫ال�سلطات للأُ�س�س الفكرية‪-‬الثقافية‪-‬ال�سيا�سية‪-‬الأخالقية‬ ‫الالزمة لمثل هذا الت�شييد‪ .‬كما �أن البنيات العامة‪ ،‬تلك التي‬ ‫يكون من �ش�أنها الم�ساهمة في توليد وتر�سيخ بنية �سيا�سية‬ ‫عامة مثل النه�ضات الثقافية‪ ،‬الفكرية‪ ،‬العلمية‪ ،‬الأخالقية‬ ‫وال�سيا�سية (�أو �أ�س�س الحداثة ب�صورة عامة) بع�ضها كان بالغ‬ ‫ال�ضمور وبع�ضها لم يكن موجود ًا (وما يزال غير موجود)‪.‬‬ ‫كان هذا هو حال النُّخَ ب ال�سيا�سية التي �آلت �إليها ال�سلطة بعد‬ ‫“اال�ستقالل”‪.‬‬ ‫�أم��ا الأنظمة ال�سيا�سية الأخ��رى التي تعاقبت على ال�سلطة‬ ‫في ال�سودان بعد ذلك‪ ،‬فقد ورثت نُخَ بها نف�س االفتقار لتلك‬ ‫الأُ�س�س لتظل البنية ال�سيا�سية تعاني من نف�س اله�شا�شة‪ .‬في‬ ‫بلدان كبريطانيا‪ ،‬فرن�سا‪� ،‬ألمانيا و�أميركا – مث ًال – لي�س‬ ‫م��ن ال ��وارد ح��دوث �إن�ق�لاب ع�سكري لأن البنية ال�سيا�سية‬ ‫العامة في هذه البلدان را�سخة ب�سبب وفرة ونمو البنيات التي‬ ‫�ش َّيدت ور�سخَّ ت �أنظمتها‪� .‬أما في �سوداننا المعا�صر (ولي�س‬ ‫الحديث)‪ ،‬ف�إن “التغيير ال َّرا ِدكالي ال�شكلي” للأنظمة �سهل‪:‬‬ ‫نظام مدني‪ ،‬فع�سكري‪ ،‬فمدني‪ ،‬فع�سكري‪...‬وهكذا‪ ..‬ب�سبب‬ ‫ه�شا�شة البنية ال�سيا�سية العامة‪� .‬إذن‪ ،‬نحن في حاجة �إلى‬ ‫البنيات �أو الأُ�س�س الحديثة – المتوازية والمتوا�شجة في نف�س‬ ‫الوقت – التي تمكَّن من �إحداث تغيير رادكالي حقيقي‪ ،‬هذا‬ ‫الذي يقود �إلى بناء وتر�سيخ نظام �سيا�سي مدني ديموقراطي‬ ‫(دعنا ن�أمل �أن يكون منظوره للعدالة االجتماعية �أكثر تطور ًا‬ ‫من المنظورات الغربية)‪.‬‬ ‫ا�ستقراء لوقائع �ستة عقود‪ ،‬هناك من ي��رى‪� ،‬أن ال�سودان‬ ‫بحاجة ما�سة �إلى �إعادة �صياغة االن�سان ال�سوداني �أوال‪ ،‬هل‬ ‫تتفق �أو تختلف مع هذا الر�أي؟ ولماذ؟‬ ‫العنا�صر (البنيات �أو الأُ�س�س) التي تحدثت عنها في االجابة‬

‫ال�سابقة هي ما نحتاجه على نحوعام‪ .‬هو ما نحتاجه لأن من‬ ‫�ش�أنه �أن ي�ساهم من تطوير قدرات و�آفاق الإن�سان‪ .‬وللأنظمة‬ ‫ال�سيا�سية دور �أ�سا�س في هذا لأنها تقوم بدور “ال ُمر ِّبي”‪.‬‬ ‫وهنا تكمن مع�ضلة �أي�ض ًا‪ :‬لأن تجارب الأنظمة ال�سيا�سية –‬ ‫ب�شكل عام – �أنها تقوم ببناء وتطوير �أجهزة وم�ؤ�س�سات غالب ًا‬ ‫ما ت�ؤ ِّدي �إلى تفريخ واعادة تفريخ نموذج المواطن الممت ِثل‪.‬‬ ‫وهذه الأجهزة والم�ؤ�س�سات تقوم بهذا خدمة لم�شيئة ال�سلطة‪،‬‬ ‫التي بدورها تقوم بهذا خدمة لم�شيئة م�صلحة اجتماعية‪-‬‬ ‫اقت�صادية مح َّددة‪ .‬الذي نحتاجه �إذن هو �إن�سان – ال مفر‬ ‫من ي�أتي عبر هذه الأجهزة والم�ؤ�س�سات – ب�شرط �أن ي�ضطلع‬ ‫بالتم ُّرد عليها‪ ،‬حر�ص ًا منه على الم�صلحة العامة‪ ،‬بالمعني‬ ‫غير ال�شعاري التي تقول به عادة الأنظمة ال�سيا�سية المتباينة‬ ‫في عالمنا‪.‬‬ ‫ع��ن��دم��ا ي��ع��ي��د ال��ت��اري��خ ن��ف�����س��ه‪ ،‬ي�����ص��ب��ح ال��م��ف��ه��وم ال��وط��ن��ي‬ ‫م���أ���س��اوي��ا‪ .‬ب��و���ص��ف��ك �أك��ادي��م��ي متخ�ص�ص ف��ي ال��درا���س��ات‬ ‫النقدية‪ ،‬هل توافق على �أن تاريخ الحكومات ال�سودانية في‬ ‫عمومه م�أ�ساوي‪ ،‬ال يحمل بداخله �إ َّال الي�سير‪ ،‬من معاني‬ ‫الحرية ال�سيا�سية‪ ،‬والعدالة االجتماعية؟‬ ‫غياب العدالة االجتماعية لهو من المظالم طويلة الأمد التي‬ ‫ور�ست من ِق َبل جميع الأنظمة ال�سيا�سية في ال�سودان‪ .‬وحتى‬ ‫ُم َ‬ ‫في الأوقات التي يتحدث بع�ضنا عن �أنظمتها بح�سبانها ذات‬ ‫تقاليد تنتمي لـ”دولة الرفاهة”‪� ،‬أي خالل العهود التي كان‬ ‫فيها التعليم وال�صحة و�أنماط �أخرى من الرعاية االجتماعية‬ ‫مدعومة من ِق َبل الدولة‪ ،‬ف��إن هذه الرعاية لم تكن رعاية‬ ‫عامة‪ .‬كانت رعاية �شمالية مركزية‪� .‬أي كان الم�ستفيدون‬ ‫من خدماتها �شرائح وطبقات اجتماعية محددة داخل المدن‬ ‫الرئي�سة في ال�سودان‪ ،‬بينما كان معظم القُطر‪� ،‬أي هام�شه‬ ‫االقليمي وحتى داخل العوا�صم االقليمية (بما في ذلك هام�ش‬ ‫الخرطوم وهوام�ش العوا�صم االقليمية الأخ��رى) يعاني من‬ ‫الفقر و�سوء التغذية والأم��را���ض والأم�ي��ة وغياب الخدمات‬ ‫الأ�سا�سية مثل �شبكة الماء والكهرباء)‪ .‬الذي ت�س َّبب في حرب‬ ‫الجنوب الأولى والتالية‪ ،‬المقاومة الم�سلحة في جبال النوبة‬ ‫(جنوب ُك ْر ُدفان) والأ ْنق َ​َ�سنا (جنوب النيل الأزرق)‪ ،‬محاوالت‬ ‫المقا َومة الم�سلحة في ال�شرق والحرب في دار فور‪ ،‬لم يكن‬ ‫�سيا�سي ًا � اَّإل من حيث هو – بالأ�سا�س – تعبير عن غياب‬ ‫العدالة االجتماعية ب�شكلها ال ُمركَّب والوا�سع‪.‬‬ ‫بهذا المعنى‪ ،‬ف ��إن تاريخ الحكومات ال�سودانية ال�شمالية‬ ‫المركزية – المدنية والع�سكرية – هو تاريخ غياب العدالة‬ ‫االجتماعية ب�شكلها ال ُمركَّب والوا�سع‪� .‬إنه �أي�ض ًا تاريخ التدهور‬ ‫الم�ضطرد‪ ،‬ب�شكله ال� ُم� َر َّك��ب وال��وا��س��ع‪� .‬إن��ه تاريخ الحروب‬ ‫واالق�صاءات ب�شكلها ال ُمركَّب والوا�سع‪.‬‬ ‫ماهي كبرى التحديات التي تواجه الجاليات ال�سودانية‬ ‫با�ستراليا؟ ولماذا هي جاليات ولي�س جالية واحدة؟‬ ‫�أقترح �أن نبد�أ بالإجابة على ال�شقِّ الثاني من ال�س�ؤال لأن من‬ ‫�ش�أن هذا �أن يقودنا �إلى الإجابة على ال�شقِّ الأول‪ .‬هي جاليات‬ ‫ولي�س جالية واحدة – رغم انتمائها �إلى قطر واحد – لأنها‬ ‫جلبت معها �إلى مهجرها هذا نف�س بذور االنق�سام الذي ي�سم‬ ‫– على نح ٍو غالب – واقعها في ال�سودان‪ .‬وال�سودان دولة َق َبلية‬ ‫ولي�س قومية (وغير ال َق َبلية ث َّمة عنا�صر �أخرى ت�ساهم في هذا‬ ‫االنق�سام كالدين‪ ،‬الثقافية واللغة)‪ .‬ذلك �أن الدولة القومية‬ ‫يجمع منت�سبيها �شعور عام باالنتماء �أو�سع من االنتماء ال َق َبلي‬

‫مما يجعلهم مواطنين ولي�س ُ�سكَّان ًا‪ .‬فالمواطن ينتمي �إلى وطن‬ ‫بينما ال�ساكن مقيم في مكان قد يكون دولة‪ ،‬ولكن لي�س وطن ًا‪.‬‬ ‫ف�أهل جبال النوبة والأ ْنق َ​َ�سنا ودار فور و�أق�صى �شمال ال�سودان‬ ‫و�شرقه وو�سطه – مث ًال – لي�سوا مواطنين �سودانيين � اَّإل على‬ ‫الم�ستوى النظري‪ .‬لكنهم ُ�س َكان مكان ُ�س ِّم َي ال�سودان‪ .‬وهم‬ ‫منف�صلون عن بع�ضهم البع�ض‪ .‬ولهذا ال�سبب فهم ال يعرفون‬ ‫بع�ضهم البع�ض‪ ،‬ربما �سوى بالإحالة القبلية �أو المكانية‬ ‫المحلية (الإقليمية) العامة‪� .‬إذ ال عالقة وثيقة تجمعهم‪ .‬في‬ ‫عام ‪ – 2010‬وكان هذا قبل انف�صال اقليم جنوب ال�سودان‬ ‫بعام تقريب ًا – ق َّدمت ورق ًة في دار �إحدى الجاليات ال�سودانية‬ ‫في مدينة �سيدني‪ ،‬كان مو�ضوعها “الوحدة (في ال�سودان)‬ ‫بين الما�ضي والم�ستقبل”‪ ،‬جادلت فيها ب�أن �شمال وجنوب‬ ‫موحدين في �أ َّيما وقت – ال �س َّيما عقب‬ ‫ال�سودان لم يكونا َّ‬ ‫تعيين ح��دوده المعا�صرة بوا�سطة اال�ستعمار – � اَّإل نظري ًا‪.‬‬ ‫ذل��ك �أن ال��وح��دة – الحقيقية – تعني وج��ود عالقة قائمة‬ ‫منحى‬ ‫على الإلمام بين المواطنين وت�شا ُركهم في �أكثر من‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وتقا�سمهم م�صير ًا واحد ًا‪ .‬وهذا – بال�ضبط – ما تفتقر �إليه‬ ‫العالقة – لي�س بين �سودانيي ال�شمال المركزي (بالمعنى‬ ‫الجغرافي والإثني ال�ض ِّيق لل�شمال) و�سودانيي الجنوب فح�سب‬ ‫– و�إنَّما بين �سودانيي معظم – �إن لم يكن كل – �أقاليم‬ ‫ال�سودان‪.‬لو �س�ألت جميع ُ�سكَّان ال�سودان عن من زار جنوبه‬ ‫وجبال النوبة وجال فيهما طواعية (�أي غير مدفوع �أو مرغم‬ ‫على الم�شاركة في الحرب)‪ ،‬فانك لن تح�صل – في �أف�ضل‬ ‫الأحوال – �سوى على ب�ضع مئات‪ .‬بل حتى الأفراد الجنوبيين‬ ‫والنوبة المقيمين في مدن ال�شمال المركزي‪ ،‬كالخرطوم‪ ،‬ال‬ ‫يكاد ال�شماليون المقيمين في نف�س هذه المدن يعرفونهم‪ .‬ال‬ ‫�صداقات �أو زيجات تجمعهم‪.‬‬ ‫والحكومات “الوطنية”‪ ،‬المتوالية منذ “اال�ستقالل”‪ ،‬ك ّر�ست‬ ‫هذا االنق�سام لأنه جزء �أ�صيل من البناء الوجداني‪ ،‬النف�سي‪،‬‬ ‫االجتماعي والثقافي لها‪ .‬وهذه الحكومات ال تتذكَّر ِ‬ ‫“غنى‬ ‫تع ُّددية ال�سودان” �إ َّال لأغرا�ض كالر�شوة ال�سيا�سية المو�سمية‬ ‫والت�سويق البروتوكولي وال�سياحي‪ .‬هذا ما جعلني �أق��ول �إن‬ ‫الجنوب ف ُِ�ص َل عملي ًا بوا�سطة الجهل واال�ستعالء العرقي‬ ‫واالجتماعي والثقافي ال�سائد في ال�شمال المركزي والمدعوم‬ ‫من قبل ال�سلطات ال�شمالية المركزية الحاكمة المتوالية‪� .‬أما‬ ‫االنف�صال الر�سمي ال�سيا�سي‪ ،‬الذي حدث م�ؤخَّ ر ًا‪ ،‬فقد جاء‬ ‫كتتويج لذلك االنف�صال العملي‪ .‬وبقية الأط��راف ال�سودانية‬ ‫– بالذات هذه التي ينحدر �أغلب ُ�سكَّانها من �أ�صول �أفريقية‬ ‫�ساطعة(كجبال النوبة والأ ْنق َ​َ�سنا و�إل��ى ح ًّد ما دار ف��ور) –‬ ‫تعاني – ب��درج��ات متباينة – من عين الجهل واال�ستعالء‬ ‫العرقي واالجتماعي والثقافي ال�سائد في ال�شمال المركزي‬ ‫والمدعوم من قبل ال�سلطات الحاكمة المتوالية‪� .‬أي �أنها‪ ،‬بهذا‬ ‫المعني‪ ،‬منف�صلة �أي�ض ًا‪ .‬وما وجود جاليات �سودانية متعددة‬ ‫هنا(وفي مهاجر �أخرى) � اَّإل برهان على “االنف�صال الأُم”‪.‬‬ ‫لذلك ف��إن التحدي المركزي لهذه الجاليات هنا يكمن في‬ ‫�أن تمتلك القدرة على �أن تغدو جالية واح��دة‪ .‬و�إن تواجدنا‬ ‫في �أ�ستراليا لهو �سانحة يتع َّين الإفادة منها في هذا االتجاه‪.‬‬ ‫فتواجدنا في �أ�ستراليا(وفي مهاجر �أخ��رى) يفتح العين‬ ‫لي�س على و�ضوح وق��وة و�أهمية الم�شترك بيننا كمهاجرين‬ ‫�سودانيين‪ ،‬بل بيننا وبين جاليات �أفريقية �أخ��رى‪ ،‬بل بيننا‬ ‫أ�ستراليا(كال�سكَّان الأ�صليين‬ ‫وبين جاليات مه َّم�شة �أخرى في �‬ ‫ُّ‬ ‫لها وغيرهم)‪ .‬كما �إن هذه فر�صة مواتية لكي نعتذر للبع�ض‬ ‫منا لما بدر منا هناك‪ .‬وربما ي�ساهم هذا في عملية توحيدنا‬ ‫هناك �أي�ض ًا‪ .‬على �أن هذه انجازات لي�ست �سهلة‪ .‬لكنها لي�ست‬ ‫م�ستحيلة‪.‬‬

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AUSTRALIAN ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1438 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬74 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬


AUSTRALIAN HALAL CERTIFIER ALLIANCE Australian Halal Certifier Alliance (AHCA) will be: Australian Halal Certifier Alliance (AHCA) was established on 24th of July 2010 because of the demands of Overseas Halal Authorities. The Australian Halal Certifier Alliance (AHCA) was established to cultivate harmony amongst Australian Halal Certification organizations and to rectify problems on Halal issues in the spirit of Muslim brotherhood in accordance with Shari ‘a Law (Islamic teaching). This umbrella organization AHCA currently has eleven members. The Adelaide Mosque Islamic Society of South Australia Inc, Australian Federation of Islamic Council Inc, Australian Halal Authority and Advisor, Australian Halal Food Services, Halal Sadixq Bux, Global Halal Trade Centre Pty Ltd, Islamic Association of Kataning, The Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria Pty Ltd, Islamic Council of Western Australia, Supreme Islamic Council of Halal Meat in Australia and Perth Mosque Incorporated.

Executing consistently and consequently all rules, criteria and requirements of Halal certification according to Islamic teaching that is issued by Overseas Authorities. Halalness is a part of Islamic faith. Every member of AHCA will honour and execute fully all Halal issues. Cultivating harmony amongst members of AHCA to finalize problems on halal issues in the spirit of Muslim brotherhood. Enhancing the status of Halal Standards & Procedures and to have an unified approach among the Halal Certifiers in Australia. Issuing Halal slaughterman/inspector/supervisor ID Cards to control and monitor the Halal according to Shari’a Law. Protecting the integrity of Halal. Establishing harmony amongst the Australian Halal certifiers. Having cooperation amongst Australian Halal certifiers.

The main aim of Australian Halal Certifier Alliance (AHCA) is to set International Halal standards that can be used world wide

Year 12 Valedictory Dinner

East Preston Islamic College 55 Tyler Street, East Preston, VIC, 3072, Australia. Ph: +61 3 9478 3323 • Fx: +61 3 9470 1255



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¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1438 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬74 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬



The Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria (ICCV) which was established in 1992 is the major and the largest Islamic organization responsible for the certification, monitoring, and supervision of Halal food exports from Australia. We also provide Halal Food (Halal Meat and Halal Processed Food) Certification and Supervision for domestic market.

Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait, Libya, South Africa and others recognizes Islamic Coordinating Council of Victoria as a Halal Authority in Australia (for Saudi Arabia State of Victoria only) providing Supervision, Certification and advisory services to the Halal Meat and Livestock and Halal food products.

Benefits of ICCV Halal Certification With the establishment of high standards and consumer confidence in ICCV certified Halal products, business organizations gain access to the vast marketing potential of Halal consumers on a global scale.ICCV recognition provides export opportunities to the global Halal market which is estimated to be in the region of US2.3 trillion dollars comprising of approximately 1.6 billion Halal consumers Very important competitive advantage is gained The unique ICCV certification Mark (Logo) affixed on all products is a means of greater promotions and marketing advantage

The ICCV is the only body in the State of Victoria, Australia, recognized by the Halal authority of the Saudi Arabia Government.ICCV IS THE MOST RESPECTED HALAL ORGANIZATION for the Supervision and Certification of Halal Meat and Halal Processed Food from Australia to Republic of Indonesia. With five office staff, two food technologists, four Sharia advisors and over 140 registered, Halal slaughtermen/ inspectors ICCV is the largest and the most respected Halal Certifier in Australia. We have the capacity to increase 140 registered Halal slaughtermen/inspectors to more than 250. We have no shortage of manpower.We are ready to provide Halal Certification Service to interested organizations.

Interested institutions/organizations/ Companies/individuals can contact our office contact details are;

Phone: 61 3 9380 5467 • Fax: 61 3 9380 6143 Email: • Website:

The assistance of ICCV personnel by providing ongoing support and effective and efficient Halal marketing strategy ICCV certified products will be acceptable with no exceptions by all Muslims all around the world Accreditation and certification is provided whilst maintaining the confidentiality of company trade and product details. The discharge of your responsibility in investigating and providing assurance of genuine Halal to the Halal product consumers in the era of excessive deceit and false labeling and certification of Halal.


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¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1438 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬74 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬





Desperate circumstances have forced over 37,500 people to evacuate the city though many more are still stranded. Those fortunate enough to flee have left destruction behind to face homelessness & displacement during the harsh cold of winter. Evening temperatures are reaching -5C. Human Appeal Australia has already taken action to support the victims of Aleppo. We have been able to provide much needed medical aid, food, firewood, heaters, coal, winter clothing, mattresses, blankets & tents to over 30,000 people who have fled to the outskirts of the city. With this first round of emergency relief, these victims have a fighting chance of surviving & getting by through these hard times. However, more is needed. With thousands more people expected to evacuate the city over the next couple of days, they will be in urgent need of help and support.

The violent uprising that has been occurring in Myanmar has left destruction everywhere in its wake. The ethnic cleansing occurring in the country that has targeted the Rohingya population is forcing its people to abandon their homes making them displaced within their country and many more seeking refuge elsewhere. Since October 2016, over 150,000 Rohingya refugees have fled to neighbouring countries to escape the violence. Entire villages are being burned to the ground. HAIA’s team is on the ground and has delivered food aid to over 6000 people. Public sanitation and water facilities have been funded to serve the refugee camps. And two schools will be built to provide education to primary school children. The Rohingya people are in need of immediate relief. With your help we can provide food, shelter and medical aid. Your contribution can really help save a life in need.

According to the UN: the ongoing unrest in Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city; will be the largest humanitarian crisis of 2016. Over 72,000 people including children, women and elderly have fled the city; the number is expected to reach 1.2 million displaced within weeks. The main water pipeline has been destroyed leaving almost 650,000 people with no source of clean and safe water. The situation is expected to be worsening due to the temperature drop of winter. Human Appeal International Australia is on the ground helping conflict affected families with life-saving relief including water, sanitation, shelter and medical aid. Help us save lives by your immediate response to our emergency call.

“The example of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.”- Prophet Muhammad


Online: By Mail: Please make all cheques & money orders payable to:

HUMAN APPEAL INT. AUSTRALIA P.O.Box 406 Lakemba NSW 2195 By Direct Deposit: Human Appeal. Acc. No. 062191 - 00903948 Commonwealth Bank of Australia (Please mail or fax the deposit slip for receipt) By Phone: Call our donation line 1300 760 155


NSW CFN17891 VIC 12875 SA CCP2001 QLD CH2976




celebration ‫ م‬2016 ‫¿ كانون األول‬

‫ هـ‬1438 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬74 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016

Human Appeal Australia Community Care Emergency Relief / NSW Bushfire Appeal

Aspiring Leaders umrah tour

Community Engagement Projects

Year 12 Muslim Achievement Awards

WHERE WE WORK Countries of Operation Australia Afghanistan Bangladesh Bosnia Burma Cambodia Egypt Eritrea Fiji India

Indonesia Iraq Jordan Kosovo Kyrgyzstan Lebanon Nepal Niger Pakistan Palestine

Philippines Somalia Sri Lanka Syria Sudan Senegal Tunisia Vanuatu Yemen


‫ م‬2016 ‫¿ كانون األول‬

For 25 years, Human Appeal has built over 12,000 water wells providing safe clean water to more than 2 million people

celebration ‫ هـ‬1438 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬74 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016


25TH ANNIVERSARY HAIA team members surprised director Bashar Al-Jamal with the trophy in appreciation of his hard work and dedication to the organisation and helping people in need

On Sunday the 27th of November, Human Appeal International Australia celebrated its 25th Anniversary in Sydney. The incredible milestone featured a Family Fun Day and Gala Dinner hosting a variety of local and international guest speakers and performances. With an audience of over 2,100 in attendance at the Waterview in Sydney Olympic Park, the stage was enlivened with appearances by the likes of Yusuf Estes from the US, nasheed artists Khaled Siddiq from the UK and Abdulfattah Owainat from Jordan, with comedian Mo Amer also from the US delivering a hilarious stand-up comedy act. The 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner in Melbourne was held on Saturday the 26th of November at Stars International. In attendance were Nina Springle MP, Cr Helen Davidson Mayor of Moreland, Cr Samantha Ratnam Deputy Mayor of Moreland and other dignitaries. There were two unique moments that stood out from the rest of

the day’s events. Two orphan brothers from Jordan, Mohammad and Ibrahim Owaimer, sponsored by Human Appeal, performed a heart-wrenching song about having a father figure in their lives. This was followed by an interview with another orphan from Sudan, the self-confident Asaor Adam. Emotions were running high as she explained her journey and how the ongoing support from Human Appeal has allowed her to start university doing a Bachelor of Medicine. An unexpected surprise occurred when she met her sponsor’s daughter, who pledged to pay all of her university expenses, leaving many of the audience in tears. People from across Australia came to attend the anniversary with guests travelling from Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne and Dubbo keen to witness and celebrate the momentous achievements of Human Appeal Australia. The Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, Jihad Dib MP, local Imams, politicians, community leaders and school

principals were also in attendance to express their appreciation for the many years of service provided to the community and those in need. Guests had the opportunity to walk through a photo exhibition which displayed the many projects and campaigns that Human Appeal has coordinated in more than 29 countries for a quarter of a century. With the beautiful sunny weather, people enjoyed picnics, the scenery by the lake as well as a free sausage sizzle. Henna and face painting plus Arabic calligraphy were also offered free-of-charge as a token of Human Appeal’s gratitude to the community for its ongoing support in helping to raise a staggering $126 million dollars in donations since its establishment in 1991. This could not have been possible without the trust and confidence of a generous community eager to help millions of disadvantaged people around the world. The anniversary marked the beginning of a new chapter in the history

HAIA 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner in Melbourne

of Human Appeal with its Director, Bashar Al-Jamal vowing: “We will ensure that this charity continues to work more innovatively and efficiently with the community to help the deprived people of the world -- dedicated to our motto of ‘always with you on the road to goodness.”

HAIA 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner Guests

Group of HAIA Volunteers during the 25th Anniversary event

Sheikh Yusuf Estes and MC Tasnim Saeid entertaining the audience during the 25th Anniversary Family Day Out event


‫ م‬2016 ‫¿ كانون األول‬

Since 1991, more than 3 million people have benefitted from our emergency campaigns through food, shelter, clothing & medical aid.


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¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016




SOUNDS OF LIGHT CHARITY CONCERT Together, helping the children of the world.

Make Bread Not War

SOL Concerts have resulted in the direct sponsorship of more than 7,000 orphans around the world



‫ م‬2016 ‫¿ كانون األول‬

celebration ‫ هـ‬1438 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬74 ‫¿ الوسط ¿ العدد‬

¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016

Food is one of the most important necessities in life for survival.


FOOD AID & NUTRITION Nearly 98% of worldwide hunger exists in under-developed countries

AT HUMAN APPEAL INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA WE GIVE LIFELINES NOT HANDOUTS. More than 2500 families have benefitted through our sustainable income projects, providing a source of income and decent living.


Vegetable Cart Business - Indonesia

During the last 25 years HAIA has feed millions of hungry people worldwide

Soap for a Cleaner Future!

Providing Sewing Machines to Widows - Bosnia


Soap factory project- Palestine


Recognition from UN

HAI was rewarded with a “Shield of Honour’ organised by Food and Agriculture Organisation /UN. Farmers trained and supported by HAI project, displaying their organic products”


Since the first Eid which we celebrated 25 years ago, we have provided meat to over 10 million beneficiaries around the globe


celebration ‫ م‬2016 ‫¿ كانون األول‬

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¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016

ORPHAN SPONSORSHIP & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Human Appeal Australia sponsors over 8,100 orphans, providing them with financial, food, clothing, medical aid and education.

For 25 years, Human Appeal has built over 12,000 water wells providing safe clean water to more than 2 million people

Local Community in Afghanistan receiving clean water for drinking and agriculture

Human Appeal Int. Australia is striving to resolve the water crisis by providing clean water to areas in need






Clean Water Network Project - Kyrgyzstan


‫ م‬2016 ‫¿ كانون األول‬

Without you, none of this would have been possible.

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¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016

VALUES TRUST AND INTEGRITY: We assure our donors that their donations are delivered as promised.

Director’s Message

PROFESSIONALISM AND TRANSPARENCY: We follow transparent, best practice procedures and systems in all aspects of our work.

EMPOWERMENT: We treat beneficiaries with dignity and empower them to develop their skills and capabilities to follow independent positive lifestyles.

EQUALITY IN AID DISTRIBUTION: We distribute aid to all needy people and destinations regardless of race, colour, religion, sex or political affiliation.

Sydney Office 119 Haldon St Lakemba NSW 2195, Australia Email: Phone: +61 2 9750 3161 Melbourne Office 149 Sydney Rd Coburg VIC 3058, Australia Email: Phone:+61 3 9386 4677 Fax: +61 3 9386 4688 Adelaide Office Level 1, 53 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA 5031 Email: Phone:+61 8 7200 2882 Fax: +61 8 7131 9209 Queensland Office 16 Queens Road Slacks Creek QLD 4127 Phone: 0734934222 Fax: 0734934220 Email:

Human Appeal International Australia bank details: Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia BSB: 062-191 Account Number for General Donations: 0090-3948

Dear Brothers & Sisters, In 1991, we sensed a fundamental unfulfilled need of the Australian Muslim community. The Australian Muslim community was looking for a means to support the people suffering across the globe whether it was from natural disasters or conflict. Through their donations, they wanted to help those who had no means of providing for themselves. It was from that need that Human Appeal International Australia was founded. From a single office in Sydney, we raised $39,000 in donations in our first year of operation. 25 years later with offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane our total donations exceeded $126 million dollars providing essential emergency relief and aid to countless recipients and helping establish thousands of vital projects around the world. This milestone achievement would not have been possible without the grace of Allah (SWT) first and foremost, the continuous trust and generosity of our community and the dedication and hard work of our employees and volunteers. Together, we have brought smiles to millions of people and brightened their world. For that, we thank you. However, during recent years, a noticeable surge in natural and man-made disasters increased the demand for emergency relief and aid. And while the campaigns we initiated assisted millions of displaced and needy people, more are still waiting for help. This surge is forcing us to improve our work and develop innovative means to meet the demand increase. Over the course of 25 years, we established strong and lasting relationships with our generous community. We formed unbreakable bonds with many organisations and individuals. Through these bonds, we have strived to support our local Australian community with their events and programs to demonstrate our appreciation for their support. The “High Achievers” and “Aspiring Leaders” programs are two examples of our investment in the Australian youth community. As we look ahead, we pledge to continue our part in forming a better world for humanity. We accept the upcoming challenges of the modern world and promise you more innovative projects to further advance our mission - continuing with you on the road to goodness.

Bashar Al-Jamal

Director Human Appeal International Australia


celebration ‫ م‬2016 ‫¿ كانون األول‬

I would like to congratulate our generous Australian community on the 25th Anniversary of Human Appeal International Australia. In the past 25 years, I was privileged to be with Human Appeal first as a volunteer, then as an employee and recently as a member of the Board of Directors. Whether it’s a widow’s tears, an orphans’ smile or a family happiness, I felt the pain of suffering, enjoyed the beauty of giving and saw firsthand how hope can change lives for better forever. This path was not paved with roses. It was a difficult journey full of struggles. But, all praise to Allah (SWT), we were able to overcome these obstacles with the trust and generosity of our donors and sponsors. As a result millions of people around the world benefitted from your donations as Human Appeal was able to reach out to the poor and needy swiftly to lessen their suffering and offer help and hope. I would like to thank the team at Human Appeal both employees and volunteers, who work tirelessly day and night during various campaigns to ensure the delivery of your aid to those in need at the right time at the right place. Human Appeal belongs to its community and as such it continuously returns the favour to our beloved nation, Australia. In addition to local projects, Human Appeal through two unique youth programs, “High Achievers” and “Aspiring Leaders” has invested in the development of the Australian youth. Once again, I would like to congratulate Human Appeal on the 25th anniversary and thank our donors and sponsors for their continuous trust and generosity. Without the blessings of Allah (SWT) and your support, we would not have been to reach this milestone. May Allah (SWT) reward us all and give us the strength to continue together of the road of goodness.

Riyad Qassim Chairman Human Appeal International Australia

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Chairman’s Message


ABOUT US Human Appeal International Australia (HAIA) aims to strengthen humanity’s fight against poverty and social injustice. Through the provi-sion of immediate relief and establishment of selfsustaining development programs, we aim to invest in real, effective solutions. By establishing firm and loyal grass root relationships with local, national and international partners we are able to access some of the most hard to reach places at the most vulnerable of times. HAIA believes that establishing stable health care, education and income generation programmes, paves the way for empowered, self-serving communities. Through the provision of immediate relief and establishment of sustainable development programmes, we aim to invest in real effective solutions. We also recognise that the provision of food, medical aid and emergency shelter in times of humanitarian crises is essential for the immediate preservation of life. As such, we value the importance of a multidimensional aid approach, and therefore dedicate our time respectively between emergency relief and long term development.

VISION A leading international humanitarian development organisation that values human life and dignity, embracing justice and equality in a world free of suffering and poverty.

MISSION Immediate aid and effective long-term sustainable development. Empowering communities to be self-reliant and independent.

OBJECTIVES To enhance the quality of life of underprivileged communities through social mobilization, and sustainable initiatives that aim to improve skills and livelihood earning opportunities. To create awareness of health dangers, risks associated with drinking contaminated water and educating communities with ways to live a healthy life free of illnesses. To provide educational opportunities to vulnerable children and uneducated segments of the society in order for them to become self-reliant. To minimise the effects of disasters through disaster risk management and community development.


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Celebrating 25 years helping those in need

Always with you on the road to goodness

1300 760 155

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2016 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1438 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬74 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016

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Islamic Information Centre of SA Arabic School

Soccer Club

IICSA Arabic school is a well-known weekend school that is registered with the Ethnic School Board. Our highlyqualified teachers volunteer their time and effort to ensure that the children can benefit from Islamic and Arabic Knowledge as well as have an active and fun environment. In 2016 we introduced our new curriculum and adapted our program to include excursions and family friendly events which has been an instant hit with the students and the parents. We have received many commendation from the community and hope to continue improving our services so that we can raise a responsible and educated next generation.


The Adelaide Thunders are a soccer club that aims to provide fitness and recreational sports in an Islamic environment. The club was first established in 2011, currently it has teams ranging from Under 7s all the way to Amateurs. The clubs Under 13 won the season this year, winning it back to back in 2015 and 2016. The club has grown in numbers and we have seen a lot of new talented players join us in 2016 that are moving forward with us in 2017.

Eid Festival

By the invitation of Allah SWT we were able to send our 6th group of pilgrims for Hajj this year. Started in 2011, IICSA Hajj services has paired up with Labbaik Travels to ensure that Muslims in Adelaide can safely and comfortably perform Hajj. We provide an extensive course prior to going for Hajj which explains all the rituals. On top of that the group will be accompanied by a tour guide from Adelaide who is fluent in both English and Arabic. Furthermore, our guide provides necessary information and extras in Makkah and Madinah.

Youth Camp

IICSA hosted their first Eid Festival in 2010. It was just a few Jumping Castles behind the City masjid. Today we get around 20,000 attendees and our festival includes stage performances and carnival rides. Over the past 6 years we have grown to be a well-known brand that has been acknowledged by VIPs and Ministers alike. The year 2016 has been a break out year for us, hosting our first Adelaide Multicultural Eid Festival (AMEF) at the Adelaide Showgrounds.

IICSA hosts their annual youth camps which cater to the Muslim demographics of Adelaide. There is the ManVsWild camp for the brothers in the Easter break that involves a rigorous hiking and camping in the wild bushlands while living on limited provisions. It is an ultimate test of manhood and a glimpse of the ascetic life of the companions and Prophets. IICSA also conducts the Unity Camp in the labour holidays which involved 3 days of fun, games, sporting activities and workshops while feasting on chef prepared meals. The sisters have their own camp as well which focuses on the concept of sisterhood and are jam packed with activities and talks that are relevant for the struggles that our sisters are going through in this day and age.

‫ سيدني‬/ ‫إذاعة الصوت االسالمي‬ The Voice of Islam Radio Station

‫ الدكتور احمد العقاد‬،‫ الحاج ابراهيم الزعبي‬،‫من اليمين الحاجة رانية البرجاوي‬ ‫• برنامج «فهل من مدكر» لتعليم �أحكام التجويد وتالوة‬ .‫القر�أن الكريم للأخ �أنور حمام والأخ ريا�ض قا�سم‬ ‫• برنامج «�إ���ش��راق��ات فقهية» �صباح ك��ل ي��وم �أرب��ع��اء عند‬ .‫ال�ساعة التا�سعة والربع مع ف�ضيلة ال�شيخ يحي ال�صافي‬ ‫• برنامج «التف�سير البالغي للقر�آن الكريم» مع ال�شيخ‬ ‫�أحمد عزت محمود عند ال�ساعة ال�ساد�سة م�سا ًء كل يوم‬ .‫ثالثاء‬ ‫• ب��رن��ام��ج��ي «ام���ج���اد ون��زه��ة ال��م�����ش��ت��اق» م��ع االخ وليد‬ .‫المذيب‬

‫ االولى‬,‫• محا�ضرات باللغة االنكليزية ثالث مرات يوميا‬ ‫عند ال�ساعة ال�سابعة والن�صف �صباحاً والثانية عند الرابعة‬ .‫ع�صراً واالخيرة عند ال�ساعة الثامنة والن�صف م�سا ًء‬ ‫• برنامج �أ�سبوعي يقدم م�ساء كل يوم �أربعاء عند ال�ساعة‬ ‫ال��ث��ام��ن��ة وال��ن�����ص��ف باللغة االن��ك��ل��ي��زي��ة ب��ع��ن��وان «الن�شاط‬ .»‫وال�صحة‬ ‫• برنامج باللغة االنكليزية عن ال�صحة يقدمه الدكتور‬ .ً‫و�سام �سوبرا كل يوم جمعه عند ال�ساعة الرابعة ع�صرا‬ ‫• برنامج «ماما �صفاء» للأطفال عند ال�ساعة الخام�سة‬ .‫م�ساء كل يوم جمعه‬

The Voice of Islam Radio Station from Sydney, Australia - 87.6 FM

• 87.6 FM • 173.350 MHz (Narrow Band) • 173.425 MHz (Narrow Band) • 107.9 FM (Only during the holy month of Ramadan) Daily broadcast includes: • Recitation of the Holy Quran

The Voice of Islam Radio Station broadcasts from Sydney, Australia on the following frequencies.

:‫برامجها ت�شمل ما يلي‬ ‫ محا�ضرات �إ�سالمية‬- ‫• تالوة القر�آن الكريم‬ ‫ �أخبار محلية وعالمية‬- ‫• بث مبا�شر لخطبة الجمعة‬ ‫• ب��رن��ام��ج ���ص��ب��اح��ي��ات م��ع ال��ح��اج �إب��راه��ي��م ال��زع��ب��ي ِم��ن‬ .‫الثامنة والن�صف وحتى العا�شرة والن�صف‬ ‫• متفرقات في الدين والحياة لالخت رانيا البرجاوي من‬ .‫العا�شره والن�صف وحتى الثانية ع�شره‬ ‫• ثالث ن�شرات اخبارية مف�صلة يقدمها الدكتور �أحمد‬ .‫العقاد‬ • Islamic lectures • Live broadcasts of Friday sermons • Local and international news • Radio documentaries • Talk shows and programs on contemporary topics • Trivia and competitions

:‫�إذاعة ال�صوت الإ�سالمي من �سيدني تبث برامجها على مدار اليوم على الترددات التالية‬

• 87.6 FM • 173.350 MHz (Narrow Band) • 173.425 MHz (Narrow Band) T: +61 (2) 9758 3399 F: +61 (2) 9758 3299 E:

‫محطات مع‬

‫الحـاج عمر ياسـين‬ ‫خالل سنة ‪2016‬‬

‫استقبال حاشد لوفد‬ ‫حزب العمال االسترالي في الضنية‬ ‫‪R e v i e w‬‬

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‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ 2016‬م‬ ‫‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬




‫بدعوة من رئي�س جمعية ابناء ال�ضنية الخيرية في ا�ستراليا‬ ‫الحاج عمر يا�سين احت�شد يوم ال�سبت ‪ 24‬ابريل ‪2016‬‬ ‫المئات من �أهالي قرى وبلدات ال�ضنية ال�ستقبال وفد حزب‬ ‫العمال اال�سترالي‪ ،‬برئا�سة زعيم المعار�ضة في والية نيو �ساوث ويلز‬ ‫لوك فولي‪� ،‬ضم النواب جهاد ديب‪ ،‬كاليتون بار‪ ،‬تانيا ميهايلوك‪ ،‬جوليا‬ ‫فين‪ ،‬ع�ضو المجل�س الت�شريعي �شوكت م�سلماني‪ ،‬رئي�س بلدية بيروود‬ ‫جان فخر‪ ،‬رئي�س بلدية بانك�ساون ال�سابق كارل ع�صفور‪ ،‬نائب رئي�س‬ ‫بلدية كانتربري ال�سابق خ�ضر �صالح‪ ،‬ورئي�س جمعية بحنين المنية‬ ‫م�صطفى حامد برفقة ال�سفير اال�سترالي غلين مايلز‪.‬‬

‫درع تقديري من محافظ الشمال‬

‫قدم محافظ �شمال لبنان القا�ضي رمزي نهرا في مكتبه في‬ ‫�سراي طرابل�س درعا تكريمي ًا لرئي�س جمعية ابناء ال�ضنية في‬ ‫ا�ستراليا الحاج عمر يا�سين تقديرا لجهوده في «بناء الج�سور‬ ‫بين اللبناني المقيم والمغترب في ا�ستراليا»‪ .‬بح�ضور �سفير ا�ستراليا في‬ ‫لبنان غلين مايلز والذي قدم له القا�ضي نهرا درعا تقديريا‪.‬‬

‫درع تقديري من موقع‬ ‫الشمال نيوز اإلخباري‬

‫المحطة االولى للوفد كانت في بلدة الحاج عمر يا�سين «اي��زال» حيث‬ ‫ا�ستقبلهم في دارته وقدم لزعيم المعار�ضة لوك فولي العباءة العربية‬ ‫التراثية‪ .‬ثم انتقل الوفد بعد ذلك الى بلدة �سير حيث اقيم حفل ر�سمي‬ ‫تكريمي على �شرف الوفد في منتجع ومطعم مغارة الزحالن ح�ضرة‬ ‫اكثر من ‪� 250‬شخ�ص من ال�شخ�صيات والفعاليات والقيادات ال�سيا�سية‬ ‫والدينية واالمنية واالجتماعية والمخاتير ور�ؤ�ساء واع�ضاء البلديات في‬ ‫ق�ضاء المنية وال�ضنية‪.‬‬ ‫يذكر ان الحاج عمر يا�سين قد رافق الوفد في جميع جوالته في مختلف‬ ‫المناطق اللبنانية‪.‬‬

‫استقبال السفير االسترالي في بلدة ايزال‬ ‫والمجلس البلدي يقيم غدا ًء تكريميا على شرفه‬

‫ا�سقبل الحاج عمر يا�سين في منزله في بلدة ايزال ال�سفير اال�سترالي في لبنان غلين مايلز بح�ضور ح�شد كبير من ال�شخ�صيات‬ ‫ال�سيا�سية والدينية والثقافية ا�ضافة الى ر�ؤ�ساء البلديات والمخاتير وح�شد من �أبناء ال�ضنية والمنية وعكار وطرابل�س و ال�شمال‪ ،‬وقد‬ ‫اقام المجل�س البلدي في بلدة ايزال والذي يرا�سه ال�سيد احمد المغ�شو�ش حفل غداء على �شرف ال�سفير الإ�سترالي والمحافظ نهرا‬ ‫والنواب والفاعليات في ق�صر االمراء في �سير‪ ،‬تحدث فيها رئي�س البلدية احمد المغ�شو�ش حيث رحب بال�ضيوف وعدد مزايا منطقة ايزال وال�ضنية‬ ‫وكانت كلمات لنائبه ولل�سفير اال�سترالي ولعدد من ال�شخ�صيات ال�سيا�سية واالجتماعية‪.‬‬

‫المساهمة‬ ‫في مشاريع‬ ‫انماء‬ ‫بلدة ايزال‬ ‫بالتعاون‬ ‫مع البلدية‬

‫جمعية أبناء الضنية الخيرية‬ ‫اقامة الصلوات الخمس‬ ‫طيلة شهر رمضان المبارك‬

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‫الوسط ¿ العدد ‪ ¿ 74‬ربيع الثاني ‪ 1438‬هـ ¿ كانون األول ‪ 2016‬م‬ ‫‪¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016‬‬




‫شكر وتقدير‬

‫ا�ستطاعت جمعية �أبناء ال�ضنية الخيرية الح�صول على‬ ‫الموافقة ب�إقامة ال�صلوات الخم�س ا�ضافة ال��ى �صالة‬ ‫ال�ت��راوي��ح طيلة �شهر رم�ضان الما�ضي ف��ي مركزها في‬ ‫منطقة فيالوود‪ ،‬بعد جهود كبيرة تكللت بالنجاح‪.‬‬

‫جمعية �أبناء ال�ضنية الخيرية اذ ت�شكر كل من �ساهم في هذا االنجاز‬ ‫وعمل على نجاحه ت�ؤكد انها م�ستمرة في تقديم كل ما ت�ستطيع من اجل‬ ‫خدمة ابناء الجالية والمجتمع ككل‪.‬‬

‫اقامة االفطار الرمضاني السنوي‬

‫�أقامت جمعية �أبناء ال�ضنية الخيرية افطارها الرم�ضاني‬ ‫ال�سنوي م�ساء الأح��د ‪ ، ٢٠١٦//٦//٢٦‬في مركزها في‬ ‫منطقة ڤلوود‪ .‬وق��د لبى دع��وة الجمعية لهذا االفطار ما‬

‫يزيد عن ‪� ٣٠٠‬شخ�ص من الجالية اللبنانية والعربية‪ ،‬باال�ضافة الى‬ ‫عدد من الجمعيات والروابط والهيئات االجتماعية والأهلية وال�سيا�سية‬ ‫والإعالمية‪.‬‬

‫ي�ت�ق��دم رئ�ي����س جميعة‬ ‫�أبناء ال�ضنية الخيرية‬ ‫ال� �ح ��اج ع �م��ر ي��ا��س�ي��ن‬ ‫واع�ضاء الجمعية بال�شكر والتقدير‬ ‫م��ن ال �ح��اج وج�ي��ه ه��و��ش��ر الرئي�س‬ ‫الفخري للجمعية تقديرا لعطاءاته‬ ‫الكبيرة في خدمة الجالية ولما قدمه‬ ‫لجمعية اب �ن��اء ال�ضنية الخيرية‪،‬‬ ‫متمنين له دوام ال�صحة والعافية‬ ‫التامة‪.‬‬

‫صالة التراويح في مركز الجمعية‬

‫استضافة الشيخ الداعية فوزي عبد‬ ‫الباقي طيلة شهر رمضان المبارك‬

‫حفل تكريمي للمحامي محمد المراد‬

‫اق��ام��ت جمعية اب �ن��اء ال�ضنية‬ ‫الخيرية حفال تكريميا حا�شدا‬ ‫لع�ضو المجل�س اال�سالمي االعلى‬ ‫وع�ضو‬ ‪‭‬المكتب‬ ‪‭‬ال�سيا�سي‬ ‪‭‬في‬ ‪‭‬تيار ‮«‬‬‪‭‬الم�ستقبل‬‪‭‬‮»‬‬

‫المحامي‬ ‪‭‬محمد‬ ‪‭‬المراد‪ ،‬والوفد المرافق له‬ ‫وم��ن بينهم االع�لام��ي عامر ال�شعار‪ ،‬ح�ضر‬ ‫الحفل عدد من ال�ضيوف بينهم المحامي علي‬ ‫الغول ‪ ،‬ورئي�س �صندوق ال��زك��اة في ال�ضنية‬

‫ال�شيخ محمد جبارة ‪ ،‬ومختار كفرحبو احمد‬ ‫عي�سى وع ��دد كبير م��ن اب �ن��اء ال�ج��ال�ي��ة في‬ ‫�سيدني‪.‬‬

‫ا�ست�ضافت جمعية �أبناء ال�ضنية الخيرية موفد االأزهر ال�شريف‬ ‫ف�ضيلة ال�شيخ فوزي ح�سن عبد الباقي في �شهر رم�ضان المبارك‪،‬‬ ‫حيث اقام في جمعية �أبناء ال�ضنية الخيرية طيلة �شهر رم�ضان‬ ‫المبارك ق��دم خالله العديد من ال��درو���س والمواعظ الإ�ضافة ال��ى امامة‬ ‫ال�صالوات الخم�س و�صالة التراويح واحياء ليلة القدر‪.‬‬


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2016 marks the 10th Annual Australian Muslim Achievement Awards which aims to raise the profile of Australian Muslim individuals and organisations, promote their achievements and prominence in the Australian society and encourage Australian Muslims to participate and excel in areas within the Australian society.

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ICV President Receives Premier’s Volunteer Champion Award

• Nazeem Hussein: Australian Muslim Creative Artist of the Year • Sana Karanouh: Australian Muslim Volunteer of the Year • Dalya Ayoub: Australian Muslim Role Model of the Year • Steve Dabliz: Australian Muslim People’s Choice of the Year

• Steve Dabliz:Australian Muslim Social Media Award of the Year • The White Coats – Homeless Run:Australian Muslim Community Organisation of the Year • Pillars of Guidance Community Centre: Australian Muslim Best New Community Project of the Year

• Eid at Taronga Zoo:Australian Muslim Event of the Year • OnePath Network: Australian Muslim Media Organisation of the Year • Crescent Wealth:Australian Muslim Business of the Year • Father Rod Bower:Australian Abyssinian of the Year

Kashif Bouns

wins the prestigious International Alumnus Award at Governor House Former Victoria University (VU) business student Kashif Bouns has been recognised for his contributions to the state by being named International Alumnus of the Year at the 2016 Victorian International Education Awards. Pakistani-born Kashif, who completed his Master of Business Administration earlier this year, received the prestigious accolade at a Government House ceremony on November 21.

ICV ICV President, Mohamed Mohideen, received the Premier’s Volunteer Champion Award in the leadership category, on Sunday, December 4 at Government house. The event was hosted by Victoria’s Governor the Hon. Linda Deassau AM. The Premier’s Volunteer Champions Awards celebrate and recognise the extraordinary contributions of all volunteers in Victoria, and the vital role they play in creating happier, healthier and well-connected communities. Reflecting on the award Mohamed Mohideen felt it was a recognition of collective efforts of the many volunteers in the community stating “This is an award for the Muslim community and the thousands of volunteers who do so much work. May Allah (swt) reward them all. There were 2 other Muslim recipients on the day: • Farah Warsame, President of Somali Community Inc. who was honoured in the service category for his leadership and support for the Somali community in settlement, education and youth activities over 10 years. • Lina Shaaban, Darebin Information Volunteer Resource Service (DIVRS) was honoured in the teamwork category alongside her 9 colleagues. DIVRS provides intensive support to address the underlying causes of financial hardship for clients with complex needs through specialist services such as counselling and material aid. The award was particularly timely as December 5th marks International Volunteer Day. The ICV would like to acknowledge all of the hard-working volunteers that give their time and skills to better the lives of others and community.

Now in its fourth year, the Victorian International Education Awards aim to recognise the achievements of Victoria’s 175,000 international students and the leading education providers that support them. After serving at Cricket Victoria, Essendon football Club, AFL Victoria and AFL in different roles, Kashif is currently working as the General Manager of the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation – which initiates a diverse number of programs in the western suburbs including health and wellbeing, migrant support and leadership programs. “I am extremely proud and humbled to have been recognised by this prestigious award in its inaugural year. It’s not only a recognition for me personally but also a recognition for all International students as it shows if you work hard you will be recognised. I arrived from Pakistan in 2005, and a big part of my success has been my early experiences and education in Pakistan that set me up for success in Australia. It was hard for me at the start like other international students trying to build a network in a new place but over time I settled in and made sure I always prioritised my studies and my career.” he says. “When you have postgraduate qualifications, your qualifications and experience always sets you up for success and gives you a competitive edge over other candidates.”

Kashif Bouns rceiving International Alumnus of the Year awaed from Minister Philip Dalidakis Kashif is the inaugural winner of the International Alumnus of the Year Award, which was introduced as a new category for the first time this year. Kashif’s work has previously been recognised through awards from various Government bodies and community organisations including Inspiring Community Award – 2012, initiated by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence – 2011 for Service Delivery to Multicultural Victoria, initiated by the Victorian Multicultural Commission. He was

also named the International Alumnus of the Year at the 2016 Victorian International Education Awards. He has represented Australia in Indonesia through the Exchange run by the Australia-Indonesia Institute (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) – 2014 as well as representing Australia in Malaysia through the Cultural Exchange Program, run by the Australia-Malaysia Institute (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) – 2013. photos taken by Mark Avellino


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UGC in robotics finals Unity Grammar College

Unity Grammar College is delighted to be representing Australia at the world robotics finals in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2017

after winning the 2016 national FLL robotics finals! This is a major accomplishment and the school, indeed all of Australia is behind the team!

We are truly in awe of our UGC team and their coach Riad Naanai for an inspiring effort and we wish them all the best at the World Robotics Finals in 2017!

Some of the achievements in 2016

HSC class 2016 Our Children Today Our Leaders Tomorrow Guided by it’s Islamic ethos Unity Grammar College aims to provide the best opportunities for all students through vibrant curricular and co-curricular programs to bring out the best in each child regardless of their level of ability. Some of the achievements in 2016 include: - Qualified to represent Australia at the world robotics finals in Copenhagen, Denmark - Sponsoring over 80 orphans - Regional public speaking finalists - Regional and NSW sport representation - Eight district interschool grand final teams - Award winning art selected for display at Powerhouse Museum - Expansion of community service, volunteering and careers program - Launch of inaugural school Umrah tour - 40% of HSC class score in NSW top 30% - Ramadan iftar and itikaf program.


Ali Shehata HSC DUX 90.55

Obayda AJAJ







Zaid mahbub—70 Fourth Ave, Austral—9606 9826

Unity Grammar College congratulates the HSC class of 2016 for an excellent effort where in only our third HSC over 40% of students achieved an ATAR in the top 30% in NSW! In particular we acknowledge HSC Dux Ali Shehata who was accepted into the Future Leaders Program at the University of Sydney where he intends to enrol in Law.

Regardless of results we acknowledge the entire HSC cohort of 2016 on being an outstanding group who did their best and who made significant contributions to the school and local community. We wish them all the very best and look forward to hearing of all the wonderful things they will achieve as young adults.

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2016 High Achievers ILIM COLLEGE

99.05 Shafie Sharifuddin

93.85 Zeynep Kor

Advance Through Knowledge



Lara Abbouche

Alina Faheem

92.6 Merjem Colan

92.2 Esma Fazlic

94 Dilara Kor

91.1 Nazli Sevinc





Razan Katesh

Betul Kuyruk

Asmaa Hussein

Mehmet Aykan

90 Baturhan Kaynak

83.3 Nizar Jufri

Congratulations 82.55

Zahra Ali


Hassan Ali


Eda Inanir

World Assembly of Muslim Youth

World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) WAMY Australia & South Pacific is a registered UN-NGO youth organisation that aims to build bridges of peace and unity between Muslims and the general multicultural society. Every year WAMY organises a range of events and programs to achieve this goal, these include camps, training workshops, lectures, courses and many others. Here are some of the events we organised this year.

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Imam’s Leadership Training Course

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Wyndham Eid Festival Jointly organized by WAMY Australia & South Pacific and WAMY Malaysia the Imam’s Leadership Training Course ran over the course of four weeks from the 26th of September to the 22nd of October in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

WAMY also organised a stall at the first ever Wyndham Eid Festival where we showcased WAMY’s activities and events in the community. The Eid Festival was planned by the Werribee Islamic Centre and is the first of its kind in the Western suburbs of Melbourne.

National Mosque Open Day

The course was attended by nine brothers and sisters from Pacific Islands such as Tonga, Vanuatu, Papua new Guinea, Kiribati and the Solomon Islands. It was also attended by ten brothers and sisters from many Southeast Asian countries and from Malaysia itself.

Local Leaders Lunch On the 19th of November 2016, WAMY Australia & South Pacific invited leaders of local Muslim

community organisations to our office in Point Cook where they were introduced to WAMY and its staff.

A short presentation of WAMY’s activities and events in 2015 and 2016 was exhibited.

WAMY Lecture Tour 2016 For the second year in a row WAMY Australia & South Pacific participated in the National Mosque Open Day at the Virgin Mary Mosque in Werribee where we set-up a stall offering gifts, henna, and Arabic Calligraphy.

Personal Development and Training course

The WAMY 2016 Lecture Tour began on the 1st of January. This year the guests were two International speakers from Imam Mohammad Bin Saud University in Saudi Arabia. These were

Unity Camp On January 27th and January 28th WAMY Australia & South Pacific ran a personal Development and Training course. The course was facilitated by Dr Mohamed Maymun, the director of the Ambassadors of Development Academy, and a specialist in delivering workshops that empower members of the community.

On Saturday 1st of October, Islamic Information Centre of South Australia (IICSA) , with support from WAMY Australia & South Pacific and other prominent Muslim organizations organised their annual unity camp which spanned 3 days. The camp included beach activities, soccer, basketball and youth talk from local and national imams.

Dr Saleh Alghaigah, a specialist in Islamic Jurisprudence, and Dr Abdulrahman Alzendi a scholar in the field of Islamic Thought and Culture. They toured both Melbourne and Sydney where they visited five locations in each city.

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Mosque Open Day

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year 12 Muslim Graduation

To celebrate the achievements of South Australia’s Muslim youth, the Islamic Society holds an annual graduation dinner. The dinner aims for graduates to feel and see the support of the community in pursuing their career goals and acknowledge their accomplishment of having completed the first stage of their education. It wishes to connect graduates with the community and offer them the opportunity to give back to society. 2016 saw the passing of another successful graduation ceremony that brought together Muslim youth from different schools to congratulate each other on their achievements and motivate one another to pursue their passions. The Islamic Society organises a mosque open day every year in conjunction with National Unity Week. This year the open day was held at the Park Holme mosque as saw an attendance of approximately 400 people. This year guests also had the opportunity to talk to the members of the UniSA Centre for Islamic Education and Thought who address topics of Sharia, the Quran in context and Islamic Finance. To see the Open Day events of the past go to MosqueOpenDay/ “Thank you for your generosity and hospitality. The food was wonderful, I enjoyed learning how to put on a hijab but most of all I appreciated gaining insight into your faith”- Leanne Sanders, National Mosque Open day attendee 2016.

Iftar Dinner For the past 2 year ISSA has invited members of parliament, various organisations, leaders of different faiths and cultural groups to enjoy an iftar together during the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is a significant month for the Muslim community and the Iftar wishes to share the spirit of this Holy month with the wider community. It gives ISSA the opportunity to extend greeting to leaders of different organisations and build positive relationships with them.

Islamic Society of South Australia

parenting and youth

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Over the past three years the Islamic Society of South Australia has grown to become the most active Islamic organisation in the South Australian community. Its events have developed from small, intimate gathering between members of the Muslim and non-Muslim community to major events that mark the state’s multicultural events calendar. The organisation aims to bring together the wider community and Muslim community into a shared space of entertainment, dialogue and learning in order to build a better understanding of Islam and foster a relationship of trust with fellow Australian Muslims. To stay updated with the Islamic Society of South Australia’s events and programs, like our facebook page https://www.facebook. com/Islamic.Society.SA/

Current Project Marion Mosque and Community Centre Extension

Workshop 2016 has been a year of incredible opportunities for the SA Muslim community with the establishment of the Centre for Islamic thought and Education at the University of South Australia. The Islamic Society has begun partnering with the team from CITE, to begin educational programs for the community which this year included a parenting as well as youth workshop. These programs give the community opportunities to engage with Islamic scholarship and put theory in practice in their everyday lives. The youth program discussed issues of identity, sharia, jihad and terrorism in order to educate young Muslims on aspects of their faith often misunderstood. This approach was to inspire a pride in their identity as Muslims and a motivation to learn about their ‘deen’ and see God’s wisdom in this faith. Both workshops saw encouraging attendance and feedback and will, God willing, become regular programs. “It has truly been an amazing opportunity and has given me a deeper insight and understanding of the complex nature of some of the contemporary issues faced by Muslims especially in Australia.” - Sarah Idris, Applied Islam Youth attendee

Al Salam Festival

We need your help in raising 1.4 million to extend our mosque and community centre The extension will provide: • A new prayer area for Women • A New Prayer Area for Men • New Community Function Area • Lift for the Disabled and Elderly • 21 Extra Car Parking Spaces

Total cost Building is $1.4 M

Make A Donation Commonwealth Bank BSB: 06511 • ACC: 10240225 Ref: Mosque Extension

CONTACT INFO Islamic Society of South Australia Ad:658 Marion Rd, Park Holme SA 5043 T: (08) 8277 8725 M: 0411105609 E: W:

The Al Salam festival began in 2014 with the objective of contributing to South Australia’s renowned reputation for being ‘the festival state’. Although the Muslim community held its annual Eid festival, there were no major events that celebrated the contributions of the Muslim community in Australia. Thus the organising team at ISSA decided to create the Al Salam festival to showcase the beauty of the Islamic religion as well as the achievements of Muslims who have been part of Australian society for generations. This year was the third Al Salam festival and a year of incredible growth for the event. The full nine-hour day saw an attendance for approximately 8000 people from

all faiths, ages and background come together celebrate the diversity of our society. The day’s program has also developed to include a wide range of interests including art, poetry, calligraphy and educational games such as the amazing race. Next year’s festival is set to be held on the 28th of January 2017 from 11 am, at the Veale Gardens. For more information see the Al Salam Festival Facebook page. “I thoroughly enjoyed the festival today, went with a group of friends and talked to a lot of people we would not otherwise have met, and learned a lot. Well done!” – Lesley Shears, festival attendee



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R e v i e w | 1800 272 222 Arab Bank Australia Celebrating 30 years of service

Waleed Aly wins Gold Logie By Mohammad Safar Journalist and host of Channel 10’s The Project Waleed Aly picked up the prestigious Gold Logie at 2016 year’s TV Week Logie awards. Selected from a pool of six nominees – including SBS’s Lee Lin Chin, actress Essie Davis, The Block’s Scott Cam, Family Feud host Grant Denyer, and Aly’s co-host on The Project Carrie Bickmore – Aly took the award for being Best Personality on Australian Television.

Jehad Akkad ATRA


East Preston Islamic College

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Achieving a ‘Common Goal’ “Common Goal” Youth Engagement Project was launched at the request of the WA Police Muslim Community Advisory Group (MCAG) to address the needs of the culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) communities to promote social cohesion and harmony among multicultural youth. The program consists of weekly soccer training sessions and weekend extension opportunities, including matches and excursions. There are also development opportunities for the participants through pathways identified in consultation with partner organisations. Participants are empowered through leadership training and education opportunities while becoming physically active in an environment that promotes positive relationships. The program is open to all young people, male and female, predominantly 8-18 years old. The main aim is to provide opportunities to young people who may be disengaged from the mainstream or who lack opportunities in a sport and leadership environment. In addition to the Muslim community, the multicultural make-up of Mirrabooka attracts to the project indigenous and nonindigenous Australians and families of Asian and African descent. Common Goal is a partnership between WA Police, Edmund Rice Centre WA (ERCWA), Football West, Mirrabooka Mosque and the City of Stirling, and was funded through the Department of Sport and Recreation’s Youth Engagement Scheme in 2016. The project is based on similar programs initiated by the ERCWA in partnership with Football West, using grass roots engagement based on

Representatives from all the partner agencies join with the teams following the match.

the Local Parks Program concept. The involvement of WA Police through its Community Engagement Division and North West Metro local policing teams, along with the support of the Mirrabooka Mosque management and the WA Police MCAG, have fostered community engagement in the truest sense. Year one of Common Goal has focused on forming relations with the local community, particularly through the Mirrabooka Mosque and its congregation. Extensive effort has been spent on promoting

the program and increasing participant numbers, and this has borne fruit with over 150 young people currently registered.

The Mirrabooka Mosque has been a valuable partner in the project providing access to its facilities and providing support through its congregations. WA Police support the project by the regular attendance of local Police, support by the WA Police executives and the presence of specialist police units. The Common Goal initiative has wrapped up for 2016 with very encouraging outcomes. The number of participants have been steadily rising, and this includes a strong representation (33%) by females. Community Engagement Division Superintendent Mark Gilbert said right from the start, the idea behind Common Goal has been to use sports to deliver a range of positive outcomes for young people, and while it’s acknowledged this will take time to be fully realized,

there has been some terrific outcomes already. Early results includes: • 70% increase in positive feelings towards Police among 200 participants.

• 100% of participants reported making more friends by being part of the program. • 90% of participants feel more accepted since joining the program • 80% gave the program a five-star rating. • 100% of participants would recommend it to their friends. Given the popularity and success of the Common Goal project, there are plans to replicate the project in the South East Metro area as the interest in the concept continues to grow.


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Al-Taqwa Masjid

‫مسجد التقوى‬

Mufti of Australia visit

Eid Prayer

Mufti of Akkar, and his accompanying delegation visit Eid al Fitr this year was celebrated on 6 July with a surprising number of visitors. The masjid, marquee and multipurpose hall were full for Eid prayers and in fact a few classrooms had to be opened to accommodate the 6,000 plus crowd.

Taraweeh Prayer In the last few days of Ramadan we were honoured to have the Mufti of Akkar, which is located in northern Lebanon, Shaykh Zaid Mohamed Bacar Zakaria, as a guest Imam from Lebanon. Shaykh Zaid delivered a number of Islamic lectures and speeches at Al–Taqwa Masjid. The Shaykh also conducted Friday Sermons.

Wamy Delegation visit

Al-Taqwa Masjid 201 Sayers Rd,Truganina VIC 3029

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Equitable Financial Solutions (EFSOL) First Hajj Savings Program in Australia

Becoming Australia’s largest, International Islamic Finance company

• ASEAN Regional Office is established in Singapore

Assets under management increased by 45% since last year

Return on Investment up to 10.1%/year

Shariyah Compliant endorsement and Full Membership by the Shariyah Review Bureau(SRB) based in Manama, Bahrain

Adelaide successful conference

• MENA Regional Office is established in Dubai

Dr. Jamal Rifi Activities in 2016 • Religious: Hajj pilgrim with my wife Hajje Em Faisal. • Medical:start of building a larger surgery to move into middle of next year. • Community:Craig Campbell soccer tournament. • Awards:on behalf of my brother,presented a thank you plague to assistant commissioner Nick Kaldas on his retirement function for his work with Lebanon Special Tribunal. • Academic:attended graduation of ISRA/ Charles Stuart university and Western Sydney University as part of academic procession. • Sport: being part of Billy Dib team in his effort to be a world champion,again. • Family: Engagement and marriage of my middle daughter.success of my youngest daughter and son in their University year. • Personal:Having good friends that I can count on and being in good health Alhamdullah. • Ideological:supporting the Syrian Revolution and being the Master of Ceremonies during demonstration against the massacres of Asaad regime in Aleppo.

Award to Nick Kaldas on Behalf of Major General Ashraf Rifi

Dr Jamal Rifi Present assistant Commissioner of NSW Police Nick Kaldas and Former Investigator in the International Tribunal Of Rafic Hariri (Former Prime Minister of Lebanon), An Appreciation Award on Behalf of Major General Ashraf Rifi, The former Lebanese Justice Minister on the Occasion of his Retirement of the Police Force.

Australia Day Ambassador speech

Supporting the Syrian Revolution

Supporting the Syrian Revolution and being the Master of Ceremonies during demonstration against the massacres of Asaad regime in Aleppo

Hajj pilgrim The Craig with his wife Campbell Hajje Em Faisal Cohesion Cup

Graduation of ISRA/ Charles Stuart University and Western Sydney

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VCE Graduation Ceremony 2016 Quality Education for Quality Life

2016 Activities

On 23 November, the annual VCE Graduation dinner gala took place in Grand Star Ballroom in Altona. Students awards were handed out as well as the certificates. It was a festive and happy night, with the graduating students bidding farewell to their life at Al-Taqwa, and looking forward to a bright future continuing their studies at the university level

SCHOOL FETE Al-Taqwa College held our annual Fete right here in our Truganina campus. It was a very bright and sunny day, a welcome sight after a few months of rain and cold weather. The turnout was fantastic. There were many rides for various age groups, a stall market for local businesses as well as delicious food for the whole family. The event’s success was due to the hard working staff who volunteered their time and effort on their day off.

College Wisdom and Inspiration from China



• Vision Night 2016 • Al-Taqwa Open Day 2016 • Secondary Science Week 2016 • 2016 School Fete • Australian Mathematics Competition • Y11/12 Bachar Houli Cup Champions • Secondary Elections – March • 14th Annual Quran Competition • New Foundation Playground – April • Grade 6 CERES Excursion • Grade 6 Canberra Camp • Secondary Science Week – August • Grade 3 Writers’ Club • Secondary Girls Woodworking • Olympics Day • Manasik Hajj – Primary • Policy Cyber Seminar – Secondary • 2016 Qatar Debate • VCE Graduation Ceremony 2016 • Delegates from Al-Taqwa College visited– China

Head Office An entourage of ten delegates from Al-Taqwa College travelled this year to Yunnan Province in south – eastern China to visit schools and a university that not unlike itself in Truganina, western Melbourne offer quality intensive studies for Muslim students. The delegation consisted of Principal Mr Omar Hallak, key education and administration leaders. It was revealing to learn that this region has more than 40 million Chinese Muslims, hundreds of mosques located in regional cities and towns, and in those the delegation had opportunity to visit, mosques were impeccable in their presentation, dignified and serene, and attended by polite and helpful locals and travellers alike. The calmness and orderliness of the schools were equally impressive.

201 Sayers Road, Truganina VIC 3029 Ph: +61 3 9269 5000 Fax: +61 3 9269 5070 E: W:


The 14th Annual

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Quran Competition

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Vision Night 2016

The 14th Annual Quran Competition successfully took place on Saturday, 25 June in the Al-Taqwa Multipurpose Hall. We saw great improvements in the various categories namely Juzu Memorisation, Recitation, Hifz, Khutba and Adhan and thanks to the tutors who spent many hours training our students from the beginning of the year. The endless support from parents and guardians has been great and rewarding.. Congratulations to the winners for 2016.



OPEN DAY The Open Day was held on Saturday, 3 September, and it was a successful event with a good turn up of community within the Western region. All staff were busy attending to the many activities and queries posed by the community.

2016 Qatar Debate



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Sydney M

uslim Confe

rence 2016

Sydney Muslim Conference The Sydney Muslim Conference (SMC) is an annual large-scale event focused on developing a language for Australian Muslims to address the challenges they face. This year SMC celebrated the legacy of the Prophet Muhammad (saws). The one-day conference brought together international and local speakers around the “Bearer of Good Tidings - Understanding the Prophetic Legacy”.

Write It Out Write It Out (WIO) harnessed the abilities of students to express their opinions openly and freely in a safe environment. Students contributed to the LMA’s flagship publication, Youthink Magazine. WIO provided young voices from diverse backgrounds with the platform to express their thoughts on issues that concern them and helped them see themselves as transformative agents of social change.

Together, We Are Strong Together We Are Strong designed and developed a series of initiatives, workshops and courses to form a professional development program for religious leaders and workers to better enable them to understand and support their community.

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k Out Finals

GoActive is a health and fitness initiative for women. It encourages cultural and religious diversity and continues to be successful in providing organised sport to address specific cultural and social needs. This year GoActive has run TriSport Tournaments with over 10 Schools and 400 students participating. A Girls’ Summer Camp over 3 days saw over 50 teenage girls participate in a series of workshops and activities.

Islamic Psychosocial Skills Training Islamic Psychosocial Skills Training (IPST) provided information on how to integrate psychosocial support with Islamic spiritual care for individuals or families who come to religious workers for assistance.

Stand Tall Spea

Stand Tall, Speak Out! Stand Tall, Speak Out! is a spoken word poetry mentorship program to help empower students and celebrate of the unique diversity of our multicultural society. The program was run in over 6 schools with over 100 students participating. This year also saw an ESL iteration in 3 schools across Sydney.

Cultural Awareness and Religious Education The Community Awareness and Religious Education (CARE) program consists of a one-day intensive workshop led by specialists in the field of social policy, religion, law and community engagement. The program was delivered to over 30 service providers to enable improved engagement with the Muslim community.

Aspire Role Models The Aspire Role Models program aims to improve the self-esteem and aspirations of young students and foster positive attitudes towards social cohesion and civic participation. The program engaged with students from Christian, Jewish, Muslim and secular backgrounds and brought them all together to showcase pathways to success from Australian Muslim role models.

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Family CommUnity Art Worksh


Thrive Thrive provided support for newly arrived migrant and refugee youth in their transition into Australia and offered a host of programs and services. The Thrive team led new projects in the areas of Education, Employment, Social Inclusion and Vocational Training. By building upon existing initiatives, promoting good practice and addressing social gaps, Thrive encouraged the participation of new migrant and refugee youth from all backgrounds in the Australian community, empowering them and positively changing the social environment which they are now part of. Over the last year, the program has engaged over 600 people who have accessed our services and programs.

The Family CommUnity project promotes a healthy dialogue between parents about the challenges, opportunities and realities of raising a family in Australia. Over 70 mothers have participated in the Baby Buddies program. Parenting and nutrition programs were also developed as part of the project.

Diploma of Counselling The LMA collaborated with TAFE NSW to run a Diploma of Counselling which offered a practical and theoretical foundation for effective counselling. The course was delivered at the LMA to 11 religious workers and leaders from the Muslim community who all participated and graduated with a Diploma of Counselling.

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28/12/2016 5:10 pm

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Below: Lakemba Mosque on National Mosque Open Day 2016

The LMA’s Commitment to Building a Brighter Future In 1962 a group of Lebanese migrants established the Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA) to provide social, religious, educational and recreational services for the Australian Muslim community.


s one of Australia’s oldest Islamic organisations and custodians of Lakemba mosque, the LMA continue to provide much needed ongoing services for the local Muslim community. The LMA offers Hajj and Umrah tours, Zakat services, marriage and funeral services, a Qur’an and Shariah College, welfare and counselling, a public library and a health and fitness centre.

GoActive Inte rschool Sport Competit ion

Some of its ongoing work includes initiatives such as the Engage Challenge Grow program (ECG) and the Thrive Youth

ut ll Speak O Stand Ta s p Worksho

Transition Support program for new migrants and refugees. The programs were developed by the LMA’s Program Director Sahar Dandan, a passionate advocate for social change and community cohesion who works tirelessly for her community and has been the main driving force behind a phenomenal amount of positive work. Both the ECG and Thrive were created by Sahar as a means to improve the lives of the most vulnerable members of the local community. For over 50 years the LMA has been an asset to multicultural Australia and continues to build dynamic and empowering programs. With continued community support, the LMA’s vision is to create an Australian Muslim community that has a positive and sustainable contribution globally and to serve and engage Muslims by promoting and advocating social harmony in a multicultural environment. Some of the programs that have been implemented over the last year –

Write It o ut Youthin k Magazine Launch

A 71-75 Wangee Rd, Lakemba NSW 2195 | P (02) 9750 6833 | E

84_LMA_Advert_260x345mm.indd 2-3

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Annual Gala Dinner 2016 2016 EVENTS •

07 Dec:Burkinis, Burnouts & Boys

24 Sep:On a Wing and a Prayer

05 Oct: Women’s Morning Tea

22 Sep: September School Holidays

03 Sep: Coffee with Sherene at IMA

16 JUL : CV Masterclass & Interview Coaching Practicum - Career Development Series

16 JUL: Motives & Motifs

28 APR: CV Masterclass Career Development Series at IMA

21 APR: Professionals Panel - Career Development Series at IMA

7 APR: Flower Crown Workshop: School Holiday Program 2016

7 APR: Hijab Styling Workshop: School Holiday Program 2016

31 MAR: School Holiday Program: Al-Jazari WaterWheel Workshop

31 MAR: School Holiday Program: Essential Oils Workshop

17 MAR: The International Women’s Day Morning Tea

12 MAR: ISLAMIC COINS: A Journey Through Islamic Civilisation Exhibition

6 MAR: IMA Annual Fundraising Gala Dinner 2016

5 MAR: Inaugural Islamic Arts Symposium

The IMA’s fourth Gala Dinner held at the lavish Bell City reception on the 6th March 2016, was a night to remember.

Online Education Program

International Islamic Arts Symposium

The IMA Online Education Program comprises a wide range of teaching and learning modules for Years 4-10, designed for use by both teachers and students. It is available via an online portal or as an app. The modules are aligned to the Australian Curriculum: English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, and The Arts. The intent behind the modules is to maximise the educational value of IMA galleries for students in Australia. The modules are also linked to the Australian Curriculum general capability of Intercultural understanding and the cross-curriculum priority of Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia.

On Saturday 5th of March the IMA held its inaugural International Islamic Arts Symposium on the topic of “Does Art Effect Social Change?” Principally funded by the Council for Arab-Australian Relations (CAAR), this event was two months in the making. Its goal was to showcase the perspective from art practitioners, curators and industry experts on the way their disciplinary field effected social change to wider society. Guest speakers included representatives from the UAE including Mr. Abdullah Bin Jassim Al Mutairi and Moustafa Fahour from Dubai and Dr. Ulrike Al Khamis from Sharjah

The modules utilise content from the five permanent IMA galleries (Islamic Faith, Islamic Contributions to Civilisation, Islamic Art, Islamic Architecture, Australian Muslim History) as well as Boundless Plains: The Australian Muslim Connection, Australian Muslim Artists, and The Journey: Establishing Australia’s First Islamic Museum.

Full Package Special (ALL 3)





Boundless Plains: Full Package Special (ALL 3) of the Australian Muslim History.




15A Anderson Rd, Thornbury VIC 3071 E: admin@ W: Call Us 1300 915 171

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Australia’s Prime Minister’s Visit

‫ م‬2016 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1438 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬74 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬ ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016

Islamic Coins:

A Journey Through Islamic Civilisation Exhibition

On March 7th, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Minister for Social Services, Christian Porter visited the Islamic Museum of Australia. The IMA team, board members and IMA Patron were delighted to take the Prime Minister for a tour and took appreciation in his interest for history and enjoyed the anecdotes that he shared about his travels through various countries that held Islamic heritage.

The education portfolio maintains a steady growth with the education team keeping quite busy. Since our last newsletter in March, the IMA has welcomed an additional 3000 students.

On Friday the 11th of March, the Islamic Museum of Australia (IMA) officially launched its Islamic Coins: A Journey Through Islamic Civilisation Exhibition. This joint initiative between the IMA, the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority and eminent historian and numismatist Mr. Abdullah Bin Jassim Al Mutairi, culminated in a showcase of one hundred Gold Islamic Dinars.

Schools & Education Program

IMA exhibited at the Social Education Victoria’s Annual Conference in late March, allowing the education team to discuss IMA’s contribution with teachers of VCE Sociology and Australian and Global Politics. IMA were present at both the History Teachers’ Association of Victoria and the Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria’s (GTAV) Annual Conference in May and August. The GTAV conference was a special occasion celebrating a milestone of 50 years and the IMA was proud to be part at the event. The education team presented the fascinating legacy of outback cameleers who came in the 1800s from distant lands, including Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran, paving the way for crucial infrastructure to be implemented across Australia. The team also shared stories of the valuable contributions that later waves of Muslim migrants have made to Australia.

Related Products

Visit the Museum Guided Tours Type Price Family $35.00 Adult $12.00 Student/Concession $10.00 Children 6 years and above $8.00 Children 5 years and under FREE

IMA Opening Hours

Day Opening Hours Monday Closed Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Sunday Closed

For groups of eight or more, a fully trained guide will accompany museum visitors on their tour. These guides will offer more detailed information on the exhibits and will endeavour to answer any questions arising from the visit. For school groups, every effort will be made to ensure a fully qualified teacher addresses the students.

5 Pillars Board Game (Large)


750 questions on the pillars of Islam at 5 difficult levels.




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Address by Grand Mufti of Australia at Parliament House Dr Ibrahim Abu Muhammad

Mufti of Australia


On Wednesday the 16th of March more than 80 people, (religious leaders, politicians and diplomats) attended a Harmony Week Event at Parliament House, Canberra. At the event His Eminence Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed, the Grand Mufti of Australia and Archbishop Amel Nona (Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Mosul) each gave an address on the topic “Creating a religiously harmonious society in Australia: issues and challenges”. This was followed by 30 minutes of questions to the

Interfaith Iftar at the Mufti’s Office

The Venerable Rod Bower and Father Chris Gosford Anglican Church, Father Dave Smith Dulwich Hill Anglican Church ,Father Patrick Mc Inerney Catholic Church, Reverend Chris Goringe Wahroonga Uniting Church, Reverend John Barker Northern Beaches Uniting Church, Father Shenouda Mansour, David Patterson Catholic Diocese Broken Bay, Peter Morgan photographer Palestine, Anna Ektoros community.

• Dr Ibrahim Abu Muhammad is one of the most prominent Muslim scholars in Australia and having memorised the entire Qur’an in his childhood. He went on to complete formal studies in Islam at the renowned and historic Al-Azhar University, Cairo where he completed a Masters at the College of Usuluddin and later a PhD. His thesis earned him a high distinction to achieve top of his class. • From 1988 to 1991 he taught Islamic Studies in Ajman College in Al-Ayn University, Abu Dabi. Dr Ibrahim has also taught postgraduate studies in Islam at Leaders College under the Defence Ministry of Abu Dabi from 1991 to 1996. • Dr Ibrahim was a cultural advisor at the Islamic Council of NSW during 1997. In 1999 he established Quran Kareem Radio Australia which broadcasts Arabic and English programs daily to an audience of more than 25,000 listeners. • Dr Ibrahim is also a Shariah advisor for The Muslim Community Co-operative (Australia) Ltd, better known as MCCA, since 1992. • Dr Ibrahim has authored 26 books which have been published in Arabic. Some titles of his books are Man and the Environment, Culture and the Diary of History, Between Freedom of Thought and Freedom to Destroy, A letter to the Sane, The Man and the Sycophant, Mental Striving: its Fields and its Heights and Pure Melody and the Immoral Melody. He has recently published the second edition of his book Invitation to Contemplate, which was translated into both English and French. • He regularly delivers Friday sermons at major mosques in Australia and holds regular monthly public lectures for the Muslim community in Sydney, where he is based. • The professor has delivered many lectures in the Australian parliament, which is the first time an Muslim scholar speaks in the Australian Parliament. • He has taken parts in many international and national conferences, panels and forums. • In addition, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed has many recorded programs on the radio and on international channels that exceed 10 000 hours of broadcasting time. • Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed was elected unanimously as the new Mufti of Australia on Saturday the 17th of September 2011.

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Interfaith EID Breakfast

Meeting with Stuart McMillian President Uniting Church Australia

On 26 November, the Grand Mufti of Australia Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohammed and his wife, Dr Nahla hosted End of Year Interfaith Lunch, , this was the 19th interfaith gathering organised for the year 2016.

An Australian parliamentary delegation visited the Mufti of Australia in Ramadan

From Right: Sheikh Tahir Mechraou, Sheikh Mohammed Khamis, Haj Khader Saleh,Sheikh Shady al-Suleima, Jason Klare MP Mufti of Australia, Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohammed,Sophia Cotsis MP, Tony Burke MP, Jihad Dib MP, Khal Asfour, Bilal Hayek.


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MAKENI ISLAMIC SOCIETY TRUST (MIST) Knowledge with Faith and Integrity About Us Makeni Islamic Society Trust (MIST) was founded in 1972 with the objective of arousing Islamic consciousness amongst the larger Muslim community, particularly the youth, and making them aware that they have a responsibility to mankind as a whole. For the past forty years MIST has held training programs in the field of education including formal education classes, workshops, seminars and training camps. These training programs have created an atmosphere whereby the youth feel, learn and live the spirit of Islam. It is hoped that the atmosphere perpetuated creates a more permanent example of the youth in Islam.

Makeni Islamic Society Trust is a complete charitable institution with the following disciplines in place: • Masjid • Nursery School • Primary School • Secondary School • Scholarships

• Teacher Training College • Vocational Training College • Day Clinic • Outstations • Welfare

As stated earlier, it is the Masjid that forms the most integral part of the institution where renowned lecturers both from within the country and abroad participate from time to time.

Construction of the Madrassah Hall and Open Wudhu Place.

• With the Masjid at the heart of the center, the Masjid offers the best example and opportunity to fill a role of a model Muslim. • MIST is located in the fringe suburb of Makeni, 15 minutes from the Lusaka central business district, Lusaka being the capital of Zambia. The society occupies a 30 hectare site on which its facilities are based, however over 60% of the land

remains undeveloped with significant potential for expanding the societies operations. • The society is currently undertaking work to construct and operate a small neighborhood shopping facility on part of the land. The tenancies within this shopping precinct will be let out to independent operators providing a small but permanent source of income for the society. Mailing Address:

Makeni Islamic Society Trust P.O. Box 32531 Lusaka 10101

T: (+ 260) 211 – 274004 E:


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Al Taqwa VCE Graduation Ceremony 2016

Mr. Omar Hallak

On 23 November, the annual VCE Graduation dinner gala took place in Grand Star Ballroom in Altona. Students awards were handed out as well as the certificates. It was a festive and happy night, with the graduating students bidding farewell to their life at Al-Taqwa, and looking forward to a bright future continuing their studies at the university level. We at AlTaqwa staff and administration wish them the very best and to ask them to represent Islam in a true way and be examples of the community.



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AL-TAQWA COLLEGE Al-Taqwa College An entourage of ten delegates from Al-Taqwa College travelled this year to Yunnan Province in south – eastern China to visit schools and a university that not unlike itself in Truganina, western Melbourne offer quality intensive studies for Muslim students. The delegation consisted of Principal Mr Omar Hallak, key education and administration leaders. It was revealing to learn that this region has more than 40 million Chinese Muslims, hundreds of mosques located in regional cities and towns, and in those the delegation had opportunity to visit, mosques were impeccable in their presentation, dignified and serene, and attended by polite and helpful locals and

travellers alike. The calmness and orderliness of the schools were equally impressive. A major interest centred on the teaching of languages (first language Chinese speakers studying both Arabic and English as additional languages), and Islamic Studies, including values, and memorisation of the Quran. Discussions with

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students and staff generated more questions than answers as reciprocal fascination and curiosity grew between the Chinese and Australian delegations. The visits also succeeded in building valuable partnership and goodwill, and a strong desire for more intercultural school initiatives that foster Islamic values be invited and supported for students and educators both here and in Yunnan. The college has already established its own campus in Sentul, Indonesia and intends strengthening healthy intercultural educational partnerships within our global neighbourhood. Our team visited quite a number of interesting places like the mosques in Kunming which was built a long time ago and they were in Chinese intricate architecture. The

tour included the famous philosopher, Confucious who held lectures with his students in the Confucious Garden/ Sanctuary/Stone Forest. We also had the opportunity to see the well-known and astounding iconic Dragon Bridge, Linh Yung temple and Hoi An town and Da Nang market in Vietnam.

College Wisdom and Inspiration from China



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Sahar Dandan Sahar Dandan is a Chemical Engineer by profession, but spends her days as an “accidental community worker” within the Australian Muslim community. Sahar studied traditional Islamic knowledge and sacred texts in Mauritania before returning to Australia to work as an engineer in Air Liquide, a world leader in industrial gases and technologies. Since 2009, community work has become her focus and she began her work with the Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA) in South Western Sydney. Sahar is currently the Program Director for the LMA

Esad Alagic


Dr. Rateb Jneid President

Enjoy 2017 Islamic Council of Western Australia 4-A Rowe Avenue Rivervale, WA 6103

T: (08) 9362 2210 F : (08) 9362 2210

and specialises in community development. Sahar is passionate about building a community that positively contributes to the vibrant social fabric of Australia’s multicultural society. Her work shines as an exceptional example of leadership and creative initiative in the Muslim community. A clear indication of this is the immense body of work she has implemented through both the Engage Challenge Grow (ECG) Program and the Thrive Youth Transition Support services for newly-arrived migrants and refugees with over 70 projects and initiatives

between them. Both the ECG program and Thrive were created by Sahar as a means to improve the lives of the most vulnerable members of the local community. Sahar and her team continue to work on building community cohesion and developing a sense of harmony between people from all walks of life. The ongoing programs are directed towards strengthening families, empowering women, encouraging youth, cultivating leadership, engendering a vibrant, resilient community and fostering respect for all.



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The effects of stealing Tasnim Khan Grade 4B, Sirius College I am writing to you an opinion piece on the effects of stealing. I’d like to ask you to publish it in your newspaper. “Stealing is something very wrong. Stealing is taking another person’s property or rights without their permission or their supervision. Stealing has the power to encourage someone to keep on doing it. It is a mistake

to assign any sort of right, good or moral. For example; a father who steals bread to feed a starving child. This is bad for the society and wrong for the father, you may think it is right or ok to steal for the child but it is not because the child will believe that you are allowed to steal and it will be a long life mistake. People who steal suffer from guilt, shame and embarrassment and are afraid to tell anyone because of fear. Taking from businesses and homes have negative effects on the society and on many social and economic

levels. When a business loses a significant amount of income to crime, it is forced to increase prices to offset the loss. Burglary makes people distrustful, fearful and isolated as local crime levels rise. Thieves steal more than money or goods they steal trust in you and and the community. To sum it up. Stealing is very wrong because it is very addictive, it has negative effects and people lose trust in you and the community.“

WORTHY CAUSES Australian Islamic Centre VIC Please donate generously to make this dream come true soon. Bank Commonwealth Bank of Australia BSB: 063 152 Account Number: 1009 7396 Account Name:Newport Islamic Society

Masjid Ibrahim WA To Donate Masjid Ibrahim: Account Name: Masjid Ibrahim BSB: 246 600. Account#: 470 553 975 Bank Name: CITIBANK Masjid Ibrahim Contacts: Br. Zakaria Patel : 0412 785 919

Br.Talha Patel: 0421 212 440 Sheikh Burhaan Mehtar: 0452 217 866 Sheikh Shabbir Moosa: 0416 153 786 Group e-mail:

Emir Sultan Mosque VIC Please donate Emir Sultan Mosque: National Australia Bank Emir Sultan Mosque Fund BOB: 083214 ACC: 858854656

May Allah (S.W.T) accept your donations in helping us build a centre for us our children and for the many generations to come.

Mohammad Berjaoui VICE President of AFIC

Fadi El Haje iShare Media

Enjoy 2017 iShareMediaAustralia



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MUSIAD Nuh Ozkan Media and public relations Musiad Australia As MUSIAD Australia we are so glad to open our first office in Melbourne. An Independent Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association MUSIAD was founded on 1990 in Istanbul, Turkey. After 26 years Musiad has developed. In 65 countries and over 170 branches MUSIAD become one of the world’s leading business association. With over 11.000 members and over 46.000

is now in AUSTRALIA business we employ 1.6 Million workers. We are non-profit and nongovernmental organisation aiming to build strong relations between Australian and Turkish economies and make global connections through our network. MUSIAD Australia President Dr Ali Gur has opened the first office at 2 Motto Drive Coolaroo and assigned a representative in Sydney. His first studies to open an office in Australia stated early 2016 and with the splendid effort of our board members

MUSIAD Australia aims to develop our local member’s business activities as well as developing business activities of our foreign members and those in particular geographic locations. In additions of being a primer business association MUSIAD is also a “think tank” in its own regard. Over the years MUSIAD has facilitated and compiled over 250 reports and media relaces in relation to various activities and developments. Although the head office in Turkey is principally for Turkish citizens and Turkish businesses, what we see MUSIAD Australia is not just for

(MP for Broadmeadows) and Mehmet Kucuksakalli (Turkish ConsulateGeneral) has attended and gave their speech on Musiad Australia opening gala held at The Langham Hotel. There is over 100 years of friendship between Australia and Turkey. However business relations are not as desired. On one side there is Australia with 1.3 billion US Dollars economy and Turkey on other side with 800 million US Dollars economy. Although 1 million US Dollars of economic relations between these two countries are unacceptable. This is roughly the same with most other countries.

Turkish businessmen but rather for all business people in Australia. Our first and predominant goal is to improve business activities, build strong networks within Australia and then open to new regions. At MUSIAD Australia office opening, General President Mr Nail Olpak stated that: “today is the official opening of MUSIAD Australia. From this point I would like to thank MUSIAD Australia President Dr Ali Gur and his board members. We believe that the 26 years of experience will be beneficial to MUSIAD Australia. It is our responsibility to share this experience.” Also Frank McGuire

MUSIAD Australia will play role at this point. More economic relations, strong networks. In the near future MUSIAD Australia will organise business trips, conferences, seminars and some other business, politics, socio-culture and economic activities within Australia. Being established in a new continent, in a new culture and new business environment, MUSIAD Australia will be another step in diversification of MUSIAD family. The truthful business culture and ethics fostered ad MUSIAD since its inception, is believed to attract its counterparts in Australia and in the world.

the official opening commenced on 21-22 November 2016 with the attendance of MUSIAD President Mr Nail Olpak and other board members from Turkey. “We aim to be the voice of our businessman” says MUSIAD Australia President Dr Ali Gur on his opening day speech and indicates that MUSIAD is not a competitor to other businessmen associations in Australia, in fact MUSIAD will cooperative, productive and be helpful to our business community.

MCCA Annual General Meeting

MCCA On Friday 18th of November 2016, MCCA held its 27th Annual General Meeting (AGM). Notable attendees at the event in addition to the Board of Directors and members of MCCA, were MCCA’s Ambassador Bachar Elhaouli, representatives from the Auditor KPMG, Sheik Shabbir Ahmed, one of MCCA’s Shariah Advisors (Imam of Rooty Hill Mosque, NSW) and Sheik Rabih Beytie (Imam of Maidstone Mosque, Victoria). The MC for the AGM Hisham Moustafa invited Sheik Rabih to open proceeding with a recitation from the Holy Quran, followed by attendees being warmly welcomed by MCCA’s Chairman Prof. Akhtar Kalam. The Directors Report (by Prof. Kalam), the Treasurer’s Report (by Dr. AbulKhair Jalaluddin) and the 2016 Director Election results (by Nadeem Butt, Chief Financial Officer) were presented to members Prof. Kalam highlighted that while MCCA continued to improve its financial performance and expand its products, it remained committed to strongly supporting community initiatives and had

July 2016 to assist it to deliver on the strategic vision for MCCA. The 2016 Director Election results were declared, with Hisham Moustafa and Ghaith Krayem being elected to the Board of Directors. Dr. Jalaluddin presented MCCA’s 2016 financial performance noting that both Revenue and Net Profit had substantially increased from 2015 as had shareholder funds. Following the Auditor 1. MCCA appointed KPMG’s feedback to Amanie-world renowned the members, the International Shariah AGM was formally Advisors. concluded after 2. KPMG appointed as Auditor. an enthusiastic 3. MCCA have 2 projects Q&A session with members querying underway, $6.6 million have the Board and been raised with expected management on a return of 15%PA. variety of topics. 4. Through the Income Fund With many attendees since inception, we have staying on after the close of formal helped and financed: proceedings, • $20 Million (40 Contracts) of another successful Islamic Centres, Mosque and AGM continued the community organizations. unbroken 27-year • $80.4 Million (231 Contracts) track record of MCCA of Individual customers. as a key institution of the Australian Muslim community.

donated/sponsored $106,000 in 2016. The MCCA Property Fund was presented to the meeting at the newest product offered by MCCA that had already two projects worth $6.6 Million underway. He also declared to the meeting that the Board had appointed Kingsley (Dawud) David as Executive Director in



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NEMBC wins Human Rights Commission Award for ‘Racism. It Stops With Me’ campaign

The National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters Council (NEMBC) has won the prestigious Australian Human Rights Commission’s: Racism. It Stops With Me Award. The NEMBC is deeply honoured to accept this award and acknowledges its President Dr. Tangikina Steen, the NEMBC board members and staff for their work in supporting ethnic community broadcasters. The NEMBC is the peak body representing and advocating for ethnic community broadcasting and represents a vast institution: 2,000 hours of language programs produced each week on 100 radio stations in over 110 different languages, with news and information delivered on a local level to those communities, as so many individuals and communities produce their programs on a daily basis making community radio so ubiquitous that it has become part of our daily lives and part of the media landscape. Ethnic community broadcasting and indeed community broadcasting in Australia is unique. Nowhere else in the world is there such a depth, breadth and diversity of community media. This award is really for the more than 4,000 volunteer ethnic community broadcasters that on a daily basis produce radio programs around Australia that help to build social cohesion, a voice for multiculturalism and in combating racism. Every person involved will be proud of this achievement especially for all those people that have developed ethnic community broadcasting over the last 30 years. The tireless work of all ethnic broadcasters and volunteers has helped to create a multicultural Australia that is accepting, diverse and non-racist.


Victoria Police will maintain its zero tolerance towards reckless behaviour this bushfire season as the state settles in for another sweltering summer. The annual Operation Firesetter, focusing on bushfire arson detection and prevention, will be activated during high-risk periods including severe, extreme or code red days. The operation aims to reduce the occurrence and impact of intentional and reckless fires. Assistant Commissioner Deb Abbott said police would not tolerate thoughtless behaviour which could result in widespread harm. “You might not think dropping a cigarette butt or

operating machinery on a total fire ban day is an issue,” AC Abbott said. “But dozens of Victorians are currently living with the destructive consequences of these exact situations.” The number of offences recorded for intentionally causing a bushfire has risen from 18 in 2012/13 to 62 in 2015/16. The number of offences for recklessly causing a bushfire has also increased over the past four years, from 11 to 111 offences. AC Abbott said police would continue to conduct thorough investigations to catch arsonists who intentionally cause bushfires. Anyone found guilty of recklessly or intentionally causing a bushfire faces a penalty of up to 15 years imprisonment.

Lighting a fire on a total fire ban day can also attract a fine of around $37,000 or up to two years in jail. “The callous act of lighting a bushfire can easily lead to the destruction of life and property,” AC Abbott said. “There is no excuse for not knowing the rules around lighting fires. “Be mindful of the restrictions and if you see something, say something. “Anyone who witnesses suspicious behaviour as it is occurring needs to call Triple Zero (000).” Anyone with any information should contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report to:



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9/15 Nathan Drive CampbellfiledVic - 3061

Stop abusing the Environment “We should take care of our environment because it is getting worse and worse. It is happening because we are wasting the environment. How? We are wasting water, littering which is choking trees and vegetation so they can’t grow. Water is one of the most important substances on Earth. All plants and animals must have water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on earth. Apart from drinking it to survive, we also need to reduce the amount of water we use. We also have less water supplies particularly in Australia (the driest continent on Earth where people live), from low rainfall. It is hard to find water but we are wasting it without realising. Hadith of our prophet Muhammad s.a.w says ‘DO NOT WASTE WATER EVEN IF YOU ARE AT A RUNNING STREAM’ - are our taps not running streams? Litter consists of waste products that

have been disposed of in inappropriate locations. We do not care and we throw rubbish on the ground which goes into oceans. Fish can die, choke and get hurt. We should take care of our environment like think before you do anything or where you put things. We should care about litter because it can make trees die and if there is no oxygen we would not stay alive & nothing would be on planet Earth. The thicker layer of greenhouse gases traps more heat. This results in an increase in average temperature of the Earth and the earth becomes hotter and hotter this is called global warming. If we do not take steps to reduce global warming it will lead to loss of human lives, plants and animals. Steps to reduce global warming: • Plant more trees • Rethink, Reuse, Reduce, Repurpose and then, lastly Recycle • Use less hot water and water to do Wudu

• Turn off electronic devices at the wall when not in use • Spread awareness to family and friends In a greenhouse the sun’s heat can come in but can not get out that makes it hot and humid so plants grow. The trapped heat warms the greenhouse. If there was no greenhouse gases to trap the sun’s radiation, the Earth would be a very cold place. As I have discussed we are abusing the environment - Allah’s creation. Now lets fix it together because we littered, waste water & keep making global warming worse. WE CAUSED EVERYTHING! NOW WE HAVE TO FIX IT IF WE DO NOT FIX IT AND IT KEEPS GETTING WORSE WE - my friends and I - WILL NOT HAVE THE BRIGHT FUTURE WE DESERVE!”

Maryam Irfan Grade 4B, Sirius College



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¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1438 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬74 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬

ICV Members Dinner 2016 Tribute to

Australian Islamic Centre in Newport

Shaykh Fehmi El-Imam

Australian filmmaker Catherine Hunter has produced a new hour-long documentary film on Glenn Murcutt and his latest project the Australian Islamic Centre in Newport, Melbourne, designed in collaboration with Elevli Plus Architects The film, titled Glenn Murcutt – Spirit of Place, follows Murcutt from the

beginning of the mosque’s construction in 2011 until the present day, as it’s yet to be completed. The filmmaker describes the mosque as Murcutt’s “most ambitious project to date.” To read more: murcutts-most-ambitious-project-onfilm/

Monash Interfaith Gathering 10th Anniversary

ICV On Sunday 21 November, the Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) held its annual member’s dinner at Melrose Reception Centre, Melbourne and was blessed by the attendance of many supporters and well-wishers such as State Minister for Finance and Minister for

Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott, Federal Senator of the Australian Greens Party Richard Di Natale, Grand Mufti of Australia Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed and Former Victorian Governor Sir James Gobbo. The event formally paid tribute to the memory of the late Sheik Fehmi Naji El-Imam (may God bless him) and his work in the various

community and political landscapes of Australian society. The procession of dignitaries all recognised Shaykh Fehmi’s great efforts in contributing to a multicultural society by sharing tales of their time with him and inspirations they drew from his legacy

ICV The Monash Interfaith Gathering (MIG) celebrated its 10th Anniversary on the 24th of November 2016. The Gathering was attended by members from other Interfaith Networks and Councilors both past and present of the City of Monash. Presentations were given by all past Chairpersons of the MIG including the ICV President Mohamed Mohideen. The Muslim Community of the City of Monash have been very active partners in the MIG and are seen as leaders of interfaith dialogue in the municipality.

Best Wishes to the Community for a Safe and Prosperous New Year

The Hon Bruce Atkinson MLC

Member for Eastern Metropolitan Region President of the Legislative Council

• • • •

153-155 Springvale Road, Nunawading 3131 Tel: 9877 7188 • Fax: 9877 7199 Email: Web:

This advertisement is funded from Parliament’s Electorate Office and Communications Budget.



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Lakemba Community Market

Support local small businesses and this great community initiative.

Wondering what to do on a Saturday? Why not come and visit Lakemba Community Market, held the First Saturday of the month, 10am – 4pm at beautiful Jubilee Reserve, on the corner of Railway Parade and Bellevue Sts, Lakemba. With over 30 stalls of beautiful items from every corner of the globe, there is something for everyone including; the latest fashion, accessories, jewellery, henna design, gifts, delicious food, second hand items and much more. Romana Waseem , Community Worker at Canterbury City Community Centre said, “the array of stalls really reflects the cultural diversity of the area , it’s a chance to ‘shop around the world at Lakemba.’ With regular entertainment and performers, the markets are the perfect place to take the family, relax and enjoy the market atmosphere. With only a 5 minute walk from Lakemba Station, the markets are also very easy to get to. Established by Canterbury City Community Centre the markets aim to assist local people turn their business dream into a reality and showcase Lakemba’s vibrancy and diversity. Profits from stallholder fees go back to the Community Centre to assist run programs and activities. For more information and stallholder enquiries please call Romana or Kate at Canterbury City Community Centre on Tel: 9750 9344.

Australian Employment Market Update Yasir Mahmud Senior Employment Consultant

Unemployment rate recorded an increase of 0.1% to 5.7%, with surge in full time employment and Nationwide increase in job advertisement. Our workforce recorded its biggest two-month surge in full-time employment for more than two years. More than 80,000 full-time roles were created nationally during October and November. This was 20,000 more jobs than economists had

predicted. Over the past few years there has been an increasing trend for employers to hire parttime workers. The recent surge in full time employment is seen as positive sign for Australia. Notwithstanding the surge in employment, Australia’s unemployment rate for November still rose slightly to 5.7%. Economists attribute this to the increase in the number of Australians looking for work - otherwise known as

our “participation rate” also increasing by 0.2% The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported for November key points: Trend Estimates • Employment decreased 3,100 to 11,949,300 • Unemployment decreased 700 to 714,000 • Participation rate remained steady at 64.5% • Monthly hours worked in all jobs increased 0.8 million hours to 1665.4 million hours • The largest increase in trend

employment was in Victoria, while the larger decreases were in New South Wales and QLD. Seasonally adjusted estimates • Full-time employment increased by 39,300 to 8,166,200 and part-time employment decreased by 200 to 3,807,000 • Unemployment increased by 17,000. The number of unemployed persons looking for full time work increased by 15,100 and the number of unemployed persons only

looking for part-time work decreased by 1,9000 • Participation rate increased to 64.6% • Monthly hours worked in all jobs decreased 10.4 million hours to 1663.3 million hours • The largest employment increase was in Victoria followed by Western Australia and South Australia. Whereas, the largest decreases were in Queensland.



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Happy new year The Hon Lily D’Ambrosio MP

The Hon Robin Scott MP

The Hon Natalie Hutchins MP

The Hon Marlene Kairouz MP

- State Member for Kororoit - Minister for Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation

- State Member for Mill Park - Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change - Minister for Suburban Development

- State Member for Preston - Minister for Finance - Minister for Multicultural Affairs


Shop 2/30 Oleander Drive Mill Park VIC 3082 Phone: (03) 9422 5171 lily.d’ambrosio@

375 High Street, Preston VIC 3072 Phone: (03) 9478 5611 robin.scott@

Shop 11, 28A Hume Drive Sydenham VIC 3037 Phone: (03) 9449 1511 natalie.hutchins@

The Hon Jenny Mikakos MP

Hong Lim MP

State Member for Sydenham Minister for Local Government Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Minister for Industrial Relations

Natalie Suleyman MP

Shop T 54 Brimbank Shopping Centre Corner Neale & Station Roads Deer Park VIC 3023 Phone (03) 8361 7133 marlene.kairouz@

Nazih Elasmar OAM MLC

- Member for Northern Metropolitan Region - Minister for Families and Children - Minister for Youth Affairs

- State Member for Clarinda - Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Asia Engagement

-S tate Member for St Albans

-S tate Member for Northern Metropolitan Region

319 Spring Street Reservoir VIC 3073 Phone: (03) 9462 3966 jenny.mikakos@

Level 1, 1312 Centre Rd Clayton South VIC 3169 Phone: (03) 9543 6081 hong.lim@

Keilor Downs Shopping Centre, 80 Taylors Rd, Keilor Downs VIC 3038 Phone: (03) 9367 9925 natalie.suleyman@

Shop 5, 101 Burgundy St, Heidelberg, Vic, 3084 Phone: (03) 9456 9244 nazih.elasmar@

Bronwyn Halfpenny MP

Gabrielle Williams MP

- State Member for Thomastown

-S tate Member for Dandenong

Parliament House, Spring Street, East Melbourne 3002 Phone: (03) 9465 7533 bronwyn.halfpenny@

Shop 1, 8-10 Halpin Way, Dandenong VIC 3175 Phone: (03) 9793 2000 gabrielle.williams@

Funded from: Parliament's Electorate Office and Communications budget.



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Islamic School of Canberra About ISC ISC is a registered co-educational primary school. ISC teaches quality curricula in religious and academic education; thus providing each child with the necessary learning opportunities to develop their full spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical potential. The religious studies program seeks to enhance the knowledge, skills, attitudes and spiritual awareness needed by students to understand themselves, their relationship with others and God. The academic program enables children to become lifelong learners and strives to equip students with the appropriate knowledge to become productive members of society. By following a curriculum which incorporates both religious and academic studies, the school has achieved excellent results both in terms of academic work and student behaviour.

Vision For Islamic School of Canberra to become the school of choice; where students thrive and mature into confident young adults, whose strengths are recognised and nurtured. A faith-based school which encourages and provides dynamic and challenging learning opportunities to meet the needs of all students in order to maximise their potential, so they become leaders of tomorrow.

Mission 33 Heysen Street, Weston, ACT 2611 P: (02) 6288 7358 F: (02) 6287 3517 E:

Islamic School of Canberra aims to promote excellence in learning and academic achievement through developing student curiosity and critical thinking. Islamic principles are embedded throughout the school, inspiring a desire for lifelong learning and the search for knowledge. By offering a variety of activities both inside and outside of the classroom, and guided by Islamic values and experiences, ISC develops the student’s whole personality, empowering each student to become informed decision makers.

Values • respect • honesty and trustworthiness • responsibility • acceptance

High Quality of Academic Education Islamic School of Canberra promotes a culture of excellence by providing challenging and stimulating learning experiences that enable all students to explore and build on their gifts and talents. The aspects of our school system that contribute to the promotion of excellence and high quality of education are: • Australian Curriculum • embedded Islamic principles • modern and inclusive pedagogies • dedicated teachers and staff • informed students • supportive and engaged parents

VCE Champions from Sirius College once again Sirius College is rejoicing for the achievements of its students in 2016 VCE exams. 2 students received 50 perfect study scores in Further Maths and Computing: Informatics achieved first place in the state. Students ATARs are also brought pride to school with 14 students above 95, 20 students above 90, and 35 students above 80.

Ertugrul Erciyas

Harun Ergi

Rami Dennaoui

Sirius College Executive Principal Mr Serdar Takimoglu stated that as the school administrators they are delighted with the good news and congratulated the teachers, parents and students as the architects of this remarkable success. Mr Takimoglu affirmed that this year’s achievements with 14 students above 95, 20

students above 90 and 35 students above 80 ATARs has been another addition to its VCE success for years. Sirius College students have been achieving first place in subjects like Chemistry, Further Maths, Mathematical Methods, Turkish etc. for years and 2016 is no exception. Rami Dennaoui and Harun Ergi received 50

Ertugrul Erciyas (99.50), Zamzam Wardere (98.5), Muhammad Siddiqui (98.45), Hakan Gocol (97.75), Teba Mazin (97.20), Mahdi Al Matoory (97.00), Redwan Hamed (96.95), Zahraa Albadri (96.50), Ahmad Zulkarnaen (96.05), Hussein Shiday (95.75), Jaafar

perfect study score and achieved first place in the state for Further Maths and Computing: Informatics. With their achievements, Dennaoui and Ergi made their parents and our school community proud. Sirius’s the most successful students Ertugrul Erciyas with the ATAR score of 99.50 Ertugrul Erciyas

from Meadow Fair Campus became the most successful student of Sirius College in 2016 with the ATAR of 99.50. They sustained the Sirius College’s 99+ achievements with their achievements. 20 students achieved 90 and above Sirius College Students who have achieved an ATAR above 90 are as follows:

Al Zaidy (95.55), Zainab Albadri (95.45), Anisah Ameer (95.40), Tahir Kip (95.20), Nadia Hussain (93.35), Khalid Ibrahim (93.00), Sarah Karim (92.20), Omer Turkmen (91.45), Iman Hussein (91.00), Elmedin Halilic (90.20).


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Keysar Trad made his speech The Conference was attended by The Australian Federation of Islamic Council’s (AFIC) president Keysar Trad and EXCO Member Br. Jamal El Kholed, RISEAP Deputy President Ridzuan Wu, RISEAP Secretary General Hj Mohd Marzuki Mod Omar, the president of FIANZ Br. Hazim Arafeh, the president of the FIJI Muslim League Br. Hafizud Dean Khan, Sr. Aziza Abdel-Haleem and many other international and local Muslim and other faith leaders. Keysar Trad addressed the RISEAP meeting in Auckland New Zealand, answering the difficult question about violence amongst the followers of the religion of peace. Trad stressed the need for the Muslim leadership to reconnect with the various elements within its constituency and to be truly representative with respect to the issues that capture the hearts and imaginations of mainstream Muslims. “If we don’t, they will look for leadership elsewhere and it might not be in their or the community’s best interest as we have already seen”. Said Trad “We must courageously speak about the important issues, we have to talk about the rights of Muslims in Myanmar, Kashmir, Palestine, Syria, the CAR and many places where Muslims are oppressed.” “We must also continue to work with and stress on governments to ensure that there are adequate educational, training and career opportunities for members of our community and we must empower our community with proper access to the mechanisms that influence our political leaders to properly address our concerns.” Said Trad.

From Right:, The president of FIANZ Hazim Arafeh, (AFIC) president Keysar Trad, RISEAP Deputy President Ridzuan Wu, EXCO Member of AFIC Jamal El Kholed

AFIC Attended the Opening of Islamic Information Centre in NZ

New Zealand Muslim Association (NZMA) has established an Islamic Information Centre (Dawah Centre) located in the same premises as the Avondale Islamic Centre at 122-126 Blockhouse Bay Rd, Avondale, Auckland. The purpose of this centre is to provide a one stop shop for Auckland Muslim and Non-Muslim community to seek knowledge, information

and guidance regarding Islam. The Opening was attended by The Australian Federation of Islamic Council’s (AFIC) president Keysar Trad and EXCO Member Br. Jamal El Kholed. The centre was opened by the Deputy President of the Regional Islamic Da’wah Council of Southeast Asia and the Pacific (RISEAP) on the 27th November 2016, located at Avondale Islamic Centre,

122/126 Blockhouse Bay Road, Avondale, Auckland 1026 at 10am. NZMA Islamic Information Centre will provide the following services: 1. Drop in services for the NZ Muslim community to discuss any religious, personal or cultural related matters 2. One-on-One confidential appointments with Islamic Scholar

3. Provide Islam related resources 4. Drop in services for the wider Auckland community to gather information about Islam 5. Provide resources and information on Islam to schools, communities and other organisations 6. Support and strengthening of interfaith dialogue



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AFIC attended “peace and social cohesion through interfaith dialogue” conference in New Zealand

Approximately 150 persons from Southeast Asia & the Pacific countries attended a conference aboutpeace and social cohesion through interfaith dialogue” held on Saturday 26 November 2016 in Auckland, New Zealand.

The Conference was Organised by Regional Islamic Da’wah Council of Southeast Asia & the Pacific (RISEAP) and the federation of islamic associations of New Zealand incorporated (FIANZ).


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Community get together with state and federal MPs, community leaders and local councillors at the

Logan Mosque

Logan /QLD AFIC and ICQ presidents meet with QLD Minister for Health, the Hon Cameron Dick and with the shadow minister for finance, Dr. Jim Chalmers and a number of political and community leaders. Hosted by the AFIC member society, the Islamic Association of Logan City Inc, political and community leaders and senior members of the Queensland Police service met over and end of year lunch after the Friday Khutba at the Logan mosque. In addressing the guests, AFIC

president Br. Keysar Trad gave special thanks to the chef Jo El Cheikh who had spent several days preparing a world class Middle Eastern lunch for the guests. Br. Keysar added: “We are always appreciative when you share our festive occasions with us and join us for the Eid celebrations, this week, marks the birth of beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings upon him and in a couple of weeks, everyone will be enjoying the festivities that commemorate the birth of Christ and welcome in the new year, it seems to me that the

best way for us to show appreciation is to also show respect for your special days and wish you a safe and joyous holiday season.” Br. Keysar spoke about the similarities in the mission of Christ and Muhammad, peace and blessings upon them and the value they pose to Muslims. Br. Keysar praised the vision of the Logan mosque committee for hosting such important events and for being amongst the leading community organisations in engagement.


Eid Down Under receives Celebrating Multicultural Queensland grant for 2017 16/12/16

Successful first-round recipients of the Palaszczuk Government’s Celebrating Multicultural Queensland grants program have been announced with Stretton to host many exciting cultural events in 2017. One signature event for next year will be Eid Down Under. Duncan Pegg, Member for Stretton said that Eid Down Under is a festival celebrating Eid al-Fitr, the Islamic religious holiday which follows the 30 days of fasting observed by Muslims in Ramadan. Eid al-Fitr is one of two of the most important celebrations on the Muslim calendar. Duncan Pegg, Member for Stretton said it was fantastic to see Stretton’s cultural diversity on show through this fabulous local event. “These grants provide a muchneeded boost for our local community groups and organisations to deliver the fantastic events that they always do. “Local residents, businesses and tourism operators welcome the positive vibe that these events bring. Eid Down Under was a huge success in 2016 and I look forward to attending in 2017.” “It’s important for us to celebrate and acknowledge our diverse communities through these events and I’m very much looking forward to attending as many of them as I can next year,” he said. More than $700,000 has been

allocated to help organisations deliver a total of 116 multicultural festivals and cultural celebrations across Queensland in 2017. “Queensland has a proud and vibrant multicultural heritage and our diversity is one of our state’s greatest strengths. “In fact, we come from more than 200 different cultural backgrounds, speak more than 220 languages and follow over 100 faiths. “That’s something we should all be proud of and celebrate and what better way of doing that than getting involved in celebrations that recognise the many cultures that call Stretton home,” he said. Duncan Pegg said that another $300,000 of funding will be allocated through the second funding round of Celebrating Multicultural Queensland specifically for multicultural projects with applications now open until Friday 3 February 2017. The full list of successful firstround recipients and details of how to apply for the second round are available at www.communities.qld.


AUSTRALIAN ¿ ALWASAT ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016 ‫ هـ ¿ كانون األول‬1438 ‫ ¿ ربيع الثاني‬74 ‫الوسط ¿ العدد‬

Greens bring parliamentarians together to protect multiculturalism in Australia THE GREENS Amid the chaos of the last week of Parliament for 2016, the Australian Greens successfully secured a senate inquiry to look into ways that parliament can strengthen multiculturalism and better protect individuals and communities in Australia from racism and bigotry. The inquiry was conceived by Dr Richard Di Natale, Leader of the Australian Greens, who has led the charge against racism in Parliament. He has consistently spoken out against racism, taking a stand against bigoted comments from Leader of One Nation Pauline Hanson and the Government’s Immigration spokesperson Peter Dutton. “The Greens firmly believe that Australia is made stronger by multiculturalism,” he said. “It is the responsibility of the parliament to ensure

that all members of our community feel welcome and supported. That’s why the Greens have established this inquiry. It will provide parliamentarians with the chance to listen and learn from culturally and linguistically diverse individuals and groups right across the country.” Beginning in April 2017, the ‘Strengthening Multiculturalism’ Inquiry will listen to communities across Australia to report on: - The effects of racism and bigotry, and what happens when politicians and media outlets fan the flames of fear - Ways to improve the public conversation around race, culture or religious belief - Whether the Parliament should enshrine the principles of multiculturalism into, and/ or create a Multicultural Commission - Whether adequate services and resources

Dr Richard Di Natale, Leader of the Australian Greens

are available to recentlyarrived migrants and more established communities - How to better recognise and celebrate the valuable contribution that diverse communities make to Australian life. Joining Dr Di Natale will be representatives from the Government, Labor and other minor parties who are yet to be nominated.

Launch of new centre at the heart of African business and community in Footscray

African Australian Fresh voice The African Australian Multicultural Employment and Youth Services (AAMEYS) new office was launched in central Footscray on 9 December 2016. It aims to be a fresh voice for AfricanAustralian small business and employment opportunities in Melbourne’s West. At the opening were the Mayor of Maribyrnong, Councillor Catherine Cumming and the Mayor of Brimbank, Councillor John Hedditch, Victorian Multicultural Commissioner; small business owners, community leaders, representatives of African Australian Women Advocacy Group; local small traders’ associations, and representatives from the Australian Federal Police and Victoria Police. AAMEYS has established good working relations with local councils and the African small businesses in Footscray and surrounding. In partnership

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with the small Businesses owners, the council and other mainstream businesses, AAMEYS is determine to making our youth employment a success. Dr Berhan Ahmed AAMEYS CEO, said AAMEYS wants to make African-Australian businesses fully aware of their rights, responsibilities and obligations so they can be more successful, and help new business ideas come into reality. Small business owners often do not have the luxury of hiring people to perform all the tasks required to keep a business going. AAMEYS office will provide opportunity for the small businesses excel in what they do as business and possible employ a young person to assist them grow. AAMEYS is ready to help the small businesses with their challenges including creating a computer network, setting up a filing system, communicating on their behalf (such as letter writing, email reply, etc) and marketing. “There is a large invisible employment market in small business. While the African-

Australian businesses sector is still very small, it can grow if we drive it and create links with other opportunities to prosper and thrive. Dr Mimmie VMC commissioner said; the widespread perception in the Australian community that too many young African-Australians are not joining the wider community had to be faced up to. We must deal with this disengagement before it becomes entrenched and fully engage young AfricanAustralians to be educated, trained and employed so they will experience what is needed to join in mainstream Australian life,”. On the employment side, AAMEYS aims to go beyond the activities of established employment organisations, with programs and services specifically tailored from the experience of working with disadvantaged and at- risk young people in the AfricanAustralian community. “We will be on the inside reaching out, not on the outside reaching in,” Dr Ahmed said.

THE FREE SPEECH BRIGADE AND THE EXTREME RIGHT WING The Federal Government is holding a Freedom of Speech Inquiry into section 18 C of the Racial Discrimination Act. Submissions were invited from the Australian community. Submissions can be downloaded from the Parliamentary website. [ au/Parliamentary_Business/ Committees/Joint/Human_Rights_ inquiries/FreedomspeechAustralia/ Submissions] Particularly encouraging to supporters of freedom was the introductory letter to its submission from the Government of Victoria: “With respect, the Victorian Government does not welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into “Freedom of Speech in Australia”. We believe that any attempt to water down Australia ‘s hatespeech laws and undermine our history of multiculturalism is quite plainly a backwards step. Victoria has one of the most culturally, linguistically and religiously diverse societies in the world, which has been, and continues to be, vital to the development and prosperity of our State.” Apart from the usual suspects loudly applauding all attempts to remove laws against vilification, most submissions seem to oppose any changes or suggest strengthening the provisions of the law. The usual free speech brigade includes such as the Australian Liberty Alliance, which was launched by Geert Wilders, convicted of inciting discrimination in the Netherlands. Their submission declares “We hold that the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (RDA) and the operation of the Australian Human Rights Commission {AHRC) constitute a violation of common law freedoms as well as Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).” Unsurprisingly the body which represents some of the upcoming

youth of the governing party, the NSW Young Liberal Movement, seems to share similar ideas to the ALA. “We submit that s 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) is a blight on our country’s statute books. It infantilises minority groups and shuts down legitimate debate. The Institute of Public Affairs, which keeps secret its sources of funding but which seems to be providing many candidates for Liberal Party preselection, is unequivocal. “Research conducted by the Institute of Public Affairs demonstrates that section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 must be repealed to protect freedom of speech in Australia.” The submissions from organisations connected to religious organisations such as the Queensland Islamic Council, the Muslim Legal Network, the Anglican Social Responsibilities Commission, the Uniting Church in Australia Assembly , the Union for Progressive Judaism, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and professional bodies like the Human Rights Commission and lawyer’s organisations, come down strongly in opposition to a weakening of the law. This stand is supported by organisations representing the First Nations people such as the Victorian Aboriginal Education Association, Reconciliation Australia and the National Indigenous Education Consultative Bodies Network. One summary of the questions posed by the Inquiry and the attitude of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, illustrates something of the nature of the discussion. Their response is very clear. The questions which the Inquiry wanted to be addressed are themselves a cause for concern. The submission of the Muslim Legal Network (NSW) in conjunction with the Muslim legal Network (Victoria) made two very important points in section 7. 7.1 Any watering down or perceived dilution of the RDA sends the wrong message to potential offenders

Bilal Cleland that hate speech is acceptable in our society, increasing abuse; 7.2 Any watering down or perceived dilution of the RDA sends the wrong message to potential victims that the law does not protect their right to live free from racial vilification or abuse. They also draw attention to the narrow terms of reference which appear to sway the Inquiry one way, towards the “freedom of speech” fundamentalists. “We are also concerned at the limited scope of this inquiry, which is framed in terms of freedom of speech only. …………. Consequently, we find it concerning that this Inquiry, in its terms of reference, is focused only on the impacts to freedom of speech and not the effectiveness of racial vilification laws in fulfilling its primary purpose – the protection of individuals from racial vilification or abuse. We are of the view that this is the more pertinent aspect that should be considered.” The outcome of this Inquiry will have a profound effect on how the government is viewed by a very broad section of the Australian community. Tilting to the extreme right and giving freedom to vilify to the opponents of an inclusive democracy could tear this community apart.


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AFIC attends Multicultural Dinner with the Premier of QLD ABC changes “Australians, not migrants” headline Monday 5 December 2016 On Sunday 4 December 2016 the ABC published a news report online with the headline: “Victoria youth crime: Statistics show most offences committed by Australians, not migrants.” JMA wrote to the media organisation arguing that the headline was misleading since it implied that migrants may not be Australian – i.e., that the two were mutually exclusive. JMA added that the Victorian Police data included in the report only indicated whether offenders were either born in Australia or not. The data did not reveal anything about the Australian citizenship status of offenders. The ABC amended the headline.

Daily Mail amends ‘hijab-wearing’ headline By Mohammad Safar The Australian Federation of Islamic Council’s (AFIC) attended a multicultural event dinner with the premier of Queensland Annastacia Palaszczuk on 24 November. The

event was held within the Sunnybank Electorate, with more than 370 guests in attendance. AFIC president Keysar Trad and EXCO member Br. Jamal El Kholed attended the event in order to spread awareness about AFIC and its role in the community. “Premier Palazxcuik presents a role

model for our daughters that if they strive, they too can reach the top of the political hierarchy in Australia.” Trad Said “Meeting with the premier of QLD is very important for AFIC As a national organisation … [we] must continue to meet with all the significant leaders around Australia”.

Sunday, 4 December 2016 In an article published online by the Daily Mail on Friday 2 December 2016, the phrase ‘hijab-wearing supporter’ was included in the headline. JMA wrote to the newspaper arguing that the phrase referencing the ‘hijab’ had no relevance to the story and may only serve to vilify the faith of people who wear the religious headscarf. The newspaper agreed to amend the headline and removed the reference.



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A Mercy to Mankind Dr. Rawaa El Ayoubi Gebara


One of the pillars of faith in Islam is believing in all the Prophets and Messengers of God, including Adam, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus. All these Prophets are honoured, loved and respected in Islam. However, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is specifically described by God as having an exalted character: “And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.” (Qur’an 21:107). One of the names of Muhammad is al-Mustafa (means he who was chosen or who was selected). The idea is, since the time of Adam who was the first man and the first Prophet on earth, God has selected from every generation the best of all the descendants to be their Prophets, until the end He selected the best of the best who was the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He was selected to bring to humanity the last of all revelations: Islam.

When he was a young man he was known by his nick-name, “al-Amin” which means, the trustworthy. The objective of his Prophethood that he received 1400 years ago is to love and worship one God and only Him the Creator. The Prophet’s message was powerful as it challenged the Arabian polytheism. As a result, he was persecuted, boycotted, tortured, abused physically and emotionally. He was stoned by children to the point where blood drenched his leg. His wife passed away after she was starved to death and his beloved companions were tortured and persecuted. The Meccans tried to assassinate him, so the Prophet and his followers escaped to Medina. The tension continued between the Prophet and the Meccans, they demanded that the people of Medina expel the Prophet and turn him over to Mecca; the Meccans threatened to attack Medina if the Prophet was not turned over. Then, the Meccans waged war on him for many years. The question that arises here is: if one is being persecuted how can he show mercy towards those who are strong and are waging war against him? The simple answer to this question is that the Prophet (pbuh) in many occasions could have had his enemies

destroyed, but because he was a mercy for the mankind, he decided to have their lives spared. The first opportunity to destroy his enemies occurred when the Angel of Mountains went to him and said after greeting him, “…. My Lord has sent me to you, so that you can order me to do what you want. If you want, I will make al-Akhshabain (two huge mountains in between which lies Mecca) fall down upon them and crush them”. This is happened after the event of Ta’if when the disbelievers persecuted the Prophet, mocked him and abused him physically and verbally. Despite their attitudes and the bad actions towards him, the Prophet (pbuh) replied to the Angel of Mountains: “No, rather I hope that Allah will bring out from their descendants those who worship Allah alone, without associating any partners with Him” The second opportunity to destroy his oppressors occurred when the Prophet and the early Muslims conquered Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad granted the Meccans pardon and mercy. When he conquered Mecca without bloodshed in the twenty-first year of his Prophethood, he asked the people in Mecca the unbelievers who were awaiting

his decision: “How do you expect me to treat you?” they responded unanimously: “You are a noble one, the son of a noble one.” He announced to them his decision: “You may go free! No reproach this day shall be on you, may God forgive you.” Unlike common victors in history who inflict all sorts of punishments on the vanquished, the Prophet Muhammad, in the highest spirit of chivalry not only gave his enemies a general amnesty, but extended towards them a hand of fellowship. Thereby, welding the whole society into a solid brotherhood and sisterhood inaugurating a new era of good moral and social justice. What a great example of tolerance and mercy even towards the enemy of Islam. The Prophet used military force only for self-defence of the small Muslim community back then. Also, the Prophet set some humane and merciful rules to be the base of those wars. These rules are mentioned in the Qur’an: “Fight for the cause of God those who wage war against you, but do not commit aggression. Indeed, God does not love aggressors.” (Qur’an, 2:190). “Do not commit aggression” refers to the following conditions: firstly, the military action has to be declared by

a proper authority, advised by the majority of scholars, who confirm that religion and people are under threat and violence and it becomes imperative to defend the oppressed victims. Secondly, innocents, such as women, children, elderly people, monks and disabled people must never be harmed and any peaceful opportunities from the enemy should be accepted. The only people that may be killed in the war are those who fight and those who play a role in the strategy of war. We all want to live peacefully and the most important factor in order to attain this objective is firstly, to follow the guidance of the Qur’an and the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet who taught us how to be merciful towards each other and towards non-Muslims. And secondly, to tolerate each other and to communicate peacefully as brothers and sisters in humanity. Therefore, we have to care about each other and the pain and the suffering of the innocent people in the world should concern us as well. I am in the Middle East region at the moment, and I am witnessing the pain that the Syrians in Aleppo are going through. It is very sad that we are crying our heart out from the cruel massacre and the criminal onslaught that

is happening and no body cares. This is the worst act of terrorism that has ever happened in history. Some reports suggested that over hundred thousand people living in Aleppo are facing death, which no body can accept. In spite of this, the international world remains silent! We have to be merciful and compassionate towards each other, and follow the fundamental principle that appears in our Islamic tradition. Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) says: “None of you has faith until he loves for the people what he loves for himself.” “Love for the people what you love for yourself.” “The person does not reach the reality of faith until he loves for the people what he loves for himself of goodness.” Equipped with these principles, we can make an effort to educate ourselves, to go back to our Islamic tradition and to learn to love each other. The goal of education is to produce an innovative and articulate generation of Australians who will see no dichotomy between holding onto their faith and living and contributing to a secular modern state. In this way, we can protect our society and promote respect for human dignity.



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AFIC delegation visits Greens Leader and Shadow Minister for Finance

Wishing all of Al Wasat’s readers and their families a safe and prosperous year ahead With Greens Leader Richard Di Natale

Jim Chalmers MP Federal Member for Rankin Shadow Minister for Finance

With Shadow Finance Minister Dr. Jim Chalmers


T: 07 3299 5910 jim4rankin @JEChalmers

AFIC delegation visits Greens Leader and Shadow Minister for Finance for talks over Dutton’s comments and S18C After the cowardly comments under the protection of federal parliament by Immigration Minister Dutton, AFIC met with Greens Leader

Richard Di Natale and Shadow Finance Minister Dr. Jim Chalmers to discuss ways and means to protect minorities from irresponsible political comments. Di Natale and Chalmers both stressed their support for responsible political commentary and the need to maintain protection to minorities in Australia.

Authorised by T Lane, 69 Poplar St, Woodridge QLD 4114

Refugees Affairs


“Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has called for Australians to “rise up” to defend Christmas against what he labelled “political correctness gone

mad”. Angered by a talkback radio caller whose grandchild’s school eschewed traditional carols for a secular celebration, Mr Dutton said the “vast majority of Australian people want to hear Christmas carols” as we are “a Christian society”. [SMH 16 Dec 2016] In this interview with Shock Jock Hadley, Mr Dutton also railed against teachers importing ideas about refugees into the classroom. Just what these people understand to be “a Christian society” is itself of interest. If they are alluding to the commercial bonanza being stimulated by the buying excess of the season, then it is well underway. If they are actually alluding to the Christian story of the refugee child and his blessed mother, then perhaps some semblance of reality needs to be introduced. Politicians who loudly call for the restoration of Christian values should be expected to be foremost adherents of those values. The very Minister of the Crown telling Australians to “rise up” to defend Christmas is one who we should expect to take seriously the Gospel delivered by Jesus (s). The Gospel according to Matthew, in chapter 25, in the parable dealing with the separation of the goats from the sheep, makes a very strong statement on the fate of those who ignore his guidance. The sheep are those on the right. The goats on the left. 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I

was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me. 46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Such words do not appear foreign to any Muslim, for the Holy Quran supports this teaching. Indeed the Gospel, the Injil, is universally recognised as a Divine Revelation by all Muslims, the dissension is over the reliability of the texts which have come down. This section of Matthew rings true with the message of the Quran as well. “Have you seen him who belies the rewards and punishments of the Hereafter? He it is who drives away the orphan and does not urge giving away food to the poor”. (al-Ma’un:1-3) “It is not righteousness that you turn your faces toward East or West; but it is righteousness to believe in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the Book and the Messengers; to spend of your substance out of love for Him for your kin for orphans for the needy for the wayfarer for those who ask and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which you have made; and to be firm and patient in pain (or suffering) and adversity and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth the Allah-fearing.” [al-Baqarah 177] It would be wonderful if these vocal political Christians actually observed the Gospel. The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.


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There are no excuses for violence against women


PENSIONERS IN WILLS FACE PENSION CUT ON NEW YEAR’S DAY 9 December 2016 Peter Khalil Member for Wills says around 1,840 local pensioners face significant cuts to their pension from New Year’s Day because of cuts made by the Turnbull Government in a deal made with the Greens party. Around 1,370 Wills pensioners will see an average cut to their pension of $128 a fortnight. A further 470 local pensioners will lose their pension entirely, leaving them on average worse off by $205 a fortnight. Peter Khalil said Malcolm Turnbull is the Grinch who Stole Christmas for local pensioners. “Pensioners and families already face huge financial pressures this holiday season and the last thing they need is a cut to their pension. “Labor voted against this cut to pensioners in the Parliament and we will continue to fight for a fair go for pensioners.” “Cutting the pension shows how out of touch Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberals really are. They are taking money off pensioners at Christmas while trying to give a $50 billion handout to big business and the banks,” Khalil said. Pensioners who are concerned about how the Government’s changes to the pension assets test will affect them are urged to contact Centrelink Financial Information Services on 132 300.

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Local member and White Ribbon ambassador Tony Burke joined hundreds of local and community members on Friday 25th November for the annual White Ribbon March. The march, which began at Gillies Street Lakemba and ended at Parry Park, was aimed at raising awareness of domestic violence against women and sent a strong message to the broader community that family violence is not acceptable. At the end of the march, Tony Burke said “the White Ribbon Walk is one of the most important statements our community makes each year. There are many organisations that do extraordinary

work for people who have been victims and targets of family violence.” “White Ribbon represents a significant part of the campaign against domestic and family violence which has been ignored for too long. It’s a time when we send a clear and straightforward message to men; there are no excuses for violence against women. The number of domestic violence related incidents has increased significantly, with one in every three women victims of physical, emotional and financial abuse. The White Ribbon Walk has sent the message that our local community says no to domestic violence.



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Message from Chief Commissioner of Police

Graham Ashton:

Response to Community Safety Statement 2017 Friday 9 December This week marked an important moment for the future safety of all Victorians. As Chief Commissioner, I welcomed the State Government’s announcement that it would fund our plans to build a more capable, agile and responsive police force. This has included funding an additional 2,729 police, 100 PSOs, and introducing new laws that will provide greater protection for citizens and better justice outcomes for victims. They have also agreed to fund an extensive equipment and IT program for police – all of which will greatly enhance our ability to keep people safe. Keeping the community safe is our greatest priority. As police we know that staying connected to all communities is fundamental to us achieving this. We know the issues of safety facing each of our communities are different. Our emerging communities deal with different challenges and issues to those who have been here longer, and as police we need to understand those differences. The headline figure of 2,729 more police over the next four years will provide a huge boost to our organisation. Local police will be better equipped, skilled and confident to engage with, and be responsive to, the complex, evolving needs of Victoria’s many diverse and overlapping communities.

It will put significantly more police out on patrol, in the community, responding to pleas for help where and when needed. It will allow us to appoint 42 additional Youth Resource Officers who will target areas of high risk youth offending and work with at-risk young people, including in schools and residential care, and four new Aboriginal Community Liaison Officers to expand positive engagement with Aboriginal Victorians. And it will also allow us to grow our task forces and teams working on some of the most complex causes of harm, such as family violence, online offending and organised crime. The additional PSOs will put more officers on station platforms, keeping travellers safe, and our new Police Assistance Line and online crime reporting tool will provide new ways for the public to reach out to police and seek assistance.

Other measures we have secured include funding for the role out of Automated Number Plate Recognition technology to 220 highway patrol vehicles, a vital tool for detecting unlicensed drivers and unregistered vehicles. And three new police helicopters and a fixed wing aircraft will greatly enhance our abilities to deliver people and services around the state, where and when needed, in quick time. We have also carefully worked through a package of law changes that will boost police abilities to investigate and prosecute offenders. We have sought and been promised powers to take DNA samples from people suspected of committing a criminal offence, greatly increasing the availability of DNA samples to investigators. We have pushed for and been promised new laws that will ban the payment of cash for scrap metal in an effort to target organised crime groups which trade in stolen cars. And our advice on new laws targeting drive-by shootings, including firing into a house, building or stationary vehicle, has been listened to. As said, this is a great outcome for the State. As police, we know that we must evolve to meet new and emerging threats to community safety. Being able to anticipate the emerging issues is key and will allow us to be better prepared to respond. We look forward to continuing to work closely with your community to keep Victoria safe.


White Ribbon Day


To commemorate White Ribbon Day, the Islamic Council of Victoria supported the Board of Imams Victoria and ANIC’s Statewide Khutbah initiative which encourage religious leaders to speak up about Men’s Violence Against Women in their Friday sermons. White Ribbon Day is an annual reminder to men in Australia of their role in standing up, speaking out and acting to stop domestic violence in our communities. Men need to work alongside women to promote the message that violence against women is never acceptable. The City Mosque Head Imam, Sheikh Abdinur Weli, delivered an important khutbah in this area. Below is a small extract of the khutbah. “So, in returning to the principles of our faith, what does our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and Allah (The Transcendent, The Highest) say about this issue? In surah an-nisaa, verse 19, Allah says, “Consult with them (your spouses) in a good manner.” The term used by Allah (The Transcendent, The Highest) here for ‘good’ is ma’roof, which is the opposite of munkar i.e. from

the Islamic principle “enjoin the good [ma’roof] and forbid the evil [munkar],” and I think we can all agree that violence is munkar. Allah (The Transcendent, The Highest) also says in surah ar-rum, verse 21, “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection [muwaddah] and mercy [rahmah]. ‘Muwaddah!’ Muwaddah is stronger than hub [love], in that it is more relational and mutual.”



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From Right: Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten, Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Australia Tony Burke

Media Release

WEDNESDAY, 7 DECEMBER 2016 On 7 December, Labor has reaffirmed its stance against any changes to Australia’s laws against racial hatred, and pledged to campaign strongly against the government’s attempts to destroy section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act. Leader of the Opposition Bill

Shorten, Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Australia Tony Burke, and Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus conducted a one-hour press conference with ethnic media to hear their concerns about the government’s move against section 18C. Unlike the government, Labor is ready and willing to listen to the communities who are most affected by section 18C. We think it is important

their voices are heard in this debate. Last time the Liberal Government tried to repeal section 18C in 2014, Labor stood shoulder to shoulder with ethnic communities to fight back. It is a battle we didn’t think we would need to fight again. And yet, two years later, despite Prime Minister Turnbull declaring he had “no plans” to change 18C, here we are again. This time the changes are coming by stealth – the government is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of Australians by pretending they want to ‘improve’ section 18C. They don’t. They want to weaken, undermine and eventually destroy it. Labor will not let that happen. Labor created section 18C and we will continue to defend it. We will fight every day to stop this government and the right-wing elements driving it from watering down the vital laws which have protected our multicultural society for so many years. Supporters can take the pledge against racist hate speech at [standforrespect.]

The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC.

Best Wishes

The Hon. Shaoquett Moselmane MLC. Opposition Whip, Parliament of New South Wales E:

Violence Against Women, Islam Says No! Islamic association of logan city

By BOIV Women and Family Relationships centre On the first of December 2016, the BOIV Women and Family Relationship Centre, BOIV WRFRC, hosted the first serious event ever in the Muslim community, tackling heads on the increasing occurrence of violence against Women in our community here in Victoria and nationally. As the Violence Against Women in Australia report notes that “one in four women have experienced at least one incident of violence by an intimate partner they may or may not have been living with.” Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) and as the “Homicide statistics from the Australian Institute of Criminology show 75 per cent of victims of intimate partner homicide were female.” (ANROWS), our community despite the Islamic teaching of “Mawadda and Rahma within marriage relationship” is not spared from that disturbing trend. The guidance in the Quran and the example of our beloved prophet (PBUH) and his Seera, regarding treating women, children َ

and the weak are shining since revelation in the 6th century, but adherence to the teachings has been ignored in many recent marriages and to date, there is few open public discussions regarding that destructive abusive behaviour. This event have marked the beginning of a series of attempts to tackle and restore the assumed good relationships within families under the Quranic Banner: “Mawadda wa Rahma” In Surat AlRum, 30:21 Allah swt reminds us of the miraculous spousal relationship that is a gift only to those who often reflect and ponder: ُ ‫اجا لِت َس‬ َ ُ ِ ُ ‫ق �لَكُم م ِْن َأنْف‬ ‫كنُوا‬ َ َ ‫خل‬ َ ْ‫(وَم ِْن آيَاتِه ِ َأن‬ ْ ً َ ‫سك ْم أ ْزو‬ ْ ٍ َ ‫ل بَيْنَكُ ْم مَو َ َ ّدة ً وَر َ ْحمَة ً ۚ ِإ َ ّن ف ِي ذَٰل ِكَ ل َآي‬ ‫ات لِق َوْ ٍم‬ َ َ ‫جع‬ َ َ ‫ِإل َيْهَا و‬ .)َ‫يَتَف َ َكّرُون‬

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you, affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.” Al-Rum 30:21 The event has attracted more than eighty Muslim women from all walks

of life, listening and engaging with well-known respected speakers such as The psychologist Monique Toohey, ICV Board member and GP Dr Umber Rind, Women’s Legal Service Victoria Lawyer Eila Pourasgheri, Radiographer and Spoken Words artist Rania Ahmed, a real victim of domestic violence Sheyemah Osman, Social Worker and Family Violence counsellor Elham Tawfiq, family violence media advocate and actress “Mim” and Author Manal Shehab. The opening speecha was conducted by the Greens Moreland deputy Mayor Samantha Ratnam, after a beautiful recitation from the Quraan AlKareem and Acknowledgment to country. Feedback from event was overwhelmingly positive and calls for a bigger and larger scale one has been requested and currently in the pipeline. Also requests for couples event has been highlighted. Special thanks to Zainab Aboueid for proving to be wonderful Master of ceremony, Sister Halima Ramadan And Khalto Lina for coordinating the event.

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Speaking As One To Fight Racial Discrimination

Wednesday, 7 December, 2016 Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott The Andrews Labor Government has welcomed a joint submission by more than 60 local community groups that calls for existing federal racial discrimination laws to be protected. On Wednesday,7 December 2016 the Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott met with Victorian representatives from a number of

multicultural, faith and Aboriginal community organisations to voice the Labor Government’s support for the Racial Discrimination Act. Together with Government MPs, they demonstrated their unity with a symbolic linking of arms on the steps of Parliament House. A federal inquiry is currently being held into the efficacy of the Act and Section 18C, which deems it unlawful to “offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate” based on a person’s race or ethnicity. The Labor Government will make a

submission emphasising: the on-going contribution of multicultural and indigenous communities to Victoria the need to protect individuals and communities from racial vilification All Victorians – regardless of where they come from, the language they speak or the faith they follow – deserve strong legislative protections. In May 2014, then Multicultural Affairs Minister Matthew Guy said: “There should be no changes to the Federal Racial Discrimination Act

and we’ll be very, very clear in our submission to say so.” Like the previous state Liberal Government, we fully support the Act as it stands – and will continue to do so. The Labor Government’s submission will be made available after December 9. Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott said “Discrimination based on race, gender or religion is never OK. People have the right to be accepted for who they are.” “Any attempt to water down

Australia’s hate-speech laws and undermine our history of multiculturalism will not be accepted by the Andrews Labor Government.” Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins said “It is a sad fact that discrimination is part of everyday life for Aboriginal Victorians.” “At a time when we are working towards reconciliation with our first peoples, it seems ridiculous to reduce protections against discrimination.”

Racial vilification under sections 18C and 18D of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) What does the law say? Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act makes it unlawful for someone to do an act that is reasonably likely to “offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate” someone because of their race or ethnicity. Section 18D of the Racial Discrimination Act contains exemptions which protect freedom of speech. These ensure that artistic works, scientific debate and fair comment on matters of public interest are exempt from section 18C, providing they are said or done reasonably and in good faith.

What is the background to these laws? Australia has obligations

to implement protections against racial hatred under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). Sections 18C and 18D were introduced in response to recommendations of major inquiries including the National Inquiry into Racist Violence and the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. These inquiries found that racial hatred and vilification can cause emotional and psychological harm to their targets, and reinforce other forms of discrimination and exclusion. They found that seemingly lowlevel behaviour can soften the environment for more severe acts

of harassment, intimidation or violence by impliedly condoning such acts. Echoing these inquiries, the Australian Law Reform Commission published the 1992 report, Multiculturalism and the Law, which recommended the introduction of legislation to deal with racial hatred.

Balancing freedom of speech and freedom from racial vilification

The courts have consistently interpreted sections 18C and 18D as maintaining a balance between freedom of speech and freedom from racial vilification. The courts have held that for conduct to be covered by section 18C, the conduct must involve “profound and serious” effects, not “mere slights”. The courts have also found that section 18C is an appropriate measure to implement Australia’s obligations to prohibit racial hatred under the ICCPR and ICERD. While many laws restrict freedom of speech, such as laws applying to defamation, advertising and national security, section 18C fills an important gap in legal protections for those affected by racial hatred and vilification.

Racial vilification complaints made to the Australian Human Rights Commission Complaints relating to racial vilification under the Racial Discrimination Act can be lodged with the Commission. During the 2012-2013 financial year, the Commission received a 59 per cent increase in complaints under section 18C. Fifty-three per cent of racial vilification complaints in 2012-13 were resolved at conciliation. Four per cent of complaints made under section 18C were terminated or declined for being trivial, misconceived or lacking in substance. And less than three per cent of racial hatred complaints proceeded to court.



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ARABIC & ENGLISH NEWSPAPER ¿ Issue 74 ¿ Rabih II 1438 ¿ December 2016

Speaking As One To Fight Racial


Discrimination May Allah bless you all

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“The example of the believers in their affection, mercy and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.”- Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

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