July 2024

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Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk

Creative Director: Omar Alhashemi

Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine

Layout: (OVISION)

Sydney: Monzer Gabr

Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika


Melbourne office:

171 Denton Ave, St. Albans, VIC 3021

Postal Address:

P.O.Box 5178, Cairnlea VIC 3023

Tel.: + 61 4 3020 4076

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Al Wasat Magazine



Leading up to then, she felt the pressure from her party building up from the inside. From being questioned if she sought approval when visiting student protesters, to colleagues ‘making it clear they didn’t want to sit next to her’.

“It’s just a shame that having principles costs you so much. The party that you’ve believed in all your life, just suddenly isn’t who they claim to be.”

She was lauded as being a rising star with a promising career, but now headlines refer to her as a ‘Labor rat’ for breaking rank and standing up for her beliefs – which she describes as being aligned with Labor’s ethos.

“I knew deep down that if I was a Palestinian in Gaza,

When Senator Fatima Payman decided to cross the floor in support of Palestine, she knew there would be repercussions. Even if it came from Labor’s 130-year-old rule, to expel anyone who questions the Party’s stance.

She said it was one of the most difficult decisions she has ever made, at the cost of losing her political family, but it was one she would make over and over because it was the right thing to do.

I would want someone to stand up for me,” Senator Payman said.

On World Refugee Day, Senator Payman became the first Muslim woman in hijab to win a Labor seat in the 2022 Australian Federal elections. There was no doubt Muslims in hijab particularly were celebrating, elated that one of their own had finally made it to the big podium, including Senator Payman herself.

“We’re no longer just a small silent minority that exists in the background, but rather that we occupy that space with confidence and be unapologetically who we are,” she told Al Wasat.

A refugee from Afghanistan, Senator Payman and her family arrived in Australia in 2003. Her father, Abdul Wakil Payman first arrived by boat in 1999, spent time in detention and worked tirelessly to bring the rest of his family to Australia and then made

Perth their new home.

“Adjusting to the Australian way of life wasn’t too hard as a little kid, it wasn’t until I started wearing the hijab at the age of 11 when I felt like I was made to stand out,” she said.

The eldest among four siblings, she took on the responsibility of caring for her family especially after her father passed away battling cancer at just 47. It completely shattered her world.

“I just immersed myself in anything and everything I could get my hands on...just so that I wouldn’t have to sit and process the emotions that I’ve just lost my dad.”

When she finally decided to see a psychologist, she faced an entire family intervention because mental health was a taboo subject amongst migrant families.

Removing the stigma of seeing a mental health specialist is something Senator Payman wants to normalise within multicultural communities and encourage them to seek help

that could only benefit them.

Following every migrant parent’s dream, Senator Payman first pursued medicine. But fainting at the sight of blood and sitting the GAMSAT exam twice made her realise medicine wasn’t for her.

It was only by chance that she found politics when she volunteered with Pierre Yang, the first Chinese descent Labor politician in Western Australia. After becoming president of Young Labor WA, Senator Payman accepted a part-time position working for the WA Labor MP, which is what kickstarted her political career.

“I never thought that was a space I’d occupy, where people like me are welcomed,” she said.

“To not just promote the faith, but actually be in spaces where we can shape policies and have our voices heard.”

She had a decent run for the past two years as a backbencher, until recently, when raising her voice for justice has left her divided between

Close to 40,000 Palestinians have been massacred ruthlessly, people cannot unsee what they’ve seen live streamed on their phones

Senator Payman

her conscience and siding with those she considered close-knit peers.

Senator Payman said that she made every effort to understand her peers, but questioning why Australia couldn’t have its own independent national foreign policy or pause trade with Israel (similar to pausing funding for UNRWA) was met with no response.

“How can you advocate for a two-state solution when you don’t even recognise one of those states?”

She acknowledges that while her crossing the floor may have disrupted the political landscape, it also shed light that 130-year-old rule cannot be applied to modern day Australia. Senator Payman alluded that Labor

is losing credibility, that many of its constituents are left hanging when one of the biggest atrocities is happening in our time, and Labor chooses to step back.

She claimed what’s even astounding is that majority of senators in the chamber simply follow the ‘whip’ when voting on issues without even knowing what they are voting for.

“You need to have a say, you need to be across what your constituents want. Otherwise, what’s the point of us being there?” Senator Payman said.

One of the unwavering rules in the Australian Constitution is that dual citizens cannot sit in parliament according to section 44. Although Senator Payman was naturalised as an Australian citizen in 2005, her Afghan citizenship wasn’t easily rescinded because of

the complexities surrounding the country.

Labor sought legal counsel and was approved eligibility to be elected on the basis that she had taken “all reasonable steps” to renounce her Afghan citizenship.

Since crossing the floor in Parliament, senior Labor individuals have begun to question Senator Payman’s eligibility despite being given the green light in 2021.

She feels the precedence Labor is setting by wanting to revoke her eligibility is that there is no place for people like her in Australia’s democratic institution.

“The moment you find your independent voice, then you are a problem. As long as I looked like me but sounded like them, then we were all good, hunky dory,” she said.

Imposter syndrome rode heavily on Senator Payman’s shoulders, where she questioned if she was even making a difference.

She soon realised there was more to contributing and serving her diverse communities, especially those from multicultural disenfranchised and vulnerable communities.

“You have every right to represent your constituency, your communities, and be that voice. And your voice matters. Have confidence in who you are and stick to your values. Never ever compromise.”

The Islamic Calendar

The Islamic calendar (or Hijri calendar) is a lunar calendar. It contains 12 months that are based on the motion of the moon, and because 12 lunar months is 12 x 29.53=354.36 days, the Islamic calendar is consistently shorter (11 Days) than a solar year, and therefore it shifts with respect to the Gregorian calendar. The first day of Year One of the Islamic calendar was set as the first day of the Hijrah, the Prophet’s migration from Makkah to Madinah. The western convention in designating Islamic dates is thus by the abbreviation AH, which stands for the Latin Anno Hegirae, or ‘Year of the Hijrah’.

What does the Quran say about measurement of time?

[Quran - 9.36] Surely the number of months with Allah is twelve months in Allah’s ordinance since the day when He created the heavens and the earth..

[Quran - 31:29] Seest thou not that Allah merges Night into Day and he merges Day into Night; that He has subjected the sun, and the moon (to his Law), each running its course for a term appointed; and that Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do?

How is an Islamic month determined:

Each month starts when the lunar crescent is first seen after a new moon.

Although new moons may be calculated quite precisely, the actual visibility of the crescent is difficult to predict. It depends on factors such as

1. Muharram

2. Safar

3. Rabi’ al-Awwal (Rabi’ 1)

4. Rabi’ al-Thani (Rabi 2)

5. Jumada al-Ula (Jumada I)

6. Jumada al-Akhirah (Jumada II)

7. Rajab

8. Sha’ban

9. Ramadan

10. Shawwal

11. Dhu al-Qa’dah

12. Dhi al-Hijjah

The Caliph Umar Invented the Islamic Calendar

weather, the optical properties of the atmosphere, and the location of the observer. Therefore in some cases it may be difficult to give accurate information in advance about when a new month will start.

The Islamic Months

[Quran - 103: 1..3] By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),- Verily Man is in loss,Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy.

Furthermore, in some areas Muslims depend on a local sighting of the moon, whereas in other areas a universal sighting is accepted. (i.e. if a new crescent is seen anywhere in the world it is accepted for communities the world over). Both are valid Islamic practices, but they may lead to different starting days for the months.

The most important dates in the Islamic calendar are:

• 1 Muharram (Islamic New Year)

• 10 Muharram (Day of `Ashura’)

• 27 Rajab (Israa’ and Mi’raj)

• 1 Ramadan (first day of the month of fasting)

• The last ten days of Ramadan, which include (Laylat Al-Qadr)

• 1 Shawwal (`Eid Al-Fitr)

• 8 – 10 Dhul-Hijjah (Hajj)

• 9 Dhul-Hijjah (Day of `Arafah)

• 10 Dhul-Hijjah (`Eid Al-Adha).

The dating of the Islamic calendar was introduced by the second caliph, `Umar ibn Al-Khattab, in 638 CE (16 AH) in an attempt to circumvent all the various conflicting dating systems used during his time.

After consulting his companions, he set the Hijrah—the immigration of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) from Makkah to Madinah—as the most appropriate reference to the new Islamic era.

The Hijrah, historically speaking, is the central event of early Islam, the turning point in Islamic history that led to the foundation of the first Muslim state.

Source: www.islamicity.com - aboutislam.net - catstevens.com

• However, the dates of some of these events, such as that of Laylat Al-Qadr and the Prophet Muhammad’s journey of Israa’ and Mi`raj, have not been conclusively specified, and there has been some uncertainty about the exact date of the event.

• Four of the twelve months are sacred: Rajab, Muharram, DhulQi`dah, Dhul- Hijjah).

• In the pre-Islamic period, raids among the Arab tribes were forbidden and hunting was halted during these months.

Islam inherited and approved this practice.

• Fighting (killing) is prohibited during these sacred months except in self-defense.

• Since the Islamic calendar is lunar, its year is 10 or 11 days shorter than the Gregorian year. This means that Muslim months fall in different seasons.

• For example, Ramadan and Hajj can fall in the summer as well as in the winter. It takes about 33 years for the Islamic dates to rotate through the solar seasons.



How safe is your apartment? A new online quiz from Neighbourhood Watch – supported by RACV – will help Victorians answer this question and provide simple and actionable tips to help you feel safe in your apartment.

By completing the quick How Safe Is My Apartment online quiz, users will receive a free report with security tips to help prevent crime in apartments, including tips to help protect valuables in common areas, storage cages, bike storage spaces and car garages.

CEO Neighbourhood Watch Victoria Bambi Gordon said by making a few simple improvements, you can help avoid the loss, inconvenience and stress involved with apartment crime.

“Living in a high-rise building doesn’t guarantee absolute security from intruders and it can also present some other issues that can

occur in high-density living,” Ms Gordon said.

“The tips and suggestions generated from the answers provided in the How Safe Is My Apartment quiz will be tailored to your apartment, but it’s important to remember you don’t need to do everything at once.

“Start with one or two easy jobs as a few small improvements can make a big difference – even something as simple as getting to know your neighbours. A Neighbourhood Watch or apartment building group is a great way to share information, check up on each other, and know what is happening in the building.”

In Victoria, it’s important that renters are also aware that there are regulations regarding what security must be provided to tenants.

“For example, external windows and doors on rental properties must be able to be locked or secured and each renter whose name is on the rental agreement (lease) must be given a copy of a key or security device,” Ms Gordon said.

“As you read through your personalised How Safe Is My Apartment report, keep in mind that you can approach your rental provider about any additions or measures you would like undertaken about crime prevention.”

Neighbourhood Watch and RACV’s 7 top tips for apartment security

1. Complete the How Safe Is My Apartment quiz: A free report will provide simple and actionable tips to help you feel safe at your home in your apartment.

2. Consider security before you move in: Visit the building at night to sense how safe you feel walking around it and check the crime statistics for the location.

3. Be conscious of who you let in: Make sure no one follows you in before the door closes – even if they said they live there.

4. Upgrade door locks: Most apartments have a relatively high turnover of occupants so check if the door locks have been re keyed and if not, request permission from

your landlord if you are a renter. If you don’t have a deadbolt or digital door lock, consider installing one for added security.

5. Secure balcony doors: even if you’re a few levels up, it’s important to keep your balcony doors locked at all times.

6. Keep your storage cage secure, if you have one: Line the inside of your cage walls with a tarp or similar so cover your property. Keep valuable or sentimental items locked safely in your apartment.

7. Make an apartment buddy: Try befriending someone who lives on your floor and help keep an eye out for each other. Building a friendly and supportive community within your apartment complex is invaluable.

To learn more about where your apartment might be at risk of a break-in, complete the online quiz at howsafeismyplace.com.au/ apartment/.



There’s been a recent buzz about these two grassroots campaigns making its rounds in the media recently. But who are they?

They both claim that they aren’t political establishments but rather grassroots movements designed to educate and mobilise Australian Muslims at the upcoming Federal elections.

Both movements came into fruition last year at the back of the ongoing genocide in Palestine, but on a broader level, their objective is to increase voting literacy of Australian Muslims and to vote as a bloc.

“The Muslim Vote (TMV) is a united collective seeking to educate and mobilise the grassroots to participate in the electoral process,” The Muslim Vote spokesperson Sheikh Wesam Charkawi told Al Wasat.

Based in Sydney, TMV’s prerogative is to get behind Independent Senators who have spoken favorably of the Palestine cause and support them at the Federal elections.

“The Muslim Vote came about after Palestinians were indiscriminately slaughtered, resulting in an active genocide. The failure of the Labor party to sanction and condemn Israel has incensed the community,” Sheikh Charkawi said.

TMV are looking to influence electorates with a Muslim majority, which have been customary Labor seats, as stated in The Guardian.

According to an ABC report, TMV plans to target the seat of Blaxland, currently held by Labor minister Jason Clare, with nearly 32% of Muslim voters as well as the seat of Watson, currently held by Minister for Employment Tony Burke, with a jurisdiction of close to 35% of Muslim voters.

The report also mentions that the Melbourne seat in Calwell may possibly be targeted with a near 24%

of Muslim voters.

Former ICV head and Muslim Votes Matter spokesperson Ghaith Krayem said that they are “an independent, grassroots organisation dedicated to promoting political engagement and advocacy within the Australian Muslim community.”

MVM is based in Melbourne and their aim is to empower the Muslim community “to actively participate in the democratic process, ensuring that our voices are heard and respected in the political arena.”

“We recognised the need for a coordinated effort to harness the collective power of Muslim voters to influence policy and advocate for justice, human rights and issues concerning Australian Muslims and other minority and marginalised communities,” Krayem said.

He told The Guardian that while Muslims are the fastest growing minority groups in Australia, they are also underrepresented in all levels of government.

“Our purpose is to provide Muslims with voting literacy and education on the political process, to encourage informed voting and drive inclusive and values-driven policymaking to strengthen national unity and democratic participation,” Krayem told Al Wasat.

MVM has published scorecards on their socials and website where they rate MP’s primarily according to their stance on Gaza.

While their main focus is on the Muslim community, they welcome support from other organisations and individuals who share their common goal. TMV shares similar sentiments.

Prime Minister Albanese who once praised the Catholic church as “one of three great faiths that [he] was raised with”, has since said that faith-based political parties “undermine social cohesion”.

Oposition leader Peter Dutton claimed he doesn’t have an issue with a party with a religious view, but claimed it was a different scenario “to support a Palestinian cause or a cause outside of Australia”.

Christian political parties have been established since the 1970’s and remain active to this day.

Former ICV head and Muslim Votes Matter spokesperson Ghaith Krayem
The Muslim Vote spokesperson Sheikh Wesam Charkawi



La Trobe University

A La Trobe professor has been awarded the Robin Tavistock 2024 award for her important contribution to the field of aphasia, a significant communication disability following stroke and other brain injuries where people can have difficulty speaking, reading, writing, and understanding language and numbers.

Professor Miranda Rose, Director of La Trobe’s Centre of Research Excellence in Aphasia Recovery and Rehabilitation, received the prestigious award presented annually to a person or group who has made a significant international contribution to the field of aphasia.

The award is named after Robin Tavistock, the 14th Duke of Bedford who founded The Tavistock Trust for Aphasia.

“I feel honoured and very humbled

to receive this international award – it reflects the hard work and generous collaboration of the many national and international researchers, clinicians, and people with lived experience of communication disability that I have been so fortunate to work with,”

Professor Rose said.

Professor Rose, who set up the Centre in 2019, was lead investigator in the largest comparison trial of aphasia rehabilitation to date, which examined outcomes from constraintinduced and multi-modality aphasia treatments.

The team found that the intervention they developed, called Multi-modality Aphasia Therapy (M-MAT), was more effective than constraint therapy and usual care for improving quality of life for people with aphasia following a stroke. M-MAT is provided by a speech pathologist in small groups of people with aphasia.


Optus is urging customers impacted by the shutdown of 3G to replace their device before the network is switched off from September 2024.

The Optus 3G network will be switching off and repurposed to boost the capacity, speed, and reliability of our 4G network and rollout 5G to even more Australians.

Customers with impacted devices are being communicated directly to about this industry wide change which will impact the ability of some customers to make emergency calls.

“We are assisting customers to stay connected during an industry wide switch off to the 3G network in Australia. This is very important because this may impact the ability for some customers to make a call to emergency services,” an Optus spokesperson said.

“If you receive information from Optus telling you that your device is impacted, then it is critical you upgrade your device. Please contact us to discuss your options.”

The types of Optus devices impacted may not just be handsets

but also data-only devices such as tablets and dongles.

This will also include both customers who are still reliant on 3G only devices and those who may be using a 4G device that may also rely on the 3G network. In some circumstances, a device will be on the 4G network but uses 3G for emergency calls, this includes devices purchased overseas that aren’t compatible with Australian 4G technology.

In a very small number of areas where 4G coverage is not yet available, we will not be shutting off 3G until a replacement 4G service is available.

Customers can check if their device is impacted by texting ‘3’ to ‘3498’ (mobile devices only, please text from the device you are concerned about), calling 1300 219 070 or if you are a Prepaid customer call 1300 720 225 and visiting your local Optus retail outlet.

Optus is also providing additional support to vulnerable customers. For more information about the 3G Shutdown please go to - www.optus. com.au/3G.

Steve McGhie MP State Member for Melton

A: 3 Alexandra Street, Melton VIC 3337

Ph: (03) 9743 9825

E: stephen.mcghie@parliament.vic.gov.au

Following the trial M-MAT is being developed for telehealth delivery. M-MAT has been successfully trialled in Canada and Japan and will soon be trialled in Brazil.

Professor Rose and her codesign team created the new Communication Connect web platform, which helps people living with aphasia and communication disabilities after traumatic brain injury to communicate better and live well once they leave rehabilitation programs.

The Communication Connect web platform is AI enabled so solutions to

challenges can be personalised and customised to the user’s needs. The platform will undergo a pilot trial through Bendigo Health this year.

Professor Rose said the platform contained information about rehabilitation and self-management options, links to apps for selfmanaged communication therapy and bespoke solutions such as a mood tracker that can support the person to track their mood and aims to reduce the possibility of developing depression or social isolation.


Can Senator Fatima Payman’s bold stance finally be the catalyst for Labor demonstrating true leadership in supporting international humanitarian law and finally recognising the State of Palestine?

Senator Fatima Payman’s decision to breach ALP rules and speak out on the human rights of the Palestinian people underscores her unwavering principles. Her defiant advocacy sharply contrasts with the silence of many of her parliamentary colleagues. For Payman, the plight of the Palestinian people and her commitment to her local constituents supersede strict party solidarity.

This act of political courage, unseen in Canberra for decades, has led to her indefinite suspension from the party. Her convictions deserve recognition and applause, not banishment. The current risk for the ALP is that their response might elevate her to the status of a political martyr, thereby severely harming Labor’s election prospects, especially among Muslim communities.

Many Australians will start to admire and praise the young senator for her courage and

devotion to humanitarian values, particularly the advocacy for the fundamental human rights of the Palestinian people, who have endured immense suffering with little more than expressions of concern and impotent calls for a ceasefire from our government.

Senator Payman embodies some of Australia’s most marginalized communities. As a young Muslim woman, her journey to the Australian Senate is a testament to the evolving landscape of Australian politics. Her defiance towards a party that has failed its commitments to international law resonates with a growing number of Australians who demand a stronger humanitarian response from their elected representatives. While isolated within her party, she garners significant support from both her constituents and the broader Australian electorate.

Voters in key marginal seats will now look to their local elected leaders to follow Payman’s courageous example. Prime

Minister Albanese and the Labor Party are likely to face backlash from Muslim Australians and its diverse communities. The suspension of a 29-year-old, hijabwearing, openly Muslim, first-term senator will galvanize the Muslim community, sending a strong message in key Muslim-populated seats in Melbourne and Sydney.

With the upcoming federal elections potentially leading to a hung parliament and an increase in independent MPs, it is crucial to remember that Senator Payman represents the views of thousands of true Labor rank-and-file members and electorates with increasingly diverse racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds who will not remain silent on human rights issues.

The unfortunate state of Australian politics is that more people like Senator Payman are needed, not only in the ALP but in all parties and movements. Australian democracy needs elected representatives who offer

real diversity of perspectives, lived experiences, and critical thinking. It is time for the Labor Party to reconsider the rigid controls it exercises in managing a diversity of priorities within the party. Senator Payman’s actions should serve as a wake-up call, highlighting the need for a more representative and responsive approach to policymaking. Her courage to speak up should not be seen as a threat to party unity but as a call to align the party’s policies with its own core values and the moral standards that Australians hold dear.

This moment could be the catalyst for the Labor to show its true leadership. Fully supporting international humanitarian law and peace and justice for the Palestinian people is not only a moral position, but also Labor’s own National Platform. This defiance should be seen as a watershed moment for the party to reflect on its committed values and the voices it claims to represent.



Council Australia

Arab Council Australia calls on the Australian government to reconsider the creation of special envoy positions to address AntiSemitism and Islamophobia.

The Council agrees with the Prime Minister’s statement that “communities are distressed” and that “as leaders, we need to foster the unity, cohesion, and diversity that has always been our nation’s greatest strength,”. Having worked in this space for decades ACA does not believe that creating such special envoy positions contributes to unity or social cohesion.

“We condemn the rise of all forms of racism, including anti-Arab, antiPalestinian, and anti-Muslim racism as well as anti-Semitism. We strongly believe that selective responses to anti-racism are not the appropriate solutions and only serve to create further divisions in society.”

“Racism, in any form, is a stain on humanity. Governments and communities should work at all levels to address the root causes of racism”, said Hassan Moussa, CEO of Arab Council Australia.

The ongoing genocide in Gaza against innocent civilians has resulted in the

tragic loss of more than 40,000 lives, mostly women and children, as well as the destruction of hospitals, schools, and other crucial infrastructure. These brutalities have expectedly increased the condemnation of Israel and that should not be conflated with anti-Semitism. While anti-Semitism is abhorrent and should not be tolerated, it should not be used as a shield to protect Israel from legitimate criticism.

The creation of an envoy position for anti-Semitism only exacerbates divisions in our society and pits communities against each other, especially when the chosen envoy has a public history as a lobbyist for Israel. Similarly, the proposed envoy position to counter Islamophobia is another attempt by the government to appear impartial, is divisive and does not contribute social cohesion nor address the rise of racism impacting communities.

“We urge the government to instead re-allocate resources for these two positions to the Race Discrimination Commissioner of the Australian Human Rights Commission to genuinely combat racism and promote a fair and inclusive multicultural society,” said Hassan Moussa.


La Trobe University

La Trobe University and Phillipps-University of Marburg (Germany) scientists have discovered how a peptide called Apelin regulates blood vessel growth, opening new avenues of research for cancer treatment, organ regeneration, and tissue engineering.

The study, published in Science Advances, revealed that when Apelin is produced by self-renewing stem cells in the nervous system called “neuro progenitor cells”, it regulated the signals to the body which coordinate how blood vessels grow.

La Trobe University researcher Dr Kazuhide Shaun Okuda, whose zebrafish research and imaging expertise played key roles in this study, said this discovery could open the way to develop new therapeutics which regulate blood vessel growth.

“Understanding how blood vessels develop could lead to new treatments to stop excessive blood vessel growth in diseases like cancer. It could also lead to treatments in settings where you need to promote blood vessel growth, such as for organ regeneration and in tissue engineering,” Dr Okuda said.

This is the first time neuro progenitor cell-derived Apelin, one of several “growth factor” peptides secreted by many different types of cells, has been shown to be directly responsible for blood vessel development.

They observed that Apelin stimulates and regulated new blood vessel growth.

The research team observed the blood vessel development in living zebrafish, which are transparent as embryos and while young.

Understanding how Apelin controls blood vessel development opens an important research pathway for cancer treatments, as the peptide could potentially be targeted to control the excessive blood vessel growth caused by the disease.

The discovery is also important for the burgeoning research areas of organ regeneration and tissue engineering, both of which need blood vessels to promote growth and deliver nutrients.

“There’s research that suggests that it can help with cardiac regeneration for example,” Dr Okuda said.

This research collaboration was led by Professor Christian Helker at the Phillip-University of Marburg and the Centre for Mind, Brain and Behaviour, University of Marburg and Justus Liebig University Giessen.


The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman’s website – www.asbfeo.gov.

au - is now available in more than 100 languages to better assist migrant-led small and family business owners and managers.

“One in three small businesses are run by people who were born overseas and our culture and local business communities are enriched by their presence,” says Bruce Billson, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman.

“But sometimes when help is needed and people are distressed, many find it easier when the information is provided in a preferred language.

“I hope this new feature on our website, which can be activated by one simple click, will make it easier for migrant-led business owners to use the many helpful resources, tools and checklists available.

“Our research shows nearly onequarter of small business owners use

a language other than English at home and more than half of small business owners are second generation migrants, with a parent born overseas.

“Some 23 per cent of small business owners, who have required the assistance of one of our case managers to help with a dispute, spoke a language other than English at home.

In almost two-thirds of these cases, the issue was about a payment dispute.”

The translation feature is clearly located at the top of our website with the translation software powered by Google Translate.

“Effort has been made to provide accurate translations, but no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace human translators,” Mr Billson said.

“When we individually assist with cases, our case managers use human translators to help ensure that translations are accurate, and meaning is well understood.”


“The revelation of the Quran is from Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise” [Quran 39:1].

Revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) over 1400 years ago, the Quran is still recited and memorised in its original form today. Not a single word or letter has changed, highlighting its perfection and the blessing it is for us.

The Islamic College of Melbourne hosted its Annual Quran Awards Night, an event aimed to honour and celebrate the achievements of our students who have mastered the memorisation and recitation of the Quran.

The evening was filled with remarkable performances and special awards, as staff and parents came together to celebrate the accomplishments of our ICOM students.

We extend a special thank you to the Primary and Secondary Schools Quran Faculties for their dedication and hard work behind the scenes to make this night successful, and to all the parents and families who joined us to make it a memorable event.



The broad consensus among the diverse Muslim communities is that both the Labor Party and the Liberal Party have taken Muslim voters for granted and are not genuinely concerned with representing their views. It took the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to expose this.

Many political commentators are asking whether Muslim voters could make a difference in the upcoming federal elections. If a poll were taken today, it would likely show a significant drop in traditional Muslim support for Labor. While it’s too early to predict the exact impact, the possibility of a hung parliament means that a sizeable Muslim vote in key seats could have unprecedented influence.

Australian Muslims constitute approximately 4% of the total population, with the majority residing in Sydney and Melbourne (around 80%). Based on the ABS 2021 Census data, which reported the Muslim population at approximately

The upcoming federal election can potentially mark a significant milestone in Australia’s political landscape, reflecting the increasing shift away from the two-major parties and the impact of Muslim voters in key Labor seats.

The next election will signal an important shift for Australia’s Muslim voters. As the Albanese government’s handling of the Gaza conflict and the dramatic departure of Senator Fatima Payman from the ALP, has woken up the Muslim conscience.

800,000, it is now projected that by next year, in 2025, the Muslim community will reach a significant milestone of 1 million in Australia. Let that sink in for a moment. One million Muslim Australians.

The two key internal demographics within Muslim communities to watch are the youth, specifically Gen Z, and women. Since the war on Gaza, these groups have been the most vocal and active, driven by a deep sense of social justice. It is worth noting that Australia’s Muslim population is relatively young, with approximately two-thirds (67%) being under the age of 35, compared to 46.5% for the general population.

(ABS Census 2021)

The ten-month-long war on Gaza is undoubtedly a major factor influencing many voters, both Muslim and non-Muslim. Consequently, Muslim voters will seek candidates who show genuine concern for the plight of Palestinians and are likely to opt for non-mainstream candidates.

These concerns are likely to motivate many pro-human rights individuals from diverse backgrounds to run for office, especially given the prevailing sense of apathy and disenfranchisement with both the Labor and Liberal parties. Aspiring Muslim candidates should be careful not to concentrate exclusively on the Gaza issue; instead, would be wise to develop a broader platform that addresses a variety of pressing concerns, including the cost of living, climate change, environmental issues, the energy crisis, and housing affordability, among others.

A record number of Muslims, especially young voters, are expected to register with the AEC for the first time and shift their support away from the two major parties. This shift is likely to benefit independents and The Greens. As a result, we can anticipate highly competitive and dynamic election campaigns, where fresh candidates can galvanize local constituencies by standing on an overtly prohuman rights, anti-war platform.

Such candidates could disrupt the status quo in their electorates and significantly impact the overall election outcome.

The current political landscape reveals that Labor is at risk of losing votes to the Greens, while teal independents will continue to target traditionally safe Liberal seats. Both Labor and Liberal parties have seen declining support in recent years, a trend expected to continue. Securing a government with a substantial majority appears increasingly unlikely, with narrow marginal seats becoming the norm, safe seats a thing of the past, and hung parliaments becoming more commonplace.

Nothing like an upcoming election to instil political panic about losing one’s seat and potentially not forming a government, compelling current politicians to pay serious attention to Muslim voter concerns.



R U OK? is calling on everyone to ask R U OK? Any Day because life happens every day.

The reminder comes as 72% of Australians are reporting elevated levels of distress . However, R U OK?

research has found an overwhelming majority (90%) of people who are regularly asked R U OK? feel more supported, connected and cared about.

“There is an increase in supporting behaviours around R U OK?Day, our National Day of Action, ” said Katherine Newton, CEO R U OK?

“However, we don’t want people waiting until September to reach out to the people in their world who might be struggling because life happens every day.”

Dr Justin Coulson PhD agrees there’s a need for R U OK? conversations throughout the year.

the year,’” said Dr Coulson, who earned his Psychology PhD from the University of Wollongong and is known for his parenting advice.

“It wasn’t until we lost my nephew Logan that I looked further into R U OK? and began to understand this message is about regular, meaningful conversations.

“Losing Logan has felt unbearable at times,” shared Dr Coulson. “Friends provided practical support such as dropping off meals, which was helpful, but not nearly as helpful as the hour-long conversation we had when they dropped the meal off –and they have continued to make space to listen to us in our grief.

“Conversations, words, opening up, laughing, crying, sharing, storytelling, celebrating, these are all ways we can make our relationships meaningful and ensure the people in our world feel seen, heard and valued.

normalise talking about what’s really going on, so when the people in your world find themselves struggling, they know you’re someone they can talk to,” he said.

More than half of Australians experience a stressful time at least once a year , and nearly two in five Australians report high or very high levels of distress .

“A lot can happen in a year, a month, a week,” said Ms Newton. “Whether it’s your friend, family member, colleague, partner, or teammate, the people you care about go through life’s ups and downs every day.

Importantly, research shows when people feel connected and have a sense of belonging, it’s a protective factor against suicide .

R U OK? activities for this year, I’d encourage them to visit the R U OK? website to access their free, easy-to-use resources, to help us build a safer and more supportive culture not only on R U OK?Day but throughout the year,” said Dr Coulson.

Ask R U OK? Any Day because life happens every day.

R U OK?Day is Thursday 12 September 2024. Visit ruok.org. au for free tips and tools to build the Ask R U OK? Any Day message across your year.

Lifeline provides free and confidential crisis support at any time of day or night.

Call 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14 or chat online at: lifeline.org.au.

“I was always the first to say, ‘R U OK?Day is great, but people don’t just struggle on one day of

“By building these into our everyday interactions, you build trust and

“By checking in regularly with the people close to you, you can help prevent small things from becoming big things.

“As Australians start to plan their

13YARN is a free 24/7 service offering crisis support for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people. Call 13YARN (13 92 76).


In a groundbreaking move for the Australian financial market, Ikhlas Finance Australia has launched a new range of Shariah-compliant

Understanding ShariahCompliant Finance

Shariah-compliant finance refers to financial activities that conform to Islamic law (Shariah). The central tenet of this system is the prohibition of interest (riba), ensuring that all financial transactions are conducted ethically and fairly.

The financing model used by Ikhlas Finance, known as Ijarah Muntahia Bittamlik, is essentially a lease-toown arrangement. In this model, the financier buys the property and leases it to the client. The client makes rental payments over a specified period, and at the end of this term, ownership of the property is transferred to the client. This structure ensures that no interest is charged at any point, aligning the transaction with Islamic principles.

Features of Ikhlas Finance’s Property Finance Products

Ikhlas Finance’s products offer a range of features designed to meet the diverse needs of their clients while maintaining strict adherence to Shariah principles. Some of the key features include:

• No Interest or Hidden Fees: True to the principles of Islamic finance, these products charge no interest. There are also no hidden fees, ensuring complete transparency.

property finance products. These offerings, designed to cater to the needs of the Australian Muslim community, adhere strictly to Islamic financial principles, particularly the prohibition of riba

• Flexible Payment Options: Clients can choose between various payment structures, including fixed and variable rates. This flexibility allows for tailored solutions to fit individual financial situations.

• Tailored Solutions:

Whether clients are first-time homebuyers, seeking to upgrade their homes, or looking to invest in property, Ikhlas Finance offers tailored solutions to meet these diverse needs. They also provide financing for property construction, offering an ethical alternative for those looking to build homes (Ikhlas Finance Australia) (Sharia Finance).

• Compliance with Shariah Guidelines:

All financial products and services are reviewed and approved by a board of Islamic scholars, ensuring that they adhere to the principles of Shariah. This gives clients peace of mind, knowing that their financial activities are aligned with their religious beliefs.

• Additional Features:

The products also include features such as the ability to make additional payments, redraw facilities, and offset accounts. These features provide clients with flexibility and control over their finances.

(interest). The launch signifies a significant step forward in providing ethical and religiously appropriate financial solutions for Muslims in Australia.

Addressing the Needs of the Muslim Community

The launch of these Shariahcompliant property finance products addresses a significant gap in the Australian financial market. For many Australian Muslims, the prohibition of interest has made it challenging to find suitable financial products for purchasing homes or investing in property. Conventional mortgage products, which involve interest payments, are not permissible under Islamic law, leaving many Muslims with limited options.

Ikhlas Finance’s new offerings provide a viable alternative, allowing Muslims to engage in property transactions without compromising their religious beliefs. This not only helps individuals and families achieve their homeownership dreams but also supports the broader financial inclusion of the Muslim community in Australia.

Market Impact and Future Prospects

The introduction of Shariahcompliant property finance products by Ikhlas Finance is expected to have a significant impact on the Australian financial market. It paves the way for greater diversity and inclusivity in the financial services sector, encouraging other financial institutions to explore and develop

similar products. This move could lead to increased competition and innovation, ultimately benefiting consumers with more choices and better services.

Furthermore, the success of these products could attract attention from international investors and financial institutions, potentially positioning Australia as a leader in Islamic finance. The growing Muslim population in the country, coupled with increasing awareness and demand for ethical financial products, creates a favorable environment for the expansion of Shariah-compliant finance.

The launch of Shariah-compliant property finance products by Ikhlas Finance Australia marks a significant milestone in the Australian financial landscape. By offering ethical and religiously appropriate financial solutions, Ikhlas Finance is not only supporting the Muslim community but also promoting greater inclusivity and diversity in the financial sector. As these products gain traction, they are likely to inspire further innovation and competition, ultimately benefiting all consumers seeking ethical financial products. For more information about Ikhlas Finance Australia and their Shariahcompliant property finance products, visit their official website www. ikhlasfinance.com.au, or contact 1300713162 for non-obligatory consultation about IFA products or email to info@ikhlasfinance.com.au



Liberal Member for Hawthorn

Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs

197–199 Riversdale Road, Hawthorn 9882 4088 JohnPesutto



Authorised by John Pesutto MP, Level 1, 157 Spring Street, Melbourne 3000

Councillor Brad Bunting Mayor of Blacktown City

Happy Hijri New Year

As the Mayor of Blacktown City, I send my warmest greetings to all members of our City’s Muslim community during The Hijri New Year. On behalf of the Blacktown City Council, I wish you all a blessed and prosperous year bringing you and your loved ones peace, happiness and fulfillment.


Helping Australian businesses export halal products to over 140 countries

ICCV is the largest Halal certification organisation in Australia servicing clients locally and internationally.

ICCV is responsible for the certification, monitoring, and supervision of Halal food for the domestic market as well as the export market.

Clients cover a range of sectors including abattoirs, food processing businesses, transportation and cold storage operators.

We are the largest halal certification body in Australia. Professional, experienced and trusted.

We monitor the certified businesses for compliance of halal requirements.

We provide a means for direct supervision in house for quality assurance.

We work with abattoirs to get and keep their halal certification.


ICCV is specifically accredited within these Muslim majority countries.

Our certification is approved for all halal importing countries.

We provide full turnkey solution for FGMs to get halal.

Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Oman, Kingdom of Bahrain,Tunisia,Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Iran, Kosova, Morocco, Maldives.

We provide logistics companies for cold room and transport to get halal.

Our certificate is approved in countries that now require halal certificate if goods have halal stamps:

Canada, South Korea, China, European Union (EU), New Zealand, Russia Federation, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, United States of America (USA).



Too often, refugees, children, the elderly, and many other Muslims find themselves isolated and without support when facing health issues in hospitals, especially during end-of-life care. The Islamic Council of Victoria’s (ICV) Hospital Chaplaincy Program is here to make a difference.

ICV Hospital Chaplaincy provides essential spiritual and emotional support to Muslim patients and their families. They assist with religious practices, address emotional needs, and facilitate communication with medical staff. This fosters cultural awareness and improves healthcare outcomes for Muslim patients.

Running for almost 3 decades, ICV’s Hospital Chaplaincy program responds to every request from every hospital in Melbourne including an ongoing presence at 10 of the major hospitals and Cancer centres across the state such as The Royal Children’s Hospital, Monash/ Northern/Western Health sites, St Vincent’s, The Austin, as well as the

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and many more.

The program coordinates 3045 volunteers each year to offer exceptional care for the most vulnerable Muslims in our state.

But government funding for the program has ceased and we are now in need of community fundraising to support this vital service! Every donation, big or small, makes a huge difference. Please give generously and help us continue making a positive impact on the lives of the sick.

Your support will help us:

• Ensure that Muslim patients receive the spiritual care they need

• Support families during difficult times with compassion and understanding

• Bridge the gap between healthcare providers and the Muslim community

• Promote cultural sensitivity within hospitals

Donate and support the program here: https://tinyurl.com/icv-donate


We urge our community to stay safe and vigilant as reports of Islamophobic incidents have been on the rise. If you have experienced Islamophobia, don’t let it go unnoticed. Reach out to our Islamophobia Support Team for free personalised care, advice and referrals.

Islamophobia Support is a free community service dedicated to providing holistic support to the wider Victorian Muslim community who have been impacted by Islamophobia. We are committed to providing individualised support that addresses the unique needs and challenges faced by the community as our mission is

driven by the theory of change and outcomes framework. We focus on providing individual support, developing opportunities for education and empowerment, and strengthen collaboration with organisations and communities to improve support available for Victorian Muslims.

Have you experienced Islamophobia? Submit An Incident Report Today. Contact us today and one of our friendly staff will be in contact with you shortly.

We welcome you to contact us using the below details. Our office is contactable between 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.

A: 66-68 Jeffcott St, West Melbourne VIC 3003 Ph:(03) 9328 2067 E: admin@icv.org.au



Bilal Cleland dunk1689@gmail.com

The dangerous senator

Labor had a dummy spit on WA Senator Patman who dared to cross the floor in parliament to support Labor Party but not caucus policy, on recognition of the Palestinian state.

The Liberal leader, famous for his stand on African gangs, amusing rising sea levels, Lebanese immigrants, voting No, distressed white South African farmers, au pair girls and unrestrained Israeli assault on Gaza, predictably warned against the rise of Muslim party sectarianism. Apparently the AIJAC interfering in politics and various fringe Christian parties all OK but this senator having a conscience vote was beyond the pale.

Less predictable was the announcement by the PM, the founder of the Parliamentary Friends of Palestine, warning of the danger of sectarian politics over the emergence of the lobby group Muslim Votes.

That independent anti-genocide politicians in the hide-bound first past the post British electoral system got up in some Labour seats, reduced Starmer’s margin

by 17% and ushered in more Liberal Democrats and Greens than usual must be playing on his mind.

An anti-genocide vote like the Teal climate change vote could really hit Labor majorities in up to 20 seats.


for the antigenocide activists in Australia

Suspicions about our system of justice came out of the “Homemade bomb planted on car at Sydney home flying Palestinian flag.” [8 Jan 2024 Guardian]

As Sydney Criminal Lawyers on their website noted; “And in this strange new world, not only do the local authorities appear to be dragging their feet on arresting a local Zionist suspect known to them, but after the avoidance game no longer cuts it, they decide to then undercharge him on arrest, in direct contradiction to regular policing practice.”

Surprisingly this was met by “ two counts of stalking, one of using a carriage service to menace and another charge of trespass.”

“The charges that have been laid so far, relate to stalking and contain none reflecting the weapon or the political nature of his actions.”

No terrorism charge and a very nasty possibility was noted.

“And I’m very concerned that it creates tacit permission to many other people that have been making threats and attacks towards Palestinians and their supporters.” [25 March Paul Gregoire Sydney Criminal Lawyers]

A mild sentence of 12 months jail with a non-parole period of 3 months was the wages of sin. [7 May 2024 Guardian]

Pro-Palestinian Australians have

reason to be concerned about social cohesion in this country, given the Payman hysteria, the no terrorism charge for terrorism, arson without adequate response, administrative punishments for university students demonstrating against genocide and now demonstrating against attempts to silence them.

Anti-Semitism Envoy

Then on top of this a Zionist activist in the Israeli cause is appointed, to the horror of the Jewish Council, to be our first permanent Ant-Semitism envoy to combat the rise in targeting of Jewish people.

The assumption appears to be that criticism of the genocide in Gaza, which involves many Jewish voices, is anti-Semitism. That there is genuine anti-Semitism in our Australian community is obvious, as there is anti-Indigenous racism and Islamophobia, but this appointment could increase its incidence.

“There is not hierarchy of racism,” is now becoming a slogan of the human rights advocates.

Attorney General Dreyfus at the National Press Club July 9 stated that criticism of Israel can be but is not always anti-Semitic.

” But when people are singling out Israel and applying a standard to Israel that they do not apply to other countries, then potentially there’s antisemitism going on.”

Opposing genocide is a universal value across all countries and religions so if that is defined as anti-Semitic, Israel is in deep trouble. The claim will be that describing the slaughter of the people of Gaza as genocide is itself an attack on all Jews.

The extent of the genocide

The Lancet, the journal of British doctors, has published “Counting the dead in Gasa, difficult but essential” [ 5 July 2024]

“In conflicts indirect deaths are estimated at 3 to 15 times the number of direct deaths.

It is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.”

That is from 7-9% of the total population.

And it is the Zionists who rate a special envoy from the Labor government.

Blair and the Zionist Lobby

Ilan Pappe in “Lobbying for Zionism: On both sides of the Atlantic,” is essential reading for anyone interested in the analysis of the rise of the Zionist lobby from its Christian fundamentalist roots.

In his description of the work of the lobby in Britain he gives a case study of Blair and New Labour.

Lord Levy, the wealthy British Zionist and a former pop promoter in his book “A Question of Honour” describes how Tony Blair at a dinner in March 1994, impressed him as a future leader of the nation.

Ilan Pappe also writes that this dinner succeeded in, “converting Tony Blair, [then a mere shadow home secretary under John Smith], into a fervent devotee of Israel and its policies.”

Levy was a fund raiser for many Israeli and Jewish causes, and as Pappe points out, after John Smith’s death in May 1994,

donated 7 million pounds for the campaign of the new Labour leader.

Such benevolence allowed Blair to have the biggest opposition leader’s staff in British history.

“Blair’s financial independence from the trade unions, Labours traditional core funders, gave him the freedom he needed to transform Labour in his image.”

Levy collected donations for a blind trust, the Labour Leader’s Office Fund, raising nearly 2 million pounds, “a sum previously unimaginable for a Labour leader.”

“Blair maintained that he was unaware of the sources of these donations despite being in almost constant contact with Levy and even meeting some of the donors.”

While he was independent of the unions, he became dependent on large donors, “some of whom had very strong views on Israel.”

Concealed donations occurred.

David Abrahams a property developer, under an arrangement between a solicitor acting for him and two Labour Party officials, “donated 650,000 pounds to the party by covenanting the money to his closest associates, and thereby concealing his identity.”

In the summer of 1997 Blair nominated Levy as Baron Levy of Mill Hill. Three years later, Levy became the prime minister’s personal envoy to the Middle East.

“Ultimately Levy was estimated to have raised over 15 million pounds for Blair before the “cash for peerages: scandal brought Levy’s fundraising to an end in the summer of 2006.”

Blair later admitted in a 2017 interview that he may have gone too far in his support for Israel.

When Hamas took over governance of Gaza in 2007 Britain took part in the blockade.

The siege which is still going on was punitive action against the people of Gaza for choosing Hamas. In his 2017 interview Blair said a better alternative would have been to pull Hamas into a dialogue but Israel refused this point blank.

Blair’s identification with American policy and his buying into the ‘clash of civilisations’ fable of Samuel Huntington; ”between a supposedly enlightened West and a backward Islamic world, “ made him the best ally Israel could possibly hope for.

The Australian position

We are facing in this country, a Labor government and a Liberal party opposition vying for the support of the Zionist lobby. By-passing existing anti-racist and human rights organisations to appear supportive of Israeli interests has begun.

This is despite a surging public opinion incensed at our support for the mass murder of women and children.

As Pappe analysed “… from very early on, because of its self doubt, the Zionist movement dispensed with moral arguments... and invested all its efforts in elites, an enterprise that required money, connections and efficient advocacy. When perfected and deployed by the state of Israel, these lobbying forces enjoyed unparalleled success compared to other lobbies in Britain and the United States.”

Also, in Australia.

Vilification, threats, bombs on cars, arson, a compliant media, add up to a decline in social cohesiveness.

The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.


Luba Grigorovitch MP Member for Kororoit

Ph: 03 8361 7133

W: lubagrigorovitch.com.au

E: luba.grigorovitch@parliament.vic.gov.au Shop 2, 11 Commercial Rd, Caroline Springs, 3023

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Happy Hijri New Year

BROADWAY Halal Meats


“It’s the emotions bit that was a problem for both of us,” said Sarah (not her real name), a friend of mine who divorced her husband after their third child was born. “Too often, our emotions got the better of us. We didn’t know how to handle them.”

That’s Sarah’s way of explaining her moodiness. In the end, she and her husband parted ways; neither could withstand

Symptoms of The Moody Parent

Moody parents often have unpredictable emotions that can swing rapidly from one extreme to another. Recognise that as a moody parent, you tend to have inconsistent reactions. It’s hard for your child to know what to expect. One moment you might be calm and supportive, and the next, you might react harshly to the same situation. This unpredictability makes it difficult for children to feel secure and understand what behaviour is acceptable. You might be easily irritable or overreact for the slightest reasons. You might get frustrated or angry easily, sometimes over little things. Small everyday challenges, like a spilled drink or a messy room, can lead to big reactions, making the home environment tense and stressful, leading to your children’s heightened anxiety and fear of making

mistakes. You might withdraw emotionally, giving the cold shoulder to your spouse or children, becoming unresponsive during tough times. Your withdrawal can make your children feel like they can’t rely on you for comfort or guidance.

How Moodiness Affects Your Children

Moodiness in a parent can lead to heightened anxiety among children. Here’s how:

Feeling Insecure: Kids need stability. When parents’ moods are unpredictable, children can feel insecure and unsafe. Lack of emotional stability can make children anxious, as they never know what to expect from their parents’ reactions.

Learned Anxiety: Kids often mimic their parents. If they see their parents reacting anxiously, they might

the other’s moodiness. I knew her family well enough to appreciate that she inherited her moodiness from her late mother.

Are you a moody parent? If you are, chances are you were raised by a moody mother or father or both. It is true that we all have different temperaments, but you can choose NOT to leave it as a legacy to your children.

start doing the same. This learned behaviour can lead to a cycle of anxiety, where children adopt similar coping mechanisms to deal with stress, perpetuating a sense of unease and worry.

Communication Problems: Moody parents might struggle to communicate effectively, leaving kids feeling unsupported and misunderstood. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of emotional connection, making children feel isolated and unsure about how to express their own feelings.

How Moody Parents Can Change for the Better

Gain self-awareness. Know your triggers. Identify what sets off your mood swings and work on managing those triggers. Keeping a mood diary can help pinpoint patterns and triggers,

providing insight into what needs to change.

Sign up for parenting classes. These can offer practical advice and techniques for more consistent and effective parenting. Learning about child development and effective discipline strategies can help you feel more confident and capable as a parent.

Establish stable routines to create predictability: Having a regular schedule can give kids a sense of stability and security. Routines help children know what to expect, reducing anxiety and providing a sense of normalcy.

Focus on consistent discipline. Apply rules and consequences consistently to avoid confusion. Clear and predictable consequences for behavior help children understand boundaries and feel secure in their environment.

To conclude, being moody isn’t a kind option. As a moody parent, you do

contribute to your children’s anxiety, but it’s never too late to make positive changes. Decide to grow your self-awareness. Establish routines that work better for you. Create a more stable and nurturing environment. Moodiness is not something beyond your control. But you must make a decision to be in control of your life, not the other way around. Do not take your moodiness lightly. You wouldn’t want to be in my friend Sarah’s shoes. Choose a better, wiser legacy to pass on to your children and their children.

Jamilah Samian is the author of “Raise Me Right”, “Leadership In Parenting”, “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, “Parenting Generation Y & Z”, “The Kindness Miracle” and “77 Power Parent Tips”.


The NSW Electoral Commission is encouraging NSW voters to check their enrolment before 5 August 2024 to make sure they are ready to vote in the 2024 Local Government elections.

The elections will be held in NSW on Saturday, 14 September 2024. Voting is compulsory.

The electoral roll used at the election cannot be updated after 6pm on Monday, 5 August.

Acting NSW Electoral Commissioner Matt Phillips reminded voters that at council elections voters must attend a polling place in their council area or ward.

“If you’ve moved recently or aren’t enrolled to vote where you currently live, update your details now so you can vote at a polling place near you on 14 September.”

“You cannot vote outside your local government area at local council elections, so it’s important your details on the electoral roll are correct.”

Mr Phillips said NSW has the highest enrolment rate in the country but it is everyone’s responsibility to maintain the electoral roll’s accuracy.

“NSW can be proud of its 99 per cent enrolment rate but if your details change, you must update them on the electoral roll. Visit elections.nsw.gov.au to find out how.”

“I encourage anyone who has moved recently to put updating your electoral roll details on the top of your to-do list.”

Mr Phillips said it is compulsory to enrol to vote in NSW elections if you are eligible and aged 18 or over.

“All you need to enrol is a driver’s licence or similar identification document or you can have someone who is already enrolled confirm your identity.”


Mohammed Alebrahimi of Essendon transformed his own experience into positive change for Melbourne’s Arabic-speaking community. Mohammed is an Iraqi refugee, arriving in Australia in 1998. He established businesses offering vocational training, catering, and aged care services, and created a community drop-in centre. Mohammed’s home care services and Beloved Community Group provide vital support, social gatherings, and educational opportunities. His volunteer work in optometry in India improved many lives. Overcoming challenges like funding and regulatory hurdles, he became a major employer and advocate for marginalised groups. Through his initiatives, Mohammed fosters a sense of belonging, helping refugees and migrants overcome barriers.

Source: awardsaustralia.com

Winner Mohammed Alebrahimi (right), His Mother Karima Alebrahimi & Maryanne Mullahy, Regional Partnerships Manager –Geelong, Spirit Super (left)
Nina Taylor MP, Representing the Hon. Natalie Suleyman MP, The Minister for Youth (right) & Winner Mohammed Alebrahimi (left)

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