Issue 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 العدد
Eid Mubarak
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Editor in Chief: Fawaz Chawk Art Director: Omar Alhashemi
Editorial Secretary: Dr. Abdul M. Kamareddine Sydney: Monzer Gabr Adelaide: Ahmed Zreika
Al Wasat Magazine Address:
Melbourne office: 171 Denton Ave, St. Albans, VIC 3021 Postal Address: P.O.Box 5178, Cairnlea VIC 3023 Tel.: + 61 4 3020 4076
Sydney office: 10-28 Biloela St, Villawood NSW 2163 Tel.: + 61 4 9033 0623
Queensland Labor MP Duncan Pegg resigns to focus on cancer battle
The Ruling on Fasting Six Days of Shawwal
A Case for Special Needs Children
Migrants Making Waves all over the Countryside
Action Taken Against Misleading Solar Seller
Determination drives great leaders
يرجى عدم رمي الصحيفة على االرض الحتوائها على آيات قرآنية
من فضـائل شهر رمـضان
أكالت في )1( عيد الفطر
من معاني العيد في فكر اإلمام محمد البشير اإلبراهيمي
Sponsor an orphan. For as little as $50 a month you can grant an orphaned child a better start in life.
Give Happiness Today. Visit Call 1300 760 155 AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Consulting our conscience or falling apart! By Fawaz Chawk
• What we hear of divisions and disagreements between those in charge of some Islamic institutions, which are no longer hidden from anyone after they went out in public and were covered by the media, prompting the Muslim public opinion in Australia to raise many questions about the reality of Islamic institutions, their role, working mechanisms and constitutions. Also, the mechanisms of dialogue between Islamic institutions, and the causes of conflict and division. Not to mention, new and old questions about the administrative and financial corruption that nests in some institutions. • Since the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils AFIC and the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC) are two of the largest federal Islamic institutions, it is natural that these questions focus on these two institutions. • Furthermore, there are many inquiries about the nature of work conducted by the Islamic councils in the states and territories that make up AFIC, particularly that pertain to its structure, composition, doctrines, the associations to which they are affiliated, and ultimately, about the role of these Islamic councils under the umbrella institution, AFIC. • Out of our respect for Eid al-Fitr, we chose not to raise all the inquiries and question marks raised by public opinion. We also decided not to go into details, names and figures, especially in regards to corruption. • We limited the inquiries to general questions of concern to everyone. Questions looking for answers by those in charge of these institutions. ... • There are those who wonder about the necessity of establishing a new Sharia board in Australia in light of the presence of the Australian National Imams Council, as well as the necessity of appointing a new mufti parallel to the Mufti of Australia? • How did things get to where they were, and why? Who bears
the responsibility? What is the context to this decision? Is it the result of careless whim or malicious and personal interests? Or does the problem lay in the Australian National Imams Council? • Some supporters of this decision criticise the performance of the Presidency of the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC), question the constitutionality of some decisions, and accuse those in charge of the presidency of undermining the council’s decisions and controlling it. What are the criteria and foundations upon which these people base their position? Are there mechanisms followed that can be adopted to evaluate the performance of those in charge of the Presidency of the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC)? • What does it mean for some Imams, who are members of the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC), to stand by the decisions of the AFIC and join the new Fatwa Council? Does this indicate a defect in the structure and management of the Australian National Imams Council or is the matter only a matter of personal interests, as some have suggested? • Is the division and disagreements we are witnessing the result of a conflict of institutions, or is it just a struggle between people based on these institutions, people who stir emotions and are driven by passions? • Where are the mechanisms for dialogue and consultation between these institutions or between those who are in control of it? And what prevents the dialogue from being opened to put an end to these divisions that we are so indispensable to? • Is it true that some of these large institutions have moved far away from the real purpose which they were established for? Some accuse those in charge of the legal establishment (ANIC) of entering into the arena of politics and conflict, of searching for influence, and of racing for control of the Islamic councils under the pretext of “filling the void.”
• While those in charge of AFIC did not hide their involvement in the sharia aspect in an attempt to regain legitimacy, they consider us a “historical right for them”, which was stopped by several circumstances. • There are those who describe the method of selection for members of the Sharia Board of (AFIC) as random. Are there specific conditions and criteria for admission to membership? Are scientific certificates considered one of these conditions and standards? On the other hand, are there specific and strict conditions and criteria for admission to membership in the Australian National Imams Council (ANIC), and is the presentation of academic certificates by the affiliates considered a basic pre-requisite of these conditions? • There are those who say that the way AFIC accepts the affiliation of new associations is tainted (randomly) and that the goal is to try to control the Islamic councils in the states! Are there specific conditions and criteria for accepting associations? What are these conditions and standards? Do these associations fulfill all the required conditions? • Are there internal laws that prohibit the inclusion of fictitious or semi-fictitious associations in the Islamic councils in the states? Is it possible to control the power of some individuals over the councils and prevent them from dominating, by establishing strict internal laws that prohibit influential people from establishing associations of “relatives and friend” and including them in the councils? • Why has it not, up to this point, corrected the major defect in the calculation of council votes in the AFIC elections? Is it possible that the voice of the Islamic Council on Christmas Island, Canberra or Tasmania is equivalent to voice of the Islamic Council in New South Wales and Victoria despite the large discrepancy in the number of members of the community in these states? • Are there mechanisms that regulate the relationship between the Islamic Councils on the one hand and the Federation
of Islamic Councils AFIC on the other hand, so as to preserve the independence of the decisions for each party, and to ensure that no party influences the other, that no party is blackmailed by the other party? How can it be ensured that other parties’ agendas do not enter into these equations, which only come with conflicts, divisions and failures? This leads us to another question about the power of the council President in making decisions and building positions from AFIC, and whether it is negative or positive. Is this done with or without consultation with the associations that make up the councils? This question is evoked as there are accusations that some council Presidents often side with decisions that do not always represent the view of the majority of associations. • Why is there no significant influence of the associations that make up the Islamic councils in the making of the council’s decisions? Are there constitutional mechanisms that preserve the right of associations to voice their opinions and participate in the decisionmaking process? • These questions did not come for the sake of defamation or ‘airing out dirty laundry’, nor for the sake of entertainment and the filling of lines, nor to please or bother anyone, but rather, aimed at pointing out the flaws in order to reveal the facts before the public. • The most important question remains: Where is the accountability? • Who is held accountable? How is the process of holding those accountable achieved? • We are all sure that ‘consulting our conscience’ is the best and most successful approach!
Wishing you happy and safe Eid. We hope the conscience of those in leadership is honourable.
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
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Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Eid AL-Fitr 2021 Eid Mubarak! I’m delighted to send my best wishes to Australia’s Muslim community for a happy and blessed Eid al-Fitr. After a period of worship and sacrifice, this is a celebration of renewal in faith, mind and body. At this joyful end to Ramadan we remember our blessings and draw strength from one another. No doubt, this year, you will remember the subdued mood of Eid in 2020, when your homes became your places of worship. When your celebrations were muted by the restrictions of the global pandemic. At this time, I extend my grateful thanks to Australia’s Muslim community for the restraint, care and compassion you shared during the darkest days of the COVID-19 pandemic – and for your constant support throughout this shared national effort. As we emerge in 2021, we can see our religious traditions with fresh eyes and welcome them again with joyful hearts. We are reminded of the strength we draw from faith and the values that come from being in community with others. With a safe and effective vaccination program underway, we can renew our trust in a secure, peaceful and prosperous future for our families, our communities and our country. At Eid al-Fitr, I thank Australia’s Muslim community for sharing so freely and openly this joyous festival of your faith.
The Hon Scott Morrison MP Prime Minister of Australia May 2021
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
رسالة من رئيس الوزراء
2021 عيد الفطر !عید مبارك
یسعدين أن أبعث بأطیب أمنیايت إىل الجالیة املسلمة يف أسرتالیا مبناسبة .حلول عید الفطر السعید واملبارك . یأيت احتفال التجدد باإلیامن والعقل والجسد،بعد فرتة من العبادة والتضحیة نتذ ّكر بركاتنا ونستمد القوة من بعضنا،مع ھذه النھایة السعیدة لرمضان .البعض عندما، 2020 ال شك أنكم ستتذ ّكرون ھذه السنة املزاج املتجھم للعید يف العام ،أصبحت منازلكم أماكن عبادتكم .وعندما تم تكبیل احتفاالتكم بقیود الجائحة العاملیة عىل، أعرب عن شكري وامتناين للجالیة املسلمة يف أسرتالیا،يف ھذا الوقت CO� االنضباط والعنایة والتعاطف التي شاركتم فیھا خالل أحلك أیام جائح ة . وعىل دعمكم املستمر خالل ھذا الجھد الوطني املشرتك، VID 19 یمكننا أن نرى تقالیدنا الدینیة بعیون، 2021 مع عودتنا إىل الحیاة يف العام . ونرحب بھا مرة أخرى بقلوب سعیدة،جدیدة .نتذ ّكر القوة التي نستمدھا من اإلیامن والقیم اآلتیة من الرشاكة مع اآلخرین یمكننا أن نجدد ثقتنا مبستقبل،مع وجود برنامج تطعیم آمن وفع ّال قید التنفیذ آمن وسلمي ومزدھر لعائالتنا ومجتمعاتنا .وبلدنا أود أن أشكر الجالیة املسلمة يف أسرتالیا ملشاركتھا بحریة،يف عید الفطر .وانفتاح ھذا العید السعید لدینكم
،معالي النائب سكوت موريسن
رئيس وزراء أستراليا 2021 مايو/أيار
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Wishing you a very special
Eid Mubarak!
Dear Brothers and Sisters Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh! On this special occasion of Eid Al-Fitr, I would like to wish you a delightful Eid. May this blessed season bring a lot of happiness and joy to you and your families and loved ones. Human Appeal Australia is turning 30 this year. From a small office in Lakemba aiding 12 Sudanese orphans in 1991, to five offices in each of the main cities of Australia serving millions across the globe. We are keen to make this year a special one especially to our beneficiaries. We are planning a wider reach beyond the 27 locations we serve, a faster response to disasters, and all sustainable approach to eradicate poverty. With the help of our distinguished donors and generous community, we will continue our mission to relieve people in distress from natural and man-made disasters. We will implement many more projects tailored to aid the poor and needy everywhere. Eid is a very significant time as it brings families and communities together . May this auspicious occasion carry an abundance of peace and prosperity to our country Australia, and to the entire world.
Bashar Al-Jamal Director
Take a look at how your donations in Ramadan have helped the poor & needy around the world!
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
JOIN THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MULTICULTURAL AND ETHNIC AFFAIRS COMMISSION Expressions of Interest are now open for positions on the South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission. The Commission plays an important role in raising awareness and understanding of multiculturalism and social cohesion in our South Australian community. It draws on the cultural diversity, skills and experience of its members to provide independent advice to the South Australian government about the needs, aspirations and contributions of South Australians from diverse backgrounds. It is an exciting time to join the Commission, with the landmark South Australian Multicultural Bill 2020, currently being considered by Parliament. It is the government’s intent that, should the Bill pass through both Houses of Parliament
and become law, those selected through this current call for Expressions of Interest will transfer to the new South Australian Multicultural Commission. We are seeking to fill vacancies for up to 15 positions on the Commission from 1 July 2021, including the Chair and Members positions. The term of appointments for the Chair and Members positions is up to three years. To submit an expression of interest or find out more about this opportunity, please visit Expressions of Interest to join the Commission close at 9am on Monday, 24 May 2021.
Elm Rd. Family Clinic Now Open in Victoria With a network of clinics in NSW, Elm Rd. Family clinic has expanded their reach and headed south, opening their first medical centre in Victoria, located in Altona North. Elm Rd. is more than a medical centre – it is a convenient and accessible healthcare clinic set up to serve the local community. Dr Mohamed El Souki is the leading practitioner and has extensive experience in paediatrics, chronic disease, mental health, skins checks and family medicine. Services also include vaccinations and referrals to specialists and allied health. Dr El Souki is looking forward to meeting everyone and says, “I have waited a long time for this clinic to open and I am really excited to meet and treat patients in the community I live in”. He is also fluent in English, Arabic and Russian. Conveniently located next
door is Pharmacy 4 Less Altona North with Mohamed Nasser as the head pharmacist. Mohamed is well known for his extensive community work and is always on hand to help. The pharmacy has a strong focus on care which means you get the lowest prices on products every day with the very best service and professional advice. In fact, they guarantee to beat any price on stocked items. Elm Rd. Family clinic is located in Millers Junction and provides ample parking. Not just a medical centre but there to serve the needs of the community, a community which has embraced it’s services. So much so that they are now looking for their next Doctor! The clinic is flexible and would suite someone looking to balance a family and work life.
For more information go to or call (03) 8676 8651.
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
On the celebration of Eid Al-Adha, I extend my best wishes to the South Australian Muslim community on this holy occasion. May this time be filled with love and happiness.
Have a blessed Eid.
HON Steven Marshall MP Member for Dunstan | Premier of South Australia Authorised by S Marshall, Unit 2, 90-94 The Parade, Norwood SA 5067.
WHAT IS ZAKAT AL-FITR? Zakat Al-Fitr is a small charitable donation that Muslims are obliged to pay at the end of Ramadan. The origin of the obligation can be dated to the month of Sha’ban in the second year of Hijrah. Ibn ‘Umar said: “Allah’s Messenger enjoined the payment of one portion of dates or one portion of barley as Zakat al-Fitr on every Muslim slave or free, male or female, young or old, and he ordered that it be paid before the people went out to offer the ‘Eid prayer.” Human Appeal Australia (HAA)
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
A CASE FOR SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN By Jamilah Samian “When I was growing up, I was bullied. They asked me if I was a robot because of my hearing aid. I kept silent. I went back home. My parents told me: accept, work hard, persevere. I kept studying hard to earn that honour.” These are the words of Chong Kai Zhen, a deaf speaker who participated in World Speech Day 2021. Like other hearing impaired individuals, Chong has to work extra hard to break through barriers. Watching Chong present his speech reminded me of Rina, a mother to two children born with Down Syndrome. “People make all kinds of remarks. Someone even told me that I have these children because my husband and I have sinned.” It surprises me how much we parents can be so judgemental of each
other. How unkind. The very idea of God punishing innocent, helpless children just because their parents had erred! Is there such a thing as the perfect human being, someone who isn’t flawed, made mistakes in some way? Is there such a thing as a cruel God? Not in my belief system and I hope, not in yours either. We are all guilty of making one kind of oversight or another; this is the reason why we are known as humans in the first place. If you are the parent of a special needs child, God must have given you the ability to raise such a child. “Special needs children are for special parents,” says Dr Siti Rokiah Siwok, a senior lecturer at a university in Malaysia. Dr Rokiah is the proud mother of a 40-yearold lady with profound hearing loss, now a teacher. Dr Rokiah, or Kak Rokiah,
as she prefers to be called, shared her experience in a recent webinar I helped facilitate. I asked Kak Rokiah how she succeeded at parenting her daughter. “I try to do my very best as all kind acts are ibadah (worship of God),” she says. “My dream is to set up an international Islamic school where children with hearing loss are part of. Everybody has the opportunity to thrive and blossom according to their abilities and interests.” According to pediatric psychiatrist, Dr Aminah Kassim, one of the issues that she encountered in helping parents with special needs is denial. It is much better if intervention is introduced in the early years as the brain is still developing. “There are cases where exasperated parents physically and emotionally abused their special needs children because they
thought these children are lazy and simply refuse to cooperate,” says Dr Aminah. Which goes to show how important it is for parents to empower themselves with accurate knowledge, as it can make or break your child. “To all the parents who have special needs children: you are not alone. It is important to be in touch with other parents who face similar challenges. Knowing that there are other parents out there struggling as much as you do can help alleviate your stress level. Know that you do not have to be perfect. Taking care of yourself is very important, you are not a bottomless pit,” says Mr Ahmad Fitri Isahak, President of Dyslexia Malaysia, also a panelist in the webinar. A dyslexic, Mr Fitri is all too familiar with the challenges faced by a son of his, also a dyslexic.
I still cringe whenever I recall the story of the mother who was told her children are born with Down’s because of the sins committed by her and her husband. Even with the best nutrition and the best environment, a child with special needs could still be yours. It’s nobody’s fault. I truly believe that special needs children is a good reason for the community to work together to bring out the best in them and in ourselves. Just because I don’t have any special needs child doesn’t mean I shouldn’t care
Read books by Jamilah: “Cool Mum Super Dad”, “Cool Boys Super Sons”, “The Kindness Miracle”, “Parenting Generation Y & Z”, “Leadership in Parenting”, “77 Power Parent Tips”.
Sponsor an orphan, give hope for a bright future. Human Appeal is currently sponsoring over 63,000 orphans in 15 countries. For as little as $50 a month you can grant an orphaned child a better start in life; the chance to receive an education and live in a loving and caring environment.
Give Happiness Today. Visit Call 1300 760 155 HAI_2019_Ramadan_Alwasat_1/8Ad.indd 1 ¿ شوال119 الوسط AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442
30/4/19 10:33 am
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Eid Mubarak! Gladys Berejiklian MP Premier of New South Wales
Authorised by Chris Stone, Liberal Party of Australia, NSW Division, Level 12, 100 William Street, East Sydney NSW 2011.
GRANTS TO SUPPORT MULTICULTURAL COMMUNITIES NSW Organisations providing support to multicultural communities can now apply for funding to deliver projects and events across the State. Minister for Multiculturalism Geoff Lee said grants of up to $10,000 for events and up to $40,000 for projects are available as part of the Stronger Together Grants Program.
“Our multicultural community organisations have been indispensable in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and supporting those most vulnerable in our society,” Mr Lee said. “This grants program will ensure volunteer-run organisations are supported in providing invaluable help and care to our community.” Funded projects could include migrant support groups, community art and sports programs, English and job readiness training and support,
and programs supporting the participation of women and young people from migrant backgrounds. Funded events could include interfaith and multicultural events that bring our community together in a COVID-Safe manner. “As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to ensure no one is left behind and people from all parts of NSW, including in regional and remote areas, have equal access to services and opportunities,” Mr Lee said.
“These grants will break barriers, combat social isolation and ensure every member of our society has access to the same opportunities no matter where they are from or what language they speak.” Grant applications are now open and close 5pm Thursday 20 May 2021. For more information please visit:
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
SAVINGS FOR DRIVERS WITH NEW PARKING TECH NSW Drivers across Sydney can save money when parking, thanks to a new ‘park now, pay later’ feature rolling out across the NSW Government’s Park’nPay app. Minister for Digital and Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello said the technology lets drivers pay for the exact amount of time they use a parking spot through the app. “We’ve listened to drivers who were frustrated at having to pay upfront for two hours of parking when they only ended up needing 30 minutes,” Mr Dominello said. “This smart tech means they only pay for the time used, and they won’t have to worry about having to pay until they leave the spot. “So far users of the app have given it 93 per cent thumbs up, and this new feature is another way we are making life easier for customers.” According to analysis by the NSW Government, drivers could collectively save millions of dollars because a customer will typically buy 20 per cent more time than they need in a spot. Minister for Transport and Roads Andrew Constance said while it’s
already possible for a customer to extend their parking by topping up their payment using the app, they previously couldn’t reduce their payment if they decided to leave early. “The great thing about this new feature is it allows customers to pay for the exact amount of time they use. They simply have to select the ‘pay later’ option and they can go about their business, indicating in the app when they’ve left the spot,” Mr Constance said. “Using the enhanced app could provide drivers with hip pocket relief – an average session time via the meter in Liverpool Council is 118 minutes while on Park’nPay it’s 98 minutes.” The app exists in the following councils: Liverpool, The Rocks, Burwood, Hunters Hill, Mosman, Central Coast, Port Stephens, Willoughby, Cumberland, Northern Beaches and with Park&Ride. For more information visit www. The first NSW Government Parking Summit will be held on Monday 17 May aimed at improving customers’ parking experiences in Greater Sydney.
1800 96 000 9
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
I send my best wishes to the Australian Muslim community as you come together to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr and mark the end of the sacred month of Ramadan. Eid Al-Fitr is a time of celebration following the self-discipline and sacrifice of Ramadan. It is a time for gathering with family and friends to give thanks, share your faith and show generosity and compassion to those in need. Throughout this holy month of Ramadan, I have been honoured to attend and share in the Iftar meal and I thank you for sharing this joyous festival with the entire Australian community. At this special time, I want to acknowledge the contribution
the Australian Muslim community continues to make to our society. Despite the hardships of the past year, you have embodied the values of generosity and kindness, and I want to thank you for the care and support you continue to show all Australians during this pandemic. Your leadership, community spirit and constant message of peace and harmony has contributed significantly to building a united, cohesive Australia. I wish you all a blessed and joyous Eid Al-Fitr. Eid Mubarak! ALEX HAWKE
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Action Taken Against Misleading Solar Seller The Andrews Labor Government is warning businesses against misleading and aggressive sales tactics, after the Federal Court handed down more than $3 million in penalties to Vic Solar Technologies Pty Ltd and its director Sunny Srinivasan for breaching the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). The strong penalties include: • a $3 million penalty for Vic Solar • Mr Srinivasan being banned from managing corporations for at least five years • Mr Srinivasan (as sole director) being required to pay $450,000 in penalties. The court found Vic Solar and its director Mr Srinivasan, 31, of Southbank, contravened the ACL by making misleading representations to consumers, and failing to comply with legal protections for unsolicited consumer agreements, among the multiple findings. The Vic Solar business model overall was also found to constitute unconscionable conduct. As a part of its strict consumer protections, the company has also been excluded from the Solar Homes Program. Vic Solar used people employed by third parties to generate sales leads by knocking on home owners doors, advertised a false ‘community bulkbuy’ of solar PV systems and used the details of those who registered interest to engage in door-to-door sales that breached unsolicited consumer
agreement laws. Consumer Affairs Victoria took the case to court to protect consumers and to deter to other businesses considering these types of sales tactics. The case ensures solar retailers doing the right thing are not unfairly disadvantaged and encourages consumers to make complaints if they believe any companies to be conducting illegitimate business. Further information about unsolicited consumer agreements and door-to-door sales can be found at au/doortodoor. Anyone who believes they have been treated unfairly during a door-to-door sale should report it to Consumer Affairs Victoria at generalcomplaint. “We won’t tolerate dodgy sales practices in Victoria, and this strong outcome puts companies doing the wrong thing on notice that they’ll be held accountable.” Minister for Consumer Affairs Victoria Melissa Horne said. “Helping Victorians to save on energy bills by going solar is a key priority for the Government, and consumers should be able to investigate installing panels without the risk of being misled or ripped off.” “I encourage consumers to keep an eye out for aggressive sales techniques and to contact Consumer Affairs Victoria if you believe you’re being treated unfairly by a business.”
As the holy month of Ramadan comes to an end I want to thank the Islamic community for the generosity and charity they have shown to every Australian during the month of Ramadan.
Office: Shop 29/1 Broadway Punchbowl 2196 Phone: (02) 9750 9088 Email: @Tony_Burke Tony Burke MP Authorised by Tony Burke MP, Australian Labor Party, Shop 29/1 Broadway Punchbowl 2196
Eid mubarak Wishing you and your family joy, peace and happiness
Raff Ciccone Federal Labor Senator for Victoria
03 9894 2098 1A Blackburn Road, Blackburn VIC 3130 AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Authorised by Senator R Ciccone, 1A Blackburn Road, Blackburn VIC 3130
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Islamic College of Melbourne
Throughout the holy month of Ramadan the artistic talents of our students are always on full display. Led by our Secondary Visual Art & Design Teacher, Ms Mihaela Ranga, the Recess Ramadan Art Club has given our Secondary students a new outlet to express
themselves during this time of heightened devotion and worship. The purpose of this activity is to celebrate and honour the holy month of Ramadan through the expression of art, allowing students to be fuelled by their creativity while fasting.
Amazing results from our Secondary Interschool Boys Football team, they are the 2021 overall winners of the Wyndham Cup for AFL and will now progress through to the regional finals in week 10.
On Wednesday the 31st of March we celebrated Multicultural Day here at ICOM with activities taking place all across the college. The highlight of the day for our Primary students was our Multicultural Day Parade being held in the ICOM Gymnasium. We focused on 7 countries this year, Bangladesh, Somalia, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Lebanon and Palestine. Each primary year level were given the task of representing one of these great countries throughout the parade. The students took up
this challenge with a high level of enthusiasm and pride, representing the diversity of their peers while gaining a greater understanding of the cultures of the countries mentioned. As part of our Multicultural Day tradition we gave our students the opportunity to make a charitable donation towards our Orphan Sponsorship Program by bringing a gold coin with them to school. Other fundraising efforts were also held around the college making this year’s Multicultural Day impactful on many levels.
Our most valuable players on the day were Koda Hawli, Ibrahim AbouZeid & Youssof ElHawli. Hard work pays off, well done boys and good luck heading into the regional finals! AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Premier of Victoria Iftar dinner
Victorian State Parliament Iftar Dinner
Media Iftar Dinner Ambulance Victoria Iftar Dinner
Elsedeaq Islamic Society Iftar dinner
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
We ask Allah to give him healing and health and to purify his body from illness.
Queensland Labor MP Duncan Pegg has resigned from his political career to focus on his battle with cancer. Mr Pegg first disclosed his diagnosis in parliament in 2019 and has been fighting the disease ever since. The lawyer turned politician has been regularly attending cancer centres and spends his time there speaking to patients. Based on his most recent medical advice, he said that he can no longer “continue to both fight cancer and also fight for my local area in the manner in which my community deserves”. Mr Pegg is known for his community work particularly in multicultural spaces. In 2017, he was awarded the QLD Public Service Award from the Queensland Intercultural Society. On behalf of the Al Wasat family, we’d like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for his many contributions to our community and the wider society. We wish him and his family all the very best during this challenging time.
Jodi McKay MP
Jihad Dib MP
Julia Finn MP
Paul Scully MP
NSW Labor Leader Member for Strathfield
Member for Lakemba
Member for Granville
Member for Wollongong
Ph: (02) 9759 5000 E:
Ph: (02) 9637 1656 E:
Ph: (02) 4226 5700 E:
Ph: (02) 9230 2310 E:
Tania Mihailuk MP
Guy Zangari MP
Nick Lalich MP
Edmond Atalla MP
Member for Bankstown
Member for Fairfield
Member for Cabramatta
Member for Mount Druitt
Ph: (02) 9708 3838 E:
Ph: (02) 9726 9323 E:
Ph: (02) 9724 3381 E:
Ph: (02) 9625 6770 E:
Authorised by Jodi McKay MP, Jihad Dib MP, Julia Finn MP, Paul Scully MP, Tania Mihaiuk MP, Guy Zangari MP, Nick Lalich MP, Edmond Atalla MP. Funded using Parliamentary Entitlements
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Eid Mubarak
Mayor Wendy Waller
May you and your family enjoy the blessings of this special time.
Eid Mubarak By reaching out to the end of the holy month of Ramadan اعاده الله عىل االمة االسالمية والعامل اجمع باليمن والربكات Sydney Community Connect Inc. founding director chairperson and board members would like to wish the Muslims in Australia and around the world Eid Mubarak, May Allah accept our fast , good deeds and ease the pain on people who experience hardships around the world.
Joumana Menzalji
SCCI was established in 2019 as charity organisation non-for-profit. • Our vision is to stay as a leader in the charity, development and social change. • Our mission is to Implement and create developmental projects to achieve social changes and inclusive works for a happy environment of our Australian society by supporting families and empowering women in all fields of life and underprivileged individuals. • SCCI welcomed the holy month of Ramadan by sending a container of donations to our beloved families in Lebanon. • Our charity was able to distribute from the beginning of Ramadan 100 meals daily for those in need with local restaurants and community support. • Also the support of our local MP’s, councillors, politicians, businesses ,influencers, community leaders, organisations government and non-government we were able to enter happiness and joy to lots of families Alhamdulillah .
:يقول الله عز وجل ﴾ َ﴿ َوقُلِ ٱ ْع َملُواْ ف ََس َ َيى ٱللَّهُ َع َملَك ُْم َو َر ُسو ُلهُ َوٱلْ ُم ْؤ ِم ُنونَ َو َس ُ َت ُّدونَ إِ َ ٰل َٰعلِ ِم ٱلْ َغ ْي ِب َوٱلشَّ َٰهدَ ِة َف ُي َن ِّب ُئكُم بِ َا كُن ُت ْم تَ ْع َملُون
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Digital birth certificates could soon be a reality, with the NSW Government spearheading a crossjurisdictional project to develop a national Digital Birth Certificate. Minister for Digital and Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello said the NSW-led initiative is currently in the research phase and is on track to deliver a proof of concept in the second half of 2021. “Having a child is an exciting and busy time for parents. We want to use technology to make life easier for families, so they can spend more time with their newborn and less time dealing with government,” Mr Dominello said. “Any digital solution will be opt-in only and will adhere to the highest privacy, trust and security standards. “NSW is the most digitally advanced jurisdiction in Australia and has already delivered popular digital products such as the Digital Driver Licence. This is what smart governments do – remove paperwork, save people time and put the customer at the centre.” Attorney General Mark Speakman said community consultation is currently underway, with a focus on schools, junior sports, and Government agencies.
As we celebrate Eid Al Fitr may our hopes and prayers realise good health and happiness for our friends and families and a lasting peace in our homelands.
“It’s crucial to make any Digital Birth Certificate a highly secure document that is easy to authenticate and protected from fraudsters and criminals,” Mr Speakman said. “That’s why we are carefully co-designing this proposal with the community to help prevent identity theft and crime.” A birth certificate opens the doors to schooling, health and other vital government services. It’s also needed for a range of life events including applying for a driver’s licence and getting a bank account. Mr Speakman said key priorities for the national project team will be privacy and ensuring any potential solution is accessible to disadvantaged and vulnerable communities. “This would be a world-first. Nowhere else in the world provides a holistic digital solution to identity establishment, verification, authentication and management. We’re excited by the prospect of filling this gap,” Mr Speakman said. Visit the website to ‘Have your say’ on the proposed Digital Birth Certificate. au/digital-birth-certificate
EID Mubarak
Eid Mubarak On behalf of the Bank of Sydney management and team, we convey our best wishes to the Muslim Community in Australia and around the world, for a Happy Eid. Fawaz Sankari Chief Banking Officer
Bank of Sydney Ltd, ABN 44 093 488 629, AFSL 243 444
13 95 00 /
Eid Mubarak Eid is a special time of celebration, togetherness and sharing.
The Hon Bruce Atkinson MLC
Member of the Legislative Council of Victoria • • • • •
R19B | Level 3 | West 5 Car Park Entrance | Eastland Shopping Centre 171-175 Maroondah Highway Tel: 9877 7188 | PO BOX: 508 RINGWOOD VIC Email: Web:
Wishing you and your family a very happy, peaceful and safe Eid! MEMBER OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, THE HONOURABLE PARLIAMENT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA
Funded from Parliamentary budget.
(T) 8237 9408 (W) (E)
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Cumberland City Council Iftar Dinner - NSW
Premier of New South Wales Iftar dinner
East Preston Islamic College Iftar Dinner - VIC
Hadrami community Iftar Dinner - VIC
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
ICV Interfaith Iftar in Bendigo - VIC
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Wishing you and your family a joyous and blessed Eid.
Eid Mubarak Shop 10-12, Hawaiian’s Forrestfield, 80 Hale Road, Forrestfield WA 6058
9359 0322
Authorised by K.Wyatt AM MP, Liberal Party, Shop 10-12, Hawaiian’s Forrestfield, 80 Hale Rd, Forrestfield WA 6058.
Restrictions Ease For More Victorian Businesses VIC Density quotients of one person per two square metres will soon be lifted for small-to-medium sized venues across the state – but Victorians need to keep playing their part to help us stay safe and stay open by checking in using the
Victorian Government QR Code Service through the Service Victoria app. From 28 May, these venues can have up to 200 people per space (such as a dining room or band room) without any density limit, provided COVID marshals are on site ensuring all patrons are checking in to each
space. These changes will apply for spaces that are 400 sqm or below, larger spaces still need to observe density limits. From 28 May, all venues and businesses required to undertake electronic record keeping must use the Victorian Government QR Code Service through the Service Victoria app. This is convenient for Victorians and gives contact tracers
access to the best data quickly. While many Victorians are doing the right thing, public health officials remain concerned about low rates of check-ins. All Victorians are encouraged to download the Service Victoria app to make checking in as fast and easy as possible.
Eid Mubarak Wishing families in our community a blessed Eid
Authorised by Jim Chalmers MP, Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland) Unit 2A, Logan Central Plaza, Wembley Rd, Woodridge, QLD, 4114
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
KYRGIZSTAN Probably the most interesting historical site in Kyrgyzstan is the Tash Rabat caravanserai.
We started our journey along the Silk Road, in Uzbekistan, then moved across to Eastern Turkestan and now we find ourselves in the heart of Central Asia in the City of Osh, today a part of the Republic of Kyrgizstan. Kuranda Seyit In 2010 violent clashes erupted between ethnic Uzbeks and Kyrghiz communities living in the city of Osh. Uzbek businesses, shops, offices and houses were attacked by what seemed organised and systematic militia. Department stores were looted and about one hundred thousand ethnic Uzbeks fled their homes to the border with Uzbekistan. In the aftermath hundreds were declared missing or dead and hundreds of homes destroyed. Today, relations are fragile and ethnic tensions, always high. For the time being peace has returned to the city. Historically, a part of the Ferghana Valley and sharing a history with the Uzbeks across the border, Osh is a beautiful and fertile region, more suited to the sedentary lifestyles of the Uzbeks and faraway from the steppe lands of the nomadic Kyrghiz. Kyrghiz translated from the Turkic words “Kirk-kiz” means “Forty girls” which symbolises the 40 tribes that formed the foundation of the nation. Although the nomadic Turkic tribes occupied this region for some 3000 years the area was annexed by the Russians in 1855 and the communist state of Kyrgizstan was created in 1921 after the Bolshevik revolution. Like the other ‘stans’ Kyrghizstan’s borders were drawn deliberately to separate ethnic communities so they were weakened. It was
in 1991 that the state was given its independence from the Soviet Union. Over the past four decades there has been an Islamic revival in Kyrgizstan, with many outside influences seeing a resurgence in practice, particularly amongst Ahlus-sunnah wal-jamaat, the Tablighi jamaat and Hizb ut tahrir. There has also been a strong influence from Turkey. In Bishkek you will see large mosque building projects and universities sponsored by Turkey as well as more visibility of women in hijab. I personally saw mosques well attended on Jumua prayers. In Bishkek half the population are Russian, who stayed behind after independence. However, the Kyrghiz are proud of their identity and maintain many customs which stem from Islam and also enjoy their own unique identity, which includes horsemanship from a young age, wearing woollen pointed caps, drinking Kumis an alcoholic beverage made from horse milk, living in Yurts (round tent-like houses) and training falcons. I visited the country in 2010 after the ethnic conflicts in Osh, to make a short documentary for SBS Dateline. We first arrived in Bishkek the capital; the buildings were run down, concrete monstrosities, hotels with signage missing, and people still drove around in these old Soviet era Ladas, spluttering fumes
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
everywhere. Our hotel experience was quite interesting to say the least, there was only one hotel for foreigners in Bishkek and it was $100 US a night, our room was mouldy and damp and the decor and beds looked like they were made in the Soviet time, I didn’t get much sleep. Then we flew to the Osh valley where it was very hot and inhospitable but markedly different from the rest of the country. The cuisine, is anything that includes meat, meat and meat. Here it’s called Gosh and it’s in everything, especially the big lamb bones, which you suck the marrow out afterwards. A specialty you will find in Osh is the samsa or meat pastries, cooked in a tanvir oven, you will see along the roads, selling them by the dozen. The women proudly wear their atlas (silk) dresses, very few wearing full hijab but rather a kerchief wrapped around the head. Every home is a small sanctuary protected by high walls, inside a water way runs through the property acting as a gutter, with an array of delicious fruits found in the yard; grapes, apricots, peaches, plums, apples and watermelons. At the centre is a pergola where many of the meals are taken and to one side is the ‘mihman-hana’ or guest house, always in readiness for guests. I strongly recommend a visit to this country, especially if you are
already in the region, its relatively cheap and there are some amazing natural beauties, none better than the Issyk Kul or ‘Warm Lake’, this is a breath-taking sight at the foot of the Tian-Shan mountain ranges. The water never freezes and is the second largest mountain lake in the world. Probably the most interesting historical site in Kyrgyzstan is the Tash Rabat caravanserai. Situated near at-Bashi which is near Naryn 4.5 hours south of Bishkek in an isolated valley. You will find a mosque-like structure, built from stone probably in the 15th century, with its many claustrophobic rooms lit by the sunlight coming through the small holes in the ceiling. It’s a very sleek, sort of motel along the Silk Road for weary travellers. I’ve already mentioned Osh, if not for its very different terrain and culture Osh does have the 16th century site of the mosque of Babur, who was the founder of the Moghul empire in India. There is plenty more than one can do in Kyrgizstan. I wish I had visited Kyrgizstan under more pleasant circumstances and had time to travel across the country, with its vast mountain ranges and incredible lakes and visited a yurt and taken a horse ride along the many mountain trails. Maybe next time.
عيد فطر مبارك Eid Mubarak 2021
21 الوسط االسترالي
لقاء شكر وعرفان أقامته مؤسسة «اإلغاثة اإلسالمية في استراليا» في ملبورن
ملبورن أقامت مؤسسة اإلغاثة اإلسالمية في أستراليا Islamic Relief غداء (شكر وعرفان) للجالية اإلسالمية ورموزها والداعمين لها بوالية فيكتوريا. حضر الغذاء السيد وليد علي رئيس المؤسسة والسيد عبد الله رحال مدير قسم جمع التبرعات والتواصل المجتمعي بالمؤسسة ،واالخ محمد الجبالي مسؤول جمع التبرعات والتواصل المجتمعي في فيكتوريا. ضم الحفل بعض قيادات الجالية اإلسالمية من مختلف الخلفيات العرقية
والثقافية وممثلي بعض المؤسسات والهيئات ،وبعض االئمة في فيكتوريا، باإلضافة لبعض داعمي مؤسسة اإلغاثة من المتبرعين والرعاة. بعد تهنئة الحضور بقدوم شهر رمضان الكريم ،عرض أ .وليد علي نبذة عن تاريخ المؤسسة وجهدها العالمي المتميز في اإلغاثة ومساعدة المحتاجين وتغيير حياة المتضررين من الفقر والكوارث والحروب وفي مخيمات اللجوء .باإلضافة لجهود المؤسسة في مشاريع الزكاة واألضاحي والصدقات وكفالة األيتام ومشاريع التنمية المستدامة. وأوضح أ .وليد علي في كلمته تميز
مؤسسة اإلغاثة اإلسالمية في مستوى الشفافية واالعتمادات المحلية والدولية الحاصلة عليها وشراكتها مع كبرى الهيئات العالمية مثل UNICEFوغيرها، لثقتهم في مهنية وشفافية المؤسسة وحضورها القوي على األرض. المؤسسة عضو في ACFID: Australian Council For International Developmentوهي هيئة أسترالية تراقب عمل المؤسسات غير الهادفة للربح في مشاريع التنمية وال تعطي عضويتها إال لمن يجتاز كل اعتبارات ومعايير الجودة. وقال ان االغاثة االسالمية هي المؤسسة
اإلسالمية الوحيدة في العالم ضمن 10مؤسسات أخرى التي تمكنت من الحصول على اعتماد معيار العمل اإلنساني األساسي CHS: Core Humanitarian Standard كما شكر أ .علي الحضور على دعمهم للمؤسسة وعرض آخر مشاريع وحمالت المؤسسة ،وأكد أنه لوال الداعمين لرسالة ولجهودها على األرض بعطائهم السخي بعد فضل الله سبحانه وتعالى، َل َما استطعت المؤسسة على مدار أكثر عاما من تغيير حياة الماليين، من ً ٣٨ وأن استمرار دعم الخ ّيرين يمكنّها من استمرار رسالتها.
EID AL-FITR May the blessings you received in Ramadan be with you in the year ahead.
Linda Burney MP Member for Barton
Authorised by L. Burney, ALP, 203/13 Montgomery Street, Kogarah NSW 2217
الوسط ¿ 119شوال 1442هـ ¿ أيار AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021
Authorised by Julia Finn MP, Member for Granville using parliamentary entitlements
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Human Appeal Australia Schools Ramadan Iftar dinners 2021 A great demonstration of our multi-faith and multicultural Australia at Local High Schools Iftar Dinners Every year, Ramadan Iftar Dinners at local schools are hosted with the help and support of Human Appeal Australia. Muslims and Non-Muslims break bread, share a meal and unite as a school community. It is amazing to see so many students, teachers, staff and supportive parents from
all backgrounds together in the spirit of sharing food and stories. Members of Federal parliament, NSW parliament, mayors, councillors and community leaders gathered with students and their families shared meals over warm conversations.
Kingsgrove North High School On Thursday 22nd April, Kingsgrove North High School hosted their Iftar dinner for students and local community. What an amazing food, Ms Najah, Mr Smith and the year 12 hospitality class organised the catering of the evening. Jihad Dib, MP member for Lakemba spoke of the great opportunity such events provide to spread harmony and goodness in community.
Punchbowl Boys High School
Punchbowl Boys High School held their iftar dinner on the29th April, a great night jam-packed with VIP’s, CCBC Mayor Khal Asfour, Jihad Dib, MP, Councillor Bilal El-Hayek they all enjoyed the iftar dinner with students and parents. AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Burwood Girls High School
As part of the International Day Festival celebrations a Community Iftar Dinner took place at Burwood Girls High School on Thursday 6th May. A multicultural treat. Along with a smoking ceremony with an Indigenous Elder to commence International Day Festival just prior to Iftar Dinner. After such a difficult year this year’s theme is “Healing Together” which also blends wth the Naidoc Week theme of “Heal Country” as Burwood Girls High School focus on the environment.
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Human Appeal Australia Schools Ramadan Iftar dinners 2021 Sir Joseph Banks High School
Meanwhile at Sir Joseph Banks High School was such a special event. Record numbers, with well over 428 free tickets snapped up quickly free of charge for our community. Students, parents and staff came together, from all cultural backgrounds, to celebrate Ramadan and develop a shared understanding with their Muslim colleagues, brothers and sisters.
Unity Grammar College
At Unity Grammar College/ Austral the multi-faith iftar took place on the 7th May. Guests included schools from different faith traditions, community, faith and school leaders, senior students, Liverpool City Council councillors and Anne Stanley MP. UGC Iftar is an example on the universal message of goodwill during Ramadan, diversity and shared humanity.
Lurnea High School
Birrong Boys Hig School
Birrong Boys High School’s dinner were held at Summerland Restaurant in Chullora, wonderful turnout delicious food for a good cause.
Lastly, at Lurnea High School, the First Iftar Dinner after Covid-19 witnessed an unprecedented attendance to School on Friday May the 7th. The food was massive, the deserts were huge and the joy was apparent on the happy faces with this generous initiative from Human Appeal to support the community and share the pleasure of feeding the fasting in Ramadan.
A special thank you to our special guests, families, teachers and students whose attendance was greatly appreciated and made the evening a wonderful success. AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Victoria Leads On Early Childhood Language Learning
ION kindnessfoundationAUS/
“Whether it’s Spanish or Chinese, it’s fantastic to be giving Victorian children the opportunity to learn in a language other than English at a young age and celebrate a different culture.”
“Learning in another language has fantastic rewards for young children – improving brain function as well as helping them to read and write in English.” Minister for Early Childhood Ingrid Stitt said. D
Qualified language teachers deliver the program in partnership with the other kindergarten staff. Languages are incorporated into everyday learning experiences to give children meaningful opportunities to use the language. The children learn in another language through play, art, music, singing, dancing and stories.
Making Victoria the Education State starts with the early years. That’s why, in an Australian-first, the Victorian Government is also investing almost $5 billion this decade to provide three-year-old children with access to 15 hours of a funded kindergarten program.
The Early Childhood Language Program is an Australian-first statefunded program to be rolled out in kindergartens. It features 20 languages including Aboriginal languages, Arabic, Auslan, Chinese, French, Italian and Spanish.
Please make a donation Today: Account Name: Kindness Foundation Inc. Branch Number (BSB): 013-423 Account Number: 4697-39566
This program provides early childhood services with funding to employ a suitably qualified teacher or educator to deliver part of their kindergarten program in another language.
big difference
Minister for Early Childhood Ingrid Stitt today announced that more than 160 Victorian kindergartens are now participating in the Labor Government’s $17.9 million Early Childhood Language Program.
These significant milestones exceed the Labor Government’s 2018 election commitment to roll-out the program to more than 5,000 preschool children across 160 kindergartens in the state.
A small act of kindness can make a
More than 6,000 preschool children across Victoria are learning in different languages, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government delivering on its election commitment.
The long-term benefits of children attending kindergartens participating in the language program include better pre-reading and pre-writing skills, improved cognitive flexibility and deeper connections with different cultures.
Eid Mubarak
吀栀攀 戀攀猀琀 愀爀愀戀椀挀 挀栀愀渀渀攀氀猀 䔀堀䌀䰀唀匀䤀嘀䔀䰀夀 漀渀
Eid Mubarak
⬀猀洀愀爀琀 挀愀爀搀 ⬀㘀 洀漀渀琀栀猀 ⬀匀吀䈀 倀氀攀愀猀攀 昀椀氀氀 漀甀琀 琀栀攀 昀漀爀洀 愀渀搀 猀攀渀搀 椀琀 戀愀挀欀 琀漀 䄀氀ⴀ圀愀猀愀琀 琀漀 爀攀挀攀椀瘀攀 愀渀 攀砀琀爀愀 洀漀渀琀栀 昀漀爀 昀爀攀攀⨀
倀⸀伀 䈀漀砀 㔀㜀㠀 䌀愀椀爀渀氀攀愀 嘀䤀䌀 ㌀ ㈀㌀ AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
一愀洀攀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ 䄀搀搀爀攀猀猀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ 䌀漀渀琀愀挀琀 一甀洀戀攀爀 ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ 匀椀最渀愀琀甀爀攀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ 䐀愀琀攀 ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ
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Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Member for Lakemba Jihad Dib with BCCT Chair John Murray and BCCT CEO Rachel Thompson
NSW BCCT Strategic Plan sets direction for a connected community and resilient future Clients, Board members, staff and VIPs attended the official launch of Bankstown Canterbury Community Transport’s Strategic Plan for 2021–2024 on Tuesday 20 April, 2021 at an event hosted by Revesby Workers Club. Bankstown Canterbury Community Transport (BCCT) has provided transport services to local residents, especially the frail aged and those with a disability, for more than 30 years.
The BCCT plan details strategies that the organisation will action over the next three years across key areas including collaboration, innovation, health and welfare, leadership, public profile and engagement, as well as recruitment, retention and relationships. In launching the plan, BCCT Chair John Murray said “The strategic plan will ensure our continued sustainability, with strong connections and responsiveness to our community.” BCCT CEO Rachel Thompson spoke of the organisation’s continued focus on meeting the needs of their diverse local community and client base, as well as the importance of forming effective and long-lasting links with key community groups for improved outcomes. The Strategic Plan contains details of organisational strategies, key insights into its customer base, community demographics and future outlook. The organisation’s new tagline “Transporting our community to a more connected future” was also unveiled at the event.
Nazih Elasmar OAM MLC
President of the Legislative Council
A: 352 Bell Street, Preston VIC 3072 T: (03) 9981 3547 E:
funded from the Parliamentary Budget
As we come to the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan, on behalf of the City of Canterbury Bankstown, I offer my congratulations and warm wishes to our Muslim residents and their families on this happy occasion of Eid El-Fitr. May we be inspired and reminded of our obligation to care for each other, our families, friends and to the vulnerable people in our communities. Happy Eid!
Clr Khal Asfour MAYOR City of Canterbury Bankstown
Yarra City Council would like to wish all of our Muslim friends and residents a wonderful Eid Mubarak. We hope this day brings you and your family much happiness and that you have a prosperous year ahead.
Yarra City Council
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
By Dr. Rawaa El Ayoubi
I will not give up until I reach (Q 18:60)
Determination and persistence in this noble Ayah teach us how to be consistent in order to reach our goals. It will be difficult, but we will definitely change for the better in our personal and professional life.
When I read this noble verse, my survey quest has focused on the question: “what makes a great leader? –why do some leaders make the leap from being good and become great while others don’t?”
One of my key findings is the idea of determination and persistence, nobody can become and remain a great leader without true determination on a core set of principles that become the road map that provides guidance for one’s vision. Great leaders galvanise their personal resources to make the changes necessary to achieve their unique vision. However, they continue to evolve, adapt, and adjust to external changes and utilise a range of skills to create this
expresses his determination by the words quoted in the Qur’an”: “I will not give up until I reach” this determination for seeking more knowledge is the leadership golden rule: persistence on the idea is the key to successful leaders. At the same time, no leader can remain great without growing and improving: Moses had this passion to learn and in order to learn and seek knowledge from someone else, he was open to new experiences and he adopted a growth mindset. He learned how much a leader has to be patient in his journey and focuses on
effective change and move people in a way that unlocks their potential. Great leaders are forged in a crucible of experience, and the more experience and tests they survive, the more likely they are to become great leaders. Going back to the above verse, “we can understand from the general drift of the story that Moses had a definite purpose behind his journey: seeking knowledge. He declares that he will travel as far as the meeting point of the two seas, no matter how troublesome the journey may prove, or how long it takes. He
growing and improving himself on a regular basis. When the persistence on an idea and seeking knowledge and growing is blended together, we will get a fascinating combination that enables a leader to retain a solid foundation of principles and attain sustainable growth for a lifetime which leads to success. Eid Moubarak
Dr. Rawaa El Ayoubi Founding Director of Aspire Leadership Network
MEMBER FOR AUBURN P (02) 9737 8822 E A Mezzanine Level 92 Parramatta Road Lidcombe NSW 2141 AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Authorised by Lynda Voltz MP, Mezzanine Level, Lidcombe Centre, 92 Parramatta Road, Lidcombe NSW 2141.
عيد فطر مبارك Eid Mubarak 2021
27 منوعات
أكالت فى عيد الفطر
جنوب شرق آسيا
يتهافت المسلمون فى دول جنوب شرق آسيا مثل ماليزيا وسنغافورة وبروناى وإندونيسيا على أطباق “الريندانج” خالل االحتفال بالعيد ،وهو اللحم البقرى الحار ،إلى جانب “الكيتوبات” وهى الزالبية ،و”الليمانج” وهى كعكة األرز المطبوخة.
يعد اإلندونيسيون كعكا خاصا من أجل االحتفال بعيد الفطر المبارك يسمى “كوى البيس ليجيد” ذات األلف طبقة ،ويصنع من الدقيق والزبد ومجموعة من التوابل.
تحرص األسرة المسلمة فى صباح يوم عيد الفطر المبارك على إعداد مائدة االفطار وهى عبارة عن دجاج أو لحم مع المكرونة ،ويتناولون هذه الوجبة قبل الذهاب إلى صالة العيد ،ومن عادات األسر المسلمة فى العيد بالمجر تبادل أطباق الطعام المختلفة كهدايا.
يسمى العيد فى تركيا بإجازة الحلوى ،حيث يخرج األطفال فى تلك األيام لزيارة األقارب والجيران ويقدمون لهم هدايا من الحلوى مثل “الباكالفا”. المصدر :
Eid Mubarak Vcon Homes impressive reputation means you are choosing to build with a successful company
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الوسط ¿ 119شوال 1442هـ ¿ أيار AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
2021 STROKE AWARDS WINNERS ANNOUNCED A daring fundraising campaign, a woman who found peace and purpose in art and a carer determined to improve stroke treatment and rehabilitation for all were today named among the winners of the 2021 Stroke Foundation national Stroke Awards. The awards, which recognise the inspirational Australians who make a positive difference for survivors of stroke and their families, were announced in an online celebration. Stroke Foundation Chief Executive Officer Sharon McGowan congratulated the winners for their outstanding efforts. “The thing I love about the Stroke Awards is the light they shine on the selfless endeavours of people who make life better for survivors of stroke and reduce the burden of the disease on our community. “These people include survivors themselves, carers, volunteers, health professionals and researchers.
“The passion, care and dedication of every person nominated for these awards, is remarkable.” Almost 70 Stroke Awards nominations were received in six categories: Creative, Fundraiser of the Year, Courage, Volunteer of the Year, President’s Achievement and Improving Life after Stroke. Ms McGowan added many of this year’s nominees demonstrated true innovation when faced with the additional challenge of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, adapting their approaches to rehabilitation, advocacy and fundraising accordingly. “I applaud their creative thinking and ‘can do’ spirit and thank them for their contribution to our mission to prevent stroke, save lives and enhance recovery. There is one stroke in Australia every 19 minutes and more than 445,000 survivors of stroke live in the community. For more information about stroke visit
Our best wishes to you and your families for a safe and joyful Eid.
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Peter Khalil MP Federal Labor Member for Wills
T: (03) 9350 5777 F: (03) 93506613 • Facebook & Instagram @PeterKhalilMP
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
RESEARCHERS MAP FIRST AUSTRALIANS WHO ‘SAILED’ INTO THE DESERTS ‘Superhighways’ used by a population of up to 6.5 million Indigenous Australians to navigate the continent tens of thousands of years ago have provided new insights into how people thrived in harsh environments. The international team of researchers, including from The University of Western Australia, used sophisticated modelling of past people and landscapes to reveal the routes that led to the early and rapid settlement of Australia by the First Australians. The study, published today in Nature Communications, provides further evidence of the capacity and resilience of the ancestors of Indigenous people, and paints a picture of large, well-organised groups navigating tough terrain. UWA Professor of Archaeology Peter Veth said the one of the major implications of the new modelling was that more ‘extreme’
environments like the Australian Deserts could have been occupied as early as 60,000 years ago. “This would represent some of the earliest known occupation ages for arid zone adaptations by modern people in the world, outside of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and on the southern dispersal arc to Australia,” Professor Veth said. The group of multidisciplinary experts, led by Flinders University, used state-of-the-art modelling techniques to investigate where, how and when Indigenous Australians first settled in Sahul — the combined mega-continent that joined Australia with New Guinea when sea levels were lower than today. The ‘peopling’ of Sahul could have taken as little as 5,000 years as people moved from the far northwest, all the way to Tasmania in the southeast. Models also predict that the total population of Sahul could have reached as much as 6.5 million
people, according to the researchers from the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage (CABAH). Many Aboriginal cultures believe people have always been here, while others have strong oral histories of ancestral beings arriving from the north. The study used real-world data about long-distance dispersal of people, human survival, fertility rates and the chance of natural disasters in combination with principles of human ecology and behaviour and with anthropological, ecological and environmental data to model the peopling of Sahul. Data for the 10 million sqkm supercontinent were used to develop a simulation model and run more than 120 scenarios to predict population size and growth rate. Strongest support was found for the arrival of people 50,000 or 75,000 years ago, with the average establishment rate of 1 km per year emerging from the
model, giving rise to a maximum population of up to 6.5 million people. Professor Veth said early settlers had advanced maritime capabilities and appeared to have quickly settled the tropical north from at least 65,000 years ago. “They then metaphorically ‘sailed’ into the Australian deserts having the required skills and knowledge to tap onto unique desert waters, animal and plant foods and completely different rainfall patterns,” he said. “UWA has a current program aiming to date the oldest Aboriginal habitation sites in the vast deserts of Western Australia.” Future work could inform the search for undiscovered archaeological sites, or even apply the techniques to forecast the movements of human migration in the near future, as populations flee drowning coastlines and climate disruptions.
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Mixed Message from the
The $140,000 tender, which aimed to enhance the “Racism. It Stops With Me” campaign by looking at “structural/systemic and institutional racism and unconscious bias” was removed on Monday, the same day the Queensland senator called the commission president, Prof Rosalind Croucher.” [28 April 2021 Guardian] This seems to be a pattern under this right-wing LNP government. It is not long ago that ASIO altered its call for action against right-wing extremism as a result of Liberal party protests about the offensive use of the term “right-wing. Senator Fierravanti-Wells said: “‘Right’ is associated with conservatism in this country and there are many people of conservative background who take exception with being charred [sic] with the same brush.” [2 March 2020 Guardian] “Australian spy agency Asio is overhauling the language it uses to talk about terrorism, dumping terms like rightwing extremism and Islamic extremism, arguing such labels are “no longer fit for purpose”. [17 March 2021 Guardian] Meanwhile this loudly religious
Under the heading “A Major Party to Protect our Religious Freedom,” then backbench Senator Amanda Stoker at the time of the 2019 election, proclaimed “Never before have Christian values, and the right to express them freely, been under such attack. “ She went on to claim that the Labor, Greens and “left-leaning” independents threated such values. “In contrast, the Coalition understands that Christian values have in large part underpinned the success of our society… “ [Eternity News] Now assistant attorney general, Amanda Stoker, recently objected to use of the term “antiracism”. ‘The AHRC has been forced to temporarily pull a tender aimed at enhancing an existing anti-racism program over Stoker’s concerns that it was using taxpayer funds to promote critical race theory.
government has failed to address the mounting atrocity of First Nations deaths in custody – 474 since the Royal Commission 30 years ago – and has been forced to admit that its Robo Debt campaign, associated with 2000 deaths was illegal. It has also failed to address the long-term incarceration of asylum seekers, the drift towards reducing the cost of the NDIS by reducing accessibility and has started to sound the drums of war in response to Chinese policies. Yet at the same time its claims to represent Christian values are undiminished. The Prime Minister presented at the Pentecostal Gold Coast conference, claiming to be doing “God’s work,” and to be practicing the laying on of hands when working as PM. In the 2019 election campaign while visiting the Ken Duncan Gallery on the NSW Central Coast he believes he received a divine communication. ““The message I got that day was, ‘Scott, you’ve got to run to not grow weary, you’ve got to walk to not grow faint, you’ve got to spread your wings like an eagle to soar like an eagle.’” [26 April 2021 Guardian] The adherence to Christian values seems more Constantine than Christ
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
when we look at the statements from the Australian defence minister, Peter Dutton, who said a conflict involving China over Taiwan cannot be discounted but he insists the government’s focus remains on having “good relations” with Beijing. [25 April 2021 Guardian] This was followed up by one of his public service allies. “When home affairs secretary Mike Pezzullo (who is still in home affairs), warned that drums of war were once again beating, he did so knowing there would be no blow back from his political masters.” [28 April 2021 Drums of war comment take some beating The Mandarin] That he praised General Macarthur in his address did not go unnoticed as he was the general dismissed for wanting to use nuclear weapons in the Korean War. Cynics saw this as a job application to go with his old boss Peter Dutton into the new portfolio. Then on the next day Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced major upgrades to military bases in the Top End - but denied it was a signal to China. Mr Morrison unveiled the $747 million spending package on four
key training bases during his visit to Darwin in the Northern Territory. [28 April 9News] All of this seems far from the religion of Jesus of Nazareth who said, in the Gospel according to Matthew “Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.” In Matthew Chapter 25 in the discussion of the separation of the sheep from the goats it is written: “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ The fate of those without compassion, without concern for the wellbeing of the vulnerable and the weak is laid out. Why do they not take heed? The author is a prominent Australian Muslim scholar and activist.
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
What is Eid al-Fitr? Eid al-Fitr means “festival of breaking the fast” and marks the end of Ramadan. Traditionally, Eid is celebrated for three days in all Muslim-majority countries.
How is the start of Eid determined? Like Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr begins with the sighting of the crescent moon (a day after the new moon), so Muslims have to wait until the evening before Eid to verify its date. If the crescent moon is not visible, Ramadan continues for another day. Because it is a lunar event, the date of Eid changes annually on the Gregorian calendar and varies from country to country depending on geographical location. To declare the start of Eid, Muslim-majority countries depend on the testimonies of local moon sighters. The local religious authorities then announce when Eid will be taking place.
How do Muslims celebrate Eid? Muslims across the world begin Eid celebrations by partaking in communal post-dawn prayers, followed by a short sermon. The prayers take place in mosques or large halls but in many countries, it is also held in the open to accomodate the large numbers. People congratulate one another after Eid prayers. They spend the day visiting relatives and neighbours and accepting sweets as they move around from house to house. Children, dressed in new clothes, are offered gifts and money to celebrate the joyous occasion. This is preceded by the giving of alms to the poor. It is common for Muslim-majority nations to decorate their streets with festive lights and hold carnivals to commemorate the end of the holy month. Each country has traditional desserts and sweets that are prepared before Eid or on the morning of the first day. These foods range from special biscuits and bread to cakes and puddings.. Source:
Congratulations and greetings on Eid People may exchange congratulations and good greetings on Eid, no matter what form the words take. For example they may say to one another, “Taqabbal Allaahu minnaa wa minkum (May Allaah accept [the fast and worship] from us and from you” or “Eid mubarak” and other similar permissible greetings. Jubayr ibn Nufayr said: “At the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), when people met one another on the day of Eid, they would say, ‘Taqabbal Allaahu minnaa wa minka (May Allaah accept from us and from you).’” AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Community Iftar Dinner
Hosted by Tony Burke MP, Jason Clare MP & Jihad Dib MP
Julia Finn MP Iftar Dinner
2021 STROKE AWARDS WINNERS ANNOUNCED Canterbury Bankstown Iftar Dinner
Islamic Practice & Dawah Circle (IPDC) Iftar Dinner
The Australian Islamic House Iftar Dinner
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Annual Neighbourhood Iftar Dinner ICMG Guildford Mosque
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS SUPPORT INDIGENOUS VOICE 87% of public submissions published to date in response to the Indigenous Voice Interim Report support a referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, as called for in the Uluru Statement, analysis by the Indigenous Law Centre (ILC) based at UNSW Law and Justice finds. Analysis by the UNSW Indigenous Law Centre (ILC) finds 82% of public submissions expressly support constitutional enshrinement of a Voice to Parliament, and a further 5% express in-principle support for constitutional enshrinement, analysis of published submissions shows. Submissions closed today, 30 April 2021. “The Australian public has accepted the invitation of the Uluru Statement. The submissions show overwhelming support of everyday Australians wanting to move towards a referendum to enshrine a Voice to Parliament in the Australian Constitution,” Referendum Council
co-chair and Uluru Statement leader Pat Anderson AO says. “The Australian people have stated, explicitly, that the design of a First Nations Voice cannot be decoupled from constitutional reform. Public submissions show that most Australians want the question put to them in a referendum as a matter of priority.” Submissions have been received from Australians from all walks of life, both Indigenous and nonIndigenous, including Aboriginal organisations, healthcare and social services organisations, corporations, small community organisations, school children, teachers, professors, and community members. This includes the Law Council of
Australia, the Business Council of Australia, Qantas and many more. “The overwhelming amount of support for a constitutionally enshrined Voice, represented by such a large percentage of published submissions, means that the Commonwealth and the Indigenous Voice Co-design group cannot ignore them,” Deputy Director of the Indigenous Law Centre, Dr Dani Larkin says. “The Prime Minister says there is no consensus on constitutional recognition. These submissions show otherwise.” The total number of public submissions noted on the Indigenous Voice website was 2421 (as of 12 pm, 30 April 2021), indicating
that not all public submissions have been published online. The Indigenous Law Centre analysed all public submissions published on the National Indigenous Australians Agency’s ‘Indigenous Voice’ website ( as of 12pm 30 April 2021, representing 1435 public submissions. The UNSW Indigenous Law Centre leads educational campaigns on the Uluru Statement and the Uluru Dialogues process. Its mandate is the Uluru Statement from the Heart. The work of the ILC is informed by the many cultural authorities involved in the work of the Referendum Council and the First Nations dialogues that led to the Uluru Statement.
I hope Ramadan has been a month of blessings and peaceful reflection with loved ones and friends. Sending you warm wishes for a joyful Eid-ul-Fitr. | | 02 9211 1500 Authorised Mehreen Faruqi, The Greens, Parliament House, Canberra 2600 AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Banyule City Council Iftar Dinner VIC
Lord Mayor of Melbourne Iftar Dinner
IWAA Ramadan iftar dinner
El- Dunnieh Sons Charity Association Iftar Dinner - NSW
Islamic Society Of Darwin Iftar Dinner
Future Movement Iftar Dinner - VIC
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
عيد فطر مبارك Eid Mubarak 2021
35 منوعات
أكالت فى عيد الفطر
تختلف طقوس االحتفال بعيد الفطر وأجوائه المرحة من دولة ألخرى فى كل عام ،لكن أطباق الطعام واألكالت المتنوعة تظل هى السمة الرئيسية غالبا فى احتفاالت المسلمين فى كل دول العالم بهذه المناسبة المباركة ،ومن خالل موقع “كايرو دار” نعرض لكم أشهر أكالت عيد الفطر المبارك فى عدد من بالد المسلمين ضمن مراسم االحتفال بعيد الفطر.
سلطنة عمان
يشتهر المصريون فى عيد الفطر المبارك بخبز أنواع مختلفة من حلويات العيد منها “الكعك اللذيذ” والبسكويت المجهز بالسمن البلدى ، كما يحرصوا على تحضير المخبوزات المحشوة بالملبن أو العجوة ،أما عن المظاهر التى تشتهر بها مصر هى محالت بيع الحلوى كالشيكوالتة واألنواع المختلفة للحلويات خالل أيام العيد.
يشتهر المطبخ العمانى فى عيد الفطر بعدة أكالت منها “الشواء والمشاكيك والمفور والهريس والثريد” ،وكلها تدخل اللحوم فى إعدادها ولعل أشهرها لحم الشواء.
اإلمارات العربية المتحدة يأتى “الثريد” و”الهريس” على قائمة األكالت المفضلة لدى شعب اإلمارات الشقيق فى مناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك ،والثريد” عبارة عن خبز ومرق اللحم فى حين يتكون “الهريس” من قمح مطحون وممزوج بلحم مقطع.
الوسط ¿ 119شوال 1442هـ ¿ أيار AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021
أفغانستان يعد العراك بالبيض من أساسيات المظهر االحتفالى – الفريد من نوعه – فى عيد الفطر حيث يتجمع األفغان فى المتنزهات ولديهم البيض المسلوق ويحاول كل واحد كسر بيضة اآلخر فى مسابقة مشهورة هناك. المصدر :
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
QR Code Guidelines vital to keeping our communities safe - and open Chairperson for the Victorian Multicultural Commission, Vivienne Nguyen, is encouraging all event organisers and faith leaders in the multicultural community to ensure they provide QR code checkins at their venues, and ask their visitors to complete check-in, ahead of the amnesty deadline, Friday 23rd April. The Victorian government has provided updated guidelines on which venues require a QR code check-in. These include community venues and places of worship, such as cultural celebrations, faith services and ceremonial gatherings. Information in 18 different languages has been developed to help explain the QR code requirements to Victoria’s diverse communities, including these new changes. QR codes help contact tracers to contain COVID-19 outbreaks when they happen. The information recorded through the QR code is protected and is only used for contact tracing. Victorians can ensure their venues and facilities are QR code compliant by using the Victorian Government
QR Service, which is free and easy for members of the public to use on any smartphone device. Commission Chair Vivienne Nguyen thanks community leaders and event organisers across Victoria that are already using a QR code check-in at their venues and events. She also asks for everyone to do their part by checking in, to protect each other’s health and keep our doors open. You can find out more about the Victorian QR Service here: au/about-victorian-government-qrcode-service ““The QR code is a simple but critical tool in keeping our multicultural events and gatherings safe by helping us trace COVID-19 before it takes hold in our communities.” VMC Chair Vivienne Nguyen said. “I commend all community leaders and event organisers who are working hard to ensure their venues are COVID-safe.” “Along with physical distancing and mask wearing when required, using a QR code for check-in at your gatherings is a simple way to prevent further outbreaks in our communities.”
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
EID M UB ARA K After a month of reflection, we wish you and your family a time of love, blessings and peace.
Greens Leader
Senator for VIC
Senator for VIC
Authorised by J McColl, Australian Greens, Canberra ACT 2600
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
SIX DAYS OF SHAWWAL Fasting six days of Shawwal after the obligatory fast of Ramadan is Sunnah Mustahabbah, not wajib. It is recommended for the Muslim to fast six days of Shawwal, and in this there is great virtue and an immense reward. Whoever fasts these six days will have recorded for him a reward as if he had fasted a whole year, as was reported in a sahih hadith from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Abu Ayyob (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever fasts Ramadan and follows it with six days of Shawwal, it will be as if he fasted for a lifetime.” (Narrated by Muslim, Abu Dawud, alTirmidhi, al-Nasa’i and Ibn Majah). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explained this when he said: “Whoever fasts for six days after (Eid) al-Fitr has completed the year: (whoever does a good deed
(hasanah) will have ten hasanah like it).” According to another report: “Allah has made for each hasanah ten like it, so a month is like fasting ten months, and fasting six days completes the year.” (al-Nasa’i and Ibn Majah) It was also narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah with the wording: “Fasting for the month of Ramadan brings the reward of ten like it, and fasting for six days brings the reward of two months, and that is the fasting of the whole year.” The Hanbali and Shafa’i fuqaha’a (jurists) explained that fasting six days of Shawwal after fasting Ramadan makes it as if one has fasted for an entire year of obligatory fasts, because the multiplication of the reward applies even to nafl (supererogatory) fasts, because each hasanah brings the reward of ten like it. Another of the important benefits of fasting six days of Shawwal is that is makes up for any shortfall
in a person’s obligatory Ramadan fasts, because no one is free of shortcomings or sins that have a negative effect on his fasting. On the Day of Resurrection, some of his nafl deeds will be taken to make up the shortcomings in his obligatory deeds, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The first thing for which people will be brought to account on the Day of Resurrection will be their salah (prayer). Our Lord, may He be glorified and exalted, will say to His angels although He knows best - ‘Look at the salah of My slave, whether it is complete or incomplete.’ If it is perfect, it will be recorded as perfect, and if something is lacking, He will say, ‘Look and see whether My slave did any voluntary (nafl) prayers.’ If he did some voluntary prayers, [Allah] will say, Complete the obligatory actions of My slave from his voluntary actions.’ Then all his actions will be dealt with in a similar manner.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud). I want to know if I could
start fasting the 6 days of Shawwal before or after making up the days I didn’t fast in Ramadan? The Muslim can fast the six days of Shawwal either immediately after the Eid day or delay them. He can also fast them either sequentially or separately throughout the month of Shawwal. Moreover, if the person has some days of Ramadan he/she has to fast after Ramadan he/she can fast the six days before them according to the majority of the scholars but Imam Ahmad said: ‘It is not permissible for one to fast nonobligatory fast before making up the missed obligatory fast.’ So the best act for a person who has to make up his Ramadan fast, is to fast the missing days of Ramadan before starting supererogatory fast, since it is preferable to perform his obligation as early as possible.
اختراق الحواجز مع
NDIS Cr Rick Garotti Mayor Banyule City Council
) الدعم لألشخاص ذوي اإلعاقةNDIS( يوفر المخطط الوطني للتأمين ضد اإلعاقة .وأسرهم والقائمين على رعايتهم .واالجتماعي هذا مورد مهم للغاية:• فترة الراحة يدعم المشاركين لدينا في االنخراط مع .المجتمع وبناء استقالليتهم توظف شركتنا معالجين ذوي خبرة في النطق والمهنية باإلضافة إلى مدرب التعافي الذي يدعمك في كل خطوة على NDIS الطريق لضمان تحقيق أهداف .الخاصة بك تتمثل رؤيتنا في دعم وتمكين وبناء .االستقالل من أجل جودة حياة أفضل
On behalf of Banyule City Council, wishing all our Muslim community a happy and blessed celebration.
في اليت سمارت للرعايةELITE SMART نقدم مجموعة،االجتماعية :واسعة من الدعم األنشطة والرحالت:• برنامج يوم الكبار اليومية التي تدعم المشاركين في تطوير المهارات الحياتية واالستقاللية وتكوين .الصداقات األنشطة:• برنامج العطلة المدرسية والرحالت الحسية (الملموسة)التي تثري وتعلم طفلك على الصعيدين النمائي AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Al-Taqwa College
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Eid Mubarak
Haj Issam Obeid President of Bayt Al-Zakat Australia
Bayt Al-Zakat Australia is an Australian Organisation established to promote charitable purposes in Australia and Overseas.
• Orphan Sponsorship • Qurban – Adahi • Food Parcels • Zakat Ul-Maal • Zakat Ul-Fitr
• Build A Water Well • General Donations • Lebanon Crisis Appeal • Ramadan Meat Project
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Bank of Sydney: BSB: 942 208
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Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
The Greens Iftar Dinner - VIC
The Grand Iftar dinner Al-Khalil Masjid, ISSA, IICSA & Human Appeal - South Australia
Virgin Mary Mosque Iftar Dinner - VIC
The Youth Leaders Multicultural Iftar Dinner - VIC
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Bosniaks’ Masjed Adelaide Iftar dinner South Australia
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Farewell Ramadan Dr Bekim Hasani Head of Shariah Affairs, ICCV
We, Muslims in Australia, were blessed during this Ramadan as we were able to pray Taraweeh Prayers in congregation at mosques, as well as share iftars with family members and friends. This was not the case with many Muslims around the world who were forced to be isolated in their homes and not be able to visit mosques or share iftars with others. This is the second year that the world is facing a global pandemic which has limited the dynamics of life around the world, and as a result of this, it has undoubtedly affected Muslim believers as well. Since we had this blessing in Australia which others did not, did we take advantage of that by praying Taraweeh, by doing good deeds and sharing iftars with others? He who has done good deeds, let him continue to do good deeds, and he who is left deficient, let him end his life with good deeds, as deeds will be evaluated according to their end.
A few days ago, we entered the month of Ramadan and now we are on the verge of parting from it. It is as if it was a dream which has come to soon pass. We thank Allah (SWT) for what He has ordained and accomplished. To Him belongs the praise for what He has given and bestowed. This page of the holy month of Ramadan is now about to close. Those who have fasted and done good deeds will win and those who didn’t will lose, as Allah stated: “Successful indeed is the one who purifies their soul, and doomed is the one who corrupts it!” (Quran: 91:9-10). These blessed days have passed now, and our ummah is facing all kinds of obstacles and diseases. They are also experiencing trouble and hardships, as well as experiencing division and weakness in their lives. Let us use this chance as an ummah, as an individual or as society, as a leader or a civilian, to build a bridge in appreciating the effort we put in to improve the situation we all face, before time runs out and our situation changes. Whilst the world is in such a state of uncertainty due to the current pandemic, Allah has not only allowed us to pray Taraweeh Prayers in congregation at our mosques, as well as share iftars with our family members and friends, but He has also now given us the honour of spending Eid with our loving families, friends and the wider Muslim community. Allah has given us this blessing and whilst celebrating we should not forget those who do not have such opportunities and
include them in our duas. Let us pray that Allah has accepted our fasting and all the good deeds that we have done during this blessed month and let us continue
to do good deeds until our death reaches us as Allah (SWT) instructed us by saying: And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty (death) (Quran 15:99).
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
Islamic Society of South Australia
Education Entertainment Islamic Marriage Hajj Funerals Festivals Open Day Halal Certificate Counselling Services Aged care Arabic School
MASJIDS: Masjid Abu Bakr AsSaddiq Masjid Omar Bin Alkhattab Masjid Murray Bridge Masjid Whayalla
658 Marion Rd Parkholme, SA 5043 Tel: +618 8277 8725 W:
الشيخ رياض الرفاعي عضو مجلس األئمة الفدرالي أمين سر مجلس األئمة في جنوب أستراليا ممثل دار الفتوى في الجمهورية اللبنانية فيوالية جنوب استراليا امام مسجد عمر بن الخطاب في اداليد-
Sheikh Riad El Rifai
Imam of Masjid Omar Bin Alkhatab South Australia
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
EID MUBARAK Sheikh AbdulSalam Abdulghani Alim Imam of Masjid Abu Baker AlSaddiq Islamic Society of South Australia
الشيخ عبد السالم عالم امام مسجد ابو بكر الصديق الجمعية االسالمية في جنوب استراليا
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
وليد الخزرجي.د
مدير عيادة العناية باالسنان في هيلتون
Dr Waleed Alkhazrajy Director
We have dental treatment under sedation and general anaesthesia.
Dental Care At Hilton
158 Sir Donald Bradman Dr, Hilton SA 5033 T: 08 8351 7722 E:
we have advanced filling and crown setting via CEREC technology.
we are major sponsors for Human Appeal, Islamic Relief, Saudi Students club Adelaide.
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
By Shazma Gaffoor
Pharmacist Irfan Hashmi was working behind the counter when his wife, Sobia Hashmi, a fellow pharmacist was called into a meeting and handed a letter of dismissal. Mrs Hashmi lost her job that day. She walked out of the pharmacy to Mr Hashmi’s surprise, who then followed her out wondering why she was walking out in the middle of a workday.
Today, Mr and Mrs Hashmi own six pharmacies and have about 50 staff members working with them.
“Sobia was standing outside the pharmacy and said, ‘they sacked me’. I was frozen thinking what could I do? Do I go home as well? There’s no point staying here,” Mr Hashmi said. But things weren’t as simple as that. The couple and their two children left their homeland of Pakistan and moved to Australia in 2003 seeking a better livelihood. With three years of experience as pharmacists under their belt, the only job Mr Hashmi could find was as a kitchen hand at an Indian restaurant, while Mrs Hashmi stayed at home to care for their children. “I washed dishes at the restaurant for five months and received AUD$50 per shift. I worked as a taxi driver for another seven months. Sobia became the main earner in 2004 where she got a job in Darwin as a pharmacy intern,” he said. This was one of the many roadblocks these migrants faced since moving to Australia. It wasn’t until 2005 when Mr Hashmi got his first break at a pharmacy in Port Pirie, a regional town two hours away from Adelaide. Mrs Hashmi joined him at the pharmacy, where she was later dismissed. “I was working in the same organisation where my wife was terminated. That was a hard time for us as a family. Family friends would ask what kind of man I was to work in a place where my wife was fired. I had no choice because there weren’t many AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
jobs available, so I kept working there.” Mrs Hashmi then started working on opening their own pharmacy. Funding it was a whole other barrier. After repeated rejections from banks and other financial institutions, a bank in Melbourne finally approved their project. “As soon as approvals came from Medicare Australia, my boss came and sacked me because my wife had opened up a pharmacy. We were jobless for about seven months and it was all in the papers,” Mr Hashmi said. “That was the hardest hit one can get. As an immigrant you rely on your own hard work. We never looked at social security help either. For about 7 months, we had no jobs but kept planning on our big dream.” Mrs Hashmi was to run the pharmacy. When it first opened, they only had about five or six customers and the bills started to pile up. Concerned about how they were going to survive this, Mr Hashmi started to research other regional towns from the Australian Bureau of Statistics to find out if there was a need for pharmacies. “Based on my research, there were about 10 towns where a pharmacy can be established. We picked two of the best towns, Coober Pedy and Orroroo. In the first year, we achieved establishing three pharmacies. So that was the start, a very slow start,” Mr Hashmi said
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
With the pandemic unfolding last year, Mr Hashmi collaborated with Multicultural Communities Australia (MCA) to offer free flu vaccines to deserving and vulnerable members of the community. What started on a chat group resulted in Mr Hashmi identifying a need to offer free flu vaccines to elderly parents of new migrants, international students, and refugees.
Initially the offering was for 100 multicultural community members which then skyrocketed to 300 in a month. Other minority community members of various faiths had also responded to Mr Hashmi welcoming the free flu vaccines.
. Starting from scratch was tough. Other pharmacies weren’t open to helping Mr Hashmi because he wasn’t an “Aussie guy”. “The challenge was where to start. We had no guidance. There was so much racism and so much rejection. We had to prove repeatedly that we were qualified,” he said. “I learnt very quickly that if I need to do anything, I need to keep an Aussie person in front of my face. He is the one who will be talking on my behalf.” That was how Mr Hashmi was able to successfully negotiate business dealings with banks and wholesalers. A year later the Hashmi’s won a contract with a renowned hospital and the rest was history. In the first couple of years, they created 20 job opportunities across their three pharmacies and went onto set up more pharmacies. “We also helped friends who were looking to go into business. Me and my wife trained 30 pharmacists so far and around 10 of them are business owners, because we also trained them on how to establish their own businesses,” he said. Today, Mr and Mrs Hashmi own six pharmacies and have about 50 staff members working with them. With the pandemic unfolding last year, Mr Hashmi collaborated with Multicultural Communities Australia (MCA) to offer free flu vaccines to deserving and vulnerable members of the community. What started on a chat group resulted in Mr Hashmi identifying a need to offer free flu vaccines to elderly parents of new migrants, international students, and refugees. “If they are in this new country for a short period, or international students who’ve been here for a few years, they may not be aware of this flu vaccine,” Mr Hashmi said. Initially the offering was for 100 multicultural community members which then skyrocketed to 300 in a month. Other minority community members of various faiths had also responded to Mr Hashmi welcoming the free flu vaccines. “We had set up 24 clinics outside
their religious spaces and council offices and that became a big voice in South Australia.” Throughout the pandemic, they also offered door to door delivery of medication to those isolating at home. Their contributions to the wider community hasn’t gone unnoticed. Apart from receiving numerous awards including the Governor’s Multicultural award last year, they are also recipients of the prestigious
Rhonda White Leadership award. The couple have truly gone over and above in providing much needed support at an exceptionally distressing time. And even today, Mr Hashmi’s eyes are set on his community. “Keep giving back to the community. There are a lot of high achievers from our community in this country, they need to come and help others who actually need their help. Live with passion.”
AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
عيد فطر مبارك Eid Mubarak 2021
البر ما اطمأنت إليه النفس... واإلثم ما حاك في الصدر
قال ابن قرقول في مطالع األنوار :وقد أوتي النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم -جوامع الكلم وسواطع ِ الحكم من عند رب العالمين ،فكالمه أشرف الك ِل ِم وأفضلها ،وأجمع ِ الح َكم وأكملها، كما قيل“ :كالم الملوك ملك الكالم” ،وهو ِت ْل ُو كالم الله تعالى العالم ،وثاني أدلة األحكام، فإن علوم القرآن وعقائد اإلسالم بأسرها، وأحكام الشريعة المطهرة بتمامها ،وقواعد الطريقة الحقة بحذافيرها ،وكذا الكشفيات والعقليات بنقيرها وقطميرها ،تتوقف على بيانه -صلى الله عليه وسلم ،-فإنها مالم توزن بهذا القسطاس المستقيم ،ولم تضرب على ذلك المعيار القويم ال يعتمد عليها وال يصار إليها .أ.هـ ومن جوامع الكلم النبوي ما روى مسلم عن النواس بن سمعان األنــصــاري قال: «سألت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن البر واإلثم ،فقال :البر حسن الخلق ،واإلثم ما حاك في صدرك وكرهت أن يطلع عليه الناس».
قال ابن حجر الهيتمي في الفتح المبين بشرح األربعين :وهو من جوامع كلمه -صلى اللَّه عليه وسلم ،-بل من أوجزها؛ إذ البر: كلم ٌة جامع ٌة لجميع أفعال الخير وخصال المعروف ،واإلثم :كلم ٌة جامع ٌة لجميع أفعال الشر والقبائح كبيرها وصغيرها ،ولهذا السبب قابل -صلى اللَّه عليه وسلم -بينهما وجعلهما ضدين. وفــي بابه أيضا :ما روى المنذري في الترغيب والترهيب قــال :عن وابصة بن معبد -رضي الله عنه -قال :رأيت رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم -وأنا أريد أن ال أدع شيئًا من البر واإلثم إال سألت عنه ,فقال لي«ُ :أ ْد ُن يا وابصة» ،فدنوت منه؛ حتى مست ركبتي ركبته ,فقال لي« :يا وابصة ,أخبرك عما جئت تسأل عنه»؟ قلت :يا رسول الله, أخبرني ,قال« :جئت تسأل عن البر واإلثم», قلت نعم ,فجمع أصابعه الثالث ,فجعل ينكت بها في صدري ,ويقول« :يا وابصة ,استفت قلبك ,والبر ما اطمأنت إليه النفس ,واطمأن إليه القلب ,واإلثم ما حاك في القلب ,وتردد
في الصدر ,وإن أفتاك الناس وأفتوك» .قال ابن رجب :وقد روي هذا الحديث عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم -من وجوه متعددةوبعض طرقه جيدة ،فرواه اإلمام أحمد والدار قطني ،وغيرهما .أ.هـ. قال األلباني :حسن لغيره. البر :اسم جامع لكل خير. واإلثم :هو الذنب. حاك :قال الطيبي :أي أ َّثر فيها ورسخ ،يقال: ما يحيك كالمك في فالن ،أي ما يؤثر ،واإلثم ماحاك في نفسك ،وكرهت أن يطلع عليه الناس ،أي أثر في قلبك وأوهمك أنه ذنب وخطيئة .أ.هـ. وفي كالم الشراح عند قوله« :استفت قلبك»، حملوا ذلك على الخواص من المؤمنين ،ذوي النفوس النقية التي صارت تميل للحق بطبعها، وتنفر عن الباطل بسجيتها ،وهذا ال يدركه إال من ارتاضت نفوسهم على الحق ،واستوحشت قلوبهم من الباطل وما اشتبه به ،فيكون رجوعهم إلى طمأنينة نفوسهم ،وما سكنت إليه قلوبهم ،بخالف غيرهم ممن قد تطمئن
نفوسهم للحرام الصريح ،فال عبرة بطمأنينة نفوسهم المدخولة ،وقلوبهم المشربة باإلثم والهوى. قال ابن رجب :في قوله« :اإلثم ما حاك في وكرِهت ْأن َّ يطلع عليه الناس» إشار ٌة الصدر، َ إلى َّأن اإلثم ما أ َّثر في الصدر حرج ًا ،وضيق ًا، الصد ُر ،ومع وقلق ًا ،واضطراب ًا ،فلم ينشرح له َّ َّاس مستنك ٌر ،بحيث ينكرونه عند الن ِ هذا ،فهو َ عند اطالعهم عليه ،وهذا أعلى مراتب معرفة عند االشتباه ،وهو ما استنكره النَّاس اإلثم َ على فاع ِله وغير فاعله. ومن هذا المعنى قولُ ابن مسعود :ما رآه المؤمنون حسن ًا ،فهو عند الله حسن ،وما رآه المؤمنون قبيح ًا ،فهو عند الله قبيح .رواه أحمد في المسند .أ.هـ. اسالم ويب
اســتمعوا الــى إذاعــة الصــوت االســامي ســيدني برامجها تشمل ما يلي: • تالوة القرآن الكريم -محاضرات إسالمية • بث مباشر لخطبة الجمعة -أخبار محلية وعالمية • برنامج صباحيات مع الحاج إبراهيم الزعبي ِمن الثامنة والنصف وحتى العاشرة والنصف. • متفرقات في الدين والحياة لالخت رانيا البرجاوي من العاشرة والنصف وحتى الثانية عشرة. • ثالث نشرات اخبارية مفصلة يقدمها الدكتور أحمد العقاد. • محاضرات باللغة االنكليزية ثالث مرات يوميا ,االولى عند الساعة
السابعة والنصف صباح ًا والثانية عند الرابعة عصر ًا واالخيرة عند مساء. الساعة الثامنة والنصف ً • برنامج أسبوعي يقدم مساء كل يوم أربعاء عند الساعة الثامنة والنصف باللغة االنكليزية بعنوان «النشاط والصحة». • برنامج آخر باللغة االنكليزية عن الصحة يقدمه الدكتور وسام سوبرا كل يوم جمعه عند الساعة الرابعة عصر ًا. • برنامج «ماما صفاء» لألطفال عند الساعة الخامسة مساء كل يوم جمعه. • برنامج «فهل من مدكر» لتعليم
أحكام التجويد وتالوة القرأن الكريم لألخ أنور حمام واألخ رياض قاسم. • برنامج «إشراقات فقهية» صباح كل يوم أربعاء عند الساعة التاسعة والربع مع فضيلة الشيخ يحي الصافي. • برنامج «التفسير البالغي للقرآن الكريم» مع الشيخ أحمد عزت مساء محمود عند الساعة السادسة ً كل يوم ثالثاء. • برنامجي «امجاد ونزهة المشتاق» مع االخ وليد المذيب.
من اليمين الحاجة رانية البرجاوي ،الحاج ابراهيم الزعبي ،الدكتور احمد العقاد إذاعة الصوت اإلسالمي من سيدني تبث برامجها على مدار اليوم على الترددات التالية:
)• 87.6 FM • 173.350 MHz (Narrow Band )• 173.425MHz (Narrow Band
T: +61 (2) 9758 3399 F: +61 (2) 9758 3299 E:
بكفالتك لليتيم تسد جوعه وتعطيه أم ً ال بمستقبل مشرق
الح لَ ُه ْم خ َْيٌ”. قال تعاىل َ ”:ويَ ْسأَلُونَكَ َع ِن الْ َي َتا َمى ُق ْل إِ ْص ٌ تكفل هيئة االعامل الخريية أكرث من 63الف يتيم يف 15دولة ،فتقدم لهم العون املايل و املساعدة التعليمية والرعاية الصحية الشاملة .مببلغ 50دوالرا يف الشهر ميكنك أن تكفل يتيامً فتسعد قلبه وتغري حياته لألفضل.
للتبرع يمكنكم اإلتصال على الرقم 1300 760 155 :أو زوروا موقع الهيئة : 30/4/19 10:33 am
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AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021 هـ ¿ أيار1442 ¿ شوال119 الوسط
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RAMADAN CARNIVAL 2021 Marion Mosque Islamic Society of South Australia
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عيد فطر مبارك Eid Mubarak 2021
49 منوعات
إطالق موقع MiAccessاإللكتروني
لزيادة الوصول إلى الموارد متعددة اللغات لألشخاص ذوي اإلعاقة Cultural تــــقــــوم Perspectivesبإطالق موقع MiAccessاإللكتروني -أي الوصول إلى المعلومات بلغات متعددة لألشخاص ذوي اإلعاقة ومقدمي الرعاية لهم ،وذلــك في جلسة توعية مجتمعية افتتاحية في بانكستاون ،سيدني .يمثل إطــاق الموقع عالمة بــارزة كبرى في المشروع الوطني لمعلومات اإلعاقة لألشخاص من خلفيات CALDالذي يمتد على ثالث سنوات والذي تنفذه Cultural Perspectivesفي إطار برنامج روابط المعلومات وبناء القدرات ( ،)ILCبهدف المساعدة على فهم البرنامج الوطني لتأمين اإلعاقة ( )NDISبين األشخاص ذوي اإلعــاقــة مــن خلفيات CALD (متنوعة ثقاف ًيا ولغو ًيا) ولزيادة قدرتهم على الوصول إلى المعلومات بلغاتهم. و ُيذ َكر أنه يمكن الوصول إلى MiAccess )(بعشر لغات هي :العربية والصينية المبسطة والصينية التقليدية والدار ّية والكورية والفارسية والبنجابية واإلسبانية والتايالندية والفيتنامية ،وأنــه يستضيف معلومات
بأكثر من 30لغة ضرورية لفهم بيئات اإلعاقة والوصول إلى NDISوكذلك لفهم المشاكل المحددة التي يعاني منها األشــخــاص ذوو اإلعــاقــة من خلفيات متنوعة ثقاف ًيا ولغو ًيا. تُعتبر جلسة توعية المجتمع مناسبة افتتاحية لسلسلة من أنشطة المشاركة المجتمعية المخطط لها إستراتيج ًيا، وهي تُقام باالشتراك مع المجلس العربي أستراليا لمجموعة من أبناء الجالية العربية لعرض الموقع اإللكتروني الجديد وتعزيز فهمهم لـ .NDIS إن معدالت اإلعاقة بين األشخاص من خلفيات CALDمماثلة لمع ّدلها بين األستراليين اآلخرين ،ولكنهم أقل احتما ًال لتلقي المساعدة الرسمية .فاألشخاص ذوو اإلعاقة من خلفيات CALDيستخدمون خدمات اإلعاقة بمعدالت تبلغ ،50% - 30 وهــي أقــل من استخدامها من جانب األشخاص المولودين في أستراليا .وقد ظلّت نسبة المشاركين النشطين من خلفيات CALDفي خطة معتمدة بحدود 9,2%على الصعيد الوطني في آب/ أغسطس ( 2020مقارنة بـ 8%في كانون
الوسط ¿ 119شوال 1442هـ ¿ أيار AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021
األول/ديسمبر ،)2018وهي أقل بكثير من نسبة الـ 20%المقدرة لألشخاص من خلفيات CALDالذين لديهم إعاقات. وقال بينو ميجليورينو ،المدير اإلداري في مجموعة Cultural Perspectives والرئيس السابق التحاد مجالس الجاليات اإلثنية في أستراليا” :من الواضح أن األشخاص ذوي اإلعاقة من خلفيات CALDيحتاجون إلى معلومات متعددة اللغات عن NDISتكون مناسبة ويسهل الوصول إليها .إننا فخورون بهذا المشروع والفوائد التي سيوفرها لألشخاص ذوي اإلعاقة من خلفيات CALDومقدمي الرعاية لهم وعائالتهم والمجتمع األوسع“. ”سيصبح موقع MiAccessاإللكتروني وجه ًة مهمة على اإلنترنت لكافة المسائل والمعلومات متعددة اللغات حول NDIS واإلعــاقــة في الجاليات من خلفيات CALD“. وقالت هال الدليمي ،مديرة وحدة الصحة واإلعاقة في المجلس العربي أستراليا ،في جلسة التوعية المجتمعية ”إنني متحمسة لوجودي في أول مناسبة مجتمعية يتم فيها إطــاق MiAccess
وتقديمه إلى الجالية العربية .بالنسبة لألشخاص من خلفيات ثقافية ولغوية مختلفة ،يمكن أن يكون التنقل ضمن النظام االجتماعي في أستراليا وفهمه صع ًبا وعقبة حقيقية في نفس الوقت. إن توفير الموارد والمعلومات المترجمة سيلبي بالتأكيد احتياجاتهم ويساعدهم في الوصول إلى NDISوالخدمات التي يحتاجون إليها“ تم تعزيز المشروع بدرجة هذا وقد ّ كبيرة نتيجة التطوير المبتكر لتجارب VR (الواقع االفتراضي) الغامرة واستخدامها كطريقة لــروايــة قصص شخصية من أفراد ذوي إعاقة في الجاليات التي من خلفيات CALDوالطريقة التي مكّنهم وحسن مستوى حياتهم .وقد بها ّ NDIS تم عرض تجارب الواقع االفتراضي في ّ جانب المشاركة المجتمعية في المشروع. يتم تمويل المشروع من قبل دائــرة الخدمات االجتماعية التابعة للحكومة األسترالية .زُر الموقع للمزيد من المعلومات.
عيد فطر مبارك Eid Mubarak 2021
قال رئيس الوزراء األسترالي، سكوت موريسون ،إن بالده ال تتعجل إعــادة فتح حدودها الدولية والمخاطرة بنمط الحياة الحالي شبه الخالي من فيروس كورونا في البالد. وأضــاف موريسون في إفــادة تلفزيونية: “أوكد لكم أن أستراليا ال تتعجل فتح تلك الحدود .لن أخاطر بالطريقة التي نعيش بها في هذا البلد ،الذي يختلف كثيرا عن بقية العالم اليوم”. وكانت أستراليا قد أغلقت حدودها أمام جميع األجانب وغير المقيمين في مارس ،2020ولم تسمح إال بدخول عدد محدود من القادمين الدوليين في األشهر األخيرة ،وال سيما لمواطنيها العائدين من الخارج. وأدى إغالق الحدود ،إلى جانب عمليات
أستراليا شبه خالية من كورونا وال تنوي المخاطرة العزل العام المفاجئة والتتبع السريع لرصد حاالت كورونا ،والتزام المجتمع بشكل كبير بالتدابير الصحية ،إلى جعل أستراليا واحدة من أكثر دول العالم نجاحا في الحد من انتشار الجائحة. ولعدة أشهر ،باستثناء بعض عمليات العزل العام المفاجئة ،تمكن األستراليون من تناول الطعام في الخارج ،والتجمع بشكل شبه حر، والتوقف عن استخدام الكمامات في معظم األماكن. سيكون باستطاعة األستراليين ومواطني نيوزيلندا المجاورة السفر بين البلدين دون الحاجة إلى التقدم بطلب للحصول على استثناء أو قضاء بعض الوقت في الحجر الصحي اإلجباري. المصدر“ :رويترز”
وزير الدفاع األسترالي :الصراع مع الصين بشأن تايوان «ال ينبغي استبعاده» قال وزيــر الدفاع األسترالي بيتر داتـــون ،إن الــصــراع مع الصين بشأن تايوان “ال ينبغي استبعاده” لكن أستراليا ستعمل مع حلفائها في المنطقة لمحاولة الحفاظ على السالم. ولفت دوتون في مقابلة تلفزيونية مع هيئة
اإلذاعة األسترالية ( )ABCإلى أن “هناك عسكرة للقواعد في جميع أنحاء المنطقة، ومن الواضح أن هناك قدرا كبيرا من النشاط وهناك عداء بين تايوان والصين”. المصدر“ :رويترز”
أشهى وأفخر الحلويات الشرقية
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الوسط ¿ 119شوال 1442هـ ¿ أيار AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021
عيد فطر مبارك Eid Mubarak 2021
51 الوسط الدعوي
عيد الفطر..
يوم فرحة المسلمين
الدكتورهنضيرةرابحبريوة تخصصأدبانجليزي -باحثةفيتمثيلاألقلياتالمسلمةفيالغرب َ وفرائضا يجب على المسلمين القيام بها اإلسالم واجبات كما شرع ُ ٍ ٍ ٍ ٍ والصيام في شهر كالصالة ّ بطريقة جد ّية في أوقات محدّ دة وموقوتة ّ رمضان ،كذلك جعل اللهُ ،الذي ال يك ّلف نفسا إال وسعها ،أياما وأوقاتا ّ وأجرا انشراحا وتوا ًبا قلوب المسلمين فتحل على للفرح والسرور والبهجة ِ ً ً المسلم ثالثين يوما صوما وقياما لله تعالى يصبر لتمامِ العملِ وصالحه. ُ وعمال بأوامره ألجل الثواب والمغفرة والجزاء .وإنّ من خير الجزاء في
الدنيا يوم العيد .إنّ في دين اإلسالم لفسحة ومن عالمات هذه الفسحة الفرحتان العظيمتان ،فرحة يوم العيد وفرحة يوم لقاء ربه .فنجد عيد الفطر فرحة للمسلمين بتمام شهر رمضان ،وإتمام الصيام ،والقبول، واألجر ،واإلفطار لرؤية الهالل .في هذا السياق يقول الحبيب المصطفى، وموا ِل ُرؤْ َي ِت ِهَ ، وأ ْف ِط ُروا ِل ُرؤْ َي ِت ِه». «ص ُ صلى الله عليه وسلمُ :
الص ِ دقات». َّ عيد الفطر هو اليوم الذي يلبس فيه المسلمون أجمل ما عندهم من ثياب، ويتطيبون بأرقى أنواع المسك والعطور، ثم ويفطرون سنّة على بضع تمرات ّ يتوجهون إلى بيوت الله مكبرين مهللين لقوله تعالى: «و ِل ُتكْ مِ ُلوا ا ْل ِع َّد َة َو ِل ُت َك ِّب ُروا ال َّل َه َع َلى َما َ َه َدا ُك ْم َو َل َع َّل ُك ْم ت َْش ُك ُرونَ » فتتعالى أصوات المسلمين عامة والمصلّين في هذا اليوم صوتا واحدا مرددين جمل ًة واحدة ،جملة التوحيد والتعظيم لله تعالى قائلين« :الله أكبر الله أكبر ال إله إال الله ،الله أكبر الله أكبر ولله الحمد» .ثم يؤدي المسلمون في جماعة ركعتي صالة العيد متبوع ٍة بخطبة قصيرة يلقيها اإلمام من على المنبر حيث يذكر فيها المسلمين بزينة العيد، وثواب الصيام ،وذكر الله الدائم الذي ال ينقطع حاثا إياهم على مواصلة العمل بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر حتى لقاء وجه ربهم األعلى ولكي تكتمل الفرحتان بلقاء الله تعالى. عيد الفطر هو اليوم الذي تقوى فيه صلة الرحم وتُحيا ،فيتزاور المسلمون، بعد صالة العيد .يزور ُّ كل المسلمين أقربائهم ،وذويهم ،وجيرانهم ،وأحبابهم، وأصدقائهم تراح ًما وتآز ًرا وتذكيرا
والمرح تحت أعين اآلباء واأل ّمهات التي تشيع فرحا وسرورا. باختصار ،عيد الفطر هو عيد فرحتنا.. يوم بهجتنا ..نبتهج بتمام الصيام وتمام العبادات محسنين الظّ ن في الرحمن الرحيم تق ّبل الصيام والقيام ..نبتهج بلقاء األحبة ونبذ البغضاء والكراهية، ونبتهج بالراحة التي تأتي بعد عام من العمل الروتيني الشاق .يوم العيد هو زينة دين بأن اإلسالم ُ للمسلمين وتذكير لهم ّ َ يسر وفسحة ووسطية .هو اليوم الذي ُيجازى فيه المسلمون تشجي ًعا لمواصلة والتقرب من الله العبادات والفرائض ّ بالنوافل في انتظار الفرحة الكبرى، فرحة يوم لقاء رب العالمين والنظر لوجهه الكريم في جنّة النّعيم على سرر متقابلين .عيد الفطر هو يوم شكرٍ وحمدٍ لله تعالى على إسالمنا ،دين الله الحنيف الذي جاء رحمة للعالمين .الرحمة التي تظل بثباتنا على الصراط المستقيم واتباع القرآن الكريم الذي هو دستور المسلمين الصالح لكلّ زمانٍ ومكانٍ وسنّة حبيبنا الهادي األمين محمد عليه أفضل الصالة وأزكى السالم.
بعد رؤية هالل شوال على المسلمين كافة اإلفطار واإلحتفال بعيد الفطر و ُي ْمنع حر ُم عليهم الصيام في هذا اليوم بل ُي ّ ِ المبارك .عيد الفطر هو عادة للمسلمين من ِّ عام في أ ّول شوالٍ بعد شهر كل ٍ رمضان ..العيد الذي يعود فيه المسلمون أليامهم الطبيعية التي تتخللها ثالث وجبات بعد شهر من اإلمساك عن األكل والشرب من طلوع الفجر إلى غروب الشمس .العيد هو اليوم الذي يعود فيه المسلمون بعضهم البعض. عيد الفطر ليس اليوم الذي يفطر فيه المسلمون وحسب ،بل كذلك اليوم الذي يتذكر فيه المسلمون أهل الفقر والحاجة خرجون قبله بيوم زكاة والفاقة ف ُي ُ رمضان للمحتاجين والفقراء بغية إدخال قلوب الفقراء والمحتاجين، الفرحة في ِ الروح ،وإتمام وتطهير والمساكين، ّ العبادات ،وكذلك نشروا توسيع نطاق التراحم بين المسلمين عامة اتباعا لسنّة الحبيب المصطفى محمد ،صلى الله عليه وسلم ،في حديثه: ُ َ رسول ال َّل ِه ص َّلى ال َّل ُه عل ْي ِه «فرض ائم منَ للص ِ وس َّل َم زَ كا َة الفطرِ ُطهر ًة َّ والر ِ فث وطعم ًة للمساكينِ من ال َّلغوِ َّ أ َّداها َ َ ِ هي زَ كا ٌة مقبول ٌة ف ة ال الص قبل َّ َ هي صدق ٌة منَ ومن أ َّداها َ بعد َّ الصال ِة َف َ
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مرصوص بعضهم بأن المسلمين بنيانٌ ّ ٌ ولبعض ألجل تعميق آصرة بعض ٍ من ٍ المودة والرحمة واالخ ّوة بين أفراد األمة اإلسالمية جمعاء .يتبادل المسلمون التهاني والقبل واألحضان والتهاني، وترتفع أصوات المسلمين بعبارة « :تق ّبل الله منا ومنكم .عيدكم مبارك وكل عام وأنتم بخير» ،يهنئ الجميع إخوانهم وأخواتهم في دين اإلسالم ويتمنون لبعضهم البعض تق ّبل الصيام والقيام وصالح األعمال بمزيدٍ من األجر والتواب والمغفرة ،وحياة سعيدة ملؤها العفو والعافية فى انتظار العيد المقبلِ .إنّه اليوم الذي تتقارب فيه القلوب وتتآلف وتتحد ،ال عداوة ،وال خصومات ،وال قطيعة .كلّ المسلمون يد واحدة متحدة البر والتقوى. على ّ عيد الفطر هو اليوم الذي تقدم فيه األمهات ،والزوجات ،والبنات أشهى األطباق وأحلى الحلويات على الموائد للزائرين .يأكل الجميع ما لذ وطاب من األكل ويتشاركونه مع جيرانهم وأحبابهم في وجبة الفطور وأوقات الزيارات محاكاة للتقاليد العربية واإلسالمية عامة. عيد الفطر هو يوم األطفال الذين يظهرون بمالبس جديدة ويظفرون بالهدايا والنقود التي تُدخل في قلوبهم السعادة والبهجة.فيقضون يومهم باللعب
تقبل الله منا ومنكم وعيدكم مبارك وكل عام وأنتم بخير.
Eid Mubarak 2021 عيد فطر مبارك
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53 آراء
نحــن فعــا فــي حــرب عالميــه... بقلم :أ.د .عماد وليد شبالق رئيس الجمعية األمريكية لمهندسي القيمية بأستراليا ونيوزيلندا / الحروب أنواع ،فهناك الحرب المحلية بين فريقين أو طائفتين من نفس الجنس وفي نفس البلد وهناك حروب اقليمية بين دولتين مختلفتين متنازعتين على حدود برية أو مائية وهناك حروب هواوية (مثال حرب البسوس وداحس والغبراء في الجاهلية بسبب فرس/حصان فاز على االخر واشتعلت الحرب لمدة 40عاما على ما أعتقد !) وهناك طبعا حروب عالمية بين دول وقارات مختلفة (الحرب العالمية األولى والحرب العالمية الثانية). فلسفة الحرب أو الحروب فلسفة جهنمية تسودها روح السيطرة والهيمنة وعادة ما يتم التخطيط لها من قبل الفريقين فاألكثر تجهيزا واستعدادا غالبا ما يكون المنتصر في أخر المطاف واألدهى من ذلك أن هناك من يتحكم في هذه مجريات هذه الحروب ويسيطر عليها من بدايتها وحتى نهايتها وسواء كنت تؤمن بنظرية المؤامرة والشك أو ال فالحقيقة واألدلة تشهد على ذلك ومن يتحكم في المال واالعمال في هذا الزمان يتربع على عرش لعب” االتاري “ الحقيقية وهذه ال من دافع التسلية والدمار فقط أنما لجني المزيد من األرباح والمكتسبات وإحكام السيطرة والهيمنة على اقتصاد العالم وتسخيره لخدمه هؤالء! الحرب العالمية األولى وتعد اول صراع دولي في هذا القرن (بسبب اغتيال ولي العهد المجري-النمساوي وزوجته) في سرايفوا في 1914/6/28ومن ثم اندلعت الحرب في أغسطس من نفس العام واستمرت 4سنوات متتالية حتى توقف القتال في الساعة 11صباحا من يوم 1918/11/11ومن نتائج هذه الحرب ما يلي: أكثر من 70بلدا أو دوله كانت مشاركه(تأثرت ) بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشره بالحرب 70مليون جندي شاركوا في تلك الحرب حوالي 10مليون قتيل عسكري و20مليون جريح 6مليون سجين 10مليون الجئي في أوروبا 3مليون أرملة و 6مليون يتيم أما تكلفة الحرب فكانت (تقديرا) من 4-3اضعاف اجمالي الناتج المحلي GDP- للبلدان األوروبية التي خرجت من الصراع مدمره تماما (الويكيبيديا ). ولو نظرنا كمثال في تفاصيل القتلى والجرحى (وحسب نفس المصدر واإلحصاءات) لو وجدنا ما يلي: فرنسا – 1.4مليون قتيل – 4.2مليونجريح/مصاب المانيا – 2مليون قتيل – 4.2مليونجريح/مصاب
إيطاليا – 600ألف قتيل – 1مليونجريح/مصاب روسيا – 2مليون قتيل – 5مليون جريح/مصاب بريطانيا – 960ألف قتيل – 2مليونجريح/مصاب وأخيرا الدولة العثمانية (تركيا) – 800ألف قتيلوال يوجد إحصاءات دقيقة لعدد الجرحى! أما الحرب العالمية الثانية فقد اندلعت واستمرت من 1939حتى 1945وبأسباب تتعلق بعنجهية الزعيم النازي ادولف هتلر واإليطالي الفاشي بنيتو موسوليني (تحالف المحور مع اليابان ) لرد المهانة والذل والهزيمة في الحرب األولى ضد الحلفاء ( فرنسا -بريطانيا – االتحاد السوفيتي وأمريكا ) وكانت النتيجة 6سنوات من الدمار وحوالي 60مليون قتيل وعدد كبير جدا من الجرحى والمفقودين غير معروف لحد االن ! أما بين الحربين وتحديدا بعد الحرب العالمية األولى ( )1918فقد ظهر وباء الحمى اإلسبانية Spanish Flu- H1N1 وحصد حوالي 50مليون من األرواح وفي مده 3-2سنوات .أما بقية األوبئة والجوائح والمصائب فكانت على سبيل المثال كاالتي: - 1االنفلونزا األسيوية 1958-1957 - 2انفلونزا هونج كونج 1969– 1968 - 3انفلونزا سارس (كورونا 2002)2
- 4انفلونزا الطيور -2009 2003 - 5انفلونزا الخنازير -2010 2009 - 6انفلونزا الشرق األوسط – ميرز2012 - 7انفلونزا ايبوال 2016-2013 بعد هذا السرد أو الطرح واالستعراض للحروب والمصائب التي حلت في هذا القرن على العالم أجمع يتضح أننا على أبواب حرب عالميه جديدة وربما (ثالثة) ومن نوع أخر(على االغلب بيولوجي ). المتتبع اليوم ألثار الجائحة الجديدة Pandemic COVID 19والتي عصفت بالعالم في 6مارس ( 2020جائحة عالمية مستمرة سببها فيروس كورونا 2المرتبط بالمتالزمة التنفسية الحادة (سارس كوف )2 يجد أن العالم مقبل على دمار شامل اشد فتكا من الحروب التقليدية الكالسيكية وربما ألول مره في التاريخ الحديث المعاصر أن نجد أن أكثر من 188دولة على مستوى العالم قد تأثرت (ومازالت وحتى كتابه هذه االسطر!) وأكثر من 146مليون أصابة (ومازالت) وأكثر من 3مليون وفاة (والعداد ما يزال يسجل) أما الخسائر االقتصادية فقد تجاوزت االصفار االثنا عشر وعم الكساد والشلل كل صناعات وزراعات العالم بأسره وبدون استثناء – وال يزال! مخازن األسلحة فسدت وكسدت ،شركات طيران افلست ،صناعات غذائية وتقنية تدمرت وخرجت من السوق ،رجال أعمال
مرضت أو انتحرت نتيجة ضياع كل شيء يخصها ،بيوت وازواج انفصلت وتدهورت، بطاله وكساد وظيفي فاق المعقول والالمعقول في كل دول العالم ونحن مازلنا في السنه الثانية من عمر هذه الحرب العالمية الكونية مجهولة االنتهاء ! ولعمل مقارنه بسيطة بين نتائج الحرب العالمية األولى وبين الحرب العالمية (الثالثة في عامها الثاني) هذه: - 1بريطانيا – 127161وفيات و 4.3مليون إصابات - 2فرنسا – 99805وفيات و 5.1مليون إصابات - 3المانيا – 79381وفيات و 3.1مليون إصابات - 4روسيا – 104398وفيات و 4.6مليون أصابات - 5إيطاليا – 115557وفيات و 3.8مليون أصابات (من وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية .)2021/4/15 وبالرغم من الفارق الزمني والتقني بين الحربين األولى ( -)1918-1914والثالثة ( )2020 -!!! -اال أنه يمكن استنتاج العديد من الدروس والعبر في هذا السياق ومؤكدا أن االنسان (المستخلف على هذه األرض) قد ضيع األمانة فبدال من أن يعمر األرض قام بتدميرها ومازال! والله المستعان.
األمم المتحدة تحث أستراليا على إعادة مواطنيها الذين تقطعت بهم السبل قالت لجنة حقوق اإلنــســان التابعة لألمم المتحدة ،إنها طلبت من أستراليا “تسهيل وضمان عودة مواطنيها الذين تقطعت بهم السبل” في الخارج بسبب القيود المفروضة على الوافدين للبالد .وذكــرت حملة FreeandOpenAustralia.orgالتي تساعد آالف األستراليين الذين تقطعت بهم السبل إن دعوة األمم المتحدة للحكومة األسترالية بإعادة مواطنين عالقين في الواليات المتحدة ،يجب أن تكون دعوة للحكومة الوسط ¿ 119شوال 1442هـ ¿ أيار AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021
لـ”اإلستيقاظ” .ووفق صحيفة “الغارديان” البريطانية، تدرس لجنة حقوق اإلنسان التابعة لألمم المتحدة شكاوى منفصلة من مواطنين أستراليين ،األول يدعى جيسون جورج ويعيش في نيوجيرسي ،واآلخر ويدعى أليكس ويعيش في هاواي ،بشأن تأثير القيود التي تفرضها أستراليا على القادمين من الخارج. ووجهت لجنة حقوق اإلنسان رسالة إلى أصحاب الشكوى ،تؤكد فيها أنها طلبت من أستراليا “تسهيل وضمان عودة هؤالء الفورية إلى أستراليا”.
وتستشهد الشكاوى بالقانون الدولي الخاص بالحقوق المدنية والسياسية ،الذي ينص على أنه “ال يجوز حرمان أي شخص بشكل تعسفي من حق دخوله إلى بلده” ،وقالوا إن القيود التي تفرضها الحكومة على المسافرين العائدين والقيود التي تفرضها الواليات األسترالية على أماكن الحجر الصحي في الفنادق تمس حقهم في العودة إلى وطنهم. المصدر“ :الغارديان”
عيد فطر مبارك Eid Mubarak 2021
54 تهنئة
تهنئة بنكهة الفواكه من اعمال الفنانة جومان الشيخ الخبيرة في فن تزيين ونحت الفواكه الوسط ¿ 119شوال 1442هـ ¿ أيار AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021
عيد فطر مبارك Eid Mubarak 2021
55 الوسط الدعوي
في وداع رمضان
من معاني العيد في فكر اإلمام
محمد البشير اإلبراهيمي بقلم :د .إبراهيم نويري /باحث أكاديمي -الجزائر التضامن والوحدة والتقارب بين ُيع ُّد الشيخ محمد المسلمين ،وتراجعت العديد من البشير اإلبراهيمي وشائج القربى التي يدعو إليها رحــمــه الــلــه تعالى ديننا ،مما جعل تيار الشعور من أبرز أدباء الجزائر وعلمائها اإلسالمي يستبطن الكثير من وخطبائها ومصلحيها األفاضل اآلالم والشجون واألحــزان ..و ولد سنة 1889م ،وتوفي سنة قد ص ّور اإلبراهيمي جانب ًا من 1965م ،سخّ ر حياته كلها هذه المشاعر واألحاسيس فقال: للنضال من أجل تحرير وطنه من عزة آسار وأغالل االستعمار الفرنسي «يا عيد كنا نلتقي فيك على ّ تمكنت أسبا ُبها ،وعلى حياة تجم ُع البغي ،وجاهد بقلمه مع رفيق ْ َ الشرف وال ّت َر َف ،وتأخ ُذ من كلّ دربه الشيخ اإلمام عبد الحميد طريف ٍة َ بط َر ٍف ،وعلى ج ّد ال ينزلُ بــن بــاديــس وإخــوانــه ،ضمن الهزلُ بساحته ،واطمئنان ال ُيلم إطار جمعية العلماء المسلمين الن َّصب براحته ،فأصبحنا نلتقي الجزائريين ،ترك العديد من فيك على اآلآلم والشُّ جون ..يا اآلثار العلمية والقصائد القوية عيد ْإن لقيناك اليوم باإلكتئاب، والمقاالت الرصينة ،أشهرها فتلك نتيجة االكتساب؛ وال والله مقاالت «عيون البصائر» التي ما كانت األزمــنـ ُة وال األمكن ُة كان ينشرها أسبوعي ًا في صحيفة ً ً َ ولكن أهلها يوما جماال ألهلها، البصائ. ّ اإلمام محمد البشير اإلبراهيمي هم الذين يج ّملونهاو يك ّملونها». ولعلّ قراء العربية الذين ُأتيح بريشة بشير يلس البصائر ج ،2ص .544 لهم االطالع على كتابات ومقاالت ثم ُيطلق اإلمــام اإلبراهيمي الشيخ اإلبراهيمي ،الحظوا ق ّوة ٍ ٍ بجرعات زفــرات حـ ّـرى ُمع ّتقة لغته وتم ّيز ديباجة أسلوبه ،حتى لكأننا بإزاء أساليب الجاحظ وأبي حيان التوحيدي وعبد كبيرة من الحزن واأللم والكرب على ما آل إليه وضع الحميد الكاتب وابن العميد وغيرهم من المترسلين في األمة اإلسالمية والعالم اإلسالمي على كافة األصعدة، ـن يتأمل كلمات مجال النثر الفني البديع ذي السبك اللغوي واألدبي وخاصة الوضع السياسي ،ولعلّ َمـ ْ ألفيت الشيخ اإلبراهيمي يتح ّدث هذا اإلمام األديب ُيخ ّيل إليه كأنه ما يزال يعيش بين المشرق الرصين .وقد ُ عن العيد ،فيع ّدد لنا معانيه و ُيجلّي لنا أبعاده المختلفة ظهرانينا ،مما يدلُّ على أن واقع األمة لم يتغ ّير إ ّال من بأسلوب مترع بجماليات الصنعة األدبية ،فيقول« :العيد بعض المناحي الشكلية ،بل هو -مع كل أسف -يسير في معناه الديني كلم ُة شكرٍ على تمام العبادة ،ال يقولها من سيء ألسوأ ،وخير دليل على ذلك ما يجري هذه رضى واطمئنان ًا ،األيام من صراعات وفتن ومنابزات بين دول مجلس المؤمن بلسانه ،ولكنها تعتلج في سرائره ً ُسفر بين نفوس التعاون الخليجي ال تخدم سوى أعداء أمتنا ،وفي هذا وتنبلج في عالنيته فرح ًا وابتهاج ُ ًا ،وت ُ وتمسح ما بين السياق الحزين يص ّور الشيخ اإلبراهيمي جانب ًا من المؤمنين بالبشاشة والطالقة واألنس، ُ مشاعره الكئيبة إزاء واقع األمة المستعصي عن العالج الفقراء واألغنياء من جفوة ».البصائر ج ،2ص .543 ويستتلي اإلمام اإلبراهيمي في السياق ذاته ،فيكشف منذ عقود طويلة فيقول« :والحقيقة هي أنني كلما أظلّني عن رؤى ومرئيات كثيرة متداخلة تسكن النفس البشرية ،عي ٌد من أعيادنا أظلّتني معه سحاب ٌة من الحزن لحال وتثوي في أخاديد الفؤاد ،ولكنها تظهر في تيار الشعور قوم ،وما هم عليه من التخاذل واالنحالل والبعد عن مت جوانبي من المتدفّق بحبور العيد واالنتعاش بمذاقاته ومعانيه في الصالحات والقرب من الموبقات، َ واحتد ْ وغي وغيبوبة ،ال أبعادها النفسية والزمنية واالجتماعية ونحوه ،حيث يقول :التفكير فيما هم فيه من َس َدر ،أي :تيه ّ ٌ وذكرت كيف يعيشون على الصد َر، «العيد في معناه النفسي ح ٌّد ُ فاصل بين تقييدٍ تخضع يملكون منه الوِر َد وال ّ له النفس وتسكن إليه الجوارح ،وبين انطالق تنفتح له الخيال ال ُمفضي إلى الخبال ...وكيف استخفّهم علماؤهم اللّهوات وتتن ّبه له الشّ هوات ..والعيد في معناه الزمني وزعماؤهم وكبراؤهم وملوكهم فأطاعوهم في معصية قطعة من الزمن خُ ّصصت لنسيان الهموم ّ واطراح ال ُك َل ِف ،الله ،وقادوهم إلى النار فانقادوا بشعرة ،وكيف َيلقون واستجمام القوى الجاهدة في الحياة .والعيد في معناه أعيادهم التي هي موقظات عزائمهم بهذه التقاليد المر َح ،الزائفة والعادات السخيفة التي تطمس معالمها وتش ّو ُه يفيض عليهم يوم األطفالِ ُ االجتماعي ُ َ الفرح و َ أعرابي بين ويوم األرحام جمالها ،فأج ُدني بذلك كلّه كأنني من قومي ويوم الفقراء يلقاهم باليسر والسعة، ُ ُ ٌّ غير ما يفهمون ..البصائر ويوم المسلمين يجمعهم على أنباطُ ، يجمعها على الصلة والبرُ ، أفهم من لفظ العيد َ ج ،2ص .546 التسامح والتزاور ».البصائر ج ،2ص .543 ـذرات سريعة و خواطر بديعة من عبارات بيد ّأن إقرار تلك المعاني العظيمة وإتاحة اإلمكانات هذه شـ ٌ المقررة األديب الشيخ محمد البشير اإلبراهيمي رحمه الله في المشروعة للتعبير عنها ضمن الضوابط الشرعية ّ ُنس الشيخ اإلبراهيمي حديثه عن العيد ،و تصويره لمختلف المنازع واألحاسيس والتقاليد االجتماعية المرعية ،لم ت ِ الواقع والمتغ ّيرات التي طرأت على حياة المسلمين ،والرؤى التي تنسكب في نفس وروح اإلنسان المسلم في وأ ّثــرت فيها سلب ًا مع كلّ أسف ،حيث ض ُعفت منازع مناسبة العيد. الوسط ¿ 119شوال 1442هـ ¿ أيار AL WASAT 119 ¿ Shawwal 1442 ¿ May 2021
بقلم سمر المجذوب -سيدني ها هي األيام تمضي سراع ًا كشراع أبحر في الظلمات ٍ فأبصر بعد ظلمة حالكة نور ًا
وضياء. فإذا به يدعو الله أن ال يخبت هذا النور وهذا الضياء. هكذا أنت يا شهر الرحمة يا شهر الخير والمغفرة يا شهر العطاء. نأتيك بنفوس ملؤها الصدأ والغبار. فإذا بك تجلوها باإليمان والتقرب إلى الله تمسح غبارها بصيام نهارك وقيام ليلك وتجلو صدأها بتالوتة القرآن وتدبر اآليات. فترانا نغدو أكثر إنسانية وأكثر نقاء. نقبل على الله كعطاش همهم اإلرتواء من نبع الكريم المنان. فإذا بنا نكثر من الصدقات هنا وهناك ونتدبر آيات القرآن بخشوع نقف لساعات وساعات في صلوات الليل والنهار .فال نتعب وال تفتر نفوسنا .ونكثر من الصالة على نبي الرحمة محمد سيد األنبياء .نطعم الطعام ونكثر من العطايا نسامح من آذانا وبغى علينا لعلنا نجد من يسامحنا يوم الحساب. نتقرب من الله بكثرة دعاء ونقاء سريرة ونقبل على وجوه الخير الكثيرة. وما أن تصفو أرواحنا وتنقى نفوسنا فإذا بالجليل المتعال يتجلى علينا بليلة هي خير من ألف شهر هي خير الليال .ليجود علينا بمنحة مجانية ربانية من العطاء والغفران ليمسح ذنوبنا وما أسرفت به نفوسنا في سالف األيام .رحماك يا الله ما أكرمك وما أجزل عطاؤك. وليس هذا فحسب فهنا يأتي وعدك الحق بأن لنا فرحتان فرحة يوم فطرنا وفرحة يوم نلقاك. ها هو هذا يوم الفطر المبارك نفرح بهدية الرحمن نتبادل التهاني مع األهل واألصحاب نلبس كل جديد ونأكل ما لذ وطاب نشارك أحبابنا فرحتهم بالهدايا والعطايا و”العيديات”. فهل أوفيناك حق يا الله ؟؟؟؟ ال وحق الله في السماء فأنت وحدك من تكرمت وجدت علينا بهذا المن والسخاء. وانت وحدك القادر على أن تثبتنا على اإليمان. وانت وحدك القادر على أن تبعثنا يوم الدين على المحجة البيضاء.