4 minute read


By Esma Yoldas Al Siraat College – Year 8

Ramadan is one of the most special and meaningful events of the Islamic calendar, observed by millions of Muslims around the world. During this incredible month, Muslims engage in a period of fasting, abstaining from food, drink, and other physical needs from sunrise to sunset. It’s a time for spiritual reflection, devotion, and generosity. For Muslim students in public schools in Australia, navigating Ramadan can present some unique challenges, especially when it comes to their school routines. The good news is that schools in Australia can play a vital role in supporting their Muslim students during Ramadhan.

Ramadan Dates

The dates of Ramadan shift slightly each year, as it is based on the Islamic lunar calendar. Schools should ensure that they are aware of the dates of Ramadan and make necessary arrangements to support their Muslim students during this time. Schools can communicate the dates of Ramadan to all students and staff and ensure that they are aware that many Muslim students may be fasting during this month.

Adjust the schedule

During Ramadan, Muslim students may need to adjust their school schedule to accommodate their fasting. Schools can consider adjusting the timetable to allow for shorter days or early pick up times for Muslim students who are fasting during Ramadhan. This will enable Muslim students to leave school early to break their fast and rest before continuing with their studies. Schools can also consider rescheduling exams or assessments or avoid scheduling them during fasting times.

Provide a quiet prayer space

Schools can provide a designated prayer space for Muslim students to pray and reflect during Ramadan. This can be a quiet room or a quiet, clean area maybe in the school library or a quiet corner of the classroom for this purpose, during Ramadan. This will help Muslim students to stay connected to their faith during Ramadan and support their spiritual well-being. If possible, a prayer space should really be made available all year around for Muslim students who would like to observant of their daily Islamic prayers.

Flexibility with PE classes

Physical education classes can be challenging for Muslim students during Ramadan, particularly if they are fasting. Schools can offer flexibility with physical education classes during Ramadan to support their Muslim students. Schools can consider adjusting the physical education schedule or offering low-impact alternative activities for students who are fasting.

Encourage cultural sensitivity and inclusion

Schools should promote cultural sensitivity and inclusion during Ramadan. This can be done by educating other students and staff about the importance of Ramadan and the significance of fasting for Muslim students and families. Schools can encourage nonMuslim students to participate in Ramadan-related activities, such as fundraising for charity or attending local community iftar events, to promote greater understanding of different cultures and beliefs.

Eid Celebration

The end of the month of Ramadhan is marked by the traditional Eid celebrations. Each culture and family may celebrate

Eid a little differently but it’s generally a time spent together with family and loved ones. The first day of Eid sometimes falls on a weekday. Most large organisations offer cultural days off for employees to be able to spend this time together with their families. Australian schools could also give Muslim students the option the spend the first day of Eid in celebration together with their families at the end of Ramadhan.

Ramadan is an important time for Muslim students, and schools in Australia can do a lot to support them during this blessed month. By being aware of the dates of Ramadan, slightly adjusting the school schedule, providing a space for prayer and reflection, offering flexibility with PE classes, allowing a day off for Eid and encouraging cultural sensitivity and inclusion, public schools can ensure that Muslim students feel supported and included during Ramadan. These actions will not only support Muslim students, but also promote a culture of understanding and inclusion in schools in Australia.

Dear Brothers and Sisters

As we approach the holy month of Ramadan, I want to take this opportunity to extend my warmest congratulations to you and your families. This is a time of reflection, generosity and compassion and Your continued support to Human Appeal Australia, is a testament to your commitment to these values.

Over the past 32 years, Human Appeal has been working tirelessly to provide vital aid to those in need around the world. From providing food, water & shelter to vulnerable families as well as supporting orphans and refugees, our programs have made a significant impact in the lives of millions of people.

However, there is still so much more that needs to be done. As we enter the blessed month of Ramadan, we are calling on our respected donors to once again help us reach even more people in need. Your support is critical to our mission, and every donation, no matter how big or small, can make a real difference.

By lending your generosity this Ramadan, you are helping Human Appeal provide vital assistance to some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. Your support can help us deliver life-saving aid to those affected by conflict, natural disasters, poverty and bring hope to those who have lost everything.

As we prepare to observe Ramadan, I urge you to join us in this important mission. Your support can help us make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most. Thank you for your continued dedication to our cause, and may this holy month be a time of blessings and renewal for you and your loved ones.

Your sincerely,

Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘Whoever helps a brother in his time of need, Allah (swt) will help him in this life & the next”. [Muslim]


زييمتلا ىلع ءاضقلل يلودلا مويلا نإ لكشب فارتعال ةصرف وه يرصنعلا ةيرصنعلاو قرعلا اياضقب فداــه ككشتلاو ايلارتسأ يف ةرذجتملا

اهب لكشت يتلا ةفلتخملا قرطلا يف

انمازتلا ةفعاضمو انعمتجم ةيرصنعلا

اننكمي طقف اهدنع .ةيرصنعلا ةحفاكمب

فصنمو لداع عمتجم ءانب يف أدبن نأ

تايرحلاو قوقحلاب فرتعيو اقح .عيمجلل ةيساسلأا

يف طارــخــناــل تاــحارــتــقا


يونس عوبسأ دقع ةدحتملا مملأل

حفاكت يتلا بوعشلا عم نماضتلا نم اءدب ،يرصنعلا زييمتلاو ةيرصنعلا

مويلا ةغايصو راذآ /سرام 21 .يرصنعلا زييمتلا ىلع ءاضقلل

عمتجملا عضو ،نيحلا كلذ ذنمو

،ةيرصنعلا ةحفاكمل اراــطإ يلودلا

ءاضقلل ةيلودلا ةيقافتلااب ادشرتسم

تقدص يتلا ،يرصنعلا زييمتلا ىلع

ىدأو .1975 ماع يف ايلارتسأ اهيلع

يلارتسأ نوناق لوأ رادصإ ىلإ كلذ

وهو ،يرصنعلا زييمتلا طاشنب جلاعي

1975 ماعل يرصنعلا زييمتلا نوناق .)ثلونموك(

دارفلأا نم ريثكلا لاز ام ،كلذ

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