Alwayz Therro - September 2010

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www. Al way z Ther r o. c om


www. Al way z Ther r o. c om


C a r o l i n a R u b i o

Name:Car ol i naRubi o Locat i on:Aust i n,Texas Hei ght :5’ 4” Wei ght :135l bs Measur ement s:34, 27, 40 Li kes:Il i keagoodl aughandani nt r i gui ngchal l enge. Di sl i kes:Idonotl i kel i ar s,t her ei snoneedt o,j ustber eal . Hobbi es:Danci ng,cooki ng,f ashi on,r eadi ngandIenj oyschool . I nonewor ddescr i beyourwor kasamodel ? Spi cy Nameyourbestshotyoucanr emember ? Mybestshoti sapi ct ur eofmemodel i ngdar kdeni mj eans. The pi ct ur er eal l ycapt ur esmycur vesandmyst yl e. Whatadvi cewoul dyougi vet hatyoungmodell ooki ngt ogeti nt hei ndust r y? Whencont r act scomeyourway , donotsi gnt hatday .Gohomeandsl eeponi t ,andi fi tf eel s r i ghtt hef al l owi ngday ,t henpr oceed. Howl onghaveyoubeenmodel i ng? Thr eeyear s Whatmodel si nt hei ndust r yi nspi r eyout hemost ? Thewoment hati nspi r et hemostar eJenni f erLopez,LaLaVazquezandBeyonce. Howl onghaveyoubeenmodel i ng? Thr eeyear s Whatmodel si nt hei ndust r yi nspi r eyout hemost ? Thewoment hati nspi r et hemostar eJenni f erLopez,LaLaVazquezandBeyonce. Whyi st hat ? Jenni f erLopezandLaLaVazquezi nspi r emebecauset hear esuccessf ulPuer t oRi can, womant hatst r i vef ort hebestandar ei ndependent .Beyonceshowsmet oacceptmycur ves andt oal waysexpr essmysel f . Whati st hemostcr azi estt hi ngaguyeversai dt ogetyourat t ent i on? Whi l eIwasatwor kamancameupt omeandsai d,”youdon’ tevenhavet odat eme,Ij ust wantt opayal lyourbi l l s,yoursosexy! ”Mi ndyouIwor kwi t hchi l dr enandIwascl ear l y embar r assed.


DJEDDI ELOVEHATE Bor ni nNewYor kCi t y ,r ai s edi nJ er s ey ,DJEddi eLov eHat ei ss et t i ngnews t andar dsont hedanc ef l oor aswel l ast her ec or di ngs t udi o.Hef i r s tc amet opr omi nenc ei nt hel at e80’ sasat ourDJf oraLondon bas edgr oupc al l edTheLunat i cAs y l um,des i gnat i nghi m ast her eul t i mat eneedl edr opper . El ek t r oandHous emus i cac hi ev esnewmeani ngwhenDJEddi eLov eHat ec omest ot hes et .Hehasa k eenearf ormi x i ngol ds c hool c l as s i c swi t ht oday ’ sbes tEl ec t r ot r ac k ’ smak i ngt hem hi sown. Atanas t oni s hi ngpac eDJEddi eLov eHat ehasc l i mbedt her ank samongs tNewYor k ’ sEl i t emi x i ngi n c hoi c ev enuess uc hasSugarl ands , Hi ghBar, Le’ Souk ,andGl as s , Headl i nedmaj orev ent ss uc has Bl oomi ngdal eLaunc hpar t y ,Legendar y“ Bar bar aTuc k er ” , l abel Launc hPar t y ,Gl am Magaz i neLaunc h. DJEDDI ELOVEHATEi saf or c et ober ec k onedwi t hi nt heni ghtc l ubaswel l asi nt hemus i cs t udi o. I t ’ s onl yamat eroft i mebef or ehet ak esonabi ggers et . THEWORLD. Al way zTher r ohadac hanc et os i tdownwi t hDj Eddi eLov eHat e Whatadv i c ewoul dy ougi v eUpc omi ngDJ ’ s Li s t ent oasmuc hmus i caspos s i bl eanddon’ tl i mi ty our s el fbyl i s t eni ngt oonl yonegenr e. Beawar eof y ouraudi enc eandpr ac t i c et hes k i l l ofmi x i ng. Thet r ans i t i onf r om oner ec or dt ot henex twi l l s howi fy ou hav es k i l l sornot . Dontj us tt hr owar ec or di ny ourmi xbec aus ei tmi ghtbepopul arandf ol l owi tupwi t h s omec r ap. Notagoodl ookandt hatwoul dmak ey ouar ec or dpl ay er , notaDJ ,t her esadi f f er enc e. I fy ou c antbl end, s t aywi t hy ourdayj ob. Whati st hec ommonmi s t ak emadebynewDJ ’ s Themos tc ommonmi s t ak ebyupc omi ngDJ ’ swoul dbet hi nk i ngbec aus ey oul ear neds omeDJs of t wear andy ouus ej us tal apt op, , ,t hatmak esy ouaDJ .Thi sgoesabi tf ur t hert hant hat . Ar eal Dj s houl dbe abl et ous eal l t y pesofequi pmentCdj ’ sTur nt abl esandal way sbr i ngabac kuppl anbec aus ei fy our l apt opgoesdowni nt hemi ddl eofagi gandy oudontk nowhowt ok eepi tmov i ng, y ourgoi ngt obei n awor l doft r oubl eandy ouwi l l l oos ey ouaudi enc e. Howdoy ouy ouk nowwhats ongst opl ayatwhatt i me? Wel l f ormei t ’ sal l aboutt hev i beoft heaudi enc eandk nowi nghowt or eadt hec r owd. Il i k et odo ev er y t hi ngi ns et s .Youhav et heopeni ngs ett haty ouj us tmel l owoutont ogett hec r owdwar medup Thent her esmi dl ev el s etwheny ouc r anki tupaf ewnot c hesandaf t ert hatwheni ’ mr eal l ygr oov i ngi Gof ort hePeakHours et , whi c hi st hebes tf ormeandi ’ m mos tc r eat i v e.Lot sonener gyi nt hats ec t or t hatwheni br eakoutmos toft henewerr ec or dsandmi xi nabi tofol ds c hool c l as s i c sf orat eas e. ReadMor eonwww. Al way z Ther r o. c om


ThePowerofWebs i t es Whyar et heyi mpor t ant ? Whydoweneedt hem?

Webs i t espopupal l t het i me,butf ewar es uc c es s f ul .Wes i tdownwi t hCEO of Fr eec r appl e. c om andt al kaboutwhati tt ak est omak ei ti nt hei nt er netbus i nes s .

Fr om t hel ook sofy ours i t ei tl ook sl i k ey ours i t ei sdoi ngpr et t y wel l ? YESi ti s ,peopl ear el ov i ngi tev er y bodyt hi nk si t sc ool t r af f i chasdoubl edi nt he l as tc oupl eweek s . Howl onghast hes i t ebeenup? Thes i t ewentl i v eJ une23r d Whatwoul dy out el l s omeonewhowant edt os t ar tt her eownwebs i t e? Iwoul dt el l t hem t hati t sj us tl i k eany t hi ngel s ey ouhav et ol ear nt hei nt er net game.Andk eepy ourear sopenc aus et hi ngsc hangeal l t het i me. Whatdoesy ours i t eof f er ? www. f r eec r appl e. c om i saFREEonl i ner af f l eorc r appl e.Wer af f l eof fgi f tc ar ds t ot hebes tr et ai l er sandr es t aur ant si nt henat i on.

Whatmak esy ourwebs i t edi f f er entf r om ot her s ? Wer eal l ygi v et hec ar dst ot hewi nner s ,noot herwebs i t ei sr eal l ygi v i ngaway s t uf ff orFREE.Wedon’ ts pam anyofourus er s ,wepos tourl at es tnewsonour f ac ebookpage. Howdi dy ouc omeupwi t ht hei deasofr af f l es ? Ij us tt houghti twoul dbeac ool i dea,s omet hi ngdi f f er entandi t r i edi t .Andt he r es pons ewasov er whel mi ngs oi mj us tFREECRAPPLEc r az ynow.

Vi s i twww. f r eec r appl e. c om


Dat i ngandSex

“ 5way st oAv oi dSex ual Bor edom� ( Sour c e-As kMen)Youl ov ehav i ngs ex ,buts omet i mespl at eauss eti nandy oumayf eel l i k ey ou' v ec ov er edev er y t hi ngandar es i mpl ygoi ngt hr ought hemot i ons .Wel l ,ev eni fy ouhav edoneev er y t hi ngs hor tofs wappi ngpar t ner sor t r y i ngt hes eSt arWar ss expos i t i ons ,t her ear eway st ok eepy ourgi r l ex c i t edwheni tc omest ohav i ngs ex . Her ear ef i v eway st oav oi ds ex ual bor edom andgi v ey ours exl i f es omek i c k . 1-Swi t c ht empo Speedi sabi gf ac t ori nt hes exgame,s oi fy ouk nownotonl yhowt os l owdownands peedup,butwhent odos o, y ou' l l bemak i ngy ourgi r l or gas m atwi l l . Tr ys t ar t i ngof fs l owwheni tc omest openet r at i on,eas i ngy ourwayi n.Then,asherbr eat hi ngbec omesheav i er ,begi n t opi c kups peed,ev ent ual l ypenet r at i ngherdeepl yandmor equi c k l y .Then,as kherwhats hewant sy out odo.What ev ers hedemands ,goatt hatt empof oral i t t l ewhi l e,butt henc hanget emposagai n.

I t ' supt oy out odet er mi newhatt empoy ourgi r l pr ef er sandt oc ons t ant l ys ur pr i s eherwi t hv ar y i ngr hy t hm andv el oc i t y Tr us tus ,t hi sal onec anhel py ouav oi ds ex ual bor edom -es pec i al l ywheny ous eet hef r us t r at i ononherf ac ebec aus e y out eas eherbyt ak i ngheri nonedi r ec t i onandbr i ngi nghert ot hebr i nk ,t hens wi t c hgear st ogi v eherequal pl eas ur e i nanot herdi r ec t i on.Funt i mes . 2-Changef or epl ay T oomanyc oupl ess t ar tt hei rs expl ayt hes ameway-al l t het i me.Youbot hl i ei nbed,y ougodownonher ,s hegoes downony ou,t heny ouhav es ex .I t ' st i met oadds omeel ement sofs ur pr i s et ot hemi x .

For epl ayc ani nv ol v eany t hi ngf r om s ex ual c onv er s at i ont odanc i ng.Youc ank i s shermout horr uny ourt ongueupher bac k .Ther ear enor ul est of or epl aywhent hegoal i st oav oi ds ex ual bor edom.Ther ei snos ur ef i r es y s t em wheni t c omest oex c i t i ngy ourpar t ner .Tr ydi f f er entt hi ngsanddi f f er entpos i t i onsi ny ours ex ual appr oac h. 3-Al t ert heambi anc e

Don' tbeaf r ai dt ohav es exi ndi f f er entl oc at i ons .I fy ouands hedon' tenj oyhav i ngs exout door sori ns t r angel oc at i ons atl eas toptt ohav es exi ndi f f er entr oomsofy ourhome.Thedi ni ngr oom t abl ei sgoodf oreat i ngany t hi ng. Li ght i ngc anal s oaddal i t t l es omet hi ngt ot hes ex .Fr om c andl est or edl i ght s ,c ol or sc anenhanc ey ourappear anc e andmayev enbec onduc i v et ol i v i ngouts omef ant as i es . Fi nal l y ,mus i ci sagr eataddonwheni tc omest os ex .Al t houghs omepeopl epr ef ers i l enc e-andt hat ' sf i ne-addi ng mus i ct ot heex per i enc eonoc c as i onwi l l al t erper c ept i on.Seduc ehers ens es ,dude. ReadMor eonwww. Al way z Ther r o. c om

“ WhenI st heRi ghtTi mef orSex ?� Whet hery ou' r enewt ot hedat i ngs c ene,ar egul arpl ay er ,orj umpi ngbac ki nt ot hegameaf t eral onghi at us , t hes ameques t i onsaboutdat i ngr ul esappl y :Hows oondoy oul eanov erf ort hatf i r s tk i s s ?I si tt ooear l yf or as t eamymak eouts es s i on?Andl as t-butbynomeansl eas t-howdoy ouk nowwhent het i mei sr i ghtf or s ex ? " Ther e' sr eal l ynof or mul at hatI ' v eenc ount er ed, "s ay s28y ear ol dAndr ewRey mer ,as i ngl er es i dentof Bal t i mor e,Mar y l and." I tdependsonhowr api dl yors l owl yt hi ngspr ogr es s . " J oanAl l en,ar el at i ons hi pex per t ,f i ndst hatbabyboomer sar ef armor el i k el yt owai tt ohav es ext han y oungerdat er s . " Es pec i al l yamongol derpeopl ewhowentt hr ought hes ex ual r ev ol ut i on,wi t hmat ur i t yt heyr eal i z et her ear e emot i onal c ons equenc esf orget t i ngi nv ol v edi nas ex ual r el at i ons hi p, "s ay sAl l en,aut horofCel ebr at i ng Si ngl eandGet t i ngLov eRi ght :Fr om St al emat et oSoul mat e. Ac c or di ngt ot hes i ngl eswhom Al l enhasenc ount er ed,boomer sgener al l ypl aybyf ardi f f er entdat i ngr ul es t hany oung,20s omet hi ngdat er s . " Is pok ewi t hay oungmani nhi sear l yt omi d20swhot ol dmet hati fhedi dn' thav es exont hef i r s tors ec ond ni ght ,he' dmov eont ot henex tper s on, "s her ec al l s .

Whi l ey ouc an' tappl yaones i z ef i t s al l r es pons et os ex ual dat i ngr ul esr egar dl es sofageorex per i enc e, pr of es s i onal swhohav es t udi edt het opi cs ayi ti sagoodi deat odev el opas etofpr udentdat i ngr ul es-bef or e t hebi gdat e. Dat i ngRul es :WhyWai t ? Byandl ar ge,Al l enandot herr el at i ons hi pex per t sendor s eac aut i ousappr oac ht ot hedat i ngr ul esofs ex . " Myadv i c ei st hi s :wai tasl ongasy ouc an, "Al l ens ay s . Herr at i onal ef ort hes edat i ngr ul esmays eem obv i ous ,butmanypeopl et endt of or geti nt heheatoft he moment ." Youmi ghtf i ndt haty oudon' tev enl i k et heper s on. "Ot herex per t sagr eet hats ext oos oonc an l eadt oundes i r abl ec ons equenc es . " I tbec omesmuc hmor edi f f i c ul tt oobj ec t i v el ys eeeac hot her ' sc har ac t ert r ai t s "s ay sSus anneAl ex ander , ar el at i ons hi pc oac handaut horofCanWeDanc e?Lear ni ngt heSt epsf oraFul f i l l i ngRel at i ons hi p. " Somec oupl est hens l i dei nt oengagementandmar r i ageonl yt odi s c ov ert heyhav emi s s eds eei ngmaj or as pec t sofeac hot her . "

" DwyaneWadeandGabr i el l eUni on Lawsui tDr opped" Gabr i el l eUni onandDwy aneWadec ank i s seac hot hernow.Andt heyc ank i s st hatl aws ui tf r om Si ohv aughn Wadegoodby e.Anupdat eont hei rk i s s yk i s s yl aws utwheny our eadon… Af t erDwy aneWade’ sex wi f eSi ohv aughnf i l edal aws ui ti nMaynami ngGabbyUni onandDwy aneasbei ng det r i ment al t oSi ohandDwy ane’ sk i ds ,al l hel l br ok el oos e. Si ohv aughnc l ai medt hatal l t hePDAGabbyandMr .Wadewer eal l egedl ys howi ngi nf r ontoft heWade’ st wo s onsc aus edt hem t obement al l ydi s t ur bed.Bot hGabbyandDwy anec al l edt hel aws ui ter r oneousandunt r ue. Andnow,ac c or di ngt oTMZ,anI l l i noi sj udgehast os s edt hec as ec i t i ng“ i mpr operj ur i s di c t i on” .WOMP. Sowhi l eGabyandDwy anear enowf r eet ogetf r i s k ywher ev ert heypl eas e,I ’ ms ur eSi ohv aughni sbus y c ook i ngupanot herwayt ogetbac katherexhubby ’ sf or mermi s t r es s …


F as hi onandL i f es t y l e

JayZ’ sNi keEdi t i on J ay Zi samanofbus i nes sandt hi st i mehe’ sl i nk i ngar mswi t hNi k et oc r eat eal i mi t ededi t i ons neak er .I n c onj unc t i onwi t ht heWor l dBas k et bal l Fes t i v al whi c ht ak espl ac ei nNewYor kf r om Augus t12t h–22nd, J ay Zc r eat edonl yf i v epai r sofNi k e’ s“ Al l Bl ac kEv er y t hi ngs ” .Eac hpai rr epr es ent seac hc ount r ywhi c h par t i c i pat esi nt heev ent :Fr anc e,Chi na,Br az i l ,Puer t oRi c oandt heUSA. Ni k edonat edal l f i v epai r st oJ ay Z’ snonpr of i tf oundat i on:TheShawnCar t erFoundat i on,f orc har i t y . Tr ev orEdwar ds ,Ni k eVPGl obal Br andandCat egor yManagementannounc edl as tweek endpr i ort ot he l aunc hoft heWor l dBas k et bal l Fes t i v al : “ We’ r eex c i t edt obr i ngt oget hert hei nt er nat i onal pr es t i geofJ ay Zandt heUSATeam ons t ageatf amed Radi oCi t yMus i cHal l t oopent hef i r s tWor l dBas k et bal l Fes t i v al .Thi swi l l beahi s t or i cni ght .We’ r eal s o honor edt oc ol l abor at ewi t hJ ay Zonl i mi t ededi t i onAi rFor c e1’ st hatc el ebr at et hec ount r i espar t i c i pat i ng i nt hi si naugur al ev ent . ” J ay Zi st heonl yot herper s ononear t hwi t ht hef ul l f i v epai r sofs neak er ss oi fy ouwantt oc ol l ec tal l f i v e andpul l aHov a,goov ert oeBayr i ghtnowbec aus et heauc t i oni ss t i l l upunt i l Augus t22nd,2010.Sof ar ( atpr es st i me) ,t heChi naedi t i oni st heoneget t i ngt hemos tbi dsandhast hemos tex pens i v epr i c eof $2, 225.Her ear es omepi c t ur esoft heUSedi t i on:

Ti mewi t hDadi sKeyt oKi ds’Happi ness:St udy Thekeyt ochi l dhoodhappi nessmi ghtbemor ef acet i mewi t hDad.Ki dswhochatr egul ar l ywi t ht hei rf at her ar ehappi ert hanki dswhodon’ t ,accor di ngt onewr esear ch. Chi l dr enwhoconver sewi t ht hei rf at her“ mostdays”r at edt hemsel ves87outof100onahappi nessscal e, whi l et hosewhor ar el yt al kt ot hei rdadsscor eda79.Thest udyr esul t s,r el easedbyt heChi l dr en’ sSoci et y i nGr eatBr i t ai nj usti nt i mef orFat her ’ sDay,cal l edt hef i ndi ngs“ hi ghl ysi gni f i cant ”becauser esear chhas demonst r at edt hataper son’ swel l bei ngl at eri nl i f ehasal ott odowi t ht hei rr el at i onshi pwi t hbot hpar ent s dur i ngt het eenyear s. Oft he1, 200chi l dr eni nt hest udy,whower e11t o15,near l y50% sai dt hey“ har dl yever ”t al kt ot hei rdads abouti mpor t antsubj ect s,ascompar edwi t hj ust28% whor epor tr ar el ydi scussi ngi mpor t antsubj ect swi t h t hei rmoms. Dadsmaynothaveasmanymeani ngf ulconver sat i onswi t ht hei rki ds,butt heyt endt or oughhousewi t h t hem mor et hanmomsdo,andr esear chi ndi cat est hat ’ si mpor t antf orki ds’devel opment ,t oo. “ Ther ear enowst udi esshowi ngt hatt hi ssocal l edr oughandt umbl epl aysuppor t sheal t hyexpl or at i on l at eroni nl i f e, ”Har var dMedi calSchoolassoci at ecl i ni calpr of essorWi l l i am Pol l ackt ol dMsnbc. com. “ Peopl eusedt owor r yt hati tmi ghti ncr easeaggr essi oni nboys,butt her e’ spl ent yofdat aoutt her et o showt hati tcanl eadt hem t obemor eempat het i c. ” St udi esal soshowt hatdadsof t enempowert hei rchi l dr enandencour aget hem t oexpl or eandmeetnew peopl e,accor di ngt oMsnbc. com.Anddadst endt obemor ei nchar geofpl ayt i met hant hemot her ,t oo. “ Mot her shel pchi l dr enf eelconnect ed,ant i ci pat edandwant ed, ”sai dPat r i ckTol an,pr of essoratt he Cur r ySchoolatt heUni ver si t yofVi r gi ni a,accor di ngt oMsnbc. com.“ Fat her st eacht hem howt oi nt er act wi t hot her sandhowt ocont r olt hemsel veswhent heyf eelt hei rneedsar en’ tbei ngmet . ” Onest udyf r om t heUni ver si t edeMont r ealSchoolofPsychoeducat i onobser vedpar ent si nt er act i ngwi t h t hei rt oddl er swhi l et hechi l dr enwer eputi nt o“ r i sky”si t uat i ons.Foroneexper i ment ,ast r angerappr oached t heki dsandi nanot her ,t heki dssawt oyspl acedatt het opofaf l i ghtofst ai r s.Whi l et hemomsst ayed cl oser ,dadsf ol l owedt hei rki dsatagr eat erdi st ance,whi chr esear cher ssai dencour agedki dst oexpl or e. “ Wef oundt hatf at her sar emor ei ncl i nedt hanmot her st oact i vat eexpl or at or ybehavi orbybei ngl ess pr ot ect i ve, ”l eadst udyaut horDani elPaquet t et ol dMsnbc. com.Andasanyi ndependent mi ndedchi l d knows,t hechancet oexpl or ewi t houtahel i copt ermom onboar dl eadst oevenmor ehappi ness

“ Fat her st eacht hem howt oi nt er act wi t hot her sandhowt ocont r olt hemsel veswhen t heyf eelt hei rneedsar en’ tbei ngmet . ”

Spr i ght l yPr osperAngelI sHoti nFr ance!

Wazgoodpeopl e.Wehadac hanc et ok i c ki twi t ht heCEO ofSpr i ght l yPr os perAngel Fas hi oni nFr anc et hi s mont h.Ches tMac beez y andhi st eam ar er eal l ymak i ngs omenoi s eac r os st hewat er s .Duet ot hel anguage bar r i er ,s omeoft hi si nt er v i ewmi ghtbehar dt ounder s t and.Wewanty out of eel whatwef el t . What st henameofy ourc l ot hi ngl i ne? Thenamei ss pr i ght l ypr os perangel … WhySpr i ght l y ? I t sanEngl i s hs peak i ngex pr es s i onwhi c hmeans“ t obeas s et( l i v el y ) Howl onghav ey oubeenout ? 3y ear s Pr et t ygood… SoHowdi dy oumeetTy ga? Meansoff r i endhasac ompanyofev ent( Ar oneOs i as,J onnyB)whi c h( hav e)or gani z edt hes t ayofTy gai n Fr anc e Whati ns pi r esy ourc l ot hi ngl i ne? God,t heBi bl e,mus i c ,Phar r el l ,Youngmoney ,Twi ns mat i c( f r enc hbeatmak er )et c . . Whys houl dwebuyy ourc l ot hes ? I t sanewc onc eptt he“ pr os per i t y ”i ti swhatal l t hewor dwi s hest obe.i nal l whatbegi nanys i mpl yi woul ds ay asav er s esoft hebi bl e“ whatwegi v ewer ec ei v e”t obuyhi m wi l l beabenedi c t i ononmi s c el l aneousmodel whi c har egoi ngmanagemodel mor et our gewi t hourownor i gi nal i t yt omi xt hes t r eetwear , t of as hi onwear , andt hel ux ur ywear,y ouwon’ tbedi s appoi nt ed Whatadv i c ewoul dy ougi v es omeonewhowant edt os t ar tt her eownc l ot hi ngl i ne? Bel i ev ehasi t sdr eams ,t of i ghtupt heendandt oputGodi nal l hi spr oj ec t s .I ti sr eal not ?i fgodi swi t hus whowi l l beagai ns tus Whati sy ourf ac ebook ? Ches tMac beez y&of f i c i al f anpage“ $pr i ght l ypr os perangel .

KanyeWest“ I ’ m notal l owi ngmyat t i t ude t ogeti nt hewayofmycr eat i onanymor e”

Kany eWes ti sl eav i nghi segoatt hedoor .Af t erf ac i ngc r i t i c i s mf orhi spas tbehav i or ,t heout s pok enr apper i sadopt i nganewat t i t udeandt ak i ngt i met obet t erhi ms el f . Thehi phops uper s t arbar edhi shear tdur i ngFr i day ’ sUs t r eam s es s i onwi t hhi sf ansf r om Kor ea.“ Somet i mesi t f r us t r at esmewhenpeopl ec al l menamesort r yt odownme,orj us tl ookatmel i k eI ’ m notar eal humanbei ng ” headmi t t ed“ .Yougot t ar eal i z e,al otoft i meswhenIt al kandI ’ mt al k i ngex t r emel yc oc k y ,I ’ m nott al k i ngabout my s el f ,I ’ mt al k i ngaboutt hewor kt hat ’ sal r eadydone.It hi nkpeopl es houl dbepr oudoft hei rwor k ,ot her wi s e t heys houl dn’ tputi tout . ” ButKany ei smak i ngac ons c i ousef f or tt oc hangehi sway s .“ May bet her e’ sc er t ai nt hi ngsI ’ l l dot hatnev erer as e c er t ai npeopl e’ sopi ni ons .Butal l Ic andoi sf oc usonbei ngabet t erper s on—t ak i ngt i mei nt heai r por tt ot ak e pi c t ur esi fI ’ m notaboutt omi s st hef l i ght ,t ak i ngt i met os t opatt hes t or e,ori fI ’ ml i k eatJ ambaJ ui c eors omet hi ng, andj us thav er eal c onv er s at i onswi t hpeopl eands oaki nev er y t hi ngpeopl ear egoi ngt hr ough. ” I ns t eadofl et t i nghi sac t i onsov er s hadowhi smus i c ,hewant shi swor kt os peakf ori t s el f .“ I t ’ snomor et i met obe ar udeas s hol ec el ebr i t y ,noneoft hat , ”hes ai d.“ I t ’ saboutt hear tandI ’ m notal l owi ngmyat t i t udet ogeti nt heway ofmyc r eat i onany mor e.Ihadt oc hangemyat t i t udec ompl et el yandnowmys t at ementi sonl yofamaz i ngwor k . That ’ sal l Iwannadoi sgi v ey oual l t hemos tamaz i ngwor kIc an. ”

Mr .Wes tapol ogi z edt oany onehedi s appoi nt edanddec l ar edhi ms el fac hangedmandur i ngaf r ees t y l ei nSi ngapor e. “ I ’ m anewmanandunder s t andmypos i t i onofpower , ”her appedast heaudi enc eappl audedwi t happr ov al .

I ns ear c hofs omel ux ur i ousey ewear ?Wel l l ooknof ur t herasMay bac hhasunv ei l edi t sl i neofl ux ur yey ewear t hatwi l l s ur el ymeetal l y ourl ux ur i ousneeds .Pr omi s i ngt ot ur ni t swear eri nt oas hows t opper ,t heMay bac h ey egeari shandc r af t edus i ngonl yt hebes tandhi ghes tqual i t ymat er i al s .Theey eweari smadebyGer man ey ewearmanuf ac t ur erI VKO f orMay bac hwhi l et hel ens esar emanuf ac t ur edbyZei s s .TheMay bac hEy ewear c ol l ec t i onboas t sofei ghtmodel si nupt oni nec ol or sandt endi f f er entf r amesi nupt os i xc ol or s .Themodel s i nc l udel i ght wei ght ,r i ml es s ,met al ,andnat ur al hor nr i ms .I fy oul ov et heMay bac hwheel s ,y ouwi l l def i ni t el y l ov et hes es hadesast hear msoft hef r ameswi l l hav et heMay bac hl ogoaswel l ast hemet al t hati mi t at es t hedoors i l l panel swhi l et hepi anol ac queront hewoodandc ar bonf i berar msr es embl et hef i ni s hoft het r i m s t r i psoft heMay bac hs ’ i nt er i or .Al ongs i det hes emodel s ,May bac hwi l l al s ol aunc han“ i ndi v i dual ”c ol l ec t i on t hatwi l l gi v ebuy er sanopt i onofc us t omi z i ngt hei rey egearac c or di ngt ot hei rneeds .Thec ol l ec t i onwi l l i nc l ude 19unus ual nat ur al hor nt ones ,s i xf i newoodorwood/ c ar bonf i berc ombi nat i ons ,andt enl enst i nt s .Butt he hi ghl i ghtoft he“ i ndi v i dual ”c ol l ec t i onpr omi s est obet he18c tgol ddet ai l s .Thec ol l ec t i onal s oof f er st heopt i on ofhav i ngi ndi v i dual namel et t er i ngi nt hear m.Thel ux ur i ousc ol l ec t i onofey ewearf r om May bac hi sex pec t ed t obeav ai l abl ef ors al ebyt heendofOc t ober .Thepr i c er angehowev eri sy ett obedi s c l os ed.

“ NewMay bac hEy ewear ”


Mus i c

Wi zKhal i f aE x pl ai nsT ur ni ng DownRi c kRos sAndDr ak e Wi zKhal i f adecl i nedt oal i gnhi sbuddi ngst ar dom wi t ht wooft hebi ggestnamesi nHi pHop,Ri ck RossandDr ake. ThePi t t sbur ghnat i ve,whowasal r eadysi gnedt oAt l ant i cRecor ds,sai dt hathest i l lwoul dhave cont i nuedt odecl i nesi gni ngwi t hRoss. “ Iwoul d’ vekeptdoi ngwhatIwasdoi ngt i l lIf oundsomet hi nghuge[ out si deofMaybachMusi c] . I ’ m al laboutst andi ngbehi ndmyownbr andi nst eadofput t i ngmysel fupundersomebodyel se’ s, ”het ol dVI BE. com.“ [ Success]mi ghtt akeal i t t l ebi tl ongerandt akemor ewor k,buti nt heendi t paysof fbecauseIcanst andr i ghtupt her ewi t hmypeer sandhaver espect . ” Ear l i ert hi smont h,Dr akeof f er edKhal i f aanoppor t uni t yt ot our ,butKhal i f apassedont he“ Li ght dr eamsandNi ght mar es”t our . “ Ineverr eal l yhadt oomanycosi gns…ornoonel etmeknowt hatIwasont hei rr adar ,sof orme, al loft hi si scoolandl et smeknowt hatIneedt okeepdoi ngwhatI ’ m doi ng, ”hesai d.“ ButI ’ m not t oof ocusedont hat . Idon’ tdowhatIdoj ustt ogetr ecogni t i onf r om ever ybody.That ’ sj ustext r a t ome. ” Khal i f awi l lsoonembar konhi sownWakenBakent our .

J . Col eT ar get sDec emberf orDebut , HeWant st oDr opACl as s i cL P Rook i es ens at i onJ .Col ei snotl et t i nghi sgr owi ngpopul ar i t yr us ht hec ompl et i onofhi sdebutal bum f or J ay Z’ sRocNat i on. I nar ec enti nt er v i ewwi t hNYDai l yNews ,t heFay et t ev i l l e,NCnat i v eex pl ai nedt hathehas n’ tr el eas ed t het i t l eofhi sal bum,c or r ec t i ngear l i erer r oneousr epor t st hathehadnamedt hepr oj ec tCol eWor l d. “ Is t i l l hav en’ tbr oughtoutt het i t l ef ort heal bum bec aus eIwantt obr i ngi touti nmyownway , ”he v er i f i ed.“ Butwes t i l l gott i mebef or et heal bum c omesout .I ts houl dbenol at ert hanDec ember . ” J .Col ehads pentt hemaj or i t yoft hi sy earwor k i ngt ohav et heLPoutbyOc t ober26. Unl i k emos tr apdebut s ,he’ shopef ul t ok eept hegues tappear anc esl i mi t edt oj us thi sment orJ ay Z. Col eal s oal l udedt hatt hepus hbac k ’ sr eas oni sduet ohi sf oc usonput t i ngoutadebutal bum t hatwi l l hav el egsi nt ot henex tdec adel i k ehi si ns pi r at i onsNas( I l l mat i c )andJ ay Z( Reas onabl eDoubt ) . “ I ts eemsl i k eev er yt i meIgeti nt hes t udi ot heal bum c hangesal i t t l ebi tandget sbi ggerwi t heac h s ongIdo, ”Col edi s c l os ed.“ Thei mpor t anc ei st hatt hemus i cs oundss pec i al andwi l l bes omet hi ng t hat ’ sar oundi nt henex t10y ear s . ” J .Col e’ sdebutwi l l bet hef i r s tal bum out s i deofJ ay Zf orRocNat i on.

“ Ist i l lhaven’ tbr oughtoutt het i t l ef ort heal bum becauseIwantt obr i ngi touti nmyownway, ”

BABYCOMPARES LI LWAYNETO MI CAHEL JACKSON CashMoneyRecords’co-founderBabyhascomparedhis

ar t i stLi lWaynet ot hel at epopi conMi chaelJacksonand r eveal st hehi ghhopeshehasf ort her apperwhenher et ur ns f r om j ai l . TheBi r dmancr edi t sWayne’ shar dwor ket hi casr eason enoughf ort hecompar i son. “ WhenWaynecomeshomehel i f t sever ybody’ sspi r i t s,he l i f t sever ybody’ sval ue,hel i f t st hebr and,hel i f t sever yt hi ng. Waynei sgonnabet hebi ggestar t i sti nmusi c,notj usti nhi phop;i nmusi c.I t ’ ssomeMi chaelJacksonsh* tr i ghther egoi n’ onr i ghtbef or eoureyes…He’ sabeast ;hewentbackt ot hat r awr appi n’ .Thatn* ggast i l lbei mpr essi n’mewi t hhi smusi c. Isayt hatt osayt hatIbear oundhi m al otsot hesh* thedo andsayshoul dn’ tbeasi mpr essi vet ome.I ’ m oneofhi s bi ggestf ans,Ibegeekedoutonhi m.Iwat chhi m wor k,he’ s j ustcol d.I t ’ ssomemagi calshi tt owat cht heyoungbl ooddo whathedo. ”( XXLMag) WhenJayZwasnamedMTV’ sNo.1“ Hot t esti nt heGame” emceel astf al l ,Babydenouncedt heaccol adeandar guedf or Wayneasr ap’ st opt al ent . “ Idon’ tt hi nkheanumberoneemceei nnoki ndaway, ”Baby sai di nanOct ober2009i nt er vi ew.“ Waynet hebesthedot he mostandhemaket hemostmoney.Idontt hi nknon* ggai n t hebusi nessmakemor emoneyt hanus.Howcoul dyoube t hebesti fyoudon’ tmaket hebestmoney,t hemostmoney andyoudon’ tdot hemost .Lyr i cal l y,comeonmanbef orr eal mancan’ tnobodyf * ckwi t hWayne.Andt ome,i fyounumber oneandyouai ntget t i ngnomoneyi tdon’ tmeannot hi ng. Who’ smaki ngt hemostmoney.That ’ snumberonet ome. F* ckal lt hatr apsh* t .Sh* t ,y’ al lgotcol dr apper syounever evenhear dandt henyougotn* ggaswhor eal l ycan’ tr apand maki ngmoney.I t ’ saboutwho’ smaki ngt hemostmoneyt ome. Idon’ tgi veaf * ckaboutt her estoft hatsh* t . ”( Tr opi calTV)

50Cent ’ sGUni t Rec or dsI nk s Di s t r i but i onDeal Wi t hE MI I t ’ sof f i c i al :50Cent ’ sGUni thasi nk edadeal wi t hEMILabel Ser v i c est omar k et ,pr omot eanddi s t r i but e r el eas esf r om t hepopul arNewYor k bas edr ec or dl abel . Thef i r s tr el eas eundert henewdeal wi t hbeLl oy dBank s ’ t hi r ds ol oal bum H. F. M.2( HungerForMor e2) , whi c hi ss l at edf oraNov ember23r d,r el eas edat e. Ll oy dBank s ’ r el eas ewi l l bef ol l owedbyTonyYay o’ sunt i t l edf ol l owupt ohi s2008s ol odebutThought s ofaPr edi c at eFel on. Yay o’ sal bum,whi c hwi l l i nc l udet hes i ngl e“ Pas st hePat r on, ”wi l l l andi ns t or esi near l y2011. “ I t ’ sr ef r es hi ngt os eet heEMIs t af fex c i t edaboutmypr oj ec t ,t heyhav et hepas s i onandener gyIhav en’ t s eeni nwhi l e, ”Ll oy dBank st ol dAl l Hi pHop. c om i nas t at ementt oday( Augus t13t h) . Mi k eHar r i s ,ex ec ut i v eVi c ePr es i dentandGener al Managerf orEMILabel Ser v i c es ,wasex c i t edt o wel c omeGUni t ,oneofHi pHop’ sbes tk nownbr ands ,t ot hel abel . “ GUni ti sahugef or c e, ”Har r i ss t at ed.“ Ll oy dBank sk nowshowt odel i v eral y r i c al punc handhi ss i ngl e hasal r eadygener at edhugeant i c i pat i onf ort heal bum. .TonyYay oi sat ot al l yuni quet al ent ,and‘ Pas s t hePat r on’ al r eadyhast heHi pHopwor l dbuz z i ngabouthi sal bum c omi ngoutnex ty ear . ” Forweek s ,f anss pec ul at edwher eGUni tmi ghtendup,wi t hmos toft hec hat t erhi nt i ngt oadeal wi t h DefJ am,wher ef or merGUni tRec or dsPr es i dentShaMoneyXLs er v esasEx ec ut i v eVi c ePr es i dent . Wi t ht hemov et oEMI ,GUni tRec or dsi snol ongerundert heI nt er s c ope/ Uni v er s al umbr el l aofr ec or dl abel s . “ TheEMIs t af fi sc r eat i v eandwi l l i ngt ot hi nkout s i det hebox , ”TonyYay oex pl ai nedt oAl l Hi pHop. c om i n as t at ement .“ Theyar ef ansofmymus i candc ar eer .I ’ ml ook i ngf or war dt omar k et i ngandpr omot i ngmy upc omi ngal bum wi t ht hem. ”

“ L l oy dBank sk nowshowt odel i v eral y r i c al punc handhi ss i ngl ehasal r eady gener at edhugeant i c i pat i onf ort heal bum”

CommonL andsRol eAsF r eedSl av e i n‘ Hel l OnWheel s ’ Accor di ngt o( Al l Hi pHopNews)Chi cagor apst ar / act orCommonwi l laddanot hercr edi tt ohi sr esumewhenhe st ar si nhi sf i r stTVl eadr ol ef orAMCasaf r eedsl avei nser i esHel lonWheel s. Accor di ngt or epor t s,t her apperwi l lpl ayt her ol eof“ El am, ”af r eedsl avewhoi sheadi ngwestt oseekwor k bui l di ngt heTr anscont i nent alRai l r oad. Ther apperwi l lpl ayabl ack/ whi t emanat t empt i ngt of i ndhi spl acei nt hewor l dast hef abl edr ai l r oadsyst em i sbui l t . “ Commonbr i ngsal ayer edi nt ensi t yt oaver ycompl exr ol e, ”sai dJoelSt i l l er man,seni orvi cepr esi dentof AMC’ spr ogr ammi ng,pr oduct i onanddi gi t alcont ent .“ Thi spar tr equi r edsomeonewhocant r anscendt he st er eot ypesoft heper i odandbr i ngt hechar act ert ol i f ei nat r ul yuni queway,andhebr i ngst hat .Wear e t hr i l l edt ohavehi mj oi nourcast . ” Theact ualTr anscont i nent alRai l r oadwasbui l tbet ween18631869andwast hesecondhi ghestpr i or i t y f orAbr aham Li ncol n’ sadmi ni st r at i on,behi ndt hequest i onofsl aver yi nt heSout h. Ther ai l way,whi chwast hef i r sti nt hewor l dt ost r et chcoast t ocoast ,wasbui l tbyami xt ur eofavar i et yof et hni ci t i es,i ncl udi ngAf r i caAmer i cans,I r i shAmer i cans,Chi neseAmer i cans,I t al i anAmer i cansandNat i ve Amer i cans. Whi l eHel lonWheel si sCommon’ sf i r stt el evi si onr ol e,t her apperhashadsever alhi ghpr of i l eappear ances ont hesi l verscr een. Common’ sact i ngcr edi t si ncl uder ol esi nmovi esl i keJustWr i ght ,Dat eNi ght ,Smoki n’Aces,Amer i can Gangst erandTer mi nat or :Sal vat i on.

“ Commonbr i ngsal ay er edi nt ens i t yt oa v er yc ompl exr ol e, ”s ai dJ oel St i l l er man



9Way sT oGoF r omNobodyT oSomebody Thi sgener at i onofki ds want sever yt hi ngyest er day.Nobodyhaspat i enceanymor e.I t ’ snol ongerj ustabout i nst antgr at i f i cat i on;i t ’ sabouti nst antgr at i f i cat i ont hatsomeoneel sewor ksf oronyourbehal f .Youcanal most neveramountt oanyt hi ngi nl i f eorappr eci at ewhati ti st obeasomebodyunl essyoust ar tof fasanobody.

Sowhati fyoust ar tatt hebot t om oft hef oodchai n?Seei ngt hi ngsf r om t hegr oundf l oorupl et syouseewhat i tt akest odi st i ngui shyour sel ff r om t hecaf onesar oundyou.Don’ tki dyour sel fi nt ot hi nki ngyoucanbeasuccess over ni ght( r emember ,i tt akes10year st obeanover ni ghtsuccess) .

Letmef ur t heri l l ust r at et hi spoi ntbyt el l i ngyouaboutmynephewVi nni e.Vi nni ei saf i neboybuthehasno under st andi ngoft hewor d“ pat i ence”orhavi ngagoodwor ket hi c.Het el l smeal lt het i me:“ Uncl e,Iwantt he bi ghousewi t ht hr eegar ages( heact ual l ysays“ t r eegar ages, ”butIdi gr ess) ,Iwantt heMer cedes,Iwantt he expensi vewi nes…”That ’ swhenIpul lhi m byt heear sandt el lhi m:“ Vi nni e,out si deoft heset r ust f undi di ot s, doyouseewhot ypi cal l yhast heset hi ngs,t hesef ancycar sandl ar gehomes?I t ’ sf atol df * cks,notyoungt ur ks. Whatmakesyousospeci alt hatyoucanski pst eps?”Hedoesn’ tr eal i zet hatt her ear ewayst ogof r om nobody t osomebodyandt hati tt akest i me.

Thec onc epti seas y ,boy s .Al l t hes eguy swi t hf anc yt hi ngs— gues swhat ?I tt ookt hem awhi l et ogett hem. Fi r s tt heys t ar t edwi t ht hes mal l hous et hatt heypai dof fandt ur nedi nt oadownpay mentonabi ggerhous e, whi c ht heypai dof fagai nt ogett hebi ghous ewi t ht hef anc ymar bl ewal k way .Ev ernot i c et hegr ayhai rand pot bel l yonguy swi t hmans i onsori nex ot i cs por t sc ar s ?Les s onher ei s ,don’ tex pec tat29whatev er y one bef or ey ougotat59.Capi s c e?Good.Nowont os omepr ac t i c al adv i c e. Ther ei snev erones i ngl et hi ngy oudot hatc ant r ans f or my ouri mpor t anc ei ns t ant l y .Ev eni fy ouar eel ec t ed pr es i dent ,y ougett her ebyc l i mbi ngt her opes ,f ol l owi ngt hec odeandbei ngdi f f er entl ev el sofas omebody f i r s t .Unl i k ei nt hemov i es ,nok i di sj us tgoi ngt ogetpl uc k edf r om Br ook l y nandwi nt hepr es i dent i al el ec t i on bec aus ehepr omi s esv ot er she’ sgoi ngt o“ k eepi tr eal . ”Soher ear es ev er al poi nt er s : 1-Getmoney Buyy ourwayi nt obei ngi mpor t ant .Themor emoneyy ouhav e,t hemor epeopl ewantt ol i c ky ourar s eand t hemor ec r apy ougetf orf r ee.Gof i gur e.Ther ei snot hi ngl i k ewal k i ngi nt oapl ac eands ay i ng:“ Ineedt o s pendal otofmoney ”t ogety ounot i c ed.Butt hi si sf l eet i ngi mpor t anc e,andhav i ngc as hi s n’ tenought o mak ey ouaper manents omebody . 2-Hav es t r eetc r ed I nmyl i neofwor k ,onc ey ouar emadeorev eni fy ouar eas s oc i at edwi t haFami l y ,y ouar eas omebody . Hav i ngar eput at i onont hes t r eethel ps ,howy ougoabouti ti sawhol eot herar t i c l e. 3-Mak eabi gmov e Ther ei snot hi ngl i k eabi gmov et ogety ounot i c ed.Whet heri t ’ sabi ghei s t ,al ar gemer gerorani mpor t ant s peec h,y ouc anc l i mbupt hes i gni f i c anc el adderpr et t yqui c k l ybydoi ngs omet hi ngt hatwi l l bear c hi v ed i nt hehi s t or ybook s( whet heri t ’ st heonest hatgets t or edi nal i br ar yori nt heFeds ’ pr i v at ec ol l ec t i onof mugs hot s ) . 4-Beanex per t Ev er y oneal way sneedst heopi ni onofot herpeopl e.Ev enIc anadmi twhender i v at i v epr i c i ngmodel s t heor yi sabov emyhead.Ihav et oc al l as c hmuc kwhoc ant el l mewhatt hehel l t hati s .ButwhenIc al l , Iwantt oc al l t hebes tbec aus eIk nowt hebes tk nowswhathei sdoi ngandhowhec anhel pmebef or e Iev enopenmymout h.I t ’ snotenought obeanaut hor i t yons omet hi ng— y ouhav et obet heaut hor i t y t ogetr ec ogni z ed.Soi ns t eadofbei ngs at i s f i edasar egul arl awy er ,ac c ount ant ,c omput ergeek ,what ev er , bet hebes ti ny ourf i el d.Hav es omet r ai tt hati sex c l us i v et oy ouanddon’ tbeagener i ci di otl i k emos t peopl e. hec onc epti seas y ,boy s .Al l t hes eguy swi t hf anc yt hi ngs— gues swhat ?I tt ookt hem awhi l e t ogett hem.Fi r s tt heys t ar t edwi t ht hes mal l hous et hatt heypai dof fandt ur nedi nt oadownpay ment onabi ggerhous e,whi c ht heypai dof fagai nt ogett hebi ghous ewi t ht hef anc ymar bl ewal k way .Ev er not i c et hegr ayhai randpot bel l yonguy swi t hmans i onsori nex ot i cs por t sc ar s ?Les s onher ei s ,don’ t ex pec tat29whatev er y onebef or ey ougotat59.Capi s c e?Good.Nowont os omepr ac t i c al adv i c e.

5-Tak er i s k s Thi si shi tandmi s s ,buti nl i f e,c er t ai nr i s k spayof f .Ther ear et oomanyex ampl esoft hi ngsy ouc ando, s s s oI ’ m notgoi ngt owas t emyt i mel i s t i ngt hem,butj us tr emembert hatv er yr ar el ydoguy sl i k eHar r y“ The Bor i ngOf f i c eCl er k ”mak ei tbi g. 6-Hav eas pi el Youwantt ogetnot i c ed?Youwantt os t andoutf r om t hec r owd?Hav es omeuni que“ t hi ng”peopl e r emembery ouby .I tc oul dbeauni quel ook( noneoft hatear r i ngordy edhai rc r ap,t hough) ,auni que wayoft al k i ng,as mi r k ,ages t ur e,what ev er .Hav es omet hi ngt hatmak esy oudi f f er ent ,anor i gi nal s pi el t hat ’ sy ourc al l i ngc ar d.Li k ei fy oul i v ei nTex as ,beawhi t eguywi t hbr ownhai randy ou’ l l s t andoutamong t hebl ondc owboy sal l ar oundy ou.I nMi ami ,bet heonl yguywhowear sbl ac kdayandni ghtanddoes n’ t k nowawor dofSpani s h. Readmor eher e www. Al way z Ther r o. c om

“ T heVal ueof Hav i ng AF l awl es sRes ume” Sar i naAmi ni sapr of es s i onal r es umewr i t ert hathas wor k edi nt hemanagementc ons ul t i ngi ndus t r yf orov er 10y ear s .Sar i nahashads i gni f i c antex per i enc ei n r ec r ui t i ng,i nt er v i ewi ng,andhi r i ngc andi dat est hr oughoutherc ar eer ,and ut i l i z est hi sk nowl edget ohel pc l i ent sdev el ops t r onger ,r es ul t s or i ent edr es umes .Shet ak esav er yper s onal i z edappr oac ht oeac hc l i entt oens ur et hei rr es umec apt ur ess t r engt hsands k i l l st hatar edi r ec t l yr el at edt o t hej obst heyar el ook i ngf or ,ands heguar ant eess at i s f ac t i onwi t hamoney bac kof f eri ft her es umedoes notmeetex pec t at i ons .

What ’ st hef i r s tt hi ngy ouwoul ds ayt os omeonewhent heyas ky out odes c r i bey our s el fasar es umewr i t er ? Per s onal .I nqui s i t i v e.Cr eat i v e.Thos ear e3t r ai t st hatIbel i ev ear ees s ent i al t obei ngagr eatr es umewr i t er . It ak eav er yper s onal i z edappr oac ht oeac hc l i entt or eal l yunder s t andt hei rs k i l l sandbac k gr ound.Ias k det ai l edques t i onst odr awoutt he“ r es ul t s ”t hatneedt obehi ghl i ght edi nt her es ume.AndIt hi nkaboutwhat ’ s mi s s i ng( notj us twhat ’ sal r eadyont hepage)t of i ndc r eat i v eway st ol i nkt hei rs k i l l sandex per i enc est ot he j obst heyar eappl y i ngt o.

Howl onghav ey oubeeni nt hei ndus t r y ? For10y ear snow,Ihav ebeeni nv ol v edi nRec r ui t i ngf oral l l ev el swi t hi nanor gani z at i on,s oIam v er yf ami l i ar wi t hwhatpot ent i al empl oy er sar el ook i ngf ordur i ngt her es umes c r eeni ngpr oc es s .I naddi t i on,Ihav ebeen l ev er agi ngt hatk nowl edgeasapr of es s i onal r es umewr i t erf ort hepas t5y ear s ,andhav ewr i t t enr es umesf or c l i ent si nav ar i et yofi ndus t r i esandex per i enc el ev el sr angi ngf r om under gr adst oCEOs .

WhatI ns pi r esYourwr i t i ng? Ther ear ebas i cr ul est or es umewr i t i ngt hatal otofwr i t er sc anl ear nandf ol l ow.Butwhats et sc er t ai nwr i t er s /s er v i c esapar ti st her eal i z at i ont hatas t r ongr es umec anr eal l yc hanget hej obout l ookands uc c es sr at ef or appl i c ant s .Iam pas s i onat eabouthel pi ngc l i ent sbec aus eIhav es eenf i r s t handt hedi f f er enc eagr eatr es ume c anmak ei nhel pi ngs omeonel andani nt er v i ew,aj ob,andac ar eert hatt heyar ehappyi n.Myc ommi t mentt o eac hc l i ents t emsf r om t hek nowl edget hatnomat t erhowqual i f i edac andi dat emaybe,he/ s hemaynev erget t hej obt heydes er v ewi t houtas t r ongr es umet ohel pt hem geti nt hedoor . Wher ear ey ouf r om? Iam or i gi nal l yf r om NewJ er s ey ,butnowl i v ei nNewYor kCi t ywher et hej obmar k eti soneoft hemos t c ompet i t i v ei nt hec ount r y .

Howi mpor t anti si tt ohav eapr of es s i onal r es ume? Ex t r emel y .Es pec i al l yi nt hi sec onomywi t hs omanyappl i c ant sal l v y i ngf ort hes amej obs .Ther es umei sy our f i r s tandof t enonl yc hanc et omak eani mpr es s i ononar ev i ewer/r eaders oi fi t ’ snotey ec at c hi ng,ent i c i ng, andwel l mat c hedt ot hej oby ou’ r eappl y i ngf or ,i t ’ sl i k el yt obet os s edi nt ot he“ no”pi l epr et t yqui c k l y .Ther e i sbot has c i enc eandanar tt or es umewr i t i ng,andhav i ngt hatex t r aadv ant agei nk nowi ngex ac t l ywhat empl oy er swantc anmak et hedi f f er enc ebet weenac al l bac kandnor epl y .

e o t

5 Qui ck Ways t oBoost Your Cr edi tScor e

Despi t ewhatal lt headver t i sement ssay,t her ear en’ tmanywaysf oryout oi ncr easeyourcr edi tscor equi ckl y andl egi t i mat el y.Manyoft headver t i sedt act i csr evol vear ounddi sput i ngol d,negat i vei nf or mat i oni nt hehopes t hatt heor i gi nalcr edi t orwon’ tr espondandt hemar kwi l lber emoved.I t ’ sanent i r el yl egi t i mat et echni quebut i t ’ sal i t t l edi shonest .Somecompani esal soadvocat ewr i t i ngal et t ert ot heor i gi nalr epor t erofnegat i ve i nf or mat i onandaski ngt hem t or emovet hemar kf oroner easonoranot her .Whi l el essdi shonest ,i tgoes agai nstt hespi r i tofhowt hescor ewasi nt endedandwhi l eIhavenopr obl em wi t hi t ,It hi nkt her ear esever al honestmovesyoucanmaket ogi veyourscor eaboostwi t houtr esor t i ngt ot heset act i cs. cont r oloveri scr edi t ut i l i zat i on.Cr edi tut i l i zat i oni ssi mpl yacal cul at i onofhowmuchofyourcr edi tyouar ecur r ent l yusi ng.Asi mpl e t ot albal anceoweddi vi dedbyt ot alcr edi tl i mi t .So,youcanei t herdecr easet het ot albal anceowedori ncr ease t het ot alcr edi tl i mi t .

Cr edi tcar di ssuer sl i keCi t iandAmer i canExpr essgi veyout heopt i ont or equestacr edi tl i nei ncr easet hr ough t hei ronl i neaccountmanager s.Youhavet odoal i t t l edi ggi ngt of i ndt hem butwhenyoudo,t heyr epr esentt he qui ckestwayyoucanboostyourl i mi t .Whenyour equestani ncr ease,t heywi l lsomet i mespr esentyouanof f er ofal i mi ti ncr easewi t houtacr edi ti nqui r y— t akei t .

Somet i mest heywon’ tof f eryouani nst anti ncr easeandwi l lr equestaddi t i onali nf or mat i on,atwhi chpoi ntyou shoul dcancelt heappl i cat i onf ormor ecr edi t .Youdonotwantt hem t opul lyourcr edi taspar toft hei ncr ease pr ocessbecauset hatwi l ll oweryourscor e.Mostcr edi tcar di ssuer swon’ ti ncr easeal i neofcr edi twi t hi nt wel ve mont hsofanaccountopeni ngandwon’ tconsi dercr edi tl i mi ti ncr easessi xmont hsaf t ert hel astone,sosave your sel fsomet i mei ft hatappl i esyou.

PayOf fDebt I fyou’ veal r eadyt r i edt omaket hedenomi nat orbi gger ,i t ’ st i met of ocusonmaki ngt het opnumbersmal l er . Payi ngof fdebti st hebestwayt odot hatbecauseyoul oweryourt ot albal anceowed,youl owert het ot al amountofi nt er estyoupay,andyoui mpr oveyourcr edi tscor eatt hesamet i me!I ti sn’ tassi mpl easi tsounds, however ,becauseyoupr obabl ywoul dn’ tbecar r yi ngal lt hatdebti fyoucoul dpayi tof f ,r i ght ? Char geLess Thecr edi tr epor tdoesn’ tcar ewhet herornotyoucar r yabal ancewheni tcal cul at esyourut i l i zat i on.I tt akes yourst at ement ’ scl osi ngbal ance,eveni fyoupayi ti nf ul lt hatsameper i od. Al wayzTher r o. com Readmor eonwww.

5F ac t sY ouDon’ t KnowAbout St udent L oansBut Shoul d

I nt hec ur r entec onomi cenv i r onment ,onei mpac toft hec r edi tc r unc hi st hati t ’ sget t i nghar dert hanev ert o obt ai nl oansofal l k i nds ,i nc l udi ngs t udentl oans .Unf or t unat el y ,mi l l i onsofAmer i c ansr el yonl oanst opayf ora c ol l egeeduc at i on.That ’ swhyr oughl y$730bi l l i oni nf eder al andpr i v at es t udentl oansar eout s t andi ng,andonl y 40per c entofi ti sc ur r ent l ybei ngr epai d,ac c or di ngt oFi nAi d. or g,whi c ht r ac k ss t udentl oans . I fy our equi r el oanst opayf ory oureduc at i on–ory ourc hi l d’ s–y ouneedt oar my our s el fwi t hi nf or mat i ont obe as mar tbor r ower .Her ear ef i v ef ac t sy ous houl dk nowi nor dert odoj us tt hat . Fac t#1:Youc anel i mi nat eorr educ es t udentl oansbys queez i ngmor ef r eef i nanc i al ai doutofas c hool Sl as hy ourneedf ors t udentl oansbyget t i ngy ourc ol l eget ogi v ey ouabet t erf i nanc i al ai dpac k age–es pec i al l y s c hol ar s hi ps ,gr ant sorwor k s t udyawar ds .Youmaybeabl et odot hi si fy ourf ami l ys i t uat i onhasc hanged s ubs t ant i al l ys i nc ey ouappl i edf orai d( i . e.adi v or c eamongt hepar ent s ,adeat hoft hef ami l y ’ smai nbr eadwi nner ,s er i ousi l l nes s ,et c . ) . Aty ourr eques t ,ahel pf ul f i nanc i al ai dc ouns el ormayal s or ec ons i dery ouri ni t i al f i nanc i al ai dawar di fy ou c andemons t r at et hatt hepac k ageof f er edi ss i gni f i c ant l yl es s( atl eas t$2, 000ors o)t hant hec os tofat t endi ng t hes c hool .

l y


Fac t#2:St udentl oanr at esandt er msar enegot i abl e Ev er yJ ul y1,Congr es sadj us t st hei nt er es tr at ec apsc har gedonf eder al s t udentl oans .Howev er ,c ont r ar yt o popul arbel i ef ,Congr es sdoes n’ t“ s et ”t her at esf orf eder al s t udentl oans .I ns t ead,t hef edsi mpos ea “ max i mum”i nt er es tr at et hatl ender sc anc har ge,t henl ender ss ett hei rownr at esbas edonwhatt hemar k et wi l l bear . Ther ef or e,i fy ou’ r ewi l l i ngt onegot i at eandas kf ormor ef av or abl er at esandl oant er ms ,y ouc anf i ndmany l ender st hatwi l l agr eet oc har geal owerr at et hant hef eder al max i mum i nt er es tr at e.As kf orl oweri nt er es t r at esbas edon: a)Hav i ngpay ment saut omat i c al l ydeduc t edf r om y ourc hec k i ng/ s av i ngsac c ount . b)Mak i ngas etnumberof‘ ont i me’ pay ment s( 24t o48mont hsofont i mepay ment sof t enqual i f i esy ouf or ar at ec ut ,andaf ewl ender swi l l gi v ey oubr eakev ens ooner ) . c )Ear ni nggoodgr adesorqual i f y i ngf oranyot heri nc ent i v epr ogr amsal enderof f er s . Fac t#3:I fy oumus tbor r ow,al way ss eekf eder al l oansf i r s t–notpr i v at el oans Feder al s t udentl oanshav ebet t erl oanf or gi v enes s ,f or bear anc eanddef er mentopt i onst handopr i v at el oans . They ’ r eal s omuc hc heaperl oans–andt hey ’ l l beev enl es sc os t l yi nt henearf ut ur e.Ri ghtnow,t hef eder al c aponSt af f or dLoans ,t hemos tc ommont y peoff eder al s t udentl oan,i sf i x edat6. 8per c entf orunder gr aduat es .I t ’ s8. 5per c entf orPLUSLoans–l oansawar dedt ogr aduat es t udent sorpar ent st opayf ort hei r k i ds ’ educ at i on. Thegoodnewsi st hatanys t udentt ak i ngoutnew,s ubs i di z edSt af f or dl oanswi l l hav epr ogr es s i v el yl oweri nt er es tr at esnowandi nt hef ut ur e,t hank st ot heCol l egeCos tReduc t i onandAc c es sAc tof2007.Subs i di z ed l oansar et heoneswher et hegov er nmentpay st hei nt er es tont hel oanswhi l et hes t udenti si ns c hool . Fort he201011s c hool y ear ,t hei nt er es tr at eons ubs i di z edSt af f or dLoansget sc utt o4. 5per c ent .I n20112012,r at esons ubs i di z edf eder al l oansdr opagai nt oj us t3. 4per c ent .Byc ompar i s on,pr i v at el oansc ur r ent l y hav ev ar i abl ei nt er es tr at esandc anav er ageabout10per c ent ,dependi ngonas t udent ’ sc r edi tandwhet her ornotheors hehasac os i gner . Fac t#4:Yourempl oy erc anhel pel i mi nat ey ours t udentl oans Al i t t l ek nownwayt ogetr i dofc ol l egedebti st ohav ey ourbos spayi tof f .Manyempl oy er swi l l dos oi fy ou s i gnanempl oy menti nc ent i v ec ont r ac t .Thi smeanst hatasa“ bonus ”or“ per k ”t oy ou,y ourj obpay sy our s t udentl oans .I nt ur n,y ouagr eet obeal oy al empl oy eeandr emai nwi t ht hec ompanyf oragi v ent i meper i od, s ayatl eas tt wot ot hr eey ear s . Sot henex tt i mey ou’ r eupf orar ai s eorper f or manc eappr ai s al ,r ai s et hi ss ubj ec twi t hy ourbos s .I fy ouf ol l ow t hi sadv i c e,y oumaynothav et opayy ours t udentl oansatal l –y ourempl oy erwi l l ! Fac t#5:Thef eder al gov er nmentwi l l payupt o$60, 000ofy ourc ol l egedebt Thegov er nment ’ sFeder al St udentLoanRepay mentPr ogr am c anbeahugewi ndf al l t oany onewi t hf eder al s t udentl oans .Admi ni s t er edbyt heOf f i c eofPer s onnel Management ,t hi spr ogr am al l owsanyf eder al agenc y t haty ouwor kf ort opayof fupt o$10, 000annual l yofy ours t udentl oans ,upt oamax i mum of$60, 000. What ’ st hec at c h?Yous i mpl yhav et oagr eet obeempl oy edbyaf eder al gov er nmentagenc yf oras etper i od oft i me,us ual l yatl eas toneort woy ear s . Fordet ai l edadv i c eaboutmanagi ngs t udentl oandebt ,pi c kupac opyofmybook‘ Zer oDebtf orCol l ege Gr ads :Fr om St udentLoanst oFi nanc i al Fr eedom. ’

1 0Way sT oT hi nkL i k eACE O

ABC’ sofagoodCEO I fy ouas pi r et oac hi ev es uc c es si ny ourc ar eer ,t henc hec koutmanyoft hequal i t i esy ou wi l l needt oac qui r ei nor dert omak ei tt ot het op. 10.Conf i denc eYouhav et obes ec ur ei ny ourabi l i t i esandc onf i dentt haty ouc anc ar r youtt het as k .Nev erl et any onemak ey ouf eel i nf er i or ;t heyc anonl ydos oi fy ougi v et hem “ per mi s s i on”t o. 9.Per s i s t enc eAsf or merUSPr es i dentCal v i nCool i dgeonc es ai d:“ Not hi ngc ant ak et hepl ac eofper s i s t enc e. ” Nott al ent ,notgeni usandnoteduc at i on.“ Per s i s t enc eanddet er mi nat i onal onear eomni pot ent . ”Sodon’ tqui t eas i l y .

8.Thi nk( Bi gger ) Thehi ghery oumov eupt hel adder ,t hemor ec ompl ext hedec i s i ons .Thus ,i tonl yf ol l owst hat y ouwi l l hav et ot hi nkt hi ngst hr oughmuc hmor ec ar ef ul l yandt hor oughl y ,aseac hdec i s i onc anpot ent i al l yaf f ec t t hewhol eor gani z at i oni ndr as t i cway s . 7.Cont i nuousI mpr ov ementAl way ss t r i v et obebet t ert hany ouar et oday .Don’ tbeaf r ai dt ot ak er i s k sand mak emi s t ak es .Remember ,f ai l ur ei sonl yat empor ar ys et bac kont her oadt os uc c es s . 6.Det ai l s ,Det ai l s&Mor eDet ai l sUl t i mat el y ,ev er ybus i nes sc omesdownt odet ai l s .I fy ours t r at egyi ss ol i dbut y oubot c ht heex ec ut i onoft hedet ai l soft hepl an,y ou’ l l endupi nt hedoghous e.Payat t ent i ont ot hedet ai l s ; s mal l mi s t ak esaddupqui c k l y .

5.Don’ tBeAf r ai dToLeadSuc c es s f ul peopl ear eof t enl eader s .Per hapsy ou’ r enott het opguy( mai nl eader ) ac c or di ngt oy ourj obt i t l e,buti fy ou’ r eal eaderi ny ourf i el dt heny ous t i l l hav ewhati tt ak est obec omes uc c es s f ul .Youc anbeagr eats al es per s on,s ol ongasy ouex c el aty ourj obandt ak ei ni t i at i v e.Sopi c kupt het or c h wheny ous eef i tandmak et hi ngshappen. 4.BeCompet i t i v eOneoft hebas i ct enet sofc api t al i s mi st hec ompet i t i ont hatex i s t si naf r eemar k et .Youwi l l ei t herbet hehunt erort hepr ey .I fy ouar enotc ompet i t i v e,t heny ou’ l l endupget t i ngeat enf orl unc h.I t ’ st r ue anddon’ tev erf or gett hatt hi si st hel awofbus i nes s . 3.Hones t yI sTheBes tPol i c yI fy ouwant edt obec omeac r ook ,y ouwoul d’ v ej oi nedt hemob.I fy ouar ei n bus i nes s ,y ourr eput at i onc ount sf oral ots obes ur et obeet hi c al i ny ourdeal i ngswi t hy ourc owor k er sand c l i ent s .Youhav et os ett heex ampl eory ou’ l l r i s kbei ngt heheadhenc hmani nadenoft hi ev es .

2.Wor kWi t hPeopl eAbi gpar tofy ours uc c es swi l l c ons i s tofl ear ni nghowt oi nt er ac twi t hot her sandhowt o managehumanc api t al i nor dert omak et hemos toft heor gani z at i on’ sr es our c es .Mak ei tapoi ntt owor kon y ourpeopl es k i l l sasmuc haspos s i bl ebec aus eatt het op,al mos tal l y ourt i mewi l l bes pentdeal i ngwi t hpeopl e. 1.BePos i t i v eBepos i t i v e,i nf us ey ourper s onal i t yandwor kwi t hpos i t i v eener gy .Thi si sc at c hyandwi l l s ett he t onef ory ourt eam.You’ l l getmor edonewi t hapos i t i v eout l ookr at hert hananegat i v eone. I fy ouwantt or ead mor eont hi nk i ngl i k et heheadhonc ho,t ak eal ookatDebr aA.Bent on’ sHowToThi nkLi k eACEO.Nowt hat y ouk nowwhaty ouneedt omak ei tt ot het op,s t oppr oc r as t i nat i ng,getoutt her eandmak ei thappen!

“ Beposi t i ve,i nf useyourper sonal i t yandwor k wi t hposi t i veener gy.Thi si scat chyandwi l lset t het onef oryourt eam”


Rev i ews

SamT ur nerKnows T heBeaut yof Ar t

Phot osby:BobbyT( t r emai ne@l i ve. com) Sam Tur neri sal ocalar t i stbutnotanat i veHoust oni an.Herr oot sar ei nt hePal auI sl andsandi nt heMi dwest . Bei ngami l i t ar ybr atshewasbor ni nSt .Loui s,Mi ssour it henr ai sedi nPal au,Guam,Yap,Hawai i ,Tennessee, Cal i f or ni a,Loui si ana,backt oMi ssour i ,Nebr askaandf i nal l yset t l edi nTexas.Shecomesf r om af ami l yof mast ercar ver swher esher ecei vedheri nf or malar tt r ai ni ng.Theni nheradul tyear ssher ecei vedf or malar t t r ai ni ngf r om t heAr tI nst i t ut eofHoust on.Shehasf ourar texhi bi t sunderherbel tandhasdonat edherar t wor k f orchar i t abl ecausessuchasExt r emeHomeMakeoverHoust onShow,HI SDsi l entauct i on,Hai t ir el i efef f or t , andanupcomi nggal af orDr essf orSuccessi nOct ober .Wi t hHoust on’ sdi ver sear tscene,weexpectt osee manymor et ocomef r om t hi supandcomi ngar t i st ! Doyout hi nkt r avel i ngatayoungagehadaposi t i veef f ectonyourcr eat i vi t yandar t ? Tr avel i ngatsuchayoungageonl ybr oadenmycl ar i t ycul t ur al l yandspi r i t ual l y.I ti st hebestt eacherwheni t comest or ef er enci ngi deasf oranar tpi ece. Whati nspi r esyourwor k? Whati nspi r esmyar twor kcancomef r om aspar kwhi chwi l lal l owmet ospi nast or y.I tcanbemi r r or edof t hi ngsl i keanobj ect ,poem,medi a,t ext ur e,moods,vi si on,et c. Tel lusmor eaboutyourar texhi bi t s? Myar texhi bi t sj ustal l owmyaudi enceanoppor t uni t yt oknowmyst or yandhaveaper sonalexper i encewi t h myar t . Howof t endoyouhaveshows? It r yt ohaveanar texhi bi tatl eastonceayear .Asamat t eroff actIwi l lhaveonet heeveni ngoft he11t hof Sept emberatCaf e4212,of fof4212Al medaRd. What ’ st hef i r sts t epyout akewhenf i r stcr eat i ngar t ? Mostar t i stwi l ldoacasest udyont hedi r ect i ont heywoul dl i ket ogoi n.Asf orme,t her ei snor hymeorr eason f orhowIwi l lappr oacht hef i r stst ep.Ical li tmyscat t er edappr oach,asf arasget t i ngst ar t i ngonanewar t pi ece. Whatar t i sti nt hei ndust r yi nspi r esyout hemost ? Thear t i st ’ st hatmosti nspi r emei smyl at egr andf at herandsomeofmyuncl es.Al sowhenIseeachi l dcr eat e somet hi ngf r om anymat er i al .Thatj ustr emi ndsmeoft hepur ej oyandpassi ont hatcomesf r om f r eedom of expr essi on. Whyi st hat ? I ’ mf r om Pal auI sl andandwehavewhatar ecal l edst or yboar ds.Theyonl yt akef al l enbr eadf r ui tt r eesand car veourher i t ageorst or i esont heseboar ds.Theyar eal lmor albasedst or i es. Whati st hemostcommonmi st akeyouseeamongar t i stl ooki ngt ogeti nt ot hear ti ndust r y? Inot i cet hatt hemostcommonmi st akear t i stmakei snothavi ngdi f f er entpr i cepoi nt sanddoi ngvol umepi eces. Ar tshoul dbeat t ai nabl ef orever yoneatanyr ange.Real l yar ti sar ef l ect i ononhowwecanseeour envi r onmenti nadi f f er entl i ght .Al sowhenanar t i sti smor econsumedwi t hvol umeandf or ci ngapi ecet oget her t heni tbecomesmi ndl ess. Iam t hesol ear t i stf orCar peDi em Ar tandIl ovet oexpr essmysel ft hr oughavi sualexpl osi onofabst r actar t . Ever ypi ecei sani l l ust r at i onofmycr eat i veessenceandper sonalj our neybutIam aconst antwor ki npr ogr ess. Ar ti sani ndi vi dualdesi r et oexpr esswher eandwhati sst i mul at i ngyoui nyourpr esentexi st ence. Ihopeasyoubr owset hr oughsomeofmycur r entwor ks,t hati ti gni t essomef or m ofsel fexpr essi on.I fyou deci det osei zet hedayandpur chaseoneofmypai nt i ngsmayyouri nt er pr et at i onofl i f egr ow. ManyThanks!Sam

Dj Chr i sShi ni ngHar dI nHous t on, T X

Wehadac hanc et os i tdownwi t hDJChr i soutofHous t on,TX.Theboybeengr i ndi nghar di nHous t onf or awhi l e.Mos tDJ ’ sdon’ tk nowwhatt heydoi ngont he1′ sand2′ sbuthegott hatheat .Youwi l l k nowwhat ex ac t l ywet al k i ngaboutwheny ous t epf ooti nt hec l ubwi t hDJChr i s . What ’ st hef i r s tt hi ngy ouwoul ds ayt os omeonewhent heyas ky ou t odes c r i bey our s el fasaDJ ? Idon’ tk nowt hat ’ sat oughone.Iwoul ds ay“ f un” .Ev er ys i nc eIwasy oungIwant edt ogetaj obwher eI c oul dhav ef unandgetpai datt hes amet i me.Ands i nc eIhav ebeen[ aDJ ]Ihav ebeenabl et ogetpai d andhav eal otoff undoi ngi t .

Howl onghav ey oubeeni nt hei ndus t r y ?Howdi dy ougeti n? Wel l Ihav ebeeni nt er es t edi nmus i cs i nc eIwasak i ds i nc et he1990sj ac k i ngmyol ders i s t er sCol umbi a Hous eCd’ sandmemor i z i ngt hewor dst oal l t hes ongs .Thenal ongc amePCDJ ,wher eIl ear nedt he met hodofbeatmat c hi ng.Whi l eIwasi nhi ghs c hool Ias s embl edahomemades t udi owher eIr ec or dedmy s el f andf r i endsj us tf orf undi dn’ tc har geornot hi ng,j us tenj oy eddoi ngi t .Idon’ tr ememberex ac t l yhowi thappened butmeandaf emal ebyt henameof“ CoCo”begant or ec or dt oget heral l t het i meandbec ameagr oupunt i l s he wasmur der edi n2005.I tt ookmeawhi l et oac t ual l ygetbac ki nt omus i cbutwhenIdi di was n’ tget t i ngasmuc h l ov ef r om DJ ’ sandpr omot er sasIwaswhens hewasal i v e,s oIdec i dedwhynotbec omeaDJf orone,pl aymy ownmus i c ,andhel pbr eaknewar t i s t ,andgi v et hem t heex c i t ementt hatIgowhenIhear dmyv oi c ei nac l ub. WhatI ns pi r est hemus i cy ouc hoos ewhenYouDJ ? Thepeopl e.Al l day !I fanyDJs ay ss omet hi ngel s et heys uc k .l ol I fy oupl aymus i cy oul i k et heny ouwi l l bet he onl yonei nt hec l ubf eel i ngt hemus i c .Ihav eac oupl eofs ongst hatIc al l t es t er s ,t heyc andet er mi newhatt y pe ofc r owdI ’ m wor k i ngwi t h,t henIgof r om t her e.It r yt oal way sgett hec r owdsi nputbyt ak i ngr eques t ,t hatway Ik nowI ’ m pl ay i ngmus i ct hats omebodywant st ohear ,notj us tme. Wher ear ey ouf r om? St udewood,TXbor nandr ai s ed.AndI ’ m notj us tc l ai mi ngi tass omes or tofs t r at egy ,l i k eot herpeopl e.Iwas ac t ual l ybor ni nSt udewoodandl i v edt her eunt i l Iwas23.Theonl yr eas onIl ef twast obec l os ert owor kand s t ayoutoft r oubl e Whatmak esy oudi f f er entf r om ot herDJ st oday ? Myi nt er ac t i onwi t ht hepeopl e.Mos tpl ac esy ougot oy ouc antev engett ot heDJt or eques tas ong,y ouj us t hav et ohopet heypl aywhaty oul i k e.Al s ot hef ac tt hatIdon’ tus eSer at o. Howr ol edoy out hi nkDJ spl ayi nbr eak i ngnewmus i c ? TheDJi swhobr eak snewmus i cwhet herhei sac l ubDJorar adi oDJ .Ei t hery ouhear di tf i r s tatt hec l ubor ont her adi o.WhatIt r yt ot el l ar t i s ti sj us tbec aus ewel i k ey ourmus i cdon’ tmeani tc anbepl ay ed.i tj us tmay notbeac l ubs ong.Whenas ongi spl ay edandpeopl enev erhear di tt heypr obabl ys t opandl i s t enandbel i k e whatt hehel l i st hi s .Andi ft hebeatnotonpoi ntt heywonts ayt hear t i s t,whomev ert hati ss uc k ,t heywi l l s ay t heDJs uc kf orpl ay i ngi t .That ’ sy ougott obec ar ef ul ofwhatnews ongsy oupl ay . Bes i desbei ngaDJwhatel s ear ey oui nt o? It hi nkIwoul dbet heguywhohi tt hel ot t er yands t i l l wor k ed.Ther ei sgoodmoneyi nDJ i n,butno401kand i ns ur anc e,s oIhav eal way sk eptaf ul l t i mej obasanEl ec t r i c al Manuf ac t ur er sRepr es ent at i v e.Iwi l l al way ss et my s el fupt ohav eopt i onsandnotj us tdependi ngononet hi ng,andt hatgoeswi t hev er y t hi ngIdo.Al s o,anew mi xt apec omi ngnex tmont hc al l edMadeYouLi s t en. Howc anwec onnec twi t hy ouonl i ne? Shoutoutt oTMobi l ef orgi v i ngmeunl i mi t edus ageofmyphones oy ouc anhi tmeup@ 8322751869, c _war e04@y ahoo. c om,l i v egev ent s @gmai l . c om,onf ac ebook @ Chr i sWar eorDJ Chr i s 09

Wei ght :125l bs Hei ght :5’ 7 Locat i on:Houst on,TX

“ Uni queWas hi ngt on I sARar eBr eed”

Mynamei sUni queWashi ngt onIwasbor nandr i sedi nHoust on,TXonJanuar y31st ,gi venbi r t hbymymom who i sAf r i canAmer i canandmydadwhoi sAf r i canAmer i can/ Sal vador i an.Igr aduat edf r om For est Br ookHi ghSchool 2005andFr om t her eIwentt oMedvanceI nst i t ut eCol l egef orSur gi calTechnol ogy,Isoongr aduat edf r om MedvanceJanuar y18,2008.Thatwasawonder f ulaccompl i shmenti nmyl i f e,butt hatwasnotmydr eam t hatI want edt opur suewhi chi smodel i ng/ act i ng. Ihavebeenmodel i ngsi nceIwas9year sol d,t hi shasal waysbeenapassi onofmi ne.WhenIwas15year sol d mymom ent er edmei nt ot heMi ssTexasTeenUSApagenti n2002anddi scover edt hati twasnotf ormeatt he t i me,Butmymom al waysknewt hatIl ovet obei nf r ontoft hecamer ai nt hespotl i ght . Soonmymom t ookmet oamodel i ngagencybyt henameofNealHami lModel i ngAgency.Il ear nedal otf r om t hem,Ihavegr eatexper i encei nr unway,makeup,andpr i ntmodel i ngwhi chIl ovedoi ngver ymuch.Ist opped model i ngf orawhi l et of ocusonmeandwhatIr eal l ywant edandsoonr eal i zedt hati ti sver yi mpor t antf oryout o goaf t erwhatyouwanti nl i f e,soIcoul dnotsel lmysel fshor tofadr eam t hatIwantsobadIcant ast ei t .Ihave doneavi deodi r ect edby:BoomTownPr oduct i onsandl ookf or war dt odoi ngmor evi deos,r unwayandpr i nt model i ng.Att hi spoi ntI ’ mt r yi ngt ogetoutt her ei nt hi swor l dandgett hepr operexposur et hatIneedt oget r ecogni zed.

Ial sohaveanst eppi ngst one,whi chi sdesi gni ngmyowncl ot hesandshoes,Ihaveadi ehar dt ast ef orf ashi on, Lovei t .Iwi l lhavemybusi nesscomi ngsoonsost ayont hel ookoutf ori t .Ri ghtnowI ’ mj ustt r yi ngt ogetmysel fout t her et oanyhotmagazi nesl i keALWAYZTHERRO,andot hermaj ormagazi nesaswel lasdi f f er entr unwayway showsandTVshows,Isur ewoul dnotmi ndhost i ngashowofmyownei t her !Ibel i evei t st i mef ort hewor l dt o knowwhoUni quei sandwhyI ’ m soUni que. Whenever yt hi ngwor ksouthaspl annedIwantt ogi vebackt ot hecommuni t y,Becauset her ear esomanypeopl e outi nt hi swor l dt hatneedsal i t t l ehel pandIwantt obeanpr i meexampl eofmaki ngt hi ngsbet t erbygi vi ngbackt o t hosei nneed.Mymom hasaHomeHeal t hCar ebusi nessandI thel psal lt heel der l ypeopl et hatar ei nneedof assi st ant sconcer ni ngdai l yl i f e,heal t handact i vi t i est okeept hem goi ng.Shei sagr eatexampl eofgi vi ngbackand Iwoul dhopet odosomet hi ngevenbet t err eal l ysoont ohel pmycommuni t yi nt hesameway. haveal waysbeenast r ongbel i everofput t i ngGodf i r sti never yt hi ngt hatIdo,t hat ’ swhyIam sosur eand conf i dentaboutmysuccess,I ’ m downatt hebot t om f r om her eIcanonl ygoup,sowor l dher eIcome.* Smi l es* Measur ement s:34, 27, 37 Li kes:shoppi ng,hangi ngwi t hf ami l y, musi candofcour sebei ngar oundposi t i vepeopl e Di sl i kes:Rudeandannoyi ngpeopl e Hobbi es:Model i ng,act i ng,Il ovewat chi ngbasket bal l ,andwor ki ngout . I nonewor ddescr i beyourwor kasamodel ? Phenomenal Nameyourbestshootyoucanr emember ? Myf i r stbestshootwaswhenIwas15year sol dIhadaphot oshootwi t hRodol f oMi chelPhot ogr aphyandIwasso exci t ed,t hewor kt hathedi dwasout st andi ng,hemademef eelcomf or t abl ewhi chi sver yi mpor t antwhendeal i ng wi t haphot ogr apherandt hephot oscameoutbeaut i f ul .If el tl i keacel ebr i t yIhadanhai r syl i st ,makeupar t i stand ast yl i st .That ’ swhenIbegant hi nki ngyesmodel i ngi sf ormeIj ustl ovebei ngpamper ed.* Gi ggl i ng*

Whatadv i c ewoul dy ougi v et haty oungmodel l ook i ngt ogeti nt hei ndus t r y ? Nev ergi v eupony ourdr eam,bec aus edr eamsdoc omet r uey ouj us thav et owor khar datwhaty ouwantand i nt heendi twi l l payof f .I t sal l bas edonhowbady our eal l ywanti t ,s onev erl etany onet el l y out haty ouwon’ t orc an’ tev ermak ei t ,bec aus et hati snott r ueany onec anmak ei ti fy ouwor khar dandputy ourmi ndt oi t , under s t andt hatt hi sdr eam i sy our snott hei r s . Howl onghav ey oubeenmodel i ng? Ihav ebeenmodel i ngs i nc eIwas9y ear sol d,buts t ar t edper s ui nghar deratt heageof17y ear sol ds o6y ear s . Whatmodel si nt hei ndus t r yi ns pi r ey out hemos t ? Iwoul ddef i ni t el yhav et os aySel i t aEBank sandJ es s i c aWhi t e Whyi st hat ? Wel l f i r s tof fSel i t aEbank si sav er ybeaut i f ul domi nat i ngSUPERMODELi nt hei ndus t r yIadmi r eherwor k , l ov et hats hei soneoft het opVi c t or i aSec r etmodel sandhasbeeni ns por t sI I I us t r at edSwi ns ui t si s s uesmany t i mes .Iwoul dhopet obedoi ngt hes amet hi ngar eev enbet t err eal l ys oon. J es s i c aWhi t ei sagr eatSUPERMODELaswel l s hei sal s odoi ngwel l i nt hei ndus t r ymodel i ngf orMay bel l i ne. Iwoul dhav et os ayt hatt hes ear et wooft hemos tdomi nat i ngbl ac kwomenhol di ngi tdowni nt hei ndus t r y ,l ov e i t .

Whati st hec r az i es tt hi ngaguyev ers ai dt ogety ourat t ent i on? Gi ggl i ng,wel l l et ’ ss eebec aus eIhav ehear dal l k i ndsofc r az yl i nes .Onet hatwasac t ual l yr ec ent , ” ManIam not goi ngt ol i ey ouar es obeaut i f ul , ”Godmus thav ek newwhathewasdoi ngwhenhemadey ou!Iwoul dl ov ef or y out obemys ec ondbaby mamma.Myr es pons e, ”Wowr eal l y ?”Il aughedandwal k edawayl i k e,Ij us tk nowhe wasnots er i ouswhenhes ai dt hat .Shak i ngmyheadi ndi s appoi nt ment . Bes i desmodel i ngwhatot herc ar eer sar ey oupur s ui ng? Wel l Il ov et oac t ,Iwoul dhopet obec omeoneoft hegr eat es tac t r es sofal l t i mes ,Ial s owoul dnotmi ndhos t i ng at el ev i s i ons how.Iam al s oi nt of as hi onl i k ec r az y ,Il ov eev er y t hi ngabouti t ,Iwi l l bec omi ngoutwi t ha s hoe/ c l ot hi ngl i ner eal l ys oon.Ik nowmyl adi esl ov et os t andt al l wi t hc onf i denc eandf eel beaut i f ul hast hey wal kar oundt hebeaut i f ul wor l doff as hi on.Idontr eal l ywantt os peakoni tmuc h,butIwi l l s aybeont hel ook outf orUni quenes s .* Smi l es * Whati sy ourbes tf eat ur e? Iwoul dhav et os aymyey esandmyl i ps ,f ors omeoddr eas oni tdr i v est hemenc r az y .Gi ggl i ng,i ft heyl i k ei tI l ov ei t .Gi ggl i ng Whatdoy ouwanty ourf ut ur ef anst ok nowabouty ou? ThatIwi l l al way st r yt ogi v et hem per f ec t i onandpl ent yofl ov e,bec aus eofc our s ewi t houtt hef ansy ouar e not hi ng,s owi t ht hatbei ngs ai d,Il ov eal l ofy ou. Howc anwec onnec twi t hy ouonl i ne? I ’ m onFac ebooky ouc ans ear c hf orUni queWas hi ngt onandt her ey ous hal l f i ndme.

“ Il ovet oact ,Iwoul dhopet obecomeoneof t hegr eat estact r essofal lt i mes,Ial sowoul d notmi ndhost i ngat el evi si onshow”

“ DJChaz mI sOneof t heHot t es t DJ ’ sI nGer many ” DJChazm i saHi pHoppr oducerf r om Ger many,whoi saboutt oexpandhi sr eput at i oni nt heUni t edSt at esand t her estoft hewor l d.Hei saonemanar my,asel f t aughtmusi ci an,aDJandpr oducerwhoal soobt ai nedt he SAESoundCer t i f i cat e. Wi t hhi si ncr edi bl ewor ket hi chewasabl et oi mpr essUSAr t i st si ncl udi ngTyNi t t yf r om I nf amousMobband t husmadehi sconnect i ont oI nf amousSout h. Hepr oducedawhol emi xt apef orCr i mebossLuci anowhi ch shoul dber el easedt hi syear .Heal sopr oducedt r acksf orRodney“ 12gAge”Sageandf orhi sCr ewUndawor l d. DJChazm st ar t edasabat t l eDJ,butaf t ermovi ngt oCol ognef orhi sSAEst udi es,hest ar t edt ogai ni nt er est f ormaki ngbeat s.Heboughthi sf i r stequi pmentandst ar t edhi sf i r stat t empt si nbeatmaki ngandr ecor di ng l ocalar t i st s.Somehowhef el tt hatmaki ngbeat sandpr oduci ngwast hatt hi ngf orhi m,sohedeci dedt ol ay f ocusont hat .Hi pHopf orhi m waski ndofl oveatf i r stsi ght .Thef i r stt i mehewasi nt r oducedt oi t ,heknew hehadt obepar toft hi s.Hi smusi calbackgr oundwasi nspi r edbyDJRect angl e,DJMuggs,Funkmast erFl ex, PFCut t i n,TonyTouchandofcour seDJPr emi er .Overt heyear sandespeci al l yt hr oughmaki ngbeat shi s musi calknowl edgegr ew,andhegai nedi nspi r at i onf r om ot hermusi caldi r ect i ons,suchasSoul ,Funk,Reggae and80smusi c. Beatmaki ngbecameanobsessi onf orDJChazm,hespentdaysandni ght si nt hel ab,f l i ppi ngandchoppi ng sampl es,t r yi ngt ogi vehi sbeat spr ogame.Hest ar t edwor ki ngwi t hsampl esbuthet r i est obever sat i l e,so hest ar t edwor ki ngwi t hsynt hesi zer s,t oo.Ther ef or ei tdependsonhi smoodwhatki ndofbeatcomesoutwhen hei si nt hel ab. Hest aysbusysuppl yi ngbeat sf orar t i st sar oundt hewor l d,t r yi ngt oexpandhi sr eput at i on,andl eavehi smar k i nHi pHopHi st or y. PRODUCTI ONCREDI TS( sof ar ) TyNi t t y( I nf amousMobb) ,Cr i mebossLuci ano( I nf amousSout h) , M. A. d. M. a. Naka“ Rodney( 12gAge)Sage”( I nf amousSout h) ,MackCapone( BSR) … What ´ st hef i r stt hi ngyouwoul dsayt osomeonewhent heyaskyout odesci beyour sel fasaDJ? Iam aDJwhot ur nedi nt oaPr oducer .Iknowal otofpr oducer sdoi tvi cever sa,becauset heywantt oseehow t hecr owdr eact st ot hemusi c,et c.butIusedt oscr at chandspi nf i r st .AndIal sot hi nkt hati ti sonl ynat ur alf ora DJt opr oducer ecor ds,becauseasaDJyoual waysser veapr emadepr oductt ot hepeopl eonwhi chyour i nf l uencei sl i mi t ed.Sot her ecomesat i mewhenyouwantt odomor et hant hat .Youwantt odoasongf r om scr at ch.Atl eastt hatwasmymot i vat i ont ost ar tpr oduci ng. Howl onghaveyoubeeni nt hei ndust r y? Ist ar t eddj i ngar ound` 97butt ookmusi cser i ousar ound2001,whenIwentt ot heSAEI nst i t ut eandmetal otof ar t i st sandhaveseenal otofst udi os.Ir eal l yl i kedt heat mospher ei nt her e,t hedi mmedl i ght s,t hebi gmi xi ng consol esandt hef l ashi ngLED´ s.Iwasl i ket hat ´ st het hi ngf orme,t hat ´ swhatIwannadoandwher eIwantt o beat .Don´ tgetmewr ong,Il ovedj i ngandatt hatt i meIwasspi nni ngr ecor dsever ySat ur dayi naHi pHop Cl ot hi ngSt or eandoccasi onal l yonPar t i es,butt hatwasl i keanwhol eot herl evelf orme ReadMor eoft hi si nt er vi ewonwww. Al wayzTher r o. com

3r dBr i ngsMadDi v er s i t yt ot heGame


her ear ef ewar t i stt hatcapt ur eourat t ent i onl i ke3r d.Theabi l i t yt oswi t chst yl essoeasyandhedoesi t gr acef ul l y;makeshi m onet heoft hehot t estar t i stcomi ngoutofTxr i ghtnow.Checkoutt hei nt er vi ew… What ’ st hef i r stt hi ngyouwoul dsayt osomeonewhent heyaskyout odescr i beyour sel fasanar t i st ? I ’ m 3di mensi onal ,t hi scomesf r om myname3r d.whenyougetme,yougetmul t i pl esi des&emot i onst hat car r i est hr oughmymusi c.Ther e’ s3mai nsi des:t her e’ sar omant i csi det hatdemonst r at esl ove,apl ayf ul si det hatpor t r aysmyhi phopandpar t yi ngsi de,andaser i oussi dewhi chappr oachesi ssuesandt hi ngs goi ngoni nt oday’ ssoci et y. Whati nspi r esyourmusi c? Ever yt hi ngar oundmei nspi r esmeasanar t i st .I ’ m const ant l yl ooki ngandexpl or i ng,eveni nt hedept hof seei ngot herpeopl espai n,j oy,andwhatexci t est hem.I m al soi nspi r edbyl ove,cur r entevent s( what ’ sgoi ng oni nt hewor l d) ,andmyownper sonalt hought sandf eel i ngs.Iuseal lt hesevenuest owr i t e. . myf ansal so i nspi r eme. Howl onghaveyoubeeni nt hei ndust r y? I ’ veal wayshadani nt er esti nmusi consomel evel .However ,i n2009,Ibegant opourmyener gy,hear t , andsouli nt owr i t i ngandi mpr ovi ngmycr af t .Si ncet hen,I ’ vehadt heoppor t uni t yt oper f or m atSXSW, Dal l asMusi cFest i val ,andcl ubsal lt hr oughoutTexas( Houst on,Dal l as,Col l egeSt at i on) ,andmynewhome. . t heLi veMusi cCapi t aloft heWor l d,Aust i n,Texas. Wher ear eyouf r om? Col l egeSt at i on“ Aggi el and”i smyhomet own,butIcur r ent l yr esi dei nAust i n,Texas. Whatar t i sti nt hei ndust r yi nspi r eyout hemostt oday? KanyeWest Whyi st hat ? Bel owt hesur f ace,l i esat r uear t i st .Evenwhenhe’ sdoi ngsomet hi ngcr azyt hatmostvi ewashi m bei ng angr y. . Ivi ewi tashi m di spl ayi ngext r emepassi on.Hi spassi onandemot i onsmakehi smusi cgr eat !He’ sa musi calgeni uswhot akesr i sks. . andf ort hatheshoul dber espect ed. Whatmakesyoudi f f er entf r om ot herar t i stt oday? Mymusi cappeal st oawi demassofpeopl e,i tr angesf r om i nspi r at i onalmusi c,butcanal soexpr essmy sexualappealf ort hosewhodesi r er omanceorsexualpl easur e,cl ubmusi cwi t hbangi ngbeat sandwi t t y, somet i meshumor ousl yr i cs,r el i gi on,soci et alpr obl ems,andanyt hi ngi nspi r edbymyf ans.

Whatdoyouwantyourf ut ur ef anst oknowaboutyou? ThatI ’ m 3r d. . 3di mensi onal .Ihaveat r emendousamountofappr eci at i ont ot hosewhosuppor tmymusi c, andespeci al l ymyf acebookf ol l ower s,ever yt i meIputsomet hi ngoutt hey’ r eal wayst her et ogi vet hei rf eedback, andsi nceIl ovemusi c. . i t ’ sapar tofme.butmyf ansal l owmeanoppor t uni t yt oshar emyt hought s,f eel i ngs, andsomet i mesj ustmycr azymoodswi t ht hem.I nr et ur n,t heyr eachbackoutwi t hencour agement ,suppor t , andf eedbackt ol etmeknowI ’ mt ouchi ngt hei rl i vesandmaki ngadi f f er ence.Iwantmyf anst oknow,Ido al lt hatIdof ort hem.

Z av eyMak i ngASt at ement ! What ’ st hef i r s tt hi ngy ouwoul ds ayt os omeonewhent heyas ky out odes c r i bey our s el fasanar t i s t ? I ’ m Or i gi nal andImak es ur ei don’ ts oundl i k eany bodyel s ei don’ twannabec ompar edt oot herar t i s t sI ’ mj us t aboutmak i nggoodmus i cI ’ mv er yv er s at i l ei c anr apaboutdamnnearany t hi ngonanybeats omear t i s tl i mi t t hems el v est oones ubj ec tort y pebeatbuti l i k et ok eeppeopl egues s i ng Howl onghav ey oubeeni nt hei ndus t r y ? Wel l i woul dn’ ts ayI ’ mi nt hei ndus t r yy etbuti beendeal i ngwi t hmus i cf oral ongt i meev ers i nc ei wasl i t t l ei us edt omemor i z el y r i c st os ongsaf t erhear i ngt hes ongonc eort wi c eandi wr ot epoet r yby9t hgr adei was wr i t i ngr apst obeat sf r om t her adi oandt hr owi ngem awayt henonedayats c hool i l etmypat naCdotr eadi t andhes ai di wenthar dandhewant edt omak eagr oups oi agr eedandwer ec or deds ongsev er y dayaf t er s c hool dr oppedourf i r s tmi x t apeandgotagoodr es pons es owhenk epti tgoi ngt hr uoutal l f oury ear sofhi gh s c hool net wor k i ngonMy s pac eandc ons t ant l ygai ni ngf ansandgai nedpopul ar i t yf r om i tbyt het i mewe gr aduat edwewer ewel l k nownasr apper si nourar eaandMy s pac et henwehadaf ewmi nors et bac k si s t ar t edat t endi ngPVwhi l eCDotwasatTSUs oi twashar dt of i ndapl ac et or ec or dbuti k eptwr i t i ngand wes t ar t edwor k i ngonourmi x t ape“ Goi nN’ onweek endsandwheni c amebac kt oHous t onr ec or di ngat j c odas hodawghomes t udi oar oundt hatt i mewedi dn’ thav eanyor i gi nalbeat sj us ti ns t r ument al sandt hen i metDoz i erofdas hi tf ac t or y( DJMr .Roger s&s t unt ndoz i er )i l ethi m hearac oupl et r ac k shel i k edi ts ohe s entmet wobeat sf orust ous eonourmi x t apet henc amedahi t sNev erSober&Lat eNi t es owhendr opped t hemi x t apepos t i ngi tev er y wher et wi t t erf ac ebooket c …wegai nedev enmor ef ansandnowi dec i dedt omak e as ol omi x t ape“ Thi nk i ngOutLoud”t oex pr es smy s el fasanar t i s twi t hbeat sbySt unt nDoz i ert hepr oduc er sof geti tbi g, Fl ex ,Daddy s t r ok eet c …. . andwewi l l f ol l owt hatwi tanot herFaDemHat azmi x t apewi t hCDotBus h WhatI ns pi r esYourMus i c ? Myl i f et hi ngsandI ’ v ebeent hr uors t uf fI ’ v es eenandmos toft het i meIj us tmak et hemus i cIt hi nkpeopl ewi l l enj oyhi phopi sf ul l oft omanyr apper st r y nat opanot herr apperI ’ mj us tdoi ngmyt hangands t ay i nghumbl e I ett hef ansdec i dewhat ’ sgoodmus i c Wher ear ey ouf r om? Bor nandr ai s edi nHous t onTXt henor t hs i det obeex ac t44ac r eshomeTi dwel l …. . y eaal l t hat Whatar t i s ti nt hei ndus t r yi ns pi r ey out hemos tt oday ? Iwoul dhav et os ayBi gK. R. I . Ti sdoi ngi tbi gr i ghtnowIl i k ehowhe c ameouthar dwi thi s‘ ’ KRI TWUZHERE’ ’ mi x t apeasai ndyar t i s tt hat ’ showIwannado…. . i wannamak eat i mel es smi x t ape Whyi st hat ?Wel l bi gk r i ts eemsl i k et het y peofar t i s tt hat ’ sgoi ngt ohav el ongev i t yi nt hegamei ns t eadofbei ng aonehi twonderandIpl anonbei ngi nt hegamef orami nut eI ’ mv er ydedi c at edt ot hi smus i c Doy ouhav eanyupc omi ngpr oj ec t s ? ’ ’ Thi nk i ngOutLoud’ ’ Hos t edBySt unt nDoz i erDr oppi ngLat e Sept ember FaDemHat aZ’ ’ Loc k edI nTheSt udi o’ ’ Mi x t apeComi ngSoon Howc anwec onnec twi t hy ouonl i ne? www. t wi t t er . c om/ i mz av ey Whatdoy ouwanty ourf ut ur ef anst ok nowabouty ou? “ I maNewc omerbutI ’ ms oont obey ourf av or i t e”–Zav ey

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