Classification Of Cheese Around The World

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Classification Of Cheese Around The World People all around the world constantly crave for good taste at affordable price and instant production. Cheese is the only food item which fulfills all these criteria at one go. This is amazing how people crave for cheese. Cheese salad dressings, cheesecakes, cheeseburgers and of course not to be left out-pizza are just some of the food items that require cheese for their preparation. There are more than hundreds and hundreds of varieties one can find in a cheese. If we classify them into Types Of Cheese, the basic classification would be solely based on the preparation and the manufacturing technique according to me.

What is the reason of the vast variety-? A cheese differs in taste because it is produced through a different process. Different manufacturing techniques and procedures bring out the real differences in a type of cheese. Some are soft, some are semi-hard. Some are creamy and white whereas some are tangy and blue. Some are yellow and made of cow’s milk; on the other hand some are made of sheep milk or even goat’s milk. All of them are different and unique in each way .it will take a lifetime to differentiate all kinds f cheese and taste them separately.

Different types of cheese One of the most popular Blue Cheese varieties is Roquefort. Most of the people have heard about it. It is made of milk from sheep and is very soft and tangy in flavor. It is known for its rich and dense texture which can be used almost anywhere. Apart from this there are other

blue cheese categories too. The use of cheese is extensively seen in parts of Italy, Rome as well as Paris. Camembert is another variety of cheese with a very interesting taste as well as texture. Another well known cheese variety is mozzarella. This type of cheese is specifically used in the preparation pizza and cheese dips. Especially pizza restaurants and roadside stalls use this kind of cheese on a very large scale to enhance the taste of the pizza. Feta, cotija, Monterey jack, taleggio as well as Gouda are some other varieties which are as popular as the above. People actually pay extra money for extra cheese on their pizza. This is how popular cheese is.

Things to know about cheese It must be known that every piece of cheese is not vegetarian. There is specific cheese type which might be vegetarian but not all. Another point that must be taken into account is that not all people can process cheese and dairy products such as this. Most of the time people tend to be lactose intolerant and just can’t handle the whole dairy stuff. The cheese, if fed to them will cause bloating and digestive problems for them. This is why proper care and conscience must be used while eating anything for no one can digest all types of cheese. This is just a healthy reminder or one can also call is a healthy tip. Happy eating!

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