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Alwyn van Tonder
I have a generous personality, but tend to be solitary at heart. Innovative, enterprising, flexible, brave, passionate, conceited, quick tempered. Truthful but extreme, courageous but unyielding. I can be a ferocious challenger, but posses the power to calm others through my forceful personality. I can move from calm & collected, to combustible in a matter of seconds. I can also be my worst enemy, because I can either feel vulnrable or all-knowing and valuable. I can sometimes be reckless and have a quick temper. Yet, when I keep my temper, emotions and rivaling spirit under control, I emenate a commanding influence on others. THE THINGS YOU LEARN The things you learn in maturity aren't simple things such as acquiring information and skills. You learn not to engage in self-destructive behavior. You learn not to burn up energy in anxiety. You discover that self pity and resentment are amoung the most toxic of drugs. You find the world loves talent, but pays off on character. You co