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Editor’s Article After the great success of the first volume of ALXUSC Navigator a big load was put on the team to make the second volume at least at the same level as the first one. It was required to start the work just after publishing the first volume which made me really proud to be a member in such great team. December will prove this as it will have so many surprises that will be mentioned later through the pages of this volume. The spirit of the team was the key for the success that has been reached by ALXUSC during the last few months since its establishment in March 2010. This spirit plus the hard worker members of the team are the main factors to be chosen to have the chance of making one of the ICQAP projects which ( if accepted ) will be a great surprise for all of you. And now as it is the end of the article, ALXUSC would apologize to all our readers that we won’t be able to make December and January volumes because of the short time before exams. Our goal is your benefit, and the navigator is just a tool to help you find your direction and always remember it was never about unlimited knowledge, it is about effective knowledge and this is how a smart can act’s Yassin M. ElShewikh ALXUSC Vice President
Written By : Marwan Awad
Evolution vs. Creationism Often there is a sort of dispersion among science students at Harvard or Oxford University between what they study at the university and what is being learned and heard in their Churches. Specially the students of Biology, Geology and Paleontology. They collide with much of scientific theories and hypotheses that are incompatible with basics of their religions such as Darwinism, uniformitarianism, Big bang ...etc. And it's the same here in Arabian universities which contradict with some religious ideas. Here is a review of the two Controversial theories.
3- Creating man from an animal!!(As what evolutionists see that humanity came from monkeys).
Evolutionist founded 12 monkey-human fossils (Homininae) only, but actually: nine of them were just a extinct species of monkeys and the other three were for civilized humans (they were found buried in graves) and the other fossils were not clear or fake
Changing the environment or the way of life of older generations doesn’t affect the new generation's genetic characteristics
By using paleontology there is no sign that indicate that creatures evolved gradually they always appeared suddenly.
There is a typically similar creatures that didn't change throw time and weren't affected with evolution theory (by paleontology also).
Creationism Origin:
religious (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism...etc.) and philosophic view then as a reaction of spreading the evolution theory religious scientists adopt it as a scientific theory at the beginning of the 20th century. Creationism is considered to be one of the oldest hypotheses in the human history.
Also called Darwinism.
Origin: Started as a philosophic view in the ancient Greeks philosophers like Anaximander and Epicurus and an Indian philosopher called Patangaly. Then it became a scientific theory by Pierre Maupertuis & Charles Darwin in the 19th century.
The intelligent design theory: the universe we live in is so complicated and so organized that there must be a creator who is greater, powerful and smart enough to design it.
Nothing exist without a reason or a sire even the great universe.
Becoming alive or dyeing without a known physical explanation indicates the presence of spirits which is celestial.
The age of life, earth and the whole universe is not too old because the creation process depends on the will of the Creator and doesn’t depend on physical factors (time, stress, energy...etc.). The great flood: Nearly all creationist agreed that a great flood happened in the earth in the stage of creation or after that.
Creatures evolve from simple organisms to more complex creatures during the bio-history.
New species are produced from different ones even if it isn't from the same family.
Different classes evolved originally from other classes. For example mammals and birds evolved from reptiles while reptiles evolved from amphibians. Some fossils supported this foundation such as Archaeopteryx and Pteranodon as a transition stage between reptiles and birds.
Natural selection: is the process by which traits become more or less common in a population due to consistent effects upon the survival or reproduction of their bearers. It is a key mechanism of evolution.
Who created the creator?
Where is your scientific proves?
Creationism conflict with radio-isotopes dating, fossil records, comparative anatomy, comparative behaviors , genetic comparison...etc.
The existing of Chance is the most important factor to success any evolution.
There are no real transition creatures in fossils record or at the present time.
Natural selection couldn't explain how to evolve a species to another (like a human from monkey).
Note that
not all the evolutionists define their evolution theory this way..... And not all the creationists believe in creationism theory this way .You can find people who mix the two theories together.
Darwinism is considered as the sound of logic and Creationism as a religious belief....... Although Darwinism didn't actually depend on logic 100%........but also logic in Creationism isn't 0%.
And whatever what the two theories depend on....... The truth is not what you think it is, but the truth it's what proves itself correct.
This theory has to prove the 3 impossibilities .
1- Starting life from nothing (how the first single cell appeared?), 2- Creating life from death,
L-Dine Mohamed
aE Collected By: Baha
the warble of the musical pitch and e th th bo surat th d ed. "I was really She discovere significantly lower s any ng m so so t or in y sh ' wa sparrows in a similar s, ngs had changed ing so rd at co th re d e fin th to g d prise After analyzin id. sa e sh e s," se on to y in order different populati aerial photograph l iva ch ar re e ed th rv in se y present da Derryberry ob ged from 1970s to an did ch ge pe lia ca fo ds e lan th how the eas where und that in the ar were made. She fo s ing d down. rd we co slo re 't e th dn gions were ned sparrows ha ow -cr ite wh of s ng not change, the so
esses. ln il fy ti n e id lp e h to e s Nano-no
the esses in fluids of ' the scent of illn ell 'sm ish gu to s tin er dis rch t coatings to used by U.S. resea gold with differen ing rd of co s Nanoparticles are Ac cle t. rti tis pa ien no Sc hers used Na d by the New rte po re as ep s, es rec body. The researc of illn the has a series oteins and detect s the human nose ett e us th ch at sa th among different pr as ell M sm of not a specific m the University ounds. Thus it is to Vince Rotello fro ich creates to different comp tly en the receptors, wh er by diff t ed ac uc re od pr se on sp tors, which re from the d ts ize and with scientis , but it is a general m the university detect fro receptors react to s to ue e' ag ipl lle inc co -pr up with his the same nose ed pli ap lo lution tel so the smell. Teamed a Ro ce consisting of of Technology, Vin ceptors, each one re ating six co Georgia Institute t of en m er ste diff sy nose' uses a one having a noparnanometres, each proteins. The 'nano 2 Na e an th th r of ge ng lar ati t co up the rticles no with gold nano pa lecules which make to attach to form the organic mo having a property us ms th ato s, n re ge tu tro fea t Ni en er too. The team's diff ve rs. ha he s ot ein es of prot s more than with or pt ce re ose the me ticles. Different typ so pu th eins. For this rp though binding wi g for different prot din ceptor re various receptors, bin e of th s to tie d er fy those prop molecule attache e Th l. na cepsig nt e task was to identi ce ores er bound to th re ule beaming a flu ule when the latt lec ed. mo uc ein od team used a molec ot pr pr ht by lig ced, the more it was replaced ensci lecule was displa e particles and then mo th ts nt en ce es rim or pe flu more the er. During the ex ut mp pco ce e re th e tor. This way, the by th d ze produced by subsequently analy ed that the signals e ov rat pr cu d ac The results were an s s wa ' ein se ot pr -no 56 different oteins. The 'nano pr us as rio t, va en g tists ran tests with on hm am accomplis used to distinguish timistic about this e tors could be then . Mr. Rotello is op sts te but it could see th e , es se th ea g dis rin a du . After oteins specific for in 96 of 100 cases dy pr t bo ou n ma ing hu ell e sm th r t just fo oteins in it could be used no combination of pr were able to aly in the normal om als, the scientists an im e an th hy or alt ce he en d an k differ this ability sic ke of ma od to blo tests with re and they try he p sto to ds of nt running a series of wa t ntify different kin serum. They do no the 'nano-nose' ide in ke lty ma ve identify changes in to no ns a t pla no lo t illnesses is . Later on Rotel device, sniffing ou tecting se statistically stable de no of a ch ble Su pa s. ca se ed develop her disea cancer cells and ot there were devices complicated and technology, as detect large and ce to en e sci on of st fir rld e wo th is the m ste sy s lo' tel yet the Ro small molecules; s. ule molec
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Turns Plastic t a th e in h c a M : n o ti n e Latest Inv Back Into Oil.
a machine able to managed to create st, Ble d lle stic waste ca y an ble to reduce pla a Japanese comp pe that it is possi ho An inventor from ri Ito has ing ov ino pr Ak . us ns th , back into oil ands in the ocea isl ge hu ms indusfor transform plastic o an t als used at home d tes the ground bu and which can be , es of oil. siz t that not only pollu er en litt er a diff o that can be of plastic waste int ine of ch ma ram a d og e. te kil en a inv n turn emit carbon dioxid latest invention ca machine does not e th re tu ty, ici era trial plants. Ito's ctr mp ele te a of kes use of ess uses 1 kilowatt s, the machine ma tyThough such proc tead of using flame polyethylene, polys ins at ing th lud ing inc on , nti ing yth an ra t ba os iha alm It is worth me s Ak es bottles, reports heater. It can proc d le to process PET an ab el controlling electric es un Di is e, it lin r, so ve pylene. Howe ed to create ga us en th be n ca rene and polypro s oces ned during the pr News. The oil obtai Kerosene.
ending on Bird's Songs Vary Dep Habitat.
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Collected By: Hadir Batea
Pro.Farouk El-Baz born on January 2, 1938, is an Egyptian American scientist who worked with NASA to assist in the planning of scientific exploration of the Moon, including the selection of landing sites for the Apollo missions and the training of astronauts in lunar observations and photography. Currently, El-Baz is Research Professor and Director of the Center for Remote Sensing at Boston University, Boston MA, U.S.A.,He is an Adjunct Professor of Geology at the Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Geological Society of America Foundation, Boulder, CO, and a member of the U.S.National Academy of Engineering, Washington, DC.
BIOGRPHY He was born on January 2, 1938 in the Nile Delta town of El Senbellawein .At the age of 20, he received a Chemistry and Geology from Ain Shams University In 1961, he received a in Geology from the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy (now Missouri University of Science and Technology In 1964 , he received a PhD in Geology from the Missouri University of Science and Technology after conducting research in 1962- 1963at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ,Cambridge MA.In 1989, he received an Honorary Doctor of Science degree from the New England College Henniker, NH; in 2002 a Professional Degree from Missouri S&T; in 2003 an Honorary Ph.D.from Mansoura University in Egypt; in 2004 a Doctor of Laws degree from the American University in Cairo; and in 2004 an Honorary Doctor of Engineering degree from Missouri.
DOCTORATE El-Baz taught Geologyat Assiut University, Egypt (1958–1960) and the University of Heidelberg Germany (1964–1965). He joined the Pan American - U.A.R. Oil Company in 1966, where he participated in the discovery of El -Morgan, the first offshore oil field in the gulf of Suez.
NASA From 1967 to 1972, El-Baz participated in the Apollo Program as Supervisor of Lunar Science Planning at Bellcomm Inc. ,a division of AT&T that conducted systems analysis for NASA.During these six years, he was secretary of the Landing Site Selection Committee for the Apollo lunar landing missions, Principal Investigator of Visual Observations and Photography, and chairman of the Astronaut Training Group.His outstanding teaching abilities were confirmed by the Apollo astronauts.While orbiting the Moon for the first time during Apollo 15, Command Module Pilot Alfred Worden said, "After the King's [Farouk's nickname]training, I feel like I've been here before”. Also during the Apollo program, El-Baz joined NASA officials in briefing members of the press on the results of the lunar missions.His ability to simplify scientific jargon made his remarks on the program's scientific accomplishments often quoted by the media.
POST APOLLO After the Apollo Program ended in 1972, El-Baz joined the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC to establish and direct the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies at the National Air and Space Museum. At the same time, he was elected as a member of the Lunar Nomenclature Task Group of the International Astronomical Union. In this capacity, he continues to participate in naming features of the Moon as revealed by lunar photographic missions. In 1973, NASA selected him as Principal Investigator of the Earth Observations and Photography Experiment on the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP), the first joint American-Soviet space mission of July 1975. Emphasis was placed on photographing arid environments, particularly the Great Sahara of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, in addition to other features of the Earth and its oceans. Emphasizing the study of the origin and evolution of arid landscapes, he collected field data during visits to every major desert in the world. One of his significant journeys took place soon after the United States and China had normalized relations in 1979, when he coordinated the first visit by American scientists to the deserts of northwestern China. The six-week journey was chronicled in the National Geographic and the Explorers Journal. His research on the origin and evolution of the desert resulted in his election as Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). From 1982 until he joined Boston University in 1986, he was Vice President of Itek Optical Systems of Lexington MA. During these years he supervised the utilization of the Space Shuttle's Large Format Camera photographs. During the past 20 years in his research at Boston University, El-Baz utilizes satellite images to better understand the origin and evolution of desert landforms. He is credited with providing evidence that the desert is not manmade, but the result of major climatic variations. His research uncovered numerous sand-buried rivers and streams in the Sahara based on the interpretation of radar images. These former water courses lead into depressions in the terrain, which he theorized must host groundwater. His analysis of these data resulted in the location of groundwater in the arid terrains of Egypt, Oman and the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), and perhaps Darfur in Sudan (unless it dried up) . El-Baz was elected Fellow of the Geological Society of America, the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World TWAS, and to the National Academy of Engineering (USA). In 1999, the Geological Society of America Foundation (GSAF) established the "Farouk El-Baz Award for Desert Research," to annually reward excellence in arid land studies. In 2007 the GSAF also established the "Farouk El-Baz Student Research Award" to encourage desert research. He is married, has four daughters, and six grandchildren. El- Baz is the brother of Osama El-Baz, senior advisor to Egypt's president Hosni Mubarak.
Collected By: Mohamed El-Said Gomaa
William 'Strata' Smith (23 March 1769 – 28 August 1839) was an English geologist, credited with creating the first nationwide geological map. He is known as the "Father of English geology" for collating the geological history of England and Wales into a single record, although recognition was very slow in coming. At the time his map was first published he was overlooked by the scientific community; his relatively humble education and family c o n n e c ti o n s p r e v e n ti n g h i m f r o m m i x i n g e a s i l y i n l e a r n e d society. Consequently his work was plagiarized, he was financially ruined, and he spent time in debtors' prison. It was only much later in his life that Smith received recognition for his accomplishments.
Life's work Smith worked at one of the estate's older mines, the Mearns Pit at high Littleton, part of the Somerset coalfield and the Somerset coal canal. As he observed the rock layers (or strata) at the pit. He realized that they were arranged in a predictable pattern and that the various strata could always be found in the same relative positions. Additionally, each particular stratum could be identified by the fossils it contained, and the same succession of fossil groups from older to younger rocks could be found in many parts of England. Furthermore, he noticed an easterly dip of the beds of rock- small near the surface (about three degrees) then bigger after the Triassic rocks. This gave Smith a testable hypothesis, which he termed The principle of faunal succession, and he began his search to determine if the relationships between the strata and their characteristics were consistent throughout the country. During subsequent travels, first as a surveyor (appointed by noted engineer john RenĂŠe) for the canal company until 1799 when he was dismissed, and later, he was continually taking samples and mapping the locations of the various strata, and displaying the vertical extent of the strata, and drawing cross-sections and tables of what he saw. This would earn him the name "Strata Smith". As a natural consequence, Smith amassed a large and valuable collection of fossils of the strata he had examined himself from exposures in canals, road and railway cuttings, quarries and escarpments across the country. He published his findings with many pictures from his fossil collection, enabling others to investigate their distribution and test his theories. His collection is especially good on Jurassic fossils he collected from the cornbrsh , kimmeridge clay ,oxford clay ,Oolitic limestone and other horizons in the sequence. They included many types of brachiopods, ammonites and mollusk s characteristic of the shallow seas in which they were deposited. Some of the names he coined (like Cornbrash) are still used today for this formation.
Publication and disappointment In 1799 Smith produced the first large scale geologic map of the area around Bath Somerset. Previously, he only knew how to draw the vertical extent of the rocks, but not how to display them horizontally. However, in the Somerset County Agricultural Society, he found a map showing the types of soils and vegetation around Bath and their geographical extent. Importantly, the differing types were colored. Using this technique, Smith could draw a geological map from his observations showing the outcrops of the rocks. He took a few rock types, each with its own color. Then he estimated the boundaries of each of the outcrops of rock, filled them in with color and ended up with a crude geological map. In 1801, he drew a rough sketch of what would become "The Map that Changed the World". Because he was unemployed, he could travel across the length and breadth of the country, while meeting some eminent people such as Thomas coke, 1st earl of Leicester, and the duke of Bedford. In 1815 he published the first geological map of Britain. It covered the whole of England and Wales, and parts of Scotland. Conventional symbols were used to mark canals, tunnels, tramways and roads, collieries, lead, copper and tin mines, together with salt and alum works. The various geological types were indicated by different colors; the maps were hand colored. Nevertheless, the map is remarkably similar to modern geological maps of England. He also published his Delineation of the Strata of England and Wales in the same year. In this work he recognized that strata contained distinct fossil assemblages which could be used to match rocks across regions. In 1817 he drew a remarkable geological section from Snowdon to London. Unfortunately, his maps were soon plagiarized and sold for prices lower than he was asking. He went into debt and finally became bankrupt. On 31 August 1819 Smith was released from King's Bench Prison in London, a debtor's Prison. He returned to his home of fourteen years at 15 Buckingham Street to find a bailiff at the door and his home and property seized. Smith then worked as an itinerant surveyor for many years until one of his employers, Sir John Johnston, recognized him and took steps to gain for him the respect he deserved. Between 1824 and 1826 he lived and worked in Scarborough, and was responsible for the building of the Rotunda, a geological museum devoted to the Yorkshire coast. The Rotunda was re-opened as 'Rotunda - The William Smith Museum of Geology', on 9 May 2008 by Lord Ox burgh, however, the Prince of Wales visited the Rotunda as early as 14 September 2007 to view the progress of the refurbishment of this listed building.
El Fayum is one of the governorates in the north-west of Egypt about 100km from Cairo . El Fayum is renowned for its fertile land , fascinating tourist attractions that date back to ancient Egyptian time and its great history .
Collected By: Mohamed El-Araby
The name of "El Fayum" comes from the Coptic word 'Phiom' , which means lake or sea since it was enclosing a sea in the Prehistoric period . Ptolemy II (Philadelophos) gave El Fayoum the name 'Philadelphia' . El Fauoum is also renowned for its Fayimian and Meorian Cultures that date back to the 5500 to 4000 BC . People of these cultures were sedentary and knew methods of agriculture and pottery making . With the climatic changes , around 4000 BC people began to abandon Fayoum and migrate to the Nile Valley , getting in contact with the people of Maadi Culture . However , El Fayoum remained a savage site for hunting and extracting mining salts . Thus , the Ancient Egyptians identified the lake of El Fayoum with some appropriate names , such as 'the Nun' or the Primeval Ocean , where life began . El Fayoum was the cult of Sobek god , the crocodile , and the lake of El Fayoum was regarded as a sacred place In the Old Kingdom and some temples were established for worshiping him . In the Middle Kingdom the region of El Fayoum witnessed a great prosperity and a large number of temples were established . King Amen-Em-Hat (of the Twelfth Dynasty) chose the site of Lisht , on the midway between the Nile Valley and Fayoum , to be his residence . Amen-Em-Hat I built his pyramid there and it is thought also that he flooded Fayoum to create the Lake Moeris . During this dynasty , the whole region witnessed a wide scale development . El Lahun Pyramid , the colossi of Biahmu , the Labyrinth Pyramid all belong to this period . During the Greek Period , the region prospered once again and hundreds of papyri found in different cemeteries of Fayoum provide much information on the booming life the Fayoumians led . But once the region began to decline by the 2nd century , it was gradually abandoned . There are other monuments in El Fayoum including the famous for Karoun Lake and the Valley of Whales , with more than 500 skeletons of whales that are most popular tourist attractions in Egypt it was gradually abandoned . In addition to Lakes , tourist attractions El Fayum has become one of the major agricultural lands in Egypt that is rich in is regarded thanks to the improvement of communicational means , irrigation methods and investment in diverse crops .
The Greater Fayoum Basin ) holds a rich heritage of paleontological, archeological and geological exposures such as The Qasr El Sagha (Temple of the Crocodile), Wadi Ryan and Wadi Hitan (Whale Valley) .
The Fayoum Basin formed initially along the Tethyan margin in Jurassic time. Its current shape is from subsidence that terminated in late Eocene time. The basin is largely below sea level Natural breaks in the levee of the Nile River have caused repeated flooding of the basin. Ancient Lake Moeris was much more extensive than the current Lake Qarun. Egypt’s climate 8500-4000 years ago was significantly wetter, and this large natural lake with its abundant wildlife and surrounding fertile soils, attracted very early human occupation. The basin has seen continuous human habitation from Neolithic time to present. In Pharonic times, Egyptians built an extensive network of canals, locks and irrigation system designed to maintain the level of Lake Moeris. During Roman occupation, the level of the lake was dropped to make room for more irrigable land and the present Lake Qarun is only a fraction of its former size.
Egypt’s tectonic history can be summarized in 8 major events (Dolson et al., 2001) 1. Paleozoic craton 2. Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rifting 3. Cretaceous passive margin 4. Syrian Arc inversion (84 MA-50 MA) and foreland transgression 5. Oligo-Miocene Gulf of Suez rifting 6. Late Miocene Red Sea breakup 7. Messinian salinity crisis 8. Plio-Pleistocene delta progradation
Jurassic rifting and Syrian Arc inversion were the dominant tectonic events shaping the current geometry of the Fayoum Basin. The basin is in excess of 6000 meters deep and is flanked to the northwest by a prominent Syrian Arc inversion structure known as the Kattaniya Horst. The Bahariya oasis, formed on another large Syrian Arc structure, bounds the basin to the southwest
Basin outlines and regional geology Figure below illustrates the shape of Egypt’s basins. It is derived from data presented in part by (Loutit et al., 2001), and from new seismic data attained in 2000 in the Mediterranean Basin. A dominant trend of NE-SW oriented basins reflects the Tethyan Jurassic rift margin. This margin was re-activated and inverted during the Syrian Arc transpressional event (Kuss et al., 2000).
Along the Mediterranean coastline, a prominent NW-SE oriented ridge extending toward Libya marks the “hingeline”, an old fault whose age dates at least to the Jurassic, if not Precambrian. This trend intersects the old Tethyan margin due north of the Kattaniya horst in the vicinity of the “ transfarezone” indicated on Figure shown above. This intersection marks the transfer of throw on the Tethyan margin fault systems to the NW-SE. structural belt. It forms a classic transfer zone structural low and has been the point of sediment input into the Nile Delta since at least early Cretaceous time. The positions of these Tethyan margin basins and subsequent inversion and modification during the Syrian Arc event exerted a fundamental control on Eocene and Oligocene paleogeography.
Wadi Ar-Rayyan is a valley in the middle of Fayoum Governorate in the Sahara Desert (known in Egypt as the Western Desert) . It was declared a natural protected area in 1989 . Two artificial lakes have been created in Wadi Ar-Rayyan in 1973 when it had been submerged low desert by agricultural drainage water surplus through the establishment of an open channel extending about 9 km length connected to a 8 . 5 km tunnel , in order to reduce the ground water level in the surrounding areas of Lake Qaroun . The natural park covers 11 , 434 hectares of lakes , 1 , 583 hectares of wetlands , and 160 , 949 hectares of desert lands . Nearby , Wadi Al-Oyoun oasis covers 1 , 935 hectares . In the winter , lakes are rich of various types of migrating aquatic birds . The desert , on the other hand , includes attractively appealing landscapes such as sand dunes and rare formations of the uninhabited desert oases .
Wadi Ar-Rayan
Lake Qaroun (ancient Lake Moeris) is a nature reserve in the governorate of El-Fayoum . It was declared a nature reserve in 1989 with a view to protecting and conserving the area's biological , archaeological and geological diversity . The reserve comprises 1155 km2 of land and 230 square km of water . The lake is rich with various kinds of fish 45 meters below sea level in addition to many charming species of mammals , reptiles and birds . Besides , many archaeological and geological formations can be obtained from the rare fossils the reserve contains . One can immerse in the splendid view of 88 species of birds (including flamingoes) gracefully flying around their nests nearby the lake . For a long period , the lake was too salty for fish , until some marine species – including eel , mullet , sole and shrimp – were brought in the 1970's . Among the several monuments the reserve contains are: El-Sagha (Goldsmiths) Palace from the Middle Kingdom , Abu Lifa Monastery , as well as the remains of the old town of Skitnopius .
Lake Qaroun
Wadi Al-Hitan ('Whale Valley') is situated in the Western Desert of Egypt , in El-Fayoum Governorate , around 150 km south-west of Cairo . It contains countless fossil remains of one of the earliest species of the extinct suborder of whales , Archaeoceti . Besides being a protected area , the site was declared a world natural heritage site by the UNESCO in 2005 . The Valley of the Whales (or the Zeuglodon Valley) was discovered in 1936 and ever since , it became an open museum that dates back to 45 million years and contains petrified primitive whales skeletons , shark teeth , shells and roots of mangroves preserved in soft rocks . Some of the amazing discoveries in the valley is the large walking whale , which once had feet and used to walk on the shore before getting into water . It is called Ambulocetus natans , moved easily between land and sea . Having the size of a walrus , it inhabited coastal environments . With the fossils found , much information about the life of flora and fauna are driven . It is worth noting how clearly these fossils represent one of the major stories of evolution: the emergence of the whale as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal . This significant phase of evolution is vividly demonstrated at this site . What also distinguishes the area is the existence of movable sand dunes , four natural sulfuric springs , plant groups that contain 15 species of desert plants , about 15 types of wild mammals (such as the white deer , the Egyptian deer , fennec fox (sand fox) , red fox and others) , 16 species of reptiles , as well as over 100 species of resident and migrating birds
Wadi Al-Hitan
Written By: Mohamed Ahmed Abo Ali ALXUSC Treasurer Here we are again my friends with the drilling time . Last time we had an addict introduction about well construction and petroleum industry .This issue we are going to dig dipper into the anatomy of the rig as we are about to recognize the rig systems and the art of drilling fluid which in point of view is the soul of the well. 1. How do we provide electricity for such a place? 2. How to hoist those heavy drill strings and casing pips? 3. How to rotate the bit and make the hole? 4. And the master questions of this volume what are the drilling fluids ? A lot of question marks wander which we will answer it starting from now
1. what are the rig systems? Like the human body the rig has a lot of systems which help it to continue its mission the rig systems is divided to a) Power System b) Hoisting System c) Rotary System d) Fluid Circulation System e) Well Control system F) Blowout Prevention
B. The hoisting system Used for raising and lowering the drilling assembly, and for running casing, completion equipment and other tools in and out of the hole
C. Rotary system A hexagonal or square pipe is connected to the topmost joint of the drill string. The rotary table and Kelly drive bushing impart rotation to the drill string while allowing it to be moved up or down As an alternative to the Kelly and rotary table, most modern rigs employ a Top Drive system for rotating the drill string. A powerful electric or hydraulic motor is suspended from the travelling block
Kelly V.S top drive
A- The power system Most power consumed by: hoisting &fluid circulation systems Fortunately, they are Not used at the same time Typical power requirements 1000 – 3000 hp these power generated from Steam engine (Old days) Diesel & Gas engine (Now): Diesel-electric type (electric motors) SCR Direct-drive type (gears-chains) Most modern rigs are electric. Generally, large diesel engines are the primary source of power. Electric power generated by the engines is first converted from AC to DC in the SCR unit. DC motors supply power to the draw works, rotary, and pumps AC power is still used for auxiliary equipment.
Advantages of Top drive Drilling are A safer drilling operation ,Reduction of total drilling costs by increasing drilling efficiency ,Continuous rotation and circulation during movement of the string Drilling with stands instead of singles, Connection be madeup or broken-out at any point on the derrick and a better system for under-balanced drilling
Major disadvantages Derrick modification may be required, expensive Because of high torque and more power required than conventional
D. Fluid circulation system During drilling, fluid is continuously pumped down the drill string, through the bit, and up the annular space between the hole and the drill string. Its main purpose is to bring up the cuttings, cool the bit, maintain hole stability, and prevent formation fluids from entering the wellbore
E,F. Well control system &BOP system The well control system and the BOP the both will be described in details in the 5 issue of the navigator
Some physical concepts about drilling fluids For those working at well sites, a basic knowledge of “fluid” properties is required, especially those properties that distinguish fluids from solids. Fluids can be a gas or a liquid, where gases are highly compressible and its volume being dependent upon pressure and temperature. Liquids, on the other hand, are only slightly compressible, and their volume being only slightly dependent upon temperature. We shall be dealing with only liquids in this issue. Since drilling muds are commonly referred to as drilling fluids, the term “fluid” will be used throughout the issue. The effects of temperature and pressure on a volume of drilling fluid will be ignored .
Pressure Pressure is defined as the force acting on a unit area. In the oil field, pressure is commonly measured in pounds per square inch (psi).
Hydrostatic Pressure As mentioned earlier, this is the pressure created by a column of fluid due to its density and vertical height. This type of pressure always exists and may be calculated whether the fluid is static or flowing. It can be calculated using: HPPSI=MW *0.0519* TVD , MW is the mud weight, TVD is the true vertical depth
Hydraulic Pressure This is the pressure created (or needed) to move drilling fluid through pipe. In oil field terms, it is the pressure generated by the mud pump in order to move the drilling fluid from the mud pump around the system and back to the flow line
Formation pressure The pressure of the fluid excited in the pores of the rock formation
Drilling fluid A drilling fluid is any fluid which is circulated through a well in order to remove cuttings from a wellbore. This section will discuss fluids which have water or oil as their continuous phase. Air, mist and foam, which can be used as drilling fluids the drilling fluid must fulfill many functions in order for a well to be drilled successfully, safely, and economically. The most important functions are : 1. Remove drilled cuttings from under the bit 2. Carry those cuttings out of the hole 3. Suspend cuttings in the fluid when circulation is stopped 4. Release cuttings when processed by surface equipment 5. Allow cuttings to settle out at the surface 6. Provide enough hydrostatic pressure to balance formation pore pressures 7. Prevent the bore hole from collapsing or caving in 8. Protect producing formations from damage which could impair production 9. Clean, cool, and lubricate the drill bit
Make-up of a Drilling Fluid: In its most basic form a drilling fluid is composed of a liquid (either water or oil) and some sort of viscosifying agent. If nothing else is added, whenever the hydrostatic pressure is greater than the formation pore pressure (and the formation is porous and permeable) a portion of the fluid will be flushed into the formation. Since excessive filtrate can cause borehole problems, some sort of filtration control additive is generally added. In order to provide enough hydrostatic pressure to balance abnormal pore pressures, the density of the drilling fluid is increased by adding a weight material (generally barite). In summary, a drilling fluid consists of The Base Liquid Water (fresh or saline) Oil (diesel or crude) Mineral Oil or other synthetic fluids Dispersed Solids Colloidal particles, which are suspended particles of various sizes Dissolved Solids Usually salts, and their effects on colloids most is important All drilling fluids have essentially the same properties, only the magnitude varies. These properties include density, viscosity, gel strength, filter cake, water loss, and electrical resistance
Drilling Fluid Classification Systems: - Non-Dispersed System This mud system consists of spud muds, “natural” muds, and other lightly treated systems. Generally used in the shallower portions of a well.
- Dispersed Mud Systems These mud systems are “dispersed” with deflocculants and filtrate reducers. Normally used on deeper wells or where problems with viscosity occur. The main dispersed mud is a “lignosulfonate” system, though other products are used. Lignite and other chemicals are added to maintain specific mud properties.
Calcium-Treated Mud Systems: This mud system uses calcium and magnesium to inhibit the hydration of formation clays/shales. Hydrated lime, gypsum and calcium chloride are the main components of this type of system.
Polymer Mud Systems: Polymers are long-chained, high molecular-weight compounds, which are used to increase the viscosity, flocculate clays, reduce filtrate and stabilize the borehole. Bio-polymers and cross-linked polymers, which have good shear-thinning properties, are also used.
Low Solids Mud System: This type of mud system controls the solids content and type. Total solids should not be higher than 6% to 10%. Clay content should not be greater than 3%. Drilled solids to bentonite ratio should be less than 2:1.
Saturated Salt Mud Systems: A saturated salt system will have a chloride content of 189,000 ppm. In saltwater systems, the chloride content can range from 6,000 to 189,000 ppm. Those at the lower end are normally called “seawater” systems These muds can be prepared with fresh or salt water, then sodium chloride or other salts (potassium, etc.) are added. Attapulgite clay, CMC or starch is added to maintain viscosity.
Oil-Based Mud Systems: There are two types of systems: 1) invert emulsion, where water is the dispersed phase and oil the continuous phase (water-in-oil mud), and 2) emulsion muds, where oil is the dispersed phase and water is the continuous phase (oil-in-water mud). Emulsifiers are added to control the rheological properties (water increases viscosity, oil decreases viscosity).
Air, Mist, Foam-Based Mud Systems: These “lower than hydrostatic pressure” systems are of four types: 1) dry air or gas is injected into the borehole to remove cuttings and can be used until appreciable amounts of water are encountered 2) mist drilling is then used, which involves injecting a foaming agent into the air stream 3) foam drilling is used when large amounts of water is encountered, which uses chemical detergents and polymers to form the foam, and 4) aerated fluids is a mud system injected with air to reduce the hydrostatic pressure
Workover Mud Systems: Also called completion fluids, these are specialized systems designed to: 1) minimize formation damage 2) be compatible with acidizing and fracturing fluids 3) reduce clay/shale hydration. They are usually highly treated brines and blended salt fluids
Drilling Fluid Additives: Many substances, both reactive and inert, are added to drilling fluids to perform specialized functions. The most common functions are:
- Alkalinity and pH Control Designed to control the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the drilling fluid. Most common are lime, caustic soda and bicarbonate of soda.
- Bactericides Used to reduce the bacteria count. Para formaldehyde, caustic soda, lime and starch preservatives are the most common.
- Calcium Reducers These are used to prevent, reduce and overcome the contamination effects of calcium sulfates (anhydrite and gypsum). The most common are caustic soda, soda ash, bicarbonate of soda and certain polyphosphates
- Corrosion Inhibitors Used to control the effects of oxygen and hydrogen sulfide corrosion. Hydrated lime and amine salts are often added to check this type of corrosion. Oil-based muds have excellent corrosion inhibition properties.
- Emulsifiers Added to a mud system to create a homogeneous mixture of two liquids (oil and water). The most common are modified lignosulfonates, fatty acids and amine derivatives.
- Filtrate Reducers These are used to reduce the amount of water lost to the formations. The most common are bentonite clays, CMC (sodium carboxymethylcellulose) and pregelatinized starch.
- Flocculants These are used to cause the colloidal particles in suspension to form into bunches, causing solids to settle out. The most common are salt, hydrated lime, gypsum and sodium tetraphosphates.
- Foaming Agents Most commonly used in air drilling operations. They act as surfactants, to foam in the presence of water.
- Lost Circulation Materials These inert solids are used to plug large openings in the formations, to prevent the loss of whole drilling fluid. Nut plug (nut shells), and mica flakes are commonly used.
- Lubricants These are used to reduce torque at the bit by reducing the coefficient of friction. Certain oils and soaps are commonly used.
- Pipe-Freeing Agents Used as spotting fluids in areas of stuck pipe to reduce friction, increase lubricity and inhibit formation hydration. Commonly used are oils, detergents, surfactants and soaps.
- Shale-Control Inhibitors These are used to control the hydration, caving and disintegration of clay/ shale formations. Commonly used are gypsum, sodium silicate and calcium lignosulfonates.
- Surfactants These are used to reduce the interfacial tension between contacting surfaces (oil/water, water/solids, water/air, etc.).
- Weighting Agents Used to provide a weighted fluid higher than the fluids specific gravity. Materials are barite, hematite, calcium carbonate and galena.
Deformers These are used to reduce the foaming action in salt and saturated saltwater mud systems, by reducing the surface tension.
for any comment or question contact our email
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Collected By :Ahmed El-Refi
MU-GEOLOGY DEPARTMENT SCHOLARSHIPS Several scholarships in the range of $200 to $1000 each are available. Minimum grade point requirements for a scholarship are a 2.8 overall GPA AND a minimum 3.0 GPA in all geology courses completed. Applications should be made by letter to Miriam BarqueroMolina, field camp director (see address on the Contact page), and be accompanied by: 1. official transcripts for all of your college coursework (multiple schools if necessary) 2. a sealed letter of reference from one or more of your geology professors. No statement of financial need is required. The amount of the award depends on the quality and number of qualified applicants in a given year.Initial scholarship awards will be made on February 15th. There is no deadline for scholarship applications; however funds may become limited after February 15th. for more information visit :
UNESCO/Japan Young Researchers' Fellowships Programme (UNESCO/Keizo Obuchi Research Fellowships Programme) 2011 Cycle - Reinforcing its belief in "people building the next era", the Government of Japan offers 20 fellowships per year, for the eleventh consecutive year, to be awarded to deserving candidates from developing countries, especially the least developed countries (LDCs), who are eager to undertake research on one or more of the topics listed below. The aim of the fellowships is to support innovative and imaginative post-graduate research in four areas of development of particular interest to UNESCO. Deadline for the submission of applications: 7 January 2011. for more information visit :
Petroleum Engineering Scholarships Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) scholarship funds are available from many sources for students interested in pursuing careers in the oil and gas industry. Scholarships are offered throughout the world by SPE, the SPE Foundation, local SPE sections, and others. For more information visit:
Foundation Programs and Funds The foundation is organized into a series of programs, each with a companion fund for support. These programs and funds are as follows: - Beardsley-Kuper Fund - Jahns Fund - Tilford Field Studies Scholarship - Legget Fund - Johnston Operations Funds - Greatest Need/Memorial Fund - Marliave Scholarship - Research Fund - Stout Scholarship - Shlemon Specialty Conferences - Lemke Fund - Texas Section Scholarship Fund For more information visit :
APPLICATION FOR UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP IN PETROLEUM ENGINEERING & RELATED FIELDS The scholarship applications are now accepted for 2011-2012 academic year. This year the application process for the SPE Gulf Coast Section Undergraduate Scholarship will be completed only online. The application is for $1,500/semester and all applications are due by February 6, 2011. Though the application is not due until February, it is important to familiarize yourself with the application process as soon as possible. A print-out of this document might be helpful. For more information visit :
Why Being a Geologist??!!! During drilling an Oil or Gas well there are five steps in which the Geologist is involved and the Geologist wears a different hat for each of them!!
Collected By: Hani Khalil
Step 1 - Prospecting (Geologist = Scientist) "Prospecting" is the process which the geologist goes through to locate a place to drill a well. Most petroleum geologists work in an office, where they have access to well logs, core records, drilling records, and other data that they need to work. They construct maps and cross-sections to help them locate the best places to drill wells. The geologist is interested in anything that happens in his area, particularly news of new discoveries by other companies, success producing hydrocarbons from a previously-untested zone, and any drilling activity that is close to his leased acreage. If he sees a promising new area, he will recommend to his Land Department that they attempt to lease the acreage. He studies his maps and cross-sections and runs computer simulations that help him select the next best location to drill. He is Always thinking about the next drilling location! This is the primary job of the Petroleum Geologist The geologist will want to know what type of trap he is dealing with, and the composition of the sedimentary rocks he will be drilling through. He wants to estimate the porosity of his prospective "Pay zone", and know whether or not he can expect to encounter very high pressure in the hole. If seismic is involved in the prospect, he will consult with the geophysicist and get his opinion of the prospect. When he has finally found the correct spot, he spends much time cross-checking to ensure that he has not missed anything. He wants to make sure that he is not "surprised" later by finding out that his location was drilled by another company 30years ago (and was dry),
Step 2 - Packaging (Geologist = Artist/Designer) The geologist has huge amounts of data available that he has used to define and select his prospect. Now, he must condense this data into a set of presentation materials that can be shown to non-geologists in the oil business. These people may include managers, investors, ( bankers, engineers, or others who will help to approve and get financing for the drilling deal. If the geologist works for an oil company, these people will usually be fellow employees of the business. If he works for himself (as an "Independent" geologist), various people unrelated to each other may be involved. In any case, his objective is to condense his work into a form that be easily and quickly understood by many people from different backgrounds. For this task, he may prepare sets of simplified maps and cross-sections, often highly-colored and attractive to the eye. He may package his deal using PowerPoint, or other presentation software. But the objective is to produce a set of useful reference materials he can present and demonstrate to others involved in the project. Creativity, design sense, and art skills are very important during this phase. He also needs to anticipate all questions, and be prepared to answer every one of them. He must be very sure of himself and his facts before he moves to the next step.
Step 3 - Selling the Deal (Geologist= Salesman) Now the geologist must step into a role that is sometimes foreign and often uncomfortable for him ... selling his prospect. This is because geologists are scientists, with scientific backgrounds and schooling. They are used to talking to other scientists. But now The geologist must sell the deal to other people who are not geology experts or scientists
He is looking to convince others that his prospect is worth drilling, that investors will get a good return on their money, and that the financing they provide for the deal will be money well-spent. Don't forget that even an inexpensive test well can cost more than a million dollars, and some exploration tests may easily run into tens of millions! So the geologist wants to be sure of his facts, and everyone else involved must believe that the well has a reasonable chance of being successful. If he works for an oil company, the geologist will meet with the land man, who will ensurethe company has the legal right to drill the well. He will consult with the engineer, who will determine the (nearly) exact cost of drilling the well, and recognize any special drilling problems that might develop. Marketing personnel will ensure that the company has a market (buyer) for the oil, or a pipeline for the gas. Managers, responsible for ensuring that the company's drilling budget is spent wisely, will also approve the well. If outside financing will be used, the geologist will go over the prospect with representatives of the bank or other individuals or partnerships putting up the money. When he's done, the geologist will have "sold" his prospect to anywhere from a few to several dozen people.
Step 4 - Drilling (Geologist = Supervisor) Next comes the part that every geologist enjoys the most! Drilling the well! It has now been several months since the geologist started working on his idea...which then became his prospect. Now the surface owners have been paid, permits acquired, the money raised, roads and drilling location built, pipe and supplies ordered, and the company has engaged a drilling contractor who owns the drilling rig, and will drill the well in the manner specified The contractor will often select the type of drill bits to be used that his experience tells him will work best, hire a crew, and make other decisions concerning the drilling. Drilling a well is a very complex procedure involving many people where nearly everything must go right, and there is no room for error. Dangerous and powerful machinery, bad weather, and mechanical failures must be faced daily. The work goes on for weeks to months, 24 hours a day, nonstop. A slip-up at any point can ruin the expensive hole, cost a fortune, get people killed, or all three .
The geologist will closely monitor all aspects of the drilling as it takes place. He will hire a mud logger to "sit" the well day and night, study the well cuttings, report shows of oil and gas, and keep track of other things on the location. The geologist will monitor the formation tops as they are encountered and discuss the progress of the drilling with the investors. The geologist will decide where and when to takes cores or DST's. When the hole has been drilled, the geologist will select a logging company and the proper logging tools to evaluate the hole. Finally, when the well is logged, he will examine the logs and recommend that the well be either completed or plugged. The geologist will closely monitor all aspects of the drilling as it takes place. He will hire a mud logger to "sit" the well day and night, study the well cuttings, report shows of oil and gas, and keep track of other things on the location. The geologist will monitor the formation tops as they are encountered and discuss the progress of the drilling with the investors. The geologist will decide where and when to takes cores or DST's. When the hole has been drilled, the geologist will select a logging company and the proper logging tools to evaluate the hole. Finally, when the well is logged, he will examine the logs and recommend that the well be either completed or plugged.
Step 5 - Completion (Geologist = Advisor) The job of completing the well is mainly in the hands of the petroleum engineer. He will decide what type of casing to run, what type and method of cementing will be used, and design and implement the completion procedure itself (which may involve perforating, breakdowns, acid jobs); However, he will depend on the geologist at this time to advise him at each step of the way. To start, the geologist will give the engineer a list of formation tops and tell the engineer which zones will be tested. The geologist is usually the person most familiar with the area and the practices of other oil companies. He may suggest a certain style or method of perforation, or offer advice on cementing techniques. He may be familiar with the most successful fracturing or breakdown procedures in the area. He will relay this information to the petroleum engineer, who will usually be thankful for the help! Working as a team, the geologist and petroleum engineer will get the well completed and put it to work making money for the company.
Sr. Drilling Engineer Location: Houston - Wood creek Complex, Texas, United States Responsibilities: Responsible for the management of the drilling process for the fields assigned. This includes the Health/Safety/Environmental (HSE), Engineering, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and best practice sharing considerations in the design and execution of well engineering and well construction activities. - Must be a U.S. Citizen, or hold a valid work visa that does not require sponsorship in order for you to legally work full-time in the United States. Minimum 5 years relevant industry experience. - Bachelors degree in Engineering or related field from an accredited university. - Experience with Tight Gas plays, preferably in North America. This includes experience with under balance drilling techniques, casing drilling, hard rock drilling, and demonstrated cost and cycle time focus in low cost resource plays. Preferred skills. - Experience in onshore Drilling engineering and operations preferred. - Sound understanding of the process to deliver wells including implementation of new technologies. r more Information app_xp_find_a_job_08092006.html
SENIOR RESERVOIR GEOLOGIST Contract: permanent position Branch: Exploration Production Location: United Kingdom - Aberdeen Interviews will take place in : Aberdeen Starting date : As soon as possible Salary : According to profile and experience requirements : Experience in Geo-modeling, being fluent with Petrel software and workflows Experience in UK Continental Shelf preferable For more Information
Drilling Engineer (or Well Engineer) Location: Multiple Locations. The Drilling Engineer is responsible for designing, preparing and planning drilling well programs according to clients’ requests, in compliance with the contractual requirements and Schlumberger standards and policies. He/she follows the well’s execution and is responsible for all technical changes and recommendations made during the well execution. He/she is also responsible for all end of well reports, and attends critical operations at the well site, as necessary. Qualifications: -Bachelor’s degree in engineering required, preferably in petroleum engineering or mechanical engineering - Minimum of five years of experience (10+ for Senior Well Engineer) in planning, design execution and evaluation of well programs - Practical knowledge in the design and execution of well programs for vertical, directional, horizontal, re-entry wells, both development and exploration ore Information drillingengineer.aspx
Senior Geophysical Researcher – Seismic Velocity and Imaging locations: Houston, Texas, USA Responsibilities for this position may include but are not limited to: Technology strategy and planning Play a leading role developing Chevron’s R&D strategy in the fields of seismic velocity estimation and imaging. Identify and work to position Chevron to take advantage of emerging trends in these field Ph.D. in Geophysics or related fields such as Physics or Applied Mathematics Minimum three (3) years direct Oil and Gas industry experience beyond Ph.D. in Seismic Imaging and Velocity Estimation workflows and tools. Strong analytical skills, with experience in data-driven investigation of algorithms, workflows and technologies. Strong numerical and software development skills. For more Information fuseaction=mExternal.showJob&RID=14641&CurrentPage=3
Drilling Engineer at Qarun Petroleum Company Location: Qarun Petroleum Company - Apache Egypt Companies for 10+ years experience of oilfield drilling well operations. Candidate should have experience and knowledge of the following: Onshore drilling rigs and basic oil field operations (ESP’s, Rod Pumps, etc.). Well Planning.. Data collection and management of drilling operations
For more Information ResumeForm.JobID=1231&ResumeForm.Mode=ViewJob
Shell launches phase II of Parque das Conchas Shell
Successful Heavy Oil Production in a Carbonate Field To recover the many different types of heavy oil, a variety of production processes are being developed and used. These include cold production, steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD), and cyclic steam stimulation (CSS). Cold production, considered to be the most simple extraction method, uses an electric submersible pump that can draw the thick fluids. A unique application of technology applied to the Issaran field (Egypt), a complex carbonate formation in Egypt, has improved heavy oil production and enhanced its viability. For more information: inside_news/2010/2010_1025_issaran_heavy_oil.aspx
The Downhole laboratory New downhole fluid analysis technologies are now available to identify reservoir compartmentalization and connectivity, along with fluid heterogeneities. These technologies provide a downhole laboratory to measure in situ fluid properties and gain insight into reservoir connectivity. Prior to the availability of downhole fluid analysis measures, operators collected a number of samples, sent them to a laboratory and, after an often lengthy period of time, received a report describing the reservoir fluids. For more information: inside_news/2010/2010_1018_downhole_lab.aspx
announces investment to support phase II of the prolific Parque das Conchas (BC-10) project more than 100 kilometres (62 miles) off the coast of Brazil. This significant investment develops the fourth field in the BC-10 block and continues a successful wave of production growth in Shell’s Upstream Americas business. The full project delivers an energy resource of approximately 300 million barrels of oil equivalent, with facilities production capacity of some 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. For more information: news_and_library/2010_media_releases/ phase2_parque_das_conchas_22102010.html
Argentina - a new lease of life It may come as a surprise to learn that Argentina has been producing oil and gas for almost a century. But with steady investment, new technology and an inclusive approach to tackling the challenges of a mature field, BP's Argentine joint venture Pan American Energy - is not only boosting existing production, but also accessing previously untapped resources. For more information: Read issue 1-bp magazine: categoryId=9033288&contentId=7061108
Baker Hughes to Provide Integrated Services to Norway Consortium Drilling, formation evaluation and waste management services included in Baker Hughes’ integrated service package HOUSTON, TX – October 19, 2010 – Baker Hughes (NYSE: BHI) announced today it has been awarded a multimillion dollar integrated project for the Borgland Dolphin Consortium (BDC) in Norway. The contract covers an initial three-year period for a full exploration program on the Norwegian continental shelf encompassing 15 wells. Under the terms of the contract, Baker Hughes will provide service integration and planning as well as directional drilling, measurement-while-drilling (MWD), loggingwhile-drilling (LWD), mud logging, drilling fluids, wireline logging and coring services . Also included in Baker Hughes’ service provision are drill cuttings and liquid waste handling. The project planning phase of the exploration campaign is expected to begin immediately, with the first well due to spud in June 2011. The BDC includes seven international operators—Wintershall, OMV, Nexen, E.ON Ruhrgas, Rocksource, Front Exploration and Bridge Energy ASA. Baker Hughes will work closely with AGR Petroleum Services, which is providing well management services to the consortium, to deliver the safe and efficient operations required for this high-profile exploration campaign. Members of the BDC steering committee indicated that Baker Hughes was chosen based on its comprehensive tender that met the project’s HS&E, technical and commercial requirements.
Crude oil ends day above $74 a barrel Crude oil prices rebounded from lower intraday trading to top $74 a barrel Tuesday on the U.S. Mercantile Exchange. Oil traded lower earlier during the session after the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed not to change output quotas and as data on gross domestic product showed the U.S. economy grew slower than anticipated, reported. Crude oil prices picked up 68 cents before closing at $74. 40a barrel on the exchange, after falling as low as $72. 72earlier during the day. We're seeing a little bit of a bounce, although the dollar is trading higher," Dan Flynn, energy trader at PFGBest Research, told MarketWatch." People could be trading into the inventories (data)." OPEC had agreed to set their quotas at 24. 845million barrels a day starting from the beginning of the year. Gasoline closed up 1. 97cents at $1. 8888a gallon. Heating oil rose slightly, 0.0142 cent, to $1. 9486a gallon, and natural gas rose 4. 6cents to $5. 715per million British thermal units. At the pump, the national average price for a gallon of unleaded gasoline dropped to .585 per gallon Tuesday, down from Monday's $2.$2 http//
“The award of this integrated contract demonstrates the confidence which our customers place in Baker Hughes to deliver safe, efficient operations across a spectrum of exploration plays from Stavanger to the Barents Sea, and further strengthens our position as a leader in the Norway market,” says Gary Rich, president of Baker Hughes in Europe.
Baker Hughes Awarded Eight-Year ESP Contract in Ecuador Repsol selects Baker Hughes based on 12 years of strong performance in Ecuador HOUSTON, TX – October 14, 2010 – Baker Hughes (NYSE: BHI) announced today it was awarded a $137-million, eight-year contract extension from Repsol for the exclusive supply and maintenance of electrical submersible pumping (ESP) systems in Ecuador’s Block 16 and Tivacuna production areas. The award covers 200 wells in which Repsol requires ESP systems to maximize production. Baker Hughes has supplied ESP systems for Repsol’s Block 16 and Tivacuna wells since 1998. The recent contract was awarded to Baker Hughes based on 12 years of successful new technology introduction, operational excellence and continuous reliability improvement. As part of its ongoing efforts to extend run times, Baker Hughes will deploy its latest Centrilift SP™ Superior Performance ESP system, featuring an extreme-duty pump design. “We are pleased to continue our strong relationship with Repsol in Ecuador,” comments Andy O’Donnell, president of the Western Hemisphere for Baker Hughes. “Artificial lift production projects require a long-term commitment to constantly improve equipment performance, and this contract means we can continue building on the gains we’ve achieved over our 12-year partnership with Repsol.”
Businesses to TNK-BP BP to Sell Venezuela and Vietnam BP has reached agreement to sell its upstream businesses and associated interestsin BP, Russia's third -TNK .8 billion .BP for a total of $1 -Venezuela and Vietnam to TNK largest oil company, is owned equally by BP and the AAR Consortium 7065603 =2012968& contentId =do?categoryId .genericarticle /com .bp. www
Total acquires an interest in CI-100 deepwater exploration licence Total today announces the signature of an agreement with Yam’s Petroleum to acquire a 60% interest in the CI-100 license. Through this agreement, Total becomes the project operator. Yam’s Petroleum retains a 25% interest and Côte d’Ivoire’s national oil company Petroci holds the remaining 15%. The transaction has been approved by the Côte d’Ivoire authorities. For more information:
New Oil Spill Containment System to Protect Gulf of Mexico Planned by Major Oil Companies A plan to build and deploy a rapid response system that will be available to capture and contain oil in the event of a potential future underwater well blowout in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico was announced today by Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and Shell. The new system will be flexible, adaptable and able to begin mobilization within 24 hours and can be used on a wide range of well designs and equipment, oil and natural gas flow rates and weather conditions. The new system will be engineered to be used in deepwater depths up to 10,000 feet and have initial capacity to contain 100,000 barrels per day with potential for expansion. For more information: article/07212010_newoilspillcontainmentsystemtoprotectgulfofmexicoplannedbymajo
Seventh oil discovery on deep offshore Block 15/06
OPEC daily basket price stood at $79.92 a barrel Thursday, 28 October 2010
Total announces that its subsidiary, TEPA (Block 15/06) Limited, and its partners have made a new oil discovery with the Mpungi-1 well, in the Angolan deep-offshore. The well, located on Block 15/06 some 120 kilometres from the Angolan shore line and at a water depth of 1,050 metres, reached a total depth of 2,300 metres and encountered oil pay in both the Upper and the Middle Miocene sand reservoirs. For more information:
Vienna, 29 Oct. 2010--The price of OPEC basket of twelve crudes stood at 79.92 dollars a barrel on Thursday, compared with $79.19 the previous day, according to OPEC Secretariat calculations. The new OPEC Reference Basket of Crudes (ORB) is made up of the following: Saharan Blend (Algeria), Girassol (Angola), Oriente (Ecuador), Iran Heavy (Islamic Republic of Iran), Basra Light (Iraq), Kuwait Export (Kuwait), Es Sider (Libya), Bonny Light (Nigeria), Qatar Marine (Qatar), Arab Light (Saudi Arabia), Murban (UAE) and Merey (Venezuela).
Egypt's Sidi Kerir unaudited 9M net profit rises 24 pct 24 pct Egypt's Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals's unaudited nine-month net profit rose 24 percent to 583 million Egyptian pounds, the stock exchange said. Net profit was 470 million pounds in the same period a year ago.Revenue in the January to end-September period rose 23 percent to 1.38 billion pounds, from 1.12 billion in the same period last year, the bourse said in a statement. (Source: Reuters)
Petroleum Ministry:
Gulf Oil & Gas:
Source: 10/27/2010, Location: Europe
BG Group approves $15 billion Australian LNG project 31 October, 2010 (Reuters) - British energy corporation BG Group said on Sunday it had given final approval to a $15 billion project to develop a major new liquefied natural gas project in northeastern Australia. Chief executive Frank Chapman said the Queensland Curtis Liquefied Natural Gas project would include the world's first LNG plant to be supplied by coal seam gas and was "the foundation project at the center of a major new Australian export industry." The project will involve a 540-kilometre pipeline to move gas from the Surat Basin in southern Queensland, where coal seam gas is already being produced and production will be expanded. A new two-train LNG plant will be built on Curtis Island, near the port of Gladstone, which will become the port of export for the gas. The government welcomed the decision, saying it would create 5,000 jobs during construction and 1,000 permanent positions, boost Australia's foreign direct investment by 11 percent and exports by around A$4 billion ($3.9 billion) annually. "It marks an important and exciting leap ahead in the development of Australia's vast coal seam gas reserves - reserves that in Queensland alone are estimated to be enough to power the whole state for more than 500 years," Treasurer Wayne Swan said in a joint statement with Resources and Energy Minister Martin Ferguson. BG Group said it "will progress development and construction" immediately. Development is due to start next year and scheduled to run until 2014. First exports are expected the same year, the company said. The project will be operated by BG Group's Australian subsidiary, QGC Pty Limited. Purchase agreements are already in place with Chile, China, Japan and Singapore, the company said. BG Group said the decision to proceed with the project followed environmental approvals from the Australian government and Queensland state government. BGGroupapproves$15billionAustralianLNGproject.aspx
Petrofac Awarded Gas Plant Contract with Total Process Plant Petrofac, the international oil & gas facilities service provider, has been awarded a contract worth in excess of £500 million by Total E&P UK Limited (Total) for the development of a gas processing plant on the Shetland Islands. Work is scheduled to begin in October 2010, with first gas expected from the project in Q2 2014. Petrofac will develop the 500 million standard cubic feet per day gas processing plant through its Offshore Engineering & Operations (OE&O) business unit, supported by Engineering & Construction. The project comprises engineering and procurement, supply, construction, commissioning and start-up. The plant, located on Shetland at Sullom Voe, will facilitate the transportation of gas from Total’s Laggan and Tormore fields, which lie 125km North-West of the Shetland Islands, to the Total operated St Fergus Gas Terminal in Aberdeenshire. Maroun Semaan, Petrofac’s group chief operating officer, commented: “We are pleased to have been awarded this important contract with Total, a major international customer for our group. The contract, which has been secured following an extensive project definition and competitive bidding process, forms part of the strategic growth plan for the Offshore Engineering & Operations business and marks our first EPC contract in the UK.” Bill Dunnett, managing director of Petrofac Offshore Engineering & Operations said: “Today’s announcement represents a very significant milestone for the OE&O business. We have mobilised an excellent project team focused upon delivering the project objectives, while ensuring we respect both the location and the environment, and to work alongside the local Shetland communit
Mainland drills & cases Buena Vista prospect well in Mississippi
Mainland Resources has drilled and cased its Burkley-Phillips-1 exploration well on the Buena Vista Prospect in Jefferson County, Mississippi. The company said today that as of yesterday the well was drilled and cased to a depth of 17,872 ft (5,447 meters). It said that wireline logs and mud logs have identified potential gas productive intervals in the Hosston formation, but cautioned that a determination of commercial reserves in the formation will require a further analysis of porosity within these gas-bearing zones. To date, the well has encountered numerous mud log derived gas hydrocarbon shows of various qualities suggesting the presence of an active hydrocarbon source and effective migration into hydrocarbon-bearing intervals within the Buena Vista structure. The Burkley-Phillips-1 well is currently drilling ahead at 17,900 ft with a forward plan to proceed through the Cotton Valley and Haynesville intervals to the programmed total depth of 22,000 ft (6,706 meters). Nick Atencio, Mainland's CEO, said, "Setting this string of casing was a key milestone in the progress of the well. Although we set this current string of casing above the originally programmed depth, we have a wellbore now with prospective zones protected by casing, which will facilitate drilling through the Cotton Valley and Haynesville to the programmed total depth. It is also very encouraging to encounter zones with apparent hydrocarbon charge. This supports our geologic model which envisioned a viable hydrocarbon source and effective hydrocarbon migration and trapping mechanisms."
The Sun ZJ-30 rig. The Sun ZJ-30 rig.
Circle makes another gas find onshore Morocco Circle Oil has confirmed that its CGD-11 exploration well drilled onshore Morocco in the Sebou Permit is a natural gas discovery in both the Main Guebbas target and the secondary Hoot zone. The company reported today that the well has been drilled, logged, and successfully tested, and that it produced on test a sustained rate of 7.07 million cf/d on a 30/64-inch choke from the Hoot. The perforated Hoot zone of 1,078.5 to 1,092 meters has a calculated net gas pay of 5.9 meters. The Main Guebbas gas zone was then perforated from 905 to 910 meters and it showed a calculated net gas pay of 4.2 meters, which tested at a sustained rate of 6.22 million cf/d on a 30/64-inch choke. A thinner Upper Guebbas gas zone was also logged with one meter of net gas pay, wich will be tested at a later date. The well is being completed as a potential producer. A full technical evaluation of all the results of the well is underway. This will allow for forward planning as a precursor to further assessment of the resource, including conducting an extended well test to give a more complete estimation of the reserves.
The drilling rig is now moving to commence drilling the third well, KSR-10, of the planned five-well drilling program in the area. Following this, the DRJ-6 well from the previous drilling campaign will be tested and, weather permitting, the KAB-1 well will be re-entered for logging or re-drilling. The Sebou permit lies to the northeast of Rabat in the Rharb Basin in Morocco, which is a foredeep basin located in the external zone of the Rif Folded belt. The concession agreement, in which Circle has a 75% share and Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines (ONHYM), the Moroccan national oil company, has a 25% share, includes the right of conversion to a production license of 25 years, plus extensions in the event of commercial discoveries. Circle's CEO, Chris Green, said, "I am pleased to report that we have continued our drilling success in the Rharb Basin and that this well has tested with good sustained flowrates at both target levels. The well will now be completed and made ready for production."
Max test well onshore Kazakhstan sees 3 zones of oil pay Max Petroleum's UTS-1 exploration well on the Uytas Prospect onshore Kazakhstan in Block A, has penetrated three payzones enroute to a total depth of 827 meters (2,713 ft). Max reported today that electric logs and oil shows observed while drilling indicate potential pay zones in the well, including eight meters of estimated net oil pay in the Jurassic formation between 331 and 339 meters in depth, and six meters of estimated net oil pay in the Triassic section between 785 and 800 meters in depth. Previously the company advised before reaching TD that electric logs and pressure data had also indicated an estimated 16 meters of net oil pay in the shallower Cretaceous section as part of a potentially significant 86-meter oil column ranging from 60 to 146 meters. The company expects to commence testing the well in approximately a month using a workover rig upon receipt of the required government approvals. After running production casing in the UTS-1 well, the ZJ-30 drilling rig will move on to drill the Sekir West prospect, also in Block A. James A. Jeffs, Max'x executive co-chairman, said, "We look forward to testing all three zones in order to verify commerciality of what we believe could be a significant post-salt discovery."
Picture caption
El Hamra Oil to develop more in Alamien -El Hamra Oil Company revealed its preparations to develop three new wells in its acquisition area in El Alamein. The company will be using the Electric Submersible Pump, which is used in oil production to provide a relatively efficient form of "artificial lift", able to operate across a broad range of flow rates and depths, by decreasing the pressure at the bottom of the well (by lowering bottomhole flowing pressure, or increasing drawdown), significantly more oil can be produced from the well when compared with natural production. The pumps are typically electrically powered and referred to as Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESP). IPR, El Hamra Oil foreign partner, is still to decide the total budget for the ESP. Mohamed Abdel-Monem, General Exploration Manager in El-Hamra Oil Company, told Egypt Oil & Gas newspaper that the total cost of last year's drilling operations, which included the drilling of two exploratory wells, reached nearly $8 million. "We continue to conduct the technical studies to resolve the amount of crude oil in the well's layers, after finalizing the 3D seismic survey," stated Abdel-Monem. "The total investments of this study will reach $200,000 as we aim to increase the current crude oil production rate that stands at 1300 barrels per day,� added Abdel-Monem. It is worth mentioning that El Hamra Oil currently produces 1300 barrels of oil per day.
Mittelplate: 25 million tons of crude produced by Germany’s largest oil field
Up to 25 million tons of oil still recoverable
New milestone in the development of the Mittelplate oil field off the western coast of Schleswig-Holstein: On 23 October 2010 the 25-millionth ton of crude was produced from the reservoir. Since October 1987, RWE Dea (operator) and Wintershall Holding GmbH )partner) have developed the most significant German oil deposit. The production of up to 25 million additional tons of oil – i.e. a comparable volume – is considered to be technically and commercially feasible in future, based on today's criteria. “With our successful and safe production operations in the Mittelplate oil field, we are making a contribution of our own to a secure supply from domestic sources,” says Thomas Rappuhn, Chief Executive Officer of RWE Dea AG, gratified by this production anniversary. The Mittelplate oil field accommodates over 50 percent of the Germany’s oil reserves. Since crude oil – the classical primary energy source – will continue to be an indispensable component a balanced energy mix in the forthcoming decades and will also be used for a broad spectrum of applications beyond heating and fuel, domestic reserves should be put to optimum use, according to Rappuhn
Drilling and production island Mittelplate The Mittelplate reservoir is being developed both by the drilling and production island of the same name and from onshore .It was possible to boost the annual production volume continually from the outset, and it subsequently dropped slightly owing to the natural production decline of this particular field .At present, it amounts to about 1 4.million tons of oil p.a .In terms of scale, this volume is equivalent, for instance, to imports from countries like Saudi-Arabia 1.4 :2009)million tons.( Given an expected natural decline of the production volume following many years of production, it can be assumed that it will be possible for oil to be successfully produced from this reservoir for a long period of time .Against this backdrop, in May 2010 the State Department for Mining, Energy and Geology had extended the production permit for the development of the oil field by a further 30 years, until the end of 2041; the permit had originally been scheduled to expire at the end of 2011 .Ralf to Baben, Chief Operations Officer at RWE Dea AG“ :We consider this renewal the confirmation of our drilling, production and transportation concept, a system that has set international benchmarks, as well as of our high safety standards .In the past 23 years, we have proved that economic interests, nature conservation and responsible actions are also compatible with one another in a sensitive ecosystem like the Wattenmeer tidal flats”. The Mittelplate drilling and production island meets particular safety and environmental protection requirements .The island measuring 70 by 95 metres in size was built in the shape of a rain -and waterproof concrete-and-steel basin with eleven-metre high sheet pile walls on top of a sand bank in the Wattenmeer tidal flats .Nothing can escape from the island unchecked .Even rain and spray is collected and treated on the island .Sophisticated monitoring and control systems provide multiple levels of safeguards for all drilling and production operations .Safety valves installed below and above ground are conveniently accessible and can be activated automatically, manually or by remote control. In the past 23 years, a total of 900 million euros has been invested in the Mittelplate project, the lion’s share of which in technical innovations, in the pipeline link joining the island to the processing plants onshore as well as in the exemplary safety concept .Mittelplate production has been a key economic factor for the state of Schleswig-Holstein and the Dithmarschen region from its inception .For instance, in the year 2010 alone, the state will receive a production levy of just under 80 million euros .More than 1,000 jobs in the domestic oil production industry are dependent on the western coast of Schleswig-Holstein“ .With its long-standing tradition in Schleswig-Holstein, RWE Dea would like to continue to be a reliable partner to the region .In addition to securing jobs, our social commitment will be another important factor,” says Rappuhn .RWE supports vocational training in local operations in the region, along with various schools and the Fontamar wellness and spa centre in Friedrichskoog, amongst other entities, by supplying petroleum gas from the Mittelplate field .Moreover, RWE Dea successfully cooperates on a long-term basis with various universities in Schleswig-Holstein in ambitious research projects in the field of marine and geotechnology . 4005489=?pmid/release-press/releases-press/center-media/dea-rwe/53724/en/cms/web/
El Waha to drill a new well El Waha Petroleum Co. (previously known as OWAPCO) successfully guaranteed EGPC approval to adopt the new financial budget to implement the development plan of the current fiscal year 2010-2011 in its acquisition in West Qarun. The total investment of the budget is $10million. Egypt Oil & Gas newspaper learned that OWAPCO is currently preparing to drill a new exploration well in the Middle of West Qarun Mountain, on the natural and unnatural way of producing according to the new development plan. The total investment of drilling this new well reached $2.5million. In case of the success of the drilling, 3D seismic studies will be conducted in addition to that three more wells will be drilled in the same area. It is worth mentioning that El Waha is a joint venture company between EGPC and Sahara Petroleum Services Company (SAPES
Egypt's Sidi Kerir unaudited 9M net profit rises 24 pct 24 pct Egypt's Sidi Kerir Petrochemicals's unaudited nine-month net profit rose 24 percent to 583 million Egyptian pounds, the stock exchange said. Net profit was 470 million pounds in the same period a year ago.Revenue in the January to end-September period rose 23 percent to 1.38 billion pounds, from 1.12 billion in the same period last year, the bourse said in a statement. (Source: Reuters) NID=1640
Collected By: Nada Samir Head Of Public Relation Committee
Deepwater Reservoirs – Subsalt Strategies 7-9 November 2010 | Veracruz, Mexico During the event
Dynamic Interaction! Brief presentations Q&A – Audience to Presenters and Presenters to Audience Breakout Session: Discussions / IPOD analysis (Issues, Problems, Opportunities & Directions) Individual worksheet for personal use Discussion summary document Networking receptions
Program Organizers
Alfredo Guzman, AAPG Vice President of Regions, Pemex (retired) Enrique Velasquez, AAPG Latin American Region President, Ecopetrol Victor Vega, AAPG Latin American Region Vice President, BP Miguel Ramirez, AAPG Latin American Region President Elect, ExxonMobil Victor Ramirez, AAPG Latin American Region Secretary/Treasurer, Ecopetrol Susan Smith Nash, AAPG Director of Education & Professional Development Carol Cain McGowen, AAPG Manager of U.S. Sections & International Regions
New Ways to Look at Old Data: New Pay Zones, Increased Production, Expanded Regional Plays November 8-9, 2010 | Houston | Norris Conference Center Session Themes: New Ways of Looking at Seismic, Petro physical and Geological Data in Mature Fields New Ways to Use Old Data for Completions New Ways of Looking at Old Data in Shale Plays Listen, weigh in, share, challenge, and debate — ask the tough questions! Jump-start your understanding by sharing the knowledge & experience of practicing geologists, engineers, geophysicists.
GeoIndia - The 2nd South Asian Geosciences Conference and Exhibition 11 -14 January 2011 .New Delhi, India The GEO India exhibition is the largest showcase of geoscience products and services in India, attracting NOCs, IOCs and major operating companies. Previous high profile exhibitors include the Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and the government’s Directorate General of Hydrocarbons; Fugro, Cairn, Schlumberger, Halliburton, Wavefield and CGGveritas; and numerous new entries to the Indian market.
Deep Water and Ultra Deep water Reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico January 18-19, 2011 | Houston | Norris Conference Center What is special about a GTW? People who are actively working in operations, exploration, production, research, and service industries can talk in small groups, discuss concepts, and learn from each other. For informed, small-group, focused discussions that focus on practical, applied and relevant geosciences, there’s nothing like it!
The Geoscience of Exploring and Developing Tight Gas in the Middle East 24-26 January 2011 | Beirut, Lebanon
3rd Regional Deepwater Offshore West Africa Conference & Exhibition 14-19 November 2010 | Abuja International Conference Centre, Nigeria
Session titles: Setting the Scene: Tight Gas of the Middle East The Geoscience of Exploring The Geoscience of Tight Gas Reservoir Characterization Challenges of Drilling & Stimulation How to Succeed in Tight Gas in the Middle East Participate in the 3rd Regional Deepwater Offshore West Africa Conference and Exhibition (DOWAC 2010) scheduled for 14th- 18th November 2010 at the Abuja International Conference Centre, Nigeria. Exchange ideas with the world’s best minds in the oil and gas industry and share a global vision, success stories and challenges for securing future investment opportunities and increasing reserves.
Other Associations Updates Collected By: Amr El-Gendy
Conferences Where Geoscience Meets the Silk Road 15 - 17 November 2010, Almaty, Kazakhstan eventid=386&Opendivs=s3 Integrated Earth Modeling Conference 28 November - 1 December 2010, Dubai, United Arab Emirates eventid=413&Opendivs=s3
Workshops Geo-steering & Well Placement Workshop 7 - 10 November 2010, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Hydrocarbon Reservoir Imaging, Characterization-Issues and Challenges in South-east Asia (Focusing on the Solutions) eventid=412&Opendivs=s3 Second Workshop on Exploration 5 - 7 December 2010, Cairo, Egypt
Education Events
29 November- 1 December Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Education Days Stavanger 2010 portals/SEG_Online.portal? _nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pg_gen_content&Doc _Url=prod/SEG-Meetings/Mtgs-UpcomingMtgs/KL2010.htm evp=4484&ActiveMenu=78&Opendivs=s20,s59,s66
8 - 11 November 2010, Stavanger, Norway
Education Days Moscow 2010 15 - 19 November 2010, Moscow, Russia evp=4446&ActiveMenu=84&Opendivs=s20,s59,s71
Student Events Newcastle Student Lecture Tour Europe
Critical Assessment of Shale Resource Plays Call for Papers December 5-10, 2010 | Austin, Texas austin/index.cfm
10 November 2010, Newcastle, UK Durham Student Lecture Tour Europe 11 November 2010, Durham, UK Tunis Student Lecture Tour North Africa 29 November 2010, Tunis (L'Ecole Polytechnique), Tunisia Sfax Student Lecture Tour North Africa 2 December 2010, Sfax, Tunisia
Other Associations Updates
Annual Veterans Conference Atlanta GA
Regional Acquisition Seminar Louisville KY
Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Sam Nunn Federal Center Conference Rooms A/B/C 61 Forsyth Street Atlanta, GA 30303
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Mazzoli Federal Building Basement Conference Room 600 Dr. MLK Jr Place Louisville, KY 40202
Joint Alliant and Alliant Small Business Delegation of Procurement Authority
How to Obtain a GSA Schedules Contract
Wednesday, November 10, 2010 Webinar San Diego, CA GSA Schedules Training Webinar for Small Businesses - Part 1: The Process Monday, November 15, 2010 Washington, DC
Webinar GSA Schedules Training Webinar for Small Businesses - Part 2: The Solicitation Monday, November 15, 2010 Webinar Washington, DC GSA Schedules Contract Training (Boston, MA) Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Federal Building 1st Floor - Conference Room C 10 Causeway Street Boston, MA 02222 How to Obtain a GSA Schedules Contract Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Robert F. Peckham Building First Floor, Room 1198 280 South First Street San Jose, CA 95113 Joint Alliant and Alliant Small Business Delegation of Procurement Authority Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Webinar San Diego, CA
Thursday, November 18, 2010 Alan Bible Federal Building Conference Level Room 575 600 Las Vegas Boulevard South Las Vegas, NV 89101 Joint Alliant and Alliant Small Business Delegation of Procurement Authority Wednesday, November 24, 2010 Webinar San Diego, CA Small Business GWAC Overview Webinar for Small Business Advocates Wednesday, December 1, 2010 Webinar Kansas City, MO Joint Alliant and Alliant Small Business Delegation of Procurement Authority Wednesday, December 1, 2010 Webinar San Diego, CA GSA Heartland Sustainability Forum Wednesday, December 1, 2010 Overland Park Convention Center 6000 College Boulevard Overland Park, KS 66211 Joint Alliant and Alliant Small Business Delegation of Procurement Authority Wednesday, December 8, 2010 Webinar San Diego, CA
Collected By :Safia Farouk Head Of Membership Committee
Trilobite Fossil Photograph by James L. Amos Trilobites, like this perfectly preserved specimen at South Dakota's Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, were among the most successful organisms ever to populate Earth. These familiar marine arthropods first arose about 545 million years ago in the early Cambrian and thrived throughout the world's oceans until they were wiped out in the Permian extinctions about 250 million years ago.
Dinogorgon Skull Photograph by Jonathan Blair A quarter of a billion years ago, long before dinosaurs or mammals evolved, the 10-foot (0.3-meter) predator Dinogorgon, whose skull is shown here, hunted floodplains in the heart of today's South Africa. In less than a million years Dinogorgon vanished in the greatest mass extinction ever, along with about nine of every ten plant and animal species on the planet
Guadalupe Mountains Photograph by Jonathan Blair/Corbis The Guadalupe Mountains in Texas are home to one of the world's largest exposed fossil reefs, a 400-mile-long (644-kilometer-long) horseshoe-shaped limestone bed laid down some 250 million years ago during the Permian period. At that time, much of what is now Texas and New Mexico was covered by a vast tropical ocean. As this sea began to evaporate, sediments entombed the reef, perfectly preserving thousands of marine fossils.
Butterloch Canyon Photograph by Jonathan Blair/Corbis Scientists studying the Permian extinctions scale the loose rocks of Butterloch Canyon in Italy's Dolomites. Exposed fossil beds here offer relatively easy access to the transition point from the Permian to the Triassic. Rock layers at this boundary contain large amounts of fossilized wood-eating fungi, strongly suggesting that a massive die-off of trees occurred during this time.
Paleontologists With Fossil Photograph by Martin Schutt/epa/Corbis Paleontologists (from left) Stuart Sumida, David Berman, and Thomas Martens examine the fossilized remains of a young Orobates pabsti, an ancient herbivorous reptile that lived some 290 million years ago at the beginning of the Permian. The remains were found in 2006 at Germany's Bromacker Quarry, one of the world's most productive sites for Permian-era fossil finds.
The faculty celebrated the graduation of Batch 65 for the academic year 2009/2010 was held on Thursday, November 4, 2010. The President of Alexandria University Prof Dr. Hind Hanafy attended the graduation ceremony and had a speech to the attendance
International Conference on Current Trends in Medicinal Plant Research and Microbiological Applications that was held in the faculty of Science in the period from 27 to 29 October 2010. Under the Auspices of Prof. Hind Hanafy President of AlexandriaUniversity Prof. Essam I. Khamis Vice President of University forGraduate Studies and Research
Honorary Chairman
Prof. Mohamed I. Ali
Prof. Salama M. El-Darier
Chairman of Egyptian Botanical Society
Head of Botany and Microbiology Department
Prof. Mahmoud I. Abdo
Dean of the Faculty of Science Alexandria University
Prof. Ahmad K. Hegazy Secretary General of the Egyptian Botanical Society ALXUSC NAVIGATOR
Editor’s List
English Reviewer
1.Ahmed El-rify
1. Mohab El-Sherif
2.Ahmed Hassan
2. Pansy Saeed
3.Amr Ahmed 4.Amr El-Gendy 5.Assem Bakr
Data Reviewer
6.Asmaa Hussein
1. Marwan Awad
7.Bahaa El-dine Mohamed
2. Yassin M. ElShewikh
8.Bassam Atiya 9.Hadeer Batea 10.Hany Khalil 11.Kerolos Edwar 12.Mahmoud Farahat 13.Marwan Awad 14.Mohamed Ahmed Abo-Ali
Magazine Presentation Team 1. Walaa Hesham 2. Safia Farouk 3. Yassin M. ElShewikh 4. Mariam El-Said
15.Mohamed El-Araby 16.Mohamed El-Said Gomaa 17.Mohab El-sherif 18.Mahmoud El-khattib 19.Nada Samir 20.Radwa Abdeen 21.Sara Ahmed 22.Sara Mostafa 23.Yasmin Adel
Magazine Coordinator Walaa Hesham