Simple Healthy Holiday Treats

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No Bake Bites


Bonbons No Bake Coconut Banana Cream Bites by

Peppermint Bonbons by

Crust: 4 dried, pitted dates 3/4 cup coconut flakes, unsweetened 1/2 tbsp coconut oil 1/8 tsp sea salt 1 tbsp or more unsweetened cocoa powder (optional) Filling: 1/3 cup coconut butter (manna or cream) 1/4 cup full-fat coconut milk (canned) 1 banana 1/4 cup coconut oil 1/8 tsp sea salt 1 tsp vanilla 1/2 tbsp honey or maple syrup For the Crust: Pulse ingredients in a food processor, until a crumbly consistency. Scoop 1/2 tbsp into mini muffin tins filled with liners. Press filling into the bottom. For the Filling: Gently heat coconut butter, and milk too if not room temp. Add remaining ingredients to a food processor, pour in milk/butter and process until smooth. Pour filling over crust and freeze for an hour or two. Store in fridge or freezer.

For the filling: 1 jar coconut cream concentrate (16 oz) 2/3 cup raw honey 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon mint extract For the shell: 1/2 cup coconut oil 1/2 cup cacao or cocoa powder 1 tablespoon raw honey or grade B maple syrup Scoop coconut cream concentrate out into saucepan with all the ingredients and melt over low heat until everything is thoroughly combined. Shape mixture into balls that are about the amount of 1 tablespoon. Place them in the fridge while you prepare the chocolate shell. Put all shell ingredients in a saucepan over very low heat and stir until it's liquified and smooth. Pour in a small bowl (I used a ramekin). Dip each bonbon in the shell, then dip them again for a second coat. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve. They will hold their shape for several hours outside of the fridge.


No Bake

Goodies Coconut Lime Frosty Cups

Sweet & Sour Gummies


1 cup blueberries, defrosted or fresh 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice zest from lemons and/or limes as desired 1 tbsp maple syrup (optional) 6 tbsp grass-fed gelatin (orange/red package will gel, the green will not)

2 cups shredded, unsweetened coconut, divided 1 banana, mashed 1/4 cup melted coconut butter or manna 1/4 cup lite coconut milk (canned) zest from 1 lime pinch of sea salt Preheat oven to 300 degrees and spread 1 cup of the shredded coconut on a baking sheet. Toast in the oven for about 15 minutes, checking every 5 minutes or so to avoid the batch burning. Cool. Add mashed banana, coconut butter, milk, zest and salt to a large bowl. Whisk to combine. Add toasted coconut, then un-toasted coconut. Stir everything until coated. Press the mixture into 6 silicon baking tins. Press down firmly with the back of a spoon and place in the freezer overnight. Best served out of the freezer. Makes 6 frosty cups. Enjoy!


In a blender, combine the blueberries and lemon juice until no visible skin or large pieces of berries appear. In a small pot over medium-low heat, whisk the blueberry lemon mixture with the lemon zest, maple syrup, and gelatin together vigorously until the gelatin is well dissolved and the mixture becomes a nice slurry. Pour the mixture into a small glass or ceramic dish, preferably 6×9 or so. The smaller the pan, the thicker your gummies will be. For thinner gummies (to cut into “worms,” for example), use a larger pan. To make these more fun, cut them out with small cookie or aspic cutters cutters once they are chilled and fully gelled, or chill them in fun-shaped molds. To remove them from the molds once chilled, set the bottoms of the mold containers in warm water to release them from the pan.

Pumpkin Pie Fudge adapted from

1 cup Pumpkin

3 tbsp Maple Syrup

1/2 cup Coconut Manna (or butter), softened

1 tsp Cinnamon

1/2 tsp Ground Ginger 1/2 tsp Vanilla

1/4 tsp Sea Salt

Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips (optional)

Combine all the ingredients in a

blender. Spread evenly into a glass baking dish lined with parchment paper. Top with Chocolate Chips

(optional). Chill in the fridge for 4 hours, until ďŹ rm. Cut up and enjoy!

Fabulous Fudge Banana Chocolate Fudge by 1/2 Banana and 1/2 Avocado (or whole banana) 1/4 cup Coconut Oil 1/4 cup Cocoa or Cacao Powder 1-2 tbsp Honey 1/2 tsp Vanilla 1/8-1/4 tsp salt (to taste) Blend all ingredients in a food processor or blender, until smooth. Scoop mixture into a parchment paper lined dish. Top with sliced almonds, chocolate chips, shredded coconut, or whatever else you'd like. Freeze for 30-60 minutes, until ďŹ rm.

Party Treats Cinnamon Banana Chips by meatiďŹ 3 tbsp coconut oil 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 and 1/2 tbsp cinnamon 3 cups unsweetened banana chips Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt together the oil, syrup and cinnamon. Add the banana chips to a bowl and pour the coconut oil mixture over top. Stir until well coated. Spread the chip out onto a parchment lined baking sheet, in a single layer. Bake for about 8 minutes, then remove from the oven. Place on a rack to cool before eating. Store in an airtight container. Enjoy with friends at your holiday gatherings!

*Also makes a great addition to your healthy trail mix!

Frozen Rainbow Fruit Kebabs 1 cup each: Pineapple chunks, Grapes,

Strawberry chunks, Berries, Melon Chunks, Orange Slices, etc! Kebab Sticks

Skewer all your favorite fruits in whatever

colorful order you’d like, until all the fruit is on sticks! Place in the freezer and remove

before your party. Frozen fruit will stay cold and thaw just enough for eating within 30 minutes to an hour!

Mixed Nuts are also a yummy party treat if no one has an allergy to them. Try roasting them up in a sweet cinnamon & stevia seasoning or in a spicy cayenne pepper and garlic mixture. Your go-to veggie tray with guacamole or hummus is great too!

COOKIES! Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake by

3 Ingredient Coconut Cookies by 3 Tbs. coconut flour 2 Tbs. cold butter (dairy free if needed) 1 Tbs. raw honey Pinch of sea salt (freebie)

2 large plantain (green/yellow), about 14oz after being peeled Preheat the oven to 365 degrees and line a 1 large banana - about 3 oz after being baking sheet with parchment paper. Pulse all peeled ingredients together in a food processor or blend 3 tablespoons coconut flour with a pastry blender. The dough will be soft and 2 tablespoons arrowroot starch slightly sticky. Divide into 8 small balls and flatten 1/4 teaspoon baking soda slightly on the baking sheet. 2 tablespoons maple syrup (or honey) Bake until the edges are light golden, about 9 1/4 cup coconut oil, liquid (or ghee or butter) minutes. These over bake quickly, so keep an eye 1/4 cup chocolate chips on them. Let the cookies cool completely before 2 teaspoons vanilla extract removing from the baking sheet or they will Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Peel plantain and banana. Place plantain and banana in blender. Blend until smooth. Pour puree into a large bowl and add in your remaining ingredients. Stir until combined. Pour into cast iron skillet that is lightly greased with coconut oil or ghee. Bake for about 20-25 minutes. Cut and serve immediately. *You can bake in a regular baking dish about 8 or 10 inches. Depending on thick you want your cookie cake. Also for the arrowroot you can use one egg, or tapioca or potato starch.

crumble.Enjoy! Makes 8 two-bite-sized cookies.

Cinnamon Ginger Cookies adapted from 6 tsp coconut flour 4 tbsp coconut oil or butter, room temp 2 tbsp raw honey 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp fresh ginger, grated 1/2 tsp vanilla pinch sea salt Preheat oven to 360 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Stir together until a smooth dough forms. Toll dough into balls and place on the prepared sheet. Flatten the balls into cookies that are about 1/8 inch thick (about 10). Bake until golden, about 9 minutes. Watch closely, they burn easily. Cool completely to prevent crumbling when removing. Store cooled cookies in the freezer.

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