“Psychedelic art became about doing the opposite of what you were told to do�
The Miller Blues Band Poster by Victor Moscoso
P sychedelic M ovement was popular during the 1960’s in the California area. It was a movement that was seen as “underground art”, which is defined as the anti-establishment attitude of many of the young middle class who took alternative cultural or political stance and opposed conventionality. Drugs were legal and that perception and state of mind influenced the art of the sixties. The experience of the decade was paralleled through the art produced. he
Psychedelic design was a mixture of Op Art, Art Nouveau, and Pop Art. It featured vibrating colors, strong contrast, and unreadable text. The movement was mainly composed of self taught artists and the clients were primarily rock and roll artists or promoters. Psychedelic art became about doing the opposite of what you were told to do and while the compositions look as though they were left up to serendipity, they were always strategically arranged and prepared for.
“Sixty-six was the true summer of love”
W es W ilson moved to San Fransisco just as the alternative culture was emerging. He worked with Bob Carr who had formed a small printing firm, Contact Printing, in his basement. Wilson is said to be the innovator of the psychedelic poster design. His style of filling the space with text, creating fluid forms, was a standard most psychedelic artists followed. Wes Wilson has created many of the movements most famous pieces. The psychedelic poster, as we have come to know it, was defined by Wes Wilson.
Posters Designed by Wes WIlson: 1. Grateful Dead 2. The Association Poster 3. The Sound Poster
V ictor M oscoso was born in Spain. Moscoso studied at Yale and the San Francisco Art Institute. He was the first of the psychedelic poster artists of the 60’s era with formal academic training and experience. Moscoso’s unique creations often employ wildly intricate typography that is virtually illegible.
He is also famous for alternating deeply saturated colors that when viewed together will create a vibrating effect. Moscoso jumped into the Psychedelic movement because he saw what was being made and thought, “I can do that too,”.
Moscoso’s first piece that became popular was a piece called “Clean In”. In the Spring of 1967, the San Francisco police were cracking down, “dirty garbage pails” was the reason they gave for their strong arm and suppressing tactics. The neighborhood fought back with a “Clean in” and these posters hung in just about every window. “It was like the Sistine Chapel, man.Wow, I loved it,” said Moscoso.
Posters Designed by Victor Moscoso: 1. Sphinxdance Poster 2. The Chambers Bros Poster 3. The Miller Blues Band Poster 4. Poster Design 5. Clean In Poster
Designed and written by Aly Kaye Copyright © 2017 Aly Kaye, Portland, Maine; Maine College of Art