Sister Cities Girlchoir: Winter Concert 2018

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Concert Program Better When I’m Dancin’

Meghan Trainor, arr. Emerson


Leonard Cohen, arr. Emerson Catholic Partnership Schools Choir

Justice Choir Songbook Medley: This is What Democracy Looks Like

Elizabeth Alexander

Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round

Spiritual, arr. J. David Moore

For more info about the Justice Choir Songbook, visit


Emeli Sandé, Khan, Chegwin & Craze Saturday Girlchoir Academy, Little Sister Girlchoir & Molina Girlchoir

Power of Kindness


Saturday Girlchoir Academy, Little Sister Girlchoir, Molina Girlchoir & Catholic Partnership Schools Choir

Bring Me Little Water, Silvy

LeadBelly arr. Moira Smiley


Andrea Ramsey

There is a Queen in You

Donald Lawrence

We Shall Be Known

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#SCGWinter Find us on Facebook: @SisterCitiesGirlchoir Instagram: @scgirlchoir Twitter: @scgirlchoir


Saturday Girlchoir Academy, Big Sister Girlchoir

Silent Night

Franz Xaver Gruber and Joseph Mohr

Saturday Girlchoir Academy, Big Sister Girlchoir, Saturday Girlchoir Academy, Little Sister Girlchoir Catholic Partnership Schools Choir & Molina Girlchoir

Travel Girlchoir Alana Caldwell Angelique Harley Brielle Phillips Bryce Valentine Chelsea Ortega Christal Toh Dashona Leigh Destini Ezell Grace Dugan Jaden Gant Jayda Roberts Jda Lindsay Jordyn Phillips Leilany Reynoso Leniah Hodges Leylani Miller London Marshall Madeline Thummel Mahala Fox Mahijj McElveen Maniyah McElveen Nina Payne Nurretta Bailey Princessariana Brown Rachael Parker Raelyne Roberts Rhian Coleman Ruth Ortega Samaiya Wallace Shanira Reyes Shayla Dunn Shian Wallace Siabrea Berry

Timira White Tyler Postal Little Sisters Girlchoir Aden Avery-Coulter Aila Pone Aine Flaherty Akira Saunders Alba Firat-Allen Amara Bucher Anika Kuetemeyer Arba Pone Autumn Brock Autumn Harmon Brooklyn Temple-Kelley Cara Flaherty Destiny Whitehead Emily Ortega Gabriella White Gia Payne Isabella Prall Iyanah Oliver Jamirah Mosley Mahiya Spencer Malani McElveen Naomi Bethea Niyah Martinez-Burnett Phoenix Trotty Raegan Henry Rebecca Toh Sinclair Precht Summer Smith Tehya Fox Tendayi Bayard Willa Goldberg

Molina Elementary Girlchoir Alicia Garcia Aniyah Weston Ayanna Long Dalia Brown Dania Alston Gisselle Garrido Isabela Mateo Jamiliz Nieves Jayleen Suarez Kryzyalee Carrasquillo Lianiece Torres Lisbeth Jacobs Mariah Ratliff Mialee Vega Minelys Rodriguez Samantha Rodriguez Saniyah Rivera Savannah Tart Selena Diaz Tatiana Evans Tamia James Victoria Robinson Zaliyah Cannon Catholic Partnership Schools Choir Alisha Saxena
 Ana Pina Andre Copling Annijelise Daiz Aubrey Johnson Christopher Perez

Dejon McDacle Dianny Rodriguez Geidy Gomez Gina Pham Infinity Jones Isabel Perez-Reyes Iyana Jones Rayford Jacob Salguero Janiyah Kellum Janna Santana Jeidy Rivera Jennifer Bautista Jonathan Guzman Joselin Reyes-Villa Liliana de Jesus-Perez Lyneidi Colon Marbelys Santiago Maria Medina Mayneajah Baylor Melissa Sam Mia Martinuez Na'or Ballard Neveen Ramos Nilda Babilonia Nyanna Ghee Roberto Perez Samantha Velazquez Samuel Echevarria Scarlet Cabrera Takima Hawkins Valeriana Aliarez Za'ni Banks

NJ/PHL Performing Ensembles

19. ¡No nos movéran! (We Shall Not Be Moved) Words traditional Spanish








no nos mo - ve - rán!


& ˙ Made Possible by Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis



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fir - me

jun - to al

& œ œ œ. œ œ œ Œ C

ni - dos en


la lu - cha,







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¡no nos


¡no nos mo - ve - rán! Co - mo un ár - bol

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Un - ni - dos en

œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ rí



Catholic Partnership Schools Choir

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Irina Bakis, Music Teaching Artist Kendra Balmer, Vocal Teaching Artist

la lu - cha,

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Un -

j œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ . œ


fir - me jun - to al


nos mo - ve

mo - ve - rán!

Molina Girlchoir

nos mo - ve-rán! Co - mo un ár -


œ œ œ. #œ œ

& œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ œ ˙ G





Saturday Girlchoir Academy, Little Sister Girlchoir




nos mo - ve - rán!

Justice Choir Songbook, Volume 1

# 4 & 4 ˙

Saturday Girlchoir Academy, Big Sister Girlchoir

trad. African-American Spiritual transc. Justice Choir, 2017

Anne Agresta Dugan, Camden Program Manager & Vocal Teaching Artist Jackie Fox, Site Coordinator Ruth Noemí Belonni Rosario, Associate Conductor Alysia Lee, Artistic Director Emily Watkins, Music Teaching Artist

Lyric Suggestions: This is a classic zipper song. Insert your own lyrics in place of “Unidos en la lucha.” For example: • “Por nuestros hermanos” • “United in the struggle” • “Standing up for [ethics / workers / immigrants]” Original English lyrics: We shall not, we shall not be moved! We shall not, we shall not be moved! Just like a tree that's planted by the water, We shall not be moved!

From Ahmed Anzaldúa, contributing co-editor: “We Shall Not Be Moved” is sung all throughout the Spanish-speaking world in this version; it's the one I grew up with. “No nos moverán” was an important part of the Chicano movement of the 1960s as well as of the social justice and revolutionary movements across Spain and Latin America.

This music is in the Public Domain. This edition licensed for any and all distribution. Other inquiries:

For more information about the choir, visit

17-18 Season‌so far

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Saturday Girlchoir Academy rehearsal

Purple Spirit Day at Saturday Girlchoir Academy

Maryland Citizens for the Arts; Baltimore, MD

ArtYard; Frenchtown, NJ

Molina Lower School Girlchoir rehearsal

Upcoming Events December

Live Connections presents JOANNA PASCALE + Sister Cities Girlchoir @World Cafe Live
 3 p.m./Tickets available Big Sister Girlchoir

CPS Choir at Camden City Hall Tree Lighting
 Molina Girlchoir at Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown’s Warmth in Winter January, Varied Dates Dr. King’s Birthday Day of Service Community Performances ALL Ensembles February Mann Center presents Black History Month Celebration featuring Sister Cities Girlchoir

Our programs are supported by individuals and businesses that believe in our vision to provide equal access to music training and creative youth development programs to all children. Please consider a donation to Sister Cities Girlchoir today!

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