Compiled by Alyssa Coulter Capstone Spring 2019
Yes, some women now have the same opportunities as men, but often without the support or resources necessary to be successful. -Sarah Jane Blithe
Graduate Studies Director, UNR
ta ble of con ten ts
INTRODUCTION / TOPIC What are we doing?
AUDIENCE Who are we talking to?
THESIS What are we going to do about it?
PIECES An in-depth to-do list
Works cited
WHAT ARE WE DOING? In short - empowering the women of Las Vegas. Through heavy research on the issues that women in this city face and a small survey to gauge their understanding of female organizations, it has been revealed that the women of Las Vegas are severely underserved. In fact, they rank nearly worst in the country for domestic violence, healthcare and well-being, employment and earnings, political participation and poverty and opportunity. And while it is important to bring these issues to light, that is not the only way to solve them. Rather than throwing these terrible statistics in the public’s face, I suggest we go about it in a different way by empowering women and giving them the right resources to be successful.
Current problems with women’s outlets: »» Place an emphasis on beauty, fitness, the home, gossip, sex, entertainment, etc. Don’t inspire women in other, more positive areas. »» Subject-specific (just about business, money, beauty, etc.) »» Can you really tell any of them apart? »» Don’t focus on important/local issues. »» Don’t pay attention to the everyday gal. »» Local magazines aren’t targeted at young women. »» Not visually engaging, not FUN!
who are we talking to?
“Women” is a very vague and general audience but that’s really who we want to target. The goal is to reach young women in particular (about ages 16 to 40) since that is when they will be most impactfully inspired. There is no specific socio-economic status or career path that we aim to cater to since there will be a variety of different careers and lifestyles present in the magazine. Although educated women are more likely to take interest in women’s topics and rights, one of our goals is to inspire and educate women who may not know much about these issues as well.
Ultimately, women who are interested in gender equality, female empowerment, Las Vegas culture, current events, socializing and entertainment are the ones who will read the magazine and take interest in the events. Those who actively engage on social media will also have more exposure to the outlet (hence why we are targeting a younger demographic).
what are we going to do about it? THESIS: The ultimate goal is to inspire, empower and connect women in Las Vegas and provide them with the resources they need to succeed.
WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN? First things first - we need to get rid of all the makeup and perfume ads. Then we eliminate the kind of articles that push women to change themselves in terms of weight, beauty, sex appeal, and overall appearance. We will instead inspire them in terms of ambition, self-worth, career, and community. In order to inspire, the magazine will feature interviews and stories of a diverse selection of people from around Las Vegas. There will also be research topics and essays that highlight female struggles and accomplishments. Lastly - this will be more than a magazine. There will also be networking events and a prominent social media presence. These mediums provide multiple avenues for connection among the community.
POSSIBLE ROADBLOCKS Where there are issues, there are those that stand in the way of solutions. Some potential obstructions to the outlet include: • • • •
Those who are “tired of” and “over” women’s right issues Those who don’t care about female empowerment Possible man-hating interpretation Marketing to women - avoiding stereotypes
These obstacles may discourage the magazine’s audience. To avoid these issues, the tone of the magazine will be positive and neutral. It will not dwell on the negative aspects of the fight for equality, like pointing fingers, but instead focus on celebrating the accomplishments of successful people in Vegas. We will also do our best to avoid generalizing women by marketing to a gender NOT gendering the marketing. By starting out with a solid first impression, we will be able to avoid these negative connotations.
visual solution + identity In order to appeal to young women, the aesthetic of the magazine will nod to the past but embrace the present using hand-drawn elements mixed with modern touches. We will avoid using stereotypical female magazine elements like big, bold hot pink text, plain and boring photographs of models, and slap-on headline circles. Instead, the magazine will be much more artistic and unique - like every woman who reads it. Some styles to incorporate: Drawing or writing on realistic photographs will give the images more personality while providing an edgy flair. Bold and vibrant patterns will give the outlet a more eccentric and artistic vibe while reflecting the mood of our audience. Warmer, pastel colors will appear softer on the eyes and produce an aesthetically pleasing result.
c olor
t yp e
The color palette will be vibrant and contrasting. It will not consist of hot pinks or purples, but instead resemble a more natural, attractive color scheme. Primary colors will include:
The typography style will be a mix of hand drawn characters and sleek sans serifs. This makes the outlet seem more personal, stylish and memorable. It will also add to the uniqueness of each individual issue.
Some key words to define the overall mood of the outlet include:
»» »» »» »»
Warm peaches Deep blue-greens Sunny yellows and oranges Pale blues
»» Hand-written notes/quotes »» Bold, modern headlines/titles »» Variation from page-to-page
»» »» »» »» »» »» »»
Edgy Classic / vintage Handmade Warm Artistic Experimental Eye-catching
These pieces are intended to be interacted with by the audience:
These branded pieces will contain items or additional content on the inside:
These items further explain the intention of the outlet:
These include small items that the audience can use or take with them:
• Magazine • Photo wall
• Magazine box »» Compact event invite »» Resource page »» Social media card
• Poster • Instagram feed • Boss Babes calendar
• Pin • Event lanyard • Stickers
AN IN-DEPTH to-do list All pieces are subject to change.
MAGAZINE The magazine is the “main event” of the project. It will range from 20-30 pages and include interviews, research articles, inspirational blurbs and essays. Each page will measure 8.5” x 11” and will be printed on high-quality matte paper. BOSS BABES CALENDAR This piece mocks the traditional calendar full of “hot babes” and replaces them with Boss Babes - women to be inspired by from Las Vegas. It requires shooting and editing photographs and then printing a full 12-month calendar measuring 8.5” x 6.5” and binding with a metal spiral spine. POSTER The poster will showcase the magazine and serve as a medium for “getting the word out there.” It will require a 18” x 24” print. PHOTO WALL Since the outlet will rely heavily on social media, a photo wall will be available for guests to take pictures at. This is another method for spreading the word and interacting with the audience. It will require a tall structure and a customized sheet or print to hang down. Contact Cena Jordan for this.
INSTAGRAM FEED This part of the project involves “mini-clips” and social graphics on the outlet’s instagram page. Social media is vital for making an impact and remaining influential today. It will require filming short clips and boomerangs with women in the community and creating content via Adobe software. MAGAZINE BOX This is the delivery mechanism for subscribers to the magazine. Inside the box includes the magazine, an event invite, a resource page and social media card. It will require either making or ordering a cardboard box and printing out the additional materials. All internal items excluding the magazine will measure no more than 7” in width or height.
NAME TAG / PINS / STICKERS A name tag or lanyard is a staple for any networking event or social meet-up, and that’s no different for this outlet. But the lanyards will feature phrases such as “Hello, I’m a BOSS but you can call me ____” instead of the traditional “Hello my name is ____.” These will need to be printed on a plastic lanyard tag or sticker. Pins and stickers will feature female empowerment phrases and the logo.
week 1
Feb 11-15 Finalize interview questions / Begin research topics / Work on logo concepts / Calendar outline
week 2
Feb 18-22 Reach out to interviewees / Start research for articles / Begin rough magazine layouts / Refine logo drafts
week 3
Feb 25-Mar 1 Start conducting interviews / Photos for Boss Babes calendar / Refine mag layouts / Complete logo / Magazine box rough drafts
week 4
Mar 4-8 Continue interviews / Write research articles / Start instagram clips / Edit Boss Babes photos, place in calendar / Continue mag box drafts
week 5
Mar 11-15: Drafts of all pieces or 25% of total project DUE Add interviews to magazine / Insert articles into magazine / Start poster design / Refine mag box drafts SPRING BREAK: Format Boss Babes calendar / Refine magazine / Refine poster design / Create instagram content
week 6
Mar 25-29: Proofs of all pieces or 50% of total project DUE Complete mag box items / Refine and design magazine / Finalize calendar / Work on instagram content
April 1-5 Design photo wall / Refine magazine / Finalize poster / Refine personal brand
week 7
Apr 8-12: Proofs of all pieces or 75% of total project DUE Finalize magazine design / Finalize print materials (Poster, box, calendar) / Design pin or lanyard
week 8
Apr 15-19 Print magazine / Print all print materials / Order pins, lanyards / Construct social media photo wall / Compile personal brand items
week 9
Apr 22-26: All pieces and process work DUE Test, final print all materials / Create portfolio presentation
week 10
Apr 29-May 3: Final/Revised pieces DUE, Portfolio Presentation DUE Finalize portfolio presentation / Final prints of all materials
week 11
May 6-10: PORTFOLIO REVIEW NIGHT Arrangle slideshow for portfolio review / Prepare for presentation
week 12
works cited / image sources
“The Arts District – Downtown Las Vegas.” Las Vegas Cultural Review, 23 Feb. 2015, lasvegasculturalreview. Blithe, Sarah Jane. “This Is Not Where We Thought We Would Be: Reviewing the Promise of Feminism at the Intersection of Women and Work.” Women & Language, vol. 39, no. 2, Spring 2017, pp. 32. EBSCO host, ae35dce-a829-4bc6-af47-d3f7e406716f%40sessionmgr4007 Facundity. “Las Vegas | 18b Arts District | Love Is Locked, Life Is Beautiful.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 13 Jan. 2016, www. Iliste, Linda. “‘The Real Las Vegas’: Checking out Sin City’s Hip, Downtown Arts District.” G Adventures Blog, 15 Mar.2017, Nelson, Karin, and Karin Nelson. “How Fashion Is Updating Power Dressing for 2017.” W Magazine, W, 26 May 2017, VegasPubCrawler. “First Friday at Downtown Las Vegas’ Arts District.” Vegas Pub Crawler, 15 Mar. 2017, www. “Why Do I LOVE Downtown Las Vegas?” Live More Happy, 16 Feb. 2014, www.livemorehappy. com/2014/02/04/why-do-i-love-downtown-las-vegas/. Moodboard images pulled from several sources: “Capstone: Project.” Pinterest, Pinterest, 7 Feb. 2019, stone-project/.