Alžběta Kvasničková 2014 - 2018
CV MgA. Alžběta Kvasničková * 7/6/1993 Prague, Czech Republic +420 732 246 391
education 09/2012 – 06/2018 Academy of Art, Architecture and Design in Prague, studio A2 led by prof. Ing. arch. Ivan Kroupa 02/2010 – 06/2012 Jewish Gymnasium Or Chadash in Prague 09/2008 – 01/2010 Gymnasium Přípotoční in Prague study internships 02/2017 – 06/2017 Studio of Sculpture led by Domink Lang and Edith Jeřábková, AAAD 02/2016 – 06/2016 Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem, Israel workshops 10/2017 Survival, AAAD, Costa Rica 09/2017 Slum Disaster, UPB, Medellin, Columbie 01/2016 Slow Disaster, INDA, Bangkok, Thailand 03/2015 City Disaster, INDA, NYIT, AAAD, Prague, CZ 05/2014 Noah’s Ark, NYIT, New York, USA 06/2013 Urban Plot, TNU, Tbilisi, Georgia
work experience 10/2018 – now Jan Žalský architect, 10/2016 – 06/2018 galery Norma space, 09/2016 – 06/2018 leading of a seminar of architecture for high school students of Jewish Gymnasium in Prague 07/2016 – 03/2018 Norma architects, skills Autodesk AutoCAD Adobe Photoshop Adobe inDesign Adobe Illustrator Rhinoceros 3D, základy V-ray fotography computer graphics web PR and social media languages English (C1) German (B1) Hebrew (A1)
selected work 2014 – 2018
school projects Nusle Nusle
The Core
Tel Aviv
Pub in Parukářka
Student Housing
Noah’s Ark
work expirience Aquapark Nitra Mill Slatiňany
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other Mazda 323
Memory Palace / Mapping
Visiting Planners
school project
Nusle Nusle /2018/ diploma project led by: Ivan Kroupa, Jana Moravcová
participation project info:
My master thesis examines an area situated in the northern part of district Nusle in Prague. It analyses area of Nusle valley and so called “lower Nusle” which is spread over the territory between Výtoň (west), railway (east) and the topographical break – reminiscence of New Town city wall (norh). The southern border is defined by urbanistic, topographical and mental barriers. The thesis perceives defined territory as an important area in a wider urban context of Prague. Considering the position towards city the center and the specific connection to the inner parts of Prague, the area keeps its rough individuality and original atmosphere. The objective of the work is a description of the current situation and an articulation of architectonical problems which can be answered by architectonical input. The method of analyses is discovering and setting of boundaries which separate and connect the researched area from and with surrounding areas. Typology of the borders varies from topographical, historical, mental, sensational and factual. Nusle Nusle is a territory of personal interest, area of real Nusle, area which people living in Prague imagine when someone says “Nusle”. Nusle in its beauty and ugliness. The main motivation for choosing this topic is my own conviction of future gentrification, process with all included risks such as normalization, loosing of authenticity and diversification, all perceived as essential and extremely important for Prague and other cities. Practical part of the master thesis answers questions of housing issues, inclusion of local community in a new public contexts and deals with complex urban relations of Nusle valley. The works deals specifically with architectural project of residential housing close to the Vršovice railway station and urbanistic project of the Otakarova crossroad and the Nusle brewery.
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The Core /2016/ vedení: Ivan Kroupa, Jana Moravcová
Memories of space. Memories of ideas about space from the time I wasn’t educated in basics of scale and possibilities of creating space in architecture, from the time I was between two and six years old and I lived with my parents and later with my younger brother in Žižkov – district of Prague. Place I don’t know but I am carrying with me all the time. I transform long absorbed feelings and emotions into language of an architect. I awaken my own child imagination from certain place so dear to me. I confront captured images with reality, I try to hold them by my current way of thinking and divide the important and less important segments. In small apartment which consisted of one bedroom and kitchen and in nearby streets, my child imagination invented places and spaces which didn’t exist, but they were equal to reality.
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Tel Aviv /2016/ study internship Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem, Israel led by: Prof. Sharon Rotbard
Project deals with a new cultural center for Misrachi Jews (Jewish population from oriental countries oppressed minority of Israeli society). Project takes place in Tel Aviv in Neve Sha’anan district, a problematic and poor neighborhood transformed by construction of world’s biggest central bus station in the world. The parcel used to serve as a small bus station and is today surrounded by newly designed urbanism. My design creates free space and two holes from which grows two volumes-objects speaking about the content underground. Program itself is defined by the needs of Misrachi community. Main motive of the design are galleries around the towers and in front of them. Project aims to create initiation point for continuation of rich and beautiful cultural life of the locals. Dens content underground-dens space above.
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Brasília - Parallel City /2017/ video (2:48) led by: Ivan Kroupa, Jana Moravcová
task: experimental city for 0-10 million population
There may be various stories of creation. Problematics of Brasília city escalates into radical solution. Total support of science and research and other non-political elites leads into creation of a physical volume – hammer the Desk in – new city. The desk has limits in time and in space.
The Desk divides into two parts. The huge amount of energy which pushes both of them apart. Energy is cumulated in centers and streaming thru the fibers. The surface of the material has great parameters for movement in speed not yet possible to measure while inside the material, there are ideal condition for peaceful life of its inhabitants.
Outside of the structure there is not a time or space only an imprint of a memory of physical environment of old city of Brasília and its contact with the Desk – on the ground, underground, under water. The existence of parallel city is symbiotic with both physical and mental environment of old Brasília. The time limit expires when the fibers loosen and break. It this moment reaches parallel city its maximum. It functions from its energetic supplies but without the possibility of transport and connection both part of the Desk extinct and the city and its civilization declines until it dissolves and collapses where it came from.
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Pub Parukářka /2015/ led by: Ivan Kroupa, Jana Moravcová
Existing pub in park Parukářka in Prague is shutting down and planning to be demolished because of local authorities and hygiene issues. Proposal of a new pub sees quality in original atmosphere of the neighbor pub while offers conditions in which allows restaurant operation including warm cousin. Placing the object on slightly different parcel ensures the continuity of local tradition, so the pub does not have to shut down while the new place is being constructed. Lightweight wooden structure allows use the pub completely open during hot days. Project works with large variety of possibilities where the customer may consume and sit. Project focuses on families with children, same as old, young or accidental passer-byes.
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Smíchov /2014/ led by: Ivan Kroupa, Jana Moravcová
Comprehensive exploration of Smíchov district and possibilities of other development. Polemics with traditionalist urban conviction that only urban blocks create lively city. Proposing linear urbanism of housing on areas of former distillery and functional connection line located on the edge of mainland and Vltava river, leading from the railway bridge to designed urban structure. Urban initiative line - semitransparent structure contains city forming functions such as leisure time clubs, watersports, pubs, clubs, rentable coworking areas, study areas, marketplace, short term social housing, hostel, cafés, cinema.
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Studentské bydlení v centru /2015/ vedení: Ivan Kroupa, Jana Moravcová
UMPRUM – UMPRUM space and movement between contemporary university building and newly planed building of art workshops Student housing, co-housing, alternative sharing of minimal living space at functionalist building Palác U Stýblů in the center of Prague. Grid over a grid. Taking advantage of a regular reinforced concrete structure.
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prázdné domy
Palác U Stýblů
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Noah’s Ark /2014/ workshop City Disaster, NYIT, New York, USA
cooperation: Diane Colucci, Jaromír Čížek, David Sherland, Jan Vybíral
led by: Ivan Kroupa, Jana Moravcová, Martin Kropáč
The aim of the international workshop was searching the solution in problematics of crises measures, its urbanism and forms. Project is focused on functionality in case of natural disaster like floods same as functionality in day to day use. Project deals with conversion of a park and former railway station on State Liberty Park at New Jersey, right across from Manhattan. It transforms area into the form of marshlands, which itself prevent floods. Proposed structure partly covers mainland and partly interferes into the Hudson river in the direction of Manhattan. Energy independence and safety of a shelters for shorter periods in case of natural disaster ensures tidal powerplant working on the whole surface of the structure. In day to day use, structure, platforms and public space serve as a compensation for removed land. There is a system of storages and spaces which works for cultural and recreation purposes. In case pf need, these nodes transform into shelters, port and emergency powerplant.
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work expirience
Aquapark Nitra /2016/ competition, 2nd prize
cooperation: Petra Karlová, Kateřina Kulanová, Igor Machata, Jana Moravcová, Jan Skoček /Norm-a/
Reconstruction of outdoor swimming pool located in the city park in Nitra, Slovakia.
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Mill Slatiňany /2017/ competition
cooperation: Alžběta Bláhová, Igor Machata, Jana Moravcová /Norm-a/
Conversion of a former Mill in Slatiňany into cultural community center - library, leisure clubs, concert hall.
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Mazda 323 /2017/ video (5:31) study internship in Studio of Sculpture, AAAD led by: Dominik Lang, Edith Jeřábková
Project focuses on ornament, on imprint of its form in my own memory. independent artefact detached from its original context. Searching, finding and loosing it all again – repeating process. Imperfect method of recording my own memory by using close tool to me – drawing in AutoCAD. Ornament on the skin – way back to the essence of decoration. Non existing shape limits. Non permanent trace on my skin. Shadow of a shadow torn from its original environment – seat cover of my granfather’s car Mazda 323.
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Memory Palace / Mapping /2017/ curating exhibition, Norma space cooperation: Petra Karlová, Petr Bureš, Karel Vančura
Tereza Melková base her output on manipulation digital and analogue images. She crosses the line of mental mapping of places, freely refer advanced spatial analysis and transform it into her own visual esthetics. Series Memory Palace leads us by abstract collages and prints thru urban landscape of Bucharest. The exhibition took Place in gallery Norma space in November 2017 as part of lecture series Mapping. Mapping
Four approaches to the phenomena of a map, its possibilities and meaning. Mapping the city and its history, cities under pressure of global migration changes, excluded locations of unknown layers of well known region. Map is one of elementary architecture tools. It can be basis, output or the process of creation becomes the central one. It always has it creator, its method and objective. Are we mapping reality or are we creating reality by mapping?
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Visiting Planners /2017/ organizing lecture series, Norma space
spolupráce: Mária Topolčasnká (Fake Cities True Storie), 4AM, Jana Moravcová
Visiting Planners je série rozhovorů a přednášek o výzkumu a praxi urbánní politiky. Pět hostů v rozmezí května a června uskuteční sérii dvoudenních turné v Brně a v Praze. Publiku představí svou práci v různě definovaných rolích.
Visiting Planners is a series of public talks and lectures on research and practice in urban politics. Five guest speakers made series of two-day tours in May and June to Brno and Prague. Their work in variously defined roles were presented to the public. Within the series took place lectures of Gideona Boie (SP), Itziar González (SP), Javier Burón Cuadrado (SP), Angels Mira (SP) a Dubravka Sekulic (SRB)
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