Alice Wilmot Intro to PR Portfolio and Reflective Log Assignment 2 1) Wired For Adventure Online Feature Article 2) Wired For Adventure Online Magazine Article 3)Reflective Log + Diary Appendix
This is the 5 most important things you will need.
And remember, to have fun! Alice Wilmot EDITOR
Alice is the editor of ALICE’S Blog. Many weekends spent exploring places such as Majorca and The Dominican Republic as a teenager fuelled an insatiable lust for adventure early on in her life, and ever since she has travelled the world in search of new places to explore.
You will find below the 5 items you’ll need most to complete your first corporate team building day. For those wondering what corporate team building is, it enables businesses to achieve goals and targets by learning outside. This article is sponsored by the New Forest Outdoor Centre in Lyndhurst. They specialise in corporate team building activities where businesses visit to bond and create friendships and do productive outdoor work.
They involve supplies and equipment as you could be doing anything. Read on to find out more. 1) A Secure Helmet A secure helmet will leave you protection to look after your head especially if you could fall during your activity. 2) Flint and Steel You need flint and steel if you’re learning basic skills for survival. Using against wood creates fire. It could keep you warm, help cook food. 3) Safety Ropes When you complete the higher ground activities, you will need ropes to hold you up. It could be a big fall if you don’t have them.
4) Bow and Arrow When completing a corporate team building day, you need to use a bow and arrow to hit targets and attack enemies. 5) Map You’ll need a map to complete orienteering work and to get yourself around throughout the day. If you come to the New Forest Outdoor Centre, you’ll need one as your exclusive to the whole site during your time with them.
Another benefit the New Forest Outdoor Centre has is when you and your Corporate business book with them, you will be able to collaborate with ideas which enables work targets, achievements and goals to be completed during your time at the New Forest Outdoor Centre. If you would like to find out more about the New Forest Outdoor Centre, contact them on 02380284401 or, visit their website
Alice Wilmot EDITOR
Alice is the editor of ALICE’S Blog. Many weekends spent exploring places such as Majorca and The Dominican Republic as a teenager fuelled an insatiable lust for adventure early on in her life, and ever since she has travelled the world in search of new places to explore.
The next big thing in the USA is making its way to the United Kingdom… Corporate Team Building days. For those of you who are wondering with curiosity what Corporate Team Building is, this enables corporate businesses and retail businesses to achieve goals and targets by learning outside of the workplace in a natural environment. This would be through a woodland or coastal area depending on the activities you would take part of throughout the corporate team building activity days. As you read on through this article, you will find out why Corporate Team Building is becoming so popular with corporate businesses in the UK and what the benefits are to have these days with your business or fellow colleagues. We are lucky enough to have this article sponsored by the New Forest Outdoor Centre in Lyndhurst, Hampshire. They specialise in corporate team building activities for corporate businesses inside and outside of Hampshire and have worked with many companies such as Microsoft, Sony and Barclays. Manager Ben and his colleagues are all NGB (National Governing Body) qualified. This means that they have the perfect amount of experience and reliability for the job and to be able to look after their teams and businesses which come and visit onto their site. Doing corporate team building activities, it gives your business many benefits. One of these benefits is that corporate team activity days gets people outside of their workplace. With a change of scenery and a breath of fresh air, a corporate team building activity day increases productivity and creates better communication within a group of corporate business staff. Corporate team business days creates stronger bonds and friendships within the group of staff from a workplace when completing the corporate team building activity day. Corporate team building activity days keeps motivation and creates information development for corporate business staff who are working together as a team to complete targets and goals which have been set when completing the activity days which can be collaborated when booking at some places.
The New Forest Outdoor Centre itself has its own benefits for their own Corporate Team Building days. One of these benefits for the New Forest Outdoor Centre is that if your business was to come to the New Forest Outdoor Centre, you’re the only team exclusive to the site when completing your activities. This means the team as well as the business can take their time with their activities and have a less pressured and stress-free activities and day infact. This makes coming to the New Forest Outdoor Centre exclusive to you and your business.
3 Intro to PR Reflective Log This reflective piece is about my ‘Introduction to Public Relations’ unit. For this piece of reflective writing I’m going to be using the Driscoll theory of reflection. I’m going to reflect within three different areas of this unit which includes group work, individual work and theory into practice and work. There is also an appendix to this piece. The first area I would like to reflect on is group work.
Group Work When I first started this unit, I knew group work was something I would have to do which worried me because from previous experience through school and college, I have always been left to complete work myself and everyone else would take a backseat. However, when completing the work in the group, I found it more of a positive experience. This is because everyone was productive, and it wasn’t just me especially when we compared ideas for the new Forest outdoor centre advert and radio interview in week 3 and creating them during weeks 5 to 7. The time I found most challenging however was when trying to get the work ready for the deadline. Having a stronger work ethic than my other peers within the group showed at this point meaning that conflicts within the group started to appear. This was because I wanted to make sure our work was done on time and others didn’t seem as keen to get it done which I found difficult. When the group work finished in week 8, I felt a lot of relief. This is because it was so hard at times to keep motivated within the group because there was very little communication within our Facebook group chat even though in the contract, we stated we would keep communicating with each other to get the work done. I feel within the group I was the organiser and most of the time was the communicator because I was mostly keeping the group on track with the work. Overall, I did enjoy all group work I completed, and I feel in the future in jobs through my career I will be able to work in a group confidently knowing what I’d like out of the projects I would need to complete.
Individual Work The next area I’m going to reflect on is individual work. I have really enjoyed completing my own work and been able to show my strengths through my digital work which I’ve created. One thing I did enjoy doing was coming up with ideas for my individual piece. I have had experience of this previously through doing media studies at A-level which gave me a slight advantage when suggesting what I wanted to do for my individual work and creating it. Coming up with my content was a lot easier than I thought it would be although I had writer’s block when starting to write the content because I had to keep with the same style of writing that the ‘Wired For Adventure’ magazine has. From learning about media relations and press releases in weeks 6 and 7, I was able to create a blog post and a magazine article. Using skills, I had previously known from a level and through my other units, I was able to create my work using the software Adobe In-design and Adobe Photoshop. This is what has made my work look as professional as it does now. I enjoyed using these pieces of software to complete my work as it has allowed me to advance my skills of these software’s and will allow me to know how to use these programmes if I need to use them within my course later down the line or my future career. In week 11, I completed a plan for my reflective log. The next challenge I found however was then to write my reflective log itself. Sometimes I struggle with writer’s block and not knowing where to start my reflective piece. On this occasion this is something which I had to try and overcome and was able to do successfully. Another thing which I found challenging completing was copying a layout of the online magazine blog ‘Wired for adventure’ to make my work look like it was part of that website. This is because I had to make it all look professional and get the right layout and font sizes correct and this although was challenging was also fun to complete. I feel the skills I’ve
learned from doing my own individual work has allowed me to be able to take on future assignments in units throughout my time at university and assignments and live briefs for future roles within jobs. One of the skills is meeting a live client and being able to communicate and ask questions to help with the assignment which something is I hadn’t done before doing this unit. It means that when completing future briefs in my career I will have experience of this.
Theory into practice and work The final area I’m going to reflect on is theory into practice and work. One thing I enjoyed learning about was the 10-step planning model by Gregory. This was because during my group work, I created quite a lot of the content through using the plan itself. I found it interesting that services and organisations create plans and targets so that they keep things on track during campaigns and advertising etc. If in the future I would need to create a 10-step planning model for a campaign or advertisement, I feel I will be able to do it confidently through doing this unit. This unit has taught me lots of different things about public relations which I never knew was involved before I started university. This will help me for my future as I know now what I would enjoy into when I leave. The most interesting thing I learnt was about media relations and examples of those. This was useful because it helped me decide what I wanted to do for my second part of my assignment. Another area I enjoyed looking at was during week 5 where we learnt about reflective writing and the difference between this. I also looked at descriptive writing which helped me during the second assignment for this unit because I had background on this from A level, but this helped me recognise and understand the difference more and advance my skills in reflective writing then what I knew previously. This will help me in the future.
Conclusion Overall, I found this unit exciting, engaging and interesting. Having experienced this unit, it has allowed me an insight into degree level work and has given me a real experience of a live client brief and assignment. It is also given me the confidence within group work to stick up for myself and to believe in my individual work and not be so critical of myself as I can be like this when doing my work. If I was to redo the unit, I would have planned an event as I also found this interesting learning about this during week 8 which was my favourite thing I have learnt about within this unit. If I had more time also, I would investigate re-designing the New Forest Outdoor Centre logo which in my opinion needed a bit of work, but I feel my organisation towards the end of the assignment wasn’t as promising as I hoped it would be so therefore, I was unable to do this.
Week 1
Intro to PR Reflective log Appendix
Monday – Radio studios – learnt how to use the equipment – went up to strangers – felt anxious and overwhelmed but proud of it – apply it for making sound and creating interviews for the sound files Tuesday - Learnt about what PR is and what it ain’t – interesting – was able to get a real insight into the industry into the industry – helped us decide our roles within future group work – in depth knowledge
Week 2 Monday – Learnt how to use the computers and mixer desk to work the microphones – exciting experience – apply the knowledge when making the radio adverts and interviews Tuesday – learnt about the 4 models of PR and different theories – exciting and helpful for knowledge to help with course later
Week 3 Monday – got into groups and discussed ideas for radio advert. Quite overwhelming and challenging but got some good ideas Tuesday – learnt about 10 step plan – interesting and will be able to help us do our group work in forthcoming weeks
Week 4 Monday – came up with questions to ask ben for the next days seminar – great way to collaborate with the group and discuss ideas – able to proceed forward with initial ideas for advert and stuff Tuesday – had Ben in from nfodc to answer our questions – exciting – meant we could find out more – put in use to help find other content for advert and interview included
Week 5 Monday – starting to do radio advert – chose music etc – arranged to get in the studio next week as an extra Tuesday – learnt how to do reflective writing – help with second assignment – interesting to get further knowledge than what I already knew about it from alevel and the technical theory behind it
Week 6 Monday – wrote script up for interview – did contract – started to record – challenging – not a lot of contact outside of uni Tuesday – learnt about media relations and examples – makes us think about what to produce for second piece of work – did extra hour with group – was supposed to do more work – felt left out – hard – less communication
Week 7 Monday – finished editing radio advert – relieved it was finished
Tuesday – learnt about news releases which could be included for the second part of the project – interesting Week 8 Monday – Finished interview and continued 10 step plan – strategic as a group – well organised – I enjoyed being a part of that plan – given experience for future Tuesday – learnt about events planning if anyone wanted to complete this for ae2 – gave a new perspective of a career path for me Week 9 Tuesday – Learnt about writing copy which will help with writing content of work. Interesting ways of coming up with content etc Week 10 Tuesday – started to complete some developed ideas for written content which is difficult and then wrote it first draft for article and magazine content – writers block always – mental processing – can be difficult – writing for another company – finding perspective – autism - Corporate image and pr – learnt about branding – knew a lot from doing media – excited interesting – good for us to make sure we keep to branding of content etc Week 11 Tuesday – finalising content – look at layout of article and magazine content