Amado Ortiz Architecture Portfolio

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Cumbres Rocosas #141, Cumbres Elite, Monterrey Nuevo Le贸n, M茅xico Cel: +52 1 811 660 91 09 Mail:

- Instituto Tecnol贸gico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey - Bachelor of Architecture 2010 - Present - Politecnico di Milano Year Abroad August 2012 - August 2013 - Prepa Tec Campus Eugenio Garza Sada High School Multicultural Program 2007 - 2010

- Intership at OFICIO Taller de Arquitectura June 2014 - Present



Autocad Revit Architecture 3dsMax Design Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Lightroom VRay for 3dsMax Microsoft Office


Spanish (Native) English (Second Language: TOEFL 597) Italian (3 years) French (Basic)

Architecture Class President, ITESM Mty (2014) Manifiesto: Espacio de Arquitectura - Event Coordinator (2014) Mario Pani: Arquitectura en Proceso - Exposition Participant (2014) Consejo de Acciones por Mexico - Graphic Design and Branding Direction (2013) Dise帽o Punto MX 2013 - Finance and Sponsorship Direction (2013)

Sport Complex in Mantova, Italy Course by Marco Stanislao Prusicki, Angelo Lorenzi & Fernanda Incoronato

Post - Industrial Park Course by Maria Cristina Treu, Adelmina Dall’ Acqua & Joao Antonio Ribeiro

Primary school & kindergarten Course by Edna Garza & Mauricio Maycotte

Center for children in need Course by Carlos NarvaĂŠz & Federico Guerra

Tipology: Sports Center Client: Mincio’s Canoeing Society Semester: 5th (3rd year) Teammates: Valeryia Gorbunova, Marta Malavasi

The Canottieri di Mincio is an expasion proposal for a sport complex located in the city of Mantua, Italy. The building proposal works as a connection between Mantova’s downtown and the Superior lake, where the Canottieri is located. For the design of this new building we took as reference the 3 lakes of the city of Mantua, the axes and important nodes of the city, and the existing buildings and facilities of this sport center. The proposal includes: - A new access square with stores, restaurants and a new entree for non members. - More facilities like restrooms and dressing rooms - A new indoor pool equiped with a diving platform, and seats for the public, - A solarium that works as a garden for the pool and the dressing rooms and a new hot springs zone for the visitors of the facility.

Mantua, Italy

Actual construction of Canottieri di Mincio

For the concept we took the references given by the downtown and replicate them in our building. The Porta Giulia Square as an access node to the city and the Dock as the access to the lakes. In the proposal we can find the entrance square that resembles Porta Giulia and the Pool resembling the Dock

This concept plan shows how the new intervention acts in order to complete and connect the old area of the Canottieri with the reference axis of the city. The new access proposal has a green square with stores and restaurants that creates a new node for the city.

View of the indoor pool








The building is completed by a series of wooden arches that lead the visitors to the gardens , tenis courts, and to the soccer field.

Model of the project.

Tipology: Post industrial Park Client: Mantua’s government Semester:6th (3rd year) Teammates: Ana Cristina Rodriguez

The Parco Lago di Mezzo (Middle lake park) is a reactivation project planned for city of Mantua, Italy in the Lago di Mezzo Area. This project is not only planning a park it’s main purpose is linking two disconnected areas of the city. The whole plan takes place in the protected area that is next to the Lago di Mezzo, just infront the city center. The proposal starts with the reactivation of Porta Giulia and the Piazza di Sparafucile and transform them into access to the park. It creates two walking paths one inside the protected area with level changes and breathtaking viewpoints. This path makes its way across some important points that are reactivated in the project like an old fortress and the famous Cartiere of Luigi Nervi. And the other pathway borders the area next to a small waterway and it creates a new connection between the two city spots.

Mantua, Italy

Middle Lake intervention area

As a team we did a Lynch analysis to identify all the opportunity areas, nodes, strong areas in the zone. Also we made an study of the historic references located over the region. After these studies we developed a plan for the intervention and the restauration of the area.



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After analysing all the possibilities the area offered we decided to transform the area into a post industrial park where two mayor actions will take place: Restoration and reactivation. Our first goal was to create a conection between the two poles of the city. This connection will occur inside of the park a pathgoing in to the trees and the lake and another track going by a small river located in the limits of the area (1). The first walkway (the one going into the trees) would an access in every pole in this case the Piazza of Sparafucile (5) in one side and Porta Giulia (3) in the other both in need of restoration. In the route planned also for this path we can find two important sightseen points: the Fortezza that can be restored into a path’s checkpoint and the Cartiere of Luigi Nervi that is an abandoned Paper Factory that can be reactivated to be part of the park just like Fundidora in Monterrey

Path in the Forest Project by Tetsuo Kondo

Inspired in Tetsuo Kondo’s project “Path in the forest” we decided to apply a similar path in the project. We studied the trees of the area an determined the heights of our track. The track’s objective is to create a trail connecting the two areas of the city but having in the route level changes in order to create viewpoints of the lake and the city and checkpoints in the restoration zones like the in the Cartiera and the Fortezza. The path links and converts Porta Giulia and the Torre Sparafucile in two mayor access to the park. The structure is made of steel starting and ending with a footing and creating supports in the strong trees in the way. The height of the path varies from 0-3 mts to 7 to 9 mts.

View of the path in lower levels.

< The section of the platform let us appreciate the structure in the path with 3 beams: 1 mayor central and 2 smaller in the sides.



3 2 2. Luneta di Fossamana The plan proposes the recovery of the Luneta di Fossamana Fortezza and leave it as a connecting space between the track in the Mincio stream and the Nature’s walkway. The interior of this fortress will be filled with green open spaces.


1. Torre Sparafucile This tower is proposed to be restored and transformed into an access to the park. Next to the tower the street paving will be changed in order to reduce the speed limit for the security of the pedestrians.

This section shows the connection of the Luneta di Fossamana with the path in the Mincio stream

3. Porta Giulia The restoration of Porta Giulia consist in eliminating all the parking spots located infront of it and create a square there. The red buildings are planned to have a commercial first floor with stores and restaurants to invite the population to the square.

4. Cartiere di Burgo The proposal of the Cartiere Museum gives place to the new square located next to it where the nature’s walkway join in a new commercial area.



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5. Walkway in the Mincio stream. The recovery of this zone is key in the connection of the city. The stream is currently abandoned and full of waste making impossible to walk on it. The new track is composed by 4 “lanes� for pedestrians and bycicles, divided by a green slope and limited by the new orchard area.

Tipology: School and Kindergarten Client: Villas Asistenciales Monterrey Semester: 7th (4th year) Individual project Ferrara School is a project for a primary school and kindergarten in a masterplan proposal in the center of the city of Monterrey. This masterplan proposes to remove an outsized street (Av. Fundidora) between Fundidora park and the Obrera neighborhood blending the comunity and creating an space that appeals to be a new node for in the city. Located just infront of Convex Convention Center and the Arena Monterrey this school is planned to fullfil the need for education facilities in this area. Attached to the size limitations and the guidelines given by the masterplan, this two story building is composed by a first floor for kindergarten and administration, a central courtyard for recess, and a second floor for the primary school classrooms and a library.

Existing block where the masterplan was planned.

In the masterplan proposal the block was moved forcing the street go underground and creating a new walkable street between Fundidora and La Obrera.

Masterplan proposal. This plan shows the arrengement of the constructions in the block plus the new gardens created around the area and the location of the school.


Block plan where the school is located and scheme of the organization of the school

Sports Complex

Residential Residences



Diagrams below. Due to space limitations the central courtyard can be divided into three different spaces. One for multipurpose activities, another common and the last one just for kindergarten. The gates that divide the 3 spaces can be removed to create either one central space, two lateral spaces and three small courts so different activities can take place at the same time.

Drop Off

<Teacher’s access

Underground Level (Parking Floor)

Ground Floor

Kid’s access>

The school is composed by 3 levels. The underground level located in the parking floor where part of the drop off and arriving to the school takes place. The ground floor is where the kindergarten is located in the south side, each room with its own restroom for the kids. Also in this level we can find the coffe shop and the administrative area of the school. In the north side is the multipurpose room that can be expanded and blended with the multipurpose courtyard. Also the main access is located. The main access also connects with the first floor of a sport complex that was desing in combination with the school so physical activities can be made there.

In the Third level, the second floor we can locate all the classrooms of the primary school, the restrooms and a small computers lab. The floor is hang on to the external structure by tensors showed in the plan. (Later to be specified in the sections) This level contains the library with shelfs in the south sidethat act as brise soleils with the own books. The windows located behind this brise soleil are equiped with low E glass to help mantain the temperature of the room and to prevent damaging in the books.

First Floor

Interior Elite Glass 3mm Argon Gas Chamber

Solar Neutral Glass 3mm Alluminum with dessicant Polisulfide

Glass detail Library illumination diagram

Facade Section Low E glass

West Elevation

East Elevation

North Elevation

South Elevation

The materiality was brick in the first floor for a warmer environment for the kindergarten, apparent concrete slab as a symbol of continuity of the platform levels in the masterplan, and exposed concrete in the second floor to give a contrast with the brick and create a game between them. In the west facade is very simple wooden brise soleil to lessen the solar impact in the indoor spaces.

Client: Villas Asistenciales Monterrey Semester: 8th (4th year) Individual project

Cavida Center consists in a renovation for an existing building of the Villas Asistenciales Organization. This organization focuses in helping children in need located in dangerous neighborhoods of Nuevo Le贸n. The Cavida building is located in the Independencia neighborhood in Monterrey. The existing form of the construction (H shaped) works for natural ventilation and illumination but limits the distribution of interior spaces. The new design proposes a change for a C from that creates a central garden that provides all the building with light and ventilation and works for a better interior design. The program required: a complete separation between kids and teenagers, the building should feel like a home for the users, the creation of spaces that could be watched every moment, open restrooms and to have a coordination in every floor to enhance security in the building.

Site Location. Form and pictures of the existing building.




This scheme shows the evolution of the plan form of the building trying to conserve as much as possible.

The C form makes internal distribution easier, creates a space easy to watch and helps in the separation between kids and teenager. It also gives place to a new public “basement” level that helps the building blend with the community.




KIDS Basement

First Floor


COMMON Second Floor


TEENS Third Floor

One of the most important aspects of the proposal is the way is planned to blend with the community. The creation of the frontal park gives to the zone a new common green area. This “park� is connected to an underground garden (the basement) where the public library and auditorium are also located

Basement Level The basement level is completely public. Visitors can access from the frontal garden trhought the stairs that also can function as seating for an outdoor chillinhg place. The space has a central courtyard that can be used as a reflezion place and that works to keep both spaces with good illumination and ventilation.



Ground Floor When the user gets to the facility, he can go either to the public level or get in to the building directly in the reception where the kids are divided by age that is the reason of having 2 stairs: one for teenagers and one for little kids. Small children can get directly to the game room and dinning room or go upstairs to the classrooms.

The second floor has a multipurpose room in the South side that can be used by kids from all ages. It is controled by mobile walls that can be opened or closed depending who is using the area and has a checkpoint for watching the area and the teenager’s stairs. In the North side is the learning area for kids. It is composed by 4 classrooms which side can be modified by mobile walls depending in the amount of children they are holding or the activity practiced. To enhance security it has the floor direction and the classroom walls that are in the wall are made of a combination of steel and glass to allow visibilty from the outside.

Second Floor

The third floor is very similar to the second one, The North side is identical in both levels. The South side however contains a relaxation space composed by a terrace and a common area where teenagers can hang out and interact with each other.

Third Floor







Natural illumination and ventilation schemes.

North Elevation

South Elevation

Walt Disney Concert Hall Frank Ghery Model completed in 2010 Escale 1:500

Villa Stein de Monzie Le Corbusier Model completed in 2012 Escale 1:100

UnitÊ d’habitation a Marseille Le Corbusier Model completed in 2012 Escale 1:300

Escuela Normal de Maestros Mario Pani Model for Marco Museum Exposition Completed in 2013 - Exposed in 2014 Made in team with 8 classmates Escale 1:200

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