My design process revolves around simplicity and sustainability. I am dual nationality Czech and English, and when designing I look to my Czech heritage and take inspiration from culture and nature. My practice focuses on creating quick sketches and models to bring my ideas to life, with longevity and environmental consideration being at the forefront of my design ethos. My interest lies within homeware design and understanding how psychology plays a part within the creative process, motivating me to produce high quality work. My main interests include playing in concert and big bands for over 10 years, achieving Grade 8 Clarinet, Grade 5 Piano, and teaching myself Saxophone and Guitar. I also have an interest in photography, espe cially looking at layout and composition and growing my own plants.
A bespoke dish drainer made completely from one piece of laser cut stainless steel.
05. ‘Oracle’ORACLEisa COVID-19 interactive system within the office to enhance daily rituals, working with the company MATTER. Nurture- StudioIlse
Bringing feelings of outdoor nature immersion 03.indoors.VITAL
lotion pump bottle that allows all product to be used, minimising waste as well as complying with the Loop system.
Tails’ smart food and water bowls weighing the contents of each bowl. Not affiliated with the company.
Brief: Explore the Loop reusable packaging system and develop an innovative pack solution that fits with the brand Aveeno.
Outcome: A new Aveeno body lotion pump bottle that allows all product to be used, minimising waste as well as complying with the Loop system.
01. Aveeno x Loop
My inspiration came when viewing products on the website, all products were sustainable with the use of long-life materials. Aveeno is heavily branded as a natural and holistic brand, so keeping this ethos was at the forefront when designing. Using the Aveeno oat design throughout the project as well as considering the longevity of the materials to be used. 01.
Throughout the project I explored variations of shapes/ forms for the new Aveeno 300ml body lotion bottle. The development of my designs through modelling and sketching led to a simple, sustainable product that can accurately be implemented into the system.
The new Aveeno pump bottle with a removable base allows the user to unscrew the bottle and use all of the product available. The Aveeno oat texture is around the lid and bottle base for grip and aesthetics. This shows Aveeno’s natural brand ethos within their products. The colours shown are taken from Aveeno’s website and can be used for the main container; different colours available for their different lotions. The Aveeno lettering would be engraved into the glass bottle, and as the base can be unscrewed, all the product inside can be used, eliminating the problem with the current Aveeno pump Bottle. (The pump does not reach the bottom of the current bottle leaving product at the base, which then leads the consumer to cutting the bottle, making the bottle not re-usable.)
Consumercanunscrew the base to use alltheproductinsideConsumerbuysAveeno300ml body lotion fromtheLoopwebsite STORY BOARD hTebaseactsasasmalltub for the consumer touseallthebodylotionAhTeveenobottleisthenre-filled through the top andsentouttoanewcustomer hTemainbodyismadefrom glass and the base andpumparestainlesssteel Consumerusestheproductbyholding the bottle andusingthepumptoapply bhTeottleistakenapartandeverything s cleaned, apartfromthebamboolid OncetheAveenobodylotion is fin shed, Loop collecttheemptybottle
Glass and stainless steel can be easily cleaned and fits well within the loop sys tem, the stainless steel can also be powder coated to allow different colours to be made. A clear label can also be added onto the glass container including the products ingredients and features. The Aveeno logo would be engraved into the glass and bamboo lid, whilst the oat design would be engraved into the stainless steel base and the base of the lid. This gives a really nice touch to the design when the lid is closed and the oats line up. The bamboo lid covers the pump, keeping the contents fresh and free from bacteria. The bamboo lid would be lined on the inside to protect the wood, and provide a barrier between the lid and body lotion.
Brief: Create a product that uses natural materials and colours with biophilic connections to create an experience that improves mental health and well-being, bringing feelings of outdoor nature immersion to an indoor environment.
02. The Tranquil Diffuser
Outcome: Allowing feelings of outdoor nature immersion to be brought into the home, with the use of scent, natural materials, earthy colour tones, circular shapes and central planter.
Bringing feelings of outdoor nature immersion indoors. Exposing the natural world to people has so many benefits on brain function and promotes psychological health when incorporating plants and natural materials into the home. This has shown to create a calm space with restorative qualities that helps reduce stress and anxiety, which is a worldwide problem that affects one in four people. 02.
Throughout the project I explored variations of shapes/forms and materials. The development of my designs through modelling and sketching led to a simple, sustainable product that brings the feeling of outdoor nature immersion into the home.
ScentBACKGROUNDplaysagreatpart in our mental health and well-being, as all scents must pass through the limbic system before they are even recognised, this part of the brain is responsible for emotions and memories. Research as shown that due to this strong neural pathway these unfiltered messages and responses have a definite impact on our physical and emotional well-being. Certain fragrances and oils have significant measurable effects on mood, in particular stress, happiness, and relaxation. The circle is omnipresent in nature. The part of the brain called the amygdala is involved in processing stimuli that induce fear and anxiety, and sharpcornered objects have shown to cause much greater activation than rounded objects. Most of the research conducted in this area show that as humans we prefer shapes and objects that evoke feelings of safety and are not fond of sharp angles and pointed features on objects. The curvilinear shape and circle symbolise all of the attributes that attract us, the form is safe, graceful, simple, and a shape that induces feelings of calmness, peacefulness and relaxation.
Fillthebasewithwaterupto the water level indicatorandaddyouressentialoils Thenplacethebrown glass top over thewoodenbase Fillthecentreoftheglass top with water andplaceyourplantintoit Yourplantwillstartgrowingroots within the container, andthelightwillhighlightthem hTebaselightwillturnonandilluminate the g ass and mistwilldiffusethroughthetopholes hTenusethetopbuttontoturn on the light and the bottombuttontoturnonthedi ff resu
The diffuser is situated in the base with two buttons controlling the light and diffuser mist, the product is also re-chargable via a micro-usb charging cable. The top glass section acts as a hydro planter, allowing plants to grow within the middle section once filled with water. The black walnut wood base would be wood turned on a lathe and the brown glass top would be blown and pressed into shape, then polished. 02.
Outcome: A dish drainer made completely from one piece of laser cut stainless steel, press moulded into this unique shape and powder coated in bespoke colour options.
Brief: Explore the commercial home-ware market, developing a single or range of products specifically for sheet material manufacturing such as laser, water and plasma cutting.
My inspiration came when looking at homes that are filled with a modernist and vibrant feel. The homes that I researched were full of colour, linear structures and greenery. These are some other products and styles that have influenced my design process along the way. 03.
Throughout the project I explored variations of stainless steel egg holders, dish drainers and planters for watering. The development of my designs through modelling and sketching led to a simple, sustainable product that accurately uses sheet metal for the home-ware market.
The Vital dish drainer was created when looking at homes that are filled with a modernist and vibrant feel. The product was developed when experimenting with linear forms and driven by the simplicity of manufacturing processes.
Each drainer is made completely from one piece of laser cut 2mm stainless steel, which is then press moulded into it’s unique shape and powder coated in the bespoke colour options, Jade, Lemon and Amber. I wanted the product to stand out, maintaining simplicity within the structure but having an impact with colour.
from one piece of laser cut stainless steel, which is press moulded to its unique shape and powder coated in the bespoke colour options available. The dish drainer works by holding up to 4 plates on the higher tier, glasses, and cutlery on the lower. The drainer has a height of 11cm and a width of 40.5cm and could be bought at a retailed price of £57. The bespoke item can be made to order in any colour way, depending on the customer.
Brief- Design a smart feeding system that monitors how much a dog eats and drinks for the brand, capturing their brand and design ethos. Outcome- Tails’ smart food and water bowls that weigh the contents of each bowl continuously, adding the weight consumed to the daily recommended amount within the tails app via Bluetooth.
My inspiration for this project came through Tails’ ethos of being sustainable and I wanted to show this through my products development with materials and simplicity of the design. These are some other products and styles that have influenced my design process along the way.
04. PetKit
Throughout the project I explored variations of dog feeders, different ways to measure a dogs weight and smart bowls to accurately measure food and water intake. The development of my designs through modelling and sketching led to a simple, clever and sustainable piece of technology that accurately represents the brand.
The company Tails is becoming more eco-friendly and recyclable with the materials they use to package and distribute their food. The main colour theme throughout the brand is predominantly shades of blue with many other neutral pastel shades.
The aims of the project are to develop a smart product that can allow the dog owner to be more engaged with their dog’s health and well-being. Producing a Tails’ smart product that captures the brand’s ethos and sustainability, whilst being simple and effective to use to monitor how much the dog eats and drinks.
The smart bowls weigh the contents of each bowl continuously, adding the weight of the food and water consumed to the daily recommended total within the Tails’ app via Bluetooth.
The dog’s profile, specific dietary requirements and amount of activity can also be edited and added within the app to allow the owner to have a better insight into the dogs’ diet and well-being. The smart food and water bowls are made from food grade stainless steel which makes them strong and durable. The base of the bowl is made from ABS and has a non-slip base, ABS can be easily recycled and is long lasting making it a sustainable product.
Brief: Design a COVID-19 safe product or system that will enhance the daily rituals of the employees within an office workspace, designing for the company MATTER.
Outcome: ‘Oracle’ is an interactivity point within the office enhancing daily rituals. All devices are be synced so that colleagues can collaborate.
This was a group project and we realised the main problem would be the normality of life at work. Office rituals would be affected due to covid rules so we saw an opportunity to create ‘Oracle’, a product that would be an interactive tool to connect colleagues collaboratively, bringing back a new normality. These are a few images that inspired the product’s form, visuals and where it would be situated.
05. Amazon
Throughout the project the group explored variations of socially distanced seating booths with a sound buffering design, extendible tables for home and interactive devices for the office. The development of the designs through modelling and sketching led to a simple, interactivity point within the office connecting colleagues and enhancing daily rituals.
Work related notifications would be shown on the top display and would pop up to signal the user, which can then be pressed down to silence the notification. There is a speaker built into the top pop-up feature to communicate with other colleagues via Bluetooth, voice notes can also be recorded. The base of the pod has a light which shines whichever colour the user programs it to, this signals social elements such as when to take a coffee break, a screen or lunch break.
The device is 10cm tall with a diameter of 8cm and can be made to order in different colour ways to add a personal touch to the workspace. The top pop-up feature has a top interactive touch screen as well as a cloth weave speaker and microphone built into it. The main body and base of the product is made from stainless steel with a powder-coated finish to allow colour variations of the product to be made.
- Over 10 years of playing in Concert Bands and Big Bands. - Achieved all prior Trinity Music Grades. - Self-taught Saxophone and Guitar player. OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS
My software skills include the InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, SolidWorks and Keyshot.
2017- Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Qualification.
2016- Achieved Grade 5 Piano with Merit.
Stafford Grammar School Sixth Form- A Level Product Design (A), Art and Design (A), Psychology (B).
Al Falk- Principal at Riverside International School, Prague.
2016- British Kung Fu Association- Blue Sash 2016- Duke of Edinburgh, Bronze Award. - I have a great dedication to personal fitness (training 3 days a week for over 4 years).
Art and Design Teaching Placement at Stafford Grammar School.
2019- Achieved Grade 8 Clarinet with Merit.
JohnREFERENCES.Squire-CEO at Henry Squire & Sons Ltd.
Product Design and Marketing Placement at Henry Squire & Sons Ltd. Jan.2022-April.2022
EXPERIENCE. May.2022-Aug.2022
2019- Design and Technology Senior Award (Stafford Grammar School)
Art and Design Teaching Placement at Riverside International School, Prague. Sept.2021-Dec.2021