Estar preparados y contar con protocolos, planes de emergencia, de continuidad operativa y de negocio. Tener una capacidad organizativa adecuada, conocimientos y habilidades relevantes. Apoyar a los trabajadores y al personal, incluso mediante la habilitación de trabajo remoto. Facilitar y priorizar el flujo de bienes esenciales.
Ver reporte de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo.
Gaceta | Columna Tiburcio Del Muelle| 08 | 08
8 maritime shipping challenges affecting enterprise shippers. Enterprise shippers have always been an integral part of the maritime shipping industry and its partnership with truck fleet management. And likewise, maritime transportation has been a dominant player in global transportation for decades. Peak shipping season ahead of the holidays is about to begin for a volatile supply chain. A decline that shippers were seeing in ocean spot rates and in premium surcharges across many trade routes as demand for containers softened has reversed, with congestion at ports and at sea increasing container spot prices. Digital Freight Forwarder Market Size | Scope | 2022-2028. The Market Research Intellect recently revealed an expert research report titled “Digital Freight Forwarder Market – Latest Trends and Drivers 2022” with premium insights that embrace the Market size of the business, and therefore the current patterns, dangers, conceivable outcomes, and first segments. U.S. pushes Canada, Mexico to stop imports of Chinese goods produced by Uyghur slave labor. U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai met with Canadian Trade Minister Mary Ng and their Mexican counterpart in Vancouver on Friday to discuss the two-yearold revamped North American free-trade pact, known as the United-States-MexicoCanada Agreement (USMCA).
Gaceta | Columna Del Muelle | 16
8.7 %
El G20
8.7 %
La Unión Europea
7.8 %
7.7 %
Costa Rica
ANIVERSARIO CICE Muchas felicidades a CICE por un año más ofreciendo operaciones portuarias en los Puertos de Veracruz y Tampico, con la más amplia infraestructura, equipo y personal especializado para el manejo de contenedores, carga general, tubería, aceros, graneles. ¡Enhorabuena!
ANIVERSARIO CONTECON Nuestro reconocimiento a CONTECON, que conmemora su aniversario como una de las terminales portuarias altamente equipadas para atender carga contenerizada, garantizando su recepción y entrega ágil y oportuna gracias al uso de equipos de última tecnología. ¡Feliz aniversario!
ANIVERSARIO ICAVE Felicitamos a Hutchison Ports ICAVE, empresa maniobrista que opera en el puerto de Veracruz, con una red de operaciones portuarias en 52 puertos que abarcan 26 países de Asia, Oriente Medio, África, Europa, América y Australia. ¡Que siga su crecimiento!
25,200,000 25,000,000 24,800,000 24,600,000 24,400,000 24,200,000 24,000,000 23,800,000
705,000 700,000 695,000 690,000 685,000 680,000 675,000 670,000 665,000 660,000
148,000 146,000 144,000 142,000 140,000 138,000 136,000 134,000 132,000 130,000
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