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En su oportunidad, la SEMAR subrayó que esta efeméride adquiere relevancia, ya que la representación de las mujeres en el sector ha ido en aumento y por ende es necesario hacerles un merecido reconocimiento para visibilizar su labor, fomentar su inclusión y fortalecer su rol en el sector marítimo-portuario.

En este sentido, para AMANAC es determinante reconocer el papel de la mujer para el crecimiento sostenido de la economía del país, conmemorando el 8 de marzo como el “Día Internacional de la Mujer” y el próximo 18 de mayo, uniéndonos a la celebración del “Día Internacional de la Mujer en el Sector Marítimo de la OMI”.

El día que celebra a las mujeres en la industria y tiene como objetivo promover la contratación, retención y empleo sostenido de las mujeres en el sector marítimo, elevar su perfil, fortalecer el compromiso de la OMI con el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 5 de las Naciones Unidas (igualdad de género) y apoyar el trabajo para abordar el actual desequilibrio de género.

Ver directrices Fuente: IMO.
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Costs, Availability, and Regulation are Challenges to Ammonia Refit. A first-of-its-kind study concludes that converting existing ships to ammonia-fueled operations is possible but that there are several difficult hurdles to overcome. Led by Norway’s Grieg Star with 21 organizations including Yara and the Norwegian Maritime Authority, the report focuses on the issues for the technical retrofit as well as the issues surrounding the availability of green ammonia, the operational risks, and financial costs.

Ocean Planning Can Help Resolve Offshore Wind Conflicts. Imagine, for a moment, driving through the streets of a major metropolis without the aid of a GPS. Visualizing this experience may evoke frenzied images of difficult one-way streets, countless dead ends, and an overwhelming amount of traffic. Unfortunately, our oceans are following a similar path.

Cargo ships powered by wind could help fight climate change. Future cargo ships are set to be powered by wind once again due to a new project that retrofits large vessels with ultra-modern wing sails. If successful, the project could significantly contribute to cutting carbon emissions.

United States Announces $800 Million in International Commitments for Protecting Our Ocean. At the Our Ocean Conference (OOC) in Panama, the United States highlighted new and recently launched global initiatives totaling more than USD 800 million to protect our ocean and assist developing countries – from supporting the creation of marine protected areas and helping partner countries secure and enforce their marine resources, to improving the resilience of coastal areas to climate change.

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