Amana Life no 50

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NO 50 SUMMER 2014

Contents New service restores independence ...................2 Circus time .......................3 Art gives insight into dementia .........................4 Staff enrich lives ...............5 Respecting sensory preferences ......................5 Residents blossom .............6 Caring for our planet .........6

Consumer directed care allows older people to decide what care means to them, and what will help them most. This could mean directing funds into social programs and day club activities as much as practical or clinical support. Photo: Leon Shaffer

Improving the Home Care experience .......................7 100 and independent .........7 Generations mix................8 Staff profile ......................9 New appointments .......... 10 Discovering the human landscape ...................... 10 Regional McCusker Nurse Service to be piloted ........ 11 Thanks to our sponsors .... 11 A publication of AMANA LIVING 541 Hay Street, Subiaco WA 6008 P 1300 26 26 26 F (08) 9388 3142 ABN 45 582 438 433 To unsubscribe from this newsletter, please email:

Clients to control their own care Amid the many industry reforms rolling out from the Federal Government’s Living Longer, Living Better package, one of the most interesting is consumer directed care. CEO Ray Glickman explains why Amana Living is at the forefront in implementing this reform. As each generation enters the second half of life, new lifestyles and different expectations emerge. What we are seeing amongst our ageing population today are clear demands to stay in their own homes for as long as possible, to have services delivered to their door, and to retain as much control as they can over their care. These shifts have become key drivers for a number of changes in the way providers like Amana Living work. Our Home Care division has grown

considerably and has recently been restructured to help us manage the rapid increase in the number of clients and the diversity of their needs. How CDC works Consumer directed care (CDC) is the Government’s response to the demand for control over services delivered via funded packages. It will be introduced next year, and has been undergoing a national pilot program to refine the processes. continued over...



Under CDC, clients can decide how the funding associated with their home care package is spent. In effect, they receive a budget (managed by us, the provider) and a menu of services to choose from. There is also more flexibility around the services they can choose. The client is not locked into the provider that is managing their funds, but can choose other services, as long as they fall within certain guidelines. What we’ve learned from the pilot Amana Living has been involved in the pilot program, and currently has 30 clients managing their services under CDC. This is giving us a useful insight into the benefits to them, and how it works in practice for different types of people. What we found is that younger clients, or those with an active carer, are more likely to want to direct their own care and services. Older clients generally prefer to have us make those decisions for them. This program allows for those individual preferences as clients can choose the degree to which they are involved in the decisionmaking.

We have seen clients choose services that surprised us. Providers may tend to look at practical, clinical and personal care needs, but hobbies and social connection can be just as important, and only the client themselves can determine what their needs are in those areas of life. CDC is not without its challenges. Providing choice costs more, and it is to be hoped that the Government will be prepared to fund this policy direction. At the end of the day, providing more choices for people has to be a good thing. We look forward to being part of the continuing evolution of CDC.

Ray Glickman, CEO

Read Ray’s blog or follow him on Twitter @rayglickman

New service restores independence Amana Living welcomed the first clients to our transition care facilities in Cottesloe and Mosman Park on 1 July. It was an emotional moment for us, after weeks of hard work preparing the former hostels for a different role, recruiting staff and developing processes.

The Transition Care Program (TCP) is a Commonwealth initiative that provides short-term restorative care for older people after a hospital stay. The aim is to help them regain independence and give them more time to make a decision about their longerterm living options. Services include low intensity physiotherapy and occupational therapy, as well as social work support, nursing and personal care. The WA Health Department allocates TCP places, and awarded 65 of these to Amana Living. At Cottesloe, we now offer a 19-bed dementia and older adult mental health (OAMH) secure facility, and at Mosman Park there are 46 frail-aged places. We plan to include an 18-bed dementia and OAMH transition care wing as part of the new ‘dementia hub’ at our Bull Creek site. This is scheduled to open in 2015, and will relieve the pressure on Mosman Park, giving us flexibility in the number of clients we can accommodate at any one time. With more than 200 clients admitted during the first four months of operation, the TCP staff have been busy. During that period, we discharged 150 of these clients either back to their homes or into a suitable residential care centre.


The average length of stay in transition care is seven weeks, but clients may stay for up to 12 weeks if they need extra time. This high turnover means that transition care is more aligned with a hospital environment than a residential care centre in terms of the speed and intensity of the work carried out by our staff. The program is led by GPs with geriatrician support. Each week, they meet with a multi-disciplinary team, including allied health practitioners and nursing staff, to discuss clients’ progress toward their goals. This has worked particularly well in supporting clients and helping them to reach optimal health and independence before leaving us. There is a great deal of documentation required for transition care, and we are now working on streamlining this for an even more efficient service. This has been an excellent opportunity for Amana Living to branch out and to establish a program from scratch with new teams and refurbished facilities. We’re particularly pleased to be able to make good use of the former residential care centres in Cottesloe and Mosman Park. Libby Simpson, General Manager Projects and

Circus time! The annual Amana Living party for residents and clients saw the HBF Stadium sports arena transformed into a big top circus on 6 November. The Circus theme and entertainment, including trapeze acrobatics, fire juggling and stilt walkers, took our 500 guests on a trip back to their childhoods. “The Amana Living party is a special event on the calendar for our residents and clients,” said CEO Ray Glickman. “We encourage staff to attend as well, making it an enriching experience for all of us.” Around 200 staff and volunteers enjoyed the day with guests. They sat down together to morning tea, live music, dancing, circus performances and lunch, with Tod Johnston as MC.




Art gives insight into dementia Artworks by over 100 people living with dementia were on display at the annual Project Picasso Exhibition in July. Project Picasso is an award-winning art therapy program for people living with dementia. It began three years ago as a small pilot initiative at Amana Living Salter Point (Peter Arney Home), and expanded to 12 care centres the following year.

Exhibition visitors were invited to purchase pieces by anonymous donation. Over $1,000 was raised, which will be invested in Project Picasso 2015.

This year’s Project Picasso saw some interesting group projects, three-dimensional artwork and other creative expressions. One coordinator gave a client a teaspoon and paint. The client threw the paint at the canvas, creating an array of texture, depth and colour. Another artist said that his painting shows how his brain ‘feels’. Our Manager of Dementia and Restorative Services, Louise Hancock, commented on this piece: “The exploding patterns that he has painted are vivid; this was an extraordinary insight into the pathophysiology of the disease.” We have certainly been impressed by the talent that our residents and clients living with dementia have displayed yet again during this year’s project. More than 100 residents and clients from 12 of our care centres produced 240 artworks for the public exhibition at Christchurch Grammar School on 16-18 July. The artworks were produced over a six-week period with the help of our staff and around 60 volunteers. Each centre received a modest budget, the only guidelines being to produce 10 framed pieces and 10 other works. For the first time this year, we gave artists the option of following a theme – ‘Circus’ – inspired by the forthcoming Amana Living Residents’ and Clients’ Party, where the artworks will be showcased on big screens. Enrichment Coach Kylie Mathieson said: “The theme was useful in stimulating memories and ideas. Many older people have fond memories of going to the circus, and the theme produced some lively, colourful artworks.”


The Project Picasso Exhibition and close-ups of some of the artworks.

Staff enrich lives Residents at Wollaston Court are enjoying their new library, provided by the Staff Giving Fund earlier this year. “There are a number of residents at Wollaston Court who find it difficult to attend the public library, and there is no mobile library service in Albany,” said Housing Coordinator Gloria Walsh.

community for retirement living residents where support and information can be shared.

Residents are delighted with the new, well-stocked library shelving, including large-print books, now installed in the village community room, the Johnstone Room. The Amana Living Staff Giving Fund is an opportunity for our employees to make a small regular donation towards projects that benefit our residents and clients. As a not-for-profit organisation, all revenue and Government funding goes into providing quality care and housing, but we believe in going beyond this to enrich lives with enhanced environments and meaningful activities. Without donations such as those provided via the Staff Giving Fund, this would not be possible. Several projects are underway at present, following a call for proposals late last year. These include therapeutic tools to form the basis of a Dementia Services Resource Library; revamped outdoor areas, including plants, water features and gazebos; a men’s shed; and iPads to create a virtual

Wollaston Court residents Patricia Oldfield and Erica Johnstone, after whom the Johnstone Room is named, enjoying the new library facility provided by the Staff Giving Fund.

Respecting sensory preferences Our Dementia Services team is continually looking for better ways to enhance the wellbeing of our residents and clients living with this difficult disease. In recent months, we have focused on sensory preferences. Over time we develop habits which are based on our preferences for certain types of sensory information and our dislike of others. For people affected by dementia, it is vital that those assisting and caring for them understand those habits and preferences. For example, someone might, with the best of intentions, give the person with dementia a foot-rub when in fact they hate having their feet touched. Or, after previously enjoying leisure time outdoors walking on the beach or relaxing in a large back yard, the onset of dementia might require a move to residential care and sitting still indoors for much of the day. For someone with dementia, the importance of having the right type of sensory experiences increases as their understanding of their world slowly shrinks. By establishing individual preferences, and recording these in care plans, we can ensure that person-centered care is delivered and wellbeing is enhanced.

So how do we collect the data on sensory preferences, particularly when many of our residents have significant difficulty with communication? This is where clinical observation and analytical skills are important. As well as gleaning information during other assessments, we rely on a social history form. The person living with dementia, or their family, can indicate here which experiences they enjoy or prefer to avoid. The information covers preferences and aversions in the five senses, as well as issues affecting balance and coordination. From here, we are able to establish the best ways to interact with each resident and client when providing care and involving them in activities. This is an edited extract from an article by Amana Living Dementia Specialist, Louise Jones, published in the Australian Journal of Dementia Care, Oct-Nov 2014, Vol 3 No 5, p13 (




Residents blossom When staff at Amana Living Moline House in Karrinyup noticed that 101-year-old Jessie Kay was struggling with the change from independent living to residential care, they worked out what to do. Jessie loves gardens, so when they found a patch of earth for her to tend, she was right at home. Jesse has transformed the patch into a colourful garden, and is now creating a raised garden too. Jessie grew up in Moora, and moved to Claremont about 50 years ago. She had lived independently until last year and had worked on a dairy and wheat farm for most of her life, getting up early to milk the cows. Jessie is still fit and active, and even at 101 she never uses a walking stick or walker.

“We encourage our staff to listen to residents, and facilitate activities that help them to settle and feel valued,” said Chief Operating Officer Suzi Cowcher. “Often, something like gardening can make all the difference to their quality of life, while enhancing the enjoyment of other residents.”

A generation younger than Jessie is 79-year-old Gino Zabbia, who has carved out a job for himself as gardener-in-residence at James Brown House in Osborne Park. Moving into residential care after his wife died, Gino quickly identified an inner courtyard area that had potential to be turned into a garden. Staff supported him by purchasing plants and helping out where needed, but thanks to daily strengthening exercises, Gino is able to do most of the work himself and says his back never aches. Gino grew up in Italy and worked as a baker before moving to Australia with his new wife at the age of 21. The couple travelled around Australia for six years, before settling in Perth, where Gino made a living by renovating gardens.

Left: Gino Zabbia in the communal garden he takes care of for all the residents at James Brown House to enjoy. Photo: Iris Geldenhuys Right: Jessie Kay in the garden at Moline House that she created and maintains herself. Photo: Kay Stone

Caring for our planet As a caring organisation, we want to do our bit to ensure we leave a healthy planet for future generations. consumption by planting more native and droughtresistant shrubs, and cutting back on reticulation. We expect a subsequent 40% drop in water used to maintain these gardens.

We reward our staff for coming up with simple ways to reduce waste and save energy and water. Here are just a few initiatives currently in progress, all of them enabling us to achieve results without any additional burden on staff:


All passenger vehicles we purchase are now hybrids. These are powered by a combination of petrol and electricity, resulting in low fuel consumption and reduced gas emissions.

We stock all our care centres with Chemform environmentally friendly products and dispensing equipment.

Our maintenance team has redesigned the gardens around Thomas Scott Hostel and the common areas at Thomas Scott Village. Their aim was to reduce water

The switch to LED lighting in high-use areas at a number of our sites this year is showing impressive results already, with significant savings recorded. The electricity saved at one site in the first six months was equivalent to 18 tonnes of carbon.

Staff are encouraged to think about whether a towel or item of clothing could be used more than once before being washed. This not only saves energy and water, but time as well – a simple but effective idea that was first suggested by staff at Lady McCusker Home.

Improving the Home Care experience The Amana Living Home Care team is using a new digital client management system to improve rostering and communication. Maria Davison, GM Home Care and Housing, explains how ComCare can improve our clients’ experience by enabling us to deliver a better service. Our Home Care team provides approximately 4,000 visits per week to older people living at home. The services they provide can be anything from gardening to physiotherapy, requiring a team of service providers with a range of skills. Added to this, our clients’ needs and requirements are continually changing, and cancellations or requests for additional visits can be received at short notice. What we also know about our clients is that they want services to be delivered at a regular time that suits them, and by the same person each time. Rostering staff to ensure clients receive the right service, delivered by the right person at the right time depends heavily on clear, fast communication between the central office team and the workers out on the road – our community support workers.

care records, and quick communication with the central team in case of emergencies. The central team can keep support workers informed of updated care plans and changes in schedules instantly via SMS. They are also able to access support workers’ information to ensure they are the correct person to deliver a particular service, and processes such as time sheet management are more efficient. We will be monitoring feedback from clients to ensure the benefits of the new system are felt. Maria Davison, General Manager Home Care and Housing

The benefits of ComCare A new digital client management system, called ComCare, is now helping us achieve this. ComCare enables us to roster more efficiently and communicate more easily with support workers via mobile devices. Rosters are sent directly to support workers’ mobiles, with any updates made automatically as they occur. We are able to respond more quickly when requirements change, and support workers have some useful tools at their fingertips, including integrated Google Maps, access to secure information such as

Some of the central Home Care team based at Cottesloe, with Maria Davison. The team has grown considerably to keep pace with increasing demand for Home Care services. Photo: Leon Shaffer

100 and independent Amana Living resident Phyllis Wittenbaker is still one of a rare breed – a centenarian who is living independently. With the number of centenarians increasing, reaching this milestone isn’t as unusual as it used to be, but living independently at 100 is something to celebrate. Phyllis Wittenbaker’s’ secret to long life is the stimulation of travel and all the excitement and activity this brings. Born in Burma in 1914, Phyllis toured India in her late 20s, where she was married. After her husband died, she travelled to Australia and settled here in 1969 as a teacher.

This and the love of her sisters and nieces have kept Phyllis happy, healthy and independent. Phyllis had three nieces present at her party, one of whom lives in the same Amana Living retirement village, St Francis Court. Amana Living staff and residents helped Phyllis to celebrate her 100th birthday in August, with an afternoon tea in the community hall at St Francis Court, Inglewood

Phyllis retired 35 years ago, and has travelled to many places since then with one of her five sisters, including Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore and the UK.




Generations mix Older people often get a lot of enjoyment out of mixing with younger generations, and the benefits flow both ways: for students, encounters with the older generation can prove to be a highly valued experience. When an opportunity arises for students to visit our sites or for some of our residents to enjoy an outing to a local school, our staff jump at the chance to establish connections and enrich lives. Residents model for young artists

them with interesting models and experience what it is like to engage in professional art practice by producing a portrait painting,” said Liz Rankin. “The students also benefited from working with people from an older generation, and the opportunity to establish a connection with them.” The students presented framed prints of the portraits to the residents at a special morning tea held in June at Applecross Senior High School. Kinross students take the lead Kinross Care Centre residents have been enjoying weekly visits from Year 10 Kinross College students. The students’ aim was simply to meet and engage, which they have done through activities such as art and craft, card games and bingo. The project was driven by the students, who were encouraged to exercise leadership skills and initiative.

Two of the portraits created by Applecross students. Photos courtesy Applecross Senior High School

At the end of semester 1, students at Applecross Senior High School presented residents from Peter Arney Home with portraits they created during a visual art program. The Year 11 students painted portraits of residents at our Salter Point care home under the guidance of portrait artist Judy Rogers.

Kinross College Chaplain Joel Bond said, “The students’ work with the residents at Kinross Care Centre has been exceptional, and they should take great pride in the character and initiative they have demonstrated. It has been a pleasure to accompany them and see the compassionate and caring way they engage with the residents.”

The project was initiated by Liz Rankin, Coordinator of the Gifted and Talented Visual Art (GATE-VA) Program at Applecross. Liz contacted Occupational Therapist Zain Hau Tan at Peter Arney Home, and Zain got six of the residents involved. Zain recognised this as a fantastic opportunity for residents to connect with the local community and younger generation through an enriching activity. The relationship between Applecross Senior High School and Amana Living Salter Point is well established. The care home’s neighbouring retirement community (Peter Arney Village) has paintings on display that were produced by the GATE-VA students when the village first opened in 2000, in collaboration with well-known Perth painter Thomas Hoareau. The 12 GATE-VA students who produced the recent portraits participate in practical art extension workshops every Saturday as part of their enrichment curriculum. Their tutor, painter Judy Rogers, worked with them to develop the portraits to a high standard. “The purpose of this initiative was not only to involve the students in a worthwhile community project, but to provide


Students (clockwise from top right) Lauren, Kiera and Toia with Kinross Care Centre residents. Photos courtesy Kinross College

Staff profile Linda McMahon, Lifestyle Services Coordinator What attracted you to the role of Lifestyle Services Coordinator? I have been employed with Amana Living for seven years, initially as a physiotherapy assistant and occupational therapy assistant. I found that I really enjoyed finding out what people want to do and then creating activities for them. The new lifestyle services coordinator role allows me to continue doing what I love.

What do you hope to achieve in this role? I’m aiming to achieve a balanced Lifestyle Program that not only reflects each site’s specific needs and wants, but also incorporates individuality, in line with the Amana Living motto: Living the second half of life.

Who’s in your team and how do they support your work? I work with many wonderful people. Each site has a dedicated, highly skilled team, and we all work together to achieve our goals. I also rely heavily on the expertise of our Dementia Services team.

If you had to name one important thing you’ve learned from your team members, what would it be?

What makes working in aged care special? Every person has a story. Our residents have lived amazing lives and we are privileged to be a part of it. Making a difference to their quality of life gives me real personal satisfaction. It’s rewarding to see residents enjoying themselves, whether it’s a smile after a good chat or the victory of a winning strike in the Wii World Cup competition

Have you had any enriching encounters with residents that you’d like to share? I’ve had many enriching encounters with residents. One of my favourite moments was assisting a resident to talk on Skype to her son who had been overseas for weeks. When he first appeared on the screen she was so happy, and quickly began to communicate in her own way with her son. We decided to set up a Skype chat between them as a weekly activity while he was away. That communication enriched her whole day, and it became one of the things she most looked forward to. Every time she saw me after a Skype chat, she would smile and wave. I always get a smile from this lady now, and her family were very thankful to be able to go on holiday and still see their mother.

Being able to do little things like this, which have a big impact, is enriching for me. I always remember this when Many hands make light work! This is true in many situations I think: ‘Why not? Let’s give it a try! You just never know – and reinforces the importance of teamwork. Together we can it might work. achieve great things.

Linda McMahon is pictured here with Lady McCusker Home resident Harry Phipps. Harry enjoys many aspects of the Lifestyle Program. He also created the raised garden bed seen here, with the help of his daughter. Photo: Leon Shaffer




New appointments We have seen continued growth in our Home Care and Customer Service teams in recent weeks, and new Clinical Services managers have joined some of our residential care facilities. We welcome these and all other new staff members who have joined us recently. Home Care, Housing and Customer Service

Clinical Services

Those visiting us in our Cottesloe offices may be greeted by Charlotte Green, our new Receptionist to the Home Care and Customer Service teams.

The following have been appointed to manage residential care facilities. Please feel free to contact them if you have any questions about the care and services delivered at those sites:

Joining Home Care are Relief Coordinator Gita Miftah, Resource Coordinator Jessica Kierath, RN James Parish, CMS & Quality Administrator Judith Stansfield, Care Coordinators Dragan Pjevac and Kate Oakes, and Team Leader Sarah Oakley. These roles enable us to deliver efficient and responsive services to our clients. In Housing we welcome Alicia Dartnall, who has taken on the role of Housing Coordinator for Frederick Guest Village, Hale House and Thomas Scott Village.

Mark Backhouse, Parry Hostel Nicole Gardiner, Edward Collick Home Ruth Smith, Moline House Catherine Suva, Thomas Scott Hostel In addition, Dianne Shackles has joined us as Relief Service Manager to ensure seamless service is provided during periods of leave.

Joining our Customer Service team as Care Assessors are Yulunda Matau and Angela Grapa.

Discovering the human landscape Wide flat land, and open spaces, red soil, gravel roads, splashes of water dotting the landscape, the occasional dwelling and sheds clustered together, or a mine site marking the presence of people in a land that can otherwise look sparse, empty...

This is the view for kilometres as you fly into Kalgoorlie. I marvel at this landscape, which is different each time I fly over it – a landscape that can look so empty yet within is so full. This is also the landscape of human experience: it is the experience of not being able to see all at once the variety and depth of life and experience within another person. We might get an outward glimpse or an impression, but (like the landscape described above) not until we are able to come closer, not until we begin to look more intently, can we begin to appreciate or understand the person’s life. It is the experience that comes out of engaging with the person. It’s not a cursory glance, but rather the willingness to spend time looking, listening, then feeling what is within this person, this life. Then do we see the fullness of the person – the vastness, variety and depth of their experience.


Each day within Amana Living each of us – resident, family member, client, volunteer, staff member – works within the human landscape and engages in ways that provide opportunities for further exploration. This exploration is not for gold, but for ‘story’ – the unique story of a person’s life. Such an exploration and discovery enriches the explorer, and is achieved by patient and persistent listening. The experience of God can be like this… experienced from afar, or with a cursory glance; not truly known until we decide to look more closely, to listen more intently, to be open to the possibility of finding something that can be transforming and life-giving. May the grace and peace of Christ bless you every day. Revd Deborah Joyce, Senior Chaplain

Regional McCusker Nurse Service to be piloted A regional phone service offering free support for the carers of those living with dementia is to be trialled, thanks to a generous donation of funds. Zenith Zeeman, GM Clinical Services, has overseen the establishment and growth of the McCusker Nurse Service since it was launched in 2010. He was delighted by news of the latest injection of funding. In the previous edition of Amana Life, we announced the expansion of the McCusker Nurse Service into Perth’s southern suburbs, effectively doubling its reach. The service provides information, advice and support for the carers of those living with dementia, significantly reducing strain and improving quality of life. Soon after this expansion, we heard that we were to receive further funds from the John and Beryl May Henderson Foundation, managed by Perpetual, to help us pilot a regional phone service targeting the Geraldton area. Alzheimer’s Australia has identified Geraldton’s MidWest region as being an area of high need in terms of support for people with dementia and their carers. According to Home and Community Care data, there were more than 2,200 people living with dementia in the Mid-West region in 2012, and the growth rate was one of the highest, at 13% per year.

The Nurse will broker additional specialist services, provide information about the condition and advise carers on how to manage it. The McCusker nurse, who is an experienced registered nurse specialising in dementia, will assess each client’s needs and control the information provided to carers. The nurse will also refer the client to other specialists as required, such as local occupational therapists. Our gratitude goes to the John and Beryl May Henderson Foundation. Zenith Zeeman, General Manager Clinical Services

The Regional McCusker Nurse Phone Service aims to provide carers with advice for improving and making a safer home environment for the person living with dementia. Carers will also be linked to specialist and local services. The one-year trial will aim to support 50 clients, helping them to cope better with their environment so that the person living with dementia can remain in their own home for longer.

McCusker Nurse Karen Malone will pay regular visits to Geraldton during the regional trial. Photo: Leon Shaffer

Thanks to our sponsors Amana Living relies on the generous support of sponsors. This enables us to hold enrichment events and run programs that go beyond standard care, including our annual Residents’ and Clients’ Party and our McCusker Nurse Service for the carers of those living with dementia. We are extremely grateful to:

McCusker Charitable Foundation

Funded by The John and Beryl May Henderson Foundation, managed by Perpetual 11

I would like to help Amana Living Please complete and return this form to: Amana Living Anglican Foundation, PO Box 933, Subiaco WA 6904. You are invited to make a donation to a particular Amana Living care centre, or a general donation to the Amana Living Anglican Foundation:

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