Amana Life no 52

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NO 52 WINTER 2015

Contents Governor shows support ....2 Broadband for Seniors program extended..............4 Consumer directed care: what it means for you and how we can help ...............5 Leading the way in dementia care .................................6 Village fun and fitness ........7 MATV connects residents ....7 Thanking our staff and volunteers ........................8

Her Excellency the Hon Kerry Sanderson, Governor of Western Australia, with Amana Living CEO Ray Glickman at Amana Living Cottesloe. The Governor visited the site in her role as Patron to find out more about strategic changes at Amana Living and the evolution of aged care in WA. Photo: The Scene Team

Staff profile ......................9 Feedback from our sites .....9 Farewell to Bishop Kay ..... 10 New appointments .......... 10 Visionary Archdeacon joins Amana Living Board ........ 10 Stories connect us ........... 11 Watch out for our customer survey .......................... 11 Thanks to our sponsors .... 11 A publication of AMANA LIVING 541 Hay Street, Subiaco WA 6008 P 1300 26 26 26 F (08) 9388 3142 ABN 45 582 438 433 To unsubscribe from this newsletter, please email:

Amana Living stays ahead

There’s a lot of talk about the speed of change in aged care. Consumers are taking more control in directing their services, new competitors are entering the marketplace, and the funding goalposts continue to shift. CEO Ray Glickman outlines the direction Amana Living plans to take over the next few years. The Amana Living Board and Leadership Team revisit the organisation’s strategic plan every two years. This process enables us to adapt to change while maintaining excellence in care. This year we are working through a major review, with the assistance of an external facilitator. Emerging from this process is a renewed vision for the future, and we expect the following to be our key directions:

Helping more people stay in their own home for longer Demand for home care services has increased at an astonishing rate, and our service has tripled in size since 2007. We have adapted to this growth by restructuring and introducing new technologies for more efficient rostering and consistency of care. It’s likely that this area of service will continue to grow into the future. continued over...



Widening our range of housing options We continue to look for opportunities to provide effective and affordable housing options for people from all walks of life, and expect to see new growth in the next ten years. Responding to an increase in clinical needs As more people stay at home for longer, with services delivered to their door, older people are entering residential care with more acute needs. Our vision is a response to this trend, enabling us to provide more clinical care while retaining a focus on individual needs. Filling a growing need for dementia services Our vision to become a leader in dementia care continues, as we build our two dementia ‘hubs’ in Bull Creek and Kinross. We are excited about these new centres, which will bring together much-needed services and support for people living with dementia and their families. Optimising wellbeing and independence Our focus on restorative services has become an important part of the new health care portfolio and motivated our entry into transition care last year. We plan to capitalise on opportunities to work in the subacute sector, making the most of our excellent clinical services team. The strategic plan sets our course for the next ten years, while allowing enough flexibility to adapt to unexpected changes. In doing so, we have never lost sight of our vision – to see older Western Australians truly living the second half of life. We’re looking forward to building on this foundation to achieve another 50 years of success for Amana Living.

Governor shows support Her Excellency the Hon Kerry Sanderson AO, Governor of Western Australia, expressed her support for Amana Living in our mission to improve care and services for WA’s older people, in a visit to the Cottesloe site in April. Mrs Sanderson became Patron of Amana Living following the retirement from the position of former Governor Malcolm McCusker. “We were very pleased when Mrs Sanderson accepted our invitation to take up the baton of Patron after she was appointed as the new Governor of WA,” said Ray Glickman. “Her visit to our Cottesloe site was a great opportunity to showcase a facility renewal in respond to need, as well as the evolution of aged care towards a focus on the customer and an increasing demand for home care services.” Mr Glickman, Chairman Steve Scudamore and members of the Leadership Team answered the Governor’s questions about aged care in WA and how Amana Living is responding to changing needs, demands and challenges. The Governor toured the new transition care facility and had the opportunity to meet home care and customer service staff over afternoon tea. Over the past two years, Amana Living Cottesloe has been transformed from a retirement village and residential care centre into a temporary transition care site, the hub for coordinating 18,000 home care visits a month, and the new Customer Service Centre.

Ray Glickman, CEO Read Ray’s blog

Aged care careers video now online In the previous edition of Amana Life, we told you about a new careers video we were producing with Student Edge: I Wanna B in Aged Care. The video features Amana Living Service Manager Mark Backhouse and Customer Service Coordinator Leonie Demunck, talking about their career paths. The aim is to encourage more, good quality young recruits into aged care, and to Amana Living. You can now view the finished video on our Careers page Students looking for information on careers in aged care will also find the video on the Student Edge website, which is accessed by over 700,000 members across Australia, half of them in WA:


Clockwise from top left: Her Excellency the Hon Kerry Sanderson chats with staff at Amana Living Cottesloe; GM Customer Service Innovation Greg Massam introduces the Governor to staff; GM Home Care and Housing Maria Davison explains the new home care structure; the Governor addresses staff at afternoon tea; Amana Living Chairman Steve Scudamore (left) and CEO Ray Glickman with the Governor in the transition care centre. Photos: The Scene Team

Did you know? Amana Living doesn’t just care for WA’s older people, but for the future of our planet too. Our ECO (Environmentally Conscious Organisation) Team has the following brief: To promote a healthier environment for future generations by minimising the Amana Living carbon footprint via waste reduction, energy and water savings, and recycling. Where savings are made, resources are reinvested for the benefit of residents and clients.




Catherine King Day Club client Margaret Goodchild has a lot of fun with the iPads used at the centre to enhance communication and connection. Margaret particularly enjoys the Koi Pond app and funny animal videos. The iPads are also used to translate information verbally for clients who don’t speak fluent English, to check the answers for quizzes, take photos of special occasions, and for playing games. Margaret is pictured with Day Club Coordinator Alison Openshaw.

Broadband for Seniors program extended Amana Living resident Garry Wood was engrossed in the cricket scores when we stole this photo. Garry is one of several residents at nine of our sites taking advantage of the Broadband for Seniors program. The Commonwealth-funded initiative, which was recently extended to June 2017, supplies computers, internet access and technical support for older people in community hubs, libraries, retirement villages and aged care centres. A grant has enabled Amana Living to provide a Broadband for Seniors trainer to sit with residents and offer support and guidance. Louise Molyneux (pictured with Garry) said that the role appealed to her because she had enjoyed teaching her own mum how to use a computer, and she saw how worthwhile the work could be. Louise helps residents communicate with their families online, and encourages them to explore a variety of applications, following their interests and needs. “Many residents already had email addresses, and some have their own laptops or tablets, but they weren’t all confident about using them,” said Louise. “A couple of residents are now really into Facebook and instant messaging too. One lady has connected with her grandchildren that way, while others are using Skype.

Resident Garry Wood with Broadband for Seniors Trainer Louise Molyneux at Amana Living’s James Brown House.


Another resident loves YouTube, and several follow the cricket.” YouTube has also been popular with residents who have no interest in learning to use the computer themselves but enjoy watching and listening with others. Louise finds video clips and runs ‘juke box’ sessions, in which the residents pick the tunes and join in with a toe-tapping sing-along. Broadband for Seniors is available at four Amana Living villages and five care centres.

Consumer directed care: what it means for you and how we can help Are you considering, or receiving, home care services? If so, from 1 July, you have easier access to a wider range of services, and greater control over your budget. Maria Davison (GM Home Care and Housing) explains the new consumer-focused approach to home care. What is consumer directed care?

How we can help

‘Consumer directed care’ (CDC) is a Commonwealth Government initiative to change the way home care services are delivered in order to increase choice, control and access. Amana Living has been a trial provider for CDC since 2012.

Our team of experienced staff can help you find the most cost-effective services, with regular reviews to ensure you’re getting the best package of services for your money. Here are just some examples of the funded services we can help you to access:

CDC enables you to be more involved in organising your support. It gives you access to a broader range of services to meet your goals, and you have greater control over your budget, which you can spend in any way you choose, within certain guidelines. In addition, you can now accumulate any unspent funds from previous months to use when and if you need extra services or equipment. Monthly statements show you what’s been spent on which services and what is left over.

• gardening, shopping, preparing meals, cleaning and laundry • socialising and day trips • nursing care, podiatry and physiotherapy • personal care such as washing and dressing • transport to and from appointments • strength and fitness programs • home modification

We can manage your services, help with budgeting, arrange back-up when a support worker is absent, carry out police checks and ensure quality compliance. If any difficulties arise, we can deal with those, leaving you free to relax and live your life, knowing that your needs will be taken care of as they change over time. Are you eligible? Eligibility for a CDC home care package is decided by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). Your doctor can refer you to your nearest ACAT or you can contact an ACAT direct to make an appointment. To find your nearest ACAT, visit or phone 1800 200 422. You can then ask to be referred to Amana Living to provide your support.

• pet care

Home care clients can now access a wider range of services and have greater control over their budget. Photo: Leon Shaffer




Leading the way in dementia care While our two dementia ‘hubs’ are developed in Perth’s northern and southern metro areas, our dementia specialists continue to provide support in our care centres and the wider community. Tim Nayton (GM Health Care) shares an update on progress towards our vision for dementia care. The two dementia service centres in Bull Creek and Kinross are central to our vision for the future – to become leaders in the field of dementia care – and we’re well on the way to realising it.

Early Birds outings are planned in consultation with the clients and may include hikes in the hills, bowling or simple activities such as having morning tea at the local cafe followed by a movie.

Both sites already house dementia-specific residential and respite care, and each has a McCusker Nurse supporting the carers of people living with dementia. The extensions will allow the sites to become integrated centres, with a wider range of care and services.

Depending on demand, we hope to roll Early Birds out to Kinross Day Club too.

At Bull Creek (Lefroy Hostel), an 18-bed extension is due to be completed later this year. These will be transition care places, accommodating older people with dementia who require restorative care following a stay in hospital. The planned extension at Kinross Care Centre will incorporate 21 transition care places, as well as 22 additional residential beds, and interdisciplinary training rooms. Both centres will provide a full range of clinical, therapeutic, personal and social support. Younger people with dementia The day respite centre in Bull Creek, Lefroy Day Club, now offers activity programs once a week specifically for younger people living with dementia.

Lena Pace, who was diagnosed with dementia in her late 50s, was one of the first to sign up for the Early Birds program. Lena is pictured far right enjoying an outing with other participants (L to R): Wim Burggraaf, Rob Compton, Bena Kabada, Sid Burgess, Karyn Maxwell and Steve Clay (staff).


Getting the experts together We were very excited to see the Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference come to Perth this year. We took the opportunity to invite the real experts – people living with dementia – to attend this key event as our guests. One of the sponsored delegates was Jan Willems, who attended with his wife, Gail. The couple are supported by our McCusker Nurse Service and were keen to learn more about the research being undertaken around the world. We were very pleased to be able to sponsor them to attend this conference. It was also a great opportunity, of course, for our dementia specialists to share learning with inspirational minds from around the globe.

L to R: Amana Living Service Manager Stephanie Steensma, McCusker Nurse Karen Malone, Jan and Gail Willem, and Amana Living Clinical Nurse Consultant Sue Pettigrew at the Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference.

Village fun and fitness

Moline Village residents Philip Islip and Jan Smeeton (right) enjoy their new gym equipment, while Pat Pilley and Pat Quinlivan relax in the refurbished spa. The pool, which opens up to double the size for outdoor swimming in summer, now has safety rails and shallower steps. This enables residents who are less steady on their feet or recovering from surgery to get into the water more easily and enjoy gentle exercise. Access to the spa has also been improved, and two exercise bikes and a multi-gym purchased. The pool/gym area is now proving to be even more popular, not only for keeping fit, but for socialising too – something Moline residents love to do!

MATV connects residents A new MATV system at Amana Living Treendale has resulted in greater connection between residents, and a significant reduction in paper use. The system was included in the new over-55s housing development as a way to encourage inclusiveness. So residents who may feel isolated can easily see what’s happening in the village and feel encouraged to participate in a way that suits them. “Sometimes residents are a little shy about heading over to the village leisure centre to check the noticeboard,” said Operations Manager Greg Scroop. “This is an easy way for them to see what’s going on and decide what they want to participate in from the comfort of their own home.” Paper-saving is a great spin-off benefit, which sits well with the organisation’s commitment to reducing waste. “I no longer need to print and distribute information to residents,” said Housing Coordinator Anna Aviet. “It now goes onto a thumb drive to be uploaded to the MATV system, which is channelled through to each resident’s TV. Communication is quick, can be updated at any time, and uses no ink or paper.”




Thanks to our staff and volunteers Amana Living employees and their families got together in April for the annual staff picnic. Around 400 people enjoyed the ‘Country’ themed event, which included line dancing, bouncy castle, kite flying, farm animal nursery, bucking bull, cannonball blaster and face painting. Members of the Leadership Team and support staff donned aprons and fancy dress to provide the entertainment, sausage sizzle and fairy floss.

Our invaluable volunteers gathered for their annual morning tea and movie later the same month. We depend heavily on volunteer support, and this event is one way of showing our gratitude to those who freely give their time to enrich the lives of our residents and clients. Amana Living Chairman Steve Scudamore formally thanked our volunteers, who travelled from as far afield as Kinross and Mandurah for the event. Left: Fairy floss, furry friends and face painting at the staff picnic. Below from top: Volunteers Soma Ranasinghe and June Ormerod. Front row of group photo: Kath Britton, Peta Britton (OTA) and Jean Laventine. Back row: Faye Brooks, Roma Beal, Sharon Maitland (Service Manager) and Pat Jones. Bottom right: Gail McMaster and Sheila Shepherd.


Staff Profile Eddie Tay, Carer Eddie cares for residents at Thomas Scott Hostel. We asked him what brought him to Amana Living and why he loves his job. Eddie, you’ve been a carer with Amana Living for seven years now. Why did you choose a career in aged care? When I came to Australia from Singapore, I wanted to find a job that was meaningful. I have a passion for caring for people, and a friend suggested aged care to me, so I thought I’d give it a try. What do you find most enjoyable about your job? I love to help the residents with personal care, such as showering and making them feel clean and comfortable. It’s an opportunity to get to know them and build a rapport so they become more trusting. It’s all about trust. I also find the environment peaceful and calm compared to other areas of health care. What’s the next step for you? I qualified as a nurse some years ago, but I had to achieve competency in English before practising, which I’ve now done. Amana Living has helped me with additional training and I hope to move into a nursing position soon. I definitely want to stay with Amana Living. You received a staff culture award recently for “being positive”, “getting things done” and “making people laugh”. Do you think this is a good description of how you go about your job? Well, there’s no point in being grumpy! I don’t know about awards – I just do what I do. We always manage

Feedback from our sites When the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency assesses our sites, they ask our residents and clients what they think of us. Here is some of the feedback we have received in recent weeks: Edward Collick Home (Kalgoorlie): 11 residents and relatives were interviewed. They are happy at Edward Collick Home and complimented Amana Living on how helpful and caring the staff are. The assessors confirmed this, and said what a great job the nurses and therapy staff are doing. Transition Care Cottesloe: Clients and their representatives expressed satisfaction with the services provided and were particularly complimentary about the kindness of the staff, the calm environment and the caring approach. This was also evident to the assessors.




Farewell to Bishop Kay Bishop Kay Goldsworthy has retired as a member of the Amana Living Inc. and Amana Living Anglican Foundation Boards. Bishop Kay has been a much valued member since she commenced in February 2013. During her term she helped to ensure that Amana Living did not lose sight of its mission of providing quality Christian care. She was also passionate about ensuring affordable housing continued to be available to over 55s. Bishop Kay was the first woman to be consecrated as a bishop in Australia and has now taken up a post as Bishop of Gippsland, Victoria. A small celebration was held in recognition of Bishop Kay’s service to Amana Living.

The Right Reverend Kay Goldsworthy. Photo: Leon Shaffer

New appointments Our home care division has tripled in size in the last eight years, and continues to grow with demand. In recent weeks we have welcomed the following team members: Deb Whitelock is the new Regional Coordinator South. Her role is to lead our team of care coordinators in the southern region, ensuring they are supported in getting the best result for our clients. We also have two new Care Coordinators, Kathleen Whittle (relief) and Michelle Conway (north). They are the clients’ point

of contact, working with each client to provide a package of tailored care and services. Priya Ragam has moved into the new role of Care Coordinator HACC (home and community care). She will be overseeing and growing the Kites social program, which offers day trips and outings to home care clients. Toni Williams has been appointed to the new role of Resource Team Leader, and we have two new Resource Coordinators, Lisanne Devlin and Jess Kierath. The

resource team deals with queries from clients about the scheduling of the 5000 services we deliver each week. Lucy Woodward is our new Home Care Receptionist and the first point of contact, providing assistance where possible or directing callers to other team members. In residential care, we welcome Jackie Smith as the new Respite Admission Coordinator. Jackie’s role is to books clients in for short stays in our care centres.

Visionary Archdeacon joins Amana Living Board The Venerable Braden Short has been welcomed onto the Amana Living Board. Braden Short is Archdeacon, Administrator and Diocesan Registrar in the Anglican Diocese of Perth. As well as holding various positions within the Anglican Church, he has also been Head of Department, Chaplain and then Acting Principal at All Saints’ College in Bull Creek.

The Venerable Braden Short. Photo: Leon Shaffer


“I was honoured to be invited to join the Amana Living Board,” he said. “This is a highly skilled group, who combine serious business acumen with a passion for high quality service provision. It is a delight to work with creative professionals as they reach out in loving service, through life-giving systems and structures.”

Stories connect us To be a person is to have a story to tell. – Isak Dinesen ‘That’s a nice word’, said Sally. ‘Remembering?’ I said. ‘No, the other one’, she replied. ‘Reminiscing?’ ‘Yes’, said Sally. ‘Like going down memory lane?’ I asked. ‘Mmmm…’ With a smile on her lips, and a faraway look in her eyes, Sally (not her real name) begins to share memories of a sister who died at a very young age, whom she said she never really knew. Remembering takes Sally back to her own early childhood, remembering other siblings, remembering her parents and recalling their life together; telling their story, telling her story. Telling our story is more than simply reminiscing. Stories connect the teller to others, to experiences in their life across time. They offer the listener the opportunity to gain

understanding, an insight into who this person is, where they have come from, what life has been and is like for them. Story-telling has always been, and always will be, a part of what it means to be human. It has kept cultures alive, providing meaning and purpose, handing down knowledge and wisdom from generation to generation. The Christian scriptures are such stories of human experience and faith in God, recalled and shared, offering redemption, love and hope. Sally’s story comes from a woman who has plenty of time to remember, her hands now idle as her body weakens – a woman who is dying. Yet on this day, as Sally tells me her story, her face is animated, her eyes are alive and bright as she remembers her life with family, with friends, those special (and not so special) moments. In this time of telling her story, Sally is full of life! At Amana Living, as we care for older people, we are privileged to hear stories such as Sally’s every day – unique stories, sacred stories. Not only that, but we too come to have a place in these stories, and for that we give thanks.

Revd Deborah Joyce, Senior Chaplain

Watch out for our customer survey Your feedback is vital to us. It helps us to continually improve and refine our services to help you or your loved one live an enriched life and receive excellent care. Our next customer satisfaction survey is being mailed out as we go to print. Please look out for this and be sure to take the opportunity to tell us what you think.

Thanks to our sponsors Amana Living relies on the generous support of sponsors. This enables us to hold enrichment events and run programs that go beyond quality care, including our annual Residents’ and Clients’ Party and our McCusker Nurse Service for the carers of those living with dementia. We are extremely grateful to:

McCusker Charitable Foundation Funded by The John and Beryl May Henderson Foundation, managed by Perpetual 11

I would like to support Amana Living Please complete and return this form to: Amana Living Anglican Foundation, PO Box 933, Subiaco WA 6904. You are invited to make a donation to a particular Amana Living care centre, or a general donation to the Amana Living Anglican Foundation: Donation to (specify name of centre):______________________________________________________________ General donation to the Amana Living Anglican Foundation I would like to give the following amount:






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Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible. Cheques should be made payable to the Amana Living Anglican Foundation.

Please contact me with information about how I can contribute time or expertise as a volunteer. Please send me information about helping Amana Living through a will or bequest. Please include me on the Amana Living Annual Report mailing list. THANK YOU! By enriching the lives of others, you enrich your own life too.

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