April_2013 Update

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a t o s a r a S om greetings fr

April 2013 Greetings from Florida! Above you can see the picture of the YWAM Herrnhut Satellite team, from left to right: Brad, Carrie, Amanda (me...in case you didn’t know!), Joel, Theresa, Josh and Ruth+ baby Elke. We have had an incredible first month, albe it challenging, but incredible. We have been welcomed into this area with open arms and its really amazing to see how God has been orchestrating the gathering of people in this area. We continue to meet people who have been warriors in prayer over the last years ( longest we’ve heard of is 11 years!) interceding for this area to bring in young people, a missions platform, and even YWAM specifically. With every meeting we have “for such a time as this” seems to be the phrase said in relation to our presence here. So things are exciting, God is moving and anticipation is building. God has continued to show his faithfulness time and time again starting even before our arrival. On the second page you can read some of the amazing provisions my team and I have experienced so far. As we are preparing for the discipleship school in January, we continue to build relationships with local churches, business people, artists and many others. Already, God has shown us so much favor in networking. As a team, our biggest focus is to lay a foundation of prayer and worship and complete dependency on Christ. We spend time together every day in intercession for this place, the base that will be a launching pad into missions and the people that will be sent out from here. In relation to that, we have spent some time looking into ministries that some of the local churches have started and have volunteered some time helping those ministries. Needless to say- 3 weeks have gone by incredibly fast! The last month has been challenging for me in so many ways. Walking into a season that requires a lot of faith, was something I expected but it has turned out to be not just having faith for the things I think we need ( ie- small scale, manageable with 7 to 20 staff people, comfortable in a way- at least along the lines of what I am used to) but a bigger faith to allow God to do the crazy massive thing He wants to. The longer I walk along this journey- I realize, oh man does God have something big coming! And its not only just for the team here but for our base as a whole. It is exciting, yes, but I’ve never faced something more challenging- and we’re only about a month in. But in all times, God is faithful and He cares for his children. Hallelujah. Preparation for the school continues to press on. We have around 40 applications being processed and we still have 9 months until the school starts! In Herrnhut, the Marriage of the Arts school already has 110 students registered and 50 more applications in the process. And that’s just 1 of the 3 schools happening in the fall. We are continuing to see God move in the hearts amongst our generation, especially in the area of the arts, and see people taking action into spreading the Gospel through the Nations by whatever means necessary. I am excited to see redemption and the advancement of the Kingdom in these areas. If you would like more information about any of the discipleship schools that are happening both in the US and Germany go to www.ywamherrnhut.com !


n o i s i v Pro

And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? So do not worry about these things saying ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

- Matthew 6: 30-33

During my time in NJ, I was desperately looking for a vehicle in order be able to drive down the Florida and meet the rest of the team. A few days before I left I still had nothing available. Last year while I was on tour in the US with PIck A Pocket and Liz & The Lions, a van was given to the team in order to use for the tour and any future tours. A few days before I was to leave for Florida, Liz contacted me and said that the van was available for me to drive down to Florida if needed! I was able to take the van and fit most of my belongings into it- which was great! The car made it down to Florida with only a few problems but the Lord put the right people in my path who were there to help with little to no wait (which was quite comforting since I was traveling solo!) Last week I was able to get a car much easier for traveling and more practical for driving around this city-esque place! God really provided the right time and place for me to be able to purchase the car. The guy who owned the dealership was from Saxony in Germany which is the same region where Herrnhut is located! He was so excited to meet us and we were able to share with him that we were missionaries and what we were doing here in Florida!

Before making the journey to the US, we had received word of a property that was near the location we felt God called us to for the base, and that it had 7 bedrooms which was enough to house our team [ Including space for the little one that our leaders Josh and Ruth have on the way!]. After talking with the landlords it had looked like we would be able to move in shortly after arriving. However, once we arrived, things did not go that way and we found ourselves in need of a place to live. After a lot of time in prayer and trying to figure out what to do- we had no idea where to go. It was then that one of our contacts approached us with a solution. A friend of theirs was moving to Texas and wouldn’t be able to rent out his house here in FL until there was some rennovation work done on it, which wouldn’t be happening until June/July. Our contact met with him and shared about our need for a place and he allowed us to move in until the rennovations begin- free of rent! The house needed (and still needs) a little bit of work and cleaning but we spent a few days working on making it a home for us. Since moving in we have been given furniture and so much more! God continues to bless us in even the littlest things! After the first few days of being in the house we got a knock at the door. When we opened the door, boxes of food were being handed to us! Bread, vegetables, pasta, meat...more food than we knew what to do with! And every time our pantry and refrigerator start to get low, more food shows up some how. Out of the 3 weeks we have been here we only had to buy food for 3-4 days. God has been so faithful and continues to meet our needs in this season of uncertainty and pioneering!

Prayer Requests for the team/base


h c u o in t

- A building! We continue to meet and contact Real Estate Agents in the area. Pray that we meet the right one and that God opens up a building that is the size and in the area we need! - More Students and Staff! So far we have 7-8 fully accepted students for the January 2014 DTS, with 30+ more applications started. Pray that God brings the right people to this DTS. And we need more staff in order to make it run! Want more info? check out www.ywamherrnhut.com - Networking and Connections! So far we have met with 6+ pastors from the local area as well as many more from the Florida region. Pray that we can continue to build up relationships and connections in this area, both in and outside of the Church. - Foundation! Our goal for the months before the DTS is to lay a foundation of prayer and worship for the Base to be built upon. We can do none of this outside of God, nor do we want to!

Current Address

**When this changes I will notify you via email**

personal requests - Supporters! I am looking to build up a team of 80+ people to join me in the ministry that God has called me to through finances, prayer and communication. I am looking for people who will commit to support me anywhere from $10 a month upward. If you are interested in becoming a part of my support network and what God is doing here in FL and in the Nations email me or call me 908-752-2818 for more information! - Flight back to Germany for the month of August! A lot is happening in Herrnhut in August! Pick A Pocket will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary and going back to the place where the vision was born for a time of prayer, thanksgiving, and team fellowship. There is also a European YWAM gathering taking place at the YWAM Herrnhut base and the Florida Satellite team will be attending to maintain connection with our sending base and other bases in Europe. I am in need of about $1500 to get there and back.

Amanda Crawford 1121 22nd St. W Bradenton, FL 34205



Blog majestyinmayhem.tumblr.com

Support Checks

- A home church in Florida!

Made out to YWAM and sent to: Accounting Dept. PO Box 3000 Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000

- More Hunger and Persistence: Pioneering is unlike any other experience I have had and in all things happening I am aware of my need for God more than anything.

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- Health

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