May Update 2013

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Hello, Dear People!

I can’t even begin to tell you how fast time seems to be flying! Our time here in Florida has been moving ever-so quickly and I can’t believe we are almost at 2 months since moving here! We have continued to settle in here and have started to get involved with the local community and churches, which you can read about a few pages over. The search for property continues- but we stand firm in our calling and are stretching our faith now more than ever before (at least for me, that’s how it is!) I am so thankful for this opportunity to be challenged and stretched. God has been teaching me so much in these last weeks but I think the most I am learning about is about how to rest in Him, finding true peace, and what it means to live a life of gratitude- abundant gratitude. It has been a process for sure, but God is so faithful to answer our questions- even if it’s with another question. Throughout the next few pages, you can read about some of the opportunities we’ve had and some that are coming up, and as always if you have more questions, feel free to email me- I would love to connect with you more. But before you head on over, take a moment, think of all the little blessings God has showered you with- from the simplest of things to maybe something extravagent and thank God for them. A thought that always challenged me was “what if you wake up tomorrow, with only the things you have thanked God for today?” He is so loving, so caring, and so gracious with us- we have much to be thankful for, even if we don’t have a house, even if we are lacking finances, even if we feel like our prayers aren’t being answered....God is good. All the time. Hallelujah.




you may now continue......

Ministry Community Night: Worship, Prayer and Food We held the first (of many to come) community nights- inviting people that we have met since moving here and anyone that wanted to come to enjoy an evening of food and fellowship. We had about 25 people packed into our tiny home, a plethora of food, and a worship/prayer time that went on for a solid 3 hours. It was an incredible time to see God move and speak to the people that were here! We plan on making these nights a regular occurence because of the great response and our deisre to continue to lay a foundation of prayer and worship in this area and building community!

Speaking at Youth Group: Since arriving here in Florida we have made many connections with churches in the Area. One of those churches is called Victory @ Sarasota. We had the priviledge of sharing in their youth group about the vision behind YWAM Sarasota, about our base in Germany and the process of how we got here, or rather how God brought us here. We also were able to give a short message about the role of this generation, the power and Christ and championing them to strive towards the dreams and passions that God has given them. We ended the time in a time of prayer- where we had many kids come forward, hungry for more and wanting to strive towards doing greater things through Christ. It was an incredible time and a blessing to see Christ moving in the lives of the youth!

I will be involved in 2 youth & young adult conferences coming up in June! The Consecrate Conference is a 3 day event focused in on “calling this generation to be set apart�- our team was asked to be a part of the ministry team present at event. To find out more about the conference or if you are in the FL area and would like to attend, check out! The 12 Conference is a youth conference being held by Bayside Community Church which is the church that I have been attending for the last 5 or so weeks. I am very excited for both these opportunities to volunteer and invest in the youth of America!

Back to Germany! In the month of August, our team will head back to Germany for a few weeks to connect with the base, give updates and take part in the Western European YWAM Gathering that will be held at YWAM Herrnhut. During this time I will also be traveling for the 5 year anniversary of Pick A Pocket to the place where the vision was birthed: Scotland. We will spend 5 days there, reflecting on the things God has done through this ministry and praying into the future plans. A the end of August, the team and I will return to Florida to continue preparing for the DTS!

coming up

currently listening to:

Bethel Music: Without Words

Rend Collective Experiment: Campfire

Recent Podcast listenings: “The grace for Living Simply”: By Damon Thompson// “God’s will is whatever”: By Steven Furtick// free on itunes currently reading:


prayer -A Building// We are currently in the process of looking for a permanent location for our DTS/ Base here in Sarasota/ Venice Area. We are praying for more faith, to dream big, and allow god to do what he wants for this! please stand with us!

-Finances// I am in need of monthly supporters as well as the finances to purchase my flight to Germany and back (I need about $1500 for my flight).

-Ministry// With the conferences coming up that I will be serving in, please pray with me for good connection with all the attendants and it would be a time of fruitfulness!

-Local Contacts & Connections// We have been welcomed into this area in some incredible ways. Pray that our relationships continue to build and we continue to meet people. We will also be hosting another Community Night- pray that it is a great time of fellowship and growth for all that come!


Current Address: 1121 22nd St W Bradenton, FL 34205 Email: Blog: Donation Information: Paypal:

Tax Deductible Donation: Send Checks Made out to YWAM to: Accounting Dept. PO Box 3000 Garden Valley, TX 75771-3000

I am looking for a group of people- passionate about the advancement of the Kingdom of God, seeing the lost redeemed and believing in God to move through any means necessary. A team of people that would commit to supporting me on a monthly basis through both finances and prayer- which allows them to become a part of the ministry I am involved with in YWAM. Any amount of commitment helps. From $5, $20 a month to $100. Please pray about it. If you would like more information or would like to make this commitment, please contact me! Thank you! -Amanda

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