Victory Press Newsletter Digital Edition

Page 1

vpn «contents» «1» A Word from Bishop «2» Young Adults «2» Youth Ministry «2» Victorious Women «4» Men of Valour «7» Special Moments «8» Special Events «9» Church Events «10» Celebrations «11» Food for Thought

Experience First Lady Moore’s Birthday on Page 3!

Summer Quarter June • July • August 2011

““Mt. Moriah the Church Where the Holy Ghost Makes the Difference”


The Summer Issue

Taking Mt. Moriah a step further!

Our Mission Statement Our mission is to teach and equip people to develop and maintain a true relationship with God, and to encourage the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to make the difference in every area of their lives.

1005 Odessa Street Jacksonville, Fl 32206




we are


raying For You

Pray for our members

SICK/ HOMEBOUND Dea. Ernest Leonard Sis. Mary Walker Sis. Rosa Grubbs Mother Eddie Sutton HOSIPITAL/NURSING HOME Sis. Jennifer Brinkley Mother Martin

«upcomingevents» Revival, Revival, Revival! Featuring Elder Kenneth Kirksey, Sr. Power House of Faith Ministries, Inc. Waycross, GA Sunday, September 25 - Tuesday, September 27, 2011 7:30pm Nightly Mt. Moriah HOGSIC 1005 Odessa St. Jacksonville, Fl 32206

Celebrating 34 Years of Pastoring The Honorable Dr. Bishop Lorenzo Moore Sunday, October 2, 2011 Don’t forget your financial obligation

The 84th Annual National Holy Convocation Sunday, October 17-23, 2011 Theme: Endure

«ourministries» Men Ministry

Women Ministry Youth Ministry Young Adult Ministry Outreach Ministry Music Ministry Multi Media Ministry Marriage Ministry Visitors & Membership Ministry Ushers Ministry Sunday School Ministry

When God permits trials, He also provides comfort.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort”.

Copyright © 2011 Mt. Moriah H.O.G.S.I.C, Inc All Rights Reserved. Independently owned and operated by the Holy Spirit

2 Corinthians 1:3



Happy Birthday To You!

«July» Terry Greene 3rd MIchael Glover 4th Min. Hawthorne 7th Patricia Hill 9th First Lady More 14th Onta Matthews 14th Gail Brown 17th Michael Crawford 19th Gwen Collins 21st

«August» Cadero Brown 2nd Valerie Bell 8th Quan 8th Shirley Crooms 10th Linda Grubbs 11th Greg Sutton 19th Jimmy Wright 21st Joyce Wright 26th Nondie West 28th Jermaine Knowles 21st

«September» Derald Wright 9th Effie Cohen 12th Taryn Clinton 14th Tyra Clinton 22th Porsha Johnson 30th Mother Sutton 9th Shauntrina Howard 27th Movet Brown 11th

It’s Your Anniversary!

«July» Derald & Joyce Wright 6th

«August» Terry & Beverley Greene 15th

Al & Valerie Bell 17th Corderal & Pricilla Brown 16th Johnny & Patricia Greene 24th Jermaine & Sharon Knowles 7th


«ourservices» Sunday

Discipleship Training Classes 9:00 am

p o h s i B

A Word From Our

Sunday School 9:30 am New Members Class 9:30 am Morning Worship 11:00 am

DouBt do YoU Why(Matthews 8:25-26)

he disciples came to Jesus saying “Lord save us: we perish”. Jesus asked “why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith”? Jesus arose and Youth Day rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm. They marveled saying what manWomen Fellowship ner of man is this that even the winds and sea obey Every 4th Saturday him! The question is why do YOU doubt? Matthew 6:30 asks if God clothes the grass of the fields which 10:00 am today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe us? This passage lets us know Men Fellowship that if God takes care of the grass of the fields, He is Every 2nd Saturday surely going to take care of us. So many of you still 7:30 am have doubts that God is going to take care of you in this world’s recession. If you still have doubt, the Man to Man Every 2nd and 3rd Sunday Night question to you is “why do you doubt”? You should diminish the thought from your mind that God will 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm not take care of you. Think about it. If God will take care of something that he did not create in his own image or breathe life into, He certainly ought to be Tuesday Night able to take care of you. In Matthews 16 Jesus warned the disciples to pay attention and watch out for the Intercessory Prayer teaching and doctrines of the Pharisees and Sad6:30-7:30 pm ducees by saying “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees”. The disciples Bible Study/Service should have known what Jesus meant, yet they talked among themselves thinking Jesus was talking about 7:30 pm the bread they forgot to bring. Jesus perceived what was going on and asked them how was it they did not Copies of the messages understand that he was not talking about bread, but are available on Cd for $5 the Pharisees and Sadducees. Jesus reminded them about the five loaves for the five thousand and the or Dvd for $8 seven loaves for the four thousand and how much immediately after was left after everyone had been fed. It is amazing service. how quickly we forget and doubt him. When Jesus went to Gethsemane he told the disciples to keep


1005 Odessa Street Jacksonville, Fl 32206





Bishop Lorenzo Moore, Presiding Prelate

awake, watch and pray that they would not come into temptation. Upon his return he found that they had fallen asleep. A lot of time when we have an opportunity to be with God we fall asleep, mess up, and miss it. We need to always be on guard. It is by faith that God’s mighty power is released in your life. We can’t please or serve God without faith. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:33-34 says “Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions (ex. Daniel in lion’s den), quenched the violence of fire (ex. Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego), escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight….). God will give you victory even when .…(Message available on CD#11093)


«specialevents» dancingangels9thannualconcert

“A Night of Praise and Worship”


he Dancing Angels’ 9th Annual Concert was held on Saturday evening, June 18th. If you were not there, your missed a spectacular affair! The concert was truly a great evening of praise and worship as the dancers glorified and praised God under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The dancers performed beautifully and powerfully to songs such as Necessary Praise, He Wants It All, I’m On My Way to Canaan, What a Love, and Your Latter Will Be -Greater. The stunning performance of the dancers was simply amazing. During segments of the concert, the Mistress of Ceremony, Joyce Wright, read “Words from a Dancer”, where each dancer expressed what being a part of the dance team meant to them. Congratulations to Dance Ministry Leader, Karen Martin, Dance Choreographer, Gwendolyn Washington-Collins, and dancers Tierra Martin, Marquita Brown, Rickell Ford, Carl Brown, Jr. and

Cameron Brown for a stupendous performance. Special thanks to guest soloist Marandal Hayes, mimes “Expressions” and UNF’s praise dancers YVOG.






«youngadults» The Young Adults mission is to develop a sustaining Young Adult Ministry that yields, seeks, and accepts every opportunity given from the Lord God Almighty who shapes and molds our spiritual development as we minister to one another and our peers as we grow together in Faith. Praise God for Victory! All Young Adults, come join us and see what we have in store! Our YAMs (Young Adult Ministry) will be hosting a program entitled “The Event: An Informative” on August 27, 2011. So mark your calendars! For more information about the Young Adults Ministry, see Brother and Sister Dukes of Mt. Moriah.



n Ezekiel 37:4-16 Ezekiel had a vision from the Lord and what he saw in the valley was many dry and dead human bones lying dominant. Ezekiel prophesied the word of God to the bones and the bones came together. He prophesied to the breath and spirit and the breath and spirit came into the bones and they came alive and stood up on their feet. Breath is translated as wind and spirit which symbolizes the Holy Spirit, which brings regeneration (renewal of birth). God wants to resuscitate your spirit back to life though his prophetic words of life. To help bring you back to life, you need to understand the significance of the heart (the spirit of man); the reason why you battle and struggle in your heart; how the word is designed to give you life; what you must do to get your life back. When the heart (your human spirit) is broken, your life is broken. The heart (the spirit of man) is the totality of everything you do, the way you act, the way you think, what you say, how you

treat others. We battle so much in the heart because the heart is sick because of the fall of man. God is a triune being (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). We are also triune beings (spirit, soul, body). You were created to live from the inside out. God made us spiritual beings so that we could receive words of revelation from the Holy Spirit of God to our human spirit (the heart) through the soul (the will, mind, emotions) out of the physical body to the earth reflecting the life of God. Words are powerful and were designed to create life (Genesis 1). There are things you must do to get your life back. You must allow the Holy Spirit to regenerate your spirit (your heart). You must repent of your sins, and let go of hurt, un-forgiveness, and bitterness. Prophesy the word of God over the dry places in your life so that your spirit can be revived back to life. Forget the past. Know that God is your source and you are called to live from the inside out. Only the WORD can save your life! -Settra Moore


Strengthen What’s Left


hatever havoc the devil has caused in your life, stop the self pity and get up; he did not complete it! Strengthen what is left. Don’t yield to the devil and let him take over. Know that God’s grace (favor, loving kindness, and mercy) is enough for you and enables you to bear trouble manfully (2 Corinthian 12:9). Whatever you are going through, whatever the circumstances are, you can make it through God’s strength. Don’t take for granted what you have; Instead, take advantage of where you are and what you have. Be strong in the Lord; be empowered through your union with him (Ephesians 6:10). In the midst of your storms, keep your joy and integrity. The devil will try to steal your joy. God will give you what you need. Get joy from God. Stop complaining about your situation or circumstances. Learn to be content; satisfied to the point where you are not disturbed or disquieted in whatever state you are in (Philippians 4:11). God knows where you are; he is not surprised, and he still loves you. God says in his word that he will never leave or forsake you. He will not in any way fail you, give you up, nor leave you without support (Hebrews 13:5). Strengthen what you have left regardless of the circumstances. Walk and live uprightly. Think and speak the truth in Victorious Women your heart. Stop backbiting. Even if you are in the right, let it go. Make amends whenever Mt. Moriah HOGSIC possible, and then go God. Give up animosity and un-forgiveness. The joy of the Lord is your 1005 Odessa St, strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Strengthen what is left. Trust and rely on God for He will not fail you. Sometimes our circumstances and situations make us want to give up because we feel there is nothing left. Don’t faint; hold on and strengthen what is left. Your miracle is not in what you loss, but in what you have left! Strengthen what is left. Praise God for Victory!! Jacksonville, Fl 32206



The l a u c i n n c Aunrch Pi




«menofvalour» There is always something happening at Mt. Moriah! The annual church picnic was hosted by the Men of Valor on June 11th at Woodstock Park located on West Beaver Street. There were games and prizes, and great fellowship, as wonderful music played throughout the day. Guests, members and their families enjoyed the bountiful buffet of ribs, chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, fruits, baked beans, corn on the cob, cakes, pies, and much more. Everything was wonderfully delicious.

The children thoroughly enjoyed water sports and horseshoe tossing, as the men and women battled for the championship and bragging rights in Volleyball. The men triumphantly defeated the women. Great job men…. But wait until next year!! The picnic was a wonderful fun filled day of fellowship, laughter, relaxation, and lots of fun!



re you trying to find your place in ministry? Have you considered being apart of the Greeter’s Ministry? Being a Church Greeter is one of the most important jobs in the church. Greeters make the first impression to visitors and members and set a tone of warmth and acceptance. If you are hospitable, friendly, cheerful, posi-

tive, and have a servant’s heart, the Greeter’s Ministry may be for you! If you are interested in becoming a Greeter, please contact Chauntrelle Jackson, for more information.

5th Annual Men of Valor Fellowship Conference “A Slothful Man Is Not of God”


he Men of Valor’s 5th Annual Fellowship Conference was a great success. The conference begin on Saturday, June 25th with free community health screenings, and concluded on Sunday June 26th with the 100 Men in Black program featuring guest speaker, Dr. Gary L. Williams , Sr. of First Baptist Church of Mandarin. Dr. Williams gave a dynamic enlightening message entitled “Putting Away Childish Things”. 1st Corinthian 13:11 says “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; now that I have become a man, I am done with childish ways and have put them aside”. Dr. Williams let the men know that the Holy Spirit have given them gifts and they need to pray for understanding of their gift. To become a true man of valor you must put away childish things. To get beyond childish things, there are three things that must be done. First, come to terms with your failures. You fail God when you do not provide for your family; when you are unfaithful; when you do not spend time with your children. It is important to understand that failure can be perpetual (an unending

cycle) or personal (your own doing). Secondly, a spiritual rite of passage is needed. In African culture there are five rites of passage: birth, adulthood, marriage, eldership, and ancestorship. For a Christian the rite of passage occurs when childish things are put away. Finally, there is maturity rather than grow. Maturity comes when you become faithful and take care of your responsibilities. To be a man of valor you must be so in word, deed and example. When you mature and become a man, you understand that you are not only the provider of the family; you are also the protector and priest of your home. When you become a man you lead the family in worship. You deal with the needs and put the wants on hold. When you become a man, you study and meditate on the word of God. When you become a man and come under the attack of the devil, you quote the word of God. When you become a man you yield yourself to the authority of the word of God, to his presence and power so that you can be changed by real relationship with Him. When you become a man you put away childish things.




Mt. Moriah’s Back 2 School Book Bag Give-A-Way

Sponsored by the Music Ministry



«welcome» mtmoriahsnewestmembers ers b m e ner New M ration Din Celeb


Mt. Moriah made Bishop proud on their ...

Trip of a Lifetime





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