Amanda Campelo

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Amanda Campelo

Architecture and Urban Design

“Designing a dream city is easy; rebuilding a living one takes imagination.’ Jane Jacobs

Table of Contents

Masterplan Downtown Teresina, Brazil urban design| mixed use | sustainability

JK Bridge urban design| mobility| walkability

Colorful Istambul urban | redevelopment | colors

Tiny Homes Community housing | affordability | sustainability

Diamond Bench furniture | design | geometry

Martisan Park Clusters - Port-au-Prince, Haiti architecture| bamboo | sustainability

Martisan Park Theatre - Port-au-Prince, Haiti architecture | interaction

Masterplan Downtown Teresina, Brazil urban design| mixed use | sustainability This project aims to propose a solution to downtown Teresina located in Northeast Brazil. The city of Teresina has doubled its population in the last 30 years and with nearly one million inhabitants it currently needs creative design solutions that focus on the needs of people and improves their overall quality of life. The study was developed around research, examining land use patterns, current legislation, parking locations, public transportation and historical aspects of the area. Maps overlay showcased the fragility of the public transportation system which led to a comprehensive master plan that associates sustainability, urban mobility and mixed-use areas, while proposing the creation of a widespread pedestrian network to improve the walkability and connectivity throughout the neighborhood.

Division of Uses: - Area 01/02

Residential - Area 03

Services - Area 04



Land use map developed for this project showed that division of uses is so rigid that the neighborhood can be divided into 4 smaller areas according to land use. The lack of diversity of uses brings problems to the city, such as the inocuppancy of some areas for periods of time during the day. The commercial area for example, is alive during the day and empty at night, bringing problems of gangs and violence which need to be addressed.

The vision of this project was influenced by Jan Gehl and Jane Jacobs’s ideas of giving the city back to the people. This people-based planning sought to redefine priorities and think from the inhabitants points of view: What do people want in their neighborhood? How can people enjoy the area they live in and walk safely to meet daily activities?

The proposal defines a pyramid of priorities for various means of transportation: people and walking trips are at the top of the pyramid, followed by bikes, public transportation and finally cars. Although the issues in Teresina offer serious challenges with thoughtful design and strategic planning, it is possible to develop ideas that supports sustainable growth and allows for the creation of a safe and walkable neighborhood.

Renovated River Front


- Sustainable belt connecting the neighborhood; - Mixed-Use Areas; - New attraction points; - Transit-guided development; - Urban Accunpunture

New Park for recreation

Downtown Commercial Area Car Free Zone

Multi-Modal Transportation

New Public Transportation Network: The proposal defines a new hierarchy of streets in order to organize traffic and alleviate congestions. The hierarchy follows the guidelines of the pyramid of priorities. Primary axes are streets with higher occupancy rate where verticalization is desired due to its proximity to job offers and the current public transportation system. Secondary axes presents the new structure for exclusive bike corridors. The hierarchy attempts to create fluid movement through dense mixed use areas in strategic locations where commerce is already a well established activity. Distance between home and work will be shorter making the entire environment more walkable and generally accessible. The plan also designates a drawing and road design for each of the typologies creating streetscapes that favour walking trips and deliver walkability within a complex urban context. Finally, dedicating an area as a car free zone allows the creation of a commercial hub that supports local business and enriches social life, reflecting the commitment to strengthening the community through walkable spaces.

Hierarchy: Arterials

Intermediate Primary Axes Secondary Axes

Primary axes (before/after)

Exclusive corridor for public transportation High floor area ratio for mixed-use areas.

Secondary axes (before/after)

Bike dedicated lanes for multi modal transportation More trees and green areas to improve temperature

JK Bridge urban design| mobility | walkability Located in the core of Teresina, Northeast of Brazil, the bridge Juscelino Kubitschek, or simply JK Bridge plays an important role in the everyday commute of inhabitants of the city. The bridge connects downtown to residential areas of Teresina, and everyday thousands of people rely on this bridge to cross the Poty River to reach their destinations. Traffic jams are an issue with this bridge, specially during rush hours, when people are going to work in the morning or leaving work by the end of the day, crossing to or from downtown and directing to their homes. The proposal aims to create a dedicated area for pedestrians and cyclists to cross the bridge safely, connecting residential to job offer areas while creating a new touristic destination. By adding urban furniture, lighting and trees, a linear park in an existing bridge encourages bike culture and use of sustainable means of transportation, reducing congestions and improving overall people’s quality of life.




Surrounded by green and preservation areas, its current design constitute as an obstacle for pedestrians and cyclists to move from one side of the river to the other.

Exclusive corridor for public transportation and linear park with cycle lanes articulating multi-modal sustainable urban developments.

Colorful Istanbul urban | redevelopment | colors For this project each student had to pick one city in the world and propose any kind of color urban intervention. My choice was Istanbul, a city interesting located in both Asia and Europe and with strong cultural roots. A big part of Turkish culture goes through their colorful markets and trading history. One of their most beautiful and fine objects are their handcrafted lamps, which caught my attention by its array of beautiful and diverse colors. The proposoal consists in assign one color captured in the lamps design to a different neighborhood in the city. Because of Istanbul’s hilly sites, as people move up through different levels, the city would change color slightly depending on each neighborhood. From the top, one could easily distinguish different areas and neighborhoods of the city through use of color, strengthening communitiy sense and dramatically changing the way city is perceived.

Tiny Homes Community housing| affordability | sustainability

The challenge of this project was to design a liveable Tiny Home of 144 sqft and alocate twelve units in a site in Raleigh, NC. Considering affordability and sustainability, the final proposal consists in a pre fabricated box of 14’x10’, which on site will go on top of concrete strctures, which allows owners to expand it in the future if desired. The houses were designed to work by itself as well as in context, alognside with other units.

The Diamond Bench furniture | design | geometry

The aim of this project was to design a bench for the lobby of the Gantry Hotel. Intending to dialog with the exterior, the Diamond Bench is composed by thin and elegant steel legs and comfortable leather seat, which combine into a self-supporting structure that brings to life this luxury accessory.

Martisan Park Clusters - Port-au-Prince, Haiti architecture | bamboo | sustainability The aim of this project was to create self-sustaining temporary residence for artists doing voluntary work in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The inspiration for this project came directly from the site, a dense park with sharp contours and a privilege ocean view. The goal was to enhance the view while preserving landscape and maximizing crop land, making use of natural abundant resources while bringing local references to the visitors.


Site in context with the city and typography

diagram bamboo structural system

To improve ventilation, the construction was suspended by bamboo trusses, maximixing green area an croplands while further improving thermal comfort. The extensive wooden roof, besides providing shade, helps to collect a greater amount of rainwater, which is stored in buried containers and can be reused for both plantations and house’s needs.

landscape plan

Sections showing bamboo structure and rainwater colletion strategy

Martisan Park Theathre - Port-au-Prince, Haiti architecture | interaction

At the same park in Port-au-Prince, the students were asked to design a performance space for artists. The concept was to design a multipurpose theatre by allowing the artists to use the same space in a couple of different ways. To maintain dialogue with the clusters, the idea of a bamboo was maintained and taken a step further. The theatre is designed around an extensive roof supported by spatial trusses made of bamboo. The seats are carved into the lansdscape to protect the original lines of the terrain and as little changes as possible. Thermal comfort was also taken into considerantion and the winds can flow free due to the lightness and openess of the structure. The theatre can be used in many different ocasions, with different pusposes and hosting a different amount of people, providing a range of possibilities enhaced by the creativity of its own users.

use diagrams


Amanda Campelo +1 929 264 1844

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