What Next at 16+?
Welcome to the Brighton and Hove Prospectus 2012/13 This set of leaflets tells you about the options available after Year 11. This information is tailored to Brighton and Hove and may not apply in other parts of the country. Each underlined title is a separate leaflet.
Choices at 16+
Year 11 Calendar
Stay in education?
Why stay on? Where can I study? What can I study? Who offers what?
What is an apprenticeship? Why choose an apprenticeship?
Making an application
How to get an apprenticeship?
Financial Support
Looking for work? Why choose work? Things you should know
Personal Education Action Plan Development & 2012/13 Open Days Volunteering? Volunteering Personal Development
How to get a job? Starting your own business
Glossary of Terms How to research your career ideas? Action Plan How to generate career ideas? Action Plan Produced by Healthy Schools Team, Brighton and Hove City Council, September 2011
Job Apprenticeship Seekers Action Action Plan Plan