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Amanda James
My digital scrapbook~ Social networking not so much. While I enjoy seeing how other people are doing and life events that my current friends, friends I haven't seen in a while and acquaintances have, in the same way I would look at a photo album on a coffee table or flip through an old yearbook someone might have. Well, this is my scrapbook/life yearbook. While I don’t go home and on weekends spend hours cutting and pasting snazzy paper and quotes and then glue them into a book and hope I can remember who, where and when. I simply post my pictures as they happen and other life events that are going on be it locally, political or whatever just was on my mind that day. In the same way some people sit down and luckily remember what might have gone on in there day, week or month and write it down in a journal. I do it right then before I forget. With that said this is my method of providing ME with fond memories to look back on and smile or shake my head. It is my portal to remember the things I want to re