Dr Pepper Challenge

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Hoopla. Innovation. The Solid Grind.

Meet The Tribe.

J.D. Colton Amanda Tyler Brittany Taylor Jon

The Issue.

Dr Pepper is: •

Uninteresting and repetitious carbonated soft drink brand


Lacking engagement

The Solution.

To develop and create a single-execution content marketing campaign to increase affect and exposure of Dr Pepper through consumer engagement.

The RESolution.

Based on research of multicultural millennials, content should exhibit an engaging digital cross-channel video content marketing strategy incorporating an emotional experience and personalized sharable content.

The Challenge.

Speak our agency’s creativity using a paper bag.

#StandOut. Be One of a Kind.

Largest consumers of carbonated beverages

The Target.

Millennials aged 18-35 with it’s loyalty among • Non-Hispanic African Americans and Hispanics

The Target.

Multicultural Millennials Population •Hispanics 22% •African-Americans 13%

The Tone.

Multicultural millennials are diverse and optimistic, lead active lifestyles, listen to hip-hop music, are digitally influenced and and aim to be inspired by brands.

The Tone.

Position Dr Pepper through a multicultural millennial mindset and develop an engaging digital personality.

Engage ment.

User engagement on Facebook and Twitter Video and challenge to #StandOut with Dr Pepper.

Place ment.

Facebook and Twitter Video • Facebook top millennial mobile app. • Millennials spend 35 hours on digital media/week • 38% above national average


33% of millennials watch usergenerated content on social media • Includes brand and personal content • Millennial Content discovery leads with: • Facebook 49% • Twitter 29%

Video desktop and mobile execution will drive the brand lift of Dr Pepper, delivering high audience impressions through engagement & personalization.

The Strategy.


Engagement Social Channels

UserExperience Personalized Content

Sharing Content

Reputation of Dr Pepper


SDL Online. 2014. Understanding Global Millennials http://www.slideshare.net/SDLonline/understanding-global-millennials-summary-of-findings-from-expandedglobal-study-35471691

Nielsen. 2014. Breaking Millennial Myths http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/reports/2014/millennials-breaking-the-myths.html

Experian Marketing. 2014. Millennials Come of Age http://www.experian.com/assets/marketing-services/reports/ems-ci-millennials-come-of-age-wp.pdf

CDC. 2010. Consumption of Sugar Drinks in U.S. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db71.htm

Chute. 2014. The Content Marketing Apeture Guide http://www2.getchute.com/chute/content-aperture

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