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A LIFESTYLE OF WELLNESS Ekaterina Sophia in Larnaca

Self Discovery Through Your Birthday


Good day beautiful reader, I am excited to share this time of wellness with you. How successful you are with your Wellness largely depends on how well you know yourself. The journey of self discovery can be very revealing and most transformative. The good news is that you can make your self discovery fun. Since ancient times the stars in the sky have not only helped humanity navigate in travel but, also have helped to navigate within the self. Every ancient culture has at least one system of using your date of birth to tell you more about your likely nature and the gifts you possess. Many of these systems look at the stars that were in the sky at the time of your birth to tell you more about who you are. For some this may seem like a load of hocus pocus, but even the biggest sceptic can’t deny the power of the Sun and the Moon on earth and its inhabitants. If the moon can move the whole ocean every month and you are mostly water you can only imagine what the moon does to you. So, if these giant floating bodies in the sky make our earth function in ways we can clearly witness then, surely, it is safe to assume that all the other stars we can see with the naked eye at night also have some influence on shaping us and our reality too. These stars I speak of are the zodiacs. The zodiacs are part of Astrology, here probably the most important influences in your life are the Sun, Moon and Ascendant signs, as well as your North and South node’s to understand the purpose of your life. There are numerous systems of self discovery that you can access for free on the internet or seek out the help of a professional in the field. Some of my favorites are Birth chart Astrology, Numerology and Mayan calendar day. Nature v Nurture argument is about if nature determines the way a person is or how they are brought up. What you discover in your charts is a clue towards your nature, yet it is the nurture you have received and continue to give yourself that will determine who you become. You can use the information to avoid unnecessary traps of your nature and instead focus on your strengths to grow into the best version of who you are. With joy,

Ekaterina Sophia

Join Ekaterina for meditations at The Tree of Life in Larnaca, Thursdays 6pm

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