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Women’s health

Women’s health


This is a time to work towards the transformation of your working conditions. You may need to put in the extra effort to shift yourself up the ladder. Something may come to light with your nearest and dearest, bringing a testing emotional climate.



This month marks the beginning of a cycle of new romance or the renewal of love. There will be parties, gatherings, creativity, children and interesting people all around you. Spiritual or creative changes in you may alter the way you live your life at home.


Changing your attitudes at a deep level will move you into a new frame of mind and life. You will be able to see and understand yourselves in a new and different way if you bring your legendary insight to bear on yourself.


There are rewards for the sustained efforts you make in either doing what’s required or in setting new directions. New love may be found in the far climes or in a new environment. You will have the best of partners and friends if you put yourself out there.


The call to adventure will be strong. The more you broaden your horizons, the more you can benefit on your road in life. The singles among you may find that travel or study may lead you to the one you’re looking for.


stepping beyond the confines with which you’re familiar will boost your confidence. Useful ideas and methods will be there at need and you can have the advice of experienced professionals as you navigate the road ahead.

LIBRA (23 SEPTEMBER – 22 OCTOBER) You may be

launching yourself into a new line of work or business. While friends will be there to support you, you may have to rely on your own efforts or endeavours to succeed. Discussion, reevaluation and insight are important keys in regards to close personal partnership.


NOVEMBER) This is a good period to restructure your financial operations. If you put your money into what’s worthwhile and cut back on frivolous expenses, you can do well. Your knowledge of methods or techniques of communication will be to your advantage in the long term.


-21 DECEMBER) This is a

good period to mix business with pleasure in that you can make strong advances through socializing and social contacts. Some may find new romance through professional encounters. Someone new or unusual may be the hallmark of the good things that await you.


MANISH KUMAT ARORA EMAIL: manish@ manishastrologer.com


immerse yourself in creative projects or spiritual activities or you may develop a project in secret for a time. Solitude may serve a need for deeper considerations. Issues of love or money that have troubled you in the past may flare up again, requiring further attention.


through a period of revision with regard to your hopes and wishes. Joint ventures may become a consuming interest. In relationship, if you’ve been heavily involved in the past then, you’ll march to a different drummer for awhile. Refresh and reinvigorate your relationship with loved ones.


MARCH) Matters of career or professional status may come to an unexpected hitch or change. A cycle of dealings with authority or taking authority may come to an end. You may be drawn into a new and enticing partnership that gives both warmth and depth.

HEARING Hard time hearing people in face

masks? Hearing aids can help with Economou Hearing

Face masks have unequivocally been a good thing when it comes to helping prevent the spread of Covid-19. But they present challenges when trying to communicate with others. Especially if you or the person you’re communicating with has hearing loss. Face masks muffle speech and block important lip-reading cues. Both are key to understanding speech. Add in social distancing or group video chats — which have nothing to do with masks but plenty to do with speech audibility — and Covid has definitely made it a lot harder to hear what friends, family members, colleagues, doctors and dentists, and the clerk scanning your groceries are saying. Hearing aids make hearing easier It should be no surprise, though, that hearing aids offset these challenges and can help make it easier to hear people who are wearing face masks. By their very nature, hearing aids amplify sound which, in many cases, is all it takes to hear what face-mask wearers are saying. Evolv AI hearing aids can help even more Starkey’s Evolv AI hearing aids have been engineered to go above and beyond simple sound amplification to specifically tackle the challenges created by face masks, social distancing and background noise. They include our proprietary Edge Mode technology — available in all Evolv AI hearing aids — which has been proven to be highly effective in resolving speech intelligibility issues caused by masks. How? By putting the power of artificial intelligence (AI) at your fingertips. Just a double tap of your hearing aids activates Edge Mode anytime you need it. Once activated, Edge Mode scans the acoustic environment you’re in, then instantly optimizes sound — taking masks, distance and background noise into consideration — to deliver enhanced speech audibility on demand. Not only is Edge Mode great for masks, it’s handy to have anytime you encounter a noisy or particularly challenging listening environment. Our new Mask Mode, too, was specifically designed to make people who are wearing masks easier to hear. Mask Mode is a custom memory in our Thrive app that offsets the loss of speech audibility due to face masks by boosting sound in the affected regions. Mask Mode is available on all Evolv AI hearing aids. To experience how far hearing aids have come and what they can do for you, simply call at 77772627 and book a free hearing appointment with one of our hearing healthcare professionals in your area who can test your hearing and consult with you about treatment options available.



Enterpreneurial women from Global Women Cyprus met at The Sailors Lounge, St Raphael Resort in Limassol recently. The club unites professional women regardless of their age, culture or race and encourages them to stand in their power, invest in themselves and grow their skills and abilities by learning and leadership development. A fabulous and freshly prepared brunch was served before speakers from the club shared their knowledge to help empower others

For details visit https:// globalwomanclub.com/ cyprus/

Listen to the podcast featuring Amanda Moss being interviewed by Global Women Cyprus director, Elizabeth Toufexis.


Stefania Bongiovanni

Hi there! Happy to see that, whilst reading this wonderful magazine, you are taking some time to share some thoughts with me :) This month I would like to ask you: Does it ever happen that you’ve been impatiently looking forward to an event, or to meeting someone or starting a new project or a journey, and you end up disappointed because things didn’t meet your expectations? Expectations can be tricky because we imagine or start living an experience before it actually comes true, therefore the results may not match our desires. And probably most of all because the outcome may depend on third parties. When we forget to live in the here and now and to enjoy moments and situations as they occur, and when we place our happiness or success into someone else’s hands, chances are that we will get disappointed. We cannot foresee and we cannot control events and people, therefore often times the best thing to do is simply going with the flow and be open to receive what Life (or the Universe, or God) has in store for us.

Let there be no mistake: being a person of action, I’m the last person who will ever advice you to live passively. What I am suggesting is to shift your perspective from a habit of having expectations to a habit of setting intentions. Try it, you may be pleasantly surprised! Intentions to me go hand in hand with proactiveness, choice, positivity, purpose. For example, if, when you wake up every morning, you declare your intention to receive good news, to be presented with opportunities, to accidentally meet a friend while you’re out for your errands and have a great time together, etc., you place yourself in a position of attracting all these positive situations. Like this, or even better ;-) Choose intentions instead of expectations, this way you will leave some space for good things to come into your life. Open your heart and your mind to receiving blessings, and I bet you will. And now, gorgeous, just go out there and start living your best life!

Who am I? I’m an Italian living in Cyprus and loving it crazily. My name is Stefania Bongiovanni, some of you will know me as the founder of The Girlfriends’ Circle, but as well as the woman who believes in #sisterhood and in #womensupportwomen.

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