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Fashion show
Our sister publication, Liverpool Lifestyle Magazine in UK recently held a sell out fashion show. After much deliberation due to Covid restrictions, the show plans to come to Cyprus in 2022.

New columnist to Lifestyle - Berny Robertson
Have you been giving yourself a breakdown trying to decide what you ‘really’ wanna be in life? You know that ‘one thing’ society tries to make us believe we need to choose to become, and then do, until we retire. Or maybe, you’re in a job but you can’t stand it? When actually the truth is… You know, there’s loads of things you want to do. You’re passionate about all kinds of stuff and you’ve got tons of ideas. You’ve got shit loads of skills in many different areas and you know you’re good at them too. But that’s the problem. There’s just ‘too many’ things to choose from. It’s impossible and you’re stuck. Well, you’re not stuck. So you can RELAX and just chill for a sec… :) Right… Just in case you’ve been worrying yourself silly Because I know I did. • You’re NOT weird • And you’re NOT broken So, you can stop torturing yourself now. There’s no rule saying we have to choose to be one thing. What you want to be when you leave school may very well not be the thing you want to be in your 30s or 40s. And that’s fine. I didn’t choose to be one thing. At least not after I found out I was a “multi-passionate entrepreneur.” Yep. There’s loads of us… And you know what? It’s brilliant. You get to be whatever you want without feeling guilty. You can be two, three, or ten different things, if that’s what you want. And… You can make serious money doing it. Being a multi-passionate (a term coined my Marie Forleo), is a strength. It’s an ASSET. Not a weakness. Yeah, we’re unconventional because we don’t fit neatly into a box. But who wants to? We’re also very creative, talented, multi-skilled, courageous and resilient. So start showing up as a proud multi-passionate. Just relax and start experimenting with different ideas. Don’t try to ‘think’ your way to your purpose. Your truth is in your heart. So you just need to enjoy trying a few things on for size. You can’t get it wrong so don’t stress on it. Listen to your gut. Because your heart will let you know when you’ve found the right thing for you. Well… for now.