The North West Mentoring Scheme is a multiprofessional mentoring scheme that is open to all NHS Trusts in the North West. It is available for ALL NHS staff to either support their own development by being a mentor or accessing a mentor to help enhance their own learning.
The North West Mentoring Scheme I want to be a mentor:
I would like a mentor:
Whatever your
Ask yourself the following questions:
• How are you currently focusing your own
background or
organisational level, if
• Are you going through a period of transition or
you can:
• Listen with empathy
• Are you juggling work / life balance?
• Share experience and learning
• Are you unsure what your career development
• Support insight and self-awareness through
goals are for the future?
Mentoring is getting support for your development,
• Act as a sounding board
whatever your development needs might be. Working
• Help another better understand how organisations
with a mentor will create a greater self-awareness
both of your unique talents and also identifying
• Suggest new information to explore and options
gaps in your current
for development
skills mix. By using
• Provide continuity of support during change
reflection you will
…and be there to help unlock an individual’s potential –
learn what works best
you can mentor.
for you now and in the future.
For more information on the scheme, to register or to find out what training the scheme can offer you, please visit: The North West Mentoring Scheme GMW Mental Health Foundation Trust, Harrop House, Bury New Road, Prestwich, M25 3BL Telephone: 0161 772 3608