MENTOR T h e N e w s l e t t e r f o r t h e N H S N o r t h We s t M e n t o r i n g S c h e m e April Edition 2013
N e t wo r k L e a r n i n g E v e n t
Confident Mentoring new! matching events NHS NW Leadership academy
Working as a local delivery partner 2013 mentoring awards
Mentoring Awards 2013 The NHS North West Mentoring Scheme Awards 2013 are now open for nominations.
The North West Mentoring Scheme have established 3 awards to to recognise the value and calibre of mentoring in the North West. The awards are peer nominated and have proven to be a real success in celebrating outstanding leadership and achievements through mentoring. The awards are judged by a panel of senior leaders from NHS organisations in the North West, Mentor Champions who are members of the Mentoring Scheme, and members of the Mentoring Team. The winners will be announced at this year’s Annual Conference taking place at The Mercure Norton Grange Hotel in Rochdale on the 6th June 2013. 2 The Mentor April 2013
The categories for nomations are:
Mentor Exemplar
A model mentor who represents the embodiment of mentoring ideals; non judgmental, reflective, empathic and facilitative.
Model Mentee
A person who has has assimilated the ethos of mentoring and applied it practically to their professional life.
Services to Mentoring
A person or organisation that proactively promotes the North West Mentoring Scheme and mentoring in general. Eligibility: Nominations will only be accepted by and for members of the NHS North West Mentoring Scheme. Closing date for nominations 3rd May 2013 Nomination forms can be found on our website at and follow the link to the awards page. Alternatively email us at or call 0161 772 3608.
The Mentor • April 2013
Welcome page 4 Rob Booth, Scheme Manager Latest news from the Scheme and an update on upcoming events. scheme update page 5 Plus Matching Events Summary Find out what the scheme has achieved over the last 12 months and read about the new mathicng events. network learning event page 6 & 7 Write up, photographs and feedback from our latest networking event. GUEST ARTICLE: mentoring with confidence page 8 Julia Menaul, Leadership Coach and Facilitator, Bath Consultancy Group Read about the links between confidence and assertiveness and how it can help you in your mentoring sessions. Mentor net update page 9 Discover the new enhancements to Mentor Net! North west leadership academy page 10 Dawn Nisbet, Talent & Corporate Manager, NWLA How the Leadership Academy is working as a Local Delivery Partner (LDP) calendar of events page 11
Want to be a Mentor Champion? A Champion is a mentor on the North West Mentoring Scheme who has offered their services as a mentoring trainer within their organisations and has met application requirements. The Champion network has been implemented to secure a sustainable approach to mentoring in the North West for Public Service member organisations. Becoming a Mentor Champion involves a potentially significant time commitment which should be recognised and supported by your organisation. The North West Mentoring Scheme is available to advise, support and work with you and your organisation to establish a realistic and practical structure. If you would like to participate in the next cohort of Mentor Champions, please send your expression of interest to us by email at
Key Features of the Mentor Champion Role: •
To create and support a mentoring environment within your organisation.
Support the mentors you train by offering to advise or supervise.
Promote mentoring in your organisation and work with your organisation to do so.
Become part of a champions’ network which can provide peer support and is underpinned by the North West Mentoring Scheme.
Receive bespoke training: A Champion Training Programme and handbook have been designed to compliment the mentor training and to support the North West Mentoring Scheme’s trained Mentor Champions.
Champions have access to Champion-only CPD training provided by the Mentoring Scheme.
mentoring for innovation, integration, leadership
The Mentor April 2013
welcome Welcome to your newsletter! I am delighted to announce that the North West Mentoring Scheme has been extended for a further 12 months and will again be hosted at Greater Manchester West Mental Health Foundation Trust until April 2014. This year has been another year of growth, not only in terms of our membership and active mentoring relationships, but in the support that is available through the Scheme for you, our members. We have continued to build on our development offer and members have been able to attend specialist workshops covering subjects that include goal setting, reflection and self-awareness. These workshops have complimented the existing development opportunities for our members which include qualifications such as the ILM Level 5 in Management Coaching and Mentoring. Look out for new development opportunities this year and why not take a look at our full programme of events which are on the website at We have also spent much of this year improving and refining the way we communicate with our members. On top of our existing newsletter and promotional campaigns, you can now follow us on Twitter @nwmentoring. It is really important to us that our members have the chance to engage with us by whatever method suits them so you can tell us about your “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” C.S. Lewis
We’re here for another year! The North West Mentoring Team are pleased to announce our contract has been extended to the 31st March 2014! Hope to see you at one of our upcoming events. The North West Mentoring Scheme Team 4 The Mentor April 2013
achievements, offer suggestions for events and ways in which the Scheme can support you and your organisation. Our latest Network Learning Event was held at the DeVere Whites Hotel in Bolton where Julia Menual spent the morning with our members to help them consider their own confidence and positivity in mentoring relationships. As the shape of the NHS continues to change these are skills that will help us all to improve our resilience and get the best out of our mentor/mentee relationships. Our annual conference has been booked for Thursday 6th June and will be held at the Norton Grange Hotel, near Rochdale. You should already have received an invitation to attend – book quickly as places are going fast! Also why not take some time to recognise the contribution of our members through our annual awards. This year awards will be given for Mentor Exemplar, Model Mentee and Services to Mentoring. Now’s the time to think about who you could put forward so please visit our website to download your nomination form. Finally, there are a number of changes to the Scheme over the next few weeks. Eleanor, our administrator for the NW Coaching Scheme, will be leaving us to take up the role of Project Support Officer at AQUA and Emma, our OD Practitioner, is joining Greater Manchester West as Workforce Information Manager for the Learning and Development Department. Both of them have been passionate, dedicated and exceptional members of the team and I could use all this newsletter to talk about their achievements and successes – needless to say they will both be sorely missed and we wish them every success in their future careers. Enjoy your newsletter, Rob Rob Booth, Scheme Manager
So...what have we done this year?
New! Matching
Summary of scheme achievements 2012/2013
membership 1034 Current Mentor total 1702 Current Mentee total 239 New mentors joined this year 394 New mentees joined this year
Training 209 Mentors Trained
Events 14 Mentor Development Days 15 Champion Development Days 2 Executive Mentor Development Days 7 Mentee Awareness Sessions 2 Network Learning Events 8 CPD Events 2 Matching Events 1 Annual Conference
2012 saw the launch of a new event for the Scheme, The Mentor Matching Event. The Matching Event is aimed at scheme members who want to begin a new mentoring relationship and has been designed with the following goals: • •
• •
To assist members to find a suitable mentor or potential mentee. To assist mentors to create a more effective profile and identify their strengths. To assist mentees to identify their goals and outline their mentoring plan. To develop networks and strengthen existing relationships. To exchange experiences with other scheme members and professionals.
Two events have been held so far, one on the 27th November 2012 at Inglewood Manor, Cheshire and the second on the 10th January at the Innovation Centre, Blackburn. A third event is planned for May so keep checking the calendar. The matching events have proven to be highly successful and extremely popular with 100% of mentees matched and 85% mentors matched. The feedback from the events has been outstanding and the results speak for themselves!
27th November 2012
Mentors Attended 12 Mentees Attended 14
Mentors Matched 9 Mentees Matched 14
10th January 2013
432 Relationships in progress 250 Mentors in relationships 361 Mentees in relationships
new additions Further CPD Modules Social Media Twitter introduced Design and delivery of mentor matching events it’s been a great year! we are
Looking forward to another one.
Mentors Attended 8 Mentees Attended 9
Mentors Matched 5 Mentees Matched 9
If you have any questions about the matching events, please send us an email to and we will be happy to help. mentoring for innovation, integration, leadership
The Mentor April 2013
network learning event Confident Mentoring: Facing the Challenge of a Changing Workplace
Our latest network learning event took place on the 6th March 2013 at the Reebok in Bolton. In total we had over 50 delegates in attendance.
Julia helping delegates with one of the exercises
When we first approached Julia about supporting us as a guest speaker the topics we discussed all focussed around how, no matter what our role, we are asked to help others achieve greater confidence to improve performance and that as a coach, mentor or manager, confidence is an important quality to display. Julia developed her workshop with this in mind and called it Confident Mentoring: Facing the Challenge of a Changing Workplace. Julia’s goals for the session were around giving delegates tools and techniques that they could then use within their mentoring sessions or in other one to one situations. Julia’s presentation was interactive and informative as delegates were asked to work in groups to discuss what helps confidence and what could potentially hinder confidence. These answers were shared as a group discussion before moving to exercises centred on creating positivity. In pairs the delegates were asked to write down three things that they felt pleased about or grateful for over the past day or so. This proved to be more difficult than it first seemed, and Julia has shared this exercise with us in more detail on page 8, if you would like to 6 The Mentor April 2013
The guest speaker for the session was Julia Menaul, an experienced executive coach, supervisor and trainer from The Bath Consultancy Group. try it yourself. After the break Julia moved onto the links between confidence and assertiveness with further group activities to get everybody involved and thinking about the role language can play in how we assert ourselves. We entered all participants of the networking activity into a prize draw with the book, “Techniques for Coaching and Mentoring”, by David Clutterbuck as the prize. The winner was Deavon Salmon from The Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust. As this was the last networking event that Emma Porter and Eleanor Morgan
Winner of the prize draw Congratulations Deavon!
would attend as members of the mentoring team, we had a small presentation to say goodbye to them. I am sure they will be missed, and for further information on what they are both up to now just flip back to Rob’s introduction on page 4. The session closed with lunch, delegates mingled as they ate and continued to network and chat with colleagues. Delegates participating in groupwork at the network learning event.
We are delighted with how well the day went and thank all of you who attended. If you were in attendance, please share your stories of how you applied this learning in your organisations by sending us an email at
Delegates discussing their experiences with positivity.
If you would like copies of the slides and handouts from the network event, please get in touch we would be happy to pass them on to you.
Sneak Peak at the evaluations.. “Excellent session - one of the best I think. Well placed, good speaker, good balance of talk and practical. Thank you!” “Really enjoyed this event. Complimented a previous event on appreciative enquiry.” Julia discussing the links between assertiveness and confidence.
“Excellent. Met the aims and objectives brilliantly!” “Many thanks for the hard work and effort you are putting in.” “Enjoyable, well organised event. Lovely to meet other mentors.” “First time I have attended a scheme event and would like to attend more and update myself with received correspondence. Great introduction to the scheme.”
Working in groups
Deletates completing the networking activity.
“Liked the idea of the 3 positive note book will be doing that and passing the idea on.” “Really well timed for me. I had just identified the need to move forward with mentoring at a 1:1.” “Confidence boost also needed during this time of endings and new beginnings. Very useful - thanks.” Look out for the full evaluation which will be posted in “resources” area in Mentor Net in the coming weeks. mentoring for innovation, integration, leadership
The Mentor April 2013
Mentoring with confidence by Julia Menaul, Leadership Coach and Facilitator, Bath Consultancy Group
Confidence, It’s a strange old word. We use it in lots of different capacities. We talk about personal confidence and even consumer confidence. We even hear about whether the stock market is reacting with confidence. But what does it mean? Last week saw me speaking at the NHS Mentoring Scheme Network event at the Reebok Stadium in Bolton on this topic. One of the things I discussed with the group was the multifaceted nature of confidence. However, Positivity was also a key aspect. Being positive and confident obviously go together. It would be quite difficult to act confidently while thinking negative thoughts! A great exercise you can do to enhance Positivity in your life is this one I use with lots of coaching clients and it also went down well with the NW Mentoring group, as a good foundation for more advanced self esteem building work: Do this exercise and become more positive! Keep a notebook by your bed and each night write 3 things that you appreciate about your day. Focus on small things you are grateful for that maybe you take for granted. Here are some examples from my clients:
Day One
1.Saw two Robins helping themselves to some birdseed I put out 2.My little girl put her arms around me and said “I love you Daddy” 3.Laughing at a funny video on Youtube.
Day Two
1.Got up early and went for a run for first time in ages 2.Jumped on scales and discovered I had lost 2 pounds 3.Hot bath with candles this evening
Day Three
1.Felt kittens move inside my cats tummy 2.Great sunset tonight on drive home 3.Daffodils open on my windowsill
8 The Mentor April 2013
Why you need to train your Brain’s radar to become more positive. As you can see, its about focussing on the small pleasures in life that we often don’t notice because we are busy on our little “hamster wheels”. This is a great way to build Positivity and if like some of my clients you find this difficult to do, notice that you find it difficult and ask, ”Why?”. You will realise that you are not stopping to “smell the roses” enough because there are lots of the above examples happening in your own life. However you have to tune your brain’s radar into seeing them! Here comes the science bit! Just to get technical for a minute…The brain has a part called the Reticular Activating System (RAS) which is rather like a radar. You will have experienced a change in your RAS on a number of occasions: Ever bought a new car and then suddenly noticed there are thousands of others on the road? Put your house up for sale and then noticed all the hundreds of other sale boards? Been pregnant and suddenly see what seems like hundreds of pregnant women everywhere you go? All these things were there before but your brain was filtering them
out, because they were not important to you at the time. Now that it is important, then your brain will consciously be on the look out for your car, house sales and pregnant women! The same applies for the Positivity exercise above so it may take a few days or weeks to really get going but once you tune your brain’s radar you will start to see lots of positive things everyday. Now you have a big list of positive things, so what? Once you have been doing this for a month you can increase the counting to 5 things per day then 10 things per day. It is limitless. It just means you are focusing on more positive things so that the negative gets less of a look in. The added benefit is that it becomes like a journal of your life that you can keep to look back on when you are having a down day. I have kept mine from a number of years ago and it gladdens my heart to see references to my young son excitedly running to me after school; especially now he is a seventeen year old who just grunts at me (if I’m lucky!) So what are you waiting for? Try out the positivity exercise yourself and email the Scheme to let us know how you get on:
What’s new with Mentor Net? Does Mentor Net look a little different recently? That’s because it has undergone some enhancements to assist you even further in managing your mentoring relationships. Here is a summary of the changes you can expect next time you log on. Print all your shared notes!
Session Management
All mentoring sessions that you have undertaken are displayed within that relationship on your Mentor Net account. This allows you to maintain and record the dates and duration of your mentoring appointments which can be transferred to your CPD record.
Your Mentee
Invitation Management
Your Mentee]
All members can now print a full collated set of their saved notes for any current or past relationship. This option can be found within that relationship once you are logged in to Mentor Net.
When mentors receive a mentoring invitation from a mentee, they are now able to add the reason why they are unable to accept the request. This allows mentees to understand why it may not be possible for the mentor to accept at this time e.g. too many mentees already, pressure or time constraints at work, and frees the mentee up to continue with a fresh invitation.
Enhanced Search Feature To ensure our mentees get the best possible results in their searches, the profile area must now be completed in full before clicking the search button. If you have any questions about Mentor Net or would like to chat with a member of the team about your profile, please give us a call on 0161 772 3608 or email us at mentoring for innovation, integration, leadership
The Mentor April 2013
NHS North West Leadership Academy working as a Local Delivery Partner (LDP) Dawn Nisbet, Talent & Corporate Manager, NWLA Having undertaken an authorisation process late last year, to become a Local Delivery Partner (LDP) of the NHS Leadership Academy with oversight from the national team and peer reviewers NHS London, the NHS North West Leadership Academy was licensed to operate as an LDP in December 2012.
As a Local Delivery Partner, the North West Leadership Academy will:
As we go forward into 2013 this means that the North West Leadership Academy will be working more closely with the national NHS Leadership Academy. Their vision is to be a centre of excellence and beacon of best practice on leadership development, owned by the NHS and working for all those involved in NHS funded care. Their mission, which aligns closely to our own is to develop outstanding leadership in health, in order to improve people’s health and their experiences of the NHS.
The authorisation was an invigorating process which highlighted the strong membership model adopted in the North West, the clear balance between stakeholder engagement and system leadership, and strong relationships with members, providers and international partners. It identified that the programmes and products provided by the NHS North West Leadership Academy always ensure that the NHS Constitution and values are at the heart of all activity and that all work is underpinned by the Leadership Framework.
• Communicate local needs and intelligence • •
• •
to inform national strategy and priorities Identify, share and spread best practice Provide local support for the national delivery of the Talent Management Strategy Provide local, operational management of the NHS Graduate Management Trainee Scheme Develop, test and pilot development for wider learning Deliver the Academy’s funded programmes
As the NHS landscape continues to change with new and developing organisations, mentoring, along with coaching and other development opportunities, are vital in enabling us all to be the best we can be. With the NHS North West Leadership Academy’s developing role as an LDP and the need to provide regional support to the national core programmes, the NHS NW Mentoring Scheme has been extended for a further year to ensure the fantastic work continues. Working with Champions across the region will also ensure that mentoring is embedded within organisations’ internal leadership development strategies as well as continuing the vibrant regional mentoring community that has been established over the years.
There were also areas of innovative practice which were commended during this process, including the annual cycle of stakeholder engagement and business planning, the innovative use of communication and media and the talent management plan and 2013 will see the North West Leadership Academy build and develop further on these areas of excellence. 10 The Mentor April 2013
Contact Address NHS North West Leadership Academy 5th Floor 3 Piccadilly Place Manchester M1 3BN Email Phone 0161 625 7348
North West Mentoring Scheme Calendar of Events Date Event Venue Time 17/04/13 Mentor Development Day
Whiston Hospital, Merseyside
9.15am – 4.30pm
Mentor Development Day (Finance and Informatics)
Halton Hospital, Runcorn
9.15am – 4.30pm
16/05/13 Mentor Development Day
Birchwood Centre, Warrington
9.15am – 4.30pm
Royal Blackburn Hospital, 9.15am – 4.30pm Lancashire
Mentor Development Day (East Lancashire Trust Staff Only)
24/05/13 Mentor Development Day
Whiston Hospital, Merseyside
9.15am – 4.30pm
06/06/13 Annual Conference 2013 19/06/13 Mentor Development Day
Norton Grange, Rochdale
9.30am – 5.00pm
Birchwood Centre, Warrington
9.15am – 4.30pm
21/06/13 Mentor Development Day
Whiston Hospital, Merseyside
9.15am – 4.30pm
15/07/13 Mentor Development Day
Whiston Hospital, Merseyside
9.15am – 4.30pm
6th Annual Mentoring Conference 2013
6th June 2013 9.30am - 4.30pm Mercure Norton Grange Hotel Manchester Road, Castleton, Rochdale, Greater Manchester, OL11 2XZ
Workshops, Awards Ceremony, Scheme Updates, Networking, Prize Draw....
Register now online at
mentoring for innovation, integration, leadership
The Mentor April 2013
@nwmentoring Follow us on Twitter: • find out what’s happening. • share resources. • read what other mentors are saying. • join the conversation!
The North West Mentoring Scheme Greater Manchester West Mental Health Foundation Trust Harrop House Bury New Road Prestwich Manchester M25 3BL Telephone: 0161 772 3608 Email: web: