Splash Pad sumter county parks and recreation
project data sheet Project Name:
Splash Pad Planting Plan
Boone Park
Develop a vegetative plan with preference to tropical and kid-friendly plants. Provide shade for users and keep the lawn open for use.
Archway Contact:
Barbara Grogan, Archway Professional Archway Partnerhip
Community Contacts:
Lynn Taylor, County Administrator Sumter County
Date of Initial Site Visit:
Tim Estes, Director Sumter County Parks and Recreation Department
Students Assigned:
Christopher Scott Thornton Amanda Inez Thornton
Final Products:
Planting plan and plant list.
Date Delivered:
July 2009
May 2009
existing photos
The Splash Pad at Boone Park is a place where children can come in the summer time to cool off from the heat. The photos above are of the current conditions shortly after construction has been completed. In order to make this place a cooler more shaded environment, the following pages show a suggested vegetative plan for this site.
vegetative plan
Catalpa bignoides Catalpa
Sabal palmato Sabal Palm
Planters see Plant List
Benches Cubbies
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Canna x generalis Canna Lily
plant list Botanical Name
Common Name
Landscape Value
Trees Catalpa bignoides Sabal palmato
Catalpa Sabal Palm
Deciduous Evergreen
SUMMER: White flower No attractive blooms or fruit
Shrubs Canna x generalis Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Canna Lilies Hibiscus
Herbaceous Perennial Evergreen
SUMMER to FALL: Bright blooms SUMMER to FALL: Bright blooms
In Planters: Kaempferia rotunda Hippeastrum species
Tropical Crocus Amaryllis
Herbaceous Perennial Bulbous Perennial
Purple blooms before leaves SPRING: Bright blooms