Plant Operations 2013 Newsletter

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Spring 2013


Plant Operations Newsletter University of Houston Welcome Center

Portal entry view of new Robertson Stadium


This Issue People & Places is the newsletter for the UH Plant Operations Department and is published throughout the year. Editorial Staff: Jacquie Vargas; Communications Manager Amanda Nguyen; Communications Intern For more information visit: Plant Operations website: Facebook: UniversityOfHoustonPlantOperations


02 Letter from the Executive Director

09 Big Belly Solar Program Q&A

03 Robertson Stadium

10 FM Leadership Team Earns Professional Credentials

04 FPC Planning Department “Look Ahead�

11 University Center

FPC Achievements Continue to Grow

13 You Can Make A Difference

05 Cougar Village II Has Topping Out Ceremony

14 New Water Bottle Filling Stations

06 Introducing Adopt-A-Spot

15 Staff Collaborations with Faculty & Students

07 Facilities Management: Enhancing The Student Experience

16 KUDOS Customer Satisfaction Survey

Letter from the Executive Director We Are UH, We Think Therefore We Are! Facilities Management, Becoming Benchmarks for Service, Stewardship & Sustainability As we move into the spring, I want to thank both our staff and customers for their dedication and commitment throughout the past year. A significant amount of effort has gone into preparing for the spring transition and weather changes. Everyone has done a great job and I have every confidence that we will continue this success into the New Year. I would also like to take this time to update you on some key changes in the organization. During the recent Town Hall meetings we talked in detail about building off the past reorganizations and moving into our new Strategy & Planning Phase. Past reorganizations have created the framework to enable FM to become a core component of the universities research, residential, teaching and outreach mission. We are serving as stewards of physical and service resources in the quest for excellence. Our primary focus for the future year is:

• Collaboration, Partnership, Stewardship & Planning • Research, residential, teaching, outreach & services • Sustainability & Energy Management • Internal/external Partnerships • Enhanced Funding Achieved on All New Space – APPA 3 • Multi-Year Plan (2 & 5 year Business & Program Plans) • Technology & Process Improvement (organizational stewardship) • People - communication, values, team based environment, goals • Transparency & Performance Metrics • Financial (contracts, efficiencies, alternate delivery models, core services)

Over the next year you will see a critical emphasis on the item summarized above as well as an introduction to our new department service statement “We Are UH, We Think Therefore We Are, Becoming Benchmarks for Service, Stewardship & Sustainability. Our commitment to our customers, staff and service mission will be highlighted in all of our activities and we encourage you to follow the following links to stay updated on our progress and programs. Thank you for your continued support & GO COOGS!

–Melissa Rockwell-Hopkins

Look forward to a letter from Facilities Planning & Construction’s Executive Director Jonathan Thurston in the Summer 2013 Newsletter.

Plant Operations Newsletter


ROBERTSON STADIUM On December 3, 2012, the demolition of Robertson Stadium marked the beginning of construction on the new University of Houston Football Stadium. The new stadium will be oriented to align with the adjacent buildings and the surrounding campus circulation. The playing surface will be a state-of-the-art synthetic turf designed to host a multitude of events such as high school football games, band practice, and intramural events. With over 40,000 seats, the stadium will feature approximately 5,000 premium seats Southwest aerial view including 766 armchair style padded club seats, 2,778 armchair seats and 1,201 benches with backs. The stadium will have 210,000 square feet of air conditioned space which will include club facilities, 26 suites, press box facilities, locker rooms, meeting rooms, concessions, central commissary, and a UH Athletics Ticket Office. The Bert F. Winston Band and Performance Center will house the Spirit of Houston Band recital halls and classroom spaces, as well as a gallery/multi-purpose area. The stylish club area will be the ultimate Houston football experience. With 12,400 square feet of multipurpose club area overlooking the playing field, fans with access to the club area will enjoy upscale food and drinks while receiving first-class hospitality. The stadium will also feature 34 loge boxes located throughout the stadium. The elevated stands are designed to be expanded in the future, while still preserving views to downtown Houston. The New Stadium has been designed using green/sustainable principles and for future expansion to 60,000 seats. Construction is scheduled to be complete in August 2014.


Southeast corner

FPC Planning Department “Look Ahead” • C ontinuing Services Contracts – Preparing RFQs for advertisement including Geotechnical and Materials Testing, Commissioning, and Air Balance and Testing service categories. • M ultidisciplinary Engineering and Research Building – Developing Project Control Budgets and supporting documentation for various development scenarios for the Division of Research and Cullen College of Engineering to provide research lab and support space. • U HD Girard Street Garage and Welcome Center – Architectural and Engineering selection and CMaR selection process is ongoing for the 400 vehicle replacement parking garage to include a Visitor Welcome Center and an academic support floor. • G raduate College of Social Work – Updating/confirming the program document for complete building renovation of the 40+ year old 63,500 gsf facility. • U HV Apartment Properties Acquisition – Evaluating property condition assessments and tabulating renovation costs for 50+ year old apartment structures to be re-purposed as student dormitories.

FPC Achievements Continue To Grow Throughout the past year, Facilities Planning and Construction staff have celebrated many achievements: • E va Lyon received a Master of Science in Construction Management from the University of Houston in June and Chad Thome received a Master of Library Science from the University of North Texas in December. • Kelly Buehler and Jeanne LaMontagne have become LEED certified. • M aggie Manley and Luiza Maal are licensed architects, and Larkin Buechmann is a licensed master plumber. • S heree Pearce obtained a certification in Information Systems Security. In addition to presenting and attending numerous conferences, staff were offered nine various training opportunities by FPC. Several FPC projects have been recognized, including the Jack J. Valenti School of Communication Expansion project for which Bartlett Cocke General Contractors won the Texas Building Branch Outstanding Construction Award for its category ($2 million-$5 million). In addition, the ERP Building 4 Lobby was published in the Impact Architectural Lighting catalog.

04 Plant Operations Newsletter


The Cougar Village II project team celebrated a milestone in the construction of the new residential facility by holding a topping out ceremony on Jan. 24 at the project site. “Topping Out� is a construction tradition that marks the achievement of placing the final topmost board or beam, or in the case of a concrete structure like Cougar Village II, the last concrete roof deck pour. It is an opportunity to thank the many workers for their efforts. A hearty sit-down barbecue lunch was served to approximately 225 people who have contributed to the project. In attendance were Dr. Carl Carlucci and Emily Messa from Administration and Finance; Jonathan Thurston, John Posch and Dean Ruck from Facilities Planning and Construction; Don Yackley and other Student Housing and staff; as well as representatives from the general contractor Austin Commercial and project architect KSQ / Brave. Cougar Village II will open this fall.




Facilities Management has launched a new program, Adopt-A-Spot, designed to encourage community ownership of our wonderful campus and to prevent littering through beautification and maintenance. FM feels that a cleaner and more beautiful university campus is a great asset to attracting students, faculty and staff, and businesses to our area while instilling a greater pride in our campus community. Individuals, organizations, faculty and staff can Adopt-A-Spot. All that’s important is you agree that litter is an eyesore and you’re ready to provide some relief.



1- Master of Public Administration 2- American Advertising Federation 3- A&F (Administration & Finance) 2

06 Plant Operations Newsletter

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: ENHANCING THE STUDENT EXPERIENCE In contemplating the student experience on a university campus, one often thinks in terms of student orientation, academic coursework, social interactions, final exams, and ultimately, graduation – often forgetting the importance of the physical built environment as part of that experience. The University understands the impact the built environment can have on student success and accomplishment and as steward, the University works tirelessly to conserve, sustain, and future plan for the university’s facilities and grounds. Facilities Management plays a significant role in this stewardship process. The following is a list of completed and ongoing campus projects and initiatives focusing on cleaning, lighting, space management, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, painting and flooring, life safety and security, elevators, windows, grounds, signage, and even the Koi pond. Toral FM Projects Completed in 2012 – Total Number of FM Projects Ongoing – Total

54 48 102

COMPLETED PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS (June 2012 through November 2012) Interior Projects • Classroom buildings project cleaning • Whiteboard and chalkboard replacement • L ight bulb and fixture replacement and cleaning in all classrooms • C emo Hall Classroom/Auditorium Electrical Upgrades • C omputing Center and General Services Building, Security Access System Upgrade • College of Architecture, Room 435A Renovation • C ollege of Architecture, Access Security Upgrade • Engineering 2, Room W345, Server Lab HVAC • Heyne classroom room 203 • H ilton Continuing Education – Renewal of all classrooms • Fine Arts classroom room 110 • M .D. Anderson Library Red Wing new storefront entrance • S cience Research I, room 607-G – Convert lab to student study room • S cience Research I, room 128 – Convert classroom to student study room


• Technology II classroom 105 • M .D. Anderson Library room 106 – Convert room for ADA student use • Technology – Install projection screens • S HRL TV Security Upgrade – Installation of electronic security devices • M oody Tower Computer Room Renovation – Renovation of the Moody Tower C-Store • Moody Tower Sanitary System Repair • Quadrangle Security Upgrades • M.D. Anderson Library Video Wall • Moody Tower Security Upgrade • SHRL Laundry Room Upgrades • C alhoun Lofts Apartment Terrance/Lounge Security Upgrade • Cougar Village Elevator Controls Upgrade • Moody Tower Elevator Modernization Phase I • Quadrangle HVAC Repairs • Campus Recreation Center • Clinical Research Center • Farish Hall – Remodeling of existing Suite 112 • Krost Hall – Renovated existing book stack area

Exterior Projects • Fine Arts Refresh • Metal fencing and rails • P ower washing of exterior campus way-finding signage • Fire hydrant and fire hose sites • Interior Campus Curb cut painting, weeding and cleanup near curbs • P arking lot maintenance –selective asphalt and concrete repair and resurfacing • C ampus fountain refreshing – drained, cleaned and painted fountains • G eneral grounds and landscaping repairs – Bare spots and “cow paths” • K iosk installation – This project added five additional kiosk locations • Trash can lid replacement • C ampus Cleanup Day Event – July event 100 faculty, staff and student volunteers collected

more than 732 pounds of waste, an increase of 23% from last year’s event • Houston Science Center • University Center, Roof Repair • Houston Science Center • Install exterior bike racks – College of Business • Calhoun Lofts – Repair window leaks • A rchitecture library room 106 – Install A.D.A. door operator on entrance door • Trailer Village – Temporary parking lot, located adjacent to the Law Center • Temporary Parking Lot at Law Center – Installed site lighting for student safety/security • Y-Building Parking – Convert Y-building concrete slab to temp parking for students • Y-Building Deconstruction and Law Center Parking

PLANNED PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS (Completion Winter 2012) Interior Projects • Refresh Classroom buildings project cleaning • C lassroom Count Furniture and Repair Review – all classrooms (general maintenance) • F urnish and Installation of projectors and related equipment • C ameron –repair exterior façade issues and prevent water infiltration • Engineering Lecture Hall • Cameron Sound Abatement for rooms 103 and 105 • Engineering Lecture Hall room W122 • Moody Tower Conference Room Renovation • Wortham Theatre Fire Sprinkler Installation • Melcher Hall, Room 102 and 111 HVAC Upgrade • S tudent Services Center I & II and Health Center

-- Fire Alarm System Upgrade • M.D. Anderson Library • C ollege of Business classroom podium modifications • M .D. Anderson Library pilot Lactation room/ Mother’s Room • Athletic Center • Melcher Gym/Charter School • SERC • S cience and Research 1 – Renovated Lab 41 for equipment/research relocation • S cience and Research 1 – Renovating Labs 138/140 • F arish Hall Restroom Renovation – (anticipated completion: March 2013)

Exterior Projects • C ollege Of Technology ADA Automatic Door Installation • Architecture East Loading dock entry doors • Calhoun Lofts, Repair Roof Top Units (RTUs) • R efurbish Campus Directories: Frame repairs, replace Plexiglas, maps, painting and cleaning • C ampus wide: Numerous broken window

replacement and repairs – ongoing for safety and appearance • L ibrary Cow Path Repair: Install new plantings and repair damaged turf for cow path • M iscellaneous Utility Landscape Repair: Repair areas disturbed by utility repair work • Koi Pond Refresh Continued on p. 7

08 Plant Operations Newsletter

FM: Enhancing Student Experience continued from p. 6

ONGOING FM MAINTENANCE AND RENEWAL COMMITMENTS • C lassroom Custodial Coordinator – full-time classroom support position will manage and track custodial facility inspections, implement quality assurance processes, and oversee cleaning projects starting in Spring 2013 • M aintenance Technicians – two full-time maintenance technicians will provide classroom preventive maintenance, classroom furniture repair, and level one (non-technical) repair services • A nnual winter and summer classroom cleaning (summer full clean, winter refresh) through the utilization of contracted cleaning companies • Inventory and repair/replacement of broken or damaged classroom furniture – furniture inventory will be conducted during winter break with repairs or replacement occurring as quickly as possible thereafter

BIG BELLY SOLAR PROGRAM Q&A Q: H ow much does one regular trash can at UH hold? A: C urrent containers on campus hold anywhere from 20-30 gallons. Q: H ow long can the Big Belly go before it’s full if it doesn’t need to be emptied everyday? A: Big Belly is typically picked up once a week. Q: H ow much money will the Big Belly program save? What will the saved money go toward? A: T he program will save an estimated $95,040 a year. Any money saved will be used for operational expense such as new containers, equipment and supplies. Q: W ill UH eventually phase out all of the regular trash cans and recycling bins and replace them with Big Bellies? A: T here is hope that most will be phased out. However, there are areas where the solar power units will not work. In those areas, we will need regular (larger) trash receptacles. As well, there are no plans to have them in the parking lots at this time.


Q: W hy should this program matter to students? A: S tudents will find the units easier to use with its larger capacity and it prevents wind blown debris. Q: How much is the program? A: T he program cost is currently being put together at this time. This cost will include all units, pads for the units, delivery and freight. Campus wide, there will be 91 units. Q: H ow much does one Big Belly recycling container and trash bin cost? A: U nit combo unit (trash & recycling) costs $5,589, which includes lifetime WIFI upgrades. Q: When did the pilot program start? A: Mid-November 2010. Q: How many Big Belly’s are on campus? A: T here is a total of 13 units on campus at this time. There is also a map available that reflects all trash & recycling containers.

FM Leadership Team Earns Professional Credentials Facilities Management actively supports employee professional development and to announce that, since November 2012, 43 FM staff members have successfully prestigious and rigorous IFMA Facility Management Professional (FMP) credential. FM a total of 65 staff members to have completed the FMP credential process by the end

is pleased earned the is targeting of 2013.

The FMP credential is offered through the International Facilities Management Association’s (IFMA) certification program and is an internationally-recognized comprehensive industry standard of foundational knowledge and skills. This knowledge-based credential is earned through a rigorous course of study in four domains: operations and maintenance, project management, finance and business essentials, and leadership strategy and planning. FM staff members who have received their FMP credential: Brittanee Adams, James Ballowe, Jerry Bogna, Michael Burriello, Ted Hair, Sameer Kapileshwari, Joe Morris, Ray Mosley, Jim Norcom, Avinash Rahurkar, Cynthia Ramos, George Rea, Melissa Rockwell-Hopkins, Jacquie Vargas, Carlos Villarreal, Roger Warner, Mike Aguilar, Henry Anderson, Richard Day, Karina Duran, Jack Enochs, Shannon Jones, Kathy Kabus, Ken Oliver, James Prochaska, Barry Simmons, Rey Tajonera, Susan Vail, Michael Washington, Mike Wetzel, Mike Wheeler, Craig Whitfield, Steve Wright, Sammy Baker, Kimberly Burks, Jessie Craig, Sean Furman, Jack Gill, Art Hajecate, Greg Hanley, Juan Olivarez, Beverly Neighbors Ross, and Liliana Simmonds. Facilities Management has additional professional development opportunities underway. IFMA’s SFP is an assessment-based program with a specialty credential in sustainability and is intended for practitioners with a baseline of FM industry knowledge and who are interested in expanding an expertise in sustainable facility management. The SFP covers three focus areas: strategy and alignment for sustainable facility management, management of sustainable facilities, and operation of sustainable facilities. FM is targeting a total of 65 staff members to have earned the SFP credential by the end of 2013. In addition to the FMP and SFP, FM supervisors, managers and leadership will also participate in emergency certification training in preparation for storm season. This schedule of professional development opportunities is aggressive but Facilities Management leadership is committed to preparing staff with the necessary portfolio of skills and credentials to continue to serve as a university resource for stewardship, sustainability and emergency preparedness. In fact, Melissa Rockwell-Hopkins, Executive Director, and Jacquie Vargas, Communications Manager, just recently earned national recognition from IFMA for outstanding achievement in facility management training and professional development. The awards recognized their effort, involvement, and support of facility management education as key to FM’s continued commitment to successful professional development program.

10 Plant Operations Newsletter

UNIVERSITY CENTER The University Center opened its doors in 1967, and other than an underground expansion that opened in the early 1970s, it has seen little in the way of renovation or upgrades since then. In 2008, students chaired a fee referendum to voluntarily raise their fees to finance a comprehensive renovation of the University Center facilities. As part of the referendum process, six ‘must have’ design principles were established: Arbor

• Creating a one-of-a-kind experience, that epitomizes student life and student success at UH • Become the Provider of Choice for Activities, Services and Facilities for the UH community • Foster a Sense of Place by Enhanced Formal and Informal Spaces • Enhance the Food Service Program • Cultivate a Convenient and Centralized Retail Zone • Create a Synergistic Student Organization Center Since the original concept proposed during the 2008 referendum, the University Center has undergone a number of significant changes in scope and program, but the six concepts enumerated above have consistently remained throughout each design iteration. Beginning in July of 2012, ground was broken on the transformed University Center. The construction and renovation is a thirty month project broken into two phases. At the end of the first phase, the north addition to the complex, UC North, will open, as well as renovated spaces on the ground floor and first floor of the current UC and an adjoining East Addition which features a 450-seat theater. The second phase ends in January of 2015, at which point the entire transformed University Center will be open to the campus community. As is appropriate for a building financed entirely by student fees, the Transformed University Center is truly a student-centric building representative of the pride of the campus community. Several key features exhibit this especially well. UC North, opening in January 2014, will feature a new home for student organizations and student services. In stark contrast to the poorly lit underground space student organizations had pre-renovation, UC North features floor to ceiling windows letting in natural light and allowing students to truly see the activity within the building. The number of spaces for registered student organizations is increasing from


Southwest corner

North addition

36 to over 100, new and expanded offices are available for high-profile student organizations like the Student Program Board and Frontier Fiesta Association, and the Student Government Association can now even look forward to a dedicated Senate Chamber for their meetings, reserved exclusively for their use every Wednesday night into perpetuity. Inside the existing University Center, the creation of a number of major lounge spaces will provide students with more opportunities for meeting friends, studying, or just relaxing between classes. The Arbor, which used to be an open-air space, will feature a grand staircase with a tiered lounge. The windows above this space will be emblazoned with a word cloud featuring 90 words submitted by students, selected from over 300 total entries. Outside the University Center, a meditation garden surrounds a piece of steel from the World Trade Center site. This space is designed to both honor the memories of those who came before and to provide students a meaningful location to reflect. Other key features of the transformed University Center complex include: • N ew and expanded dining options, featuring Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A, Panda Express, McDonald’s, and Freshii (a healthy/vegetarian-friendly concept) • A comprehensive conference center on the 2nd floor • N ew medium and large event spaces, including a 600-seat ballroom and a 450-seat theater • A renovated Games Room Exterior plaza • A new 2-story bookstore • A centralized retail corridor featuring Shasta’s Ice Cream, Woodforest National Bank, and more Student feedback for the project has been overwhelmingly supportive. At a recent christening ceremony for the building, Cedric Bandoh, SGA President, said “The New UC will truly be a point of pride for the campus community, and the North Addition is sure to be the epicenter of campus involvement.” Construction continues on schedule, and by January of 2015, students, faculty, and staff can all look forward to one of the most exciting campus buildings in Texas officially opening its doors fully.


Plant Operations Newsletter

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Facilities Management is making great strides in its efforts to reduce the amount of garbage taken to the landfill. Our goal is to reach a 40% diversion rate by FY2020. Campus wide diversion rate for FY13 was a modest 25.14%. WE CAN DO MORE. In an effort to recycle more and reduce our impact on the environment, a program has been adopted by the Facilities Management to decrease garbage and increase recycling. The action plan is the new “Single Stream” recycling program. “Single Stream” recycling is the process in which all recyclable items are placed in one container and are sorted off site at a recycling facility and then reused. This is a lot like the recycling program we all participate in at our homes. With the switch to single stream recycling, campus community members can now place ALL accepted recyclable items—paper, glass, plastic, cardboard—into ANY recycling container on campus. SO HOW DOES THE PROGRAM WORK? FOLLOW THESE EASY STEPS. • S tart by placing all recyclable items into ANY recycling container on campus - This includes all paper, aluminum, plastic, glass and small cardboard boxes. • W hen you want to empty contents of your office or desk side recycling bins, take them to the centralized recycling station which is located on one of the floors of your building on campus. • The containers will be emptied by our recycling staff. Acceptable materials that can go in the single-stream containers include: • Cardboard and food-free pizza boxes • Phonebooks, catalogs, and paperback books • Newspapers and inserts • Junk mail and envelopes • Tin or steel cans • Brown paper bags • Plastic bottles and containers #1-5 & #7 (no Styrofoam) • Office, school paper, scratch pads, and manila folders • Aluminum cans, beverage containers, clean aluminum foil • Magazines, brochures, and pamphlets Regulated wastes (e.g. batteries, bulbs, etc.), confidential items and hazardous materials are not a part of this program and should continue to be disposed of properly. While dumpsters across campus are currently being relabeled to reflect the changes in the recycling program, bins labeled "Paper" or "Containers," our campus community can place recyclables in either bin. 13

New Water Bottle Filling Stations To promote water sustainability and to reduce the number of plastic water bottles going into landfills, Facilities Management has initiated a pilot project that will install water bottle refill stations in classroom buildings across campus. There are four pilot locations located across campus with plans to expand the program to approximately 40 additional facilities. The water bottle filling stations will replace the standard water fountains and will add the benefits of incorporating a second water filter to the water supply as well as a station use counter. This counter will track how many times the filling station is used, which will give an indication of how many water bottles are not being tossed into the trash. After just weeks of being installed, the first two filling station counters indicated that 2,174 fills had occurred. Spread out over the course of a year at the present rate, just these two locations alone could account for an estimated 56,524 water bottles being saved from the landfill. Plans for the continuation and expansion of this program are being developed within Facilities Management, including mapping the locations, type of units to be installed, and material and labor costs.

14 Plant Operations Newsletter


Faculty & Students

On behalf of my students in ENGL 3341, Business and Professional Writing, I would like to thank you for coming to our class today to discuss sustainability efforts and program initiatives on campus. Your PowerPoint presentation, "We Think - Therefore We Are: Becoming Benchmarks for Sustainability, Service and Stewardship," was professional, informative, and fascinating. We learned a lot from your presentation, and I know we all have even more respect than we did before your visit for everything you do on campus. I want to add that I feel you are all wonderful ambassadors for the university, and, on a personal note, I am thrilled that you are so engaged in your own continuing education. That is an excellent model for all students and faculty here at the University of Houston. I appreciate your offer of continuing to be available for questions from students or from me. Again, I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to visit our Business and Professional Writing class today. – Paul Butler, Associate Professor, University of Houston Department of English

*In response to class presentation by Michael Burriello, Jacquie Vargas, and James Ballowe, FM leadership team members.

The purpose of FM’s collaborations with student groups and classes is to inform as many people as possible of the commitment to a more Sustainable campus. Projects such as Adopt-A-Spot, Big Bellies and WaterBottle Fill Stations demonstrate the need to involve all of the campus in supporting Sustainability and Sustainable projects. Sustainability is not a project. It is an on-going necessity to preserve our precious environment for ourselves and future generations. Small steps such as these initial projects will lead to a deeper understanding of what is needed from all of us to move to a more Sustainable society. UH FM wants to help those understand the many aspects of Sustainability and Sustainable efforts and welcome the opportunities of speaking with groups or classes.



Plant Operations employees are recognized throughout the year for their hard work and dedication by colleagues and students. One such example was recently received: “I would like to thank: Jesse [Gonzalez], Baldemar Pinal and Jesus Marcelino (primary tech I believe) for their excellent drive and their understanding of the importance of this unit to the success of the College as a whole.� – Timothy C. Rosas, CITE Operations Manager, Center for Information Technology in Education

For the full list of those recognized and similar examples, visit the Plant Ops website.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Facilities Management has rolled out an updated Customer Satisfaction Survey to targeted customers who utilize the services and programs of Facilities Management on a routine basis. This short survey will be distributed twice a year and the distribution has been separated by customer type. The survey was distributed to a targeted audience consisting of: 1. Building Coordinators (non-auxiliary) 2. Deans/Asst. Deans/Dept. Chairs 3. College Division Administrators The Customer Satisfaction Survey will focus on the following topics: 1. Billable services 2. Support services 3. Facilities programs 4. Customer service This survey is being used to assess satisfaction with FM teams (ex. Minor In House - MIC construction team, minor and planned project team). It will also assess satisfaction with FM service areas (ex. Facilities Service Center, building coordinator program, maintenance, custodial, grounds, recycling, etc.). Facilities Management plans to utilize the data to help continue to advance service in the following areas: 1) afford better service and programmatic delivery, 2) assess and rate critical success factors and 3) develop new services and programs tailored to meet the changing and growing needs of our campus customers. 16 Plant Operations Newsletter

University of Houston Plant Operations 4211 Elgin Suite 122 Houston, TX 77204-1011

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