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I am UN.


an introduction

This portfolio consists of some of my valued works done in the 9 years of pursuing architecture education and my own practice. The selected works include projects done during my under graduation, employment competitions ,collaborations as well as in my own practice.

These curated projects suggest my principles in architectural practice which is driven by the concept of sustainability and structured urbanisation . They also suggest my beliefs in how the profession can be revolutionised in the country.

Through a series of creative collaborations and social engagements , have personally worked with people from different ages and backgrounds within the last 4 years. This has helped me developed the skills for carrying out at variety of projects and variety of scales .

The process of becoming “THE NU” from “THE UN” polished person that I was during my undergraduation is represented through the series of my selected works.

here’s what’s inside


02 03 04 05 06

baha’i temple

machnoor village

dilli fir se diagonal fuse

wellness resort dial terminal 4

with few extra details
urban design project academic residential project professional hospitality project professional infrastructure project academic
settlement documentation project academic religious building project competition

Project Status Concept

Location Delhi | India

Project Role Academic Student

Area 25 acres

Project Type Urban design


being larger than humans, often dares to compete with revolution. Architecture by itself is about Hard and Soft, Light and Shade, Hot and Cold, Top and Middle and Bottom, Outside and Inside, Mass and Surface, Order and Disorder, Instant and Duration, the String and the Net.........


is a proud child of architecture, with an ambition to capture the reality and the idea of the city with its humans and non humans, its voids and solids, to channels and flows.

Whether “AAM” shahar or “SMART” city?

Delhi city, India’s non parochial metropolis,with a multitude of People with its deep History and wide Geography, always remains full of difficult challenges to confront and full of abundant possibilities to celebrate new VISIONS for coming times, for Architecture and Urban design.




Identifying the major asset to our urban design project i.e Najafgarh Drain.

Historically it was a clean river which eventually was converted to a drain due to rapid urbanisation in the capital city of New Delhi.

After critically analysing the site context, we saw a huge opportunity in developing public space. Our basic concept is therefore

WATER ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT. We tried to formulate policies and present a prototype which will be replicated throughout the city

Condition of the drain was
full of
and chaos
walkways and playing area post cleaning of drain
3D Graphic view of the proposed development around Najafgarh Drain. A module developed on the concept of Water Oriented Development. Collection of Drain and Sewage in an area Transferring to Biogas settler Cycle of DEWATS system INNOVATING DEWATS SYSTEM: A PROGRESSIVE SOLUTION Non- Potable water Sedimentation area Anaerobic filter

Plot G & H, I - Mixed Use

30% Residential & 70% Commercial

Guideline 7: All the buildings should be aligned in the North-South direction, preferably tilted 15 degrees towards the south east with the major facade facing the Najafgarh drain for ventilation and natural view.

Guideline 8: The buildings should be designed on the periphery of the site to create a central green public space for the users.

Plot D- Residential Low rise High-density Housing

Guideline 4: A low-rise (G+3) high-density residential area for the economically weaker sections, with 50% ground coverage and height restriction of 12 m.

Plots A ,B & C- Mixed Use

70% Residential & 30% Commercial

Guideline 1: Surface area of the facade facing south-west should be maximized so as to receive more area for solar panelling.

Guideline 2: All the terraces should be green with provision for urban farming to provide them insulation and prevent heat island effect.

Guideline 3: Winter & Summer gardens should be provide in the towers according to the desired alignment to give climate adaptive spaces for the residents to use.

Plot E- Commercial Hotel & Retail

Guideline 5: At least 2 floors of the retail should be proposed from the ground floor on every mixed use site to create active areas on the streets. These retail spaces would form a pedestal on which the towers would rest.

Guideline 6: With buildings more than 70% glazed surface should be equipped with Radiant Chilled Cooling System.

Plot K - Mixed Use

30% Residential & 70% Commercial

Guideline 9: The maximum height of the building is 100 storeys.

Plot F&J - Recreational Greens

Guideline 10: DEWATS System ( which converts Grey water from sewage to fresh water for irrigation and recharging water bodies) should be installed in large public green lots.

Plot L - Institutional School & Hospital

Plot M - Mixed Use 30% Residential & 70% Commercial

Guideline 12: Plots K & M have been allowed 80% ground coverage due to site constraints.

Guideline 13: Environment friendly modes of transportation (E-rickshaws, cycles, Metro, water taxis) have been proposed and promoted for use on the site.

Guideline 11: Passive measures such as solar shading techniques and passive ventilation and heat recovery techniques (courtyards) must be employed in the design.

urban design guidelines


baha’i house of worship

Emmy Award Winning writer and director Mr. Mithaq Kazimi was someone connected via social media. Together with Architect Arnav Bhatnagar, took part in the competition for the International Bahai’i Temple in Bihar, India. Internationally we achieved a position within the top 5 candidates.

The temple is designed to draw humanity closer to the Divine, to that quest for personal and collective perfection, betterment, refinement and a longing for Togetherness and unity. Stone, glass, wood and steel become spiritual, and in turn, the measurable becomes immeasurable.

Openness and transparency are fundamental to both the structure and its site. The Bahá’í House of Worship can be accessed by nine entrances located at regular intervals around the domed structure, while curving paths lead visitors on walking meditations through the sloped landscape.

Project Status Concept Location Bihar | India

Project Role Concept Architect Area 5 acres Project Type Public
Namaste and the flow of energy FORM CONCEPT Golden spiral & elevation PLAN CONCEPT Baha’i symbol &its interpretation FORM EVOLUTION Development of FORM MASTER PLAN Overall zoning & Planning

machnoor documentation

Machnoor is a municipality in Telangana state of India. It was Originally called, “Badi Ekkelli” which was later changed to Machnoor for Muhammad Machinddin, a member of the Sufi aristocrat.

In my first year of architecture under-graduation we were assigned a project to document various villages in the Zaheerabad district of Telangana . I was allocated the task to study the vernacular architecture of the village and the materials used for its construction.

All the drawings were supposed to be hand-drawn and drafted with rotring ink pen with as much as detailing as possible. spent 10 days to measuring the whole village and I have shared some of my drawing work in this spread.

Project Status Completed Location Machnoor | India

Project Role Academic Student Area 2 acres Project Type Documentation



This is a cluster plan of the village I studied . The original planning is very organic and is centered around the historic monument of the village called burju , also known as the watch tower.

entrance view of the village cluster

panoramic view of the village cluster

cluster plan

isometric view of typical house

The isometric view shows a typical house of the village that I studied in depth.

The materials used to construct the house were mud and laterite stone. The house was traditionally planned around the central courtyard which improved ventilation and lighting while also acting as a transitional space.


neilambar wellness resort

Ar. Love Choudhary taught me to appreciate the human scale of understanding frames and how the senses play a role in the experiences of the building. Under his guidance, I worked as a sustainability and contour specialist to develop an Experimental resort in the foothills of the Himalayas focusing on designing the third crystal therapy in the world.

Set amidst the hilly ranges of Dunera on the border between Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, the site is endowed with densely vegetated contours with a river skirting its lower edges. With an ambient temperature all year long, it invites within its vast expanse of lush green, an experience to wash away the toxicity of the polluted cities and to replenish the soul. It is well-wedged between the city of Pathankot and the hilltown of Dalhousie- its proximity to Pathankot makes it an ideal weekend getaway and its location on the tourist map of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh makes the site a prime tourist destination, inviting to its abode tourists and city-dwellers alike. The resort is designed to be sustainable venture with a potential to get a GRIHA-3

Project Status Ongoing Location Dunera | India Project Role Assistant Architect Area 42 acres Project Type Hospitality

The site plan addresses the expected user-flows identified and is distinctly divided into two zonesThe Public Zone; which provides an entertaining respite for the city-dwellers during weekends, and provides a glimpse into the local culture for the tourists.

The Private Zone; which welcomes the visitors who seek rejuvenation through the Wellness Resort, each zone an attempt to ground the user through architecture and experience.


Envisioned as a habitation space for those who tap into the wellness programs offered in the resort or for anyone who seeks a short escape with their loved ones, the hotel is designed as clusters of rooms, placed to adapts to the hilly terrain prevalent in the site with each room offering scenic views of the valley. These clusters flank the central line of spaces which are kept for common amenities, such that a comfortable distance is maintained between the living quarters and their supporting services. Careful consideration was given while planning the Circulation organically so as to invoke a sense of walking within a dense forest, each turn promising a new perspective of an all-surrounding beauty.

PORTFOLIO/OCT/2022/ARCHITECTURE site trees landscape ridge slope
at 10
at 36
channels sun path slope at 46
outside view of the entrance to the reception waiting area inside reception site plan

User starts the journey by entering into the reception area.



The journey that awaits the visitor in the Resort finds ground in the rear end of the site, employing the natural topography and the river running at the end of the site within its hold.

It is meticulously planned as a journey of oneself, aligning with the Mind (Meditation and Crystal Therapy), Body (Hydrotherapy) and Soul (Yoga and Healing Garden).

One can sit and experience the shadows within the corridor before moving into meditation rooms

As one moves from meditation rooms towards chambers end , this movement into the ground conditioned with light transitions trains the mind as they move into absolute darkness.

Outside view of the meditation room areas.

One enters the lower level of the crystal room after the dark room therapy progressing towards the sound of water trickling into a water installation at the center of the dome.

A spiral ramp then takes the individual towards the Crystal Room on the upper level of the structure.

Crystal Room on the upper level of the structure, where a heliostat converges the sun’s rays into a single stretch of light which hits a crystal placed at the centre of the room, softly illuminating the chamber around which the individual sits and reflects upon their journey, a state of Self-Actualisation

bird’s eye view of the Inner Journey block. section view of the Inner Journey block.

villa diagonal fuse

A family of 5 trying to escape into the suburbs from there old dwelling in the chaotic capital. The newly built villa is surrounded by 4 storey houses on its north and south sides. The façade of the house is east facing which makes the spaces in the-front of the house cooler than its surroundings.

The spaces inside the house are divided into 3 different volumes, each with differing heights which are expressed internally within the section. The project is an exploration of local raw materials, natural light and space making. The chosen material palette is robust and will age naturally with time.

Spaces both externally and internally are given equal Consideration.

Project Status Completed | 2022 Location Gurgaon | India Project Role Lead Architect Area 5000sqft Project Type Residential

facade was occupied with 4 spaces

development of massing and zoning


Sitting in a tight built Environment, the facade of the villa is angled purposely from its southern and northern sides to capture the southern sun for Solar panels and to Increase the flux of the northern natural light. The inventive use of the windows and fenestrations gives the house surprising spatial Geometry and diversity.

contextual setting

south side was tilted with respect to azimuth angle

the opposite north side was further made angular to capture more natural light

The section of the villa is such that the hot air escapes from the ventilators at the lintel level and cold air Enters through the southern courtyard space. A generous staircase creates a natural spatial interior context.

The house makes the most of its orientation. Windows and glazed doors are carefully positioned to Ensure that the interior spaces reflect the changing light and seasons. Light enters from all the sides as the sun passes by and it creates dramatic shadows in the interior spaces.


dial terminal 4

Thesis project is one the most challenging project’s of any student’s life. For my thesis chose to design an airport terminal. The load of air travel in the india is focused in four major metropolitan cities i.e. Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai.

Delhi caters for the highest number of passenger traffic in India which, is 54 million passengers per annum. It plans to increase its capacity to 109 million per annum by 2036 with the expansion of Terminal-1 and constructing the whole new Terminal-4 in place of Terminal-2. So, the delhi airport is going to play a very crucial role in the aviation sector.

Hence, the thesis proposal is to generate an integrate terminal which provides for the necessary expression and services that enable the growing number of users to connect with it, as well as create the right impression for the visitors of the country.

Project Status Concept

Location Delhi | India

Project Role Academic Student Area 3000000sqft Project Type Academic Thesis



Delhi being the city of large and welcoming spaces historically , airport takes the inspiration from the huge pavillions for its spaces

The segregation starts at the check-in hall where passengers and the checkin islands are divide into categories of international and domestic. The main aim of the terminal is that to have minimum change of levels and the shortest time to board the plane for the passengers.

The cut out has been provided to give the natural light throughout the levels of the terminal.

concept Interior of curb side

This innovative form also allows for the consolidation of important passenger processing, baggage handling, and retail/dining functions at the centre of the terminal. On each floor, radiating piers permit the shortest possible walking distances from the center of the terminal to boarding areas, while also maximizing the terminal’s perimeter for aircraft gates.

form evolution
pavilion inspired model for the roof

aero factory

The concept was developed with the inspiration from the client’s business and their company’s values and goals. The brand believed in innovation, transparency, Efficiency, and ethical working. Thus, the architectural concept revolved around these aspects and reflected them in the design. Along with a stringent space program and operating conditions, the aim of the architecture design was creating a bold identity for their brand.

The office building has a staggered morphology that gives it a sense of dynamism and interaction. The double-split atrium along with glazed interior partitions allows for maximum visual connection and interaction between the occupants, and visitors to overlook at the shop floor enabling them to experience and monitoring the Manufacturing without stepping inside. The building has been realized in a colour palette of red, black, grey, and white and materiality throughout indoors & outdoor. Steel,which is the core element for the company is generously used, enabling fast and light weight construction.

Project Status Ongoing Location Rohtak| India

Project Role Associate Architect Area 2 acres Project Type Industrial


S ustainable




Data driven and integrated design approach, the morphology responds to composite climate of Haryana with optimal shading on glazed East facade and other passive strategies like stack assisted natural ventilation, Optimized floor plate depth to ensure 100% day-lit interiors which reduces the energy demand of the building

Data driven and integrated design approach, the morphology responds to composite climate of Haryana with optimal shading on glazed East facade and other passive strategies like stack assisted natural ventilation, Optimized floor plate depth to ensure 100% daylit interiors which reduces the energy demand of the building by 45%.

Staggering Building morphology to add a sense of dynamism to the long & linear shape with double split atrium to maximize visual connection & interaction amongst occupants.

Staggering Building morphology to add a sense of dynamism to the long & linear shape with double split atrium to maximize visual connection & interaction amongst occupants.

Being a metal fastener company, the building has been realized in a bold colour palette and materiality throughout indoors & outdoor. The front office block interacts with the manufacturing unit by creating visual windows for visitors & office workers.

Being a metal fastener company, the building has been realized in a bold color palette and materiality throughout indoors & outdoor. The front office block interacts with the manufacturing unit by creating visual windows for visitors & office workers.


The Manufacturing Unit Shed roof has been optimized for daylight, ventilation and yet maximize the area of Solar PV to ensure production of XX kWh which offset the office building demand by XX% which has been reduced due to efficient building design & envelope reducing the heat gains by XX%.

The Manufacturing Unit Shed roof has been optimized for daylight, ventilation and yet maximize the area of Solar PV to ensure production of XX kWh which offset the office building demand by XX% which has been reduced due to efficient building design & envelope reducing the heat gains by XX%.

Bi- Directional meter Grid interaction
1,200 sqm PV area
89 kWh/m2

and that was




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