Letter From Editor
What Compliments Your Face Shape?
How Cheslie Kr yst Recent Death b y S u c i d e N e e d s To C h a n g e O u r Current Culture
Self Care Ideas For February
Married To Medicine Star Launches New Business
Editor-In-Chief Amani Sams Graphics Department Alyssa Hill Writers Kalyn Huggins Skye Miller Gabriela Henríquez Photographer Shaunelle Murphy Hair Stylist Dallas Christopher Styling Jawny 03 | AMAN MAGAZINE | AMANMAGAZINE.COM
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Happy February everyone! This is one of my favorite months! This issue is packed with tons of tips on fun things to do this month that will help you continue your self care journey. Also, don’t forget to check out the exclusive article about Married to Medicine star’s new business endeavor!! You won’t be disappointed. Don’t forget to interact with me and let me know what your favorite article was by tweeting me.
S H A P E ?
Looking for a new hair st yle? Tired of the same look? I have a few hair st yles that will complement each face shape best. There are a few different face shapes. Oval, long, rectangle, round, square, triangle, hear t and diamond. Why does your face shape mat ter? Because hair st yles are about having the per fect frame around one’s face to balance and compliment the overall shape of your face.
By: Kalyn Huggins
The choppy pieces in a short cut adds diOval- Length is equal to
mension and height to the top of one’s head, help-
jawline. You should aim to balance your face
one & a half times width, the
ing lengthen your face. Shoulder length hair slims
with a cut that decreases your brow width and
forehead and jaw are the same
a round face with a cut at the collarbone and for
increases the width of the lower half of your face.
width. A shoulder cut with subtle layers
long hair, layers are your best friend.Square-
A side parted pixie cut with texture ends will be a
keeps your hair from lying flat against your head, elongating your look.
Strong and broad forehead,
great look or a bob/lob (long bob) ensuring full-
angular jaw. Short, uneven layers bring
ness around your jaw.
Long-Face is longer than
focus towards the top of your head and
Triangle- Strong jawline
its width, long straight
that is wider than the
cheek lines Long, side-
forehead and a chin that
swept bangs help add width to a long OR oval shaped face. Layered styles also help decrease the weight of your hair and add volume.
is square or flat in shape.
Rectangle -They’re
Here i s how you ident i f y you r face shape and some ha i r-
like a square-shaped face but longer than
st yle s for e ach!
When choosing styes for this shape you want to balance out the jaw. Layers will soften your features. However, make sure they finish around the eyes and cheekbones or collarbones, those will draw attention to your jaw. Diamond-Forehead
they are wide. Soft layered
and jawline are narrow,
cuts will suit you beautifully. You should try avoiding overly long hairstyles, they can further elongate your face. If you do long styles, try a blow out or curls! Bangs will compliment your face as well!
cheekbones are wide
Round- Circular shaped, length is approximately equal to width
and cheekbones, narrow at the
and high Mid or long layer
away from your jawline, subtle bangs can also help emphasize your eyes. You can disguise a square jawline and add volume with feathered layers that fall around your shoulders. A side part can help soften the angles of your face Heart-Wide at the forehead
cuts worn with waves or loose curls, deep side parts, chin length bobs and ponytails will suit you best. You want to try styles that soften your sharp angles and balance one’s cheekbones. For a soft look try a longlayered cut with waves and deep side part. If you would like to widen the appearance of your jaw a bob will suit you best.
How Cheslie Kr yst Recent D e a t h b y S u i c i d e N e e d s To Change Our Current Culture By: Lisa Rambert
Self Care Ideas For Februar y By: Skye Miller
I n p a r t i c u l a r w i t h Va l e n t i n e ’s D a y c o m i n g u p , i t i s o n e of t h e (f e w) o c c a s i o n s w h e r e p e o p l e – s i n g l e people in particular – feel the pressure to do somet h i n g w i t h a p a r t n e r a n d c e l e b r a t e t h e d a y… b u t how about taking this time to celebrate love with yourself or with friends / family Here are some fun ways to practice self-care at a time when it is so pressured to focus on f inding love or having love, instead of loving ourselves that way instead! T h e ‘’m o n t h of l o v e’’ c a n b e t h a t w a y f o r s o m a n y reasons, such as loving yourselves, your friends, f a m i l y, j o b a n d yo u r s u r r o u n d i n g s / e n v i r o n m e n t . This month can also be focused on spending lots of money or putting in loads off effor t into something that can drain you, why not put effor t into the smaller th i ngs too! Here are some fun and easy examples of what you can focus on this month in the name of self-care and loving yourself:
- Drink more water - Me a l pl a n – d o e s n’t h ave t o b e a p a r t ic u l a r d ie t b u t go o d fo o d t h a t yo u e n joy cooking - Tr y c o ok i ng /t r y i ng s om e t h i ng n e w! - Plan cer tain par ts of the week where it can just be for you – instead of just g o i n g o n y o u r p h o n e b e f o r e b e d a n d c l a s s i n g t h a t a s ‘’c h i l l i n g o u t ’ ’ - Date yourself ! - Ta k e u p a n e w h o b b y, t r y s o m e t h i n g n e w ! - I f t h e n e w ye a r w a s n’t fo r yo u – s t a r t i n t h i s f r e s h n e w m o nt h , yo u c a n set yourself goals no matter how big or small it gives you motivation to do s o m e t h i n g ‘’p r o d u c t i v e’’
Also remember even if you are in a relationship, it is just as important (if not more), to focus on yourself and give yourself much needed 'me time' !!!
M a r r i e d To M e d i c i n e St a r Launches New Business A n i l a S a j j a i s n’t j u s t a d o c t o r ’s w i f e ! I n a d d i t i o n t o h e r b e i n g a c a s t m e m b e r o f B r avo’s h i t s h o w “ M a r r i e d To M e d i c i n e ”, s h e ’s a m o m , a f a s h i o n b l o g g e r, a n d n o w a n e n t r e p r e n e u r. Af t e r h a ving her two children Saj ja admitted to experiencing rapid hair loss. She tried everything but she couldn’t find the right product until her hair stylist/ business partner Dallas Christopher introduced her to hair extensions that actually felt like h e r o w n h a i r. N o w S a j j a h a s f u l l y b e c o m e a h a i r c o n n o i s s e u r. S h e i s t h e o w n e r o f a l o c a l “Private Label” store located i n Tu c k e r, G e o r g i a . T h e s t o r e supplies customers with wigs, bundles,extensions, lashes, and cosmetics. Fans can see the soft launch of the brand on season 9 of Married to Medicine.
P r i v a t e L a b e l X A n i l a S aj j a 3 6 41 L a w r e n c eville H w y T u c k e r, G A 3 0 0 8 4