Codex Vaticanus

Codex Vaticanus A (3738). A manuscript created between 1570 and 1589, either in the highlands of Mexico or it may have already existed in Italy. The Codex Vaticanus 3738 is divided into cosmological, mythological, and ethnographical sections, here reproduced as images.
Facsimile of the Aztec iconography found in Antiquities of Mexico Comprising facsimiles of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, edited by Lord Kingsborough and images of the actual Codex 3837 with Aztec glyphs and the Spanish annotation follows from the Lord Kingsborough edition here reproduced. The actual Codex Vaticanus 3738 is a mixed Aztec images and Spanish notations codex, used as preliminary work for what became the actual Vatican Codex. The actual codex, with annotations, is available at