Por t f ol i o Li nYunShi uan
接觸到許 好奇心及
對我來說,設計就是生活中的一部分,它很自然的 存在,卻也在無形之中帶給我們加成的效果。
Pr oj ect
Mat er i alofdesi gn
Cul t ur ecr eat i vepr oduct
Bot t l ecage
Mat er i alofDesi gn
Exper i ment
cot t onwi t hpol y
Duet ot het r ai tofabsor pt i on,whencot t onmeetpol y, i twi l lr esponsef ast .Wai tunt i li ti sf i r m,west i l lcan seet hepat t er nsofcot t on,butt het ext ur ei squi t ehar d. Dependi ngont heamountofhar dener ,i twi l laf f ect t hesol i di f i edt i me.Themor ehar dner , t hef ast er coagul at i on.I tl ett hecot t ondon’ thaveenought i me t oabsor b,sot hi swi l lcauset heobj ectwi t hconf l i ct i ng t ext ur e.
cot t onwi t hwhi t egl ues
I tmakehar dt ext ur eofcot t onaf t er combi ni ngwi t hwhi t egl ue. I tgavet hei mpr essi onofsof tt ext ur e t hatest abl i shedaconf l i ct . Youcanaddpai ntont hedepl oyment ofwhi t egl ue,di f f er entcol orwi l laf f ect t hef i nalr ender i ng.
cot t onwi t hwi r e
Lett hewi r ewr appedi nt ocot t onwhi chcoul dmakei tbecome f l exi bl e.I tj ustl ookl i keacl oud. Putt hebul bi nt ocot t on,t hevi si onofhazyl i ghti spr et t y.
Achi evement
Li ght Bookmar k
Penci lbox
Pest l eofseal Cul t ur alCr eat i vePr oductofTai waneseabor i gi nes
Backgr ound
Iwor kwi t haBununcr af t sman,shet el l smesomeoft hei rt r adi t i onalcust oms. Suchas“Pasi but but ”( Pr ayerf ort heMi l l etHar vest )whi chhasbeencal l ed t he“soundofnat ur e”,haswont hepl audi tar oundt hewor l d. Anot heronei s“pest l emusi c”,di f f er entl engt hsl eadt odi f f er entscal es.I t usedt opr oducemi l l et .
Di r ect i on Af t erknowi ngt hecust omsofBunun,Iam i nt er est edi n“Pest l es�whi char enotonl y t ool sbutal soi nst r ument s.
Act i on
Sameexper i ence
I dea I nt er est i ng
I nt ot hel i f e
Sameexper i ence Thr ought hesi mi l arexper i ence,i tmake peopl ebecomebet t eracquai nt edwi t ht hi s cul t ur e.
Act i on Fr om t opt obot t on Sound Whenpest l escol l i dedwi t ht hegr ound,i t wi l lmakeasound.
I nt er est i ng and I nt ot hel i f e
Uset hepat t er nofBunun
St i ngr ay Bot t l eCage
Br i ef Iwor kwi t ht hemanuf act ur er sofbi cycl epar t s,N+1. Theyhopet opr oducet hebot t l ecageswhi ch coul dbel owcost ,succi nct ,andmasspr oduct i on.
N+1anal yze Funct i on
N+1devot et hemsel vest or esear chi ngl ot sofmet hodst o use.Suchasi mpr ovet hest r uct ur e,pr ovi dedi f f er entneeds.
Mat er i a Duet ot hemasspr oduct i on, N+1has l essuseofmat er i al sot hert hanpl ast i c. met al .Thi si st heonl yonemadeby l eat her .
i al
For m
I nt heshapeofN+1,t heyt endt obet er se.Butt heydon’ t wantt ol i mi tonourcr eat i vi t y,asl ongasi ti sagoodi dea, i tcoul dbeaccept ed. Thi s“But t er f l y’ ’i st heonemadebyour seni orschool mat e.
Mat er i al
Pl ace
l eat her
downt ubes
pl ast i c
handl ebar s( be
st ai nl essst eel i r on/ al umi num
f r ames
handl ebar s( f r o cabon
Mar ketanal yze
seatt ubes
Funct i on
For m
f orwi ne
behi nd)
f r ont )
f orcof f ee
al li none wi t hvel cr o
adj ustt hewei ght/ hei ght
Di r ect i on Bi oni cdesi gn
Thr oughbi oni cdesi gnt oexpr esst hei magesofani mal s.
Li ght wei ght i ng Lett her i derdoesn’ thavet oomuchbur den.
Si mpl i ci t y Wi t houtt heexcessi vedesi gn,i twi l lr educecompl exi t y andevencostdown.
I dea Thr oughst i ngr ay’ sdynami ccur vat ur eofst r eaml i nest o per f or mt heaest het i cpost ur e.