The Voice of the Christian Community, serving Yuba, Sutter, and Butte Counties
FLOW OF THE SPIRIT By Jon Skillman There are several things that sadden me: The sound of a straw vacuuming the last gurgle of a milkshake, the last bite of a donut and the end of my favorite song. I can quickly remedy these trivial downers by order another shake, grabbing another donut or hitting replay on my CD player. But there is one thing that brings a certain sadness I cannot readily overcome…the sight of a dry creek bed. A dry creek bed just seems so…you know… dead. I think there are two separate and distinct reasons upon which my sadness rides. The first is the sight of a dry, natural or physical creek bed. In my younger and heathen-ish days, I had the opportunity to work the cool, clear riffles and pools of many coastal and mountain streams, attempting to trick a trout with bits of feather and fur. The solitude and serenity I enjoyed brought a life and spirit to the current that tugged and swirled around my legs. And I swear I heard voices calling to me…but when I looked around…no one was there. A dry creek bed saddens me because the once moss-covered rocks have been bleached to a pale crust…there’s no flow nor direction. The sparkle is gone, and no babbling voices rise to catch my ear… there’s no life nor spirit to be found. Now, as a Christian, I experience a second and most profound sadness at the sight of the spiritually dry creek of an unbeliever. There is no flow of the spirit because they have no source, no
living headwater to sustain them, no tributaries to fill them with the spirit. Nothing flows into them; nothing flows through them and there is no current to float them into salvation and on into an eternity with God. And then there are the dry creeks of those who know the source of living water but have blocked its flow with their own will and selfish and sinful desires. This prevents the spirit from reaching their hearts and stunting spiritual growth. We cannot cause a physical stream to flow but we are commanded to point the lost to the source of the spirit. We are to help those whose spirit has stagnated behind selfish desires to restore the flow into themselves. Periodically we need to honestly check the Spirit’s flow within ourselves…is it running clear and deep, has it been diverted by our own will, or have we lost touch with the source? The answers may sadden us. I think I better grab another donut.
It’s Not Ok to just be “OK” Decades ago, there was a bestseller entitled “I’m Ok, You’re Ok”. It makes me think about what it really means to be “OK”. I routinely ask people (and I’m asked by others) “How are you doing?” The answer is usually “Fine” “Alright” or something else that means “Ok”. Sometimes (and becoming more frequently) the response I get is “Hanging in there”. I really don’t care for that phrase. I understand that there are days, weeks, or even “seasons” of life where the best we can do is to hang on to our faith in Jesus and ask for His help to get through something. But, if that is your “mantra” or lifestyle phrase, that is sad. I know that many people deal with physical, financial or relational issues that are extremely difficult. I know that some are facing much more tragic situations that I am. Those are the ones that need our prayers. I’m not writing this to them but to the majority of us who have daily issues called “Life”. That includes me and most of my friends and loved ones. I want you to consider that in some other parts of the world, people’s faith in Christ is ALL they have. They may endure torture, burned homes & churches, financial loss or even family loss or brutality all because of their faith. They are truly hanging on. I don’t write this to make anyone feel guilty, but to consider your life in light of the amazing goodness and grace of our God toward us! Just the mere fact of being
Seth Halpern - Editor born and/or raised in this nation with the freedoms and benefits we receive should make us wake up in the morning with more than an “I’m hanging in there” response. Knowing that you and I have a relationship with our Creator, and He Loves us as a Daddy with a secure future for all eternity should be enough to add some celebration to our day! Again, I am blessed, and I don’t know what your situation is but I have had my share of trials, from heart issues (a coronary bypass at 50), diabetes and a host of other medical issues. Endured relationship issues that were severely damaged and live pretty much month to month financially. Yet the Lord sustains me. So, maybe the next time I ask you how you are doing, hopefully, you’ll take a split second inventory and answer with something more positive than simply “ok” or even worse “Hanging in there” And if I answer with that then I give you permission to keep me accountable.
The Ambassador accepts opinions and editorials (op-ed’s) as long as they are well-written and less than 450 words. Op-ed’s will be published purely at the discretion of the editor. If you would like to submit your op-ed, please email it (written in MS Word) to editor@ambassadornewspaper. com. The deadline for submission is the 15th of the month for the next issue.
The Ambassador