1 minute read
Eyes Anew
by April James www.BeyondTheSilverCoin.org
As I sat on the deck swing having a little time of devotions, a descending feather caught my eye; it was a long white beautiful feather catching the morning rays, illuminating it as it drifted in a slight morning breeze. The feather came to rest only a few feet from where I sat watching. I was amazed how small it was, then as I went to pick it up it was even smaller, perhaps an inch in length, more like a down feather, soft flexible with hardly anything to it.
My first thought was “is this an example of heavenly blessings as they leave the Father?” - big and beautiful, a delight to behold and watch coming, but then we trivialize and minimize them, so they are no longer the blessing the Father intended. Does it break His heart when we look upon His gifts with disregard or thanklessness?
How often do I longingly look out at my small deck, yet rarely sit on it to enjoy the crisp morning air before the heat of the afternoon or listen to the joyful chirps and twills of the birds as they greet the day, nor simply sit watch the grass grow and marvel at creation and the Creator. I want to see with eyes anew the wonder of creation, to enjoy everyday things and blessings He has given me to delight in.
Lord, open the eyes of my heart to see the wonder of what you are doing in each new day; to simply pause and marvel at the works of your hand instead of blindly rushing past them to accomplish my agenda. May I never trivialize anything you have done, are doing, or will yet do. I want to be filled, like a little child, with a sense of awe at the works of your hands. For you alone are God and sit upon the throne of heaven. Help me to be still and know that you are God, to pause and reflect, to take hold and delight in you.
My friend – what about you? What do you see? What are you taking delight in? “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 AMPC