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Are You Satisfied?
“Are You Satisfied?”
I was thinking recently about what “satisfies” me. Usually, when I’m particularly down, discouraged, or angry, I look for things that I really don’t need and are not helpful or healthy for me. Sometimes I would go to Jack in the Box and order the unhealthiest thing on the menu. Other times, I would be tempted in other areas. The thing is that I would always look to find satisfaction and it never truly did satisfy. (Ok, you are probably picturing Mick Jagger dancing like a chicken right now.) Anyway, the point is that we seek to be satisfied by many things and it’s different for everyone. Here are a few common temptations: Food, Gambling, Sex, Alcohol, Drugs, Shopping, Games… there are plenty of others.
The truth is that none of these will satisfy for more than a few minutes and afterwards we are left worse off than when we started. That’s because there are things in our heart that only God can heal. Let me say that again. There are some issues that Only. God. Can. Heal. You can keep trying other ways, programs, products, etc. but they will fail you. The reason is because God created us with a “God-shaped hole” that only He can fill. We have been “fearfully and wonderfully made” by God yet we are each imperfect and require the grace of the Lord to fill that imperfection with His Love.
It may seem like that burger, that trip to the mall, that website, that bottle or pill is all you need to get through. That is the enemy’s mind-game. It will only keep you further away from the loving arms of your Savior Jesus. So, the next time you need a fix of your preferred satisfier, reach out for God’s Word and reach up for His hand that is being held out for you. He is waiting to listen to you. It’s also great if you have someone to help you do thata Christian friend, a recovery group, a prayer-line. They can lead you to the only One who truly satisfies!
Seth Halpern/Editor