Love Street Lamp Post 1st Qtr 1996

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Painting by Charlie Morton

FROM THE EDITOR A Real Lover ofGod is as a thirsty man under the scorching sun in the desert who values water more than pearls, flesh or diamonds. So also a real Lover ofGod only thirstsfor Him and considers everything else as dust before Him. A Real Lover ofGod is not afterfame, name or wealth. He only yearnsfor God his beloved. He who does not possess this attitude isfull ofsetfishness. Avatar Meher Baba 1923

EDITORIAL AMBCSC. A time for more changes has occurred. The editing and production of the Lamp Post has moved back to Los Angeles with this edition. The entire Board of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California wish to wholeheartedly thank Christina Riley for her superb hard work and professional skills in producing and editing the LampPost these last two years. She has spent hundreds of hours freely and lovingly given in service to our Beloved’s cause. We know that it will be very difficult to replace her expertise and would request that our loving and supportive readers bear with us during this change. We have a number of plans for our LampPost, but it may take a few issues before we settle into our new format. We will continue to welcome letters to the editor and definitely wish worldwide contribution for it’s contents. Because of a different method of printing, we have changed the size; hopefully it meets with your approval. Our Distribution is now only to those who have firmly stated that they wish to receive it. However, there was an egregious error in the design of the pink cards we sent out to the people who had not returned their original LampPost requests to remain on the mailing list. This was to be their last chance, to make absolutely sure we did not drop someone who really wanted to stay with us, but who had not gotten around to sending such notification in. We have received many of these pink cards back saying “Yes ! Please keep me on your mailing list!” But unfortunately they did exactly as the pink card told them: they cut along the dotted line, thereby removing their name and address! So we have no way of knowing from whence cometh these cards! So if you hear any of your friends complaing that they have not received their Love Street LampPost, please tell them to call us, and give us their name and address. We do apologise profusely for this confusion! It was done with the very best of intentions, hut ‘the plans of mice and men often go astray The magazine has been very lovingly and generously funded by most of those who wish to receive it. Thanks to this, funds are in hand now for a full year of quarterly distribution. We will PAGE 2

slowly expand the readership over the next several years. Letters to the Editor is a very important part of our! your magazine, so please continue to send your com ments and contributions to the Editor, Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, 10808 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca.90025.





,E&Ive Lcfre# &fl4;Ibst ii In This Issue

Bookstore Editor: Dma Snow Franklin Calendar Editor ( Program Chairperson): Billy Goodrum Children’s Corner Editor: Adele Wolkin Poetry Editor: Vicki Warner Art Editor: Prem Makeig Announcemcnts Editor: (yet to be filled) Distribution: Clea Sucoff and Harry Thomas

Features 2




Share your artwork, photos, poetry, letters, articles, humor

and ideas with us. Please submityour written work on computer disk along with a print-out (we accept 3.5” computer disks only). Or typewrite it double-spaced, single-sided, on clean, white

BiLly GooDRur1






paper. —



November 15 (Jan.- March issue) February 27 (April June issue) May 15 (July Sept. issue) August 15 (Oct. -Dec. issue)








ADDRESS CHANGES I SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST: Clea Sucoff, 3122 Arizona Avenue,#C, Santa Monica.CA 90404



(310) 828-1182.



BOOKSTORE: Dma Franklin, do Avatar Meher Baba Center of So. California, 1 0808 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles,CA 90025 Between 7pm & I I pm, phone (31 0) 837-641 9; or 24-hour fax (31 0) 839-BABA.







DONATIONS LampPost Donation, Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern .


Cailfornia,1 0808 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025.

WEST COAST MEETINGS In Orange County call Lynne or Steve Berry (714) 966-1262. In the Inland Empire call Jay Mohler (619) 366-9330. In Ojai call Peter Justin (805) 646-4159 (Wednesdays,7;3oprn) In Santa Barbara call Donna Karpeles ( 805) 682-1877. In San Diego call Scott orAnne Makeig (619) 436-7155. (monthly) In Fresno call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877. (every first, second and third Wednesday of the month) In San Francisco call Mary Weiss or Peter Ravazza (415) 221-8724 (Wednesdays, 7pm) In Northern California call (510) 845-4339 forfull schedule In Portland, call the Wilson’s (503) 873-2048. (every Friday night, Discourses meetings every other Sunday afteroon) In Sacramento call Marilyn Buehler at (916) 925-4451. In Seattle call Joyce/Tom Geoffroy (206) 283 -7027. (Fridays ,8 p m) .






The LoveStreet LampPost keeps the Southern califomis Avstar Meher Bsbs Community abresst of Center sctivities, .slong with nstionsl end international friends; it represents an historical context; and It provides a forum for contemporary accounts of life with Meher Baba. as Master and Guide • The LoveStreet LampPost is free, given in the spirit and with the intention of spreading Avatar Meher Baba’s Message of Love and Truth • A publication of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. 1 0808 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90025 Published quarterly (January, April, July, October) • All contents © 1995 by the Avatar Meher Baba Center of So. California, except where noted Call 310 474-9454 for membership information, late-breaking program and events information, a copy ofthe Bookstore catalog, to get on the mailing list, to receive upcoming Fly-to-India Sweepstakestickets oriustto say hello. .


There is a feeling to be found in the presence of Baba’s closest Lovers that can not be found anywhere else. The Love and energy that emanates from the hearts of the Mandali is truly one of the most splendid wonders in this world. It is what draws so many of us to India time after time, to lay our heads at the Samadhi and visit with those who devoted their lives completely and utterly to Baba and his wishes. To have one of the Mandali visit us here in the U.S. and infuse their Love into our often chaotic lives is indeed a great blessing from Baba. That is exactly what happened in October of this year when Baba’s dear Katie Irani came to visit us. Katie arrived in Los Angeles on October 3, greeted at the airport by a happy, flower bearing, singing (led by Fred Stankus) contingent of Baba Lovers that were clearly ecstatic to see A happy group at the M ia Sahawas and greet her. Alespecially for Baba’s beloved Katie Irani I though tired from a long flight, Katie was all smiles and hugs and happy to see so many familiar faces. Katie spent the first 12 days of her U.S. visit here in Los Angeles. It was a wonderful time of sharing in Baba’s Love. We were treated to several afternoon and evening teas at Jacko and Becky’s home, where Katie was staying. There was also an evening program at the Center on Saturday the 7th. We all had nice opportuni ties to visit with Katie before she headed up to Mariposa for the first New Life Sahavas Program, held I 3-16 October at Meherana. At the Sahavas program Katie shared with us her experience of the New Life in which Baba had sent her out to work in the world, Bombay to be exact. With her characteristic eloquence and humor she described to us what it was like to suddenly be thrust into the workaday world after many years of living and traveling with Baba. It was only after being hired to work at the Japanese Consulate in Bombay did she realize how careful Baba had been to prepare her for the work she encountered. Her day to day experience of the New Life was not so different from what many of us encounter in our daily



lives: rush to the office, work hard all day, come home tired, go to bed and then wake up and do it again. The Sahavas was a beautiful program, full of Baba’s Love and humor. After returning to L.A, Katie took one days rest before heading to Mexico City to spend time with the Baba Lovers there. She was hosted by Arsenio and Julie Rodriguiz who made her stay there most enjoyable. Aresenio brought some of his colleagues from the United Nations to have dinner and meet Katie and hear about Baba. The word spreads. Katie returned briefly to L.A., resting one day before she traveled to Santa Fe, New Mexico to visit with her cousin Freny and family members Shireen and Jay Bonner. Katie enjoyed her stay and upon returning remarked that Santa Fe reminded her of Ahmednagar: hilly and dusty. Upon her return to the Southland, Katie stayed in the home of Shireen and Mehernoush Lorkalontari. During that weekend, on November 4, was the dinner-auction at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. Katie attended, very beautiful in her sari, and brought much Love and joy to those who were in attendance. The following week Katie returned to Jacko and

The group enjoys the fruits of their labor (or is it vegetables...)

Becky’s and gave wonderful talks at the teas there. She had a night on the town on the west side organized by Lois Jones, staying late and closing down the restaurant where they were dining. One of the highlights of Katie’s visit was the cooking class held at Michael Ramsden’s house on November 1 1. Over twenty five people showed up with cutting boards and knives in hand to participate in this class led by one who cooked for our Beloved Baba. Truly a Master class in cooking. Katie came into the noisy fray and took charge in a most impressive fashion, instructing individuals to prepare vegetables and spices for the dishes and how to properly mix the ingredients. What a treat! Much laughter, many tears (there were lots of onions to cut) and in the end a magnificent Indian feast. That same night Katie gave a lovely talk and led Baba’s Arti at the Center. I am amazed at the rigorous schedule she main— tamed here in Los Angeles. Always wanting to give more and more time and Love to the Baba Lovers here. The next day Sam Ervin and Margaret Magnus gave a very nice tea and Katie delivered one of herjoyous and humorous talks. She then, as always, took time to greet and hug everyone in attendance. The energy was very high and spirited that afternoon and everyone enjoyed themselves.

On November 1 6, Ekaterine McGuire made a special arrangement for Katie to visit Shambala Wildlife Refuge. She was treated to a private tour by actress Tippy Hedron, who is the director of Shambala. Tippy took the time to personally escort Katie around the premises and show her the lions, tigers, elephants and other animals that are in residence. At a lakeside picnic Katie spoke about Baba and Tippy and her associates took a very keen interest, one man visibly moved to tears. Katie had very pleasant and restful house visits at the homes of Nasarin and Mamoud Ajang in Palos Verdes and at the home of Hardip Chowdri and his family in Orange County. This final week in LA included a tea at Terry Lucas’s Rose Cottage as well as a final tea at Jacko and Becky’s. Katie’s final event was a great Thanksgiving Feast at Meher Mount, organized by Fred and GiGi. It was truly a wonderful time to have Katie here with us. She gave tirelessly to us all. I think that when I am 75 years old myself, I will look back at this time with Katie and the other Mandali as one of the most precious times in my life. It is inspiring and a blessing to be with those who are so much a part of Baba’s work of Love in the world. Jai Baba.

Katie held a Cooking class for over 30 people at the home of Michael Rounsden.(She had to inspect 4 kitchens to find one suitable!) PAGE 5

Center Report AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA YEAR END REPORT As we approach this year end 1995, it is possible to look back on our 21 st year as an incorporated non profit Religious Foundation and just say WOW! What a wonderfully joyful year! Such Loving Blessings from our Beloved Avatar Meher Baba. . Full implementation of Board two year terms. . Continued Progress in the re-organization of Center membership and Board operations. . A highly successful loving Sahavas. . Wonderful worldwide support for the Bookstore sales through the new catalogue and Love Street LampPost. . Some amazing communications with the world wide Meher Baba community through the Love Street LampPost. . Successful and fun and entertaining fund-raising events all year: Spring Fling/Fly to Myrtle Beach Sweeps. Sahavas/Fly to India Sweeps. Mehermas/Fly to India Sweeps. Hollywood Roosevelt DinnerDance-Auction! Two Yard Sales. . Individual support for many special!specific events. . Amazing programs all year. How fortunate and blessed we were:Leatrice Johnston, Don Stevens, Henry Kashouty, Ella and Peter Marks, Dara and Amrit, Merwan Mehta, Adele Wolkin, Buzz and Wendy, and then our Beloved’s Beautiful ambassadors Bhau Kaichuri and Katie Irani.Who can forget those Talks, Teas, Dinners, Potluck Desserts and many intimate moments where our Beloved made Himself most present with us. And then there were our Regular Meetings celebrating His Life and Messages of Love and Truth. . Continued Growth of the New Center Fund with committed participation in the plans to bring the new center to fruition in I 996. . Such incredible support from the membership in love and service to make all the above happen. Which of course only happens because He permits it. PAGE 6

LOOKING TO 1996. There is much to be done. Our current Center needs sprucing up, our archives need a long range plan in keeping with our goals for the future. We need to create a complete inventory of all Center assets. We still need to review all Center policies and procedures, catalogue and index them. Our lending video and audio library are in new hands and their use will grow. We will reach out to many others by expanding our catalogue and Love Street LampPost distribution to those who desire it. All our members will be part of the input and decision making process for the New Center fund drive and purchase. The By-laws will need further changes to nominating cornmittee terms and to finalize the new Board structure. We welcome Kevin Connor to the Board for the first time. He will take over the Finance Directorship. We also welcome back to the board for 1996!7 Dma Franklin, Mehernoush Lorkalantari and Michael Ramsden, who have served many times before. Current Board members who will be completing the 2nd year of their term are; Billy Goodrum, Wendy Ward, Clea Sucoff, Adele Wolkin and Richard Stermer. We want to encourage as many as possible to participate in Center Activity in this Labor Phase of the New Life for the New Humanity. Service in His Cause, that He may work in you and you may keep Him in your heart and mind. SPECIAL THANKS TO our much used telephone treewallahs and wallees what a job you have done this year. To our mailing wallah in chief, Harry Thomas and to all mailing wallah!ees. You have no idea how much you have meant to Center operations To our LampPost Editor Christina Riley, for her two years of dedicated hard labor editing and producing the LampPost; and to all the contributors and department editors. To Trish Shannon and Janine Johnson for their extra work with Adele for the yard sales not to forget the other workers too! To Mike, Debbie, Chris, Pris, Richard, Joyce, Billy, Greg, Gaye, Rosalee, Maureen, George and all the other singers and performers who shared their love for Avatar Meher Baba with all of us. -

“Real happiness lies in making others happy” Meher Baba To all the pop-up stage crews who suddenly appear and then disappear without a word of thanks. To Chris Pearson for his 21 years of Sahavas Recording and to Charlie Morton for his 21 years of recording over 500 special events. To Linda Zavala for her continued support of the Archives and the Auction and to all those other auction wallah/ees. To Fred and Jeff who need no further introduc tion for keeping us smiling at Sahavas and Auctions and many other places too. To Kanji Miyao for stepping in this year to take over the Treasurer’s job and to Karma Page for accepting responsibility for our new fund investments. To Rose Choi for her help with the bookstore books and finances To Rocky Rodgers for updating our By-laws and Articles of Incorporation and especially to Rob Ward for so much background work for the board and fundraising in particular. To Larry Fletcher for his many years of labor, setting up and running our first video and audio lending library. To the whole Sahavas Committee and especially to David McNeely for his Sahavas Treasury role these past many years. To Rosalee Dunphy for continuing to be a splendid caretaker who graciously greets new and old

comers alike. To our perennial host Jacko for once again hosting a Mandali member. To Becky Caraco forjoining in the cause and to Jacko’s mom Dora for allowing all the talks and teas, pool parties and pot-lucks at her home. And to all the other hosts and hostesses in Los Angeles: Shirin and Mehemoush, Nasrin and Mahmoud, Lyn and Jeff, Hardip, Lois and any others not mentioned. It’s incredible how our Beloved has drawn so many together to labor this last year at His Center And this is not all by any means ! Clean-up and set-up crews, on the spot volunteers, performers unseen but giving of themselves and their love for Meher Baba. And finally a thank you to this years Board; Adele, Clea, Dma, Donna, Lois, Wendy, Billy, Richard and Michael. Have another great year in His Love. -


t Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai. FROM: DISCOURSES BY MEHER BABA The emergence of higher love from the shell of lower love is helped by the constant exercise of discrimina tion. Therefore, love has to be carefully distinguished from the obstructive factors of infatuation, lust, greed and anger. In infatuation, the person is a passive victim of the spell of conceived attraction for the object. There is an active appreciation of the intrinsic worth of the object of love.




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Katie speaks to an authralled crowd at one of her many talks at our center. PAGE 7

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MANI SPEAKS ON THE WORTH OF BELOVED BABA’S PERSONAL ITEMS I recently had the opportunity to ask Mani a question that I feel is of great importance to posterity. Mani chose to answer this question in Mandali Ha14 while it was being tape recorded. The following text is an excerpted transcript of that discussion by Mani on 9 September 1995, on the topic of the proper disposition of Babas personal items. Mani gave a beautiful talk with many lovely anecdotes of life with Baba. This transcript does not contain her entire tailç and has been edited due to space limitations in The Love Street LampPost. In addition, the quality of the tape recording made it difficult to understand a few words during her talk. Rather than misinterpret het I chose to remove those statements which contained words that were inaudible. I have endeavored to leave nothing out that was necessary to convey her message. All words here are Manis, with the exception of a few which are enclosed in brackets, and these are to clarify the context when a previous inaudible sentence had been removed. Wendy Ward— —

Wendy: There was an issue that came up recently at the L.A. Center. We have an auction each year to help raise money for the Center. I was calling around, asking people if they would like to donate. People donate things from services, to little items that they have at home or little treasures. This one particular person offered a very loving gift, which was, well, it’s a pretty incredible gift, that put questions in our minds about whether things like this should be auctioned, and what should be done with it. This was a gift to help the center, but it was Baba hair; seven strands of Baba’s beautiful hair. There was naturally a lot of questions that came up about what we should do with this. The idea of auctioning Baba’s hair, of treating part of Baba’s body this way, raises questions. If that were auctioned to raise money for the Center, should it be given to the highest bidder? That hardly seems right either. So then the question came up as to whether or not it could be a sweepstake, so that Baba would choose who would get this gift, and still there would be some help for the Center. But it all boils down to, for a lot of people, whether any item like this should ever be dealt with in this way; I mean, it’s Baba’s. Mani: I’m very happy you asked that question. I’m happy it has come up. I feel also, once again, it is Baba who has brought this up. Because there can be variations of the same question, that are bound to come up later on, and you might not be sure and there would be, you know, arguments, and discussions, and trying to figure out what we had said and what it wasn’t, you see. And my ques tion, then, this is a question from me, that you are asking PAGE 8

about Baba’s hair, a part of Baba’s person. It’s good that the questions have come up from each one, that you haven’t totally accepted the fact, O.K., so this is what we’ll do, it’s for the highest motive, I agree. We all agree. You know, this is for Baba’s work. One then has to look at it from that angle. And the first person who comes to mind as I mull over this question, trying to give you an honest and unbiased answer, because I have not faced myself with this ques tion before (it hasn’t come up), and that is Mehera. What would Mehera’s reaction be? What would Mehera think of that? And from Mehera, every time, when she gave a strand of Baba’s hair to anybody, I would be immovable, just watching Mehera. Interaction, with not only the person, whom she was giving the hair to, but with the hair, itself. With Baba. And the way she would hold it, the way she would say a few words before she gave it. And then when she put it in their hand, she would usually also have her hand over it. And tell them how very, very precious and PRICELESS it is. And then she would tell how, when she was a child, and her father had taken her to the, now I don’t remember names, so I’m not going to go into the names in case I’m wrong, but in this mosque, a place where the worship of one hair of the prophet Mohammed, one strand of the prophet Mohammed’s hair, it was placed. And there these caretakers of the hair, the devoted ones, would stand around this construction, this structure, and wave peacock feathers, with such rever ence, with such love, with such care, and incense burning, and chanting, and this is for one hair, after all these years. And honestly, when one is there one thinks, is it really about Mohammed’s hair. There’s not a question of doubting, but I’m talking about the number of years that have gone after that precious item. And then, they open the thing, and there is a beautiful silver casket, and you stand around in awe. And they open that, the lid of that, and there’s another smaller one, casket, in there. And you open that and there’s a box, a silver box. And they open that, and all along, while they open it, as a very special gesture for you, it’s with prayers, with incense. And so she, she would tell them, don’t take it


naturally. Don’t take it for granted, what you’re holding, in your hand. You have the good fortune to receive it, please, do you realize, how precious, how PRICELESS it is? So, every time when Mehera gave, whether it was one of our Indian or western sisters, or brothers, I would just watch. For me, the importance of the hair was reflected through what Mehera said, how Mehera looked, how Mehera handled. She would also tell people, if you are going to use that hair, in a locket, if you’re removing that hair from the cover, which says ‘Beloved Avatar Meher Baba’s hair,’ if you take out the little plastic bag from in there, please what you have to do is, first of all, wash your hands, clean, pure, put a white cloth down (that was when the hair was darker; later when Baba’s hair was more gray; any color that shows up the hair), and then remove it [Baba’s hair].

which contained a hair from beloved Baba’s head. So she says: Jai Baba, Mani dearest Charlie Morton said last night that Mani would love to hear this, so here goes. Pitch black. Pell inell. Everything down. Only God knows where the contents of the night table ‘s drawers are. 1 ask Baba help, for finding the little flashlight, with fingertips gingerlyfeeling around theflooi Thefirst thing felt was the little cardboard box containing a bit ofBaba : haii Exit earthquake. Earthquake stop. It is an indescribable, timeless moment. So loving, so powerful. So speechless with wondei In His love. Then, she quotes Rabindranath Tagore, who translated the Songs of Kabir, “One hair of his body is worth billions of suns.” So what price do you put on that? I have also worked on it with Mehera, along with And somehow I was so struck by it; it’s like Baba has Mehera, when we would make these curls of Baba’s hair, provided this for this moment, for this question. Because from combings, or broaches, and little hair clips. She I love this so much, I made a copy of it and put it by made a hair clip for me, I made a broach for her, we where it might be handy. made it for others, all that; the total absorption, it sur Anything belonging to Baba’s person. A tooth. passes any meditation that you can think of. When Baba You know, there is a whole stuppa, a beautiful stuppa, would be away in the West and we’d be doing this, He’d with one tooth of the Buddha in it. So that’s what I mean gone to Canada, He’d gone to the United States, there we to say is, hair, tooth, nails, all these have no price, even were in our cloistered life, and that absorption struck me though I like, I love the motive[for the raffling of His more than anything else. That somehow rang the true hair], I know what’s prompted it, but it is not right. It is value, the true good fortune, the destiny, that we were not right. Never for that. handling. Ah! You can, if someone has done something, in All that comes to the cause of Baba, in a big mind, when this question Mani: That’s, that’s an object, touched by Baba. way or in a deep way, and comes to mind. So, another You know, not something belonging to Baba. you have been touched by it, question comes is, when you you do give. I have given. receive a hair, what value is it to you? How is it a result I’ve given. But I’ve also given along with it a responsi of a real longing? That’s why now, if somebody asks for bility. But I think that there should never be a, this is a hair, I ask them to ask next time. And see how much the chance, isn’t it? A raffle is a chance. Come really down longing grows. to terms. And none of Baba’s things [should ever be left to chance]. Baba says My center is in the hearts of My So then, another thing about the hair thing, lovers, which is why an outer center is made. You don’t before I tell you about the answer to your, there was a need money for My center, you can sit under a tree, and letter from Marguerite Poley, an old-time Baba lover in just talk of Baba. That’s true. But now that His lovers are L.A. During the time when there was an earthquake in growing, He’s making it very clear to us that He has to L.A., and you know it was pitch black, and in a few house them, to be together. “Where My lovers gather seconds everything was topsy-turvy. Normal life was, no together, I am there.” So all that is fine. There is nothing longer anything was normal. It was pitch dark in the that is objected anywhere else. Except that hair, and tooth, night, and the lights had gone out, and Marguerite was and nail A signed book,all right, all right, I guess. on the floor, on her knees, groping for a flashlight, a torch Wendy: A photo Baba touched, or something like that? as we say. And while she was groping, the side table also fell down with a crash, but she couldn’t lay her hand on continued on page 12 the flashlight. She didn’t. She laid her hand on a box .

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DON STEVENS BRINGS WORDS OF WISDOM By Billy Goodruni I was extremely excited when I learned that Don anything to do with. Don very generously and happily Stevens was going to be paying a visit to the Los Angeles signed books for everyone, never seeming to tire of the Center. My first contact with Meher Baba was through line of people and mountain of books. the book Listen Humanity, which Don narrated. It has On each of the nights (Sept. 7 and 8), the book been ten years since reading the book that brought Baba signings were precursors to group meetings with Don. At into my life; yet I had not had the opportunity to meet the first nights meeting, Don covered three main topics. Don. I learned through my conversations He began by giving us an update on the with other Baba Lovers and correspon European groups activities, where he is dence with Don, that Listen Humanity has so closely connected. The second topic functioned as an introduction to Baba for was on the importance of Baba’s words. many, many people. Who could be more qualified than Don If there is such a thing, Don Stevens to share insights into Baba’s words and would most likely be considered the writings? He recounted how Baba foremost scholar of Meher Baba’s writspecifically stressed to him the utmost ings. After meeting and spending time importance of reading and studying with Baba, Don, along with Ivy Duce, Baba’s words, in particular GOD edited GOD SPEAKS. He compiled the SPEAKS. Mandali’s stories of the New Life for a The third topic was Baba in our volume on that phase of Baba’s work. He daily lives. Don shared three very often worked with Baba on other literary beautiful and personal stories of his projects and has also completed four experiences with Baba. I will not of his own, the most recent being attempt to paraphrase the first two stories books SOME RESULTS. Mind you, all of this as they deserve a more detailed descrip activity was sandwiched in with a de Don led a very interesting & thought provoking tion than this article permits. I believe discussion. Wish he was here more often! manding career as an executive in the gist can be found throughout Don’s the international petroleum industry, as well as leading writings, perhaps even in full detail. Meher Baba groups throughout Europe. The third story; however, was profound and moving Given the scope of Don’s literary output and the timing and Don told it with perfect detail. He explained how, for the first twenty four hours after Baba’s death, Meher Baba surrounded him with numerous happenings, charged with his highly characteristic flavor and sense of humor. These incidents indelibly established the fact of Baba’s continuing presence in Don’s life. The second nights meeting was a discussion group on a list of topics selected by Don. Having never experi enced one of Don’s discussions I was amazed, at the ease in which he guided the conversation and pushed us past superficial thoughts and knee-jerk responses. His knowledge and mastery of Baba’s writings became immediately clear. It was not, however, a mere intellec tual understanding, but an understanding balanced with strong intuition and heart. Don is one of the pillars of Baba’s work. He gener ously devotes himself to spreading Baba’s message of Love. At his own expense he travels around the world of his trip to coincide with the release of his latest book, sharing his experience of being in Baba’s presence, the book signings at the Center were a rousing success. Not only did our bookstore sell out of SOME RESULTS, continued on next page we sold out of almost every other book that Don had



WORDS OF WISDOM creating wonderful events like the ones held on these two nights in Los Angeles. We thank Don for his visit and the Loveandenergythathebroughttous. JaiBaba. I

YOU ARE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AMONG THE BEAUTIFUL There are many beautiful ones in this world, but none are as divine as You. Tulips signify the beginning of spring, and You my beloved are a tulip who blooms all year long. .





None steals hearts like You, with one glance as You do. It’s not just me, the whole world says: You are the most beautiful among the beautiful The waves in Your hair is not comparable to the sea’s, the grace of Your face can’t be found in desert calm. The softness of Your eyes, the compassion of Your smiles, are unmatched to the loveliness of the morning dawn.

Sales of all of Don’s books were very brisk in the Bookstore that night especially for his latest one ‘ Some results ‘. -


None steals hearts like You, with one glance as You do. It’s not just me, the whole world says: You are the most beautiful among the beautiful

Author Unkown

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MANI SPEAKS ON THE WORTH OF BELOVED BABA’S PERSONAL ITEMS continuedfrom page 9 Mani: That’s, that’s an object, touched by Baba. You know, not something belonging to Baba. I, I would hesitate, even with a sadra. A sadra can pass around. Loaned. So that everybody has a chance. You know, sometimes we must, we are apt to put Baba’s work above Baba. Let’s never make that mistake. Everything has a place; everything has a time. And He wants it, obviously; otherwise there wouldn’t be that urge, that enthusiasm, that wish to do it.[His work]. That’s fine, and He’s directing, let’s not think that we’re thinking, or you’re thinking. He’s doing it, He’s directing it, He wants it. When He wants it, He makes it very clear. I love the Sufi saying when they say, “When He wants you to ride, he will provide you with a horse.” But certain things it is good to have clear in one’s mind, that these things are never at any time to be auctioned, or raffled, anything belonging [to Him] what will happen later? You know, Meherabad for us for many years has been a place where we have stored Baba’s precious things. Sadras, sheets used by Him, pillowcases. And one day, there it was, I still remember, a square glass case in which we would stuff Baba’s sadra, because there were more than could fit in. You know, Mehera would kiss it and fold it and then push it. Now it was getting rather tight. So she asked Baba, she said, “Baba, do we still have to go on, continue, keeping your sadras in Meherazad? She thought if Baba said no, then we can use it for other things, for little curtains, or anything, you know. And you know, Baba said something very seriously. That again also surprised me, because it was a moment that stood still. Baba said, “Yes, yes, yes, yes; keep. Keep.

Later on, for a piece of My sadra, they will fight.” So, what we have learned, this has been instinc tive, natural with us. Because, as I said, I’ve seen Mehera handle Baba’s items, I’ve learned a lot of these things from Mehera. I’ve loved Baba always, from the cradle. But there are many ways of loving. And how to love Baba, I have learned to love Him. I’ve seen Mehera prepare a drink of water for Baba, drinking; a glass of drinking water; I’ve been amazed, you know? What is it? What’s the big deal about preparing a glass of water and giving it to Baba? Not Mehera. I think if you talked to her at that time, she wouldn’t have heard you. The glass was washed, just so. It had to have this particular thin soap. Then she had to wash her hands with that soap, and then this pure white muslin cloth which she had folded and put in this particular cupboard would come out, dampen it, and wrap around that glass, so it’s the right temperature. I tell you, once Baba had said to her, long ago, “What is this, the water smells of garlic.” She was shocked. She had given a glass of water for Baba to drink, with the smell of garlic. She stopped peeling garlic from that day on. Never by mistake, should ever, His water smell of garlic. She stopped. She cooked, she did everything, but the garlic had to be done by somebody else. There are many levels, there are levels of loving, there are levels of serving. But you should have a place[for Baba], in whatever you work, whatever you earn, whatever you enjoy; whatever! He must never be left out. He must never be out standing the kitchen door. He must be in. He will be, but you must always invite him. And there’s many ways that that can be arranged.

COLLECTION OF MEHER STORIES... At Mehera’s birthday time the inspiration came to begin collecting Mehera stories to be used for sharing at Mehera oriented programs and teas orjust to read once in a while. So this is where you come in. Does anyone out there have a story, a dream, a poem, a vision of Mehera that you would like to share with the Baba community? Please send it to me and I will type it, and begin compiling into a booklet to be shared with whoever requests a copy. Over time, who knows, it may even become a book. Enclose your story, your address and phone number.

brief time so they could be copied. So do you have a favorite slide of Mehera you would be willing to share? Here’s how: 1. Send a duplicate, 2. Have an internegative made and send it 3. If you can part with the slide, I will pay the cost for the internegative and new slide. With prints, you could send a photocopy first for consideration or send your negative or a copy. I know most of you don’t want to part with your personal photos but I will be happy to work with you on this. Let’s make something happen ! Please Respond:

COLLECTION OF MEHERA SLIDES... I have already started a slide collection of Mehera through the gener osity of others who were willing to part with their slides for a PAGE 12

Dr. Linda Zavala 195 So. Oak Ave. Pasadena, Ca. 91107 818.975.8322


The New World Culture ,

Harry Thomas

Please Note InPart I a sentence error was made. -


on page 9, paragraph 1, line 6, it read “And, let us ponder <world> exploration and settlement. World should be amended to off-world; as in outer space atfirst interplan etarv, then latei intergalactic. “


Intro: Part I ended with three options for new economic system. 1) Our present one reformed. 2) A new economic system but one still employing currency. 3) A new system also, but one without currency. Let us examine all three systems in greater detail. Our present economic system is corrupted. This is glaringly true when you examine third world conditions, especially in Africa and parts of Asia and Latin America, where machinations at high international business and governmental levels, by means of economic directives, are responsible for their plight. Given the degree of corruption suffused through the system, one might wonder if reform is desirable, or even possible. Major structural and psychological adjustments would be needed for this present system to accommodate a New World Culture. The question can legitimately be asked, would a fervent reform effort be worth it? Which leads us to considering Option #2. This would be a totally new, currency based eco nomic system. It would be designed to either eliminate or greatly reduce constant fluctuation in the marketplace and in financial sectors. This would greatly ease peoples mental states. It could also be designed to guarantee that exploitative measures aren’t enacted against the popu lace. For history has informed us, He who controls the coins, controls the crowds. Discussing the currency, it undoubtedly would be backed by a precious metal, preferably gold at a fixed price, and there would be an equal ratio between the note value of that currency and its worth in gold. In this economy, people would be paid fairly and everyone’s prosperity would be insured by the solid integrity of this system aided by a team of altruistic managers who would distribute the world’s wealth equitably. In this economy, there would be no money worries, manipulations, leveraged tactics and the like. It would be a system aligned to a spirit of generosity and inclusive goodness. Numerous contentions might arise, for example,

would there be a host of differing currencies, or a singu lar world currency? If the move is toward a world currency, will this necessitate a central bank? Which country or countries will stock the gold? Who will design the currency notes and establish its value? If there’s to be multiple currencies, then a cultural dimension enters the picture. Like flags and anthems, currency is an external aspect of a nation’s culture, hence, it fosters nationalistic thinking. Also, if there are vanegated currencies, will one dominate, reminiscent of todays dollar? Will some be stronger than others, like the deutsche mark and yen? And if so, doesn’t this perpetu ate a ranking mentality since national prestige is often tied to the strength of one’s currency? There are also possible difficulties owing entirely to the mathematical nature of money. The prominent one being, the reenactment of many of todays number games; interest rates, valuations, insurance policies, trading tables, shifting prices, inflation, investments, speculation, banks, tax brackets and a sundry of economic terms and potential realities. Also, currency being a mathematical construct, by entering onto the path of numeration which $1 would commence, one’s consciousness is propelled into a mathematical continuum. Beckoned onward by the siren call for a successive accumulation of wealth, this practice could well be resurrected. A currency system would necessitate a branch of the citizenry who’s occupation would maintain the operation as well as people involved with other aspects of this system. As citizens, we’d be required to carry money, or credit cards, which adds an encumbrance to

continued on page 26 PAGE 13


February 1 0, Saturday 8pm GUTTA NIGHT

This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mamoud Ajang.

Come to Fred Stankus’ famous Gutta night meeting for an evening of food, fun, high spirited humor and friends all focused on Beloved Baba.

January 6, 8pm NEW YEARS ARTI We will begin the New Year with Baba’s Prayers, songs of devotion to the Beloved and a film. All musicians are encouraged to participate. Please bring refreshments to share afterwards.

January 13, Saturday 8pm CONCERT WITH CINDY LOWE Tonight Cindy Lowe will be here from the Bay area to entertain us with music from her new album “After All This Time” as well as old favorites including her beautiful adaptation of The Beloved God prayer. The new album will be available in the Bookstore.

January 20, Saturday 6pm FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to the discussion of Beloved Baba. Coordinated by Dr. Mamoud Ajang.

January 20, Saturday 8pm KEEPING ABREAST WITH BABA Trisch Shannon shares with us her holistic healing path with Oriental medicine and the latest western research on cancer. Overcoming health problems with Baba’s guidance and practical solutions.

January 27, Saturday 8pm FILM NIGHT How very fortunate we are that Beloved Baba has given us so many beautiful films of himself in the physical form. Tonight Charlie Morton will show some of our favorites.


January 31 , Wednesday 8pm AMARTITHI Tonight we observe the anniversary of the day our Beloved Avatar Meher Baba dropped his body in 1969. Hosted by Lois Jones and Tamara Mark.

February 3, Saturday 6pm FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This program is focused on and dedicated to Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mamoud Ajang.

February 3, Saturday 8pm HIGHER TRIVIAL PURSUIT What was Mehera’s favorite color? What movie did Baba say he’d like to see 7 times? Test your Baba knowledge tonight as Jeff Maguire hosts an old favorite. PAGE 14

February 1 7, Saturday 6pm FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to discussion to Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mamoud Ajang.

February 17, Saturday 8pm FILM NIGHT Come and behold Baba’s radiant form on film. Hosted by our flim-walla Charlie Morton.

February 24, Saturday 8pm BELOVED BABA’S BIRTHDAY Come for a night of celebration and devotion on the eve of Baba’s Birthaday.

February 25, Sunday AVATAR MEHER BABA’S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Today we celebrate the birthday of our Beloved Baba, with music, dance and stories. Time and location to be announced. Contact Linda Zavala to volunteer and participate.

March 2, Saturday 6pm FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mamoud Ajang.

March 2, Saturday 8pm BABA’S ARTI Tonight we will perform Baba’s Arti with Baba’s prayers, songs of devotion and a film. Musicians are encouraged to participate. Please bring refreshments to share afterwards.

March 9, Saturday 8pm MASTERY IN SERVITUDE Tonight we will focus on and discuss Bhau’s latest book Mastery In Servitude. Hosted by Michael Ramsden.

March 16, Saturday 6pm FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mamoud Ajang.

March 1 6, Saturday 8pm ADELE’S ARCHIVES Over her long and intimate relationship with Meher Baba and his Mandali our dear Adele has amassed a vast collection of archives. Tonight she shares with us some of these treasures.

March 23, Saturday 8pm FILM NIGHT Come and see films of our Beloved Avatar. Hosted by our trusted flim-walla Charlie Morton.

March 30, Saturday 6pm FARSI LANGUAGE MEETING This meeting is devoted to discussion of Beloved Baba. All are welcome. Coordinated by Dr. Mamoud Ajang.

March 30, Saturday 8pm FARSI NEW YEAR CELEBRATION Tonight Mehemoush Lorkalontari will host a traditional Farsi New Year Celebration. This is always a treat and not to be missed.

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With tread soft as moonlight You enter my heart, illumining my pain and ignorance, but gently so as not to blind my naked eyes.


Truth is crystal clear in this world of shadows

but it comes in small sips for You alone know how much, or how little, my heart can hold. In Your silent way You force nothing on me,

only offering, little by little with infinite patience and love; Your hand ever outstretched so that one day I may grasp it and see the Sun.

0, Beloved Moon! Until that morning when the Sun rises don’t let the clouds hide Your beautiful face from me! J

Baba picked strong women in more ways than one! seen here are Kitty Davey and Margaret Craske, taken in Nasik 1936

Please see Bookstore article

Simon Reece

Please see Bookstore article PAGE 15

CHILDREN’S CORNER Your Song Children, Children, sing a song, “Baba, Baba,” all day long You can sing it in your heart. “Baba, Baba,” let us start. Now a bird is singing too, “Baba, Baba, I love you.” A little breeze just whistled by, “I want you all to be happy” Meher Baba

“Baba, Baba, here am I”

Dear On Love your daddy! Love your mommie! .

Baba wants you

, —


Sweet as honey



Baba’s Garden of Love Did you plant a seed of Love to-day upon this planet earth? Did you water it with kindness, Good thoughts to give it birth? God chose you for this very task And needs us, everyone! You can make His garden grow For love is like the sun. HOW DO THEY MANAGE WITH ONLY TWO LEGS?

If If you were a rock You could not walk. Friend Cat

If you were a flower

Love your friend the

You could live on a stalk.

pussy cat,

If you were a fish

Love to stroke his

You could not talk.

Furry head.

If you were a bird

Baba feels your gentle touch,

You could be a hawk

Kitty purrs instead.

If you were an animal



\ ‘,

You could live in a zoo. If you are smart, you are happy, Because you are you! PAGE 17

“A BABA NIGHT’S EVE” DINNER! DANCE. .Was held at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel .

This year we met in the very room and mezza nine area where Baba greeted many new lovers for the first time July 3 1 through Aug. 1 1 956. The evening began with a silent auction, a lovely catered dinner and then the real excitement began to mount when our very own Bobby Manonash and Ed McMaya started the bidding for the live auction. Some of the special items were: a test pressing album by Peter Townshend dedicated to Baba entitled ‘Happy Birthday” Books autographed by the Mandali, Laker’s VIP seats, L.A. Eyeworks really trendy eyeglasses with sunglass clip. A lovely head sculpture of Baba by Jurgis, an out of print edition of “Not We But One” which had many handwritten messages with autographs by the Mandali, a rare and very lovely black and white photo of Baba and Mehera together in the early days donated by Meheru, ans a video tour of many Baba sites in India. Also, seat to the upcoming Academy Awards with a special male gentleman escort and finally many talentedpeople in the health field contributed their services. We were very honored to have Ms. Katie Irani with us and special out of town guests; Bill and Diana LePage and Jane Brown. One of the guests commented it was fun, joyful, humorous and delicious. Adding to the upbeat quality of the evening were those Baba “boys” who sported tuxedo’s looking ever so handsome and Baba’s “girls” wearing glittery evening wear. It made one think of Baba’s birthday at the Delmonico Hotel in the 50’s when everyone was dressed to the “nine’s” in antici pation of being with Baba. And, yes, Baba was palpably present this evening. ,

Grand Prize Drawing, a flight to Meher Spiritual Center, was won by Ms. Tracy Bleahu of Pacific Palisades. This will be Tracy’s first opportunity to visit Baba’s home in the west. This was the most successful Auction fundraiser the Center has had to date. And, of course, it was only possible with Baba’s Grace and His loving presence, the many helping hands, great ideas, creative bursts of energy, and just a little touch of gladly given slave labor for the One in the Many. Chairwoman Wendy Ward, with assistance from Mike Ramsden, Rob Ward, Karma Page,


After the auction The “Om Boys” entertained us with their very rhythmic and lively dance tunes. Jane Brown and Debbie Ashe sang while we danced. The PAGE 18

Visiting from Avatar’s, abode are Bill and Diana LePage seen here with Katie Irani and Michael Ramsden

Lois Jones, Rose Choi, Dma Franklin, Clea Sucoff, Billy Goodrum and Linda Zavala rounded out the core group of Baba wallas. Drawn by Shawdi Manouchehrpour,

Wendy announces the winner of the grand door prize: the trip to myrtle Beach spiritual Center goes to Tracy Bleahu


-e Jane Brown, singer extraordinaire, flew in from Myrtle Beach. Wendy Ward chairwomen and chief slave and organizer of this fabulous event, stops for a moment to pose with Shireen Lorkalantari, Katie and Michael -

Our Bookstore walli takes a break from the wild and crazy dancing to sit with a friend... (one of Baba’s favorites)

Dancing the night away capped off a memorable night.


Jai Baba and welcome to the Bookstore! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and instruments he employs to great effect include Hanukkah. Classical and 12 string guitars, Santoor, Cello, I hope my being in Australia for December did Sitar, Ramuntar, Tuned copper chimes, not inconvenience any of you, or disrupt your Tampura ( I thought that was something you Baba gift giving plans. ate?!) Rain stick, Bottles “and other bits.” With this LampPost following so closely on the He also thanks the birds at Meherabad. I had heels of the last very overdue issue, you may forgotten how incredibly loud, varied, and think we have nothing much new to tell you. beautiful they sound. It is as though as many Not so! There is always something happening birds as possible assemble around the Samadhi in the Baba world. Let me start with two new and the Pilgrim Center to sing the praises of albums that were our Beloved. Hearing placed in my hands them on this tape will two days ago. .they take you right back have been on the there. ‘continuous play’ of Sun and Moon has two my tape deck ever songs that Simon since! How to describe sings with words, The them is a difficulty! Gujerati Arti, words Each track is different, by Meher Baba and I a different kind of wilifly to you, words music. Do you like by Mehera. On the Katie checks out the Bookstore with Christie Pearson, Gregorian chants? other tracks, those the hostess th the mostest and Adele Walkin Then you’ll love it, that have vocals, they but it’s not are just that, vocals, Gregorian chants. .do you like listening to no words. And a beautiful ethereal sound it is. Whale song? Then you’ll love it, but it’s not On the jacket is a poem Simon wrote that is so whale song. There is some flamenco, great close to the way I feel, it brought chills to me. acoustic guitar, some tracks that sound some (See box) what Middle Eastern, perhaps the meuzzin’s Echoes of the Infinite features a stunning full calling the faithful to prayer; then there is the colour photograph Simon took of a temple at Romanza, a classical Spanish composition, sunrise reflected in the water, at Jaisalmeer in perhaps the most beautiful piece of music in the Rajasthan on the cover and is dedicated: “For world under the name of Anonymous. Listenthe Eternal Love of Meher Baba.” Simon re ing to this in a room with candlelight, I feel I corded this album at the Vigeland Mausoleum can see souls ascending to heaven. ‘Hyperbole’, in Oslo Norway, and says “The incredible you say? Don’t take my word for it, do yourself acoustics of the towering chamber produce a a favor, buy this, or these tapes and see for sense of space and timelessness which is almost yourself. In fact, I am so taken with this music, not of this world.” As a musician, he says, and feel it is so different ( but comfortingly, “merely playing and singing in this sublime faintly familiar,) to anything I have heard beenvironment awakens unfathomable inspira fore, that I will cheerfully refund your money if tion.” What Simon was feeling certainly comes you wish to return the tape, telling me you did through to the listener. These recordings were not care for it. So what is it you say? The musi made with just one microphone and nothing cian, composer, singer and producer is an was added afterward to enhance the sound. Englishman by the name of Simon Reece. The Most musicians would spend thousands to get . .



this sound from a commercial studio! The tape starts with three Jai Babas echoing in the cham ber. The optimal way to listen to these two tapes is in a tranquil setting, ( no children running screaming through the house!) soft lights, and candles. Be prepared to be totally transported to another realm. They are $10 each. I loved Mark Trichka’s review of Buz Connor’s The Glory of Love but there was a mistake in the pricing: the cost of the tape is $12 unfortunately no one can afford to produce a tape for $5.95. .maybe in the Seventies Another correction: Direct Cinema, the distributors for the documentary Meher Baba the Awakener have changed the price from $25 to $30 (but it’s still cheaper than its origi nal price!) The newly released book I told you about in our last issue, Much Love by T.K. Ramanujan, has a beautiful passage on page 209 I wanted to share with you: One of Baba’s lovers had asked Him how he could retain constant contact with Him. To the lover Baba replied, “Do you feel constantly hungry? When you feel hungry you take food, and then you forget about the food. So work for me in such a way that you feel hungry for me. Sometimes think of Me, sometimes work for Me, sometimes talk about Me, but not all the time. If you go on ,

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eating continually you will get indigestion! Before you go to bed say ‘Baba I entrust to the Lord all that I did, thought or spoke, good and bad, to you.’ When you get up, say ‘Baba I now begin entrusting all thoughts, words and deeds to you.’ Say this just twice each day for five minutes, but with all your heart in it. Do that, and make Me responsible for all you do or think. Then you are free. .but you must do it honestly. This much will be more than sufficient to maintain the contact with Me. I am the ocean. I can accept both flowers, coco nuts and also filth. So throw everything in the Ocean with all your heart. This is a great thing if done wholeheartedly, otherwise it goes in your own pool of water which gets filthy because of your dirt.” The book is full of gems like that. $20.. .when it’s available! A number of you ‘arts and crafts people’ have bemoaned the absence of the little stick-on photos of Baba we used to get from Joy Meher. I found out that Fuji film no longer produces that product, and no other filmcom pany has come up with that format. If anyone hears about such a product, please let me know. But to fill in the gap I have made available an 8x10 sheet of miniature black and white photos of Baba, each one is one by one and a half inch or smaller. These are for the very creative . .


continue on the next page PAGE 21

Jai Baba and welcome to the Bookstore! Continued from page 21 people who weave beads or embroidery around some wonderfully detailed stories of the most them, or put them into various brooches. They prominent of the ‘Western Mandali’: Princess are $8 per sheet with about 36 usable pictures Norma Matchabelli, Countess Nadine Tolstoy on it. and Elizabeth Patterson. She also has stories to As many of you know, the Bookstore tell about Delia de Leon, Kitty Davy, Margaret carries back issues of that wonderful magazine Craske and many other fascinating Filis Frederick produced for Baba starting way personalities. .all powerful women who gave back in the Fifties. We have quite a few copies their all to serve their Master. The magazines of two of the most popular editions: Baba in are $5 apiece. Hollywood and Women of the West. For those of you who bought Baba in Hollywood is Volume XVIIISong of Huma when it first came 1 and chronicles in detail the many out a few years ago, and all of you people and places Baba visited who have tried to buy it recently when He was here in 1932, ‘34 and and found it is ‘out of ‘56. Did you know, for instance, print’ Rejoice! Elaine Cox, the that Mary Pickford was so taken producer of this beautiful tape, with Baba that she and her hus tells me that volume two is almost band Douglas Fairbanks threw ready. In fact, by the time you read Him a great party at their magnifi this, I may have it on the shelves. cent home ‘Pickfair’. Years later, in For those of you unfamiliar with the Fifties, Adele Wolkin was this title, Huma was the pen name I visiting a Veteran’s hospital in the Meher Baba took when, in His very Bronx. There she met Mary, who early years, he wrote poems and ,2arke* Leroy was also visiting with her hus submitted them to the newspapers band, Buddy Rogers. Adele asked and magazines. These haunting Mary if she remembered Meher Baba. “Oh of love songs to God have been exquisitely sung, course”, the famous star replied, “He was a acappella, by the women Mandali, and set to most wonderful man!” In the Forties, Norma music by Elaine, using the very best of profes Matchabelli met Talullah Bankhead at some sional musicians, when she brought the master function. Talullah, in her noted gravely voice tapes back to the States. It has been a trernen asked, “Has Meher Baba broken his !?*%#@!? dous job, not to mention extremely expensive, Silence yet?” When Baba was in Hollywood in putting it all together. For Elaine, the labour of 1935, Greta Garbo was most anxious to meet love is it’s own reward, but our joy in the hearHim. In fact, she stayed up all night to be ready ing of this work is also very gratifying! $10. for her early appointment, but at the last mo The ethereal photos of our Beloved that ment, fell asleep and missed it! Baba cornappear on pages opposite are from the Harmon rnented that she was a very spiritual person, on Hudson video (recently discovered Para but was veiled from it in this life. All this and mount Newsreel footage of the 1932 visit of much much more, including copious photos. Meher Baba to America). In this video we see Filis celebrated The Awakener’s 30th Baba drawing water from a well and drinking anniversary by publishing a very special Vol it. Recognizing how extraordinary these rare urne XX-2 entitled Women in the West. In the images of Baba are, Sheriar Foundation has early Twenties Meher Baba predicted that His made available a selection of eight 8 x 10 black work would be done in the East by men, and in and white photographic prints. They are $12.00 the West, by women. In this edition, Filis gives ea. or $80 for the set. .




For fans of the international magazine ing in our Bookstore. It is a very beautiful The Glow, Naosherwan Anzar has given us a ‘coffee table’ book dedicated to Baba (Tajudin’s hardbound edition, incorporating all the issues “The Heavenly Rose”) and titled The Poetry of from May of ‘85 to May of ‘90. The Glow al Roses. It is magnificent full colour photographs ways has articles of great interest, and the full of the many, very varied and unusual roses that colour covers of various artist’s rendition of our Carolyn cultivates in her garden. It is her book Beloved are more than just beautiful to look at, from start to finish: Carolyn grew the roses, they are, each one, worth framing. The special picked them, arranged them in a multitude of bound edition is $50. artistic ways, photographed them and then The Bookstore packed up chose the poetry to accompany and traveled three times last year. each photograph. The poems are The first time was to Meherana in from many and varied poets, May when Bhau Kalchuri was the among them: Hafiz, Rumi, guest. For the Sahavasees, to see Shakespeare, Malcolm Schloss, this full fledged Bookstore in a Shelly, Wordsworth, Emily tent, seemingly just sprung into Dickinson and many more. Truly a being overnight, is always a beautiful book. To look at it you suprise. To get it that way requires would swear the price would be a tremendous amount of work on $40-$48 Imagine my delight the part of many people. First, when I found we could sell it for a in volunteers are called to pack up very low $20! What a really beaueverything from our Los Angeles tiful gift this book would make, home. Then it is loaded on a truck either for yourself or a loved one and driven up to the Sahavas who appreciates the beauty of A beautiful rose creation by Carolyn Parker. location, be it Pilgrim Pines for our roses. I immediately bought three Los Angeles Sahavas or to Meherana a six from the first shipment!! hour drive away. Then starts the fun of unpackWhen I spoke to Raphael Rudd recently ing it all and creating magic. None of this could to reorder the Skydancer CD (unfortunately not be accomplished without our many helpers, but available at this time, but I have plenty of the mostly with the unflagging help of the indefati tapes), he told me some very exciting news: gable Michael Ramsden a man who feels as I Fifteen years ago he was in The Boathouse do, that we are truly blessed to be allowed to laying down some tracks. Anyone familiar with slave for our Beloved in this fashion. The fact English Rock has heard of The Boathouse! Pete that you all so much enjoy having the Traveling Townshend recorded many a famous album, as Bookstore in your midst, is just a wonderful did other English rockers, in this Studio that added bonus. Last on the list of plusses is that had once been a boathouse on the Thames the profit from the sales goes towards helping Embankment by Twickenham, just outside of keep our Center afloat, and also allows us to London. Raphael was playing his usual fabu make a healthy donation to Meherana. bus piano and harp, Pete was on guitar and We had intended to show you more of they had a ‘pick up’ drummer you may have Carolyn Parker’s beautiful work with Roses Phil Collins!! Can you believe it??!! heard of and the Beloved in our last issue, but we ran Is this going to be a huge commercial success or out of space. Hopefully there will be room in what? ! Raphael will finally get the outside this edition to show you more. Carolyn has also just had a book published which we are carrycontinue on next page .




1995 SERVICE COMMITTEE REPORT The L.A. Baba Family First of all, we are happy to report that Gus (Marion Gust) and George Gerdes each came through open heart surgery with flying colors ! Gus had bypass surgery in February, and George had surgery on a valve in Septem ber. Thank you, everyone, for your prayers and well wishes. In August, Tony Hage, Lois Jones, Rosalee Dunphy, Will Guston, and Chris and Pris Haffenden visited Dana Field at his nursing home. Dana and the other residents were treated to a feast of videos of Beloved Baba and yummy goodies! Although we had to do a little coaxing to get him up and out of bed, once he joined the party, Dana had a great time. He was very happy! Chris and Pris entertained with their wonderful “Still Yet More” chamber music. Several residents in wheelchairs really perked up when Rosalee took them by the hand and danced with them! Jacko and Becky Caraco welcomed little Adam Meher to Beloved Baba’s world in July. By the time you read this article, the Caraco clan will be heading for Mariposa. Jacko has re-located his acupuncture practice there, and the Caracos will be the new occupants of the Caretaker’s house at Meherana. We will miss them all.

We have several years worth of fond memories of the myriad of events the Caracos so graciously hosted at their home. Jacko, Becky, and Adam, we wish you well as you begin your “new life” journey together. Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!

Outreach Unfortunately, the Seedling, where we previously donated time, food, clothing and money to help families in need, has closed. The Seedling was located in South Los Angeles. In addition to helping families on a daily basis, the Seedling provided ample food, toys and other gifts to 500 families every Christmas. The St. Joseph Center, in Venice, coordinates projects similar to those of the Seedling. We are working with them this year, and we’ll give a full report in the next issue of the LampPost. If you know of anyone in need (of food, clothing, or just a little moral support), please contact the Service Committee via the Center: (310) 474-9454.

Jai Baba and welcome to the Bookstore! recognition he deserves, and the name of Meher having told him about who He was while they

Baba will be spread farther and wider. The working title of the album is “The Awakening.” It has Pete singing four songs, one of which is entitled In Praise of the Ava tar. All tracks are Raphael’s compositions. It is projected to be ready around March. Remember folks, you read it in your LampPost first! I have just finished speaking with the

Head of Promotions for the record company and he is most interested in hearing anything he can about Meher

Baba. This, from Raphael PAGE 24

were talking business and discussing the re cording Well, I think that is a great note to go out on.

Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!!!

See you, in the Bookstore,



This year I have learned that it can be beneficial to be naive. A year ago, after being elected to the Board of Directors as one of four people running to fill four open seats, I became head of the program committee. Being new to such matters, I sought out the assistance of those who had preceded me as program heads. Debra Ashe helped me tremendously and showed me the ropes; do’s and donts, ideas, hints and educated me in general regarding this new position I found myself in. I also talked to Jeff Maguire, who had served as program head prior to Debra. He suggested one way to keep the programs interesting was to invite guests that had spent time with Baba. Taking his advice to heart, I began to think who our Center may want to invite as guests for the year. Two names immediately popped into my mind: Katie Irani and Don Stevens. So I asked the Board to authorize me to extend invitations to them. I wrote Katie and after some time (she was waiting for Goher to return from medical treatment in Atlanta) I received her letter accepting our invitation. Needless to say I was ecstatic. Before I ever got a chance to extend an invitation to Don Stevens I got a call from Adele Wolkin. She had just received a letter from Don saying he was going to be in Los Angeles in the latter part of the summer and wanted to do a program at the Center. Baba had certainly made my job easier. Thank you Baba. The other day at one of Katie’s programs at Jacko’s house I remarked to Jeff how sound his advice to invite guests had been. He looked at me and said that he had meant people like Rick Chapman or Robert Dreyfuss (from the Bay Area), not Mandali. We both laughed and acknowledged that it was a bit of good luck that I had been so naive in my interpretation of his advice. Baba has blessed us with an entire year full of

wonderful guests: Beloved Baba’s dear Mandali mem bers Katie Irani and Bhau Kalchuri came to inspire us with their Love for Baba. Don Stevens, Leatrice Johnston, Henry Kashouty and Dara and Amrit all came and shared with us their experiences with the Beloved. Thanks to guests Ella and Peter Marks, Merwan and Rukshana Mehta, our own Adele Wolkin and musical guest Buzz Conner for making our Sahavas so memorable. Other musical guests throughout the year have included Richard Pikoff and Gabriella Tal. Thank you all. I want to thank all the many people that have helped with programs throughout the year: all those that gave and participated in programs as well as those who attended. Thank you all who had events in their homes and who accommodated guests. Dr. Mamoud Ajang has done an excellent job leading the Farsi meetings. Sometimes after the meetings I see those that attended streaming blissfully down the stairs and I find myself wishing I could speak and understand Farsi. Thank you Dr. Ajang for your committment and dedication to coordinating these meetings of spirited devotion to Baba. Much thanks to Adele for consistently encourag ing me and contributing excellent program ideas and to Lois Jones for helping with Katie’s arrangements. We are forever indebted to Jacko and Becky for sharing their home with so many of our guests and with the group at large. We will miss Jacko, Becky and Adam tremen dously when they move to Mariposa. Much, much appreciation to our Board President Mike Ramsden who gives each board member plenty of creative freedom and is always willing to help anytime and anyplace it may be needed. If anyone has program ideas or would like to do a program please contact me. Jai Baba.

“When mind soars in pursuit of the things conceived in space, it pursues emptiness; but when dives deep within himself, he experiences the fullness of existence.” AVATAR MEHER BABA PAGE 25


The New World Culture continuedfrorn page 13 our physical life and an unnecessary layer of complexity to our psyche. Plus, the inherent possibility of manipulation at the apex levels, and at lower levels of the system, would be there, but perhaps this could be minimized or eliminated by a splendid design concept. All of which delivers the discussion to Option #3, a currency free system. In an examination of the natural world, it’s apparent that everything is given free of charge. Sunshine, air and water are provided freely, and resources, in a pure state, can be extracted and utilized without cost. This situation alters with the implementa tion of commercial venues which intercede between needs and supplies. The instituting of this market device is the central feature of an economic system, with money being its fuel. A currency free society most accurately reflects a pristine relationship with the earth. At this Edenic level, the access to resources is direct and free. It must be restated, that the scope of economic freedom in this model extends to every avenue of activity. Food, naturally, would be free, as well as all resources from water and land to timber and gold. Also included would be all clothing and shelter needs. Medi cine would join the list, as would all medical and health services. All products of human imagination would have no costs attached. This would include crafted works like pottery and jewelry and works of art; and extend to information, communication and transportation systems and devices, both public and private. Also, all energy needs would be supplied freely. Without exception, all resources, goods and services would be unconditionally free. Immediate ramifications would arise from this system. There would be an immense simplification of life, and we could realistically witness the dismantling of currency based social ranking. We would be unencum bered from engaging our consciousness in money based mathematical calculations. And most of all, we would experience ecstatic levels of freedom which would automatically add to our happiness. Saying this type of system is unrealistic is understandable, but what must be understood, is that a currency free system accomplishes the same objective as the fully distributive one, only by different means. The fully distributive system imparts sufficient money to its PAGE 26

citizenry to enable them total access to resources, goods and services. In the currency free system, this identical state is realized by making all resources, goods and services free. They both accomplish universal prosperity, it’s only the method of conferral that is different. The flaw in this economy would be the misuse of privilege that unlimited access to resources and services would allow. This, potentially, could encourage frivolous or wasteful lifestyles that exploit the prosperity of the system to the detriment of the users personal well being and to the commonwealth. This problem could be checked within a currency system by restricting funds to that individual or group. One could assume, however, that measures could be enacted within a currency free system to counteract this type of behavior. Returning to the notion of a money free society, I would suspect that acceptance can be rendered at lower levels of the spectrum, food and raw materials. But in contemplating work efforts, or providing items for peoples needs or creating crafted objects or works of art; where labor, market savvy or invention is involved, how can people not be compensated? This concern is legitimate, but largely stems from the delusion of ownership. The worker “owns” his energy, the businessman his wares and the artist, inventor or craftsman, his outpourings. Under the current eco nomic system, and by our way of thinking, an exchange of currency transfers ownership of that personal com modity to the purchaser. Now the purchaser owns this resource. But if scrutiny is applied to the examination, a Divine Context is apprehended which supersedes all petty notions of ownership. And this applies to highly advanced systems of technical craftsmanship. Air travel involves a complex arrangement of interlocking activities. Traveling freely seems ludicrous, but if properly analyzed, this assessment is challenged. Let’s compile a case. By factoring in all the elements that make air travel possible, it becomes obvious to what extent Divine Agency was responsible. At the most basic level, molecular cohesion holds all the materials together which are used in construction. And, all materi als, even process related ones like metal alloys and plastics, have their ultimate origin in the natural world, which man is not responsible for. The mind that conceived the airplane, orjet, was



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not only designed by God, but suffused with the ideas to Seen from this more complete understanding, this construct this vehicle. The human body, also engineered by Infinite Intelligence, was given sufficient adroitness to Divine Agency is totally responsible for all of our cre ative acts and manifested systems. By this reasoning, build this craft. Laws of physics, like gravity and air resistance, make flight possible. The electromagnetic these human generated systems are not only an extension of this Divine Agency; they spectrum allows radar and are this Divine Agency, radio to operate within operative in this capacity. their respective wave frequencies. And, human Assigning anthropo senses allow the pilots to morphic designations, one fly, the ground and support can state that not only is the crews to function in a GOVERNMENT Intergovernmental Lord responsible for coordinated effort, and the Departments everything, and controls passengers to experience everything, but equally flight. In this orchestration importantly, The Lord of events and realities, Owns Everything! From man’s ability to create and Military this vantage point, all labor, sustain this system, is LAW Intelligence resource items and crafted entirely contingent upon Police & Penal Agencies works, not only have their operating within a Divine origin in the Lord, but they Context that not only are owned by the Lord. supports and sustains his efforts, but which inspires BUSINESS him with the continued So from an Absolute Media Proprietary Position, and ideas that have been assigned to “progress.” within the framework of a transaction, the Lord is the Question: Can the New Humanity be superimposed Viewed from this only one we can pay for upon this system? vantage point, it’s apparent resources, goods and that this Divine Agency is services. But assuming Follow-up Thought: The main actors of these responsible for everything, transcendent indifference interconnected spheres of activity would have to be the creation and placement and having no need for any transformed nearly enlightened for the New Humanof the materials, their recompense, how could this ity to operate in accordance with the Avatar’s Visionability to be transformed practice started? be ary-Will. into other states, the physical laws and properFrom the foregoing Following Still: Given this degree of necessary ties and our capable human argument, it would appear transformation why must this system be maintained? vehicles equipped with that a crucial step towards senses and a receptive Further: Just as this system was invented, imple realizing a currency free mented and refined; can’t an equally valid and intelligence. Minus this society, is establishing an working system be invented? One totally different and Divine Context, air travel economic system that is more conducive to the New Humanity? could not have been God-Centered and not maninvented or maintained. centered. How this could From this perspective, man realistically be formulated, is actually an extension of this Divine Agency of Cre remains to posterity if this path is chosen. ation and not an encapsulated being who creates indepen dently of this Agency, and subsequently, owns his cre ations. continue on the next page

Paradigm for Rulership and Control




The New World Culture Continued from page 27 Another critical step is the full understanding that conferring happiness brings the greatest return on happi ness, and that giving ones labor, talent or crafted works to society, freely and joyously, would not only constitute an elevated form of selfless service, it would actually be a form of worship. But whichever economic system comes into being: our current one reformed, a totally fair currency system or one currency free, is not the important issue to engage our attention. What’s vastly more significant is that the Lord Himself is leading us towards a Coming Civiliza tion of His Design. When the new world culture blooms, our attention will turn collectively towards the Lord, and as we realize our commonality in spirit, our legacy of diversity will be transmuted into unity; as we celebrate our new life, in the felicitous harmony of knowing, that freedom, happiness and being one, are verities of the soul. This essay will

conclude with the words of Meher Baba, who is ushering in this Grand Adventure. “The new world culture, born from the new humanity and its integral vision, will automatically involve a cultural synthesis. The vision that inspires the new culture will be comprehensive.” “The world will soon realize that neither cults, creeds, and ceremonies on the one hand, nor passionate striving for material welfare on the other, can ever bring about real happiness but that selfless love and universal brotherhood can accomplish it.” “The future of humanity is in the hands of those who have this vision...”

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