Trusting in God more than man Â
Promises: Trusting in God More Than Man Copyright © 2014 by One Desire Ministries and Amber Joy Blais All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the publisher, except where noted in the text and in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Contact the author:
1. Introduction………………………………………………………… 1
2. What do we trust? ………………………………………………. 2
3. The Bible is full of promises………………………………… 7
The faith of Hannah
Abraham’s Promise
The Exodus
Promises of a Savior ?
4. Promises for us…………………………………………………….
We are Sons and Daughters
The Promise of the Holy Spirit/new creation
Fighting Temptation/ fighting sin
? 5. What we must do………………………………………………… ???
6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………
7. What is One Desire Ministries? ………………………………
8. About the Author……………………………………………………
9. Start a relationship with God…………………………………
Welcome to One Desire Ministries Resources!
The general theme of this study is on trust. For me, trust is something that
was easy to do early on in my life but as events transpired and tragedies struck; little by little I became a very skeptical and cynical person. I began not to trust anyone or anything. My journey with God has taught me a lot in the area of trust. Specifically what it means to trust God and others. I love talking about all that God has done in my life and all the lessons that He has taught me. This study comes from a personal place that God has healed, grown, and spoken His truth into. The area of “trust” plays a huge role in my life that I struggled with for years. I hope that together we can learn to trust in God at all times and pour out our hearts to Him because He truly is our refuge! (Psalm 62:8)
About this Resource
I have a huge burden and passion for reaching our generation in a relevant
way with God’s truth. What is so cool about these studies is that they are in a PDF format that’s easy to download right onto your computer. These studies are convenient, easily accessible, and FREE! Here are some things to know: • Each lesson will include key verses found in blue circles. These are for you to meditate on and pray over. • There are several questions asked in each section, enabling you to interact and reflect on the lesson. • These studies work great if you want to print them out and write your thoughts in a journal as you answer the questions. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share with you what God has taught me. I pray that this study would be a source of encouragement and a way for you to grow closer to God!
Amber Joy Blais
What Do We Trust?
Before you can make a promise to someone you must have his or her trust.
And in order for you to believe someone’s promise to you, you have to trust him or her. What makes people trustworthy? You trust their character and over time they have proven themselves to you in one way or another. So what’s the definition of trust?
Definition of TRUST Reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety of a person or thing; confident expectation of something; hope; a person
on whom someone relies.
❁ Think of some people, things, or symbols that you trust
and WHY and jot them down.
I thought of these examples of trustworthy people or symbols:
parents/family, friends, teachers, boyfriend/fiancé, husband, pastors/church leaders, media/news, doctors. These are all just some examples of the people and things that
we trust in. Of course there are levels of trust and certain people earn that deeper more intimate trust than others. But for the most part and in most cases it is fairly easy for us to trust our family, friends, or significant others. It is even easy for us to trust (on some level) what the news says, what the weatherman forecasts, or what the doctor tells us. And we trust in these people or things because we feel as though they have earned their authority and credibility.
So what about God? Can we say we TRUST Him? Do we TRUST His Word? When God says something, are we skeptical OR believing?
Let’s take a look at our first key verse and see what it has to say about
whether or not God is trustworthy.
Psalm 62:8 says that God is not only trustworthy but
“Trust in Him at all times, you
that He is
people; Pour out your heart before
our refuge, a safe
Him; God is a refuge for us."
supposed to be place, a protected place for us to
Psalm 62:8
run to.
This verse in
Psalms is comforting isn't it? Insert your name where it says, "you people" and see how it reads. I tried that one day and it made me realize that there were so many instances where I don’t trust
Him. Notice the verse says “at ALL times”. There are definitely times in life when it’s easier to trust God, but what about those times when your faith is truly put to the test? ❁ Do you have a hard time trusting God all the time? ❁ Circle the reason why you feel like it’s hard for you to trust God:
My life is a mess, and it’s hard to see God.
I feel like God has abandoned me.
I don’t know God.
I struggle with doubting God and His control over my life.
People who claim to be Christians are too hypocritical.
Other __________________________________________________________
❁ Look back at Psalm 62:8. What are the two action verbs we are to do?
God wants us to TRUST in Him at all times, no matter how bad our life gets,
no matter how unsure our future. And the second verb we see in this verse is POUR. We are also told to pour out our hearts to God. These are two active things we should be doing. Trusting and Pouring. When we are actively pouring our hearts out to God, we are saying that we trust Him. So these two really go hand in hand.
Pouring your heart out to God is simply praying to Him and letting Him know all of your burdens. If you are having a hard time trusting God, a good place to start is by learning to pour out your heart to God in prayer.
When I first discovered Psalm 68:19 I knew immediately what a treasure it
was. From the moment I first read it, until now, it remains a verse I repeat to myself regularly. Look at this sweet verse! God has promised to carry you in His arms! What a beautiful display of love. God cares for those he has made and those he has saved. He has redeemed you and He will carry you every single day, through any circumstance, and through any trial. This is the character of our God.
“Praise the Lord; praise God our Savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.” Psalm 68:19 (NLT)
❁ Pour out your heart to God by laying everything at His feet through prayer. What are some things you really need to trust Him with right now? Let Him know what they are and release the burden to Him! Let Him carry you in His arms. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Faith of Hannah
Hannah was a woman of great faith. If you aren’t familiar with her story
(found in 1 Samuel) allow me to share it briefly with you. Hannah was an Israelite woman who lived in the period of the judges. For many years her life was lonely and she was bitter because she was unable to have children (1 Samuel 1:5). In this time period women were valued based on their ability to bear children and provide offspring. If women were unable to bear children, most of the time they were seen as worthless. So you can imagine that this woman was deeply grieved at the reality of never being able to become a mother. I’m sure as Hannah lived her life she saw many of her friends and family members bearing children and raising them. This probably only added to her bitterness.
Even Hannah’s husband tried to console her (1 Samuel 1:8) but this woman
was DEEPLY grief stricken. Imagine the identity crisis and confusion she must have felt. In her world a woman was expected to bear children. That is what made them desirable and valuable. Imagine the insecurities and questions she must have battled in her mind on a daily basis! This one thing that should be a natural, God-‐ given ability, was not possible with Hannah.
She stopped eating. And all she could do was cry.
I can’t imagine this sorrow exactly, but I can understand grief, anxiety, uncertainty and insecurity. We all can to some degree. Let’s take a look at 1 Samuel 1:15b.
Hannah “poured” out her soul before the Lord,
just like we are instructed to in Psalm 62:8. Her act of prayer was so concentrated and transparent, that she
1 Samuel 1:15b “… I have been pouring out my soul before the Lord.”
was trusting God as she was praying. This act of “pouring out” is much more than reciting a prayer. It is
the picture of getting alone with God, and praying with a trusting and open heart. Hannah knew God could heal her. Hannah knew that He
was the only one who could do this great thing. She placed her whole-‐hearted trust in the only one deserving of it.
When her life was overwhelming and she was full of anxiety and grief,
Hannah turns to God in prayer. She is content to trust in God’s sovereign will and provision.1 Hannah prays a powerful, transparent prayer to God, pouring out her soul.
Do you see how both trusting God and pouring out your heart go hand in
hand? Hannah is the perfect example of a woman who was deeply distressed, and took her griefs straight to God through prayer. There is so much f reedom and p eace that comes from pouring out all your anxiety, fears, and doubts before God! Look up these verses and journal your thoughts and responses to what they have to say about praying to God. ❁ 1 Pet er 5:7 ❁ Phili ppians 4:6-7
1 NKJV the Woman's Study Bible: Second Edition, 2 ed. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2010), 1 Samuel 1:6. 355.
Learning to pour out your heart to God in prayer is crucial to trusting Him.
The discipline of prayer shows that you are relying on God’s wisdom, might, and power, and it shows that you are trusting in God more than yourself or anyone else. We will end this lesson with prayer and reflection, looking back at the verses and questions we have covered so far.
God wants you to trust in Him. Your prayer might look different from the
sample prayer below, so I encourage you to make this prayer personal based on where you are in your relationship with God.
Prayer & Reflection
// // // // /// // // // // /// // // // /// // // // //
Dear God, I recognize that I struggle with trusting in you. And sometimes I trust in man’s words more than in Your words. Please forgive me for my lack of faith and trust. Please help me to trust in you, no matter what life might bring. God, I am pouring out my heart before you, seeking you as my refuge. I know that you care for me and that you promise to take care of me and provide for me. Help me on this journey as I learn to trust You more.
“Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7
The Bible is Full of Promises Abraham’s Promise
We are going to be looking at some more examples of the promises of God and
how they are all trustworthy. The first person we will look at is Abraham. Whether you know the story or not, let me give you a very brief background of who this man was and how we can learn from him.
God comes to Abram and calls him to leave everything he knows and follow
Him to a new land. God continues by telling him he would make him a great nation and many blessings would come from him. (Genesis 12:1-‐2) How many of us would have no hesitations if God appeared to us and told us to move to China or Zimbabwe? I think I would have a few questions in my mind. I would firstly be concerned with money, how I’m getting to this new place, how I’m going to fit in and communicate in a different language, and so on.
But Abram just packs everything up. Genesis 12:4 says, “ So Abram went, as
the Lord had told him…” He obeyed immediately. Abram was from a pagan nation before God intervened. He did nothing to earn God’s favor; God sought him out and called him to a new life.
Abram followed God to a new place, and into a new culture, because he trusted Him.
❁ Reflect on Genesis 12:1-‐2. These are huge sacrifices God asked of
Abram. But God made big promises to him if he obeyed. How does being a follower of Christ compare with the sacrifices Abram was called to do?
❁ Read Genesis 15:1-‐8. What are the two things Abram is worried about, that he asks God to confirm?
God is patient with us when we are confused and unsure. Abram was unsure if
he would really have a physical heir or descendent. He was also unsure of how he would know for sure that this “land” was a real place that would eventually be reached. God understood these concerns. He didn’t rebuke Abram or scold him for asking questions. Instead he made a divine covenant, or promise to him. He promised that these two things would come to pass: Abraham would have as many descendants as the stars in the sky, and that the promised land would be inhabited by these same descendants. God’s Power in Human Weakness
Continuing with this story you ironically discover that Abram’s wife can’t have
children. Much like Hannah, who we learned about in our previous chapter. So one might be inclined to question God’s promise to Abram, the one about giving him innumerable descendants. Did God make a mistake here with this promise? Did this woman’s barrenness throw a wrench in God’s great plan for Abram? Of course not, God knows exactly what He’s doing. Their physical bodies were way past the point of having children. Scripture says that God closed Sarah’s womb, meaning she was unable to get pregnant. From our human logic and perspective it doesn’t make sense at all, it seems impossible. Even Abraham knew the difficulties and seeming impossibility of this promise.
In Romans chapter 4, we see an account of Abraham’s story as an example of
his faith. Romans 4:20-‐21 shows how strong Abraham's faith was and how he was "fully convinced" that God was able to come through on His promises.
Romans 4:20-21
"He (Abraham) did not waver at the
promise of God through unbelief, but
was strengthened in faith, giving
glory to God and being fully
convinced that what He had
promised He was able to perform."
Looking right before these verses at Romans 4:17 it sheds even more light onto God’s character. “… who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.” Do you believe this is who God is? Our God is creator of all things. In the book of Genesis we get a glimpse of the creation account. God literally called into existence things that did not previously exist! He also gives life to those who are dead in their sins. He awakens the human soul and brings us from death into life. “ Even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.” Ephesians 2:5
So Abraham believes this, and knows this to be true of God. He is deeply
rooted in this truth that God creates life, and He will come through on His promises to Abraham.
God gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.
❁ Read
Romans 4:13-25. What is the promise that God made to Abraham? (vs. 13,17-18)
❁ Look
at our key verses from this passage. (Romans 4:20-21) What are some action verbs that describe Abraham’s character? How do you differ or relate to him?
❁ Has God made a promise to you t hat you thought would be impossible to accompl ish? Can you relate to Abraham? Say a prayer thanking God for His faithfulness to you. ❁ Pray through Romans 4:1 3-25. Here are some examples of what to pray for: that you would not “weaken in faith” when you see insurmountable trials and hardships in your life, that God would protect you from unbelief and from wavering from faith in Him.
This brings us to question how we view God and His promises. The Bible is
loaded with promises and most of us could list several off the top of our head. But did you know that God's physical word is as good as a promise? When He says something, you can rest assured that He will come through.
To help drive the point home and explain this deeper I want to introduce
some Greek and Hebrew words. So I hope that you will bear with me and jot down these words as we try and grasp the different meanings of a promise.
The first passage of Scripture that I want us to look at together is Genesis
21:1-‐2. We already looked at Abraham and Sarah in Romans 4. But here is where their story actually happened. "And the LORD visited Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as He had spoken. For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him." (NKJV) The first Hebrew word I want you to see is used in verse one, where you see the word "said". "And the Lord visited Sarah as he had said". That word "said" is the Hebrew word "amar". The exact meaning of this word is "to say, speak, utter, to PROMISE, to intend."2 We also see this word used in Genesis 1:3 when God said let there be light, and there was light. The next Hebrew word I want to introduce to you is found later on in that verse. "And the Lord did for Sarah as He had spoken" The word spoken here is the Hebrew word "daber". This also means to speak, promise, or command something. 3 So we see that God's spoken word is the same as Him promising something. The words "said" and "spoken" are the same thing as “amar” entry. 3 Ibid.,
saying "I promise". When God says something He will come through. Our God does not speak words void of meaning. He does not make empty promises or covenants. He promised that Sarah would conceive a son, and that Abraham would be the father of many nations, and that's exactly what happened.
Looking at a different passage of Scripture, I want you to see the word
"covenant" in use by God. In Genesis 17 the phrase 'My covenant' is used nine times in this chapter
“And I will establish my
and defines God's relationship with Abraham.4 By understanding the life of Abraham and the promises that God made to Him, we see how faithful God was to him and we see that God is trustworthy
covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations.” Genesis 17:7
and capable of following through on His promises. Notice that in this verse, this
promise is not just for Abraham, but also for all the offspring after him for generations to come.
4 Warren Wiersbe, The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: OT Volume. (Colorado Springs, CO: David Cook, 2007), 73.
❁ Studying these Hebrew words about God’s words equaling a promise, how does this change or confirm the way you view God? Do you see how His words and promises are the outflow of His character?
In our world and in our society someone’s word is not worth that much. You
can’t just “promise” to pay someone back at the grocery store or at the gas station. People are not trusted to follow through with their promises anymore. That’s why we have contracts and fine print, to ensure that we will pay what is due or come through on our end of the deal, no matter what it is. That’s why it’s beautiful to realize that God is nothing like this. His words are pure, His promises are true. There is never any hint of any distrust when it comes to His promises and words. There should be no doubt in us when He tells us He’s going to do something. The Exodus expound on this following section about Israel in the wilderness and being set free from the pharaoh. … lots more content to be discovered
Another example of the history of God's faithfulness to His people is the story
of the Israelites when they were in captivity in Egypt. Exodus 3 is where this story comes from….. We're going to look at verses 7-‐8.
"And the Lord said: I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are
in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, for
I know their
sorrows. So I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up from the land to a good and
large land, to a land flowing with
milk and honey. . ." (NKJV) These are the words first spoken by the Lord to Moses, when He appeared to Him in the burning bush. He was there to declare a promise to deliver the Israelites from Egypt. And if you are familiar with how the story goes, it's a long hard journey but eventually Joshua led the people into the promised land. We see that God was incredibly faithful to His people, even when they disobeyed and served other idols. E. These are just two examples of God's faithfulness to His word. I know that it takes time to trust people, so of course it will not be over night that you are able to trust God, if that is something you are struggling with. We all have areas of our life that we trust God more with. I can totally relate and testify to that fact! But hopefully as you search Scripture and learn to pray through passages, you will begin to trust God and live a life that is faithful to Him. This is my hope and prayer for everyone here and also for myself.
Promises for Us
Now that we have seen God’s faithful promises fulfilled for other people, let's
get to know those promises that are specifically made for you and me! I'm sure you can list several promises that you have claimed and treasure most in Scripture. I know that for me, there has been specific promises that I have clung to tightly in my life depending on the trials or circumstances I was going through. For example the promise that God would “never leave or forsake me” (Hebrews 13:5), and the promise that I was now adopted as a child of God (Rom 8:15) are two promises that I love and cherish. There was a time in my life that I felt alone and abandoned-‐ reading these promises in Scripture and believing them over the course of time has carved them deep into my spirit.
❁ What are some specific promises in Scripture that you hold dear? Are there specific times in your walk with Christ that you have gotten to know a specific promise from God?
A New Identity
The Bible is loaded with promises for us as believers. We are going to look at
several of those starting with our new identity as a child of God. Our identity before we accept Jesus as our Lord is one that is tied up in our sin nature and our selfish desires. Ephesians 2:1-‐3 paints a true and somber picture of humanity without Christ, it even says that we were “children of wrath”. But this is not how you remain if you trust in Jesus-‐ you are a new creation once Jesus comes and redeems your soul.
In Romans 8 it says we are now adopted into God’s family. Before we trust in
Christ we do not belong to Him. was and is a promise I cling to. When I read that passage of Scripture in Romans 8 where it says that we are adopted as sons and daughters, it hit a chord with me. It was a time in my life that I needed to know that God was a relational and intimate God. So I clung to that passage and claimed it as my own, truly living with the truth of being adopted as God's daughter.
“ For you did not receive the spirit of
slavery to fall back into fear, but you
have received the Spirit of adoption as
sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’
The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God…”
Romans 8:15-16
And I realized that we all need to be living as if we truly believe God's promises. I know that for me, there are certain promises that are easier to believe and truly live out than others. But what if I truly believed God when He promised something to me? What would my life look like if I chose to obey and trust in God's Word? That's my hope and prayer for all of us here today, as we look at some of God's promises made specifically to us, as the modern day believers, that God would enable our faith to grow so we would claim His promises as our own, knowing that God's promises are trustworthy.
Some examples that I want to share are basic but should be life changing if
truly trusted. The basic and most foundational of course is believing in Christ's salvation and in the Gospel. Ephesians 3:6 says, "that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ through the gospel." Of course once we believe the truth of the Gospel and how we, as Gentiles can have this same promise, we must also believe that God gives us new life. II. being made into a new creation / the holy spirit We see this promise made in 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." I love the Greek translation of this word "new", it means "fresh, recent, newly made." (footnote Youngs p 694) And as believers who believe in the Gospel we also need to trust that when God says He's going to make us into new creations, He means it! I love this picture of Christ making us into new women after His heart! When you trust in Him, this is exactly what happens, and we should all live like we believe it!
Another promise that I just love and that should radically transform the way
you and I live is the promise of the Holy Spirit. I want us to read in Scripture where
He is first promised to believers. At the beginning of the church when Jesus is about to ascend back into Heaven He promises the coming of the Holy Spirit. In Acts1:5 " . . . but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." Also in Ephesians 1:13 "in Him you also trusted, after you heard the Word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed. You were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise." So we see from Scripture that the Holy Spirit is promised to all believers! And He is given to us to intercede for us, to give us strength, and to enable us to live a life pleasing to God. III. temptation/ fighting sin
The last promise that I want us to look at together is found in 1 Corinthians
10:13. This deals with God promising to help us in times of temptation. In this verse it says that God is faithful and will give us a way to escape from our temptation so we are not unable to bear it. This promise is huge! If we as believers are struggling with a sin that we think is just too much to handle, pray this verse and claim it! Do you believe that God is trustworthy when He says He will provide a way of escape when you are tempted? Believe Him! Claim this verse as true for you in times of temptation!
*** ??? The promise was found in Psalm 84:11. Listen as I read this sweet
promise from God: "For the Lord God is a sun and shield, the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly." This promise was full of hope to me at this particular time in my life as I realized that in the midst of my crisis and loss I was facing, God would not withhold good from me. He had a purpose for the pain that I was enduring and it would all come back to glorifying Him in the end. I sought God on my knees in prayer as I literally read this verse aloud and asked God to be faithful to His word and told Him I believed in His promise to me! I would say the same thing to each one of you as we all experience different pain, trials, and joy in the Christian walk. Take His promises seriously. Pray them aloud and claim them as your own. God will be faithful to His word!
*I pray that these few promises that we talked about today would penetrate your heart and that you would live every day believing in them. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit strengthen your faith in the Gospel, the new life it brings, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, adoption into Christ's family, and the power Christ gives when we face temptation. Of course there are so many more promises but these are just a few that I hope we can learn to claim in faith and realize that God is trustworthy and that when He promises us something, He will follow through! What We Must Do
Now that we see the promises that are made for us by God, what do we do? Do
we just sit back and relax and let God do His thing? Are we required to do anything at all? There are three things that I'd like to mention that are necessary and required by believers.
The first one is obvious and predictable, we must be faithful in return! If you remember the first passages we looked at in Genesis, Abraham had faith in what God said to Him! He believed that what God said was actually going to come to pass. Now we need to apply that to those promises that were made specifically for us. There's no better place in Scripture to look at than Hebrews 11 if you want to find examples of people who had faith in God. Hebrews 11:11 reads, "By faith even Sarah herself received ability to conceive, even beyond the proper time of life, since she considered Him faithful who had promised." I want us to carefully reflect on that last statement in the verse, "she considered Him faithful who had promised." Sarah had faith in God! She believed Him when He told her something. She lived and responded with faith. And we should too. We are able to see all of these wonderful examples of men and women in Scripture who had faith in God's Word and His promises to them. We should also live by that same faith.
We must also obey. Referencing back to the life of Abraham, we see that He
was obedient when God promised him that he would be a father of many nations. In Genesis 17:9 the words "As for you" are used to show that this was Abraham's part in the covenant. He was to obey God and be faithful to Him. Abraham had the obligation and responsibility to mark each male through the sign of circumcision. By doing this, He was obeying God. (Wiersbe, 74)
We see in the Scriptures that Abraham was faced with the responsibility to
obey and be faithful to God. God is the one who would follow through and prove Himself faithful to His covenant (promise) made, but Abraham had to be faithful and obedient. Sometimes we might be scared to trust in some promises made by God because it requires a leap of faith from us, or may require us to move out of our comfort zone and trust in what we don't know. But it's important to remember that "the will of God will never lead you where the power of God can't enable you, so walk by faith in His promises!" (Wiersbe, 151)
We also are aware of what disobedience does. In the story of the Israelites
leaving Egypt and being in the wilderness for 40 years, they definitely had their ups and downs in faith. And sadly in the end, many of them did not get to enter the promised land because of their disobedience and lack of faith in God. Our
faithfulness to God does not determine His faithfulness to us, that would mean that it was up to us and it would be a system of works and legalism. However, God commands that His children be obedient to Him. And those who are faithful to our God will never be forgotten or abandoned! 1) List a promise in the Bible that is very personal to you. (it can be one I used!) 2) Is there a promise that God makes to you that is hard for you to believe? 3) What changes can you make to work on that area in which you struggle to believe what God says? (ex: prayer, fasting, accountability, etc…)
This Bible study is one that has been on my heart for some time now, and I
am so grateful to be able to share it with you today. I praise God for His amazing promises that He gives us in His Word. My prayer for all of you young women and for myself is that our faith would be ever increasing and that we would trust our Lord with every area of our life and believe Him when He tells us something or when we read a verse in the Bible. I believe that every woman struggles with certain promises of God during her relationship with Him and it is important to make sure we are growing in our faith. This obviously is only made possible with the Holy Spirit! But my hope is that through this lesson you saw from Scripture how God has proven Himself faithful in the Old Testament, how his physical word is full of promise and that His character is to be trusted. I hope that you will continue to study the many promises found in Scripture and take them personally and seriously! Always remember how faithful our God is to His children, and that He withholds no good thing from those who love Him!