The Amber Lotus 2012–2013 Catalog Q Illuminating Spirit in the World !
Welcome to Amber Lotus Peaceful greetings from your friends at Amber Lotus Publishing. For nearly 25 years we have been publishing calendars, cards, books and other paper products that celebrate the beauty, wisdom and cultural diversity in the world we share. We thank you for your support and encouragement over the years. We want to make you aware of a significant change in our calendar program. Due to the continuing turmoil in the economy, we have had to suspend printing on 100% recycled paper. While we were able to afford the higher cost for the first three years of the current recession, we can no longer sustain it given the weak economy and the closing of Borders. Instead, we will print our 2013 calendars on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified Mixed Paper from wellmanaged forests that have met FSC’s high social and environmental standards. To offset this change, we will increase the number of trees we plant yearly from A Course in Miracles wall calendar, page 17 30,000 to 100,000, which represents more than 40 times the number of trees used for our 2013 calendars. Trees for the Future estimates that these trees, along with those we previously planted, will remove 5,000 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere annually versus the estimated 339 tons generated by our 2013 calendar printing. We take our commitment to environmental responsibility seriously and will continue to take steps to remain a leader in green calendar publishing. As always, we’re proud to offer a full line of products dedicated to illuminating spirit in the world, including an exciting new line of travel-size journals (pages 2-3). With a generous 224 lined pages and charming graphics through-out, these journals will help you get your writing groove on.
e5 ndar, pag wall cale 3 m o d is W 1 e Everyday ndar, pag wall cale Land Art
We have a wonderful new lineup of 2013 calendars that we’re just crowing about, including City Chickens, a celebration of urban farming. Green Patriot Posters offers a fresh look at environmental activism. Meditation features inspiring images and supportive text from the world’s great meditation traditions. Other new titles include Tending the Sacred Fire by renowned yoga teacher Shiva Rea, Everyday Blessings featuring the art of Kristina Swarner, and Tai Chi Spirit with text by acclaimed master Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming. We extend our deep appreciation to all our customers, artists, authors, representatives and friends all over the world. Check out our new website at and visit us on Facebook, where we will be posting information about our exciting new products as well as special offers. Love and blessings to all. Reflections wall calendar, page 18
Amber Lotus Publishing
C O N T E N T S Journals ..............................2-3 Wall calendars .................4-52 Engagement calendars ....53-54 Greeting cards ...............55-85
tai chi spirit wall calendar, page 21
• Greeted cards ..........55-59 city chickens wall calendar, page 7
• Blank cards ............. 60-84 • Boxed note cards ..........85 Wisdom decks ....................85
Engag EngagEmEnt Cal CalEndars see pages 53-54
Books ........................... 86-87 Product index ....................88 display racks ......................88 Sales & distribution .............89
! In t roducIng ! NEW Travel-size Journals by Amber Lotus Publishing these take-anywhere journals are the ideal size for a purse or backpack. With a generous 224 lined pages and a durable cover, these journals are just right for writing on the road or curled up on the sofa at home. see pages 2-3 for our full selection of journals.
When Your Heart speaks by renée Locks, page 3
You Can Fly by Jennifer parker, page 2
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
make Believe by Kristina swarner, page 2
grEEting Cards see pages 55-85
impossible things... by duirwaigh studios, page 3
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
New ! IntroducIng
our new lIne of travel- sIze journals
These take-anywhere journals are the ideal size for a purse or backpack. With a generous 224 lined pages and a durable cover, they’re just right for writing on the road, at a café or curled up on the sofa at home. Printed on FSC certified paper with recycled content, these 5" x 7" journals feature charming single-color graphics throughout that get you into a creative mood.
M ake believe
kristina swarner
Charming original artwork by Kristina Swarner graces the Make Believe journal. Her dreamlike images encourage musings and reflections. With lined pages and magical vignettes that inspire stories, visions and adventures to come, this Make Believe journal will awaken your writing voice. • ISBN 978-1-60237-666-3 • UPC 762109-06663-8 • 5" x 7" • $9.99
You Can FlY
bY JenniFer
Jennifer Parker’s ephemerabased collage art will inspire you to put pen to paper. With original designs and charming vintage graphics – influenced by the artist’s global excursions and her sensitivity to natural materials, rich textures and nuanced color – this journal is the perfect home for your whimsies and dreams. • ISBN 978-1-60237-664-9 • UPC 762109-06649-2 • 5" x 7" • $9.99
Hard Cover wire-o Journals • 6" x 8.25" • 128 pages* • Blank and lined pages* • Elastic band closure* • $11.95
Angel Spirits
I Create Beauty
by Sulamith Wülfing
• Duotone images and quotes • ISBN-10 1-56937-729-4 • ISBN-13 978-1-56937-729-1
• Duotone illustrations • All lined pages • ISBN-10 1-56937-728-6 • ISBN-13 978-1-56937-728-4
* except where noted
A m BEr Lotus produc ts ArE printEd on rEc ycLEd pApEr using s oy- BA sEd ink s
journALs • 3 • FSC certified recycled paper • Durable cover
• Perfect bound • 224 lined pages
• Beautifully illustrated • 5" x 7" • $9.99
wHen Your Heart sPeaks
renée loCks
With artwork by best-selling artist renée Locks, this journal will spark the writer in you. In a fresh and elegant style, renée pairs her charismatic sumi-e calligraphy with delightful watercolor paintings and lively floral designs to evoke a mood of creative inspiration. • ISBN 978-1-60237-665-6 • UPC 762109-06656-0 • 5" x 7" • $9.99
iMPossible tHings HaPPen everY daY bY duirwaigH studios Created by the dynamic duo Angi Sullins and Silas Toball of Duirwaigh Studios, this journal’s whimsical cover artwork is based on a best-selling image from their collection. With fantastically inventive graphics throughout, this journal will shift your imagination into high gear. • ISBN 978-1-60237-663-2 • UPC 762109-06632-4 • 5" x 7" • $9.99
Feng Shui Meditation • Meditations & brush calligraphy • 120 pages • No elastic band closure • ISBN-10 1-885394-59-4 • ISBN-13 978-1-885394-59-0
ordEr s & cus tomEr sErvicE • m on – fri
Yoga Shakti • Illustrations & informative text • ISBN-10 1-56937-343-4 • ISBN-13 978-1-56937-343-9
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind • Zenga paintings & wisdom text • ISBN-10 1-56937-342-6 • ISBN-13 978-1-56937-342-2
9A m – 5pm pAcific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
4 • 2013 wall calendars
New !
Meditation meditation has been practiced in all corners of the earth for thousands of years. it is a response to our deep-seated need to understand ourselves, our true nature and our place in the universe. there are as many approaches to meditation as there are practitioners, and each one offers a doorway to the peace, insight and wisdom that lies within each of us. this beautifully designed calendar features a collection of meditative images paired with thoughtful quotes from a variety of spiritual traditions, inspiring both clarity and serenity. a gentle tool to support and encourage your practice, the Meditation wall calendar will help cleanse your mind and body of stress, and will guide you on a path toward reflection, health and spiritual awakening. contemplative quotes from the bhagavad gita, ralph waldo emerson, dogen and more will deepen your understanding of the art of meditation.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-656-4 UPC 762109-06564-8
Sample text: When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place. In the still mind, in the depths of meditation, the eternal Self reveals itself. —The Bhagavad Gita
62109 06564
a m ber lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 5
dr. Wayne W. dyer
New !
everyday WisdoM
“each time you send love in response to hate, you diffuse the hate.” the Everyday Wisdom wall calendar offers insightful gems from wayne w. dyer, phd, that help you recognize the wisdom you have within yourself. dr. dyer is an internationally renowned speaker and author of 30 books in the modern self-development movement. based on the Hay House book of the same title, this beautifully designed calendar pairs dr. dyer’s motivating quotes with evocative nature photography to guide you on your inner journey throughout the year. dr. dyer’s New York Times best-selling books, 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, The Power of Intention, Inspiration, Change Your Thoughts— Change Your Life and Excuses Begone!, have all been featured as national public television specials. a Living the Wisdom of the Tao wall calendar (page 20) by dr. wayne dyer is also available.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-647-2 UPC 762109-06472-6 51399
62109 06472
Sample text: I fill myself with love, and I send that out into the world. How others treat me is their path; how I react is mine.
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
6 • 2013 wall calendars
New !
Green Patriot Posters
environMental activisM the Green Patriot wall calendar is a collection of exceptional contemporary posters promoting sustainability and the fight against climate change. these dynamic posters, which never rest on the tired slogans of the past (“save the earth,” etc.), show that graphic design does not passively respond to the zeitgeist – it helps shape it. the calendar is based on the Green Patriot Posters book, published by metropolis books in association with the canary project and the environmental defense fund. the inspiration for the project first came from the wpa (works progress administration) and posters from the world war ii era, when transforming consumption habits and conserving became patriotic. the work in this collection is a rallying cry, a potent tool for communication and social transformation.
Sample text:
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-706-6 UPC 762109-07066-6
bike your city Jason Hardy
“I see using a bike to get around a city as a simple way to use less oil. In that regard, I view it as a patriotic act. I realize that you can’t make every trip on a bike, but when you can, bike your city.”
62109 07066
a m ber lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 7
city chickens &
New !
susan seubert
the joy of chicken keeping is sweeping through cities across the nation. why let the country folk have all the fun? these days all sorts of city dwellers are raising chickens: animal lovers prize them as pets, locavores and slow food enthusiasts dig the fresh eggs, and environmentalists see chickens as part of a sustainable lifestyle. even kids are getting in on the fun! the benefits of this trend are egg-straordinary, and having garden-fresh eggs – with deep-yellow yolks, tender whites and rich flavor – is just one of them. with colorful photography by susan seubert, the whimsical City Chickens & their Coops wall calendar features twelve months of feathered friends and their distinctive digs. from contemporary to classical, these mini manors feature recycled and repurposed building materials and sustainable innovations such as green roofs. these beaked buddies and clever, quirky coops will keep your feathers fluffed all year long.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-653-3 UPC 762109-06533-4 51399
62109 06533
Sample text: The cupolas were created from recycled louvered doors, and a spiral staircase graces the interior. The coop walls stand seven feet tall, which makes cleaning and care easy. Pictured: Henrietta, a Polish.
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
8 • 2013 wall calendars
a neW e arth by eckhart tolle
A New Earth wall calendar features quotes from eckhart tolle’s #1 New York Times best-selling book paired with stunning nature photography carefully selected to support the text. these words and evocative images help the viewer stay connected to the essential wisdom of this transformative classic throughout the year. A New Earth (4.7 million copies in print) expands the ideas in tolle’s milestone book The Power of Now (2 million copies in print). it is a modern manifesto calling us to awaken from our ego-based consciousness to a state of being based on presence, which is nothing other than the absolute source and ground of being itself. A New Earth is the fastestselling oprah book club selection ever, with 3.5 million copies shipped in the four weeks after oprah announced her selection.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-631-1 UPC 762109-06311-8
Sample text: At the heart of the new consciousness lies the transcendence of thought, the newfound ability of rising above thought, of realizing a dimension within yourself that is infinitely more vast than thought.
62109 06311
a m ber lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 9
the PoWer by eckhart tolle
in the best-selling book The Power of Now, eckhart tolle explains in remarkably clear terms how living in the now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment. tolle is a widely respected teacher whose views go beyond any particular religion, doctrine or guru, showing us how we can access our deepest self by living fully, and intensely, in the now. amber lotus publishing is proud to partner with new world library to produce The Power of Now wall calendar. each month pairs wisdom quotes by tolle with spectacular nature photography. the twelve images have been carefully selected to support the teachings of The Power of Now, helping readers to connect to this essential wisdom and to stay focused in the present moment all year long.
also available: The Power of Now 6.5" x 8.5" engagement calendar (page 54)
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-635-9 UPC 762109-06359-0 51399
62109 06359
Sample text (wall calendar): To the ego, the present moment hardly exists. Only past and future are considered important. Even when the ego seems to be concerned with the present, it misperceives it because it looks at it through the eyes of the past.…
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
10 • 2013 wall calendars
the Present MoMent eMbracinG
amber lotus is proud to partner with sounds true to publish The Present Moment wall calendar. for more than 25 years, sounds true has been a leader in transmitting the life-changing insights of the world’s wisdom traditions. this new calendar brings together the teachings of twelve of sounds true’s most popular authors – including adyashanti, angeles arrien, Jack kornfield, coleman barks and dr. clarissa pinkola estés – with beautiful images meant to draw us into the power and the depths of this very moment, now and throughout the year. the insights and inspiration of these wise teachers encourage us to see through the illusion of past and future and enter into the only moment there is, the present.
Sample text:
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-636-6 UPC 762109-06366-8
Anything and everything can become our teacher of the moment, reminding us of the possibility of being fully present: the gentle caress of air on our skin, the play of light, the look on someone’s face. Anything and everything – if it is met in awareness. – Jon Kabat-Zinn
62109 06366
a m ber lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 11
New !
sacred fire
of the
shiva rea
in Tending the Sacred Fire – Embodying the Rhythm of the Year, world-renowned yoga teacher and author shiva rea will take you on an inspirational journey to the Heartfire – your inner seat of consciousness and creative passion. shiva guides you through the rhythms of the sun and the moon, and helps you follow the creative cycle of the seasons. each month presents images of temples dedicated to aligning your inner fire with the cosmic rhythms, and highlights the significance of the days of the week and their energetic relationship with the planets. an expert on the power of ritual, movement, collective consciousness and yoga, shiva rea presents methods for bringing cosmic rhythm into your daily life. she offers teachings through festivals, trainings and retreats around the world. shiva’s insight and understanding will help you through the process of tending your creative fire throughout the year.
Sample text: 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-657-1 UPC 762109-06571-6 51399
62109 06571
Temples such as Angkor Wat were constructed as a cosmic mandala to align ourselves with the rhythms of the sun, moon, planets, stars and earth. In our own body, we have over 1,000 physiological functions that are synced to the sun and moon – the balance of outward and inward energy, activation and regeneration, masculine and feminine.…
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
12 • 2013 wall calendars
Gardens Photography
of the
Allan M andell • Text
M aggie Oster Strongly influenced by Shinto and Buddhism, the Japanese style of landscaping is particularly conducive to restoring inner calm. Requiring an artful blend of imagination, skill and patience, the Japanese garden is an extension of the self. By adapting the harmonies of natural design to our own landscape, we heighten our understanding of the world around us and within us. The Gardens of the Spirit wall calendar features twelve exquisite images from garden photographer Allan Mandell. Paired with contemplative text by Maggie Oster, this collection of images brings the experience of Japanese gardening to all who long to create a peaceful oasis in the midst of a challenging world.
Sample text:
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-615-1 UPC 762109-06151-0
Ryoanji Zen Temple, Kyoto As we grow in right thought, detaching from hatred and cruelty, we become aware of the constant flow of human experience, the impermanence of all things, the constant state of the flux of life, the process.…
62109 06151
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 13
l and art
New !
the art
richard shillinG
since the late 1960s, artists in the land art movement have been creating art in nature, composed primarily of the natural elements available at hand. materials such as rocks, leaves and water are the medium, and the terrain is the canvas. intentionally impermanent, these works are created and then left to change, erode and eventually be reclaimed by the elements. the new Land Art wall calendar presents the work of richard shilling, whose art reflects one of the movement’s many forms. shilling creates his sculptures with materials from the local environment, and then photographs the results in natural light – capturing a single moment in the life of the art. His work presents the rich variety that mother nature has to offer, examining the cycles of death, decay and rebirth while celebrating her endless beauty and infinite diversity.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-646-5 UPC 762109-06465-8 51399
62109 06465
Sample text: laurel leaf reflections Laurel, rhododendron and photinia leaves pinned to a reed grass frame with thorns and positioned over the water to cast a reflection. Lake Carter, United Kingdom.
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
14 • 2013 wall calendars
The Organic Kitchen Garden Photography
Ann Lovejoy
Lynn K arlin
The Organic Kitchen Garden wall calendar is a perfect companion to every cook’s kitchen. Featuring beautiful photographs of kitchen gardens and the lush produce they offer, this calendar pairs images with twelve months of recipes and tips inspired by the bounty of kitchen gardens and the local farmers market. Each month offers a simple, seasonal and healthful recipe along with tips on growing, harvesting, canning and cooking – all with an emphasis on the importance of an organic approach. Ann Lovejoy is the author of more than twenty gardening books and two cooking books, and is a regular cooking and gardening columnist for numerous national and regional publications. She is also the author of the Rose (page 48) and A Year of Healthy Living (page 44) wall calendars. Lynn Karlin is an internationally published photographer for garden and lifestyle magazines. Her books include Maine Farm: A Year of Country Life and Gardens Maine Style.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-632-8 UPC 762109-06328-6
Sample text: Plump orange pumpkins look delightful in the autumn garden, but always harvest them before hard frost arrives or they’ll turn to mush. To check pumpkins for ripeness, gently scratch the skin with your fingernail. When the skin resists scratching, it’s harvest time.…
62109 06328
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 15
siMPly r aW
New !
With r aW reciPes
veGetable Portraits by lynn karlin M attheW kenney
raw food cuisine is an exciting and healthy culinary trend. based on the theory that consuming uncooked and unprocessed food is inherently better for us, the raw food movement has captured food lovers’ imagination and sparked their creativity in the kitchen. this fetching calendar features stylish portraits of vegetables – fresh from the farmers market – by lynn karlin, whose work venerates the beauty of the harvest. karlin honors farm-fresh vegetables and fruits by literally placing them on a pedestal. these gorgeous veggies are paired with delicious, accessible recipes by master chef and best-selling author matthew kenney. enjoy these stunning photos and innovative recipes all year long with the Simply Raw wall calendar.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-650-2 UPC 762109-06502-0 51399
62109 06502
Sample text: squasH blossom tamales This is a fast, light and delicious way to make a summer tamale. In a food processor, process all ingredients for the Sweet Pea Puree until well combined and slightly chunky. Fill squash blossoms with a few tablespoons of the puree.…
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
16 • 2013 wall calendars
New !
by cori dantini
Gratitude in this crazy, mixed-up world, we sometimes miss the mini miracles that surround us. appreciating the many gifts that happen every day – hearing a chirping bird, feeling the wind on our face – reminds us to not take ourselves too seriously. these modest treasures are an enormous help in lightening the load we all carry. in the Living in Gratitude wall calendar, cori dantini’s charming art embodies the idea of appreciating these life-affirming details. using a mixed-media palette of paint and collaged ephemera, she creates delightful story-vignettes that inspire us to stop and smell the roses all year long.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-648-9 UPC 762109-06489-4 51399
Sample text: Alis volat propriis. she flies with her own wings.
62109 06489
a m ber lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 17
a course
New !
“the journey to god is merely the reawakening of the knowledge of where you are always and what you are forever. it is a journey without distance.” A Course in Miracles is a self-study program for spiritual transformation. using christian terminology, it focuses on universal spiritual themes and is ecumenical in its approach. since its publication in 1972, best-selling authors such as eckhart tolle and marianne williamson have cited the Course as a source of inspiration, and millions of students worldwide have found guidance in its sixteen translations. quotes from this life-changing book are paired with serene and thought-provoking nature imagery, providing you with a useful tool to support the teachings of the Course throughout the year. amber lotus is proud to partner with the course in miracles society (cims), a nonprofit organization and publisher of the book A Course in Miracles. formed by an international group of students and teachers of the Course, cims was organized to discover, authenticate and propagate this philosophy’s divine teachings.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-645-8 UPC 762109-06458-0 51399
62109 06458
Sample text: Every loving thought is true. Everything else is an appeal for healing and help. That is what it is, regardless of the form it takes.
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
18 • 2013 wall calendars
New !
reflections art
tara sullivan & sybil shane the timelessness that exists within each moment is beautifully illuminated in the Reflections: The Art of Tara Sullivan & Sybil Shane wall calendar. the artists’ exquisite creations convey a subtle reflection of light, contemplation and meditation. whether we are reflecting on our past, our future or our present moment, the beauty of these paintings and illustrations creates a space for our ongoing awakening. tara and sybil create art that inspires, calms and nourishes. both are influenced by sparse, clean Japanese design and find inspiration in artists such as utagawa Hiroshige and alphonse mucha. the reflections artists come together to create new images and paintings through a process that inspires their collective creativity, resulting in some of their most compelling works. tara and sybil have collaborated on many popular calendars, cards and other artistic projects.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-707-3 UPC 762109-07073-4 51399
62109 07073
a m ber lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 19
everyday blessinGs
New !
by kristina sWarner
in the hustle and bustle of our daily routines, it’s easy to overlook our everyday blessings. walking in the garden, cherishing an old friend’s smile, dancing, loving and laughing – these are all simple and special gifts we tend to take for granted. kristina swarner’s mystical artwork reminds us to take notice and cherish the little moments that brighten our lives. often described as magical and dreamlike, swarner’s work draws much of its imagery and inspiration from her dreams and her memories of exploring old houses, woods and gardens as a child. with the Everyday Blessings wall calendar, enjoy month after month of swarner’s enchanting images paired with thoughtful, charming quotes. you’ll be reminded to treasure the everyday blessings that surround every one of us. a new Make Believe journal (page 2) and Kristina Swarner greeting cards (page 71) are also available.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-655-7 UPC 762109-06557-0 51399
62109 06557
Sample text: A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
20 • 2013 wall calendars
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
of the
More than two millennia ago, the great Chinese sage Lao-tzu dictated the Tao Te Ching, or the Great Way, now regarded by many to be the ultimate commentary on the nature of our existence. This profound spiritual text offers practical guidance for living in a new world aligned with nature. The Living the Wisdom of the Tao wall calendar, based on Dr. Wayne Dyer’s best-selling book Change Your Thoughts—Change Your Life, pairs ethereal Taoist photography with quotes from the Tao Te Ching and Dyer’s commentary on how to apply this ancient wisdom in our modern world. Wayne W. Dyer, PhD, is an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of selfdevelopment. His best-selling books, which include 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, The Power of Intention, Inspiration and Change Your Thoughts— Change Your Life, have all been featured as National Public Television specials. An Everyday Wisdom wall calendar (page 5) by Dr. Wayne Dyer is also available.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-649-6 UPC 762109-06496-2
Sample text: Heaven is eternal – the earth endures. Why do heaven and earth last forever? They do not live for themselves only. This is the secret of their durability. —from the 7th verse
62109 06496
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 21
tai chi sPirit
New !
With coMMentary
dr. yanG, jWinG-MinG
tai chi symbolizes balance, harmony and intent – just a few of the treasures the art offers its practitioners. seven world-renowned tai chi teachers come together in this dynamic Tai Chi Spirit wall calendar. striking photographs capture tai chi postures in beautiful settings around the world, from the shores of cape cod to metropolitan sydney, australia, and the cloud-capped mountains of wudang, china. each photograph is accompanied by a poem from the tai chi classics, presented in english and in chinese calligraphy, followed with comments by notable tai chi master and scholar dr. yang, Jwing-ming. whether you practice tai chi or simply love the natural grace of the movements, this calendar is sure to strengthen your chi all year long.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-651-9 UPC 762109-06519-8 51399
62109 06519
Sample text: Find the movement in the stillness, although there is stillness even in movement. Vary your response to the enemy and show the marvelous technique.…
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
22 • 2013 wall calendars
Trekking the Road Less Traveled Celebrate the call of the open road with Wanderlust: Trekking the Road Less Traveled wall calendar. Wanderlust illuminates the spirit of walking and the lure of adventures that await those who veer off the beaten path. Spectacular photographs of lesstraveled paths are paired with quotes from great walking enthusiasts past and present, including John Muir, Gary Snyder and Henry David Thoreau. For all our technological advances, we have not lost the yearning for a deep connection with our natural world. One of the surest ways to rekindle that relationship is the simple act of walking – not with thoughts of arriving somewhere but for the sole purpose and sheer enjoyment of walking – to encounter nature with a genuine and wakeful curiosity. Enjoy a year of adventure and awakening with Wanderlust.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-641-0 UPC 762109-06410-8
Sample text: You shall find a fuller satisfaction in the woods than in books. The trees and the rocks will teach you what you cannot hear from the masters. — Bernard of Clairvaux
62109 06410
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 23
environMental art conteMPorary art
in the
natural World
as one of the most exciting art movements of our time, environmental art celebrates our connection to the natural world through beauty, science, metaphor and ecological restoration. it encompasses a surprising landscape of approaches, from ephemeral “art in nature” sculpture designed to last only a few hours before returning to the earth, to communitybased “eco-art” installations that clean up polluted watersheds and promote public understanding of local and global environmental issues. the projects featured in the Environmental Art wall calendar provide a sampling of some of the latest developments in this field to stimulate the imagination and promote the role of art in the creation of a more sustainable world culture.
Sample text: 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-611-3 UPC 762109-06113-8 51399
62109 06113
color pencils • vinHa Jonna For this imaginative work of environmental art, Jonna used “recycled” aspen trees, shaping them in an homage to childhood memories of collecting pencils. She said, “I arrived in Pedvale with empty hands and an open mind. It takes time to sharpen your creative pencils.”
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
24 • 2013 wall calendars
celtic M andala e arth Mysteries & MytholoGy
by jen
the celts perceived the presence of divine forces in all aspects of nature. patterns of harmony and balance, dark and light, winter and summer, female and male are woven throughout celtic tradition. celtic knots and patterning reflect their belief in the continuity of life and the interconnection of all things, plants, animals and otherworldly divinities. the Celtic Mandala wall calendar presents the magical weavings of welsh artist Jen delyth in calendar form. Jen’s work is founded in her deep connection to her celtic heritage. she creates intricate paintings and illustrations, using traditional egg tempera and contemporary digital techniques. Her original iconographic style is inspired by the spirit in nature and expresses our mythic connection to the natural world. a Celtic Mandala engagement calendar (page 53), Celtic Folk-Soul greeting cards (page 79) and Jen’s full-color illustrated book, Celtic Folk Soul (page 86), are also available from amber lotus publishing.
also available: Celtic Mandala 6.5" x 8.5" engagement calendar (page 53)
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-608-3 UPC 762109-06083-4
Sample text (wall calendar): Intelligently negotiating the forces and challenges of the Wilde, the elusive fox is aware and adaptable, providing well for her cubs in her carefully hidden den. Both predator and prey, the skillful fox was known to symbolize the struggle of the ordinary common folk…
62109 06083
a m ber lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 25
Zen Cat
Paintings and Poetry by Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin The Zen Cat wall calendar is a meditation in art and words on the sacredness and interconnectedness of all life. Artist and author Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin uses painting and poetry to communicate a message from the pure heart of the universe. In Honshin’s own words, here is the story as it happened: “While I was quietly reading the Lotus Sutra, the Original Zen Cat, Miss Kitty, climbed onto my lap. As I continued to read, I became aware that her mind and mine were becoming one. She wanted me to read aloud to her. So I did. There she sat in meditation focused on the teachings as I read. Her appreciation and obvious understanding opened my own mind and heart to the oneness that exists, connecting all living beings in the gentle love and compassion that is in every precious moment.” Honshin’s art is also featured in the Thich Nhat Hanh wall calendar (page 35) and engagement calendar (page 53), and The Meditational Art of Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin greeting cards (pages 73-75).
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-643-4 UPC 762109-06434-4 51399
62109 06434
Sample text: Oneness comes naturally with meditation — Honshin
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
26 • 2013 wall calendars
The Healthy Cat A Year
Healthy Tips
Eve Adamson
Your Furry Friends
What’s that luxurious, rumbling purr? It’s the sound of a contented cat – one living a well-balanced, engaged, clean and green lifestyle. Filled with charming photos of funny felines and awww-inducing kittens, The Healthy Cat wall calendar features tips, tricks and techniques on how to be a better cat companion. Cats of every breed will purr in support of eco-friendly and chemical-free cat care – including feline exercise plans! – by author Eve Adamson. She teaches us about kitten socialization, natural remedies for common cat troubles and easy solutions for detoxing your cat’s life. It’s enough to keep your cats purring from January to December. Eve Adamson is an award-winning pet writer and New York Times best-selling author. She has authored or coauthored over 50 books and bylined more than 100 articles and columns for publications such as Cat Fancy, Cats USA, Kittens USA and Veterinary Practice News. A member of Cat Writers’ Association, Inc., Adamson writes about animal companions, holistic health, food and other lifestyle subjects from Iowa City, Iowa.
Sample text: Home, Sweet home Carpet, furniture, paint and cleaning chemicals can be sources of indoor pollution, which can send cats into wheezing fits or provoke rashes and itching. Fortunately, there are easy ways to detoxify your home so chemically sensitive kitties (and people too!) can breathe easier.…
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-619-9 UPC 762109-06199-2 51399
62109 06199
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 27
The Healthy Dog A Year
Healthy Tips
Eve Adamson
Your Four-Legged Friends
Dogs are loyal, lovable and masters of living in the moment. With our help, they can be even stronger, smarter and more earth friendly – not to mention healthier, happier and better canine citizens. The Healthy Dog wall calendar teaches us what our dogs should really be eating, learning and doing. Full of adorable, laugh-out-loud photos, it has everything to guide us on the path to being a better companion to our dogs. Each month features tips, techniques and guidance for dog parents, from ecofriendly DIY projects to plenty of natural homemade remedies – and a dash of dog psychology too. New York Times best-selling author and awardwinning dog writer Eve Adamson has authored or coauthored over 50 books on subjects as varied as yoga, dreams, holistic health, cooking and, of course, dogs. Adamson is a contributing editor for Dog Fancy magazine, writes regular columns for Dog Fancy and AKC Family Dog magazines, and contributes to many other animal companion publications. She currently serves on the board of the Dog Writers Association of America.
Sample text: 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-620-5 UPC 762109-06205-0 51399
62109 06205
Dr. Mother Nature When serious injury or illness strikes, responsible dog owners know to call the veterinarian. However, for minor issues, Dr. Mother Nature knows best. Natural remedies and do-it-yourself fixes can address many issues, from fleas to anxiety.…
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9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
28 • 2013 wall calendars
A Knock
at the
When Inspiration Knocks, Open
Crossing into the land of remembering your magical self requires only one thing: when Inspiration knocks, open the door. In 2004 Duirwaigh President Angi Sullins sat down to write a poem for the artists who inspire her. Setting the poem to music and paintings, the short film A Knock at the Door was born. Posted on the Internet in December of that year, it caused an international sensation and has since been seen by over a million viewers. Between these pages lies an invitation to follow your dreams through the door of possibility to an enchanted land half dreamed, half remembered and wholly adored. Angi Sullins is the founder of Duirwaigh, Inc., a multimedia entertainment group in Atlanta, Georgia. A Knock at the Door was her first film and is now a book published by Amber Lotus. Angi creates inspirational cards, books and films with her partner, Silas Toball. Duirwaigh greeting cards (pages 65-67) and the book A Knock at the Door (page 86) are also available.
Sample text:
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-627-4 UPC 762109-06274-6
When was the last time you held hope from a string of delicate things? A single thread of hope may be delicate and as tender as the morning dew on a spider’s web. But woven with other tendrils of hope, it becomes strong; it becomes a web of possibility and then a tapestry of probability.
62109 06274
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 29
doreen virtue
your anGels
doreen virtue’s Messages from Your Angels wall calendar, with its meditations and messages from the angelic realm, is a beautiful way to enjoy your year. each month pairs gorgeous angel imagery with an uplifting message to set a positive and healing tone that will keep you centered in peacefulness. it acts as a reminder that our angels are always beside us, ready to assist us in every area of our lives. virtue has devoted her lifework to teaching us how to hear the messages from our angels: “you can lean upon their light to help you heal at miraculous rates and in amazing ways.” doreen virtue is a spiritual doctor of psychology who works with the angelic, elemental and ascendedmaster realms in her writings and workshops. she is the author of more than twenty books about mindbody-spirit issues, including the best-selling Healing with the Angels and Messages from Your Angels. virtue is a frequent talk-show guest with appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America and other national programs.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-630-4 UPC 762109-06304-0 51399
62109 06304
Sample text: Your imagination is the place where your future experiences are constructed. You’re like the chef who chooses and controls what’s placed into a creation, no matter what the outside influences or circumstances are.…
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
30 • 2013 wall calendars
Posters A History
Peace & Justice
Modern Political Action Posters
Amber Lotus is proud to present the Posters for Peace & Justice wall calendar, a survey of political protest poster art. Among the many types of activist art and the plethora of perspectives they voice, posters for peace and justice stand out. Combining strong graphics and succinct messages to educate people on the issues, these images are plastered on brick walls, stapled to power poles and silk-screened onto T-shirts, and have gone viral on the Internet. This inspiring calendar showcases poignant examples of call-to-action posters by activist artists such as Micah Ian Wright, Dan McCall and Lalo Alcaraz. Each poster is accompanied by the artist's mission statement and comments on the cause.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-634-2 UPC 762109-06342-2
Sample text: How does social change happen? It takes many people, but unifying the many usually starts with the few. It’s the same principle as starting a fire in a damp forest. You might want those large wet logs to burn but to get there you have to start with the little dry leaves and twigs.…
62109 06342
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 31
Gig Posters Rock Art
for the
21st Century
The Gig Posters wall calendar showcases the vibrant and unique world of contemporary music and art. The posters featured were created solely to promote live musical performances by a myriad of musicians, including Devo, Animal Collective, Girl Talk and The Decemberists to name just a few. The designers featured encompass a wide range of talent. Month to month, you’ll be blown away with artwork by Scrojo, Eline van Dam, Nate Duval, Furturtle Show Prints and more. Gig Posters has its finger on the pulse of contemporary art and music culture with this distinctive genre of artwork. The images in this calendar are sourced from, the world’s quintessential online art gallery of concert posters, flyers and handbills from around the globe. Showcasing over 120,000 posters from almost 10,000 designers, this historical archive brings together a massive community of designers, collectors and fans, fusing these two creative worlds to create a one-of-a-kind artistic anthology.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-616-8 UPC 762109-06168-8 51399
62109 06168
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9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
32 • 2013 wall calendars
Louise L. Hay
You Can Heal Your Life “If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed.” The inspirational You Can Heal Your Life wall calendar features text from the New York Times bestselling book of the same title. In this powerful and pioneering work, Louise L. Hay explains how our beliefs and ideas can be the cause of illness, and how we can change our thinking to improve the quality of our lives. This calendar features monthly wisdom quotes, teaching text and helpful affirmations, all illustrated with the charming artwork of Joan Perrin-Falquet. Louise L. Hay is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher with more than 40 million books sold worldwide, and is widely regarded as one of the founders of the self-help movement. For more than 25 years, Louise has helped millions of people discover and implement the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-654-0 UPC 762109-06540-2
Sample text: I trust myself, and I trust Life. If things get difficult, I turn within and anchor my thoughts in truth and love. I ask for guidance from the Universe, and I make my way safely through stormy seas and calm, blissful weather.…
62109 06540
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 33
Little Critters By Kate Endle
With her unique application of colors, textures and shapes, Kate Endle creates a delightful menagerie in the Little Critters wall calendar. Whimsical and quaint, Endle’s artwork is a happy marriage of charming illustrations, textured paper and fabric collage on stretched canvas, featuring endearing animal friends and snippets of garden life. This adorable calendar would be perfect in a nursery, in a kitchen full of kids or for someone who feels like a kid. Month after month, Endle’s artwork is sure to warm the heart. Endle’s collage work can be found in galleries, boutiques, cafés and restaurants in and around the Pacific Northwest. Her delightful illustrations have also found their way to greeting cards, stickers, murals and educational materials, and she has authored two board books for kids. Kate Endle and her musician husband, Chris Ballew, have formed a team called Cute Smart Music and Art to create books and music for children.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-629-8 UPC 762109-06298-2 51399
62109 06298
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
34 • 2013 wall calendars
Zen Mind ZenGa PaintinGs
Quotes on Zen Practice by shunryu suZuki the Gitter-yelen collection the mind of Zen buddhism is revealed through authentic sacred art and profoundly simple wisdom. Zenga art, Zen-inspired brushstroke paintings, surprises and confounds our expectations. although created by seventeenth- and eighteenth-century monks who were amateur painters, they have a startlingly modern appeal. the gitter-yelen collection of Zenga paintings is widely regarded as one of the preeminent collections in the west. each month, the Zen Mind wall calendar features a Zenga masterwork paired with quotes from Not Always So by shunryu suzuki (1905-1971). suzukiroshi was considered one of the most influential Zen teachers of his time and was a direct spiritual descendant of thirteenth-century Zen master dogen. a Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind journal (page 3) is also available.
also available: Zen Mind 6.5" x 8.5" engagement calendar (page 54) 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-644-1 UPC 762109-06441-2
Sample text (wall calendar): When your mind and body are completely one, then enlightenment is there. Whatever you think, whatever you hear, that is enlightenment.
62109 06441
a m ber lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 35
thich nhat hanh PaintinGs
nicholas kirsten-honshin
taoist symbols, ancient imagery and the gentle reflection of nature meet and merge in nicholas kirsten-Honshin’s artwork. the Thich Nhat Hanh wall calendar combines Honshin’s graceful paintings with the words of renowned Zen master, peace activist and author of over 60 books, thich nhat Hanh. nicholas kirsten-Honshin is influenced by the sacred meditational space of the transcendental archetypal symbols of christianity, Zen and tibetan buddhism as well as the shamanistic practices of the world’s perennial philosophies. thich nhat Hanh’s words, appearing courtesy of parallax press, have inspired many over the years to embark on a more peaceful and mindful path. Greeting cards (pages 73-75) featuring the art of nicholas kirsten-Honshin are also available.
also available: Thich Nhat Hanh 6.5" x 8.5" engagement calendar (page 53) 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-640-3 UPC 762109-06403-0 51399
62109 06403
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
Sample text (wall calendar): Do everything in mindfulness so you can really be there, so you can love. — Thich Nhat Hanh
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
36 • 2013 wall calendars
PeMa chödrön
aWakeninG the heart
best-selling author pema chödrön is a leading exponent of teachings on meditation and how they apply to everyday life. she is widely known for her charming and down-to-earth interpretation of tibetan buddhism for western audiences. chödron studied under the meditation master chögyam trungpa rinpoche and is the resident teacher at gampo abbey in cape breton, nova scotia, the first tibetan monastery for westerners. the Pema Chödrön: Awakening the Heart wall calendar features quotes from chödrön’s book Taking the Leap, which is designed to help us cultivate compassion, courage and awareness within the challenges of daily life. these insightful quotes are paired with beautifully evocative and meditative nature photography. chödrön has authored several best-selling books, including Comfortable with Uncertainty, When Things Fall Apart and Start Where You Are.
also available: Pema Chödrön 6.5" x 8.5" engagement calendar (page 54) 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-633-5 UPC 762109-06335-4
Sample text (wall calendar): When we pause, allow a gap and breathe deeply, we can experience instant refreshment. Suddenly we slow down, look out, and there’s the world. It can feel like briefly standing in the eye of the tornado or the still point of a turning wheel.
62109 06335
a m ber lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 37
Emotional Freedom
by Judith
Orloff, MD Liberate Yourself from Negative Emotions and Transform your Life Each day presents opportunities for people to be heroes in their own lives: to turn away from negativity, to react constructively and to seize command of any situation. In her book Emotional Freedom, Dr. Judith Orloff helps readers liberate themselves from negative emotions and develop hope, compassion and courage. Her work is a road map for those who are stressed, discouraged or overwhelmed. The Emotional Freedom wall calendar pairs Orloff’s teachings with breathtaking landscape imagery, providing a glimpse of the freedoms found in both inner and outer nature. Dr. Judith Orloff, MD, is the author of the New York Times bestseller Emotional Freedom, upon which this calendar is based. An assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA, Orloff is accomplishing for psychiatry what doctors like Dean Ornish and Mehmet Oz have done for mainstream medicine. Body + Soul magazine calls Orloff “one of our nation’s top doctors.” Her previous bestsellers are Positive Energy, Guide to Intuitive Healing and Second Sight.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-610-6 UPC 762109-06106-0 51399
62109 06106
Sample text: The more emotionally well-endowed you are, the freer you’ll be. Don’t sell yourself short by thinking you’re just one thing. No one is. Be big. Grow wings. The most scintillating intellect will soar even higher with fire in your belly. A heart as big as the world will only grow wiser with a discerning mind.
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
38 • 2013 wall calendars
The Illuminated Rumi By Michael Green
Based on One Song: A New Illuminated Rumi, The Illuminated Rumi wall calendar is an interweaving of poetry and art – a magnificent meeting of ancient tradition and modern interpretation that uniquely captures the spiritual wealth of Rumi’s teachings. Michael Green’s magical art, along with his sensitive renderings of Rumi’s poetry, makes this work a classic guide to the life of the soul for a whole new generation of seekers. Rumi is still one of this country’s most-read poets and is a major spokesman for open, boundary-crossing spirituality. The Illuminated Rumi, first published in 1997, is still a phenomenon with over 100,000 copies in print. Michael Green has written and illustrated many books, including The Illuminated Rumi, The I Ching Journals, The Illuminated Prayer and The Unicornis Manuscripts (Amber Lotus, 2008, page 86). Illuminated Rumi greeting cards (page 81) are also available.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-625-0 UPC 762109-06250-0 51399
Sample text: You’ll have to look deeper than yourself for the door to the center. It’s here! I am the heart of your heart!
62109 06250
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 39
celtic blessinGs illuMinations
Michael Green
it is an often overlooked fact that celtic art is iconic for two very different worldviews: primeval christianity and paganism/new age. celtic art and spirituality stand on an overlap between these two cultures and act as connecting links between them. both cultures can learn from their differences, ultimately supporting and nourishing the spiritual aspirations of each. michael green’s Celtic Blessings wall calendar is a masterful marriage of these two worlds. based on celtic themes and early irish christian illuminated manuscripts, green’s art reenvisions these genres into a stunning modern look that is firmly rooted in the past. at various times in his life, green has been a wandering monk, artist and craftsman, television art director, architect, illustrator and author. His books include The I Ching Journals, The Illuminated Rumi, The Illuminated Prayer and The Unicornis Manuscripts (page 86). Celtic Blessings greeting cards (page 80) are also available.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-607-6 UPC 762109-06076-6 51399
62109 06076
Sample text: The old Celtic world awakens something mysterious in us because it was a realm where mysteries flourished. Its borders wander beyond the rational dimension we now occupy into a land of wild possibilities.…
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9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
40 • 2013 wall calendars
alex grey every once in a great while an artist emerges who does more than simply reflect the social trends of the time. these artists are able to transcend established thinking and help us redefine ourselves and our world. today a growing number of art critics, philosophers and spiritual seekers believe they have found that vision in the art of alex grey. the Alex Grey wall calendar takes the viewer on a graphic, visionary journey through the physical, metaphysical and spiritual anatomy of the self. grey’s portrayals of human beings blend scientific exactitude with depictions of universal life energy, leading us on the soul’s journey from material world encasement to the recovery of our divinely illuminated core. alex grey is the author of Transfigurations, Sacred Mirrors and The Mission of Art. His work has graced the album covers of tool, nirvana and the beastie boys, and has been exhibited around the world. Alex Grey greeting cards (page 78) are also available.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-604-5 UPC 762109-06045-2 51399
62109 06045
a m ber lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 41
fractal cosMos the art of alice kelley
fractals are the visual depictions of mathematical equations – the same equations, in fact, that describe natural phenomena such as coastlines, plant shapes and weather patterns. a computer program assigns a color to each point in the image based on the answers to a chosen equation, which then results in abstract fractal shapes. dozens of variables are manipulated in order to create these fascinating images. the Fractal Cosmos wall calendar features the organic designs of alice kelley, who says, “fractals are an intuitive glimpse into the infinite order that composes the natural world, as well as being proof that math is beautiful.”
Sample text: 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-614-4 UPC 762109-06144-2 51399
62109 06144
The tantalizing and compelling pursuit of mathematical problems offers mental absorption, peace of mind amid endless challenges, repose in activity, battle without conflict, refuge from the goading urgency of contingent happenings, and the sort of beauty changeless mountains present to senses tried by the present-day kaleidoscope of events. — Morris Kline
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9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
42 • 2013 wall calendars
The Lakota Way N
by Joseph
M. M arshall III • Art
American Wisdom on Ethics and Character
by Jim
The Lakota Way wall calendar features original art from Lakota and Iroquois artist Jim Yellowhawk and text by author Joseph M. Marshall III. Each spread includes the Lakota names for the months, such as “When Calves Are Red” and “When Things Ripen.” Marshall’s text presents a traditional Lakota virtue for each month, guiding the reader along the Lakota path of wisdom. Marshall is a teacher, historian, Lakota craftsman and writer. He has authored several screenplays in addition to fifteen books, including the highly acclaimed Walking with Grandfather, The Lakota Way and The Journey of Crazy Horse. Marshall is a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe and was involved with the television miniseries Into the West as narrator, actor and consultant. Artist Jim Yellowhawk, who views everything as a possible canvas, uses diverse media to create authentic and striking images that are evocative of Lakota star knowledge and the unique Lakota way of life.
Sample text: 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-628-1 UPC 762109-06281-4
THE WEIGHT OF WISDOM Her mother smiled and replied gently, “Your grandmother has seen much in her life. She has walked many trails, so she has acquired much knowledge. All that has made her very wise. So much wisdom must be carried slowly because it is a precious load.”
62109 06281
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 43
Hebrew Illuminations A 16-M onth Calendar
Adam Rhine
The Yom Tovim Jewish Holy Days
The ancient and enduring spirit of Jewish tradition comes alive in the Hebrew Illuminations 2012-2013 wall calendar. Jewish artist Adam Rhine has created ornate, highly detailed Judaic paintings in watercolor, colored pencil and acrylic. Each work is crafted to glorify the infinite nobility of the Lord and to visually bring forth His energy within different combinations and intricate patterns. The sheer elegance of their construction conveys wisdom and ideas. This unique calendar features stunning illuminations of the Yom Tovim (significant Jewish Holy Days), such as Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), Hanukkah (the Festival of Lights) and Rosh Hodesh (the New Month). Adam Rhine’s beautifully intricate Judaic paintings combine modern palettes and aesthetics with the influence of medieval illuminated manuscripts. An Illuminated Psalms wall calendar (page 52) by Adam Rhine is also available.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-621-2 UPC 762109-06212-8 51399
62109 06212
Sample text: In Hebrew, Rosh Hodesh literally means “head of the month” or “first of the month.” In ancient times, Rosh Hodesh was a significant festival day, and the new months were determined by the observation of the night sky.…
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
4 4 • 2013 wall calendars
A Year Recipes
of for
Healthy Living
Your Health
Well Being
Ann Lovejoy
A Year of Healthy Living wall calendar by Ann Lovejoy is a warm, heartfelt invitation to expand your awareness of health and well-being, improve your meal choices and enjoy life more fully every day. Each month features topics that approach food as a nurturing component of the life that supports and sustains you. Artful fruit and vegetable photographs are paired with nutritious recipes and helpful tips, while weekly affirmations encourage steady progress at your own pace and invite you to rejoice in the simple joys that surround us all. A Year of Healthy Living is about wanting the very best for ourselves. Ann Lovejoy is the author of more than twenty gardening books and two cookbooks, and is a regular cooking and gardening columnist for numerous national and regional publications. She is also the author of The Organic Kitchen Garden (page 14) and Rose (page 48) wall calendars.
Sample text: When we think about creating a healthier life, we usually start with diet and exercise. However, a surprisingly strong predictor of a long and healthy life is an abundance of friends. Numerous recent studies underline the powerful health benefits of friendship, including less illness and faster recovery, less depression and improved mental acuity well into old age.‌
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-642-7 UPC 762109-06427-6 51399
62109 06427
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 45
Healing M andalas
Bell and Todd
Blessings of Earth and Heaven
Artists Bonnie Gold Bell and David Sun Todd are continually evolving new forms of contemplative Nature imagery. Using close-up photographs of flowers and space photographs from NASA telescopes, their Healing Mandalas wall calendar for 2013 celebrates the union of planetary beauty with the luminous cosmic skies. Each colorful mandala, or “sacred circle,” is accompanied by a blessing meditation. Together, the inspirational words and radiant images bring benediction to every month of the year. Bell & Todd also share their art in the form of meditation videos that are part of their Big Earth Blessings project. These free videos direct people’s attention to places and people around the world in need of collective blessing. Bell & Todd’s publications include The GaiaStar Codex oracle deck and the book GaiaStar Mandalas: Ecstatic Visions of the Living Earth. Artist Laurel Burch said of these artists, “They capture things far beyond the physical world and make them accessible to so many, in such a beautiful form.”
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-618-2 UPC 762109-06182-4 51399
62109 06182
Sample text: The Dawning Radiant daisy, petal-sun, shine on us and waken our hearts. Soft and spacious sky, show us how to open from the core. Spirit of Earth and Heaven, bless our emergence into this new world.
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9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
46 • 2013 wall calendars
The Haunted Realm
Sir Simon Marsden From the very beginning of recorded time, all great civilizations have believed in the supernatural in some form or another. Sir Simon Marsden’s startlingly atmospheric black-and-white infrared photographs reveal this hidden world, and his ghostly and beguiling images transport the reader to a different realm – a haunted realm. In The Haunted Realm wall calendar, each photograph is accompanied by accounts of the apparitions that have been reported at the site, and the strange and often macabre real-life events said to lie behind them. Simon Marsden is an internationally acclaimed photographer whose work can be found in the J. Paul Getty Museum in California and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. His books include This Spectred Isle, The Haunted Realm, The Journal of a Ghosthunter and The Twilight Hour. 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-617-5 UPC 762109-06175-6
62109 06175
Photography by Jane English • Calligraphy by Gia-fu Feng This marks the 23rd year of the Tao wall calendar, which features contemplative nature photographs, Chinese calligraphy and text from Gia-fu Feng and Jane English’s translations of the Tao Te Ching and Chuang Tsu’s Inner Chapters. The Tao Te Ching, the esoteric but infinitely practical book written in the sixth century B.C. by Lao Tsu, has been translated more times than any work except the Bible. Written in the fourth century B.C., Chuang Tsu’s Inner Chapters is a companion volume to the Tao Te Ching. Chuang Tsu was to Lao Tsu as Saint Paul was to Jesus, and Plato to Socrates. The book Chuang Tsu: Inner Chapters (page 87) is also available from Amber Lotus Publishing.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-652-6 UPC 762109-06526-6
62109 06526
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 47
Spirit Horses
Photographs by Tony Stromberg
Through his luminous photography of horses, Tony Stromberg works to bridge what he calls “modern life’s disturbing separation between people and nature.” This gorgeous Spirit Horses wall calendar is filled with extraordinary portraits of horses, both wild and domestic, paired with quotations from teachers and writers exploring equine wisdom and its intersection with spirituality. Creator of the books Spirit Horses (2005) and The Forgotten Horses (2008), both published by New World Library, Stromberg believes that horses can be profound teachers, bringing deep awareness to a world dangerously out of balance. Amber Lotus is proud to partner with New World Library to produce this intimate look at humankind’s most enduring companion.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-639-7 UPC 762109-06397-2
62109 06397
Art Wolfe
Travels to the Edge
Once again, acclaimed nature photographer Art Wolfe takes us on a fantastic journey to the ends of the earth, where he reveals strange and alien land scapes infused with nature’s phenomenal beauty and otherworldly energies. The Art Wolfe: Travels to the Edge wall calendar illuminates the spectacular and remote natural places of this world with penetrating photographic artistry. Art Wolfe is one of the most celebrated and widely published nature photographers of our time. His honors include a 2000 Alfred Eisenstaedt Award for Magazine Photography and the 1998 Nature Photographer of the Year Award from his peers. His books include Edge of the Earth, Corner of the Sky and One World, One Vision: The Photography of Art Wolfe. Wolfe is also featured in the public television series Travels to the Edge, in which he reveals stunning scenery and teaches photographic techniques. 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-606-9 UPC 762109-06069-8
62109 06069
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
48 • 2013 wall calendars
Herb Gardens
Recipes & Herbal Folklore • by Maggie Oster Cooks, gardeners and anyone who cherishes the magic of herbs will enjoy entering this world of flavor, fragrance and color. Herbs have been used for centuries on every continent in cooking, medicines, perfumes and crafts. More than just a calendar, this is a resource to be kept. Herbs can be used in foods from appetizers to desserts, as shown in the easy but sumptuous recipes from author Maggie Oster. The Herb Gardens wall calendar also includes a wealth of herbal folklore; remedies and growing tips are offered every other day. Oster has written and taken pictures for numerous books on gardening and cooking. She has also served as regional editor for the National Gardening Association’s website.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-622-9 UPC 762109-06229-6
62109 06229
Cooking, Crafting & Cultivation • by Ann Lovejoy Beautiful, fragrant and delicious, roses have been a floral favorite for thousands of years. Dried roses have been found in the tombs of ancient pharaohs and in Neolithic European burial sites. Sacred to Aphrodite and Venus, roses have long been associated with passion, love and beauty. Discover the romance of this alluring blossom with the Rose wall calendar, artfully crafted by writer Ann Lovejoy. Stunning photography, tips on cultivation, recipes, craft ideas, herbal remedies and the fascinating history of this magnificent and captivating flower will enchant all year long. Lovejoy is the author of more than twenty gardening books and two cookbooks, and is a regular cooking and gardening columnist for numerous national and regional publications. She is also the author of The Organic Kitchen Garden (page 14) and A Year of Healthy Living (page 44) wall calendars. 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-612-0 UPC 762109-06120-6
62109 06120
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 49
Flowers: A Universe Revealed by Christopher Gruver In the Flowers: A Universe Revealed wall calendar, Christopher Gruver’s stunning photography presents a wildly beautiful and vivid experience of the universe of flowers. An avid lover of nature and the outdoors, Gruver marries skill with instinct. Drawing on his intuitive link to aesthetic and essence, Gruver creates striking compositions that reveal the delicacy and vibrancy of nature. Each month is accompanied by a poetic interlude connecting our human voyage with the living intimacy of a flower. Flowers: A Universe Revealed greeting cards (pages 76-78) are also available.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-613-7 UPC 762109-06137-4
62109 06137
Kid Quotes
Kate Harper
Kids say the most amazing things: honest, amusing and altogether entertaining. The Kid Quotes wall calendar captures this literal yet lighthearted point of view with a year full of quotes from everyday kids. These wise wee ones share the most sincere and silly musings on friendship, love and even marriage. Artist Kate Harper combines playful words with festive imagery – making even the most proclaimed grown-up feel like a kid again. Harper’s playful calligraphy is paired with childlike crayon masterpieces to create a world of whimsy and wonder. She believes that surrounding ourselves with humor brings us closer to those around us – and the everyday experiences of life become more inspired. And that’s exactly what this calendar will do – keep your heart light and a smile on your face all year long! 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-626-7 UPC 762109-06267-8
62109 06267
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
50 • 2013 wall calendars
Rumi, Heart
of the
Translations by Coleman Barks
Jelaluddin Rumi (1207-1273) was a master of ecstatic poetry. His illuminating words have inspired countless people throughout history, and today, thanks to the magical translations of Coleman Barks, Rumi’s poetry is more popular than ever. In the Rumi: Heart of the Beloved wall calendar, Barks’s translations are paired with exquisite Persian miniatures. The rich intricacy of the artwork complements Rumi’s mystical metaphors, in which the yearning for the divine beloved represents the soul’s quest for wholeness.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-637-3 UPC 762109-06373-6
Sacred Images
62109 06373
Tibet Classic images of authentic Tibetan thangka paintings open a sacred doorway into the world of Tibetan Buddhism. This Sacred Images of Tibet wall calendar features handsomely displayed meditative images of buddhas, goddesses and tantric figures. Each thangka is paired with informative text explaining the meaning and symbolism of the image shown. The paintings are all by master thangka artists living in Kathmandu, Nepal. These images have been used for centuries to awaken and expand consciousness. Your purchase of this calendar helps support the Tibetan Lama Fund, which is building housing for refugee monks in India, and the Development of Children and Women Center in Kathmandu. Sacred Images of Tibet greeting cards (pages 68-69) are also available.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-638-0 UPC 762109-06380-4
62109 06380
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 wall calendars • 51
Lhasa and Beyond • International Campaign for Tibet
Tibet, known for its beautiful landscapes, the Potala Palace and the highest mountain ranges on earth, is a living country full of bustling towns, villages, monasteries and nomadic areas at risk of suffocation and dissolution under Chinese government policies. Tibetans are on the precipice, balancing a determination to pursue their cultural and religious identity against Chinese pressures to assimilate and the onslaught of modernizing development. With each passing year, Tibet becomes more and more Chinese as govern ment development bulldozes over these communities. This calendar takes readers from town to town, offering them a chance to get to know these places and the Tibetans who call them home. Each month features a different hometown, highlighting the significance of the area and juxtaposing it with Tibetans’ political turmoil. We hope that this tour will encourage you to support the Tibetan people in their struggle to live freely as Tibetans in Tibet. 12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-623-6 UPC 762109-06236-4
62109 06236
The Dalai L ama
Heart of Wisdom • Photography by Tenzin Choejor
His Holiness the Dalai Lama is one of the most respected spiritual leaders and teachers living in the world today. He is revered by Buddhists as the living god of love and compassion, and yet he refers to himself as a simple monk. His gentle, humorous expression of wisdom and compassion serves as an inspiration to millions. The Dalai Lama, Heart of Wisdom wall calendar features twelve inspiring photographs courtesy of the Office of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. These images capture the universal human spirit and guide us through the year with a sense of hope and compassion.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-609-0 UPC 762109-06090-2
62109 06090
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
52 • 2013 wall calendars
Angel Spirits
The Art of Sulamith Wülfing No other artist has captured the wonders of angels and otherworldly spirits as delightfully as Sulamith Wülfing (1901-1989). The Angel Spirits wall calendar makes this hidden world apparent to the naked eye by capturing its beauty and spirituality. The childlike innocence and hope portrayed in each painting act as a balm to the spirit, which is more needed than ever in this modern world. A Sulamith Wülfing journal (page 2), three wisdom decks (page 85) and Sulamith Wülfing Holiday boxed note cards (page 85) are also available.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-605-2 UPC 762109-06052-0
Illuminated Psalms
62109 06052
Adam Rhine Intricate and spectacular paintings by Adam Rhine complement the spiritual biblical psalms. Composed by King David more than 3,000 years ago, the psalms are poetic songs of praise to the Creator. They are an enlightened expression of the human spirit that traverses time and religious differences, bringing inspiration, faith and consolation to all people. This Illuminated Psalms wall calendar features twelve of Adam Rhine’s original illuminated works of art. Rhine’s beautiful use of watercolor and acrylic pairs wonderfully with excerpts from the psalms to help us open our homes and hearts. A Hebrew Illuminations 16-month wall calendar (page 43) by Adam Rhine is also available.
12" x 12" Wall Calendar $13.99 USD ISBN 978-1-60237-624-3 UPC 762109-06243-2
62109 06243
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
2013 Mini calendar s – nOw avail able ! We ’ve added these titles to the Amber Lotus 2013 product lineup. They ’re not listed in the catalog, but don ’t forget to include them in your order! Please call Amber Lotus (800.326.2375) or your sales representative to order.
L at e Br e a k in g News !
celTic blessiNgs MiNi illuMiNaTioNs by Michael greeN
7" x 7" Mini calendar $7.99 Usd isbn 978-1-60237-708-0
Based on Celtic themes and early Irish Christian illuminated manuscripts, Michael Green’s art reenvisions these genres into a stunning modern look that is firmly rooted in the past.
62109 07080
Thich NhaT haNh MiNi
PaiNTiNgs by Nicholas KirsTeN-hoNshiN
7" x 7" Mini calendar $7.99 Usd isbn 978-1-60237-709-7
62109 07097
Taoist symbols, ancient imagery and the gentle reflection of nature meet and merge in the art of Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin. These graceful paintings are paired with the words of renowned Zen master and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh.
Orders & customer service: 800.326.2375
amber lotus Publishing • email:
P.O. Box 11329, Portland, OR 97211-0329
2013 engagement calendars • 53
Thich NhaT haNh PaiNTiNgs
Nicholas KirsTeN-hoNshiN
Taoist symbols, ancient imagery and the gentle reflection of nature meet and merge in nicholas Kirsten-Honshin’s artwork. the Thich Nhat Hanh engagement calendar combines Honshin’s graceful paintings with the words of renowned Zen master, peace activist and author of over 60 books, thich nhat Hanh. A Thich Nhat Hanh wall calendar (page 35) is also available.
january 2013 7
January 2013
fEbruary 2013
S m T w T f S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
S m T w T f S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Christmas (Eastern Orthodox)
10 11
Thursday Friday
• Hard cover with Wire-O binding • 52 weekly pages with month- and year-at-a-glance • 12 full-color images & beautifully illustrated throughout • Features include extra lined note pages and a pocket • Elastic band closure • 6.5" x 8.5" • ISBN 978-1-60237-661-8 • $15.99 • UPC 762109-06618-8
0 2:44 pm EST
G 6:45 pm EST
celTic M aNdala
by JeN
The Celtic Mandala engagement calendar presents the magical weavings of Welsh artist Jen delyth. founded in her deep connection to her celtic heritage, Jen’s work features Celtic knots and patterning that reflect a belief in the continuity of life and the interconnection of all things. A Celtic Mandala wall calendar (page 24), Celtic Folk-Soul greeting cards (page 79) and Jen’s full color book, Celtic Folk Soul (page 86), are also available. FEBRuARY 2013
February 2013
F 1
3 10
4 11
MARCH 2013 S
2 9
F 1
3 10
4 11
S 2 9
Random Acts of Kindness Week
Lincoln’s Birthday Mardi Gras
Waitangi Day (New Zealand)
Ash Wednesday & Lent (Christian)
Valentine’s Day
Nirvana Day (Buddhist)
• Hard cover with Wire-O binding • 52 weekly pages with month- and year-at-a-glance • 12 full-color images & beautifully illustrated throughout • Features include extra lined note pages and a pocket • Elastic band closure • 6.5" x 8.5" • ISBN 978-1-60237-658-8 • $15.99 • UPC 762109-06588-4
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
Chinese New Year (Snake) Losar (Tibetan New Year) 0 2:20 am EST
Flag Day (Canada) Vasant Panchami (Hindu)
G 3:31 pm EST
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
54 • 2013 engagement calendars • Hard cover with Wire-O binding • 52 weekly pages with month- and year-at-a-glance • 12 full-color images & teaching text throughout
• Features include extra lined note pages and a pocket • Elastic band closure • 6.5" x 8.5" • $15.99
PeMa chödröN
best-selling author pema chödrön hödrön is a leading exponent of teachings on meditation and how they apply to everyday life. the Pema Chödrön engagement calendar features selections from her book Taking the Leap, aimed at helping us cultivate compassion, courage and awareness within the challenges January 2013 of daily life. 7
January 2013
We can always connect with the openness of our minds. We can use our days to wake up rather than go back to sleep.
A wall calendar (page 36) is also available. • 6.5" x 8.5" • $15.99 • ISBN 978-1-60237-659-5 • UPC 762109-06595-2
Christmas (Eastern Orthodox)
10 11
0 2:44 pm EST
G 6:45 pm EST
ZeN MiNd
january 7
The mind of Zen Buddhism is revealed through authentic sacred art and profoundly simple wisdom. the Zen Mind engagement calendar features Zenga masterworks from the gitter-yelen g collection paired with quotes by shunryu suzuki (1905-1971), one of the most influential Zen teachers of his time.
January 2013
When your mind and body are completely one, then enlightenment is there.
Christmas (Eastern Orthodox)
0 2:44 pm EST
G 6:45 pm EST
A wall calendar (page 34) and journal (page 3) are also available. • 6.5" x 8.5" • $15.99 • ISBN 978-1-60237-662-5 • UPC 762109-06625-6
The Power
ecKharT Tolle
In the best-selling book The Power of Now,, Eckhart Tolle explains in remarkably clear terms how living in the now ow is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment. The Power of Power of Now engagement calendar pairs wisdom quotes by Tolle with spectacular nature photography, helping readers to connect to this essential wisdom and to stay February 2013 focused in the present moment all year long. A wall calendar (page 9) is also available. fEBruarY 2013
On a deeper level you are already complete, and when you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy behind what you do.
random acts of Kindness Week
Waitangi Day (New Zealand)
• 6.5" x 8.5" • $15.99 • ISBN 978-1-60237-660-1 • UPC 762109-06601-0
Nirvana Day (Buddhist)
Chinese New Year (Snake) Losar (Tibetan New Year) 0 2:20 am EST
Lincoln’s Birthday mardi Gras
ash Wednesday & Lent (Christian)
Valentine’s Day
flag Day (Canada) Vasant Panchami (Hindu)
G 3:31 pm EST
a m ber lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed inK s
gree ted cards by occa sion• 55 Our greeted cards pair beautiful artwork with a funny or encouraging word for every occasion – from birthdays to anniversaries, and other moments requiring a little bit of inspiration.
• Cards sold for $16.50 per six-pack are 4.75" x 6.75" and printed on recycled textured watercolor paper. • All other cards are 5" x 7" and printed on recycled glossy paper. • Envelopes are included.
• Cards are sold in quantities of six at the retail price indicated under each card.
$16.50 / set of six
Too much of a good thing is wonderful.
birthday birthday $15.00 / set of six
Love Sympathy Thank You
Youth is a gift of nature. Age is a work of art.
A hug is a perfect gift – one size fits all and nobody minds if you exchange it.
Inside: Happy Birthday to a masterpiece!
— Ivern Ball
NEW! RL113
NEW! RL114
Inside: Sending you a big one! Happy Birthday
$16.50 / set of six
Inside: Especially today. Happy Birthday!
Inside: Happy Birthday
Inside: Charge On! Happy Birthday
NEW! RL115
NEW! RL116
NEW! RL117
$16.50 / set of six
$16.50 / set of six
Inside: Happy Birthday! Let’s roll!
Inside: Hope you have a high-steppin’, kick-up-yourheels birthday!
Inside: Happy Birthday, you knock-out!
NEW! DW161
NEW! DW162
NEW! DW163
$15.00 / set of six
NEW! DW164
$15.00 / set of six
The goddess in me greets the goddess in you.
Inside: It’s your birthday. Sweet!
A real woman doesn’t get hot flashes – she gets power surges.
Goody Goody Gumdrops
$15.00 / set of six
Encouragement Feel Better Friendship
I always wanted to have a daughter like you.
— Mae West
$16.50 / set of six
Anniversary Any Occasion Birthday
The loveliest flowers in the garden of my life are my friends.
Inside: Have a Divine Birthday!
$16.50 / set of six
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
Inside: Wishes for a lovely birthday
$16.50 / set of six
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
56 • gree ted cards by occa sion • Cards are sold in quantities of six at the retail price indicated under each card.
• Cards sold for $16.50 per six-pack are 4.75" x 6.75" and printed on recycled textured watercolor paper.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. — Goethe
A good friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find, and lucky to have.
$16.50 / set of six
I always knew you were a star. Shine on!
$16.50 / set of six
$16.50 / set of six
$15.00 / set of six
A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
$16.50 / set of six
birthday $15.00 / set of six
Snow Lady KS315 BD
$15.00 / set of six
There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them.
A hug is the shortest distance between two friends.
— Vicki Baum
Inside: Boatloads of birthday hugs to you.
Birdcage Dress KS313 BD
$15.00 / set of six
Sailboat KS314 BD
Many are the stars we see, but in my eye no star like thee.
Follow your dreams, for as you dream so shall you be.
Inside: Happy Birthday to a shining star!
Inside: Happy Birthday May all your dreams come true!
Star Tree KS316 BD
Three Geese KS317 BD
— Heather Pryor
Inside: Happy Birthday to someone who makes my heart happy.
Inside: Happy Happy Birthday
Inside: I wish you wild abandon. Happy Birthday!
I wish you fulfillment of your deepest wishes and a few lovely surprises.
Inside: You’re ageless! Happy Birthday
Inside: Thank you for at least a million little things. A million birthday wishes enclosed. $16.50 / set of six
Inside: Dance on! Happy Birthday
— Mark Twain
Friendship isn’t a big thing – it’s a million little things.
— Sufi
Life would be infinitely happier if we could be born at the age of 80 and gradually approach 18.
Inside: Happy Happy Birthday
$16.50 / set of six
We bless life by dancing.
Inside: Dear friend, have a wonderfully happy birthday!
Inside: Go for it! Happy Birthday $16.50 / set of six
• All other cards are 5" x 7" and printed on recycled glossy paper. • Envelopes are included.
$15.00 / set of six
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
gree ted cards by occa sion• 57 Anniversary Any Occasion Birthday Happy Birthday! From one Goddess to another.
birthday birthday $16.50 / set of six
$16.50 / set of six
Inside: …we need glasses to read it. Happy Birthday
Inside: …as your dog thinks you are.
$16.50 / set of six
Crazy Gerbera FL1244 BD
$13.50 / set of six
Imagine. Dream. Believe.
Desire FL1247
$13.50 / set of six
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
Inside: …calories don’t count.
$16.50 / set of six
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.
It takes a long time to become young. — Pablo Picasso
Inside: Happy Birthday to a fabulous, original you.
Inside: Happy Birthday to a kid at heart.
Variegated Orange Tulip FL1245 BD
Orange Tiger Lily FL1246 BD
$13.50 / set of six
May all your weeds be wildflowers.
Inside: It’s your Birthday… make some mischief!
Love Sympathy Thank You
It’s your Birthday…
Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.
Inside: Happy Birthday Make a wish.
$16.50 / set of six
Happy Birthday! You really are as great…
Inside: I cleaned it up an hour ago. Happy Birthday!
By the time we understand the road map of life…
Inside: Go for it! Happy Birthday
$13.50 / set of six
The cat made you something special for your birthday.
Inside: …your life gets a little brighter. Happy Birthday
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.
$13.50 / set of six
Encouragement Feel Better Friendship
Every time you light a candle…
Inside: Have a divine day.
$16.50 / set of six
Mum Extravaganza FL1248 BD
Inside: Happy Birthday Wild Thing!
$13.50 / set of six
Unleashed FL1249 BD
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
58 • gree ted cards by occa sion
• Cards are sold in quantities of six at the retail price indicated under each card.
$13.50 / set of six
• Cards sold for $16.50 per six-pack are 4.75" x 6.75" and printed on recycled textured watercolor paper.
If friends were flowers...
Happy Birthday!
Inside: …I’d pick you! Wishing you a colorful, radiant, brilliant birthday.
Inside: Wishing you a year full of wonderful.
Peppermint Parrot Tulip FL1250 BD
Morning Dahlia FL1251 BD
$13.50 / set of six
$16.50 / set of six
$13.50 / set of six
thank you Encour agement
Inside: It’s your day! Enjoy it. RL110
$16.50 / set of six
$16.50 / set of six
Tulip Dance FL1265 TY
A single rose can be my garden. A single friend, my world.
Inside: They are the gardeners who make our souls blossom. Thank you
Inside: …and everywhere.
Let us be grateful to those who make us happy.
You richly deserve all the good things you are doing for yourself.
$16.50 / set of six
Thanks for being here… and there…
Inside: Heartfelt thanks
Inside: …thanks for being part of mine.
$16.50 / set of six
$13.50 / set of six
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
In life, everyone has a part…
Inside: Celebrate being wonder full
You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon will be too late. thank you
birthday $13.50 / set of six
Birthday Blessing Oh joy! It’s your Birth Day! (partial quote)
Oh beauty your angel lives inside of you
Inside: Happy Birth Day angel
• All other cards are 5" x 7" and printed on recycled glossy paper. • Envelopes are included.
Inside: Your kindness means the world to me. Thank you
$13.50 / set of six
Golden Rose FL1266 TY
Follow your heart
Faith makes things possible…
Inside: There’s less traffic.
Inside: …not easy. I’m here if you need me.
$16.50 / set of six
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
gree ted cards by occa sion• 59 Anniversary Any Occasion Birthday
$16.50 / set of six
$15.00 / set of six
Inside: Happy Anniversary
Inside: Happy Anniversary
NEW! RL118
Satin Magnolia FL1263 AN
$13.50 / set of six
Miss Firecracker
Inside: You’re the bomb
Inside: Presenting… the incredible, amazing YOU!
NEW! DW165
NEW! DW166
$15.00 / set of six
Bliss FL1262
$16.50 / set of six
The heart must have its time of snow to rest in silence and then to grow.
sympathy $16.50 / set of six
$13.50 / set of six
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
Datura FL1259
Inside: That’s what YOU are
$15.00 / set of six
NEW! DW160
No matter how long the winter, spring always follows. Inside: Rest, Restore, Rejuvenate … and feel better soon.
$13.50 / set of six
Orchid Group FL1252 FB
Count the garden by the flowers, not by the leaves that fall.
Inside: Wishing you peace during this difficult time.
Love Sympathy Thank You
Absolutely Fabulous
With Sympathy
Inside: May your heart be comforted. RL112
$16.50 / set of six
Inside: It’s no fun causing trouble without you.
Inside: … you make it spontaneously combust.
Feel Better Soon
feel bet ter
any occasion
Inside: Not only dream, but also believe.
Love makes the world go round …
— Roy Croft
Same old slippers, Same old rice, Same old glimpse of paradise. — Japanese proverb
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream.
$13.50 / set of six
any occasion
I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
Encouragement Feel Better Friendship
Inside: With deepest sympathy for your loss.
$13.50 / set of six
The Garden FL1260 SY
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
60 • cards by artist
New !
Renée Locks
in n a style of elegant simplicity, renée Locks pairs her charismatic sumi-e calligraphy with artful watercolor paintings to create a visual harmony of art and words, both nourishing and wise. these cards are 4.75" x 6.75", blank inside and printed on recycled textured watercolor paper. retail cost is $16.50 for a package of six cards with envelopes. greeted versions of cards marked with
◆ are also available on pages 55-59.
A real woman doesn’t get hot flashes – she gets power surges.
When one door closes, another one opens… somewhere.
Youth is a gift of nature. Age is a work of art.
NEW! RL531
NEW! RL532
NEW! RL533
A hug is a perfect gift – one size fits all and nobody minds if you exchange it.
The best mirror is an old friend.
Grant me patience, Lord, but hurry.
—George Herbert
—Ivern Ball
NEW! RL534
NEW! RL535
I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.
I always wanted to have a daughter like you.
Too much of a good thing is wonderful.
NEW! RL538
NEW! RL539
NEW! RL536
—Mae West
—Roy Croft
NEW! RL537
A m ber Lotus produc ts A re printed on rec ycLed pAper using s oy- bA sed ink s
cards by artist • 61 It’s okay to wake up laughing.
I have decided to be happy because it's good for one's health. —Voltaire
May your troubles be less, your happiness more and nothing but blessings come through your door. — Adapted from Irish blessing
NEW! RL540
NEW! RL541
NEW! RL542
Life would be infinitely happier if we could be born at the age of 80 and gradually approach 18.
We bless life by dancing.
Do you want to speak to the man “in charge” or to the woman who knows what’s going on?
— Sufi
— Mark Twain
A good friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find, and lucky to have.
The goddess in me greets the goddess in you.
Take a little quiet time every day.
The loveliest flowers in the garden of my life are my friends.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Friendship isn’t a big thing – it’s a million little things.
— Goethe
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
62 • cards by artist Renée Locks in a style of elegant simplicity, renée Locks pairs her charismatic sumi-e calligraphy with artful watercolor paintings to create a visual harmony of art and words, both nourishing and wise. these cards are 4.75" x 6.75", blank inside and printed on recycled textured watercolor paper. retail cost is $16.50 for a package of six cards with envelopes. greeted versions of cards marked with
◆ are also available on pages 55-59.
Luck is being prepared for opportunity when it comes.
I wish you fulfillment of your deepest wishes and a few lovely surprises.
Take time to work. It is the price of success. Take time to meditate. It is the source of power. (partial quote) —Adapted from Irish prayer
You richly deserve all the good things you are doing for yourself.
The heart must have its time of snow to rest in silence and then to grow.
You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon will be too late. —Ralph Waldo Emerson
Have patience with all things, but, first of all, with yourself.
I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep dancing. —Rabbi Hillel
—St. Francis de Sales
A woman is like a teabag – you never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water. —Eleanor Roosevelt
A m ber Lotus produc ts A re printed on rec ycLed pAper using s oy- bA sed ink s
cards by artist • 63 I always knew you were a star. Shine on!
Faith is the bird that sings to the dawn while it is still dark.
Be gentle with yourself.
There is no beginning too small. — Henry David Thoreau
Thank you for loving my best and for being patient with the rest.
We find our way one step at a time.
It’s never too late to turn your life around.
The rooster crows, but the hen delivers the goods.
A cup of tea together will make us glad – and a little friendship is no small matter. — Japanese Folk Song
— Stephen Buhner
— Old Texas saying
It isn’t the mountains ahead that wear you out – it’s the grain of sand in your shoe.
The most important ingredient is always love.
It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness.
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
6 4 • cards by artist
New !
Political Poster Art
combining ombining artful and hip graphics with poignant messages, political posters can be a powerful call to action or a satirical reminder of the inequities of life. cards are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50. Green Patriot (page 6) and Posters for Peace & Justice (page 30) wall calendars are also available.
Love in a Circle
NEW! by barbara carrasco PO101
NEW! by steff geissbuhler PO102
Oh, so that explains the difference in our salaries!
NEW! PO103
by Brenda J. Cornett
delicious, yummy, luscious, fun, joyful, inspirational, playful, delightful, warm and inviting, the art of brenda J. cornett kindles our lighthearted desire to “let love shine.” cards are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50.
I love you in a circle because a circle never ends LC801
Believe and it will grow. LC802
Renew Hope, Reuse Kindness, Recycle Love LC803
You are always in my heart. LC805
Open your heart and see miracles unfold. LC806
The love that connects us reaches farther than the miles between us. LC807
May destiny grant you wings. May love light your path LC808
Let love shine. LC809
A m ber Lotus produc ts A re printed on rec ycLed pAper using s oy- bA sed ink s
cards by artist • 65
New !
The Duirwaigh Collection
this enchanted line of cards opens a portal into mythic imagination. beautifully designed with stunning interiors, these charming greeting cards from the artists of duirwaigh gallery will surprise, delight and inspire. cards are 5" x 7" and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $15.00.
Any Occasion Birthday Friendship
See Believe Receive Achieve
Never let reality get in the way of your dreams
What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
NEW! DW155
NEW! DW156
NEW! DW157
Plant impossible gardens Grow incredible dreams
Bless Your Bloomin’ Heart
Absolutely Fabulous
NEW! DW158
NEW! DW159
NEW! DW160
inside: Happy Birthday! Let’s roll!
inside: Hope you have a high-steppin’, kick-up-yourheels birthday!
inside: Happy Birthday, you knock-out!
NEW! DW162
NEW! DW163
NEW! DW161
inside: That’s what YOU are
Goody Goody Gumdrops
Miss Firecracker
inside: It’s your birthday. Sweet!
inside: You’re the bomb
inside: Presenting… the incredible, amazing YOU!
NEW! DW165
NEW! DW166
NEW! DW164
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
66 • cards by artist The Duirwaigh Collection
The Duirwaigh Collection, an enchanted line of cards, opens a portal into mythic imagination. Beautifully designed with stunning interiors, these charming greeting cards from the artists of Duirwaigh Gallery will surprise, delight and inspire. When Inspiration knocks, open the door! Cards are 5" x 7" and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $15.00.
Fire Light by Greg Spalenka DW101
Messenger by Greg Spalenka DW102
Blessings by Greg Spalenka DW103
Divinus by Greg Spalenka DW107
Illuminati by Jena DellaGrottagliaMaldonado DW111
Rise by Silas Toball DW112
She told the most wonderful stories and said it was because she had discovered that ‘Once upon a Time’ was really Here and Now.
by Silas Toball DW115 It takes both light and shadow. Listen and lay your head under the tree of wonder.
If you asked me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you I came to Live out Loud. —Emile Zola
Singing Up the Moon by Silas Toball DW116
by Silas Toball DW117
Live ever in a new day.
Make your life come true.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
by Silas Toball DW118
by Jena DellaGrottagliaMaldonado DW120
by Jena DellaGrottagliaMaldonado DW122
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
cards by artist • 67 The Duirwaigh Collection
Beautifully designed with stunning interiors, these charming greeting cards from the artists of Duirwaigh Gallery will surprise, delight and inspire. Cards are 5" x 7" and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $15.00. A wall calendar (page 28) and book (page 86) are also available. Dreams are winged things. Believe in them, and they soar.
by Jena DellaGrottagliaMaldonado DW123
Sacred Hour II by Christophe Vacher DW126
Eternal Promise by Matt Stewart DW128
Breath of Spring by Ian Daniels DW133
A Knock at the Door by Silas Toball DW134
Tristan and Isolde by Marc Fishman DW136
Revel Carouse Cavort
KarmaLicious… Because the golden rule never tarnishes.
What You Think On Grows
Impossible things happen every day.
The circus just isn’t the same without you.
(partial caption)
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
68 • cards by artist
New !
Sacred Images of Tibet
these beautiful and inspiring sacred paintings illuminate the marriage of art and religion in tibetan buddhism. cards are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50. your purchase of these cards helps support the tibetan Lama fund. a Sacred Images of Tibet wall calendar (page 50) is also available.
NEW! Vajrasattva ST1597
NEW! green tara ST1598
NEW! Vajradhara with consort ST1599
NEW! White tara ST1600
NEW! medicine buddha ST1601
NEW! four-armed chenrezig ST1602
green tara ST1584
shakyamuni buddha ST1587
Wheel of Life ST1588
White tara ST1592
medicine buddha ST1593
mandala of green tara ST1596
A m ber Lotus produc ts A re printed on rec ycLed pAper using s oy- bA sed ink s
cards by artist • 69 Sacred Images of Tibet (continued)
White Tara ST1512
Avalokiteshvara ST1551
Green Tara Teaching ST1562
Green Tara ST1577
Vajrasattva & Vajrasattvi ST1580
White Tara ST1583
The Seven Chakra Elements CK1581
The Sounds of the Chakras CK1589
Ram and Sita HG1602
Lakshmi HG1603
Chakras and Hindu Gods & Goddesses By Pieter Weltevrede
Pieter Weltevrede has beautifully captured the essence of chakras and the depth and majesty of India’s magical pantheon of deities. Cards are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50.
Ganesha HG1601
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
70 • cards by artist Bright Spots
by Kate Harper
Birthday Encouragement Feel Better
Kate Harper pairs witty words with colorful art to inspire celebration. Cards on this page have greetings inside and are 4.75" x 6.75", printed on textured watercolor paper and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $16.50.
Love Thank You
Thanks for being here … and there …
In life, everyone has a part …
Inside: … and everywhere.
Inside: … thanks for being part of mine.
Inside: Have a divine day.
Feel Better Soon Inside: It’s no fun causing trouble without you.
Faith makes things possible … Inside: … not easy. I’m here if you need me.
Follow your heart
Inside: … your life gets a little brighter. Happy Birthday
Inside: There’s less traffic.
Love makes the world go round … Inside: … you make it spontaneously combust.
By the time we understand the road map of life …
Happy Birthday! You really are as great …
Inside: … we need glasses to read it. Happy Birthday
Inside: … as your dog thinks you are.
Happy Birthday! From one Goddess to another.
Every time you light a candle …
The cat made you something special for your birthday. Inside: I cleaned it up an hour ago. Happy Birthday! KH209
It’s your Birthday … Inside: … calories don’t count.
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
cards by artist • 71 Kristina Swarner
Kristina Swarner’s graceful cards convey wishes of peace, inspiration and happiness for those we hold most dear. All cards on this page are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $15.00. Greeted versions of cards marked are available on page 56. An Everyday Blessings wall calendar (page 19) by Kristina Swarner is also available.
A hug is the shortest distance between two friends.
Many are the stars we see, but in my eye no star like thee.
A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. —Heather Pryor
Sailboat KS301
Star Tree KS302
Snow Lady KS303
What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
We learn to love by loving. — St. Francis de Sales
Awake to the field of your dreams. —Apollonius
Galloping KS304
Cloud Flowers KS305
Grass Field KS306
You have to dream before your dreams can come true.
There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them.
Your vision will become clear when you look into your heart.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
—Abdul Kalam
—Carl Jung
—Vicki Baum
Ivy Window KS307
Birdcage Dress KS308
Portrait of a Lady KS309
If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.
There’s a space that only you can fill.
Follow your dreams, for as you dream so shall you be.
Bird House KS311
Three Geese KS312
—Anatole France
Forest Pond KS310
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
72 • cards by artist Living Tao
by Chungliang Al Huang
The inexhaustible wisdom of the Tao is illustrated with the stunning Chinese calligraphy of Chungliang Al Huang. Cards are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50. Spirit of the Dancing Warrior, a book by Chungliang Al Huang and Jerry Lynch, is also available (page 87). Gratefulness
With Gratitude in your Heart, all things bring Joy.
A higher Power is always present.
With Compassion for others, our own wounds are healed.
Inner Peace
Know Grace and Peace will surround you.
The Gate to Wisdom is always Open.
The purest Gift is an open Heart.
The highest wisdom is the wisdom to love.
Joy is the bridge between Heaven and Earth.
Trust your heart and Love will be your guide.
To live each moment fully is to succeed.
Be who you are.
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
cards by artist • 73 The Meditational Art of Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin
Taoist symbols, ancient imagery and the gentle reflection of nature meet and merge in Honshin’s artwork. Cards are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50. A Zen Cat wall calendar (page 25) by Honshin is also available. Breathing in, I establish myself in the present moment. Breathing out, I know that this is a wonderful moment.
Seeing you, my heart is filled with joy. — Honshin
The past is already gone and the future is not yet there. Only in the present can we touch life and be deeply alive. — Thich Nhat Hanh
— Thich Nhat Hanh
When we change our daily lives – the way we think, speak and act – we change the world.
Our practice is to live our daily life in such a way that every moment, every act becomes an act of love.
All life is precious, sacred and interdependent.
— Thich Nhat Hanh
— Honshin
— Thich Nhat Hanh
Compassion is always born of understanding, and understanding is the result of looking deeply.
Where there is understanding, there is love.
When we know how to listen deeply and how to breathe deeply in mindfulness, everything becomes clear and deep.
— Thich Nhat Hanh
— Thich Nhat Hanh
— Thich Nhat Hanh
All nature celebrates the oneness of the present moment.
The world of peace and joy is at our fingertips. We only need to touch it.
There is beauty in rebirth and transformation.
— Honshin
— Honshin
— Thich Nhat Hanh
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
74 • cards by artist The Meditational Art of Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin
Cards are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50. Honshin’s art is also featured in the Thich Nhat Hanh wall calendar (page 35) and Thich Nhat Hanh engagement calendar (page 53). Zen cat meditates on each precious moment. —Honshin
When you practice mindful breathing, you become truly present. If you are here, life is here also.
What is essential is to be alive and present to all the wonders of life. — Thich Nhat Hanh
— Thich Nhat Hanh
Nothing is more precious than being in the present moment. Fully alive, fully aware.
From a Heart of Love Comes a Spiral of Compassion
Zen Cat Listens Zen Cat Observes Zen Cat Meditates
— Honshin
— Thich Nhat Hanh
Mystic Moon Opening the Journey of the Soul
Brother Raven Sings Each Day is a Perfect Gift
Zen Cat Awakens to the Grateful Heart
— Honshin
— Honshin
— Honshin
Two Who Have Become One Through Unconditional Love
Be Still and Embrace the Blossoms of Love and Joy
Dancing Dragon Offers the Fire of Inspiration to the Creative Heart
— Honshin
— Honshin
— Honshin
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
cards by artist • 75 The Meditational Art of Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin (continued) Our true home is in the present moment. To live in the present moment is a miracle. — Thich Nhat Hanh
Each moment you are alive is a gem. You only need to breathe gently for the miracles to be displayed.
With compassion in your heart, every thought, word and deed can bring about a miracle. — Thich Nhat Hanh
— Thich Nhat Hanh
Do not be afraid to love. Without love, life is impossible.
Each day a precious gift. Each moment an eternal joy.
When we touch the Earth mindfully every step will bring peace and joy to the world.
— Thich Nhat Hanh
— Thich Nhat Hanh
Meditation Art
These Meditation Art greeting cards feature all original artwork by Indian artists paired with meditative text. Cards are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50. Be still and know
Mind creates reality
Be at peace in the world
Sanskrit Buddha MA801
Eyes of Buddha MA802
Vishnu Hand MA803
Each step is the way
As above, so below
Buddha’s Feet MA804
Reflexology Feet MA806
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
Ganesha MA809
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
76 • cards by artist Flowers: A Universe Revealed
by Christopher Gruver
The artful photography of Christopher Gruver presents a wildly beautiful experience of the universe of flowers. Cards are 5" x 7" and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50. A Flowers: A Universe Revealed wall calendar (page 49) is also available.
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. Inside: Go for it! Happy Birthday
Crazy Gerbera FL1244 BD
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.
It takes a long time to become young. —Pablo Picasso
Inside: Happy Birthday to a fabulous, original you.
Inside: Happy Birthday to a kid at heart.
Variegated Orange Tulip FL1245 BD
Orange Tiger Lily FL1246 BD
Imagine. Dream. Believe.
Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.
May all your weeds be wildflowers.
Inside: Happy Birthday Make a wish.
Inside: It’s your birthday… make some mischief!
Inside: Happy Birthday Wild Thing!
Desire FL1247
Mum Extravaganza FL1248 BD
If friends were flowers...
Happy Birthday!
Inside: …I’d pick you! Wishing you a colorful, radiant, brilliant birthday.
Inside: Wishing you a year full of wonderful.
Unleashed FL1249 BD
No matter how long the winter, spring always follows. Inside: Rest, Restore, Rejuvenate… and feel better soon.
Peppermint Parrot Tulip FL1250 BD
Morning Dahlia FL1251 BD
Orchid Group FL1252 FB
If you don’t have a smile, I’ll give you one of mine.
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
Blank inside
Blank inside
Yellow Calendula FL1255
Creamy Rose FL1256
Blank inside
Orange Tulip Duet FL1257
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
cards by artist • 77
Anniversary Any Occasion
The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
Birthday Feel Better
With Sympathy Inside: Wishing you peace during this difficult time.
Blank inside
Sympathy Thank You
Count the garden by the flowers, not by the leaves that fall. Inside: With deepest sympathy for your loss.
Purple Orchid FL1258
Datura FL1259
Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream.
Same old slippers, Same old rice, Same old glimpse of paradise.
Inside: Not only dream, but also believe.
Inside: Happy Anniversary
Splendor FL1261
Bliss FL1262
Satin Magnolia FL1263 AN
Let the beauty you love be what you do.
Let us be grateful to those who make us happy.
Blank inside
Blank inside
The Garden FL1260 SY
— Japanese proverb
Inside: They are the gardeners who make our souls blossom. Thank you
A single rose can be my garden. A single friend, my world. Inside: Your kindness means the world to me. Thank you
Passion FL1264
Tulip Dance FL1265 TY
Golden Rose FL1266 TY
Truth is never revealed all at once, but petal by petal.
If I had a flower for every time you made me smile, I’d be walking in an endless garden.
Our purpose is to flower; to become the full radiance of our inner being.
Blank inside
Blank inside
Bleeding Heart FL1215
Radiant FL1216
Blank inside
Succulent FL1210
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
78 • cards by artist Alex Grey
Grey’s paintings take the viewer on a graphic, visionary journey through physical, metaphysical and spiritual anatomy. Cards are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50. An Alex Grey wall calendar (page 40) is available.
Nature of Mind (Panel 6) AG101
Family Love Circuit AG102
Net of Being AG103
Praying Hands AG104
The Kiss AG105
Interbeing AG106
Flowers: A Universe Revealed (continued)
The artful photography of Christopher Gruver presents a wildly beautiful experience of the universe of flowers. Cards are 5" x 7" and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50. The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days.
There is no remedy for love but to love more.
Blank inside
Blank inside
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Blank inside
Sunflower FL1223
Rose 6 FL1225
Tulip 30 FL1227
Follow your heart and your whole life will be an exploration.
Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be.
Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.
Blank inside
Blank inside
Light FL1228
Bleeding Heart 5 FL1232
Blank inside
Pink Gerbera 1 FL1241
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
cards by artist • 79 Celtic Folk-Soul
by Jen Delyth
Jen Delyth illuminates the beauty, power and spirit of nature expressed through the ancient language of Celtic art and symbol. Cards are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $15.00. Other products by Jen Delyth include a Celtic Mandala wall calendar (page 24), engagement calendar (page 53) and her full-color illustrated book, Celtic Folk Soul (page 86).
TREE of LIFE Mandala CM211
AWEN creativity CM215
MORRIGAN ravens CM217
ANU earth mother CM229
Celtic TREE of LIFE CM230
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
80 • cards by artist
Celtic Blessings
I honor your path. I drink from your well. I bring an unprotected heart.
by Michael Green
Michael Green’s masterful blending of Celtic themes and early Irish Christian illuminated manuscripts results in a stunning modern look that is firmly rooted in the past. Cards are 5" x 7", blank inside (unless otherwise noted) and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50.
(partial quote)
Inside: Blessed Be
Michael Green’s book, The Unicornis Manuscripts (page 86) and a Celtic Blessings wall calendar (page 39) are also available.
And when every way is closed before you, the Secret One will show a secret path. Inside: Blessed Be
A Vow of Friendship CB401
Walk this world with hearts on fire. Inside: May we open, may we flower, may we deepen our desire.
Leaves tremble. Roots remain still. Inside: Blessed Be
(partial quote)
A Secret Path CB402
Blessed Be.
Hearts on Fire CB403
All Alive CB408
Two Hearts – One Soul
For all those flying through the night, there is a center shining bright.
Two Hearts – One Soul CB412
Center Shining Bright CB415
Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know that we are one.
Blessed Be.
Turn to the Light, Circle the Center.
Be Still CB416
Earth Mandala CB417
Lotus Heart CB410
Turn to the Light CB418
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
cards by artist • 81 Illuminated Rumi
by Michael Green
Michael Green’s magical art and sensitive renderings of Rumi’s poetry speak of ancient spiritual wisdom in a uniquely modern voice. Cards are 5" x 7", blank inside (unless otherwise noted) and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50. The Illuminated Rumi wall calendar (page 38) is also available. Wherever you stand be the soul of that place.
All religions, all this singing; One Song.
It’s this love that holds everything together. And it’s the everything too!
And if every way is closed before you, the secret one will show a secret path no other eyes have seen.
And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?
When inward tenderness finds the secret hurt, pain itself will crack the rock and ah! let the soul emerge.
In this tangled world, what is there other than the Friend?
If I’m repeating myself... then so does Spring.
Now we are music together, sharing one cup.
Inside: Missing you missing you…
THIS love is the rose...
Take the pearl, leave the shell behind.
Deep in the heart every mystery is hidden. Only from SOUL can soul draw its secrets.
Inside: that blooms forever.
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
82 • cards by artist I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the Astonishing Light of your own Being!
Hafiz Hafiz cards feature versions from Daniel Ladinsky and original photocollage illuminations from Michael Green and Saliha Green. HA203-210 are designed by Laura Goode.
(partial quote)
Cards are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50.
The heart is a thousand stringed instrument that can only be tuned with love.
This place where you are right now God circled on a map for you.
As soon as you opened your mouth and I heard your soft sounds, I knew we would be friends.
Now is the time to know That all you do is sacred.
Stay close to any sounds that make you glad to be alive.
Now is the time to understand That all your ideas of right and wrong Were just a child’s training wheels To be laid aside When you can finally live With veracity and love.
You carry all the ingredients to turn your existence into joy. Mix them, mix them.
No greater wings are there than love.
Yours is the heart I care most for in this world.
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
cards by artist • 83
Call of the Goddess By Helena Nelson-Reed
Enjoy these Call of the Goddess greeting cards by visionary artist Helena Nelson-Reed. Cards are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50. Turtle Mother VS701
Medicine Hand NS805
Angel Cradling the Earth CG181
The Garden Sprite CG183
The Luminous Union CG187
Cycles CG191
Beneath the surface, healing begins CG193
Bless the fire through which we walk CG196
Prairie Sphinx Woman VS703
Lord of the Woodland VS706
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
8 4 • Gree ting cards Classic Cards
Cards on this page are 5" x 7", blank inside and sold in quantities of six, with envelopes, for $13.50.
Every day is an oppor tunity to bless and to be blessed. TV3801
Darjeeling, India LB2325
A journey of a thousand miles starts under one’s feet. TA2933
Dharamsala, India TV3803
You’ve got a friend
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.
Alpen Glow
Hi FB2461 Know the truth and find peace. Share the way.
Lenticular Clouds
A m ber Lotus produc ts are printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
boxed note cards & Wisdom decks • 85 Geishas Boxed Note Cards
these four elegant bijinga cards from the Zentner collection celebrate the Japanese ideals of beauty and femininity and uniquely capture the bijinga genre from the early twentieth century.
• 20 blank 5" x 7" note cards plus envelopes • $14.95 • ISBN-10: 1-56937-727-8 • ISBN-13: 978-1-56937-727-7
Sulamith Wülfing Holiday Card Box six of the most requested holiday season images by sulamith Wülfing were selected for this beautiful card box. the box is stocked with twelve envelopes and note cards (two cards of each image).
• 12 blank 5" x 7" note cards plus envelopes • $14.95 • ISBN-10: 1-885394-51-9 • ISBN-13: 978-1-885394-51-4
wisdom decks By Sulamith Wülfing • 40 color cards in each deck • 2.75" x 4" • $9.95
Angel Oracle Deck
• isbn-10: 1-885394-20-9 • isbn-13: 978-1-885394-20-0
order s & cus tomer service • m on – fri
Lovers Oracle Deck
• isbn-10: 1-885394-47-0 • isbn-13: 978-1-885394-47-7
Mother’s Wisdom Deck
• isbn-10: 1-885394-61-6 • isbn-13: 978-1-885394-61-3
9a m – 5pm pacific • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
86 • Book s
Celtic Folk Soul Art, Myth & Symbol By Jen Delyth, with Foreword by Robin Williamson
Jen Delyth is one of the most highly respected contemporary Celtic artists in the world. Her debut book, Celtic Folk Soul, illuminates the beauty, power and spirit of nature expressed through the ancient language of Celtic art and symbol: the voice of the Folk-Soul. In this beautiful book, Jen pairs insightful explanations with her stunning artwork, mythology and poetry, taking us on a journey of discovery into the many aspects of Celtic myth and symbolism. This is an ancient thread that weaves back through the art, myth and poetry and connects us to a complex mysticism that expresses the interconnection and balance of all things. A wall calendar (page 24), engagement calendar (page 53) and greeting cards (page 79) by Jen Delyth are also available. • Hardbound with jacket • 10" x 10" • 216 pages • 137+ color illustrations • $35.00 • ISBN 978-1-60237-116-3
A Knock at the Door By Angi Sullins & Silas Toball
This beautiful hardbound collector’s book with DVD is based on the inspirational mini film of the same title that caused an unexpected international sensation. The stunning works of art from a wide range of leading contemporary fantasy artists are combined with inspiring text that leads us as readers back to the magical place inside ourselves. A Knock at the Door takes us to the beginning and end of every journey, a place of wonder and innocence, but above all a place of remembering, to the most magical secret place of all – the place of believing. A Knock at the Door makes a wonderful gift for friends and loved ones in need of a message of encouragement and inspiration. • Hardbound with plush cover • 6" x 6" • 96 pages • 40+ color illustrations • Includes DVD of original mini film (playable on TV or computer) • $20.00 • ISBN 978-1-60237-120-0
The Unicornis Manuscripts By Michael Green
Explore the mysterious and magical world of the unicorn in Michael Green’s book The Unicornis Manuscripts. This newly updated book explores the fluid boundary between what is real and what is imaginary. Long considered one of the preeminent books on these mythical creatures, Unicornis explains and expands the lore of the unicorn. An updated introduction addresses our collective fascination with unicorns and the profound impact that the original book had on unicorn lovers around the world. Alongside a narrative history of the unicorn are Michael Green’s exquisite illustrations, rendered as if freshly torn from a medieval manuscript. Each image hearkens us back to an enchanted age, when the mysteries of the world still had us captivated. For seekers of the beautiful and wondrous, The Unicornis Manuscripts inspires belief. • Paperback • 9" x 12" • 128 pages • 100+ color illustrations • $22.95 • ISBN 978-1-60237-119-4
A m ber Lotus produc ts a re printed on rec ycled paper using s oy- ba sed ink s
Book s • 87
Spirit oF the DAnCing WArrior
ASiAn wiSDoM For PeAk PerForMAnce in AthleticS AnD liFe by Jerry lynch AnD chungliAng Al huAng By opening your heart to the special connection between the physical and the spiritual, whether in the gym, on the field, practicing tai chi or riding your bike, Spirit of the Dancing Warrior shows you how to expand and improve your experience and performance – and your relationship with all physical activity. coauthors Jerry Lynch and chungliang Al Huang share a lifelong passion for helping others discover the warrior’s path of living a fully engaged life. they also share an understanding that athletics and fitness can serve as vehicles to transport us to a more sacred space. “This brilliant yet simple book is always within my reach. I rely on it to keep me on track for being at my best, not just in golf but in my life. Great stuff!” — Vijay singh, pgA tour champion
• Paperback • 6" x 9" • 208 pages • 52 calligraphies • $16.95 • ISBN 978-1-60237-364-8
ChuAng tSu : inner ChApterS 35th AnniverSAry eDition
trAnSlAteD by giA-Fu Feng AnD JAne engliSh
Brilliant, mystical, pragmatic and witty, chuang tsu has been called the world’s first anarchist. even 2,000 years after the author’s death, this provocative taoist text remains in the forefront of ancient chinese philosophical study. Chuang Tsu: Inner Chapters is a spiritual classic in its own right and a source book second only to its companion, the Tao Te Ching, in importance in the taoist canon. the sublime prose serves as a profound and paradoxical commentary to the Tao Te Ching. ”Chuang Tsu is full of humor. He talks about a human being learning about age, death, conflict and becoming enlightened in the moment of living. He talks about how to dance with problems.” — chungliang Al Huang , author of Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain
• Paperback • 8.5" x 11" • 176 pages • 158 B&W photographs • 85 Chinese calligraphies • $19.95 • ISBN 978-1-60237-117-0
Mount Shasta Reflections
By renee casterline and Jane english with John Jackson and Larry turner • paperback • 120 pages • 147 photographs • 12" x 9" • $24.95 • isBn-10: 1-885394-60-8 • isBn-13: 978-1-885394-60-6
Still Point of the Turning World The Life of Gia-fu Feng By carol Ann Wilson • paperback • 304 pages • 25+ B&W photographs • 6" x 9" • $18.95 • isBn 978-1-60237-296-2
order s & cus tomer serVice • m on – Fri
Angels Gift Book
Nature Spirits
By sulamith Wülfing • Hardbound • 58 pages • 25 color illustrations • 4.25" x 6.125" • $9.95 • isBn-10: 1-885394-42-X • isBn-13: 978-1-885394-42-2
By sulamith Wülfing • Hardbound • 80 pages • 10 color illustrations • 20 B&W illustrations • 5.25" x 8.5" • $14.95 • isBn-10: 1-885394-57-8 • isBn-13: 978-1-885394-57-6
9A m – 5pm pAciFic • 1.8 0 0. 326. 2375
88 • index & displays books
Angels, Sulamith Wülfing............... 87 Celtic Folk Soul, Jen Delyth..........86 Chuang Tsu: Inner Chapters......... 87 Knock at the Door, A, Angi Sullins & Silas Toball. ...........................86 Mount Shasta Reflections............ 87 Nature Spirits, S. Wülfing.............. 87 Spirit of the Dancing Warrior, J. Lynch & C. A. Huang............... 87 Still Point of the Turning World, Carol Ann Wilson. ..................... 87 Unicornis Manuscripts, The, Michael Green..........................86
Celtic Mandala, Jen Delyth........... 53 Pema Chödrön............................54 Power of Now, The, E. Tolle.........54 Thich Nhat Hanh, Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin........... 53 Zen Mind, Shunryu Suzuki............54
boxed note cards Geishas....................................... 85 Holiday Card Box, S. Wülfing. ...... 85
Living in Gratitude wall calendar, page 16
calendars (wall)
Alex Grey....................................40 Angel Spirits, Sulamith Wülfing...... 52 Art Wolfe, Travels to the Edge...... 47 Celtic Blessings, Michael Green. ... 39 Celtic Mandala, Jen Delyth........... 24 City Chickens and their Coops...... 7 Course in Miracles, A.................. 17 Dalai Lama, Heart of Wisdom..... 51 Emotional Freedom, J. Orloff........ 37 Environmental Art....................... 23 Everyday Blessings, K. Swarner..... 19 Everyday Wisdom, Wayne Dyer...... 5 Flowers: A Universe Revealed, Christopher Gruver.................... 49 Fractal Cosmos, Alice Kelley......... 41 Gardens of the Spirit, M. Oster..... 12 Gig Posters.................................. 31 Green Patriot................................. 6 Haunted Realm, The, S. Marsden.. 46 Healing Mandalas, Bell & Todd..... 45 Healthy Cat, The......................... 26 Healthy Dog, The........................ 27 Hebrew Illuminations, A. Rhine.... 43 Herb Gardens, Maggie Oster. .......48 Illuminated Psalms, Adam Rhine... 52 Illuminated Rumi, M. Green. ........ 38 Kid Quotes, Kate Harper............... 49 Knock at the Door, A, Angi Sullins & Silas Toball. ........................... 28
greeting cards Simply Raw wall calendar, page 15
Lakota Way, The, Joseph Marshall III & Jim Yellowhawk...................... 42 Land Art, Richard Shilling.............. 13 Little Critters, Kate Endle. ............. 33 Living in Gratitude, Cori Dantini... 16 Living the Wisdom of the Tao, Wayne Dyer.............................. 20 Meditation..................................... 4 Messages from Your Angels, Doreen Virtue........................... 29 New Earth, A, Eckhart Tolle. ........... 8 Organic Kitchen Garden, The...... 14 Pema Chödrön............................ 36 Posters for Peace & Justice........... 30 Power of Now, The, Eckhart Tolle... 9 Present Moment, The.................. 10 Reflections, Sullivan & Shane......... 18 Rose ...........................................48 Rumi, Heart of the Beloved......... 50 Sacred Images of Tibet................ 50 Simply Raw................................. 15 Spirit Horses, Tony Stromberg....... 47 Tai Chi Spirit................................ 21 Tao, Jane English...........................46 Tending the Sacred Fire, Shiva Rea. ................................ 11
Alex Grey.................................... 78 Bright Spots, Kate Harper.............. 70 Call of the Goddess..................... 83 Celtic Blessings, M. Green............80 Celtic Folk-Soul, Jen Delyth.......... 79 Chakras, Pieter Weltevrede............ 69 Classic cards................................84 Duirwaigh Collection, The.....65-67 Flowers, C. Gruver. ................. 76-78 Greeted Cards........................ 55-59
Thich Nhat Hanh, Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin............ 35 Tibet: Lhasa and Beyond, ICT...... 51 Wanderlust.................................. 22 Year of Healthy Living, A.............44 You Can Heal Your Life, Louise L. Hay. ........................... 32 Zen Cat, N. Kirsten-Honshin.......... 25 Zen Mind, Shunryu Suzuki............ 34
CARDS 72-Pocket Floor
DISPLAY RACKS* CALENDARS • 16-Pocket Floor (Ht. 64"/Dia. 22") $84 (white) / $99 (black) + shipping; offset (white rack) = 8 calendars free; offset (black rack) = 9 calendars free (single title, your choice) with a minimum purchase of 96 calendars. White or black rack available. (Black quantities limited.)
w The Power of No 54 engagement, page
Hafiz, Ladinsky & Green................ 82 Hindu Gods & Goddesses........... 69 Illuminated Rumi, M. Green. ........ 81 Kristina Swarner.......................... 71 Living Tao, Chungliang Al Huang. .. 72 Love in a Circle...........................64 Meditation Art............................. 75 Meditational Art of Nicholas Kirsten-Honshin, The.......... 73-75 Political Poster Art.......................64 Renée Locks.......................... 60-63 Sacred Images of Tibet...........68-69
Tending the Sacred Fire wall calendar, page 11
CALENDARS 16-Pocket Floor
• 24-Pocket Counter (Ht. 28"/Dia. 10") $44 + shipping; offset = 5 sets of 6 cards free (your choice) with a minimum purchase of 24 sets of 6 cards. White rack only. • 48-Pocket Floor (Ht. 61"/Dia. 14") $82 + shipping; offset = 7 sets of 6 cards free (your choice) with a minimum purchase of 48 sets of 6 cards. White rack only. • 72-Pocket Floor (Ht. 61"/Dia. 20") $94 + shipping; offset = 9 sets of 6 cards free (your choice) with a minimum purchase of 72 sets of 6 cards. White rack only. Display racks F.O.B. Gardena, California 90247 (Racks will arrive as a separate shipment from the manufacturer.)
* Display racks available only with
minimum purchase. Please call for more information.
Angel Spirits, Sulamith Wülfing........ 2 Feng Shui Meditation, T. Bender..... 3 I Create Beauty.............................. 2 Impossible Things Happen Every Day, Angi Sullins & Silas Toball. .... 3 Make Believe, Kristina Swarner........ 2 When Your Heart Speaks, Renée Locks. .............................. 3 Yoga Shakti .................................. 3 You Can Fly, Jennifer Parker. ........... 2 Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind........... 3
wisdom decks Angel Oracle, Sulamith Wülfing..... 85 Lovers Oracle, Sulamith Wülfing.... 85 Mother’s Wisdom, S. Wülfing. ...... 85
CARDS: 24-Pocket Counter
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