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What’s in your basket? Comparing the prices of three major grocery stores in Russellville Gala Apples
10 Box Cost- Plus
$0.78 $0.81
Charmin 12-pack
Store Brand Peanut Butter
1 pound Ground Beef
$3.29 $3.47 $3.32 Spaghetti sauce
$2.99 $2.46 $3.77 $1.89
Store Brand Vanilla Ice Cream
$1.16 $1.77
Gallon of Milk
$1.95 Spaghetti noodles
$3.25 $2.72
$0.88 $1.00 $1.00
$2.99 $1.48 $2.97
Total Cost of Baskets: Kroger= $59.05
Wal-Mart= $51.62
10 Box Cost- Plus= $48.56
Information collected by Claudia Young and Gabbi Calabrese
Stretch your last dollar at the grocery store CLAUDIA YOUNG
Staff Writer
There seems to be one problem most college students have in common: money. Where can I spend the least amount of money on groceries? Why are groceries so expensive? What meals are the cheapest when I need to stretch my last few dollars? We put ourselves in the average college student’s shoes to see what we should put on our grocery list. First, we came up with four easy and affordable meals: chicken
with veggies, pizza, frozen dinners and spaghetti. Then we threw in the basics: peanut butter, bread and milk. We added a few fruits and sweets as well. To end it, we added toilet paper, which is one toiletry item that seems to cost the most. Wal-Mart, 10 Box CostPlus and Kroger were the three contenders. We visited each store and compared each item against each other. Then, added up all of the totals of each store as if a shopper had bought one of each item documented. On top of that, we compared experiences and benefits. If you are interested in the comparison of individ-
ual items at each store, visit for a spreadsheet. TOTALS: Wal-Mart: $51.62 10 Box Cost-Plus: $48.56 Kroger: $59.05* *toilet paper skewed the total by a whopping $8 more than competitors
WAL-MART Walmart is most convenient Wal-Mart is the best for the convenience. Everything a shopper would need is in one place. Unlike the other stores, WalMart has toys, clothes, electronics, outdoors supplies, an auto center and more.
Wal-Mart has an app called Savings Catcher. You scan your store receipt, they compare the prices, and you get the difference if they find lower prices at any other store. Unfortunately, it does not compare member discounts at other stores, only the original prices. It also offers $0.03 off per gallon of gas when paying with a gift card. The downfall to this is that the shopper will need to remember to add money to their gift card before filling up. 10 BOX COST-PLUS 10 Box Cost-Plus is the most affordable 10 Box Cost-Plus was generally most affordable
in terms of meat and vegetables. Its biggest con is that it does not smell good and the store is not well organized. It’s overwhelming. Overall, it was cheapest, although it is not the top choice for all items and offers no other benefits. Additionally, 10 Box Cost-Plus adds an extra 10% at the end of your order on top of tax. KROGER Kroger has the best benefits The only thing that made Kroger more expensive was the toilet paper, which was a whopping $8 more expensive than its competitors. Subtracting that difference, it cost the same as Wal-Mart. Kroger
has the best benefits, regardless of the pricy toilet paper. Kroger has its own app, where you can load coupons onto your Kroger card. Kroger cards are completely free. You can also look up items on the app to see what aisle it’s on and write digital grocery lists. For every dollar spent, a fuel point is earned. Every 100 fuel points earns you $0.10 off per gallon of gas, and you can build up as many fuel points as you want throughout each month. All that is required for this benefit is a Kroger card. On top of that, Kroger members can receive $0.03 off per gallon of gas.
4 Campus
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d they ha h s i w ey tion th a m r o f ut in aff abo t s r e p spa the new m o r f Advice
Fail. Fail miserably. From failure comes improvement and that is what college is all about, becoming a better you. Facing fears, meeting people, finding out there is more to the world than the town you came from. All of this stems from failure because failure forces you to move, to change. I am not saying go and fail everything because that will just make you miserable and lazy. I am saying try your best and if you fail, it’s okay. Remember to have fun. Fun in doing the best you can, in failing, in hanging out with your friends and in doing crazy stuff you never thought possible. Having fun means going outside your comfort zone but doing NO HARM to others or yourself. Keep yourw mental and physical health in check. Making one stronger will help make the other stronger. This comes from finding your balance and the only way to do that is to try and succeed or try and fail. Make your path, not your parents, not your friends, YOURS.
LE R APP E B AM n-chief -i
part w to im o n k I t tha Editor wisdom f o s d r o h sever t w i t w s e e s b a . The ut I tudy the c ow to s nd this to be w to study. B llar h n r a e is l an ste ’ve fou new ho I, and I , thought I k n some less th ed i men al fresh nd that result ear. a didn’t, y freshman y dy in college. nce you get m grades HAVE to stu ry class, but o or, you abe aj You t for ev ific to your m o n e b May t are spec r classa u h o t . y s y e s d a k l u a st ly t to c have to method e is real solutely ss my messag what studying it! I gue and learn and use … y e l s s u u o o i es ser est for you t b works
Staff writer
You’re a college student now. It’s time to spread your wings and learn how to fly but even as you find your wings, everyone needs a crash course. 1. Be organized.
Change for the better
2. Nothing is as simple as going to class. It’s honestly that simple. 3. Become one with your due dates. 4. Talk with your professors. Ask questions. Don’t go through the semester second guessing anything. 5. To not overwhelm yourself and become stressed, learn time management. Make time for yourself. 6. Remember to take a deep breath and soak everything in. Because you made it. You’re finally a college student.
RUC Online E THOMA Editor S Always g It isn’t o to class. Do worth t n he trou ’t skip. Also, t b a le. k ew more c omfort hat you nee d a you wi ll even ble and hom to make yo tu ey u means more b ally have to , but remem r room m b o er that x o es. ve out. Most im M p o o r r e stuff to do b tantly, m e are pric tter and try n ake friends w ew thin h eless. gs. Frie o push you nds like that
Campus 5
Staff writer
There is no “correct” college experience. You have to make your health—both mental and physical—and your academics a priority, so do not feel bad about saying “no” if something is too much for you to handle. You’re the one paying for college and working toward your future, so what other people have to say about your experiences is irrelevant. Do what makes you happy. College is your chance to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.
L writer ASHAW
Whe freshm n living on c a of the d n experience ampus, a big i a Caf an y, as much as s being able t change that d Baz-T o eat at al you wa the foo any tim l e n c t . h W , i t i t d yo h pl is e e The be u can handle asy to swipe aces like the . i s n and eat limit yo t thing to d all o, for y urself w ou gaining h a little en eating or y and your bod thing c ou may y, is to But d all offer m on’t worry, b ed the freshm find yourself a o a modera ny great opt th the Caf an n 15. ions to tion an d BazT body c an enjo d good choi eat healthy. ech ces, yo With y your first ye ar of co u and your llege.
Managing Editor
Don’t get over consumed by a significant other. I get it, you’re in college and want to find “the one.” However, I have seen so many students meet someone and then dedicate almost all of their free time to that one person. When the relationship ends in failure, you will be left with nobody. College is a time to meet new people and make new friends. Relationships aren’t inherently an awful thing while in college, but don’t let your world revolve around one person. Join clubs, try new things, go to events that you never would have expected yourself to go to. Never stop seeking.
Sports photographer The community bathrooms here on campus can get rough, but with proper preparation it will be ok. My advice to incoming freshman that live in a dorm is buy shower shoes. Use Clorox disaffecting wipes to wipe the toilets down. Always flush the toilet, and wash your hands. Also if you live on campus keep up with your key and I.D. These things are really expensive to replace. To replace your dorm key is seventy-five dollars and to replace your I.D is twenty-five dollars. Enjoy the events on campus it helps you make memories that will last a lifetime. Get involved in clubs, Greek Life or the school newspaper.
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riter Staff w
Staff writer
Although I am only a freshman myself, the advice I would have to give others is to work hard and do not procrastinate. These both have come in handy as I have completed these few weeks of college. Do not give only half of your effort - this is not high school. Use your independence wisely. Keep up with your syllabus and do not freak out because you think you have accidentally submitted a writing assignment in Blackboard when you have actually just saved it. College will keep you on your toes - or at least that is what I have learned so far. Keep up, but always remember to take a breath and relax.
Graduation Regalia: What to do on graduation day
DON’Ts: Wear your tassel on the left, it starts on the right
Decorate your cap Bring purses or anything you have to carry, you may not end up in the same seat Wear ATU affiliated pins, ropes, cords and sashes Wear dark clothes
Have somewhere to put your cellphone when crossing the stage Remember to wear cap, gown and tassel
Forget to get your diploma and walk card 1 hour before graduation
Wear high heel or uncomfortable shoes
Armstrong Trent
Arkansas Tech Wonder Boys