This season, many designer collections featured the United States flag, cheerleaders, desperate cowboys and tough sheriffs. The American flag’s bright colors make many clothing items just ‘pop’. The style of American Psycho movie’s main character is spot-on at the moment, as well as bling and luxury of Dynasty, one of the cult series of the 80s. The king of fashion catwalks, however, is American style known as Western. From checkered shirts to fringe and lacing, from cowboy hats and boots to sheriff star-shaped badges and leather patchwork bags – all of it is very fashionable and eye-catching. Acquisition of Old West brought its own trends to clothes. Now is the right time to get a cowboy shirt or a leather fringed jacket and cowboy boots. Dresses like this, you are ready for a new season of the most expensive series in TV history – The Wild Wild West.