1 minute read

Things that Make You Go Hmmmmmmmm?

Photo by Dark Gable

It is funny but there was a time when our “Former” POTUS was only known for slum lording, expensive hotels, the USFL pro football league and grabbing beauty contestants in the crotch. He also had a top-rated reality show called the “Ultimate Merger” (a spinoff of his other farce “The Apprentice”). This show was comprised of several savvy, professional and eligible bachelors looking to get booed up.


If this formula sounds familiar (i.e. NBC & ABC’s “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette” rewind). The thing that made this unusual was it featured primarily African American males and one sexy, voluptuous, and educated Black Women....WHO KNEW??

Anyway, we were fortunate enough to meet the finalists of this modern day ‘Blaxploitation” skit. We also went behind the scenes of the Ultimate Merger and found out some interesting things about Mr. Trump. However, it was the exclusive interview and feature we did with them (during our Ambi’ance Magazine Valentine’s Day Special Photo shoot) that I enjoyed the most.

I encourage my FB fans to go to the archives and do your due diligence on The Ultimate Merger.

If your “woke”, you will catch the innuendo’s, stereotypes, subtle racism, negative imagery, and exploitation at our cultures expense. At best it was just a cliché at its worst a historical perspective on how we got here (You see the “Make America Great” champagne officially kicked off when we started to notice the increase in cold blooded murders at the hands of the police (i.e. Trayvon Martin, Breanna Taylor, Eric Garner, George Floyd, Michael Brown, Walter Scott, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and 168 other unarmed African American men (and women) who lost their lives.

Ironically enough, a few raising stars, were able to use that show as a precursor to them becoming household names. Who are they you ask? Omarosa, Toccara, Karrine Steffans, and G. Garvin.

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