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The Poetry Cafe
THE Poetry
Leviticus No Regrets
Can I smile? Am I allowed to be happy? What’s wrong with pleasure? I don’t want endless sorrows, Just eternal joy. My Lord preaches progress, and endless success. No disappointments need apply. Can you smile for me? Will you smile for me? Will you come? Your company, His company, Our companionship. Will you come? Love and happiness. Peace and joy. God and salvation. I love Him. Will you come? Love Him inside my heart, We have arrived. Success! I’ve cried for you, I’ve lied for you, I’ve even died for you. Most of all, I’ve lived the life you have not.
I’ve died the death that’s but a fleeting moment In time for you. Don’t mimic the dark side of the truth, Emulate all that motivates my actions...Love. My love burns for all the moments I’ll never Recapture.
I’ll suffer the fate of maternal regression. I’ll suffer because the change of the emotions, Love, Truth and Friendship that existed in another. Please shed a tear son, Not of any empathy but of light. A light that symbolizes an unquenchable yearning to be by your side. Giving strength where weakness exist And guidance when temptation does arise.
I’ll die with you on my mind. I’ve died already with you in my heart, Physical death is easy son, I must live on and suffer, Live on and regret, A fragment of a bond from A forgotten mold...no regrets.